We're almost there bros.
We're almost there bros
Other urls found in this thread:
Take my yearly holiday allowance off for the release date. I'm going home.
>my vacation ends in 3 weeks
I can't wait to find out layering will be a permanent edition to the game
where's your ear?
What if something bad happens?
When was the release date of this again? Still slightly curious.
August 27th
Its going to have a cash shop and character services and will probably also have WoW tokens. One thing i know about Blizzard is they ain't in to making less money. No way in hell they are going to make a server with no cash shop.
Has it been confirmed either way that the QoL improvements the game has seen since release are In? That'll go a long way into seeing whether or not the game has long term viability.
cant wait to see all you cucks get off your nostalgia train a month after release because you finally remember how shit the game actually was.
See the above post. If it's done In the vein of say, the REmakes, where they keep the original feel of the game but add various modern quality of life changes, it can do well
it has at least item compare, mailing several items, retail UI settings and addons
Those are good. I wonder how people will react if say, dungeon finder isn't a thing in classic
I just wish they made meeting stones able to summon people
>tfw having fun with 8.2
I feel like pathfinder is slower then legion and wod and it fucking pisses me off
Did you do the pet battles? You get 250 nazjatar rep the first time you beat each pet, which is a nice 3000 rep bump if you get them all
They won't because they will quit long before they can even get to HUH.
>Layering is in
>Microtransactions are in
>less content than bfa
Why even bother
nostalgia goggles
>Microtransactions are in
XIV shitposters trying to sully Classic
He will probably claim that renames and server transfers are micro transactions.
Nope, if classic gets popular Activision is pulling the trigger on boosts and store garbage.
So they are not in? So what you are saying is that you are a lying faggot, correct?
What im saying is that they are as good as already in brainlet, why the hell would you invest in a game you know Activision is in charge of
So why there aren't any in Crash and Spyro remakes? You can't even argue "muh singleplayer" since there aren't any in Team Racing either.
Afaik they've stated it isnt going to be in, but i have no source for that so take it was you will.
A braindead LFG tool like that is a pretty big bone of contention for people though so i dont imagine them adding it.
Maybe a watered down version that doesnt teleport you to the instance would be okay, maybe one that requires "Attuning" to the dungeon's meeting stone first before you can join groups and get summoned through it.
Have you even played ctr? You can't tell me it wasn't made with microtransactions to be added in mind wait and see
Feeling really anxious about what sever I'm going to roll on. Ideally one that not a single streamer plays on
In case you weren't aware:
If they try to hide their servers, it may behoove us to wait until someone finds out. Also, I think asmon and soda are both rolling PvP, so if you're a carebear you might be okay.
>as good as already in
LMAO So they're not in and you're a faggot? glad we're clear
I didn't and I don't care. I do t get physically attached to an MMO. The moment the fuck it up that's the moment I quit, including if they don't remove sharding pass phase 2.
You won't be happy with it. The player base will be just as cancerous as BfA. You'll be bored in two months. After it's released, people will piss and moan to Actiblizz about things they miss from retail, and the vanillafags will complain in return. Guilds will fall apart. People will leave. You won't be happy.
It won't be worth the wait.
That's helpful, hopefully they start revealing where they're going to be soon
That's correct, but retards will blame sharding and streamers instead to address the real problem (vanilla was shit).
There will be addons that basically do what LFG does anyway, along with raider.io addons, etc. This ain't your daddy's classic.
>whats your gearscore?
>LFM MC, send parse and GS (asmon layer only)
Defias pillagers are fucking mental
i played some northdale today and yesterday. levelled a pala and a rogue to 8-9, getting used to elwynn forest since i was horde back in the day but i'm going alliance this time. pala is cool as shit, i just hope i can play it well. i know a lot about rogue already but i'm very new to pala so it's gonna be a real learning experience, finally seeing the old raids, shit's gonna be amazing, everyone's gonna want my buffs
I'm going to be a Fem Orc Shaman.
Anyone else?
>not wanting to clap green cheeks
you have the big gay
playing female orc or dwarf is extreme degeneracy
Nah they are actually the chilliest.
That's a lot of words just to say vagina is icky
We get it, there's no shame in liking cocks in 2019, user.
I can't wait
>not playing female dwarf priest
Is like you guys hate being successful.
wts asmon layer invite 1k gold
Can't wait.
>8 words is a lot
I hope for your sake that it's what you want. I have a bet with a friend that Classic will lose most of its playerbase in 3 months. I don't think there's any way that there's enough content in Classic for people to stay interested in it. Plus, everything has already been optimized ages ago, so there's nothing to discover anymore.
I almost wish it wasn’t coming out at least for another couple years and this is coming from someone who played private servers for years with the same group of people.
Watching the YouTube and twitch vultures absolutely pick this game apart killed the hype for me.
your friend is a retard for taking that bet, of course it will drop off after 3 months, just like literally every other game ever
Listen retard people have been playing private servers for years. They ALREADY KNOW what the game is like.
I cannot wait to play world of asmongold, I didn't know Yea Forums liked to watch him too :) 4headh 4head 4head 4head laughpepe
>this idiot is now the face of the game
>nostalrius gone and buried
>there is absolutely nothing you can do about it
>game get remastered-reforged or what ever
>Yea Forums constantly shills game
>it came out
>It's shit
Was this vanilla or the patch just before TBC?
Yeh, can't wait to give the people who killed all the old franchises I liked even more money for low effort shit...
Invite to asmond layer.
But Yea Forums shits on Classic.
