Can Steam be considered social media platform now, Yea Forums?
Can Steam be considered social media platform now, Yea Forums?
Yes, but anyone who uses it as such, most likely will be a colossal faggot.
my first thought was that I want to fuck DeviantArt, but then I realized she probably has a penis
I want to have sex with Yahoo and Wikipedia
Yahoo and Bing should /ss/.
Wikipedia is my husbando
RIP Pandora. I loved that music radio site but they took it away from me
Your mom can be considered a social media platform, so anything is possible.
Tumblr is no longer a trap and got dilated. Rest in peace
How the fuck myspace hasn't closed yet.
I think Justin Timberlake bought it?
Twitter would no longer look like that today.
Gonna go talk to Cleberbot and tell her to suck my dick right now, thanks OP.
Underages are not allowed to post here.
How this is the only post related to the question?
The fuck?
need facebook lewds, preferably yurishit with all the other girls
>Pandora but no Spotify
how can i get a gamer gf
Twitter-chan would just be some fat dude wearing an anime girl mask
Facebook, Twitter and Youtube should all be corporate suits now.
I want Pinterest to die, can't look for images properly without having to go through their shit
Art hoes make me so fucking hard holy shit
Nice quints
Unironically install toontown rewritten. It’s a hub for girls and half of them play other games. I’ve gotten nudes from four different girls on it. My friend’s mom even had an affair with a green pig named Professor Pickles that she met on there.
after all these years... i still wanna fuck tumblr
fuck deviantart
marry yahoo
kill twitter
>only nigger is pandora which is dead
You missed the one at the bottom right.
Twitter and Instagram should be changed to the Facebook girl.
who's that green guy as Yea Forums ? wouldn't pepe or wojack be more representative ?
best post on this board right now, holy shit
Based Pickle conquering the dames.
Incorrect mewfriend.
She’s gone man. She was infected by niggers and trannies and they formed her into the beast she was today. The socially awkward spergy but harmless fujoshi nerd era is dead and she’s never coming back.
Wikipedia looks based
>Fuck facebook
>Kill deviantart
>Marry yahoo
Girl hits most of my fetishes.
Or KGB clothing
user please... don't remind me
w-was there ever porn of her though
>no Reddit
Was tumblr really like that back in the day?
I want to fuck blogger
O yeah plenty go on rule 34
I want to fuck Wikipedia.
>no astalavista
Dont pin the blame on niggers, 99% of blame should be placed on normalfag women and """"""""""women""""""""" not us
marry fanfiction
she might be a retarded virgin, but she can be YOUR retarded autist(formerly virgin)
Altavista even.
>tfw no autist gf
it has been for like 7-8 years. Tthe start of badges and the cards and locking features like your friends list behind paywalls and then adding in paid for backgrounds for your profile and other shit like that accentuated it.
steam spent millions of dollars redesigning it's profiles to be more SNS and it failed miserably. They're STILL wasting money on it by investing heavily into streaming (broadcasting streaming, though they cancelled their functional steam link hardware and are now working with an app that has 3% the efficiency so that's funny I guess).
Anyway, yes. It's a social media platform. No one uses it because it's retarded and makes you pay for basic features, but it is one.
>Live Teaching Feeling
How big is your dick?
Sure, I don't see why not. It has comments, forums, even image sharing. But who the fuck uses it like that?
Also Steam-tans boxers and hairy legs a cute.
Old old tumblr was a slightly more mature deviant with better art and without the most of the fetish shit. Just a bunch of aspie girls talking about fanfiction and getting wet over characters from kids cartoons and talking about being bullied at school. Cringey at times but overall harmless. Then came feminism, then with feminism came overall SJW ideals, then came identity politics and race extremists, then it became what it is today.
good taste
>dat pic
>fuck deviantart [she has a dick right]
>marry fanfiction
>kill Google. Youtube dies due to googles death. There deaths pave the way for better services
>My friend’s mom even had an affair with a green pig named Professor Pickles that she met on there.
