Mfw he plays on easy

>mfw he plays on easy

Gosh, user, why are you so pathetic?

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Easy - Medium - Hard - Very Hard

Which one do you start with? I usually start out with hard.

They'd call it normal and it's what I'd start with and nothing else. I don't understand people replaying games on higher difficulty, especially when the game doesn't even add or change anything.

Very hard, usually prolongs a game so I can get more out of it

I usually pick the hardest option unless it's a completely new genre for me

CrossBusted! By Powfoo

no one asked

Medium because it’s always the version of the game that was playtested on, I generally don’t replay games but when I do I’ll play them on the harder difficulty.

Easy first to gather collectables and the like, then straight to hard as I now know the game mechanics. Unless the game has no difficulty trophy i'll just move on to the next game after easy

>He plays single player.
Having fun with your literally-designed-to-be-beaten "challenges," kiddo?

That comic made me cum like no other.

I'm playing Nier Automata on easy + automatic ship and I don't give a single FUCK

Medium, it's the way the game is meant to be played. But, if the developers are fucking retards at playing videogames and have designed "Medium" to be actually "easy" and "easy" as "very easy" then I go for Hard.

Isn’t that literally every game ever? And not just vidya, but board games and shit too? They’re all designed to be beaten.

I tend to play on the default difficulty the first time through. If it feels too easy I bump it up. It never feels too hard though.

I usually go for the 2nd hardest option reserving hardest for ng+.
If besting the game unlocks higher difficulties than the hardest default option.

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I replay games when I’m drunk on easy. Like I want to watch a movie but participate after a handle of vodka, so I throw in and old cod or moh on easy mode.

>multiplayer games aren't designed to be beaten
Classic Yea Forumstard

>playing higher difficulty
>it’s just artificial difficulty

I do whatever it seems like is the intended difficulty, which is usually Medium. I don't like overly challenging single-player games anymore so I rarely opt for the harder modes.

In multiplayer games, the threshold required to beat the game is constantly increasing, since you're playing against humans who are constantly improving. In single-player games, if you beat it once you'll always beat it.

The problem with "difficulty" is that developers never get creative with it. It's usually
>Player health goes down, enemy health goes up
Sometimes its different, like Stalker games
>Everyone has less health

I'd start with hard. Medium usually isn't enough of a challenge and isn't hard enough to make me actually fail at any point. If you can't lose it isn't very much fun for me.

Thanks user
He spared me the trouble of asking

>beating the game
You mean winning individual matches?

having completely different gameplay for different difficulty levels would unreasonably multiply the time needed to playtest the game.

I love difficult games that makd good use of difficulty, like the souls series. Scaling difficulties are retarded tho. Its an artificial challenge. Just find the scale that you enjoy. Faggots with their gatekeeping, i tell you.

I don't seek artificial challenges in my leisure time because I actually have real life challenges going on.

"AI" enemies in single player games aren't trying to win, they're just doing what their programming tells them. Human being opponents in multiplayer are different matter.


I appreciated what they tried to do with hardcore mode in fonv, but it ended up just being another couple meters to watch. The stimpacks giving health over time and the limb crippling needing to be fixed by a doctor added a little more challenge, but not a whole lot.

I remember in MGS4, the resistance member you tail takes different routes based on your difficulty. You can do things without completely rewiring the games AI and still have a good difficulty experience.
Though with the extremely low IQ playtesters have, I can see why devs opt for the terrible less health, more health approach

>watches movie
Have fun with your designed to be finished "challenge". Go the fuck back scum.

>Gosh, user, why are you so pathetic?
i dunno i just sort of ended up this way after all the bullying

Not exactly beating a whole game, but I see you’re point as far as being challenged goes.
I guess that doesn’t bother me as long as they’re convincingly working against me.


Medium, so the enemy health isn't too low like on easy, and not too bullet spongey like on hard. Literally the most balanced difficulty outhere.
This, most games only add more health to the enemies instead of making them smarter.

Really makes you think about how many games Yea Forumsirgins have dismissed as dogshit but they were just playing it on Hard to stroke their egos even though Hard often makes the game just awful to play

long run-on, but i should go to sleep anyway

>B-but Yea Forums told me I was good at video games because I beat Sekiro!
Hahahaha! Try some multiplayer, tough guy.

