do you watch streamers?
Do you watch streamers?
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Yes. I wish i was one. Every other job sounds shit.
The last time I watched on Twitch when the Artifact section exploded with anime, porn, and gore streams.
I will only watch tournaments. I haven't found a streamer that is actually worth watching.
Nope, I have a hard enough time understanding why people pay to watch actual athletes play REAL sports, so watching someone play a videogame just boggles my mind.
Grew up during the SNES/N64 days, and the worst part of hanging out with your friends and playing videogames was that there were never enough controllers for everyone so you had to take turns and watch your friends play, now kids seem to throw money at complete jackasses so they can watch them play a videogame...
The only stream I regularly watch is the Dropped Frames podcast
i watch Cosmo streams in the hope i catch its suicide live
i work retail and donate a monthly subscription to manvsgame and cohhcarnage
I like Aurateur. Godlike mario maker player, and cozy streams
*outlasts twitch*
>jerma, robbaz, Joel
Yea. I watch Kripp when I need to fall asleep. I've been doing this for years. It's weird.
>tfw i went from not understanding streamers to only watching streamers
its cheaper than cable at least
I treat it like radio. Put it in the background while I do other shit.
yes, but only irl friends and online-people I've been playing with for a long time
where is the bald man?
Pretty much the same. The people who actively interact with the streamer with donos and chat 24/7 are weird to me.
Not on twitch; twitch is part of the woke circlejerk that enforces respect for women, fags and mulattos.
Sure, it's good background noise when i browse or do work, also good for winding down after long sessions of vidya or anime and just chilling.
they try, but also all the bigger money makers are almost universally assholes. kind of a weird relationship they have.
meh it's alright sometimes when the streamer does something you don't understand and he explains it.
the rule of thumb is to find a non kid streamer (language optional) with under 1000 viewers, since most are chill and aren't constantly going with POGGERS!! and other dumb twitch lingo
>find small streamer
>can have great talks with people in chat without cancer emote spam present in big streams
>streamer constantly interacts with viewers andmakes them part of the stream
>meet and make good friends, play vidya together sometimes
it's great, you can find a lot of gold in the 0-1000 viewer range streams
I do. They all play building and strategy games mainly. Lot's of Cities Skylines. It's interesting what people come up with and how everyone has their own style.
this. Support smaller streamers, good times almost guaranteed
Yes. I don't even play video games anymore myself.
>try to watch some dude
>he's currently bitching about the game because he can't find the key item needed to progress
>this goes on for too long to just be a joke
>I haven't even played the game but I knew what it was it was so obvious
>decide to tell him through chat
>dude actually reads it and threatens to ban me for backseating
>everyone in chat is jeeking to this
Bitch what the fuck? What type of shit even is that? That'll teach me to even acknowledge twitch.
stop watching DSP
twitch is a great platform to watch vidya related events like tournaments and those charity marathons. why watch for 1 person?
Mostly Siege streamers
I watch a few streamers who never get above 100 viewers and outside that, I usually have a fighting game tournament in the background while I do other stuff.
Gas yourself zoomers.
>Ya winnin', son?
>outlasted TechTV, G4techTV, G4, SOPA, PIPA, Toby Turner, Retsupurae, LifesAGlitchTV, John Rambo, Howard, Other John, moot, Satoru Iwata, Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, GameTrailers, Sons of Kojima, PandaLee, Kiwi Farms, the state of Washington, the Washington Department of Revenue, the Internal Revenue Service, Machinima, TotalBiscuit, Cosmo Wright, TheCreatureHub, August Ames, the, Best Friends Zaibatsu, Gross Gore, Ice Poseidon, ProJared, Etika, Game of Thrones, Kaz Hirai, Mumkey, Boogie, Giant Bomb, DrDisrespectYourPrivacy, MethodJosh, and BadBunny
I watch Youtube clips of Aris's streams, but don't care to watch his streams live.
Used to watch Kripparrian and Trump but I've really made an effort to excise Hearthstone out of my life.
what is backsteating?
