Its start of the 5th round and you know enemy CT is scoping on long doors

Its start of the 5th round and you know enemy CT is scoping on long doors.

Do you
>Kill yourself
>Accept that you cant take A site
>Force things?

Attached: p8UqWMB.jpg (1920x1080, 159K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not flashing over the wall

d. stop playing bad games

You immediatly smoke that position

AWP hears you pop a flash and looks briefly to the right, undazed
AWP calmly walks to the left edge of the smoke, holding corner

Attached: cornershot-back__fdu9hrzimr_dw_cuf[1].jpg (1280x1141, 113K)

you beat the awper by playing with premade and flashing and smoking off long and then have the team ready to trade if entry gets picked off

Throw smoke and decoy, rotate to catwalk and rush site.
Have one guy stay who goes in when that AWPer turns around to site. Player stays and waits for the rotation player on B that ALWAYS goes long doors to take site.

>smoke corner
>pop flash
>two rush so at worst it's a trade frag

>Throw smoke and decoy, rotate to catwalk and rush site.
Your teammates rush the awp and die, its now 3v5
>Have one guy stay who goes in when that AWPer turns around to site. Player stays and waits for the rotation player on B that ALWAYS goes long doors to take site.
Short is mollied after someone spots you going short

>open steam
>rightclick counterstrike: global offensive

>if your team is bad and the enemy team is perfectly co-ordinated you will lose!
wow what shit game design I gotta use teamwork in this team game wtf gaben

Okay buddy, you can keep saying a specific thing happens that counter EVERY possible scenario in this game but it doesn't prove shit

>hurr durr if you do this ideal alternative then you get FUCKED by X!!! HAHHA REKT
garbage thread, be ashamed of yourself you homosexual.

leaving thread now.

>AWP hears you pop a flash and looks briefly to the right, undazed
You can't hear shit thrown from outside long.
Alternatively, smoke a corner, popflash, take pit.
Forcing A is overall suboptimal play. Most of the maps, including Dust2, revolve around middle.

Attached: Don't_forget_you're_here_forever.png (500x375, 167K)

>Okay buddy, you can keep saying a specific thing happens that counter EVERY possible scenario in this game but it doesn't prove shit
Because you cant beat a good AWP, AWP always wins

If AWP is watching long doors then there is no AWP on B, A, stairs and mid. Thats basically free win for T if you ask me.

Nothing presonnel awp kid.

Attached: cz_victoria_before.png (1208x786, 765K)

>it's the fucking autist from yesterday complaining about awps
fucking wow, i'm literally giggling m8

Attached: 1545716821847.jpg (600x600, 194K)

>oh no two people think awp is overpowered
Okay retard

notice how was ignored
you beat awp with teamwork, stop playing soloq op

>You beat X by having whole team focus on him
No shit, we got a real life tactician here.

>still mad he can't counter play

then there isn't a problem right? s1mple is the best awper in the world and his team can't win shit anyways, it's a team game get over it

there are 11 awps on dust2 at all times tho

It's honestly kinda sad how hard S1mple has to carry that team.

Casual isn't real CS. Play the real game and see if you still think your AWP is "overpowered" when it takes you 5 rounds to buy and then you lose it to a $200 flashbang lmao

>not using the AWP as a decoy

Strange, in my matches there were never a moment with more than 3 AWP at the same time and that happened only when we were absolutely steamrolling the enemy or vice versa :3

>5 rounds to buy
You mean 2, tops.

>Not using smokes
>Not using flashes while moving out
>Not making use of peakers advantage and prefire that spot with your own awp or ak
>Not pressuring mid and a over short forcing a long to move back to spot and your lurker can move in