Why does emulation make some people so irrationally angry? Especially on Yea Forums.
Why does emulation make some people so irrationally angry? Especially on Yea Forums
Because there are fags out there who actually believe 10-40 year old games that are too expensive to buy should be held from people so a big wig can make money when they eventually release it for $15 a game.
Nintendo brainwashing.
Why are emulationfags so tryhard? Shit like "bro just dl the nightly fork on git for the 1.5 release"
like just fucking speak normally
Go back.
Fuck off tardo
You are mad at people who live on niche ecosystem, use niche products and are usually tech savvy? The absolute state of Yea Forums...
>Tech savvy
>Shit like "bro just dl the nightly fork on git for the 1.5 release"
That's perfectly normal. Are you some kind of luddite?
Well compared to normie Applefags they really are.
Don't you think it's ridiculous we live in an already semi-cyberpunk age, yet the average joe and jane have no clue how a computer or their phone works. These are the same fucktards that buy these shitty products blindly.
Well, they're not the ones baffled by something as basic as software version.
What really makes me angry are "antialiasing" shaders like supereagle and such. Is that irrational?
>he doesn't know what a download is
>he doesn't know what github is
>he doesn't know what a development fork is
Because most people who emulate operate under the guise that they preserving some sort of video game “history” when they just want to play free games. They also seem to have a massively inflated ego almost to the point of sniveling at everyone who would dare not emulate everything.
This is LITERALLY exactly what the developers intended.
Yea Forums's average IQ is probably 70. Most people here own consoles, they're fucking retards.
Not really
It's so surreal to see some modern 18 year olds struggle with goddamn Excel.
not emulation but mame development ideas are very autistic imo. creating perfect emulations with all the stuttering is a noble goal but keeps it somewhat niche.
>Why does emulation make some people so irrationally angry?
Brainlets jealous that they can't have this.
Excel's always been a god damned mess. Anyone who knows how to use it has had to be taught.
emulation is a gift
People love licking the ass of corporate entities
Sky is the limit with excel but you have to learn it to use it effectively. Only the people with no idea how to use it talks about it as easy.
The best mario game
>mario game
just Nintendo fans. no one who likes arcade games shit on MAME.
And the advance version is actually pretty good.
why does she look like that? I assume is a camera trick allowed by the emulation but what's the context.
Also, nice fridge.