It was so good.....
It was so good
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No it really wasn't.
Fuck Konami, fuck Kojima and fuck paid demos.
shlice of american pie on cunnymixed soil
It was. Whole game should be 20 GZ like levels. GZ work because give you right mix of KINO cutscenes, good level design and gameplay.
it was aight
If they gave MGSV tons more cutscenes to fill the story I would have enjoyed it more, it's why I enjoy the previous MGS titles. Fuck people who say MGS4 had too many cutscenes.
I think a big reason why MGSV was so shit was because they fell for the open world meme. I don't give a fuck how big the map is if there's nothing to do in it, and the severe lack of indoor areas really hurt the variety.
I enjoyed Ghost Recon Wildlands far more than MGSV because they actually added diverse biomes with tons of enterable buildings.
It wasn't really open world, it was a sandbox. And that was good. But yeah the biggest problem for me was this
>and the severe lack of indoor areas really hurt the variety.
Hit in nail on the head. If they'd gone for like a 60:40 split between outdoor sandbox areas and more contained/linear indoor areas it would have been so fucking good.
This. The world was boring and almost every outpost was the same shit over and over. There were interesting locations but they could have been way more interesting as seperate levels. It was nice driving a car and riding a horse but it got old quick.
Why is this demo praised so much? It's only a single map and the full game is half-finished.
Old ass Chaos Theory is 10x better than this overhyped shit.
FUCK OFF Kojimbo, go license few more songs to make your 'game' better.
The only good thing about DS is Lea.
>even moar cutscenes
Off yourself weeb
I remember how hopeful I was after seeing the trailer for this. The japanese voice acting was on fucking point, especially the Skull Face guy, he sounded so intimidating, he had a real presence in that trailer due to the timbre of his voice and the actual voice acting.
Then game the English voice acting, Kiefer being too drunk to pronounce "Kept you waiting, huh" and Skull Face sounding like a saturday morning cartoon villain. Yikes, I hate it so much. At least you can play the game in japanese, but it's hard to retroactively enjoy this game knowing of TPP.
It was so mediocre....
It's how everyone expected MGSV to be, open-world but with scattered bases like the black site, and hopefully bigger. Also, it included far more cutscenes to make the story more interesting.
>demo is better than full game
MGS series has garbage cutscenes though
Evereyone here is just a contrarian piece of shit living in nostaligia
when DS releases you are all going to say the same shit about MGSV
you are just waiting for new game so you play the oldfag/veteran card and compain how game were better before
fuck all of you
MGS fanbase is like this
Zelda fanbase is like this
Monster hunter fanbase is like this
What about Maggy? Kojima's new Joosten.
>caring about the cutscenes
>wanting a lot of cutscenes
Why? The MGS stories have always been pants on head retarded anyways.
MGS4 have too many cutscenes. Only good cutscenes are with Raiden. But MGSV have tons of other problems. Amazing that Kojima made perfect concept in GZ and than did opposite in MGSV.
You're probably still young?
GZ was better than all of MGS1
>weeaboo pretending to understand how good voice acting is in another language
Just stop pretending you understand voice intonation and have spent enough time with Japs that you can objectively critique acting.
>Why? The MGS stories have always been pants on head retarded anyways.
Because that's half the fun? If you didn't love the absolute over the top and bizarre situations, Metal Gear probably isn't a series for you.
>Amazing that Kojima made perfect concept in GZ and than did opposite in MGSV.
Clearly he created a monster too big to tame, so what we got was an unfinished and rushed product. If he had his way we wouldn't have seen the game for another 3+ years.
Kojima hasn't "made" a good game in well over a decade.
He is a hack
It was good but mgsv was better
>b-but muh story!!
Read a book if you want story incel.
If you ready your weapon while crawling, you can move horizontally left or right. If you do that holding the dash button, you'll move faster.
Burned into my mind.
I played this for 20 hours. Never played V, and don't plan on it.