Yea Forums might hate female streamers but all of them together are not 1 tenth of the cancer asmongold is
It's literally just the same game, dumbass. It's like if Ocarina of Time was only able to be played with illegal russian jank copies for years and then Nintendo finally let you play the original OoT again.
you lack information. pserver values are all fucked, the beta showed that basically every enemy has different stats than on pserver, and drop rates/tables. pservers are bullshit, we know nothing
>Nintendo analogy
>Watching the YouTube and twitch vultures absolutely pick this game apart killed the hype for me.
But surely you let that happen? i personally just watched Kargoz speedruns to 20, and like one huge scale pvp war it's interesting but as i'm not a fucking race to 60 faggot they wont ruin anything as i plan to take my time and stay a bit ignorant of every tip and trick
for me the wait is killing my hype. The daily HOME threads had me and plenty of people riled up to play and now it's dying off
I don't understand how people still think like that after OSRS's success
That mesh group finder that became extremely popular during mop, but died after wod introduced builtin.
just play on a different server faggoy
>retard people have been playing private servers for years
Nost got like 1 million accounts created and ~50k concurrent players (around 10k players 24/7). That's 5% player retention. And the majority of these were chinks.
This ''remaster'' came out a few years ago, players were enjoying it on their own. They created it. Blizzard shut it down, and has been ''developing'' the already existing game for nearly half a decade now. It is still currently unplayable. Blizzard did decide to release a ''''beta'''' where players unironically paid 50$ to run around in 2004 westfall with their favorite streamer. It later became an open beta that had people literally paying a subscription fee for a horrible private-server tier experience where you couldn't even get to max level.
Now, after all this time, everyone justifiably has a sour taste in their mouth and is just tired of this shit. The hype was real, but blizzard killed it. It's been too long
>garbage posts
That's about right.
You're a fucking idiot. A 13% drop chance on some fucking cloth vs 33% means literally nothing. The experience was 90% identical. We know everything. Also, some of us aren't zoomer faggots and actually played retail vanilla.
Woaahh.. Large Grey Boar just CHARGED ME HOW COULD BOAR DO THAT and is hitting me for a whole THIRTY DAMAGE not twentyfour??
what is this brand new hardkore game bros i cant even
asmon getting carried through every piece of content whats new? the guy got carried through his pvp titles.
750k revenue a month, wonder if that will be profitable hmm
>hurr 10k players on one server isn't enough even though most retail vanilla servers had like 500 people online
I don't watch streamers. What effect do they really have on the games they play?
dumb motherfucker you are, yes it matters when all the well known farm spots are suddenly garbage. i played in 2005, i just don't remember every little detail, neither do you lying faggot
Poor Omar doesn't deserve his work being destroyed by a single streamer.
Invite to asmon layer
>bfa have 15 million month revenue
wew lad
>completely missing the point
See above.
wonder if bfa has almost 10 times as many people working on it hmm
Because Blizzard isn’t Jagex.
What are you planning on playing bros? I'll either be going Undead Priest or Dwarf Paladin depending on which faction my friends pick
If a million people are still paying monthly then yeah its 15 million a month you American
your ui doesnt show target buffs? wtf are you doing?
Jagex skullfucked their game harder than Blizzard did. The chinese company that bought them out is trying to cozy the players up to MTX with the whole "promotions" thing they're proposing.
>Jagex skullfucked their game harder than Blizzard did.
Very debatable. The rest of your post implies that Blizzard isn’t just cozying up to fence sitters to get them to pay for a sub
2 cents has been deposited in your battlenet account.
Keep up the good work!
The point, my totally not American friend, is than chinks played Nost because is FREE and not every WoW sub is $15 (see, chinks again, russians, BRs, etc).
Chinks will flock to classic as the next gold selling opportunity. You’d be foolish to think otherwise
>1 month opportunity window
Smart chinks won't touch Classic.
Are you kidding? The people that want to rush through classic will pay whoever they have to, chinese or not.
Post your face when realm selection goes live and there only 1 realm type(pvp/pve/rp) with 10 layers
NOOOOOOOO classic is supposed to bring back 20 million players and top retail! This can't be happening, I subbed for 1 year and game is dead after 3 months!
I cannot fucking wait to group up in Redridge and kill that Warlock elite. Gonna be so kino.
If anything, Vanilla will be a lot easier.
just realised that because i'm rolling alliance this time, i'll get to finally experience redridge. i'll buff you user if i see you
is vanilla wow worth getting into if you have never played wow at all up until this point?
Most likely private Server and the Paladin threw a reckbomb on the mage.
All shitposting aside, wow vanilla resparked my love for the game.
Bfa is shit but playing a shitty wwarrior to 40 in the beta made me realize what I miss in the game.
The sheer unfairness, even though classic is still a watered down mmo.
yes it's the best possible starting point
It's an MMO, it plays like any MMO because every MMO became based off of it. If you play it focus on the multiplayer part rather than the gaming aspect
Yes, I'd argue it is even the more accesible game for complete newbs than current wow.
I’ve never played wow in my life however I’m interested in getting the game. But I don’t have the time to grind like a neet but I could clock around 10 hours per week. Will I still find it to be enjoyable?
yes, there are plenty of other people in the same position who will be at the same point you're at, just join a guild with similar goals
Yes, you will have a blast. Classic wow does not ahve daily/weekly chores. You're not missing out if you don't play for a moth and then nolife for a few days and then leave it to rest again.
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Tanks play as fury spec
Deep resto for shaman is bad
Classic will flop hard
Oh boy oh boy
sell me a cannon, boy
an addon isn't going to teleport you to the instance
Leave it to a fucking Swede to take something as faggoty as Wojack and somehow make it gayer.
please guys calm down, no negativity in the dojo
Shitpost harder.
>Horde > Alliance
Will of the Forsaken and Hardiness want a Horde with you.
>Shaman > Paladin
The age old question. You're retarded.