>Mega Man Zero
Game has some weirdness to its difficulty, if you're doing well in missions you get a high rank and boss enemies do their 'desperation moves', using permanent powerups lowers your rank
>unlock hard mode after game is done
Everything hits 2x as hard, bosses always use their ultimates no matter what rank you are, you can't gain any experience on your weapons so you're stuck with basic bitch saber slashes and lv1 buster shot charges, only way to deal elemental damage is to charge up the boomerang shield which limits your movement
It's like they designed the challenge of Hard mode to be as unfun as possible. Meanwhile in the spiritual successor Mega Man ZX:
>enemies hit twice as hard, and the only health upgrade you get is one subtank, but otherwise all player character abilities are yours for the taking
>stages have altered, more challenging enemy placement (and more of them in general)
>bosses have completely redesigned attack patterns

Very hard, I never replay a game and they're usually not very challenging on the hardest in 2019 anyway

It depends entirely on the game. Sniper Elite 4 for example gives great freedom on customizing your difficulty. You can set the enemy AI to braindead mode and play with all sniping variables turned on. Now EDF 2017 I just want to relax exterminating gigantic ants while I fly around as a cute anime character so I choose normal.

>mfw he play on hard
Wow, you're really good at video games, user, good reflexes, problem solving skills, hand eye coordination and quick thinking. Very impressive!

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And that's fine for you to enjoy a game however you want. I was mocking OP's arrogance regarding single player difficulty.

confirmed for wearing striped knee socks and sitting on dildos while playing games. Pathetic.

>playing on harder difficulty
>AI is smarter and deals more damage
>Game deletes your save if you die

>Dev's idea of hard is "do the same thing as on normal but for twice as long"


Usually normal. Hard and above are usually never playtested and the balance is completely fucked to where it's just a multiplication of enemies having more health and deal more damage so It's really not worth the trouble. The only game that doesn't do this is DQXI where bosses get more turns and use certain spells more and such on hard than normal.

I play on the hardest difficulty unless the game is pathetically hard for the sake of it. That 1 hit mode in The Evil Within for example. I'll turn the game to easy if I don't like the gameplay and I just wanted to play it to learn the story and some lore. Besides those 2 exceptions its Proud mode for me.

I thought that looked familiar

what if normal is japan hard?
gib sauce

And nobody asked for your parents to fuck raw, but we gotta deal with that too.

Fuck you, God Hand's easy mode is the normal difficulty.

FUck my asshole while you beat the boss I'm having trouble with for me please.

w-who is this semen demon?

>Genres: Furry, Shota, Yaoi
into the trash

multiplayer games usually arent fun

There's NOTHING wrong with striped socks or dildos

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But you can also lame it out on normal by abusing the grovel move. Step it up, senpai

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I love the annual surge of "difficult games are ableist"/"stop being elitist about difficulties"/"difficulty options are discrimination" that we get.

2016 was DOOM
2017 was Cuphead
2018 was that whole Telltale Studios thing
2019 was Sekiro (so far, anyway)

What do we think is going to be the cause of 2020's outburst?

What games are easier on higher difficulties?

valkyrie profile

why yes, I play on very hard whenever it's available. how could you tell?

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Usually medium, or hard if it's a genre I'm decent at.

I mod the game to be brutally unfair maso-hard. Because I am a True Hardcore Gamer and I have a big weewee.

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Literally any rhythm action game.
>play guitar hero on expert, consistently get 4 or 5 stars
>friend comes over, play on medium with him
>almost lose

>play IA/VT on medium to unlock all songs for hard
>play through all the hard songs, realise that I still need to play all the songs on easy
>genuinely more difficult because I'm used to more complex tracks

Getting too good at them fucks you up, especially if you're familiar with the beat track.

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Multiplayer can be fun, and it has the most interesting challenge, but there is no artistry to them. The only games that are on par with other art forms say something about something. Otherwise, its mindless entertainment

based and pilled

Depends on the game and my mood. I usually play on normal difficulty to start out and move onto higher difficulties when I get the game mechanics. If it's an FPS shooter, I just go for the highest by default like Doom 2016 or CoD.

Hard analogues usually, they tend to be balanced better.

this, but just the big willy part

Is this the C thread?

>replay on higher difficulty
Nigger that's why you start off on the harder difficulty.

gosh, it's because the rpg mechanics are so bland that the highest difficulty just turns everything into an hp singularity
so i play on an easy difficulty and never invest into my own survival to keep things interesting
with the way most games try to spread themselves as thin as possible to attract wider audiences Hard is a solid choice. won't get caught into a meme insane difficulty that's just there for the clout and won't be held by the hand like they aren't sure if you are retarded or not.


Thanks! Im very proud of it.

Hard usually if I know the game tries to cater to all ages and casuals. When I played Persona Q on Hard I thought it had the perfect balance of difficulty until I got game breaking skills.

Hard. Most games are piss easy on normal so even if it's just giving more hp to enemies hard mode still feels more balanced. Very hard is for second playtroughs if the game was good.

dont ever fucking speak to me like that again

Some guy went to the trouble of posting it before anyone ask and you still fucking ask.

