Why do millennials/Gen Y love games with open world/sandbox elements/emergent gameplay? (Oblivion, stalker, mount&blade etc)
Younger gamers and older gamers seem to care less about these things (to generalise).
Why do millennials/Gen Y love games with open world/sandbox elements/emergent gameplay? (Oblivion, stalker, mount&blade etc)
Younger gamers and older gamers seem to care less about these things (to generalise).
Decreasing attention spans.
It's the GenZ that's all into the openworld and battle royale shit. Us Millennials are all into tight single player experiences and brutal man vs man MP games.
I dunno, every game should either be Postal 2, GTA 4 or Tetris as far as I'm concerned
>open world
Zoomers hate it, faggot
ALttP and OoT blessed our generation.
If you think people mean battle royal with talking about open world's your definitions are completely out of whack with reality.
>3D Fallouts
>even fucking Zelda
Try to explain how any of this is aimed to people born before 1995.
it's an open-world / sandbox death match. It certainly fits the criteria.
They were the first ones to be introduced to 3D open world. I blame GTA vice city and ocarina of time
>I blame GTA vice city and ocarina of time
this is one of the most subtle baits I've ever seen. Congrats.
Actually retarded lmao
Actually no arguments roflmao
But DOOM 2016 sold really well among zoomers and that game is the most boring shit ever.
I grew up with those games and most people just played multiplayer games like CS 1.6 and Starcraft in high school.
Please explain how Fallout New Vegas would be a better game if you had to follow a script and literally got loaded to the next battle. Please enlighten me. Over saturation is an issue but literally the market was oversaturated with crappy 3d platformers and you boring fucks weren't complaining then about "youngins and their games"
brain dead
>Please explain how Fallout New Vegas would be a better game if you had to follow a script and literally got loaded to the next battle.
It also might come as a surprise to you, but NV is a decade old. Them zoom zooms are all into FO4 and 76 shit.
NV ain't much better than the rest of it. All the 3D ones are pure garbage compared to 1-2.
Millennials =/= zoomers.
But yeah, D2016 was shit.
It's literally instant/constant gratification: the game. Whether you like it or not is irrelevant
Actually now that I think about it only Oblivion really qualifies for "having grown up with". Was 17 when it released.
I mostly spend my younger years playing Baldur's Gate 1/2, CS, SC, Nox, Diablo and shittons of emulated SNES/Genesis games.
>older gamers seem to care less about these things (to generalise).
Older games also frequently did open worlds with emergent gameplay, is just that they weren't very good at it.
And is not even a generational thing, but rather market dynamics, or have we forgotten the many starcraft, quake 3, half-life, doom clones? And those clones that came to be worthwhile because they managed to add, reinvent or perfectly copy the formula?
We had skyrim and minecraft, both different but open world emergent gameplay types of games that wrecked the market twice and also happened at the time of the indie boom, so the fact that we get an avalanche of these games is just several coincidences of very natural and known market dynamics.
The solution? Go to niches, play underrail or Hedon to understand what I'm talking about, because if you go to the mainstreams, yes you get more options and more refined but you also get the memes.
Do you know how old millenials are? Their like 30 lol they didn't play fallout 1 or 2 cause those games suck ass to play, much better games were released around then like Gorky 17. F3 and NVs appeal were they were Oblivion with guns and that's all we wanted
There is no difference. Kids today are playing similar games, BotW comes to mind and are loving it just the same. Stop pretending like there is some massive generational gap between people who aren't even 10 years apart.
I'm 32. At high school and a bit after, MP was all about CS 1.3+, CoD 2 (dem 64 player servers) and other HL mods like DoD and TF. Then the transition to Source.
Single player, I liked racing and dynasty warriors while younger, but it was open world games like TES that sucked me in. Especially Oblivion and stalker. I played Oblivion for years straight, heavily modded of course. Same with Warband which I still play all the time. There's just something about that style of trying to sim a world with emergent gameplay driven by AI that I love.
Plenty of games try and give the "feel" of a living world with random scripted events when the player enters an area, (like skyrim and some cRPGs), but it just makes the world end up feeling more artificial imo, because you know it's only happened because you triggered an event.
>Why do millennials/Gen Y love games with open world/sandbox elements/emergent gameplay?
Because we grew up with games that had load screens for everything, all while everything was uninteractable scenery.
They don't it's just cheaper for game designers to make them than hand crafted games so we get lots.
They just don't know any better.
>battle royale, aka a lot of people in a limited space.
>open world.
I remember playing racing games and thinking "I wish I could go there". Now thanks to Todd Howard I can go there.
Gen X here. I grew up playing JRPGs and fighters. Open world games feels like the next step up from JRPGs. Like how side scrollers and shooters turned into FPS. So I went from Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest to PC gaming Elder Scrolls. People bitching about open world games are no different than people bitching about FPS in the 00's. Just play what you like. I despise corridor shooters so I don't play the shit.
But can you, though? Can you REALLY?
Define the relevance of that projection.
I just like games with freedom that let you do what you want and play how you want without restricting you to a set path. Also like exploring and the general feeling of being in another world.
>I've never played a CRPG in my life
I'm the last millennial and I hate open world games like AC, HZD, RDR2 etc. I do like well made open worlds like Witcher, BotW and Skyrim.
>Do you know how old millenials are?
Yes, I do. Because I am one.
>Their like 30 lol they didn't play fallout 1 or 2 cause those games suck ass to play
Completely wrong.
1-2 was THE shit back in my junior high, and older millennials were all over that game.
It's literally the "FO started with 3, just like FF with 7! :^)" -zoomers who shit on their gameplay.
>F3 and NVs appeal were they were Oblivion with guns and that's all we wanted
Yeah, you console-fag zoomers. Kill yourself.
27 yr old boomer here.
I love open world games because of their replayability. I first realized that with GTA 3, that it was a new bread of game genre where things were no longer confined in a linear way and you could do whatever you wanted (perhaps that doesn't hold up to today's open-world sentiment, but at the time...)
I think sandbox/open world captured the imagination of those who yearned of total freedom within the video game format.
when I think about it, GTA3 was the first game that did it for me as well. GTA2 was the spark, but GTA 3 was just WOOAHHH at the time.
I like fantasy, so for me modded oblivion was the best experience of this kind of freedom (morrowind just didn't do it for me, the world is just too lifeless because of the NPCs/creatures doing absolutely nothing with no interaction unless the player is directly involved)