I am forgotten......................................
I am forgotten......................................
am2r was better
Fpbp /thread
I actually never played it. What was the final verdict? Am2r was the tightest shit, but I found SR 3D models a little bland compared to the sprites in am2r. Did it stack up in the gameplay department?
it's a pretty low tier metroid game but it is in fact a metroid game which makes it better than anything else we got in the past 10 years
I just played it yesterday. I keep the cartridge in my 3DS when I want to play it.
It's okay. Lacks enemy variety, and there's only 3 non-metroid bosses, though there's 2 variants of each metroid evolution to make up for it. Environments are about as pretty as you can get on the 3DS, though the framerate takes a hit on older models. Actual gameplay is what you expect, but the 360 degree aiming is really nice, makes me want it in all the older games. The biggest flaw IMO is that you can't 100% the game until after you kill the queen metroid because theres blocks only the baby can remove everywhere
I've wanted a new 2D metroid game ever since ZM. I tried playing Samus Returns, I really did. But I just couldn't stand it. Playing 2D sidescrolling platformers with that awful fucking circle-pad is a nightmare, and there is NO OPTION TO CHANGE THE CONTROLS either.
And I hate the 2.5D design. 2.5D is trash for platformers, because it's not always perfectly clear where the actual plane of the game is unless the devs get the perspective right, which they didn't in SR. And also they failed to deliver much contrast and clarity between the foreground and the background, making it harder to distinguish level design from background scenery.
IDK, maybe I'll retry the game on an emulator one of these days. At least then I could change the fucking controls
Forgot to mention they changed how the ice beam works, it doesn't stack with the rest anymore, now it's a seperately equipped thing. Frozen metroids take bonus damage and have restricted movesets
Worth 15 euroshekels? I do love me some 2D metroid, but does this have as much soul as the snes and gba games?
It's behind the times of feats of Axiom Verge and Hollow Knight in terms of abilities. It also reuses Lower Norfair, again, for EVERY SINGLE HEATED AREA holy shit. It turns the Metroid lab from II and AM2R into this really poppin' place instead of the decadent facility it ought to be. It misses so many fucking marks, it's ridiculous.
You can play it on Citra for fucking nothing and it runs great.
>but does this have as much soul as the snes and gba games?
Not even close.
This user gets it.
Member Prime Hunters?
Isn't it crazy that was a DS game? How did they pull that off? I don't think anything on DS came even remotely close to that level of technical achievement
I found it perfectly natural. I don't know why everyone gets so upset about the 3DS controls.
It's pretty embarrassing that Nintendo had a decade to prove that Metroid can work without Retro Studios and the best they could manage was a remake that was overshadowed by a fangame.
Diggernaut battle was amazing.
>t's behind the times of feats of Axiom Verge and Hollow Knight in terms of abilities
Axiom Verge had too many abilities, and Hollow Knight is a glorified Flash game with a a superfluous moveset.
Samus Returns more naturally refines the moves from previous games.
Anybody else get the feeling that it's bitter AM2R fags making these threads?
The DS was a really weird console for 3D. I'm not aware of any other console with 3D hardware quite like the DS.
>Axiom Verge had too many abilities
All optional and unique.
>and Hollow Knight is a glorified Flash game
This means nothing in a vacuum.
>with a a superfluous moveset.
Many of which are optional and unique.
>Samus Returns more naturally refines the moves from previous games.
It incorporates the grapple hook into battle which we hadn't seen since 2007, but only in regards to Metroids, and only in certain moments. 360 degree aiming was not a game changer. SR would've worked just fine without it. SR did nothing to refine anything.
How were the Lord of Shadow 3DS game compared to this?
I'm not even going to reply seriously to this. It';s self-evident to anyone with a brain why shitty analogue controls don't work well with 2D platformers.
Did you also play GBA games on GC gameboy player with the GC analogue stick?
Probably. Ain't it amazing how these losers are still hurting 2 years after the fact?