>Tanks play as fury spec
No? Maintank is only deep prot for progression. Content on farm is whatever the warrior feels like.
>Deep resto for shaman is bad
Dude what.
>Classic will flop hard
Flop at what? Beating retail? Nobodoy thought that was gonna happen.
Nice falseflag buddy.
>paying blizz 15 bucks per month
>Will of the Forsaken and Hardiness want a Horde with you.
Berserking and Blood Fury are the two best racials for PvE.
Shaman is many times better than Paladin it's not even comparable.
Tanks always play as fury, never as protection ever.
Deep resto for shaman is terrible.
Game is dead on arrival.
Do newfags seriously not realise that it’s as easy as just not playing on a cancerous streamer’s server?
It actually makes things better for anywhere outside the designated quarantine zones, though I do pity the poor bastards who stumble in by accident.
Ah~ Asmon layer. Home...
Remember user, the crocodile mouth eats the thing that is bigger(better).
I want classic, but without raids, or at least raid gear toned down a ton. Make the best items in the game come from crafting and pvp, that way killing people in the field has a point, to fuck people farming valuable materials and have control over the highest sources of power, and being a part of the war in warcraft also gives you rewards. Having autists farming shit in their safe space once a week should not be rewarded with the best gear in the game,
>shaman better than a paladin
>in vanilla
Is this your argument, really? Sad!
>no playing retail for 40 hours each month only to buy a token that cost less than 2 hours of minimum wage so you can play classic for FREE (while netting Actiblizz $20)
no bad mojo in the dojo
>thinking 15 bucks a month is a lot of money
>healing meters
It's not even people that actually played it back then being hyped. it's streamer kiddies. It makes sense though since their whole generation so far has been a half assed remake of ours.
>no horde priest and literally one cow in the last place
That speak volumes about horde "pros".
I'm not anti-hype but I can't say I'm excited at this point.
I mean if like Crendor or something is on my server, it doesn't really matter because his audience is really small and he mostly plays Blood Bowl and does Warhammer miniatures painting anyway. The problem is big streamers.
my dad works for asmond layer
>not keeping your head on a swivel
>Because Blizzard isn’t Jagex.
Isn't one of the Jagex leads who helped make OSRS successful working at Blizz now?
Well, yeah. Do you expect a vanilla pally to dps? This shit ain't tbc.
If news about EU servers are anything to go by, there will be absolute minimum of NA servers opened. You won't be able to hide from streamers even if you tried.
As long as it's not the servers the big 3-4 streamers are on, I'll be fine.
Isn't it a bit strange that Blizzard actually spent 3 years of time, money and people to bring us Classic WoW? This is something that any sane, rational person knows will fail and yet they are attempting it anyway. Even the smallest amount of research and they would've uncovered that people are crying for Classic, but don't really want Classic.
Are they in that much trouble financially that they understand this but are attempting a hail mary?
Except for the honor grind which is by far the worst aspect of the game.
HOWEVER, all the best pvp gear comes from pve so there's that.
>Isn't it a bit strange that Blizzard actually spent 3 years of time, money and people to bring us Classic WoW?
Not really, they make a bajillion dollars purely off box sales of each new expansion so they've got the money.
It's the same tactic every shitty korean mmo employs - you cash out on idiots who follow the hype, and then keep servers up till it stops being profitable and it can be a very long time since server costs are nonexistent especially for a game that was made for dial-up connections.
>fury spec tanks
So hurray for variety I take it?
It was way slower in WoD from what I remember. It took me about 9 days to get the BfA one while getting all the rep on Tanaan took like 2 weeks. At least with that one you could max out the Sabrestalkers in a couple of hours if you just grinded the elites, but the Arrakoa and Draenei ones were awful.
I assume they're betting on the first month resubs to recoup the dev costs. They've also mentioned BC and WOTLK servers, so they're either relatively optimistic about long-term health or garnering good will and confidence. Either way I feel it's a somewhat reasonable financial decision.
>HOWEVER, all the best pvp gear comes from pve so there's that.
T3 pve gear, yes. The pvp gear we're being given at the start is the updated, end of vanilla pvp gear which is on par with AQ40 gear, except we get it long before AQ40.
God bless old tech keeping costs low, Guild Wars 1 is basically immortal thanks to that.
>It's going to be released right as my vacation ends
fuck your blizzard
You'll be busy and the content will last longer as a result, it's not all doom & gloom
>hordechads taking less damage
every time
They have the Z team and some interns working on it and several millions of cucks will play the first month. So basically they are earning some millions for a BfA marketing campaign.
How's it gonna feel when the fags who were getting private servers for free don't move and Blizz decides not listening to you fags was the right choice?
why would I play classic when ffxiv is better than wow ever was?
Would the LFG tool,without cross realm functions and teleport be a good qol addition?
I mean all the people you'll meet are on the same server and you still get to make friends,and since it doesn't tp you to the location you still have to go there.
FFXIV is a better retail WoW, but Vanilla WoW is a different kind of game entirely.
You wouldn't given you prefer one game over the other and you're a fully-grown person with free will
>Want to play priest alliance since I never healed or played alliance
>Don't want to be a metafag and roll dwarf priest
>raid tier has 4 bosses
You can't play XIV with Asmon :(
Roll human priest on an RP server fuck the meta
any self-respecting mage wouldve
1) heard the footsteps
2) blinked away
3) rained death from afar
roll night elf priest and throw streamers down the felwood toilet
I really wonder how much of the population is going to be metafags who bar non-dwarf priests from raiding, among other non-meta combos
Nothing will ever top the concentration of metafags that private servers had, and even most guilds on those didn't care. You'll be allowed to do pretty much anything you want in Classic provided you don't care about being in a bleeding edge world first guild.
