Will you be picking one up?
Will you be picking one up?
>still no way to backup saves
Unless I'm able to have my account on both a docked switch and the handheld at the same time, no. And knowing Nintendo it won't happen.
I mean it isn't that heavy so yeah.
Been sitting on the fence until now. Definitely joining the Switchads once this releases.
>probably not going to be hackable for ages
Just use checkpoint
>bad catalog
>probably won't be hackable as first switch model
>yuzu will soon be better for playing upcomming exclusivities
Please give one reason to pick one up.
Oh and grown men don't play vidya outdoors.
My switch sits its ass in the dock all the time so no
When is the docked mode only version coming out?
Man the Vita TV is based.
I am a man so I will continue using my big boy switch.
was. you can use a plug in for the vita that makes it act like a switch now.
Pffft I’m looking forward to the switch twitch where you just watch MARIOrun.
PSP had that too, it was called a video out cable.
>switch lite
>switch tv
>switch holographic
>switch implant
>switch cyborg
>switch transcendence
Yeah. Turquoise is my mom's favorite color, so I'll get her that and the link's awakening remake.
yeah I like how on the vita devkits they had hdmi out then they take it out on the consumer release. fuck sony
>switch is paperclip proof
now what
Does the Vita have an ethernet port and usb input? No? Then fuck off.
I never had a switch and I still can't name at least 2 games that I want to play on it. I'll get the lite once it drops to 150 with new metroid.
Yup, for story of seasons, animal crossing and maybe pokemon
no but i'll probably get one for my sister when ac comes out so we can play together
This, dont care about any of the retarded excuses fan made up about muh security and shit, any tech hardware should have available backup for saves, also their catalog ain't remotely worth buying a second model.
Octopath is on Steam, why buy it? To play Mario goes to school? I'll pass.
Probably, never had a switch but now that there's a few games I give a fuck about 200 bucks is aight.
Yepp, so I can I put it in the trash
If Animal Crossing and SMT are good then probably yeah
Only if it it has/can do the following:
>Better battery life
>Better sticks
I've wanted a PSP replacement for portable emulation for years now since the Vita was and still is a massive disapointment all around.
Probably, I only play my Switch when I’m on the go is a handheld only version would be a must buy for me
They want to do exactly that. With save synch and stuff. Can't find the source right now, but I think bowser said it.
even if they don't do cloud saves or something, is there any reason you couldn't just swap the SD card between the two? It's not ideal, but it's something
While I like the portability, the Switch's shitty battery life means I play it docked a lot anyway. I'd consider it if they made the Switch Lite chunky to double the battery life but from the numbers they gave it sounds like barely an improvement, and without the option to use a dock I don't see any reason why someone would double dip. Even my friend who wants a Switch thinks it's too much of a downgrade to be worth it.
I already own a Switch
I'll buy a Switch when it's as blown open as the 3DS was in 2015