Mining in minecraft is the most comfy thing you can do in a videogame. Just put on some music, and you can mine for days
Mining in minecraft is the most comfy thing you can do in a videogame. Just put on some music, and you can mine for days
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Why were the ambiant underground sounds so unsettling? On one of my maps there just happened to be a cave somewhere beneath my house so I had to cut off those sounds not to be bothered
it is comfy but straight 1x2 tunnels dug for fun channel your autism OP
I like to build brown bricks with Minecrap
Not OP but I like building 1x2 tunnels until I hit a cave or diamonds. It's fast and you're almost guaranteed to hit something
I remember back when I used to be terrified of those sounds, back when 1.7.3 was a new patch. You'll either get used to them or stay a pussy forever
I don't dig them for fun necessarily, but for resources for my building projects. It is peak comfy though
I get excited when I hear those, means a caves nearby
I haven't played in years and I was still rather young in 2010-11-12, when I played the most. Now I could probably get used to them more easily, but I don't think I can get back into the game anymore.
Wrist pain though.
Also when I build tunnels they are 3x3, with stairs where needed. And at the height of my Minecraft days, I'd build wooden beams to pretend they are holding up the rock from collapsing. Looked near with my texture pack.
>mining for the first time
>break into a pitch black cave
>skellingtons and spiders everywhere
Never got into the megalith creative building mania, always played Minecraft as a "survival" game. Always building a castle, a fortress, traps, exploring dungeons and mines, playing around the enemies from the game and mods. Just peaceful digital LEGOs play seems dull.
You should start a realm or a server with competitive friends, it's the best way to play minecraft
>tfw you have gigantic build wars with friends
That's not peaceful, that's a survival realm on hard. Build wars with your friends online are ridiculously fun, you should try it
I'm not a very competitive person, and I don't think I have my account anymore either way.
I considered trying it out again to play some comfy singleplayer, but apparently there's some nightmarish monsters that fuck you up when you don't sleep and whatnot?
I'm also unreasonably scared of the spiders in Minecraft. I can handle the big realistic hairy spiders of game like RE2, but there's something about the MC ones that utterly terrify me and it hasn't changed.
>duuuude I love just, like, turning my brain offfff and uhhh relaaaxing by holding down left click and W, it really helps me unwiiiind and it's so chilllll maaaan
You are a fucking human being, how can you find any entertainment or fulfillment in using all 90 billion of your neurons to do something a bacteria cell could do.
Well, while you're off being one of those retards who get off on "grinding", I enable my automine hotkey with one keystroke and can dig an infinite tunnel forever while not even being in the same room as my computer. Then I'll take control when I actually, you know, intend on playing the game. Creating, engineering, managing resources, those kinds of things that require sapience.
I mean I could do that but then you'll never spot the diamonds that you dig. It's comfy, never said I really enjoy the excitement of it. Whenever I need to use my braincells I start building with the masses of resources I've gathered. Besides, I'm drunk right now
Do you realize how fucking stupid you just made yourself look you turbofag
>what is turning around
I wish I could be as excited about the mobs in MC as you are but to me they're just walking resources that sometimes are annoying. The sleeping mobs (phantoms) can be countered by just having a roof over your head, which makes it impossible for them to spawn
Sapience is overrated.
I guess you could do it that way aswell, but for me if I am going to afk grind anything it'd have to be the fish farm that gives you infinite enchantments
don't you think farming in stardew valley is more comfy?
My dude, you actually are on Yea Forums at this time of day, and wrote all of that out to a stranger on the internet. That's 100% worse than playing a simple video game and enjoying it. One could ask you the same questions and be far more justified in doing so.
>but YOU just did the same thing!
I don't have a problem with it. You do.
the only thing that scares me about the game is the extremely depressing music
i find it stressful to be honest
making sure you're doing everything without wasting a precious second of the day because the days are so short, plus trying to collect enough resources for shit you need without running out of energy before running out of time, all while trying to balance relationships with NPCs and running around town doing quest shit.
stay careful please, lava is always a few blocks away from diamonds
I prefer trucking in the rain in ETS2/ATS desu.
Mining is just so repetitive.
for anyone who doesn't want to sleep tonight
This is why I could never get into Harvest Moon. The days are way too short for how much there is to do.
good thing I have headphones to hear whenever lava is bubbling beneath me
>he doesn't know that one third of all lava lakes make sound before you visually see them
If I build a base in a town and a raid comes, do they eventually go away if I let them kill everybody?
Is there anyway to play minecraft for free? Like a demo or something, I want to try it out before spending money on it
>putting words in my mouth
Posting on Yea Forums requires at least 25 more characters and knowing how to use them than holding W and M1. Even if what I say is retarded and pointless, I'm still exercising my brain with comprehending what people read and then composing my own replies. You have to define "worse", little boy.
