Less than 6 hours until ___________Nothing____________

Less than 6 hours until ___________Nothing____________

Attached: lupin.png (736x718, 578K)

a thread died for this

Lupin is so based.

Joker dropped at like 9pm EST



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that's when the announcement is supposed to be, smartypants.

It's just new Joy Con colors

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so any of the recent lupin stuff worth a watch?

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The woman named fujiko mine, and the two films in that series are amazing
Part 4 is decent with some bad eps
Part 5 is shit, its sci-fi.

Popular leaker PolarPanda aka Sabi, already confirmed this leak to be fake.

Attached: SabiSquad_User=SolMerse4320_Message9623.png (457x132, 17K)

>Characters are OOC
Literally how

it's mostly a matter of personal tastes, to be honest. as an example there are lots of people that hate the woman named fujiko mine but there are several others that like it a lot, too. i had fun with part v, if that's what you fancy.

Literally who?

>no hero tomorrow
>posted today
Of course we aren't getting him tomorrow, we're getting him today

>Nintendo suddenly starts tweeting out announcements every hour
>6am pst: new joycon colors
>7am pst:luigi's mansion 3
>8am pst:nintendo online games
>9am pst:?
>10am pst:?????

You know the "leak"fags are woeful when they can't even get mundane details like a character we already know is coming out's release date right, and they expect us to beleave bullshit about the other 2 mystery niggas on the list?

Is this their normal behavior?

Why trust Sabi anymore?
>got a cease and desist during E3
She can't leak anything anymore

Nope, usually their tweets are a lot more spread out and sporadic

Quick update cause i fucked up the times
5am pst:new joycons
6am pst:luigi's mansion 3
7am pst:nintendo online games
8am pst:nintendo online rewind
9am pst:?
10am pst:????

No not usually....

the fact that sabi is supposed to be under a C&D yet is saying this is really suspicious

im thinkin he's today bros

Attached: yeee.webm (300x300, 491K)

Have you ever actually looked at the shit on page 10? Nothing of value was lost.

>9am pst: Half Life 2 Episode 2 Part 2 NSW exclusive
>10am pst: Heavy for Smash

Lupinchads report in
>how confident are you?
>what dq songs do you want in?
>what ff songs do you want added?

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>how confident?
Middle tier of confidence. I am a bit anxious that this might be fake and Nintendo is trolling us all
>what dq songs?
Personally I am fine with an overture remix, III's Adventure, and a track from IV, VIII and IX respectively since IX is my fav.
>what ff songs?
One Winged Angel. The rest is a bonus.

If possible, Forest Maze too.

>how confident are you?
im all in on this. i've also prepared to get btfo'd if nothing happens, but I'm confident lupin won't let us down
>what dq songs
the two songs in the trailer were pretty good, i don't know DQ too much but some stuff from 8 and 11's battle themes
>what if songs
one winged angel and jenova, god please just give us ff7 songs im dying in a drought

Attached: lupins.gif (450x327, 1.87M)

>how confident are you?
I’m going all in on this thing, it’s going to happening one way or another
>what dq songs do you want in?
I’m not sure actually
>what ff songs do you want added?
One winged angel, anything else is a cherry on top

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>part 5 is shit
Confirmed for not watching it. The last 2 episodes were absolutely amazing, and it had some great one-off episodes throughout the series that represented what each jacket color was like. It was a love letter to the Lupin franchise.
Women Named Fukijo Mine was fucking shit, but the two films from that series were very good.
Have you even watched Lupin you newfag?

Oh yeah, the Kingdom Hearts 2.5 edition preferably

>how confident are you?
Not very
>what dq songs do you want in?
Adventure and Overture already slap so I don't care
>what ff songs do you want added?
One Winged Angel

20 minutes left.

1 hour and 20 minutes fool

1 hour and 20 mins left actually