What the hell does it mean for a game to be kino anyway? Is it just a synonym for great?
What the hell does it mean for a game to be kino anyway? Is it just a synonym for great?
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Google it, dumbass
it's just a meme word that caught on here
no, it means it's actually not great and the one using it is most likely being ironic given the term meme status
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kino is from Yea Forums
they use it to describe a movie they liked.. or literally anything. honestly it's a synonym to the word based at this point.
It means it's patrician.
Not anymore it doesn't. It's a meaningless buzzword now.
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Since when
so it means that the game is like a Soviet rock band formed in Leningrad in 1982?
Look, I'm Yea Forums! Kino kino kino!
Its more like a mix of ‘soul’ and artistic value.
No, like the British rock band Kino. Use your brain next time, please.
Kino comes from the word kinematography. Basically it's a Yea Forums meme that it is great cinema, not some trashy flick like cape shit.
Relate that to vidya a flick would be an EA game or call of doody, kino would be the last guardian.
It's Yea Forums speak for "shit I like but don't have any reason to". A meaningless buzzword like soul, fun with friends or literally anything else we use on Yea Forums.
People inflate words in this cesspool until there is no meaning left. I think it used to mean "artsy" in German or something but I couldn't care less.
>Kino, with a capital K, is the name of a serious film movement starting in 1999. With communities all over the world, the Kino movement challenges professional and amateur filmmakers to create a no- to low-budget short film in 48 hours or less.
For movies Kino means you made and extremely high quality movie (from an artitistic point of view) with a low budget
Its the same for video games: for example you wouldnt call GTAV Kino since the budget was very high but Death Stranding will be kino since it will have high quality with low budget
>Death Stranding [...] will have high quality with low budget
Source? How much dosh did Kojima blast into this golden goose?
TLG is garbage though
Dark Souls is a good example of "kino" in vidya. Low budget, high critical success.
>Game is full of Hollywood actors
>Low budget
Kino means movie theatre in German
what are some games that are officially kino?
>I think it used to mean "artsy" in German or something but I couldn't care less.
The only actual meaning for it that I know of is directly translated from Polish as "Cinema" so I've always read it as "cinematic"
not ff XIV atleast
I guess I was semi-correct, then. If you can compare a game to a movie, it better be artsy.
>its garbage just because I didnt get it
as expected.
A kino moment or piece of media is one that is artistically moving. Something that reaches to your aesthetic, philosophic or social sensitivity.
A game might have kino scenery because it is well composed and evocative of pieces of art, or is a piece of art in itself.
It might have kino character development because the characters go through such ordeals that they make us question our irl situation and choices.
It might have kino themes where the game tries to develop on philosophical ideas.
Kino is a buzzword for sure. But I can see why some people use it semi-ironically. There are some games that move us emotionnaly, or make us think about society/ourselves. Some games may instead be an odyssey, a voyage that transports us to another place, another time.
>2 deep 4 u
Into the trash it goes
By this logic Kino is purely subjective. People can agree on Kino but if this is what you believe than no one piece is truly "Kino" but everything is because someone somewhere will think it is whether you believe it to be true or not.
As I am to say MGS4 was all Kino i'm sure ton's of people here disagree.
>By this logic Kino is purely subjective.
Congratulations, you now understand buzzwords.
Proceed to Yea Forums 102 to learn about console wars.
cool just down the hall to the left?
>claiming intellectual superiority because people don't like your artsy jap bullshit
Never change, Yea Forums.
mgs4 is kino in the most literal and objective sense though
NPCs can't use any other words. We still don't know what it means because they use it to describe good things and shit at the same time. Some say we will never understand NPCs.
Yeah, just follow the sewage stench.
Shouldn't the first number in a sequence of three digits be 001? Why does it start at 101?
Because that's the convention
I don't know, I learned the higher education meme here on Yea Forums. We don't name our courses that way where I live.
The introduction is always 101. Next semester you do course 201 or some shit, I dunno. It's like they call episode #1 of a TV show 101. Makes sense if you think about it. Like room numbers in a hotel or something.
it's a dumb newfag reddit buzzword that might have had a meaning at once but has been driven so far into the fucking ground so quickly that it might as well not exist
Hey, we're not smart enough for that. That's why misuse kino until there is no meaning left.
What about /tg/ then? Oh, I forgot, they're mature.
Pure alea?