I like driving in GTA
I like to wander and collect things in MHW while looking at the environnement
>Play Minecraft on Xbone
>Download a map called Lookout's Keep
>Big elaborate castle with a keep and dungeon and blacksmith's quarter and everything
>It's just me running around
>No villagers or anything
It's a lonely feel
no, because you can't breed animals in ridiculously small cages, slaughter them for resources and sell them to the jews
you have to kill a captain pillager to get a village raided
Make an iron golem fren
start a survival game, find a village and try to defend it and build a fortress
I haven't played in over a year
Is 1.12.2 still the go to version for current mod support or have people moved on to new updates? I know the vanilla game is on 1.14+ now
shhiieett, I am going to be a billionaire
you should definitely try 1.14, water biomes are now relevant and are comfy as fuck, villages too
>Top 10 pictures taken seconds from disaster.
I'm fucking unstoppable
All in survival? I built a tiny quartz building which I used as a museum that took about 12 stacks of quartz blocks and collecting all of that took forever. Can't imagine how long this would take
wp bro
user you went digging for diamonds without a bucket of water? Are you retarded?
>I'd build wooden beams to pretend they are holding up the rock from collapsing. Looked near with my texture pack.
I am not as alone in this world as i thought...
I played vanilla aquatic update a lot but ended up rolling back for mods. Did the village update do anything to water biomes or did you just mean the aquatic update?
I will read through the patch notes and download the village update to try. Gotta love MultiMC
Imagine not knowing how to place blocks
What's the best tech related mod pack these days, I played FTB years ago and Tekkit years before that?
I had a Fortune 3 mending pick, and used to spend hours mining quartz in the nether. This was probably my grandest build, shame I don't have any screens of it at it's latest form (before the turkroach owner banned me and deleted the realm)
I prefer making my own small ones with mods that have good compatibility and don't need craft tweaker support to work together well.
Big tech packs are always so redundant, these days they include everything even though half the tech mods accomplish the same things as one another with different flavor.
That's noob tier though, I used to collect thousands of buckets of lava. Like I said imagine not knowing how to place blocks
oh i thought you didn't play 1.13, but no 1.14 mainly improves on villages, villagers and pillagers. It also adds a shitload of new items
Your screenshot reminded me of when I made this.
This is too damn true
flexing my gem collection
Wow.. Big room.. Full of nothing... So empty..
Playing this game on vanilla is very comfy. Building a little fortress, finding treasure maps and going on adventures through the map is very relaxing
and coal
looks kind of dope
and redstone and lapis
was looking through old screenshots and found this.what is the rarity of 3 ender pearls in a portal
Was building a huge fucking labyrinth a year ago. Now the save is lost :^)
Cave/mountain bases > Ocean/beachside bases>rest
Nice Loss.jpg
There was a sweet rail area.
Also some hidden caves.
There did used to be a demo version, dunno if they maintained it though.
Google is your friend
Starting area. Damn i miss my maze.
Thats actually very nice looking. I would've had some pattern on the big flat roof.
Mining is my least favorite part. Looking for diamonds just takes forever and you rack up so much fucking cobblestone. Always have to repair pickaxes because you mine so much for hardly anything and have to place a torch every few blocks
jesus christ those faggots in the comments flooding the internet with their shitty personalized meme formats
Saved for later, thanks
>Now the save is lost :^)
Should have hedged your bets.
Thanks. There was some key/door fuckery, but i fucked up somewhere.
>elite dangerous
>comfy chair with proper setup for hotas
>old free version of openvr playing netflix shows as a in cockpit virtual screen
>mining asteroids around a gas giant
>exploring far reaches of milky way
I present to you the final boss of comfy.
> I'm still exercising my brain with comprehending what people read and then composing my own replies
>tips enthusiastically
Minecraft needs more shit underground
jesus christ
>placing a new torch after 5 blocks
I don't want no creeggers in my tunnels.
unironic literal clinical autism
>Which does give further proof of Herobrines Existence
why even the name herobrine?
This, desu. I really do need to get back underground. I've been staying above working on my home/farm for weeks and I'm almost out of iron. My rail network has nearly cleaned me out of gold as well.
I can only find Diamonds on the Xbox 360 edition
If you are playing on the new versions you should try to do an iron farm, they are surprisingly easy to do now
peak comfy
>Swimming through bottom of a ocean ravine
>find a ledge after coming up with a sunken ship on it
>dig my way into it
>Cave sound 19 plays soon as I bust through the planks
>Shit fucking bricks because wasn't expecting it
Makes it worse that I didnt run into it till 1.14, so I had no clue this fucking sound was lurking waiting for the right moment.