You can do more than ok if you outplay your opponents even if they somewhat outgear you.
The best pvp gear is a mix and match of everything anyway.
This is a game where raids were cleared with half the raid being afk. Unless you're doing progression in AQ40/Naxx, you don't need good players or meta.
any priest that specs holy/disc gets a raidspot. priests have a lot of the same problem as warriors where most warriors stay arms and pvp and never tank, quite a big chunk of priests play shadow priests.
Since population will drop like flies, I doubt there will be a surplus of anything, expect warriors and rogues (and maybe mages). Any priest will be fine.
That's more because the game worked on rock/paper/scissors more than anything in pvp.
You don't understand vanilla PvE at all.
A fury warrior is basically a tank. They wear the same gear minus a few fights.
Isn't that his point?
I raided on private servers and you don't bring a pally to tank or dps. Not if you're serious anyway.
Are they releasing server info before release?
Like physical location of servers and such
Also, how will the “character name reserve” thing will work
Based brother
reck bombs won't be a thing in classic because sit-critting doesn't work
>stack melee in raid comp
>1 shaman per melee group
>drop wf totem for rogues and warriors
>spam chain heal on melee
>rotate shamans to healer groups to drop mana tide whenever possible
>lose the world fist to alliance by some days/weeks
Shoeless niggers BTFO again.
Any advice on picking a good pvp server at release?
I usually played on the highest pop pvp servers, ideally with a good h:a ratio but that wasn’t a priority, however all this data was easily available since servers had some time and weren’t brand new
>mircotransactions are in
>less content than battle for lootboxes
bitch you don't have to lie to make a 15 year old game look bad.
>haha classic sucks you're just nostalgic about it
>it will be dead in a few months
>you're not a kid anymore, you don't have time to play it
>you're just trying to relive your childhood
>the raids are so fucking easy, bosses only have 1 mechanic lolol
>everyone will quit when they remember how bad the game is
>people only liked it because it was new
>there's no mystery to the game anymore, everything is figured out
>you really want to drop all of the improvements retail has made over the years?
>lol why are you paying for a game already released 15 years ago
>blizzard is going to fuck it up, just you watch
>it's not better, just slower
>layering.webm (video actually from the blizzcon demo, not the beta)
>people only played private servers because it's free, nobody will pay $15 for classic
>no content after naxx, you can't keep playing forever lol
Not him but honestly I blame that on p.server Horde generally being filled with chinks that don't take the game seriously. Alliance on p.servers have nowhere near that problem, they just have normal run of the mill retards.
fuck off
BFA is a fantastic expansion that's better than even TBC, the only the ONLY reason people don't like it is because Sylvanas and Jaina are the expansion heads and incels
CANNOT STAND the idea of women being in charge
Who are you quoting
alliance is full of chinks on pservers because of paladins. palas are the best black lotus farmers thanks to bubble+gather
The copping Classicucks in 2 months.
seething retail cucks
I see way more players with chinese names on horde
You don't play Alliance period if you intend on doing anything worthwhile.
How's black lotus farming real? Just change shards like nigga.
>You don't play Alliance period if you intend on doing anything worthwhile.
You either don't play on private servers or are incredibly biased because alliance racials are much better for pve than horde. Horde racials are much better for pvp however.
>alliance racials are better for pve than horde
Are you high?
Alliance have a total of zero racials that are good for PvE.
on august 13 i think, you can sub and reserve a character/name ahead of time, we'll have server info then at the latest
The ones living in your head rent free?
nonsense, you can still stack reckoning and use it just the same, without abusing a stupid pserver bug
>+5 sword/mace skill
>stoneform removing poison/bleed/disease
>Fear Ward
>"zero racials that are good for PvE"
based retard
>Site has a video on it
>video has less views than a streamer reaction to it
>Horde racials are much better for pvp however
And yet Horde keeps being reck in BG due paladins. Horde racials are only good to be a shoeless nigger that gank lowlies.
*sound of crickets and cicadas*
>Alliance have a total of zero racials that are good for PvE.
>+weapon skill for the 2 classes of weapons that show up way more often in raiding than axes, is extremely good because it allows you to reach hit cap with lower gear and thus focus more secondary stats on other areas
>dwarf frost resistance is useful for Saph
>stoneform for diseases, poisons, and bleeds as well as a defense bonus
>fear ward which might as well be a racial since only dwarf priests can get it, allows you to completely ignore a mechanic
Hardiness is far better than people give it credit, a stun failing in pvp is the difference between a rogue killing a player and a rogue having to run away with vanish or risk getting shitstomped.
do pallys want to stack spell crit or just +healing? me confuse
>hardiness is good because rogues! and uhhhhh
Yes, but I found that it works pretty great that way. It's only 100% RPS in duels, but most pvp is either battlegrounds or world pvp which brings in many other factors.
It's also great fun when you're resourceful enough with your gear, spec and consumables and take out a rock as scissors.
The downside of this is multiple gear sets and the insane cost of respeccing, ehich is the only thing I wish they adjusted. 50g is a fuckton.
Hopefully Blizzard bans those addons. They've said they'll be preventing addons that detract from the vanilla experience, that'd probably be one of them.
>sword/mace specilization
The only good racial. However Orcs on top of everything else has Axe Specilization which is better up until Naxx.
Not good.
>Fear Ward
Not bad, but by no means worth going Alliance for as it's only one person per fear ward.
Now compare those to Blood Fury and Berserking, Alliance racials are simply much worse, in fact terrible for PvE. Blood Fury alone is better than all Alliance racials combined for melee, and Berserking is the same but for casters and hunters.