Sometimes I put someone on for background noise
When people in chat and donations try to tell the streamer what to do. Sometimes it's just constructive feedback on what they're doing wrong, but sometimes it's straight-up telling them where to go and how to do something before they even have a chance to try themselves.
yeah, occasionally. mainly Vinny, Joel, and the former SBFP guys, and occasionally FGC tournaments
only non-video game streamers, video game streams are boring as fuck
99% fighting game streams and tournaments
1% seasonal events and other games
Vinny is one I watch from time to time, but right now he's playing FF9 and that doesn't really appeal to me, nor does Bloodstained and Mario maker is usually the 2nd thing he does, and no way am I staying up till 1 am without jerking off.
A different one I watch is a guy who averages just a few viewers even on a "busy" Mario Maker stream. He was cool enough to play a few of my shit levels so that's cool I guess.
I used to watch a bunch of Souls speedrunners but not really anymore. Now it's just fighting game tournaments and the random literalwho playing some Fatal Frame game. It's nice background noise.
Only one
all my favourite streamers either got super political or got depressed and stopped streaming
yes, on youtube archives with adblock on
what the fuck is jeeking
No, but I will when he returns
Yeah, recently a lot of GTA5 roleplayers but I usually just have the stream in the background while playing something else.
I thought I could maybe make some friends by participating in small streams but as usually my efforts haven't worked out.
what a faggot lol
only games i regret buying so i can watch someone else suffer through the shit slog of playing a bad game, OR
non-english streamers so i can pretend i'm doing something useful by just listening to another language.
rarely do i actually find competent streamers that are not annoying cunts who interrupt gameplay for every follow announcement, and who are also competent players that don't make silly mistakes (unless it's actually funny)
Yes. And just like with games, Yea Forums only talks about the popular garbage shit so I'm not going to bother because I don't want you faggots infesting good communities.
it still hurts bros...
Method Josh what was his deal he could get girls but then he just threatened them, wtf was his deal?
hes autistic
Aris and jerma are the only streamers that matter
Only reaction shit to chill before bed or to see a new game that i am not gonna play. Use to watch much more back in the day, but modern streams are not fun anymore, no bad words allowed, no opinions allowed, all drama is fake and the most important that 90% of games streamers play nowadays are paid ADs like TFT.
For me, its delly
forgot the link
When will the bubble burst? It wont last forever
I only watch one, and I'm never telling Yea Forums do you autistic fucks don't ruin it.
There's too much money going through it right now for the bubble to burst. All it takes is a thousand people (but typically much much more) directly contributing five bucks a month (but again, typically much much more) to their surrogate friend for it to be very lucrative for an individual, and Twitch gets a huge cut from tens of thousands of partners. Though, I think in a few years we're gonna start getting a YouTube Adpocalypse situation where maybe advertisers get butthurt about not enough ROI (Twitch already tried directly injecting ads into streams, which not even Streamlink could stop for a few weeks), and Twitch will probably start getting more predatory with the cuts they get. They take 50% from subscriptions which is negotiable as your channel gets bigger and a smaller amount from cheers, but there's really nothing stopping them from just waking up one day and deciding to take 75% of subscriptions and cheers on all new contracts with all partners, other than goodwill. As soon as Twitch feels it's irreplaceable enough, they'll start sucking partners dry who have few alternatives.
Only ones I'm friends with
this right here
i started streaming for fun a week ago. i stream every night late night for a few hours and its mostly been a positive experience. i play mario maker and people hop in the chat and post levels and we shoot the shit. i only get 3-6 viewers a night but i love hanging out and playing their levels. i want to get bigger but im okay with carving a niche with the night owls
I like this guy
I don't really watch, just put as background noise like a podcast.
xcaliz0rz and thats it
Jaboodyshow is the only good streamer
Only when I'm considering purchasing a game. I check out a streamer or two to see the gameplay to get an idea of how it plays/if I'd like it.