Sounds kino
I still remember 4chumblr. i enjoyed it. I'm a sad sad man
about 8 inches. I would post a pic but my grandma is in a nearby room
Isn't blogger mostly used for porn these days
>that one time tumblr managed to shut down Yea Forums
Good lord, you're blessed.
I met a 70 year old woman on there and she’s an absolute sweetheart, looks good for her age. Should I?
google should be a brown futa in a hijab
facebook should be a basic bitch looking yandere
instagram should be the facebook bimbo, looking at bimboes is the only thing anyone ever used it for
wikipedia should be a fat fedora in a che t-shirt
>Tumblr isn't a fat dyke
>Facebook isn't a soccermom
This was made near 10 years ago zoomie.
Do it. Won't even need protection.
what if i'm not a pedo?
judging from the Instagram one it's probably a 5 year-old drawing at least
Games like Toontown and Neopets are only played by women aged 20 to 50 these days. The demographic completely changed.
According to fireden, this image gets posted twice a year.
>using tumblr or facebook
>calling other people zoomer
kill yourself
>commenting on shit you know nothing about
Zoomer, boomer, either way get fucked.
>get to fuck the manic pixie scene girl 10 years later
sounds p good
Facebook is literally THE boomer website. Note even meme 30yo boomers, actual boomers.
Exactly. You'll find no basic thots there. Some crazy fujos with issues but those are usually easy to spot and avoid
What does DuckDuckGo look like?
Like a schizophrenic duck
Facebook should be a has been Bimbo who is now a 45 year old mom who cannot into technology.
explain in detail please. i have never heard of this
why are girls there
>someone else other than me still plays neopets
It's a cute social game. Girls love social games.
I want to FUCK Facebook and Cleverbot
It's the El Dorado of female players.
Kinda irked user just outright posted that kind of information here.
now that i think about it, the hottest girl i know plays Mabinogi, a weeb lite F2P MMO
when she talked about her friends from there, she explicitly referred to them as girls
dont worry nigga where all gona make it
>nostalgia game with easy mechanics
>entirely teamwork based and non competitive
>cute animal characters with lots of clothing options
>overall friendly environment with little hostility
>majorly female playerbase so not being the rare female like in most online games
We have to share in the wealth man.
>tfw Tumblr outlived Livejournal despite the fact that Livejournal was the better platform and had better policies
Tumblr survived because it surrendered to the NSA while LiveJournal tried to hold out
how can i stay away when im already there user? im already part of the community ive been playing for years. how can you possibly get the pussy i seek as an outsider?
It represents anonymity user. He’s green cuz of the Yea Forums logo
New guys, I swear...
i refuse to believe
I still can't believe Tumblr survived and even thrived despite that god-awful user interface.
>pepe or wojack
oh fuck no. Green guy is hot
Why Yea Forums is green
Fuck off to Reddit with your green retard is suit, I've never seen this guy who the fuck is this
Are people in this board really so new they've never seen user?
she's gettin the pickle tonight
This shit is look like it was made by a tranny, leave
Who the fuck is this
Fucking newfags
>Yea Forums is green
Excuse me?
Is this a polymorfed tuxedo pepe?
if that green thing represent us then we need urgently change that imagery
>Green Yea Forums
jesus lord its obviously bait you retarded nigger monkeys
shotas are not for you
My past relationships were from Toontown and I don't know if it's the best thing to go after when, like user above said, they mostly have only ever played Toontown in their life, so as a person (their personality) they are very extremely introverted and protective of their feelings to the point of them being very sensitive so nothing flies by. But if you're a sponge filled with syrup disguised as a man, go ahead
Yeah who the fuck put him in I bet he was never on Yea Forums in a first place because I see this suit guy in a first time
Just a bunch of trolls.
Can you explain you niggers? Who is this
>human version of things
>not all black
Pretty racist OP desu
>Just a bunch of trolls.
>Fucking newfags
>jesus lord its obviously bait you retarded nigger monkeys
Is this a discord raid or something? Why won't you explain this suit nigger? Leave and take this OC with you
wtf I want to fuck steam now?
who the fuck turned pepe into a human
just why
There's a place for you user.