Calling something "kino" is a German expression you dumbasses. It's like calling something truly entertaining, or to take it more literally, something being worthy to be shown in a cinema. That includes all kinds of genres. For example, when something ridiculous happens to your friend and you laughed your ass off then you can say it was kino. But also when a stage performance or show was especially spectacular. It's no pretentious bullshit, it's just an expression that describes something as phenomenal and very entertaining.
Ludonarrative experience
Kino is short for kinoflow which is a brand of light used on sets. Kino means a well lit scene and therefore good cinematography
Kino = cinema in German. As in the physical place.
Slav uses it too. But anyways it’s meme word like based. It’s pretty stupid but memers are stupid.
Shut up Yea Forums
Oh shit, I like that. Sounds just as smart as /tg/.
No, that's literally not where the expression is from you pseudo-intellectual faggot. It's just a common German expression.
t. German
It definitely doesn't have a lot of worth. I think kino = entertaining is just the best and easiest "translation".
This bitch just dunning-kruger'd himself.
Komplett falsch, Kumpel. Versuch es nochmal.
It’s cinematic but in a good way.
japanese word meaning 'yesterday', basically "movies of yester" calling back to the great classics of the past. so yeah basically it means great
>Calling something "kino" is a German expression you dumbasses. It's like calling something truly entertaining, or to take it more literally, something being worthy to be shown in a cinema.
it literally means cinema you donut
No you double nigger, I've been using this expression ever since I was a toddler. Shut the fuck up.
Dann erklärs doch selbst wenn du so scheiße schlau bist, mein Freund. Bin gespannt
Shut up Hans, you are wrong
he's right tho, what are you talking about
>No you double nigger, I've been using this expression ever since I was a toddler. Shut the fuck up.
It literally means cinematic doesn't it?
Was der da gesagt hat. Und das da
>for thousands of years language has morphed and evolved, including borrowing terms from other languages
>same shit happens on the internet
>it's called lul memez xD
does everything have to viewed through the most childish of lenses
großes makes all the difference
>bragging with undrage
you might want to look up the definition of a meme
Großes Kino ist ein geflügeltes Wort, du Hirnakrobat. Kino ist ein Adjektiv. Den Unterschied erklär ich dir jetzt nicht, frag deinen Deutschlehrer.
>Kino ist ein Adjektiv.
Ist doch scheißegal was the Memebedeutung ist. Warum sollte man den leuten die verfälschte Bedeutung erklären anstatt wie mans richtig verwendet? So ein Schwachsinn
It really doesn't. It means the same because you can't translate it well otherwise.
Niemand würde "big kino" sagen weil das komplett behindert klingt. Es bedeutet exakt dasselbe.
Nicht in diesem Fall. Es umschreibt, also Adjektiv. Im Deutschen hast du natürlich völlig recht.
Lass es doch einfach sein. Lies den Thread anstatt dein Loch immer tiefer zu buddeln.
Spoonfeeding retards...
To sum up the germautism in this thread
Großes Kino is a sort of idiom usually used when something is great or awesome or whatever. Doesn't have to be related to film
Kino itself means cinema
Yea Forums kino is more like großes Kino
Yeah I figured afterwards that you meant the english kino
>OP is asking what "kino" means
>explain where the expression is from and what it means
>"hurfdurf le spoonfeed reee"
Ebin, simbly ebin :DDDDD
This is a Christian Minecraft server.
it's like saying something is "pure cinema" in English
Nein, dies is ein christlicher Meinkraft-Servierer
Großes Kino is sarcastic, derogative. Kino is pretty much the exact opposite: affectionate, admiring.
Kino is German for cinema
If a game is kino that is a way to say it's basicly a movie
Großes Kino can be both sincerely and sarcastic
It's often used sarcastically, but isn't inherently
Grab nur weiter. Jedes (You) gibt mir Kraft und bringt mir Jugend zurück.
Fair enough. You're right.
This is an actual Kino game, most games that get called that don't fit the bill though.
chose one
It's objectively a Kino game, regardless of your opinion of it
Something you would replay and have nostalgia for. Not just because you're bored.
Kino is a garbage meme word and you are all bunch of memetards.
opinion dismissed. the second time.
It is objectively Kino though. It says so right there.
That just the type of game people who unironically use a buzzwords like kino would enjoy.
Your high horse is made of wicker.
an buzzwords*
I've never played it, I wouldn't know if I'd enjoy it, it's still a Kino game though.
you know people are using it in a different way. stop being facetious
kino comes from cinematography which is a visual storytelling method. movies that dont rely on verbal exposition are kino.