But I don't play modern games. What are some good graphically intense PC games? Preferably story light.
Just upgraded my PC
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what the fukc is wrong with this mans beard
>Battlefield V
>Battlefront 2
>Doom (2016)
>Still Witcher 3 - the nature is fucking beautiful
no amount of hours at the gym will lift away those hideous freckles and that peckerwood face
Steins;Gate Linear Bounded Phenogram
Freckles aren't hideous, they're cute to fags and women alike.
kingdom come deliverance has dethroned w3 when it comes to natural landscape
your cringe is showing
Dwarf Fortress and Lobotomy Corporation.
At the same time.
Enjoy your house fire!
> 3 gpu
What's the point?
New Tomb Raider. It's not the greatest game in the world but it has some great locations. What's your monitor?
GPU rendering. Because generally speaking you do literally get exactly the amount of performance more if you add more GPU's you can render frames 3x faster with three cards than you could with just one.
For gaming? Practically zero reason. For VR I think there's modes in newer cards to use two GPU's to render out each eye by itself, but otherwise there's no point.
Why did you upgrade your PC if you didn't need to?
i want to be cute in a way that gets me laid, i'm tired of being pity cute
I got a VR headset got stuttering and frame dips in some games and I'm too autistic to deal with that. Also I like having the latest technology.
>PC getting old
>decide to upgrade
>remember that there aren't any decent games made in the last few years
Choose what PC Gaming is made for; Advanced games.
DayZ (lol at the console ports)
Escape From Tarkov
Fuck Brainlets talking shit about them. They are as Hardcore of an Game experience as it gets. Graphic are beyond what any Console can deliver.
What are you talking about? Freckles are cute on their own, on a man who's good looking they're just a plus.
It's fake or it's took him literally his entire life to grow that strip.
This. I bet under that cap he's beginning to bald too.
Honestly if you're not interested in a single game coming out, you're not into gaming anymore
>Not into new games about to come out.
>Lel, not a true gamer anymore.
>Can't be into older titles.
>Can't wait for titles to come along that you would like.
there are, plenty in fact
Dude, there's thousands of games being made. If you're not interested in any of them yeah, you're not into gaming anymore.
My dad must be a 'Gamer' then because he still plays fucking pinball?
Are you aware of every one of those 1000's of titles being released? There's been plenty of times I only found out about a game long after it's release / hype window had come and gone and loved it.
Honestly that's wrong because I still play plenty of older games. It's just that from 2017 there hasn't been jack shit of interest. People can fuck off with their open world memes and asscreed clones and EA pay2win multiplayer fuckfests and all that garbage.
>Are you aware of every one of those 1000's of titles being released
Obviously, I'm not a casual
AAA casual faggot detected, shut the fuck up and make children already normalfag.
jesus christ man, you know that there are plenty of games that aren't western aaa out there?
He should cut that retarded facial hair and shave his head. He's probably hiding a massive bald spot under that cap. Also has to stop dressing like a slob. He could also drop 200 kcal from his diet and reduce his body fat percentage to get rid of that double chin.
That's a big case.
Try out flight simulators like X-plane with mods such as Xenviro and reshade+Xvision if you truly want to bring your PC or any PC to it's knees
Play darksiders 3. The map design is kino.
I just want to upgrade because I'm still using Sata 2.
Try Total War series. Warhammer2 or the last one with chinks.
Avoid all those except Witcher 3.
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Hitman 2
Insurgency Sandstorm
>fake beards
I refuse to believe men can be this insecure. Where would one buy such a beard? They gotta have some newspeak term for it, like when they call wigs hairpieces or toupees. Asking for a friend, by the way. A-and research. I'm also filming a screenplay soon and my lead doesn't have the time to grow it out.
he has shitty genetics
Are you serious?
If anything, I had the impression that it looked worse than Rise.
what the fuck are you even talking about?
it's clearly just a pattern he shaved into his beard
Pretty much this
>graduate uni with compsci degree
>suddenly make ridiculous amounts of money while living cheaply with my student buddies
>can't find any excuse to buy new PC stuff because everything still works well enough
Guess I'll just rent a geisha during my next japan trip. Nothing else to spend money on anyway.
peep the sideburn game of this bong
>just hit the gym, bro
better filesize
That's a scar. From the knife fight
>Better filesize
I don't think that means what you think that means.
i don't compress. this is the 21st century
When people use facial hair to try strengthen their jawline. He's doing the opposite
Have sex
Go to the gym
Get a diet