"no backseating"
what a bunch of delicate pussies. It's bad enough that twitch chat just types out lame reaction humor as the default mode of "interaction". No one is going to give a fuck if you ignore advice because it's a blind playthrough or you already know what to do. Just don't read it out loud and move on, holy shit.
Streamers say they love twitch over youtube because of the "chat interaction", but it's a very pathetic type of interaction 90 minutes out of 100. They just want to have their ego stroked by knowing someone is watching.
It's fun to have stuff in the background to listen to. Mostly speedrunners like zfg and a small balding ginger man who is wrong about everything.
I like Happy Hob
I have been shitposting on Yea Forums for over a decade and I have never watched a streamer, never will. They are cancer and are ruining video games for us all.
Yes me and 8 other people frequent a streamer and it’s honestly great.
I sometimes watch short clips from Asmongold's stream on YouTube.
This man owns two houses. He literally cannot be stopped.
>Boogie2988: "I need help financing my Tesla Model X;" pussies out after everyone gives him shit for it
>DSP: "I own prime real estate in the greater Seattle area and a condo back in Connecticut, give me money;" sticks to his guns
>hit points 0
Literaly how?
Only Northern "Ryan Gary" Letourneau
That's just a sample of his power.
No but demo is on there sometimes
dsp is actually better at games than you are just so you know
I think he just hid in the grass while everyone else killed themselves and the last guy couldn't outrun the circle.
Yes I do, everyday. More than YouTube or Netflix. I really enjoy Twitch and its content creators. I have a budget of roughly $500 a month for donating to my favorite streamers. They entertain me, so it's only fair that they get paid for it. I mean, can you blame them? Who would want to work for free? Also, there's something really comfy about listening to a girl ramble about random stuff, games included.
>hurr durr user is a beta orbiter
If anything, I'm an alpha orbiter. I don't wait for them to "love me" in return for donating or moderating their chats. It's just something that I enjoy. The acknowledgment comes naturally. I'm currently a mod for four streamers, pic related included.
most of them are only children who have had zero interaction with humans prior to streaming
"no backseating or spoilers" ... you're playing an old game for the first time, you want your chat to sit in fucking silence?
arrogant cunts deserve their low view count
all based
>dsp is actually better at games
i refuse to accept a person who took 30 minutes to beat Sundowner in MG:R as good
that copypasta is sinister brah
it's hard not to love Clint Stevens. it really is
some people don't like backseating
I want to see people struggle and fail during their blind playthroughs, to see how they manage
it's the fucking worst when a new guy is coming up to a boss, and he's thinking aloud what to do, and what he's gonna try and then some guy in chat "just do X and you kill him instantly"
i had that happen to me once. I was hiding like a bitch under a bridge, and there was a 1v1 above me. The final circle was literally below the bridge so they had to jump down. One dude got lit up, and the other jumped like an idiot and took half damage. So i had the health advantage. I did some damage on some passersby but i didn't kill anyone because i played waterstrats like a bitch prenerf and i had a shitty loadout (m16 with no scope, lvl1 armor and helm)
No but I do enjoy free stuff using my moms amazon prime account
there's one streamer that I watch regularly, he hasn't been on lately though
>take a walk please, and try and tackle ur anxiety rather than hiding from it. Social media is fuckin mind poison, i swear.
who's this truthsayer?
Unironically a streamer, it doesn't get more real than a streamer telling you he's not your friend
God help this poor fucking man
I didn't know /r9k/ played Warframe
ahh right that guy, that's the only thing I've seen of him since I was playing mario royale at the time
That's not /r9k/, that's pretty much the average faggot watching streamers
all pictures like these are fake
SwoleBenji for me, but he streams on youtube. Dude's gonna mass stream snipe girl gamers on WoW. A based lad that actually took time to talk to me on how to escape iceldom.
DSPChads were u at?
we fucking won
There is no saving him. He is gonna have to cleanse his fanbase on his own.
based DSP can't be fucking beaten
Just some small streamers that I play some games with.
>but they aren't real friends! Go take a walk outside!