Why are you so mad tranny, I just asked a simple question
I mean at least he is green and not black, still should have stayed a frog though
Is it? I’m not so sure a couple of anons are playing around but this one guy is genuinely confused.
>My friend’s mom even had an affair with a green pig named Professor Pickles that she met on there.
since when was Yea Forums a fucking social network?
??? Then what is it? Yea Forums is just an anonymous Twitter compare the designs stupid
An image board.
Social network sounds more pretty than your hillybilly slang
an image board you fucktard
Instagram should be a girl with ass implants selling some sort of weird supplement.
Just stop replying to them you dumb faggot
Shut up and read for yourselves delusional trannies
I did you nigger
I’m just watching this thread
>image board
>when 90% of replies are just text
>trannies doesn not want to explain that green guy
Seems like they're gonna force it for real boys
>My friend’s mom even had an affair with a green pig named Professor Pickles that she met on there.
>wake me up
>can't wake up
it's a boy
shit taste
You can't build social relationships if everyone is anonymous, retard.
>break her mind with your cock, threaten to leak nudes if she talks
>repeatedly rape her until her pupils turn into hearts
>she gets addicted to your dick
That's a stupid argument
>no porn of FanFiction
Have sex freak incel
Literally one of the characteristics that separate this website from a social network.
I wouldn't fuck any of these.
Fucking disgusting art style.
Master bait
Tumblr should be dressed as a nun while desperately shoving porn mags under a rug
chill out it's just a fantasy.
I could never hurt someone in real life
I would totally Hold Facebook's Hand, though
and then hug her gently
He's the mascot of Yea Forums and every other social media site got humanized
tumblr should not be this cute
this except your fulfilling fanfictions rape fantasies
that image is really old right?
Tell me more about toontown and neopets.
I wanna talk to people, but hate how vr chat is filled with normies trying to make it into some literal who's next twitch compilation.
I've found quite a lot of girls play maple story also, but I feel stepping on the pedo landmine is far greater in it
good bait, knowing it is bait I'm still mad
I want to fuck that Yahoo.
>He's the mascot of Yea Forums
Lol what who said that? I see this guy for a first time and most of anons here are saying that this is a tranny art, so I agree with them
This is not a mascot by any chance, just some forced stupid OC
>He's the mascot of Yea Forums
pepe is our mascot make some lurking before posting newfag
>install a vidya installer
>use it to be an erp faggot instead of playing vidya
Never heard of Pandora, Fanfiction, or Blogger. I'd fuck that secretary from Yahoo tho
That's what I said though
>mfw it's true because I scored some nudes playing ToonTown with a gamer gf I met online
It's probably because they're desperate for attention but I wouldn't feel good about doing that now.
they all play nostalgic video games because they're don't actually like video games, they're not ''real gamers'' or whatever the fuck you wanna call them, this is perfectly comparable to you still randomly playing club penguin for days on straight without touching any other games at all, perfectly comparable to those cunts who online play mobile phone games like candy crush and call themselves ''gamer girls''
pretty pathetic and sad imo. if you wanted to find a girl that would actually play video games with you, those aren't the places for it.
Artist must be a degenerate, there is already an official Wikipe-tan
>if yotusba was in place of old user these newfag redditors would still sperg out not knowing who she is
This place really is dead
>make thread about video game
>dies with 2 replies
>make thread with provoking image
>endless replies
Fuck neo Yea Forums.
Fuck me too.
Hand holding, please.
If you started browsing in last 4 years, then maybe. He was user representation since long time. You just confirmed to be fucking new guy.
>Never heard of Pandora, Fanfiction, or Blogger.
i can understand Blogger and Pandora but Fanfiction nigga?
I meant unofficial mascot*
What's wrong with you, pedoscum
I wanna fuck twitterchan
its fucking bait you dumb nigger
>You just confirmed to be fucking new guy.
I've been here since 2015, so I'm an oldfag, please seek lurking before posting anything
Not all of them are baiting.