Very hard.


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I only play on the hardest difficulty available and then fu';fcking get my dick sucked while i eat dinnir.

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why do boys make better girls than girls

why couldn't I have been born with femboy genetics, instead I'm almost 7 feet tall

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Hips way too wide, nose too puglike. I'll stick with based Moritoke and Nagi Ichii.

>want to lose weight to get a sissy trap body
>it's hard to lose wieght

>draw an anime catgirl
>call it a furry boy
Why are you so pathetic, OP?

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I'm losing weight now lad. Need that nice stomach. sitting at 61kg and just a few more to go. Stop eating so much.

Stop trying to make me like traps you fucking faggots

Games shouldn't have discrete difficulty levels.

but food is so yummy and makes me feel happy while eating
is there an infograph or something with a guide on getting a good trap body? like what excercises to do and stuff? does anyone have it?

where does Powfoo's drawings source from? Is he part of hardblush or some sort of pay site? I only see scraps on e621.

based taste

who cares, it's hot

>fem boy is sub

>makes me feel happy while eating
You're bored user and that's a big problem. Get a hobby or something. Also that guide is a joke and even tells you to eat semen. Just do low weight, large rep of various exercises to cut fat and build slight muscle. Squats for example. Other than that just eat food that makes you feel full like lean meat.


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There is a solution here, user

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>thinking estrogen turns you into anything resembling a girl
Cope and dilate

have sex and procreate


The Witcher 3 Enhanced Edition goes
Not trying - Baby Mode - Easy - Normal
It says normal is the way the game is meant to be played

>"I play games on hard mode"
>"However PvP tournaments scare me"
The ultimate cuck, imagine taking the time to work out the mechanics of a game and getting scared at having to adapt to a human that did the same

But being drunk to the point you can feel the effects only lasts for like 20 minutes. Plus you can barely feel it when sitting down.

user, you don't undestand. I don't want to be a tranny. Taking estrogen won't fix my fucked up face, or make my nerdy voice any cute, nor will it narrow my shoulders and widen my hips.

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Meant to be played? You let others decide that for you? If you were jacking off to hentai and some boomer boomed into your room and told you to use vintage porn instead, would you do it?

>widen my hips

regardless, there are surgeries for all of those

If I need surgery to be cute, might as well not bother.
It's too late for me user, I was born male, I'm 6'2'' and I just can't be a cute girl, no matter how much I want it.

Because I only care about the story and I don't want any game overs to impede my progress. Yes, I also do read vn's.

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Very hard

It doesn't reform bones, tranny. Fat forming on the thighs doesn't make male frames look less male, either, since it gets swallowed up by fat going everywhere else.

your hips will look wider because the fat around your belly will move away

In case you don't know, a man with healthy test levels can make his thighs much more proportially bigger via exercise than a fat tranny can by hoping interstitial fat will transform into subcutaneous fat (which it won't, because the fat stays where it is until it's burned and taking estrogen only affects where new fat is stored). A fat tranny will just look like any other fat person even if they started off thin, because fat people, men or women, just look like blobs of shit.

>New game to me
medium. I don't want to schmooze on by, but I also want to get time to get a grasp of the mechanics and controls.
>Sequel to a game I know

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>implying difficulty affects enemy health in every game
>implying thats the only thing it does

Playing on normal is still pretty sad. Unless youre 13. Then youre too young to be here so pls leave.

>hard mode gives bosses new attacks and different colors
name a game besides kirby that does this

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Stop making fun of me please.

>there are people who feel like they can't play a game on easy because it'll hurt their pride.

Wow user! You are so good at playing video games! Pfft. I'm so glad you can prove that you're a real man.

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>do this
>play on hardest difficulty
what now?

That's small time, don't underestimate how prideful humans can be.

hard. Then I move up to very hard if it's still too easy.

Yeah, in Arcanum it affects your experience gain...

Heh... that's right I only play on the hardest setting.

It's the only form of validation I get in my pathetic life

Medium then I replay it on harder difficulties. I need to get the feel of the game first.

I could prove I'm a real man by taking my pants off. Would you prefer that? No? Then playing on hard mode will have to do.

Yes, do that.

Seconding this

now this needs some sauce

>people will never care to see your dick
Being average is suffering. Too big to be small, too small to be big.

shit taste

I care. Post it.