Yeah I'm going to ask some random people in the park if they want to play video games with me.
>t. mouth-breathing autist who is physically incapable of spoiling shit
Your kind is obnoxious and pretending to have the higher ground on an anonymous image board is laughable
Shoutouts to SimpleFlips
>no argument
streamers make a living from "entertaining" viewers. If the average viewer wants to help the streamer, the fact that you (the player) don't want the help doesn't factor into it
if you were paid to watch TV shows with vast numbers of strangers, and you threw a hissy fit every time they inevitably spoiled you, how much money do you think you'd stand to lose?
tell my why I should bother arguing with you, anonymous image board user
Dude's right, parasocial relationships are a hell of a thing especially now with twitch and youtube streaming being so popular.
Why does he attract so many furries?
Don't watch em but I do listen. usually have someone playing a game I currently do as background noise while working.
certified kosher stream
Yeah, but I go to their main site usually.
Everyone else are fags
He will never do shit with all the faggots protecting them, you're supposed to make a team of at least 10 people to have a chance.
Have you ever seen Grim's legendary gank?
Girl gamers aren't going to race to 60. He's going to lock them down in low level zones.
>tfw trolled this faggot so hard he ragequit his stream
I could enjoy his stream a lot more if there wasn't for those faggot who puts shitty forced meme songs requests in 90% of the stream
zfg is pretty great. he can be boring as fuck but he doesn't hesitate to explain shit to newfags
watching is free beside what you pay to your ISP and it's somewhat entertaining
Is this the gay boi who was hosting Jackbox
>tfw used 4 players to call him a vaping faggot and he shut down stream
He is right and its going to get even worse
At least the ones on his mod team are nice and keep their furry shit to themselves, plus he has no problems canning them if they step over the line like with Vappy
Atp and Moonmoon
Boring cuck with a snowflake autistic community, hard pass.
Lmao someone post the picture
Thats mean user ;_;
>night owls
More likely chinks and aussies.
I've been on some late night twitch channels and indonesian/vietnamese/whatever chink shit language tends to pop up in chat a lot at that timezone.
i only watch movies on twitch
Imagine if you were playing Ghost Trick for the first time and some faggot keeps telling you where to go, what to do and what's going to happen next. I'd be fucking pissed.
>imagine going to work for the first time and some faggot keeps telling you where to go, what to do and what's happening next. I'd be fucking pissed.
>comparing fucking video games to an actual 9 to 5 job
yeah, my bad, I forgot that people stream to hang out and have fun with their friends
would be weird if there was money involved
Just Moonmoon
got v&. so no one now
Yes, but not because I have ADHD like every zoomer, but because I'm playing competitively and like to watch players from the competitive scene of my game, study their game and thoughts, and sometimes even stream sniping so I can get to challenge them and test myself
Something that sadly got banned me twice already, because you would think these "pro" players are people to look on and follow, but most of them actually live more of their fame than their actual game abilities, and in a pussy generation like ours, it can't be helped, if they lose on stream in front of 1000 people watching you get banned.
80% of twitch streamers are hypocrite trash.
If they weren't stream sniping wouldn't be considered an offense.
Not really into watching dedicated streamers unless I want to see how something is played in a competitive game and I'm more apt to watch vods to skip to what I want.
I used to watch scheduled streams like TheGDShow, Day9 daily, and State of the Game.
I like how they corrupted the term to mean stream cheating when stream sniping is literally just matchmaking with the intent of getting in game with a streamer.
Only the best
>Streamers say they love twitch over youtube because of the "chat interaction", but it's a very pathetic type of interaction 90 minutes out of 100. They just want to have their ego stroked by knowing someone is watching.
As an occasional content creator, I prefer Twitch simply because it's way less of a pain in the ass. Don't have to write scripts, don't have to spend hours editing, don't have to fill my drives with terabytes of footage, and chat interaction is good because it's way easier to be interesting talking to somebody else than trying to talk to myself for half an hour or whatever and not just seem like a retard.
