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there's no good digimon game

Am I having a bad case of falsified memories, or doesn't this somewhat resemble an old PS1 Digimon game?
That game wasn't 2D as far as I can remember, but the rest of it looks like the old game.

Except for Next Order and Cyber Sleuth

Alternatively just use Digimon World's 3 artstyle.

The first one, yeah. It was like that but 3D

You're thinking of Digimon World.

Attached: crowbarcollective.png (300x300, 31K)

I haven't played that game in like 2 decades almost.
Can't believe I actually recognized the scenery.

Looks good but also really generic. It looks nothing like digimon.

This bring tears to my eyes.
When I was playing digimon world, I'm a happy kid, keep up with study and wellbeing.
Now, I'm a loser NEET, living without a goal.

Boy, what a good time.

>mfw always get those literal shit digimons but kept playing for some reason

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can't abandon them, it might be shit, but it is my shit.

I wish we would get a game as good as digimon world 1. All the attempts at that style of game have had massive handholding and you can't go 2 steps without running into a digimon wanting to join the town. They really lack the feeling of being lost in a big world with very little direction, running around with your buddy.

Two partners is also awful. When one goes Ultimate and the other doesn't and goes to a baby, you just can't do shit with your ultimate and they are always out of sync.

Next order is infinitely better

do you even know what this thread is about

Attached: tenor (1).gif (300x200, 189K)

Picture more interesting then post, threads over, we digimon now.

next orders world is empty and lifeless and while there is a much wider selection if digimon most of them are recolors. the QoL improvements like showing you how to fucking digivolve is good though, but that doesn't matter when there are 8 fucking vendors with digivolution items

god 02 is so fucking bad
at least miyako is a babe

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As much as I liked Digimon 1, it wasn't really a good game.

Fuck off

where did you see soul in that post you fucking retard? the areas in digimon world 1 were much smaller and always had different angles so each screen felt different from the last with its own unique and recognizable flair. the screens/areas in next order are about 18x the size but didnt increase the amount of objects on screen so you get vast swaths of land with literally fucking nothing in them

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Because you nostalgiafags are so fucking predictable.
Here's your last (You) retard

It look sbetter than SwSh lmaooooooooooo

I know there was no way in hell that we would get FFVII RE with stylized characters but if they were to put Barret on Smash, this should be it, in lower res of course.

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that's a really fucking low bar and also irrelevant to the point being made

>They really lack the feeling of being lost in a big world with very little direction, running around with your buddy.

I loved this about the game. I wish that there were more games like this.

>people posting work by concept artists, 2d or otherwise
the only valid "hire these men" people are modders who are arguably better than the real developers
so, for instance, most hearts of iron 4 modders

HIRE THESE MEN was not a meme and a real work plan long ago when modding scene was supported instead of actively purged/stronghanded.
When people gave only fucks about your programming/design skills.

Now... well, everybody wants to hire a self-made pro as long as he did not use your copyrighted shit and is female or "female"


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Minus the bloom

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I really wish Pokemon never went 3D and just made better 2D games. Maybe there's an alternate universe out there where Game Freak is an actual competent developer and made games that had this level of detail.

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Yes it was.
One of the best psx games

That's detailed in the wrong ways though and would look terrible in motion

Remember when people thought this was the direction they were going during gen 5?
Oh how wrong we were.

Pokemon needs actual gameplay first

I've been wanting a Zelda 2 remake in the style of that Legend of Princess fangame for years

Did he fix the shitty systems

Hackers memory is a treasure

i feel you nigga but hear me out on this

zelda 2 plus vanillaware

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Is this an actual fangame or just one of those teasing mockups like is?