If you don't play every difficulty mode from start to finish not only are you not allowed to call yourself a fan of that game, but you are not allowed to call yourself a hardcore gamer either. Real gamers and real fans appreciate the gameplay differences across difficulty levels. If your game is genuinely good, you will have enough unique content distributed among the different difficulty levels. A couple of these good games are Perfect Dark and Halo. Not only are the health pools and enemy accuracy different depending on which difficulty you play at, but different difficulties also change dialogue, easter eggs, or even gameplay and mission objectives and enemy AI. You ARE a hardcore gamer, right?

I confess to playing medium and/or hard in most games except for STALKER, where I basically play on that game's equivalent of Very Hard. The only game I ever played on easy was nu-Wolfestein because those games had garbage level design ad bullet sponges.
If I like a game a lot (like the original Doom games) I play the game on harder difficulties to challenge myself. I confess however that most FPS games that have difficulty don't ever give me incentive to replay the game on harder difficulties except for Doom. Games like Half-Life I just don't play on hard because I really see no reason to be challenged on a game like that when the normal difficulty is already frustrating enough.


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I start with medium and if things get very rage-y I briefly switch to easy before getting back to medium

This is gay, isn't it?

Normal is for normies. I mean, if you have years of gaming in your hands, picking normal is weird.

Pretty much, I'd feel really pathetic if I picked normal in any fps game despite having almost 20 years of experience in the genre.

>implying most people have the time to invest in to multiplayer shit

Based, though i wish they'd update faster.

>Easy - Medium - Hard - Very Hard
>Which one do you start with?
Generally Normal/Medium and adjust from there depending on my skill/difficulty curve

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the trap is so girly it's almost straight

stop using tokifuji for your shitposts i dont want one of the few skilled western porn artists to become a MeMe

>New medium is the old Easy

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Memeification is the pathway to success

Is he the same person as powfoo?


Wanna take another look at the art style again user?


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I've been meaning to ask this for like 7 years now
Why the hell is the guy from Truckers Delight there?

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This one artist draws dicks like candy and it gives me weird feelings.

I would prefer hard so long as I understand that it will not just result in more grind.

easy used to be standard difficulty and you went up in difficulty the more you played. but now that we live in hugbox world, the standard difficulty is hard and you pay for dlc for harder challenges.

Yeah I get you

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I really like young adults

How young are these adults we're talking about here?

Young enough.

I really want a young adult gf

I'm playing videogames, i'm already pathetic
Easy, if i like the game and it rewards me for it, i go higher on new game plus, i'm doing this with EDF 5 for example right now, no reasons to play on harder modes otherwise.

young adults are the best

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About the only game I don't play on easy is the Yakuza series.

I play on the hardest difficulty allowed and if I'm a shitter I lower it.

What were they looking at?

Something cool.

I go for Normal/Medium when starting out.
I'll try harder difficulties on replays where I want a challenge, but I'll general stick to normal just for a comfortable playthrough.



sure what's your discord

oh sorry read that as 'wanna take a look at this artstyle with me user'


i play on easy on every game.
come at me fagets.

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no wonder you're a virgin

>tfw no irl friends to look over cute and funny art with

Monster hunter and dmc

don't bully him

I'm coming for your ass

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>tfw friend wanted me to recommend hentai but knew he wasn't ready for any of my powerlevels

maybe i should've just said asanagi, seems mainstream enough..

Poor user just wanted a friend.

For a time I played on easy a lot because I wanted to see if it would affect how I absorb the game's mechanics. Didn't take long to realize that not only was it boring, but that getting further into the game faster meant nothing if the challenge on the way didn't force me to use the mechanics to their full extent.

I used to play on easy mode on every game as a kid until I turned 16
Now I’m mainly play on Hard
Normal if I decide to do speedrun a game

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Very hard and every other answer means you're a little bitch.

cute girl
what’s the sauce on this hentai?


literally the 5th post in the thread

Light of Tsukimi Manor

define easy is secondlife

Hard is usually the actual normal difficulty. Some games aren’t playable on anything other than hard.
If you played Alien Isolation on anything other than the hardest difficulty you were quite literally not playing the whole game

Why is Sekiro SO FUCKING HARD? I'm stuck at fucking Juzou the Obese and I don't know why it keeps happening, but whenever I think I got the timing and the idea of the game, it fucks me in the ass.

Depends on the game

There are a non zero amount of people here that do that

Heh, I used to play on Easy, now I just watch them on youtube. Much easier for me.

the game is incredibly fucking simple and not difficult at all. i don't understand how anyone had any actual trouble with it beyond the first 10 minutes.

Git Gud, kinda like Dark Souls, except this piece of shit of a game doesn't give you any alternatives so, unironically, Git Gud at parrying or quit, you wasted your money on garbage anyway.
>not just reading a summary on wikipedia for five minutes and claiming you've finished the game
pssh, nothing personnel