>implying yotsuba is for lewd
how fucking new are you holy shit
user yahoo is dead, let it go
The most I've heard of related to fanfiction is wattpad, mainly because chicks I met online would post their writings there and wanted me to read it
Never got into fanfiction until recently, so maybe I came across it without knowing
Pedotrash please shut the fuck up all you do on this site is posting nude little girls
oh boy how the things changed, he's not a turbo slut.
Pepe is the new mascot, deal with it and move on oldfag
this is my last (you) for the night
>pepe is the mascot
>when wojack exists and has been the official mascot for years
lmao newfags
You'd figure that if somebody has been using Yea Forums for ten to fifteen years they'd eventually learn to recognize when people were just trolling.
Apparently you'd be wrong.
Toontown is a pedo landmine but a lot are still much older and legal. However they have a high potential to be crazy, Or sensitive, or sheltered introverted normie tier. Don't play it with intent of finding a way to hook up, the staff will find you.
shut the fuck up boomer
Basically that. It's only worth playing Toontown if you actually want to play the game. Yeah there's girls there but there's a reason it's not really known for that. I think the only girls I came across while playing ~2 years ago were sensitive types (maybe because I was also an asshole that took everything for granted).
Oh, and cats. Pretty much everyone's a cat. Maybe a dog.
They are because they CAN'T hold an interest in any new vidya
Wikipedia needs a redraw.
>calarts tumblrshit thread up
>video game threads get pruned while anons are active in them
fucking Yea Forums, it's been a literal decade since i left and you're still the exact same. more trannies though, ew.
Imagine being such a corporate cuck, you have to give personifications for your addictions because every online activity you engage in is a completely soulless experience to make rich people more money.
They're cats for a reason. They're generally catty women. Tumblr, twitter and dA types. But probably very immature for their age. The ones that are older most likely already have a stable bf because he's a normie not into Video games as well.
Fanficition/Deviantart OTP
>not bing and blogger
Why do newfags draw/post frogs and wojacks instead of anonymous?
Because wojaks and pepes are spread on Twitter, Facebook, and tumblr plus various meme sharing websites. Anonymous isn't memeable it's a figurehead.
Search for "WP:LAME" on Wikipedia and you'll see its true face.
Newfags use Anonymous too, like a certain political youtuber that I won't dignify by naming.
>not mommy Yahoo
fanfiction but fatter
She's now muslim tranny with mutilated vagina. I mean, seriously, showing butchered tranny genitals is the only form of nudity that is officially allowed on tumblr now.
I don't think anyone actually has ever used Pinterest. It seems like a bot site
I mean its pretty OBVIOUS what faggot your talking about
Oh is this the humanized social media thread,buckyfag is probably lurking then.
This. I have never seen a normal person using Steam as social media once.
Fuck steam and fuck gabe
>Anonymous isn't memeable it's a figurehead.
It used to memeable. When we made our own memes.
Does basic forum applications count as social media now?
The highest level of normie women use it.
>not wanting to bend Blogger, Youtube and Wikipedia all over and rail their boypussies one after the other
You're all fags.
Don't forget she's wearing a Burka now.
for me, its Instagram
Cute boy, probably the least kinky of the four fuccbois.
The only thing I use Pinterest for is grabbing character and landscape art for my fa/tg/uy games.
Being a soulless bimbo would be more fitting for instagram though.
>try to search for the source of an image
>literally the only result is fucking Pinterest
>Pinterest doesn't even link me to the image, have to spend 10+ minutes finding it
>the nigger uploaded it himself instead of linking source
Please god delete Pinterest
not for long
>not Bing and Facebook
>not wanting to mind break Youtube
>not wanting to turn a kinda scruffy skater boi into ahegao broken boyslut
>not bing getting spit-roasted by tumblr and deviantart
>wanting to mind break cute and innocent people
I wasn't aware you could find the image at all, I thought it was straight up deception.
I want to see facebook, twitter and tumblr fuck.
your dick is weak
N-no, it's not!
No, that's Tumblr.
DA never had trannies.
just look at it! it cant even compare to the sheer heft of my shaft!
