Play Minecraft post-2013

>play Minecraft post-2013
>everyone looks down on you for it
>5 years later, popular streamers/YouTubers pick up the game again
>people follow
>'Minecraft revival'
>'Minecraft is so nostalgic'
>'remember when we used to play Minecraft?'
why are people like this?

Attached: mc.png (1005x728, 743K)

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Who fucking cares

oof big cringe, who hurt you OP? Why can't you just let people enjoy things

get owned libtard

Same reason these people
continually post the same unfunny memes that don't actually say anything, they want to fit in with everyone else. Were you homeschooled?

Out of all the "x was 50 years ago" memes, "Nostalgia for Mincecraft" hits me the hardest. How the fuck is this game almost a decade old already?

you're soft, pal.

>early high school
>a freakish / goth girl is really into me, constantly talking with me and follow me around
>friends tease about it 24/7, imitating her and laugh at me for hanging out with her
>allowed myself to be influenced by their bullshit, drift away from her
>suddenly same friends become best friends with her and they all try to hit on her on multiple occasions
It was a good experience though since then I stopped giving a fuck about what others think and followed my own truth. Also replaced these faggot friends later (unrelated) they were bunch of drama queens and gossip pussies

I wasn't home-schooled I'm just mad because my friends all quit Minecraft for weed once we hit high school

I guess decades are shorter than we think

I never stopped playing minecraft. It's not like singleplayer games suddenly become fun because more people are playing them.

I think there's 1 or 2 different things going on here. Either zoomers are trying to force a nostalgia meme out of jealousy of people who have real nostalgia, or media and information are simply being consumed at such a fast pace nowadays that the peak of Minecraft really does seem that far away. It'll be interesting to see how soon the "nostalgia for Fortnite" sets in, in any case.

I wonder if deditated wam kid is a chad now

I think there's some genuine nostalgia for it, though there are no shortage of '90s nostalgia' and 'chill vibes' zoomers who get kicks out of pretending to be seasoned veterans of culture. I feel nostalgic thinking about the factions I had with my friends when I was 14 with an epic gamer skin. '>it was a simpler time' is pretty much all you need to invoke nostalgia.

Minecraft is...single player? user...

not him but I haven't played multiplayer either yet

because minecraft is a good game

Attached: dcq8akl.jpg (1430x559, 115K)

Nice trips

>why are people like this?
Minecraft kids grew up and long for their childhood.
Same shit happened with Pokemon and other generational defining things.

Didn’t say any revival stuff but I recently tried using a shader pack for the first time and it is really neato

The holdable torches are a nice touch. I found a cave with iron and lava and had to book it back to my shelter in the rain, almost didn’t make it.

wrong thread?

Look at this loser and his video games.

I've only really gotten back in to it for the high quality texture packs and shaders. It's like breathing new life in to it. I mean god damn, some of those photorealistic ones look amazing

Attached: 518.gif (500x400, 1.21M)

What the fuck does this have to do with anything?
Imagine having to seek validation from anonymous basket weavers kek

Attached: 1538522852405.gif (330x166, 2.24M)

Because Minecraft was fun at first. Survival became boring and multiplayer was only fun with friends for a while. As always, really young kids caught on late and multiplayer became a children's game. With the lack of content updates people stopped playing.

Now everyone's grown up and Minecraft has added a lot of new content (definintely not 6 years worth of content, but anyway), but it wont last. I'm already running out of things to do in survival, and if Mojang don't make the most of this Minecraft revival, people will stop playing in a matter of months.