I'm not a weeb, but are you going to pretend that the english VA for Skull Face is equally intimidating?
No, I can't objectively critique japanese voice acting, but I can hear it, I hear the timbre of his voice, and it sounds good. I've played every single MGS game with english VA, I've had no issues with it, I've preferred it actually.
They fucked up casting Skull Face, simple as that. You don't have to be a fucking weaboo to tell that.
no thanks, I'm not 60 year old yet
but probably a nigger. Read a book you fuck.
>Demo is better than main game
What other games do this?
>tfw she's not in death stranding
fuck you kojima you piece of shit gook
I'm saving things like that for when I'm older and have tons of free time to do those types of hobbies.
>barely any story, most of it is in casette tapes
>Skull Face appears for a grand total of 2 minutes in a cutscenes, does nothing of note outside of the tapes
>Camp Omega is underutilised, most of the map is pointless
>it doesn't have a plot of its own, it only sets up shit for TPP
>mechanics feel worse and less responsive than TPP, there's no roll when falling
>helicopter takes even longer to get where you are than in TPP
>no day/night cycle
>no costumes
>no cardboard box
>missions all recycle the same map
It's just as bad as TPP and even worse in some aspects. You retards were just hyped about the main game and GZ didn't interfere with that image of the perfect game in your heads.
>he didn't think this was kino
absolute shit taste
Her acting is godawful
it's not hobby it's education and self-development. Unless you want to be a poor incel for the rest of your life.
Keifer was so good as the actual big boss. Too bad he had like two actual lines in the end lol. This demo got me so pumped, I should have seen the writing on the wall, Skullface and all the grimdark Kojima is an artist wankery.
He actually approached her for a role, said he wanted her in and then never got back to her. Few months later it was announced was in the game.
But why? GZ was perfect. Just make more levels. It have that old MGS1 design. 99% of MGSV map is empty. Kojima should make cutscenes and let someone else work on game.
get that horse the fuck out here.
>Unless you want to be a poor incel for the rest of your life.
I'm full-time employed Financial Adviser user. I ain't got time for that shit but I do like to have Yea Forums on in the background whilst at work at work now applying a mortgage
>tfw she's not in death stranding
Thank fucking god. Her and her entire cancerous fanbase can fuck right off this planet.
I'm sure not reading got you there, good luck anyway!
Kojimbo should have gone the same format as nu Hitman. It even fits his muh tv series mantra
Well I don't read for pleasure, if that's what you mean. Just education.
This played on hard was a better stealth game than the whole of mgs5 phantom pain
MGSV reaches GZ tier at some points, at least in the level design department during key areas like the oil plant, where they stored sahelanthropus, the misty forest and the place where they kept the old man
They really fucked up with the open world meme. Empty, barren shit with nothing to do other than copy paste outposts
Mgs demo improved on chaos theory whioe the full game was worse than chaos theory
desu you dont improve anything by reading fiction. Except maybe your english skills.
it was a good v-slice
honestly, i hate this series. i hate the controls and camera angles. have hated it since 2.
Yeah. No stupid fultons, D-Dog, Quiet and horse. Motherbase is another waste of resources. It would be fun infiltrate such base. No wonder Konami kicked his ass out. DS will be even worse.
>Mgs demo improved on chaos theory
Chaos Therory still had better things like different surface noise levels.
For exaple in Chaos theory if you walk over broken glass you make a lot of noise. If you're outside while it's raining and noisy you can be louder than you would while inside in a quiet room.
MGS never had that kind of technology aside from like MGS1 on the last area which could be avoided with an exploit.
I dont remember any other MGS title having different noise variables that could change how the player behaved and the enemy reacted
>Mgs demo improved on chaos theory
fucking summerfags.
Maxed out CT even looks better, except for some facial animations on enemies.
I loved the rape tapes.
>MGS thread
>with a Seydeuxcuck and a based joostbro with good taste
>somehow I completely missed it
Why did you abandon her, Kojima?
poor taste fag
cause she's talentless worn out hoe, bro.