This is undisputed fact, Horde is just miles ahead of Alliance.
>and yet Horde keeps being reck in BG due paladins.
Is that why every good premade, and every WSG tournament thus far, has been rolling for Horde and not Alliance? Shamans are superior to Paladins in both PvE and PvP, not to mention racials superiority.
What race, class, and role should I (A (Trans) Girl)) play?
And paladins. And warrior charge stuns.
Stunning is big in vanilla so something that can just passively say "no u" to it 1 in 4 times is very useful.
fearward is overrated considering shamans have tremor totem.
Belf whatever. BfA is waiting for you, sweetie!
>Still can't decide
I guess it is going to be Shaman.
>stunning is big in vanilla
yet only 2 classes have dedicated stun abilities, one of which is on a minute-long cooldown
I've got 8 belfs, but bfa is the worst expansion I have ever played
excuse me for wanting to socialise in an mmo
Heals per second don't equate to healing performance.
>tank and healers guaranteed fear immunity vs a totem with wonky pulses
You never raided in the Horde, right?
b-But Roguecraft!
>This is undisputed fact, Horde is just miles ahead of Alliance.
Then why do Horde keep losing world first on private servers?
Tremor totem needs to be properly timed since it only lasts 10 seconds, only affects the people in that 5 man party and not the whole raid, and most importantly if you have it out then you can't have a different earth totem out in its place. Compared to fear ward which is a "fire and forget" spell which lasts 3 minutes and can be cast on anyone, and doesn't stop other buffs from being used.
>t. spams emotes on his stream chat
dwarfs and shamans..
i thought you drones got banished to /vg/
>10 minute buff that automatically immunes the next fear
>wonky totem that pulses a fear remove every 5(?) seconds
if only dwarves weren't gross to look at, i'd totally go for fear ward. i'm pretty nervous about healing as paladin desu, i get tunnel vision staring at health bars and get triggered when people run out of range of heals
>However Orcs on top of everything else has Axe Specilization which is better up until Naxx.
After BWL you don't see a single 2h axe drop until C'Thun himself, a boss most players will never clear. And I bring up 2h specifically because dual wield fury was shit before the scaling changes brought on with AQ40's release. Meanwhile, tons of 2h swords dropped.
I have raided on priv servers up to bwl in a progression guild on horde as an ud warrior maintank. I have some experience in dealing with fear mechanics in raids. and sure, fearward is easier to use than tremor totem but it isnt a game changer since theres just a handful of raid encounters with fear mechanics anyway.
>Then why do Horde keep losing world first on private servers?
The best Vanilla guild got all server firsts on their server. Also world record speed runs. Horde is simply superior. And even then Alliance has progress run advantage due to how easy and braindead it is to play.
Tremor totem has a 30 yard range and lasts two minutes. It's not hard to time tremor totem, plus it can be placed after the fact. The fact that totems only applies to your party doesn't matter since you will run many shamans regardless. There is no other earth totem worth having other than tremor. Fear ward is single target only with 30s CD with 10min duration.
Stop being bad at Shaman, learn to play unironically.
You play 1h. Slam might be useful but wep skill is miniscule compared to having windfury and BF.
Anyone know how garbage leveling with reckoning is going to be without the sit-crit interaction?
>You play 1h.
Not prior to the scaling change you didn't, 1h was garbage before that.
>i'm pretty nervous about healing as paladin
Don't be, accepting that you'll be healing instead of dps puts you miles ahead already. Their heals are efficient as hell and even a decent amount of spirit goes a long way. I seriously recommend holy even in PvP, you can almost singlehandedly tilt AB if you know what you're doing
Let me finish that for you.
>Warrior charge
>Mace stun, procs and trinkets
>Druid pounce and bash
>Concussive blow
>Intimidate hunter pet stun
Possibly even bombs. They're incap as a mechanic, but the tooltip says stun and I don't remember how it was treated by hardiness in vanilla.
The big advantage isn't even the bonus resistance (even if it's amazing), but that others will hesitate to stun you over someone else, meaning you get a lot more freedom.
You fucking noob.
Why are you discussing things that are of no matter? Every private server is 1.12, Classic will be 1.12. Anything prior to that is of no matter.
there's also blackout from shadow priests.
What is with this fucking ear thing?
>playing Horde
Why would I want to play a faction that has such garbage capitals and garbage questing zones? And yes that's important because you're going to spend a lot of time sitting around in those capitals.
Blood Elves was aesthetically the best thing to happen to Horde and you can't convince me otherwise
No one wants to socialize with a freak.
Because Horde is superior for end-game, which is where the vast majority of your time is spent.
>Because Horde is superior for end-game
I have no interest in being a no-lifer for an old game that doesn't even have as good of endgame as tbc
Horde questing zones are a hell of a lot better than what Alliance gets, that's where most of the favoritism went.
It costs them literal peanuts to pull a project like this, every fucking mmo has released a "legacy progression" server with paid subscription and nostalgia faggots flocked the new servers right away.
The only reason they been holding back is because they were afraid classic would actually harm their main retail expansion, but given the negative reception of their current iteration they had to give in to the masses.
No blood elves is probably the best selling point of Classic.
pretty sure everyone quit when they decided to add some demanding artifact progression based on dailies.
You people are unironically what made raiding shit because Blizz started catering to you and suddenly high level raiding meant maximum autism that no one but autists can enjoy.
The best part of vanilla is you could just do whatever you want and still make it really far as long as you weren't outright lazy.
>Because Horde is superior for end-game
but they don't have paladins in classic :)
Like many other things in todays society. Very little new content is being created. Entrepreneurship is going down and so are genuine new things. Everything is an updated version of something old.