What is funny to me is that no matter who shit talks him, DSP can never get any lower than how he currently stands
Even if he would get accused of raping children, his hate parade will still follow, continuing to give him views. His hate is the reason why hes so popular. King of Hate is an accurate title for this man
Hes fucking invincible
Literally this.
How many times did I have to explain the difference between sniping and ghosting a stream, because I never felt ashamed of saying that I sniped streams, everytime I get told that it's cheating because the moronic bunch of cock sucking fans just averaged the "stream snipe" term to: watch the stream while playing.
Stream sniping is just that, sniping a streamer to get matched with that person...
Unfortunately now it's just a word to describe cheaters.
I understand why actual "pros" never go streaming full-time, it's just too much hassle and trouble, the supposed pro streamers are frauds, I never had any trouble beating them on stream, and if they happen to know I sniped them: Banned.
He's disappeared into the void and he's never coming back user it's time to move onwards
I miss him but I hope he's having a good life outside of youtube
I've been streaming and making youtube videos but I feel like if I'd ever want to make a fanbase I'd have to stream the games I actually make videos of, putting a massive fucking delay on my video, because no way would I be able to stream every day for 5 hours, and crack jokes on the spot that I would be able to put into my videos
Imagine a "condensed letsplay" kind of video, where its a full game pushed down to 10-20 minutes and its just a shitpost through and through.
I miss the old MoonMoon. I found him way back before he even had a sub button and was one of his oldest subs for a long time, but he's just not the same anymore, channel's too busy to banter with him like we used to be able to do and his attitude has changed as well, I don't find him as funny or likable as he used to be.
There's actually an tag for people who actively want help, "Backseat Gaming Allowed"
It's cool to drop in and actually find somebody who are is struggling on some game I've played for ages and being able to give a few tips and have them be all "Holy shit, thanks! this will save me hours!"
who is this person endlessly replying to this post under multiple, pretend personalities
are you paid to promote discussion on Twitch or something
Do any of you watch streamers that basically gave up with playing video games and only do reaction shit now? Twitch used to be super anal about watching youtube vids but I guess they don't give a shit anymore and I'm seeing more of these react streamers pop up and I don't see the appeal.
Regularly for tournaments, to check how good/bad recently released games looks, background noise when I work, games I like but I can't experience for the first time again. Never spent a dollar on this though.
forsenE I SEE BAJS
if I wanted to watch someone play games, I'd put a mirror next to my monitor
I like watching Joel because it's just watching someone browse funny pictures and youtube videos that are actually worth seeing.
I like mizkif but he isn't much of a gameplay streamer, not like that matters since I usually just have streams in the back while I play games myself.
what if you wanted to watch an attractive person play games
yes but they're funny, and the reason people repost them is because they're a believable representation of these communities
that's not what he said though
he said to stop using streamers as substitutes for real friends
and as an extension to that, gamers should stop using video games as substitutes for real accomplishments
start there
>Man vs Game
I get what you're trying to do, but there's not even 1(one) attractive person streaming on twitch
good parody needs to reveal the joke
these are, as you say, too believable
probably the type of "parody" that /pol/ and that muslim shooting were built on, some kids really eat this shit up
forsen, northernlion, and alkaizer are patrician twitch streams
>instead of learning how to properly use social media, just burn the witch
Wow, truly a man ahead of society
which booby streamer has the biggest tiddies
only zfg
I watch a lot of dead by daylight streamers, something about that game makes it really easy to watch for long periods of time. vinc3ntvega, umbra, coconutRTS are some favorites.
shit i forgot otzdarva
I watch myself so I can have at least 1 viewer
They're really boring, I don't really see the appeal.
>I do stream but so I can rewatch my own VODs, not so I gather viewers or whatever.
That's absolutely the worst excuse I've ever heard. If you just wanted to rewatch your own progress there are much more efficient ways to set up screen capture and just have video files that you could later upload to a cloud storage and/or put on an external HDD if you magically got literally thousands of hours that you would pore over every week.