>Fuck Tumblr
>Marry Cleverbot
>Kill the rest
>tfw deviantart allows art of futa furries with huge flaccid horsecock but not vanilla sex because of its absolute convoluted clusterfuck of rules
that newfag earlier in the thread makes alot more sense now
Stop bullying me.
This is what instagram should be
threesome with twitter and yahoo for me, I'm a man of simple tastes
>Installing the google botnet willingly
Because normal sex is for normal white straight males, and they whant those people removed from existence.
fanfiction-chan is cute
I was looking for this response.
Yahoo should be anime girl or something, because only japs use it now
Are you serious?
fuck yahoo, marry steam, kill instagram
>fanfiction-chan is cute
>numale incel anime posters on suicide watch
>tfw I still use IE on my Win10 solely for Gmail and Youtube
IE-chan, always in my heart.
I'd fuck Yahoo.
For how much effort you have to put in to find it (it only starts you off with a selection, and one of those images in that selection has what you're looking for), it may as fucking well be. And almost 90% of the time, the fag uploaded the image himself so even if you do find the image, you won't be getting the source.
But here's the funny thing, even if you do find one with an apparent source (eg. Reddit, DeviantArt), half of the time it only links you to the home page of the website.
So to keep it short, yeah it basically just deceives you into giving them a bunch of clicks, the site needs to be purged off the net for how few fucks it gives to linking the actual source.
Dabbing on weeb trannies
tfw havent used IE since early 2000s cause always had portable browsers that i just updated and moved to new ones
i dont even need IE to download a new browser
play FFXI if you want to play with girls while also playing a mechanically complex game, play FFXIV if you want trannies
If IE had a cute girl I could interact with I'd probably use it again
So long as it isn't the same 30 second load time shit it was 10+ years ago
>firefox was the chosen one but mozilla fucked it over and shit on it with bloated bullshit that makes the browser take literally 5 days to load a webpage
very nice quints user
only redeemable part of this thread was the get, shut it down mods.
That's why you've gotta run one of the offshoots, Firefox is open source after all. Running Waterfox at the moment and haven't really had any issues that weren't because of my own retardation.
What would reddit look like, Yea Forums?
Honestly Tumblr is just Yea Forums's annoying next door neighbor who didn't learn how to take banter until she grew up.
But the toontown post was based
you mean was. she was user
Instagram has a lot more thicc thots so that's not qccurate
>Not making pintrest a black hole making reverse image searches impossible
Don't feel bad for IE
She has tons of boomers, professors, and teachers to keep her company worldwide.
It hurts man. Yea Forums without Tumblr just ain't right. Yea Forums's left-wing counterpart website is fucking dead. And this shithole might as well be too.
stop baiting.
go back
How has nobody claimed Youtube's hot skater boyoussy yet
Fuck i want a hot long haired skater bf so fucking bad unnf
On the Yea Forums part atleast
Anyone using a social media platform of any kind is a colossal faggot.
I'll never understand deviantart rules. Used to be one of those that's a bit too trigger-happy on the report button, and there's a ton of stuff I'd find that broke the rules but the mods wouldn't delete because it was a subscriber with a shitton of followers.
Yeah, including 4channel
Twitter is full of niggers tho
I want to impregnate her armpits
Every fucking time
Fuck those asshole mods
Twitter is like that too
You sure bud?
It had trannies but the second they converted they moved to tumblr.
Needs an update so Pandora, Yahoo, and Blogger are ghosts like Myspace. Tumblr should also be missing at least two limbs to represent its state after the porn ban.
Anonymous should be wearing the crown of the cancer from that one three angled blue comic
I want to cuddle with Fanfiction while she writes her erotic stories.
How are you so autistic that you can't detect blatant sarcasm/joking? I'm not sure you should be using an imageboard.
How the fuck any video game thread I do never reach 100 replies but this shitty thread I did out of boredom reaches 300?
Green man or green frog isn't our mascot. Wojak is.
Okay fine I worded it wrong. More like face of Yea Forums.
How the fuck is anyone able to detect sarcasm on Yea Forums of all places. Also I've seen genuine newfag anons claim that pepe is the face of Yea Forums. And that pisses me off.
