Game has venoms

>game has venoms
>labels them as poisons

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Other urls found in this thread:


>game has guns
>calls magazines clips
>chambers chambered guns

what was the difrence again?

Poisons are ingested, venoms are not.

venemous = safe to eat
poisonous = not safe to eat

>game just labels venoms and poisons as toxins

if it bite u and u die, venomous

if u bite it and u die, poisonous

thank u and thumb up lol

if you eat a black mamba or black widow the venoms they have stored inside of their bodies won't affect you?

>Movie has gameplay elements
>labeled as a video game

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yes, these anons have no idea what they say

Oh, look at Mr. Entomologist over here...

Okay, Weevil from Yu-Gi-Oh, how would you explain the difference between venomous and poisonous?

not the same user but

>thing toches your skin, poison
>thing reaches beneath your skin, venom

If you eat a "venomous" animal, the thing is gonna get you poisoned
You can't consume either toxin

Snakes have their venom stored in specific glands unless they're also storing poisons from amphibeans they ate. Venoms only work when they're directly in your blood stream. Throw them into a bag of acid ie your stomach and they'll work far less.

Venomous = It bites you and injects toxin
Poisonous = You bite it and ingest toxins

Some things can be venomous but not poisonous and the reverse is true as well. In some cases like the two that this user brought up, things can be both venomous and poisonous.

Or simply put, like this user
it bite u and u die = venomous
u bite it and u die = poisonous

You guys are fagets btw

How about toxin?

Excellent song

Cats are more attractive than any other species. Including humans and anime girls.

While i am not obviosly going to try, it is likely that certain protein-based toxins may be degraded by stomach acid. And you can cook the snake befire eating.

>game has wyverns
>labels them as dragons

That only exists on the internet

They are both toxins so thats the word that should be used.

if you eat an animal that's venomous, you're ingesting the toxin, which will get in contact with your bloodstream, less effectively, but still can be lethal.
And, poisonous things don't need to be ingested. You can get the toxin just by touching them.

>tfw cat people aren’t real.
It hurts.

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>And, poisonous things don't need to be ingested. You can get the toxin just by touching them.
This is what happens when you touch a jellyfish. Isn't this venom if it injects it into your bloodstream?

>you will die before science can create anthro cats

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If something bites you and you get sick, it's venomous.
If you bite something and you get sick, it's poisonous.

Venoms consist of toxins, and toxins are poisons that are products of biological organisms/processes, so in a shallow sense they're synonymous. However, venoms are further defined as toxins that are delivered by a defensive/offensive mechanism such as a sting or bite. Thus, a rattlesnake is VENOMOUS because it poisons prey with a bite, and so is a bee because it uses its sting to defend from predators. However, pufferfishes and deathcap mushrooms are POISONOUS because you poison yourself by eating them.

>Isn't this venom if it injects it into your bloodstream?
uh... no?

As I said in , 'venoms' are defined by how they are administered, NOT their identity nor their effects/toxicity. Thus, a toxin only becomes a venom if the organism producing it has a mechanism specifically designed to jab it into something else. Listing more examples, the Botox produced by Clostridium bacteria is NOT a venom because the bacteria merely secrete it and do not have any way to specifically target it.

Depends on the type of toxin but in general unless you eat the head you would be pretty safe. And even then I think the toxins snakes have (at least the clotting toxins) aren't resistant to the conditions of the stomach.


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why are cheetahs and servals so cute?