I only watch tyler1
I watch Floe on occassion because he reminds me of when Mike Ross was alive.
I also watch MTG coverage from official tournaments and sometimes StarCityGames but I don't think that really counts.
Used to but allowing people to do other things then video games ruined it. Twitch was made because the creator wanted a site only for video games nothing else but when amazon bought it they figured they could have clothed cam girls make them shittons of money from underage kids whilst also having others preach politics. Twitch is fucked now I can see it still going up for a bit but all these problems are gonna seriously bite them in the ass in the future.
Only when my e-friends stream
this guy is literally on the spectrum. what does he know about anything
Be happy and watch sub 1k viewer streamers.
I save 20% of my paycheck to donate.
I suddenly stopped watching it everyday after 2 years. I think the commentary, chat interaction, and chat reaction became too formulaic and predictable.
When my pals stream gets up to 30 it starts getting too fast for him to keep up so he misses comments but we don't have many crazies so its still comfy
he frequently makes fun of you oldfags for trying too hard
This. I only really do this and the only >1k viewer stream has a really fucking awful viewer base but I followed him since before twitch was really a thing on youtube.
Money and having one of the most cancerous viewerbases does that to people. If you see people spam moonmoon emotes, you know they are a shit viewer.
No, I'm not underage.
MethodJosh is based but he got banned sadly
>>Man vs Game
>I used the greatsword of meatpacking for my playthrough. The cleaving L2 helped with the hordes of low health enemies
>40 minutes of raging at the 1 random shitter in chat who dared talk about his experience playing the game the streamer is playing
I tend to treat them more like radios or podcasts while soul grinding in Dark Souls 2 or reading.
I do watch some to learn about the gameplay of games I never heard of or that I am curious about. Basically, they sometimes help me make more informed decisions about what games to play in the future.
The people sitting in the backseat of a car telling the driver he's shit and going to get them all lost or killed.
>which booby streamer has the biggest tiddies
Happens way too often with big streamers. This and them stopping the game to read chat when it's fast as fuck Cohh
Sort of? I watch gooks play Brood War. I mean I play the game myself but I would never play the game like they do. Otherwise I don't see the point in streamers. Most people that watch it treat it like TV, they have nothing better to do
Post it sounds comfy so long as you are the right level of tism
I treat it as TV I don't have to pay attention to while I actually do stuff on my main monitor. It's all background noise and I mostly watch groups of people play and banter instead of solo streams.
fuck you garfield
I only come to these threads to make sure no one mentions the few streamers I occasionally watch. And besides those, I just watch Japanese girls playing games.
>Happens way too often with big streamers.
I understand its fucking annoying but they can just ignore those messages. It's not like the person is sitting next to you.
I watched him a few times. Caught him in the middle of some retard level rant about politics and at the end he played some sound to signify to his paypigs that what he just said made sense when it fucking didn't. The chat basically responded in a Pavlovian manner to the sound cue. Twitch is fucking weird.
>reads a chat message from some furry during Minecraft asking if you can milk wolves
>responds by asking them if they can leave the stream
occasionally. Usually when devs don't actually put out content about their own game and instead ship off keys to streamers. I get to see the game be broken and buggy and a piece of shit and judge it fairly. Well worth the price of listening to people rambling off lists of names instead of playing the game every few minutes.
Twitch is fucked. Cohh used to be ok when he had like 200 viewers playing Neverwinter but once he hit bigtime it was never the same. I have never ever found a big stream that I liked.
Thread should've ended here. God I hate this place.
I'm ashamed to admit that I've become used to having a twitch stream open like background noise when I play games. It's strange, but now I can't play games without it. Maybe it's just because I'm lonely as fuck and it's somehow socially satisfying.
I enjoy the noise of people talking and Twitch feels natural and not pre-scripted like youtube and podcasts. I don't think of them as my friend and I never chat, I just listen and enjoy whole doing other stuff.
if you're not giving them assloads of money, nothing wrong with it any more than having youtube or podcasts or hulu or netflix or whatever other fucking video service open.