This. Keifer Chaderland > David Bayta
She refused gangbang with Reedus, Refn, Del Toro and Madz.
Did we played same game? Old SC games are clunky as hell.
Absolute god tier waifu
Atrocious fucking taste
I agree that MGSV had too few cutscenes, and a lot of kinda useless filler missions. I diagree however with your MGS4 statement, there is such a thing as too much and MGS4 definitely had too much.
>Old SC games are clunky as hell.
No they were not
they play fine and are load of fun.
The only things that is really missing from SC1 is quicksave system.
PT is big improvement, CT is peak, along with Blacklist.
Absolutely true, i remember only a handful of mission in phantom pain which lived up to the quality that GZ delivered
Problem is i played Conviction first. Hard to go back from that. Blacklist have better gameplay but worse co op.
Also the final area where you meet skull face. That was top tier mgs material, shame that only a few areas could live up to that.
I'm not talking about Seydeux m8, everyone knows she's a worthless cum dump who can't act and only got work into Hollywood via her dad's connections.
Joosten should have been in her place.
Yeah, Stefanie would never agree to something so debased.
worshipping 3D women is the most pathetic thing ever.
Literally and unironically neck yourself.
Conviction is a great game
it's pretty good stealth-action game
it's weak SC.
Pro tip: all women are cum dumpsters
Yeah but some have a higher price than others, and Seydeux is clearly the cheaper and more available product here.
cope harder uggo horse fucker. Nobody likes her.
Lea acted in more films than layers of makeup Jewsten has to put on that face.
tell yourself that 999 more times and maybe you will believe it.
She is so good that you have to whiteknight her whenever it's possible.
So cheat she played along 007, while Jewsten posted photo of a milkshake on instagram.
>fucked a producer for a role that's nothing but getting naked on screen
Keep seething, cuckold. Your waifu is nothing but a meat toilet and you only like her because you get off to thoughts of her getting railed by old fat Hollywood Jews.
Not $40 good though
You can actually see how soulless and dead inside Lea is in that video. Like her mind is broken from the endless miles of cock her Jewish masters have put in her.
>there are actually people who like this
typical resetera tranny cope.
Use more buzzwords and maybe it will be enough to change reality.
You are defending noname hoe that sucked off Kojimbo just to make him use your face on a body of a half-naked whore.
Lmao. Kojimbo only dropped Stefanie because she wouldn't put out like Lea does. When you hire Seydeux, her default reaction is to show up with that vacant look on her face and drop her pants because she knows the only thing she's good for is fucking old Jews for roles.
>It was so good.....
She is awful was biggest miscast of MGSV.
Good thing Kojimbo ditched her.
Now she is forced to "act" in abominations like this:
Why doesn't Margaret have waifufags? We need three-way waifu wars.
Skullface in GZ
>machiavellian villain always thinking 10 steps ahead of everyone
>surrouded by an aura of mystery, nothing is known about him
>doesnt put himself in needless danger, acts from the shadows
>leads a badass tactical squad that is more than a match for veteran MSF soldiers
>has a badass and suave voice
Skullface in MGSV
>bond villain always feeling the need to taunt venom, explain his plans and leave before actually killing him
>exposes himself to unnecesary danger and misses countless chances to kill venom
>XOF turns into a band of retards ''hurr lets shoot at the invincible fireman with bullets, that will work''
>a fucking zorro mask
Stefanie made Spacelords go from a 0/10 to a 1/10 game. I'd say that requires more talent than Lea has.
NEXT STOP: hitting WALL and then '''acting''' on
haha you are so fucking buttblasted OMG.
Increase donations to het PayPal or something to help her out not sucking off producers of 3rd grade vidya companies, lol!
Yeah, I too am sad that Stefanie will some day approach Lea's level of trashiness.