Blizzard has tried to create new things for over a decade, they have all flopped. This is a much safer bet for them, it's low cost, low risk and potentially enormous reward. I still think it is going to flop because they can't keep their hands to themselves. Too many changes for it to be Vanilla.
>no Wisdom
>oh boy, Manatide totems
I honestly dont understand why anyone raided on Horde at all.
windfury and lack of elves
>Blizzard has tried to create new things for over a decade, they have all flopped.
Because their new things keep sucking. They forgot that when you make something new, it has to also be good.
Which is perfectly fine, each to their own.
Who are you quoting?
I merely stated facts, no reason for you get to get upset and put words in my mouth because of it. By all means do whatever you want and play the game how you want to play it, that doesn't change the fact that Horde is superior though.
By accident. Alliance zones and quest are more polished and relevant. Horde got a bunch of quick "kill some local boars" quests, which are more efficient. That's just Blizzard being incompetent in their favoritism for the Alliance.
>I merely stated facts, no reason for you get to get upset and put words in my mouth because of it.
You're the one acting like endgame is all that matters and thus you have to minmax as hard as possible. I'm putting words in your mouth because that's essentially what you're saying, you care more about numbers than enjoyment.
>Very little new content is being created
Fortnite updates every week with new content.
It wasn't by accident, it's just that the Horde quests were literally worked on AFTER all the Alliance quests and as a result didn't have much time to do the Horde stuff before release. It's why they had to actually patch in the conclusion to a bunch of unfinished questlines later.
I think he means new ideas, no one is trying to be the next big thing, they're just doing what already works.
Which is why Horde is superior.
>no wisdom
Who cares? It's shit. 70% of your raid will be melee without mana. Your healers will be fine on mana due to consumes and wisdom doesn't change anything. Also no Shaman is specced into mana tide, it's a shit ability.
Indeed. Which is why most companies, whether it is clothing, movie production or games go back to old rehashed things. They lack the creative mind that their predecessors had.
For Vanilla ultimately end-game is what matters. The thing that keeps you logging in at the end of the day is PvE. If you intend to achieve things in PvE, for high-end PvE Horde is better.
Vanilla was never about the enjoyment gameplay wise. The gameplay is very stale and poor, reeks of early 2000s design. It's who you play with, your guild and community that makes it fun. Competitiveness is what many people find enjoyment in and ultimately numbers come before your feelings when it is about winning and being the best.
Good for Fortnite.
imagine doing quests when straight grinding is both faster and more profitable
doesnt matter, im not playing classic again
Horde side is more open-ended and full of neat one-offs and questlines you can easily miss the first time around, and while what quests the Alliance have might be heavier on the writing, there's far less of them and for the most part it's just tolkien-flavored mundanities. I think Duskwood was the only Alliance zone I particularly enjoyed.
how the fuck do you deal with loot drama? I had to guild hop several times, just because the leader and officers were corrupt and handing among themselves the items and then quitting to better guilds when the guild was stuck in progression and they had no more loot to steal.
>Vanilla was never about the enjoyment gameplay wise.
Yes it was. I enjoyed it because quite frankly, it wasn't an obtuse piece of shit like every other mmo on the market at the time. I didn't have to deal with bullshit like my gear permenantly breaking like I did in SWG.
>The thing that keeps you logging in at the end of the day is PvE.
What if I'm an RPer?
stop joining trash guilds, look for red flags
What if I like to purposely join guilds to ruin them with drama?
Then you're not looking to avoid drama and your original question makes no sense
How? I was a neet, so I was always able to join the tryhard guilds, it was always the same, a tight clique that picked random neet tryhards, then cleared as much as they could and the second they stopped progressing their gear they just quit and the fucking points never mattered.
I'm not the same person you responded to.
Neither am I, anonymity is confusing sometimes
Eventually guilds will stop inviting you and you'll be blacklisted
Then I make another character and use him to ruin more guilds
Everyone knows girl characters cause more drama
yes. it's arguably the best iteration of the game, and the release of classic is bringing tons of new blood in so there will be plenty of new people in your situation as well.
>it's arguably the best iteration of the game
It's not
>the release of classic is bringing tons of new blood
Literally the only people interested in it are 30+ boomers who will be playing it super casually, and turbo autists who will clear all the raids in a month and quit, absolutely fucking the raid scene for months afterwards.
Also TBC was the best iteration of WoW, so get fucked.
this but unironically
Yes and if you argue that vanilla is superior then I believe you're arguing in bad faith and aren't an honest actor.
Hm... is it free how is erp server on ffxiv?
>started everything that's wrong with modern WoW
>the best
hell no
>blood elves
>draenei retcon
>illidan kaelthas and vashj are villains now
>fucking spaceships
>badge gear
>flying mounts
>killing the old world
great expansion you have there, faggots
>mfw i downloaded clasico because my favorite streamer was playing it but it doesnt have MOUNTSMOGSCHEEVOS
The raids and pvp were never better and rogues got rightly fucked.
you go straight to claiming a bad faith argument when no argument has been made? odd. the point of that qualifier was that vanilla and tbc are hotly contested to be considered the best expansions among longtime players, and whichever side one falls on is largely subjective based on when you started playing and what kinds of activities you value in an mmo.
>BFA classes are shit
>Vanilla first implemented classes
>M+ is RNG loot fest
>Vanilla first implemented dungeons
>World quests are a chore to do
>Vanilla first implemented quests
>PvP is a shitshow
>Vanilla implemented PvP
>Allied races
>Vanilla had races
wtf I hate vanilla now?
Enjoy your sharding and streamer cancer
>you go straight to claiming a bad faith argument when no argument has been made?
