>I love NuDoom!
I love NuDoom!
>I love Mega Man, but I've only played the Legends games!
What's your point user? NuDoom is great.
>New bad old good
Fucking troglodyte.
>Doomfags are tryhard pajeets who get gay implants to look tough.
Makes sense
>NuDoom is great.
If you're a redditor who buys into le rip and tear memes wholesale maybe.
No, I just enjoy video games. Unlike you, seemingly.
>no argument
Nice projecting. I enjoy video games plenty. Just not glowing enemy press X to awesome arena shooters with tired animations that play their course after 10 minutes. Also the guns in nuDoom have no kick and sound like pellet shooters.
Both original and new are good in different ways
Hello fellow 4channers if I spam buzzwords enough they won't Detect me
>game was brutal violent Christian crusade themed macabre gothic palette demon/nazi hunting
>Suddenly becomes fruity loops bright candy colours, angels are now the baddies, oh and MC is a Jew btw lol
>Game suddenly surrounded by trannies and trannylovers
First Wolfenstein and now Doom. What's going on?
Hey, did you know that Glory Kills are completely optional? That means you don’t have to do them if you don’t want to.
BJ was the son of two Polish immigrants. If anything, he has a higher chance of being a Jew in Wolf3D.
The devs still included them which means the game is cucked at the design-level
If you think a marine fighting demons because they killed his pet bunny is a Christian crusade, or BJ Blaskowitz, the Jewiest Jew name to ever Jew, isn't Jewish, I have nothing to say, man. It'd be like slapping a toddler for thinking chicken was a vegetable
>the only way to get enough ammo on higher difficulties
Sure thing
Or he's a Pole and they made him a Jew because they thought in their heads they were BTFOing the gun-nut raging white racist teen side of their fanbase
>Kairi picture
Confirmed tranny. See? This is exactly what I'm talking about!
The soundtrack is good
That's all anyone cares about so cope
>I like old Doom
>not an argument
Your initial post was one?
Same guy.
The closet changed him.
What didn't you like about Doom 2016?
The what?
The thing he came out at start of D44M.
Go to your jazzercise classes and fuck off old man
>t. Never played it
Pro tip: higher difficulty never increases the HP of monsters
The fact that it was made by the Israel division (id) of Bethesda, who employed transsexual muslim leftists to make the game, leading to the stinking pile of shit that is nudoom
I'll be honest. I liked all the doom games I've played, and the only Wolfenstein games I didn't like were 09 and The New Collossus. I'm am easy man to please
You mean tomb, not closet.
Glory kills don't drop ammo, chainsaw kills drop ammo. Glory kills drop health. You should probably play the game first.
They're both good
What exactly were you even attempting to do when making this thread? Have other anons circle jerk you off over your retarded opinion?
Maybe he got a bit confused. Sometimes, when your ammo is low enough, killing enemies can give you some ammo back. So he could’ve just misremembered it.
He was literally planned to be a jew from his initial conception you tard.
Le epic Spongebob mem, fellow redditor! Expect some silver soon :)
Two different characters.
Doomguy known for his complex character motivations
>haha i sure showed those virgins! only beta faggots like the new doom games!