Five years and hundreds of in-game hours later we finally got the trophy. The devs made this expansion WAY too difficult. 10/10 would do it all over again. :ring:
Five years and hundreds of in-game hours later we finally got the trophy...
Dude on the left looks pretty content but why does the Joker look so disgusted?
Man imagine being so delusional you trick yourself into marrying that monster.
women don't play video games and she's not finding the trophy reference funny and just kinda bearing with it
Only way he'll have sex.
>this is a 10/10 for the average steam user
Just wait until you get to the divorce quest. It's fucking brutal.
>Disgusting hag beast
Oh Canadabro, I know the options are limited up there given the -60 temperatures, and constant risk of beaver maulings, but come on...
Also I thought Vancouver was supposed to be containing those individuals...
Looks like they're fighting over who's gonna wear the strapon later.
Ok thats cute but i cant help but imagine them having sex and vomit in my throat
Why can't women look normal like the guy?
>green hair
>dark lipstick
That poor söymale is guaranteed to get cheated on and then divorced
They must be borderland fans because thats how its trophy icons look
You can tell they're borderlands fans even without the trophy icon
Nice try, SDF.
How long until they unlock the Divorce cheevo?
Because they have to stand out and show they're Not Like Other Girls™.
Tell me where you learned such magic.
Good fucking god, I'd rather stay a virgin for my whole life than waste it on that hambeast. You just know she's terrible both inside and outside.
I'd give it about six months.
>mfw my friend is on his way to tie himself to such a ham beast
>she's even almost a decade older than him, works a similar job and is very opinionated
They will have a lot of fun, I'm sure. But hey, "growing up" and "being normal" come at a price. heh.
probably an xbot
It'll be longer, I believe. The guy will probably go the cuck way, trying to appease her every need and mood. Eventually, she wants to get fucked by others guys and he has to force himself into believing he enjoys it
At some point the whole "looks doesn't matter" meme should have a limit.
When do the adds spawn in? :3
I can't even pretend. Ugh.
R/gaming shit like this makes me cringe like nothing else
I'm honestly glad to be a permavirgin
Her insides are probably better than her outside.
My brother has dated a landwhale for years, and after that one he went for a hambeast he's been doing for maybe a year now. Some poor bastards are just THAT desperate for pussy. Its not even funny, its just sad and disgusting.
Plenty of cute girls in Vancouver, not even chinese/korean/jap ones.
Hypothetical: your older brother, let's call him Peturabo, fucks a landwhale by choice.
Which one do you dispise more, Peturabo or the real one who is apparently not in a position to chose?
like pottery
i wish i could have kids
internet porn and masturbation, I couldn't be happier