Yes because I already know the person isn't an honest actor, they're lying if they say vanilla is better
>faggy lore shit
>faggy lore shit
>faggy lore shit
>faggy lore shit
>Arena bad
>oh noes, I get where I'm going faster
And the old world was shit anyway.
Finally home
Guys is the erp server on ffxiv any good?
>checking raider.io, link AOTC
This isn't vanilla It's classic. You fags can't go home.
That's the impression I get as well. I started playing closed beta in like 2004 and while I do kind of what the nostalgia rush I know the game is not good. So many shitty specs bad itemization and trivial raid content. The player count will be in freefall after 6 weeks
>raid content
>bad itemization
>shitty specs
Let me tell you if you truely did play in 2004 then you misunderstood the entire game. Those things you mentioned are trivial on their own. They are "minor features."
What made Vanilla WoW magical was the innocence of the players themselves, discovering a whole new genre of game in a time when video games were considered an anti-social medium.
That magic isn't coming back. It'll be fun, sure. But that thing that made the game special is gone forever.
You aren't going home. You're just looking at a picture of it.
>fastest naxx run on horde
>shamans on top
It was not even about that, sure it also played a role. But it was rather that you never were that "great hero" to begin with. You were a pleb, that started as an absolute pleb, that looked like he was just picked up from a hovel run by plebs.
The whole world was based around that. You weren't a super strong hero. Literally if you took on more than one mob you would get your ass kicked by random animals on the side of the road.
That's what made it kinda special, if you were in a troublesome place with hard mobs you had to work together. The world was dangerous, you were just a nobody that had very limited knowledge of fighting. Sure later you would develop into a real fighter but in the start you would run through durotar, get beaten by harpies, get beaten by those green marines, get beaten by island trolls, get beaten by literally every kind of lowly mob. You had to find other to play with you, you had to work together and if you played lonely, super hero you would get your ass handed to you.
All of that had a feeling of accomplishment when you finished a random one out of million difficult quest. Or cleared a region or whatever. You felt like you could see your character grow and that it was you who was able to overcome all those dangerous enemies.
Even the starter areas were challenging. Today you run through dungeons in about 10 seconds each round hoping you get the right loot. Its pathetic.
Layering is only going to be there for a few weeks and is gone by phase 2. Many of the exploits were fixed with it. Layering now has a CD.
I feel you brother
>Alliance tanks generate >50% More threat over Horde tanks
someone will defend this
I bet they could capture that same sense of innocense in nuWoW if they didn't allow literally everything to be datamined before something is even launched
how? or do you just mean blessing of sac
salv is 42%
sword spec is 8% more in a vacuum (1.42x1.08 = 1.53)
Im home in 28 days fuck yeah
isn't that assuming everyone in raid has blessing of salv?
Depends on if the balance has changed. All the 40 man raids in vanilla could still be won with 25% of your team doing absolutely nothing. If they rebalanced away from allowing dead weight, then non-meta builds are going to be shunned from raiding guilds.
Fun fact: The game didn't get good until Cata, raids got a ton of mechanics for all roles, and PvP actually started getting balanced. Everything before that is nostalgia, and the reason Cata is hated is because it spelled the end for time=skill in both PvE/PvP, yet trash players will blame pokemon subgame, LFR etc when really they are mad that they went from high end nerds to getting skillchecked by the new raids.
Debate me, or don't. You know i'm right.
Imagine paying for a trash 15 years old game...Not gonna lie, I will try it out but the truth is we're even bigger cucks than retail players
The vanilla experience *was* using those addons, you stupid zoomer.
asmon layer.... home.....
Final Fantasy XIV
>mcdonalds color scheme
God that looks stupid
>Orc shoulders
>Orc posture
>Bright Fisher Price colors
Warrior tank and break expectations
I can't believe it took blizzard until bfa to make orcs with proper posture
I have done all the mental gymnastics but I cannot ever justify an Orc Warlock
They just fit Undead so well.
Crafting isn't for mechanical purposes except for at the very beginning of a new round of post-expansion content. You use it to make food, potions, and aesthetic shit as well for the questlines that come with it.
But yeah, I wish XIV had more overworld content. I think they might be working on doing that for the next expansion.
Even more ugly than the last one.
Orcs can entirely resist kidney shots and cheap shots. Which will be the bane of your life until you're done getting AQ gear which is a few phases away. It does fit Undead better though, the sets and especially the mount looks hilariously retarded with an orc on it.
Is it illegal for the player to play on someones private server?
I hope you all enjoy classic, wowfriends deserve it after what has been everything post WotLK.
They're the OG Warlocks. It's also why the only Human I've ever made is a Death Knight.
>I have done all the mental gymnastics but I cannot ever justify an Orc Warlock
They were the first warlock race of the playable races?
The first warlocks were Draenei
Why aren't you playing a melee Orc?
>PvE God
>PvP God
sit spam still works, the windows just not as wide. this may be due to their shitty spell batch recreation though
Why do zoomers pretend to be interested in this dated game?
Yeah but of the vanilla races
I like Ironforge too much.
Because I'm playing an Orclock
Real talk who give af about classic. Where's my tbc chads at?
>be me
>never had any friends
>almost 30
>played vanilla and never added or was added to anyone's friend list
>going to rush to 60 on a dwarf priest so I have a chance at making friends
wish me luck ;_;
I played tauren in vanilla, and I'm looking forward to making a dwarf this time. I can't decide between paladin or priest or a class I never played like warrior.
play priest and you get an invite for everything
Does that actually look good to you? Even Power Rangers villains look better than that.
>Having additional fuck-up factors to healing such as letting your priority targets die means that top players with best hps in entire world doing them for sure
Cope harder, dumb retard.