Yea Forums both hates video games and is full of waifufaggots
the best threads are off-topic. this applies to all boards
What happened?
nigga what do you think a mascot is
A cartoon character made for the sole purpose of representing and/or advertising a brand.
Frogposters are shit and are not welcome. They haven't been for years now.
this image pictures wrong most of its characters
>Google should be a jew with a camera
>yahoo should be a hobo asking for money
>facebook should be a big brother poster
>twitter should be a feminist triggered
>fanfiction should be a fat tranny
>tumblr should be offended
>cleverbot should be something like scumbagsteve
>instagram should be a camwhore
>steam should be pretty much like the fedora wojak people post here
And I hardly consider user as Yea Forums mascot, it doesnt look like it anymore, it has devolved in something so similar to reddit and 9gag, that clown pepe or wojak fits it more (sad truth)
8/10 you got me to respond
>>steam should be pretty much like the fedora wojak people post here
Can't you retards try not to think of that fucking shit meme for 5 seconds and at least attempt to be original.
Sadly its the most accurate depiction of steam, fag
I bet not even you could think of something better
I'd use Steam if I was a drug dealer, who the fuck would think to check my conversations on a gaming platform?
How about just a fat neckbeard wearing with a picture of gabe on his desk. Boom. There. Sure it's mostly unoriginal but it's sure as shit better than using wojak for the millionth fucking time in a row.
reddit BTFO
>you will never be the first one to read fanfictions autistic soul eater fic
tumblr isn't tranny but wishes she was one
*wearing a pc master race shirt
>cheating on fanfiction with ao3 and fictionpress
I want get sandwiched by wikipedia and youtube uwu
This but Wikipedia and Instagram.
im gonna have to ask you to stop cretin
I'm so fucking horny for art hoes. I want to fuck a coked-out tumblr hipster DIY aesthetic astrology thot in her lip gloss DSL mouth. I want to cum all over a girl with thick frame glasses and edge dyed bobcat bangs. Everytime I hear a THICK, waist-high-jean-clad braindead choker-wearing slutty wiccan minx say "yikes", "y'all", "big mood", "cancelled" or "this is a bop", I get an uncontrollable urge to run up to her and fondle her d cups and sweaty fat thighs. I want to pour my white olive oil onto her contoured cheeks and neotenous faces and rhinoplatisized nose. I want to finger an art hoe through her jean overalls while pretending to be interested as she talks about van gogh and arctic monkeys and how david foster wallace fans suck and gilles deleuze and VICE news and 'union pool' in williamsburg and steven universe and homeopathy and saveur magazine and taking adderallto pass exams. IM SO. Fucking. Horny
Guys wanting fanfiction girl are just asking for an autistic gf
it became social media as soon as it got friendlist and activity tab.
>transman x transwoman
Don't remind me.
thats exactly what i want user, thats all i ask for in life. do you know where to find them?
You have to let go
what if yahoo and pinterest /ss/'d bing haha
the instagram character needs redesign
Holy shit.
I genuinely don't know. Only Yea Forums-esque political YouTuber I know is the cunt with the scout as his avatar.
2019...I am forgotten...
Sure, but I want it deleted so more people don't try it and flood TT. I want a go.
Why is Pandora black? Do all black people use it?
are any drawfags lurking
it tries really hard to be
/vg/ really did a number on them
fuck abib the jannie trannie
I'd take Tumblr back over ResetERA to be honest.. At least Tumblr learned how to take banter. At least Tumblr knew how to have fun. At least Tumblr thinks Yea Forums to this day is still funny and amusing and acknowledge that not everyone here is a fucking /pol/fag.
i thought it was cute too. Reading articles on operation overlord makes me feel so naive
>11 years ago Yea Forums was far left
>Now in 2019 Yea Forums is apparently alt-right
The election 2016 really did ruin Yea Forums beyond the point of no return.
le monke
You do know Fox and Bill o Reilly is full of shit, even to conservatives, right?
not just Yea Forums
4channel sucks
>I'd take Tumblr back over ResetERA to be hones
anyone would nigga, hell i would take gaia and Reddit over ERA
Back to Twitter with you.