I just have submechanophobia and it makes me terrified of sunken objects, doesn't help that in the ocean update the sea gets darker the deeper you are
>Xbox One version of Miencraft doesn't have cave sounds
I miss the spoopy.
I almost envy you. Must make every sunken ship you find a trip.
The bedrock version is on gamepass, unless you mean the bedrock version on Xbone doesn't have cave sounds, that would be mega stupid.
Thanks user!
for reference pics like this make me cringe and give me goosebumps and force me to look away
>Mining is boring
>Building complex machinery is pointless outside youtube views
>the combat is terrible
>villages are too bare bones to be functional
>No matter what biome or depth you are you see the same enemies over and over
>There's only two bosses and they both suck
>The Nether is a mandatory to visit developer after thought
Nothing about Minecraft is done competently its no wonder people just use it as a lego simulator.
This is accurate but you can really enjoy minecraft if you play it with friends
Yes people have imaginations and friends, is this news to you?
i miss him bros
What are the best mining games? Terraria? Minecraft? Deep Rock Galactic?
if you want to have fun with friends just have sex together
The game is fun for about a week's worth of play time. Once the nostalgia wears off and everyone's played the new content, it will die again.
Villages are a disgrace, they don't work and feel pointless. Pillager outposts are impossible to defeat due to respawning. A lot of challenges (sea temples, woodland mansions, etc) reward almost nothing at all. It's hard to believe a billion dollar company can create such broken content.
Space Engineers
straight out of national treasure 2
good sheet
>wanna play bad
>like damn getting that fucking itch
>turns my thinkpad into an oven
>no other laptop to play on
I miss having a viable PC.
>not windmill mining
torches have a light level of 14 and assuming you play on hardest, no mobs spawn on blocks with 8 light or more. This means you can have 11 blocks between each torch.
>imagine having the time for this
>imagine being a neet faggot
I was making this shit for like 6-7 months you turbofaggot
How did you keep straight what goes where?
into the trash it goes
I made the right tracks first of course.
depression scared you?
Terraria stopped being a mining game long ago.
i hope this will be pretty comfy
without a doubt
really looking forward to caves that aren't complete shit when this comes out
pic related, this whole place is underground (look at the cave roof)
i couldn't make something like this, at a certain point i would make a mistake that would fuck it all up, notice it too late and not know how to fix it
Eh, music can get old. Music is good for more concentrated stuff like drawing. Something monotonous like mining is good for streams or podcasts
>she doesn't dive mine
get with the times grandma
fuck off zoomer
>its underground
what the fuck
is this generated (modded) or artificial
Hytale just feels very wrong and uncanny in general
I am ashamed at how long I played before realizing you could consolidate redstone and other shit into blocks for more efficient storage.
For me, it’s building autofarms and enchanting
don't fall into the pit also get some enchanted gear
caves in hytale are exactly what I want minecraft caves to be like, we've been waiting for a cave update for years but have got nothing
I tried to set up some mods for the lastest version recently because I saw a few started popping up and thought I might as well.
Little did I know there are like three competing mod loaders and most mods listed for the current version do NOT mention which loader they're for.
Minecraft with the Terrafirmacraft mod.
That alone makes it worth getting.
generated I think, they have mini-dungeons that generate that look way more interesting than the shitty identical pyramids in minecraft. I just hope you have to explore them properly rather than just mining into the side.
also it's dumb but I'm really excited for trees that look like that by default and don't need someone to build them.
I felt like that at first, but I'm really liking the look of it now, only thing that's shit are the character's weird faces
yeah I make sure to mine all the other blocks around them first
max comfy
even the NPCs live the /comfy life/
Does this thing run on toasters?
minecraft honestly is the perfect game for listening to a lot of music to and i've discovered a lot of amazing music over the years. i also have permanent memories of parts of old minecraft worlds attached to specific albums. i was listening to this while exploring undiscovered chunks in my first world. i'm continuously surprised how much of worlds i remember when i hear music i've first listened to while playing again.
I don't want to buy it. Should I torrent it?
Is that what you call the fear of ocean depths and dark fog within the ocean? Cause I got that and pic related does not help me at all.
It isn't "comfy" unless you're braindead. It's good if you want to turn your brain off. I sometimes use it when I have music I want to listen to. It isn't comfy though, its just a good way to waste time.
Use tlauncher, it comes with the option to install forge and optifine versions so you don't have to bother
It tickles my autism enough to play for a day and then ditch it for 5 months again. There's just not much to do once I have an aesthetically pleasing house and animals to feed myself.