DESU it's gonna be funny watching classic die in a year because the players destroy the content because it's not so hard when your raid isn't 50% keyboard turners on mom's laptop running at 24 FPS like in 2005.
24 fps was top performance back in 2005
I like the shoulders and the colours of them but my favourite is the tier 2 warlock. Though I do like how different it is from the other two sets
Disc wasn't viable for PvE back then was it? I didn't roll a priest until TBC.
Godspeed user. Just b urself and don't try so hard
yep that's why private servers died... oh wait
Say what you want about wow, but classic still provides one of the comfiest classic fantasy-style adventuring experience out there. The explorations, the dungeoneering, the friendships along the way. It definitely is worth it. Stop hating the game and stop min/maxing like an autist and start embracing the comfiness that vanilla is about.
It's not comfy, it's just grindy as fuck. You might as well play OSRS
It is grindy, but for a 1st timer it doable. Plus the sense of adventure and immersion should pull you through it. I find it way more immersive than runescape and thus comfier.
I have bad news for you user...
Have you ever been in a classic thread before
>asking Yea Forums to stop blindly hating things
Oh you.
>1st timer
Maybe in 2005. Imagine someone who never played WoW picking up Classic KEK.
everyone who will classic has played wow at one point
Just one more month till you can pay a sub fee to reserve your character's name, wowfriends! Then another half month until you can play!
And just think, in a couple minutes you'll be able to tab back into your dead game and press another ability! After that, it's back to shitposting and orbiting your favorite tranny cat.
Forget about the state of retail, forget about nu-vanilla rose-tinted goggles Classic. Lets talk about why FF fags put up with a MASSIVE GCD, completely GARBAGE PvP(Retail WoW with the trinket shenanigans ist STILL better), and the fact that your game is overrun with trannies to the point where the wow tranny memes are actually real in your game.
The raids are tolerable, but still more casual than WoW mythic prog, in terms of gameplay it has nothing on WoW, all it has is catgirls and faggots.
it's gone full circle!! Don't worry you'll be at denial and then defeat when it comes out, faggot
I can't wait to
>waste hundreds of hours just to get to level 60
>waste hundreds of hours again because I hadn't picked a meta class
>waste hundreds of hours again just to farm potions
>waste hundreds of hours again in raids because I get no gear and the cuck council is ninja looting everything
>waste hundreds of hours again because I had to create a new class for the most unbalanced pvp in mmo history
>waste hundreds of hours again to get equipment for pvp
>waste hundreds of hours in Ironforge because I now have all the raid gear and pvp gear so I have nothing else to do
I can't wait to feel like a retard without life or brain again. Also now we have the full streamer experience and don't for get all those """minor""" changes which will "improve" your gameplay (no changes was a joke anyway). But thank god they don't rebalance every class. Just imagine seeing Paladins doing damage in raids, or Druids doing something else than sitting in the back and healing, or seeing a Druid tank who has real tanking skills and is not just a huge damage sponge without any possibility to tank one shot attacks.
WoW was never a good game and the only reason people care about wow is because their is literally no competition. Sure, FF14 is a better mmo, but there is not one open world rpg with night elves. Even if wow is shit, the comfy feeling of Darnassus is in no other game.
I still will never play wow again. After you have realized that classic is the most anti social mmo in existence shows you how retarded Blizzard is. Literally building a game which punished you to team up until level 60 was retarded. It's even more retarded that if you want to be a rank 14 pvp player you are not only have to play against your faction (which is the most retarded bullshit in an mmo), you also have to literally violate the tos. Only if you play 24 hours for weeks and gank low levels for over a few week you can get level 14. There is no human on earth who got level 14 without help.
So you hate world of warcraft because there isn't a night elf themed RPG?
Half of the shit in this post is just wrong
Nah, that takes away from warlocks
>i just wish i could bloodlust
>i just wish i could self heal
etc etc has lead to classes feeling less unique & more boring
Did nelf boobs jiggle throughout vanilla? When did they remove it? This is important.
>1 button rotations
>1 class is the best tank and best dps for 5/6ths of content
>This classes is also a Hybrid unaffected by the Hybrid Tax
>Druids have no normal res
>Alliance has a huge advantage in PvE, which is a PvP advantage due to gear
>Alliance has ~33% more quests
>2 drops per boss
>professions are useless except engineering
>Bosses die in under a minute
>Bosses only have 1-3 mechanics
>Leveling can be done blindfolded (against melee mobs with no silence), the only thing you have to do is optimise your rotation every time you get a new skill
>Racials are meant to be flavor, end up being massive
>Shamans are inferior to paladins
Someone will defend this
I'm a hopeless addict. Every day I think about classic coming out, despite the fact that I've played on numerous private servers to get my fill.
I've even tried ffXIV, but no matter how much I try to like ffXIV, I can't. I just feel like playing wow classic.
I wish classic would come out sooner because it's killing me
they have always jiggled and still do
Most wont make it past 30. Its hunters/mages/rogues.
Lol Autistica
they're going to push back the release date and it's going to ruin my vacation plans
I'm going to play a female Undead Protection Warrior. Let's have fun together.
undead warriors look awesome
You look awesome.
wod is a slog even do to these days, it took me forever because i kept getting burnt out by it
>That's correct, but retards will blame sharding and streamers instead
and they would be right. Classic is pozzed garbage
I will wait for a proper pserver now that we have all the accurate data
Why would they shut down Nostalrius but then do this 3 years later
Think hard and maybe you can figure it out with your room temperature IQ.
Hey assholes
Move on already like an adult and stop trying to live in the past
"Your" game is dead and gone
great taste, undead warrs look so badass and are quite rare
I also have a mage called Autistica!
Retail has less than a million subs right now so they'll take anything they can get lmao
>Caring about PvP