I know but.. Yea Forums just isn't complete without Tumblr. That's just a damn fact. For years they've been the yin and yang of the internet and one just cannot exist without the other.
don't try it Chad, ao3s tag system is far superior
>retarded children born in 2001 are allowed to post on Yea Forums: the image
I really wish I hadn't seen that
This is the ideal couple.
What would their kid look like?
It would be if anyone actually used the activity page, dumb baitfag.
gamer girl with bags under her eyes.
So Vivian James?
>draw the most average looking characters ever and put a logo on it
>Yea Forums is missing the text on his face
Does the artist not know how to give the personality they want to their character?
>with bags under her eyes.
those are called breasts you mong
Yes but basically she's Tomoko.
who cares, it's still retard shit either way
>tfw Pepe or Wojak are actually more representative of modern 4channel dot org than Anonymous
Nevertheless, gr8 b8 m8, i r8 an 8/10
You spelled retarded wrong you retard.
okay reddit
Yahoo pegging Tumblr to tears when?
What about with AO3 as a yandere ex?
wojack is normalfag shit
>At least Tumblr learned how to take banter.
sometimes. Atleast compared to pedoera.
so much of this is complete shit but probably the worst is that the FB girl should be Instagram
Lmao dicklet
no, this is the ideal couple
Tumblr had to take it at face value with no control over the situation. ResetERA is just run by sensitive as fuck mods who think if you even breathe you're right wing. Tumblr was forced to adapt to right wing banter and shitposting. ResetERA/NeoGAF did not.
And I've been looking for these
This is so fucking gay
You can spend 5 minutes looking at something that's not a frog. Don't be a bitch user.
>steam looks almost exactly like me right down to the absurdly hairy legs
delete this
You think you do but you can’t deal with it. You think she’s going to be perfect but then she’s up to 3 am reading gay rape fanfiction.
you're cute user
post a pic of yourself for a laugh hahaha
I still don’t know what resetEra is
>then she’s up to 3 am reading gay rape fanfiction.
take neogaf then make it 99999 times worse
I also have stupidly hairy legs but the rest if my body looks normal.
I highly doubt any of the anons actually have the drive to do it. user is wrong though, you will not find a gf from playing it but you can find good hook up material
a hugbox forum for various minorities who think they win if they don't let others speak their mind, i'm a massive leftie faggot but those guys are just miserable desu
The tumblr from that era is dead. Just look how many zoomer faggots in this thread have posted “shouldn’t tumblr be fat, a tranny, etc.” The website has changed entirely and is beyond the point of getting its community back to the way it once was. I think I can accurately predict what caused its slow demise into what it is today but I doubt any user wants to hear it.
same but long hair and female head which doesn't fit the rest of my body and my voice
i do
Neogaf but with the worst mods ever.
nice get
>zoomer faggots opinion on tumblur is made of memes, stereotypes and extreme cases
let me hear it you fucking nigger
Would just be jerking someone off
> instagram being anything but ass pics and fit sluts
Checked and basedpilled
half of these should look like hairy trannies now, including Yea Forums.
it is known
owo whats this
Beyond based
I fucking hate that we can't go one thread without this obsession/hate boner for trannies. I get it, the lgbt community ruined everything but god damn this just gets annoying after so long.