Don't forget
>breaks Paz in like a virgin schoolgirl
>makes Chico into a hermano by having him assist in breaking Paz
>Chico and Paz hookup indirectly because of him
>ground zeroes was the last good metal gear game
>it was just a small promotion game
>the game it was made to promote was the disappointment of the decade
feels so weird man
>not big MGS fan but have played several of them
>ignored everything about 5 when it came out
>play it last year
>total immersion within a minute of the intro
>it drags a little but overall an insanely intense and cinematic experience
>gameplay opens up to standard Far Cry-esque open world with jap quirks
>extremely entertaining for a while
>suddenly supersoldiers
>game switches to horror genre and i have to run away helplessly
after like the 2nd or 3rd encounter with the sueprniggers i had to just give it up. That shit is way too tense for me. It's a shame because the game was enjoyable enough, I was looking forward to upgrading the base and recruiting people and stuff.
>Seydeuxcucks so insecure that they have to butt in everywhere because Joostchads live rent-free in their heads
Lmoaing @ ur laifu and waifu
cucks cucks cucks cucks cucks !!!
lol 'waifu'. I don't care about her here because most likely I won't play DS, it's just tryling to counterbalance delusional fucking retards like you.
Cope harder, sent Jewsten some rent money, she's not doing super good! I guess people can't see her 'talent'.
>keeps making fun of Stefanie being poor
>while his waifu only has money because she fucks old jews
I'm not using the old cuck maymay, you dingus. You are a literal, actual, dictionary definition cuckold.
people say that word, you should probably just get over it and not make a fool of yourself like this again
Dem titties my got.
People are fucking stupid. I'm sure you are ok to matching their level. Probably you don't have to try too much, don't ya?
It's not only super stupid, cringy but extra dated. Adding word cuck to other word doesn't improve argument in any way.
I'm out, keep wanking to that talentless horse. Kojimbo giving her a spot in MGS will be a peak of her career.
she's a fine girl alright.
Contained areas like the oilfield, the airport, etc. are nice and the game could have used more of them, but MGSV doesn't actually play that well with indoor environments.
Even at its best MGSV falls prey to the same imbalances that plague MGS3, but much like MGS3 it's fun anyway. Far better than Portable Ops, MGS4, or PW anyway.
Was it really just a demo, or it had stuff that Ground Zeroes didn't have?
These mist skulls are a joke once you get to know what they do. I regularly beat them with lvl 1 rifle (the not-ak47) and lvl 1 grenades. They have cinematic jumps following you to give you a scare, but they're weak bitches. Just headshot them, run to cover if you start seeing red, throw a nade to shave off half of their hp and repeat.
There's two other types of skulls, the armored ones are a real threat since they get a million hp and can regenerate a shield. Gotta focus one and kill it quick, then next and so on. The spike attack can oneshot you, so watch for that. Brennan sniper, shotguns and explosives work well here.
Third type is the snipers. Encounter is basically Quiet x 4. Gotta use a drug that highlights their location or nv goggles to spot them. Sniper rifles work well since they have no armor, the challenge comes in dodging their bullets. On extreme mode they oneshot.
Any of these gets torn to shit if you have a gun emplacement nearby. it's basically pressing a skip button. Watch so that they don't destroy it immediately and you're set. Also if you're still having trouble develop the homing cluster missile launcher and never worry again.
Is this game good for someone who has never played MGS before?
If you want to fap it to torture rape tapes, sure.
>paid demos
it was a full game, desu.
No one could know what a piece of utter shit V would be
I sincerely hope DS bombs and Kojima's henchmen come crawling back to Konami while Kojima fades into obscurity forced to spend more time with his family that he hates
Except Yong is Kojima bootlicker? He unironically purchased Kojima Productions merch and did an unboxing video on it. The fucking studio released exactly 0 games to date. None, nada.
oh my
Camp Omega... home.
Really, problem with MGS5 is it's just not finished. All the GZ groundwork is there, but as a complete game 5 is lacking.
Guessing Paz turned out to be a sweet fruit.
If you care about the story, not at all. If you don't care about the story, sure, but that's true for any game in the series.