The enemy variety didn't bother me too much because of how they made the enemies tougher because of how souped-up they were from previous games.
>itt AM2R fags hating on having 2 great remakes of Metroid 2
I didn't use most of the weapons in Axiom Verge because they were redundant or unnecessary. Keep it simple. Same with the abilities in Hollow Knight.
Why are you trying to universalize your subjective experiences? Lots of people found the controls just fine.
>they made the enemies tougher
Parry + attack = one shot kill.
not him but the controls did suck, they could easily have had movement on the dpad and the game would have been better for it
As opposed to the one shot kill of previous games? The dodging kept you on your toes.
I'm picky as shit when it comes to controls and I thought they were fine.
not sure what you mean about the background/foreground shit either, I never got confused about anything visually.
I liked it more than ZM.
It's a solid Metroid game but it's full of little things that drag it down. Namely Mercury Steam's complete inability to design boss fights that aren't bullet sponges and don't overstay their welcome. Or late game areas with enemies that require Aether to kill and render the screw attack useless.
Fuck the Diggernaut especially.
D-pad doesn't work with 360 aiming.
>I didn't use most of the weapons in Axiom Verge because they were redundant or unnecessary
That's not the point. It allows for player expression. Metroid is completely behind on this when nearly every video game coming out now has something of this. What weapon did you use to kill Athetos at the end? What was your strategy? Go on and tell me.
>Same with the abilities in Hollow Knight
Wew, are you a retard? You didn't find use in elongating the nail? You didn't decide between getting double manga juice back per hit versus zero knockback? There are many options here that allow for player expression.
>As opposed to the one shot kill of previous games?
Why the fuck are you bringing that up? We're talking about SR.
>The dodging kept you on your toes.
It's not dodging. It's parrying, as in it stops the gameplay completely. Screw attack made it completely redundant for common enemies.
>Fuck the Diggernaut especially.
Diggernaut was the most creative and challenging boss fight of any game in a long while. Have you considered getting good?
Mirror of Fate is genuinely the worst Castlevania game ever made next to Lords of Shadow 2. It has no redeeming qualities and a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes the Metroidvania genre enjoyable.
It was also thematically boring in every way.
metroid games are overrated
Have it so that using the circle pad automatically switches you to 360 aiming, without the need to hold the trigger.
Parrying is a bad mechanic, dodging enemies and counter attacking using your standard mobility options is more interesting than having a single button to avoid damage AND open a window of opportunity.
>That's not the point. It allows for player expression.
You want expression? Join a dance troupe. Spider-ball and bomb jumping work well enough without cumbersome, superfluous upgrades.
>You want expression? Join a dance troupe
This is the worst non-argument I've ever seen.
>Spider-ball and bomb jumping work well enough
Is that how limited your imagination is? Why are you even conversing with me? You're a drooling fucking retard.
Any boss fight that requires you to use a mechanic the game never explains or demokstrates to you, like getting it to suck up your morph bombs (something that is shown to render them useless in other areas), is not a fun fight.
>cumbersome, superfluous upgrades.
What weapon did you use to kill Athetos at the end? What was your strategy? You didn't find use in elongating the nail? You didn't decide between getting double manga juice back per hit versus zero knockback?
There was nothing I needed in Axiom Verge beyond the first few upgrades. I don't know why you need more than that.
Hollow Knight is just a series of Igavania upgrades. None are really necessary.
>There was nothing I needed in Axiom Verge beyond the first few upgrades. I don't know why you need more than that.
I guarantee you defeated Athetos in the least efficient way possible if that's truly what you believe.
>Hollow Knight is just a series of Igavania upgrades. None are really necessary.
I can imagine you bumbling around like the retard I said you were with less than half of your mana juice full and wondering why the game is "cumbersome."
These are the sorts of people that play video games. Utter fucking trash. Sayonara, loser.
Why do talk about games as if they were productivity software? RPG upgrades are a Castlevania thing, not Metroid.