>tumblr starts off as hipster junk but gets a migration of aspie girls from devianart and livejournal
>they sperg about fanfiction, share “quirky” girl humor, and get off to the Onceler but are otherwise harmless
>pretty much no trannies, mtf or snowflake, and other races besides white fade into the background and blend in
>becomes on of the few majorly female “nerd” places on the internet
>because of female majority they feel compelled to fall for the guilt tripping “awareness” posts that appear, mostly involving animal cruelty and “I’m not gay but I don’t care if you are!” shit
>at the same time given the female majority feminism starts to creep its way in but it’s a mild version along the lines of “I don’t like that the guys at my high school laugh at me for doing etc. girl thing” rather than “all women are oppressed”
>this builds and get more excessive over time
>eventually at some point race politics and the idea of cultural appropriation gets a foothold
>it becomes cool to be “lgbt” and all of the girls on there wanting to feel special start adopting shit like asexual, demisexual, etc
>mtf trannies realize that the site is full of tranny bootlickers so they join to reap the benefits
>Same with blacks who weren’t there before realizing they will cave to anything if they call them racist
>by this point nearly all the girls there have been brainwashed by leftist politics to go along with anything they are told with the liberal tinted lens
>the extreme fujoshi realize they can become their yaoi boy fantasies by becoming gender species or even full on ftm and follow in the mtf footsteps
>after years of this building the site has become an extreme leftist hub where everyone is some lgbticup identity and if you don’t toe the line perfectly and cave to the black, trans, various oppressed group superiors you risk being harassed, chased off, or doxxed
That’s the most general version of it.
I wanna have sex with Twitter. God I fucking love tomboys.
I want to exterminate the LGBT community so much right now for this.
That's a skirt dude
yes and
>bad guys are the only white ones
>transmasc and demiboy lithoromantic asexual
dont read this outloud its a spell
we all know that Tumblr should be an overweith pink-haired angry feminist
Instagram should straight up be a whore bimbo taking a pic of her ass in a bikini
and twitter a liberal autiscially screeching something about trump racist new haircut
what does the N stand for?
Like clockwork zoom zoom
how to spot a white incel steam user...
anime avatar
thats it
forgot image
no flamers
You know she’s a fujoshi right?
She better be. I can't stand normies.
I want to HUG Blogger.
>no autistic fujo gf
just kill me god, you fucking coward
why the fuck does this website exist
>dude you need to register to look at our pictures :)
fuuuuck you
I hate it with fury of 100 suns
What is the actual purpose of that sight except finding an image impossible?
What do the userbase do?
Every time I click a link and end up there it's just random pictures not even remotly related to what I'm searching for.
>social media
wew lad
>that gif
what are they even shredding baby chicks for?
Dog food because those chicks can't lay eggs when they grow up
isn't there one of these were it's an outline drawing and myspace is a gravestone?
you can cry and bitch all you want, wojak is here to stay
seriously how many cringy crusades have you redditors tried out to kill wojak at this point?
blow it out your ass
I did my best
>not replacing the twitter in the original image
you tried
Literally the only time I hear about Resetera is from faggots like you. Yet on the hand the site is full of reddit faggotry.
Why is Twitter a loli?
quints of truth
>Yea Forums is not wojak edit
i see what you did there
Epic gaymur zuckerbooking on Steam is the most anti-Chad thing possible.
Surprised no one has posted pic related so far considering how often it was used years back.
whoa nely
Where is the fat bearded trans pedophile that represents Discord?
Why is google considered a social media site?
I get they had Google+ but no one used it.
Is wikipedia a social media site?
Like steam, there are autistic editors who treat it like one.
Holy SHIT Yahoo! is so erotic.
why isn't DeviantArt fatter?
Huh taking girl websites requests.
>ctrl+f Jeeves
>no results
Fuck this thread then.
Can someone redraw this to be more accurate?
Yahoo nervously flirting with user.
>Not choosing Yahoo
Faggots. It's good tumlr is dead. Why would we want a counterpart full of people that hate us. It's barely a counterpart. They couldn't do the 1% of shit we could. Nowdays both sites are dead. Reddit invasion destroyed us.
babelfish as an office lady, embarrassed by the things she is being asked to translate and read back to you.
Shut the fuck up newfag
>That pic
You just know
Got you covered senpai.
>she will never offer you a drink edit her aang x zuko fic
>we can never go back
What did he do?
I ship 4chumblr
I wish it was a thing
RIP thread
arrived too late
>that tight pencil skirt showing off her cute butt
I want to fuck all of them (except bing, I'm not a pedo)
Shame dead company though.
Should've given google the money they asked for in the early 2000s
But youre a necro
Fucking newfags, i fucking swear
The green dude is avatar to represent the ANONYMOUS
Yea Forums's "mascot" is yotsuba