Also forgot to say that most webcam streamers can be a red flag.
I wish anyone who made these threads and people who respond yes to them would get banned. I hate nu/v/ so much
I'm subbed to one streamer that I listen to a lot. It doesn't bother me giving him $5 a month.
Go follow my twitch stream, tonight at 11 PM.
That black pikachu is ugly af
It's more this thread of just pulling off the veil of the ironic shitposting that happens on a daily basis.
I just use my twitch prime.
Yes, but I do not give any money since its a waste to do so.
There is a streamer that gets like 4-6 views, the dude genuinely puts on a good show and interacts with chat often, the problem is he is not that good looking and his setup sucks, the place where he streams is also not that good. Fix that and he could easily get thousands, his personality is wholesome and entertaining
So eceleb shit is ok if it's on twitch but not youtube? ok, Yea Forums. I see what you're doing. ass
Only Werster and Greatteacher.
for me its rifftrax
What do you mean?
if the thread was "hey do you watch youtube streams?" the people here would have reported it for off topic. People here hate yioutube now, but are for some reason are ok with twitch. even though its the same thing.
Reporting actually does nothing. If it was deleted it was because a mod or jannie did it out of a whim.
man shut the fuck up you pathetic boomer
So did the IRS bust him for his pyramid scheme yet?
>tits almost out
>top donator: $2
Wait, is that the Bullyhunter woman or am I thinking of someone else?
then I guess mods hate youtube too. but if you ever see a youtube thread up, read the comments. Almost immediately someone (or a few people) will say " no eceleb shit" and a few minute later the thread will be deleted.
Watch, even in this thread. Lets start talking about whose streams we watch on youtube. Bet this thread will get deleted or people will start bitching.
Go cry to your surrogate friend you little shit
>how to shoot yourself 200iq style
cool image
People have tried what you said already but people are ignoring them. Maybe you should too.
Took you long enough to figure out that the mods and jannies are incredibly biased.
only the compact ones, ones that are good at balloons tower
This one guy, but I only really watch him because I used to watch him for years on Youtube. Never been a fan of watching someone play games for hours on end.
My fantasy is to meet Vinny and then we go hunt down some furries with flamethrowers
Seems way too edgy for me.
>Maybe you should too.
Hows everyone's gaming channel doing ?
(lets see if this gets ignored))
guess I've been away for too long. Things changed here.
Just Korean and Japanese ones
is she on meth? don't they get really dry mouths?
lol what the fuck is he doing? I could understand trying to get his dad to leave/not wanting his dad on camera, but the stance he takes is like he's talking to a dog or some shit lol
Guy is a fucking psycho.
Yes, it's her.
Women completely ruined what good twitch was.
Honest answer is I don't watch youtube that much most because shit feels too edited and artificial but that is my own personal taste. Literally I watch 2 channels only on youtube, 1 is a runescape channel and I don't even play the game and the other is a 2 person VN LP channel.
His dad came in to get a pair of underwear and was covering his junk with nothing but the shirt, the streamer was afraid of getting banned.
only following vinny and joel. i unfollowed anyone else because they were all boring. even joel is boring, and i don't enjoy all of vinny's streams either, i just respect their philosophies towards streaming and experience. otherwise all streaming a shit.
i spend maybe 15 minutes every day browsing various clips on livestreamfails, can't actually bother with watching regular streams or pay attention to streamers.
Every time I see her stream recommended on my front page I get fucking annoyed. Though after like a dozen times of seeing her there I did finally visit her stream once to report her for violating Twitch TOS and then left. FUCK Amouranth.
Either that or crack
Maybe he shouldn't stream in his dad's bedroom.
Probably just weed.
yeah, most of it is edited. but they do have live streams now. I wonder why people would choose twitch over youube.
Though I doubt I'd ever see a whole stream, unless it was a podcast with more than just one person talking to a chat.
I've streamed on youtube before but its difficult just figuring out what to say and be entertaining.
Definitely not. She looks sickly.
That's probably just her eating disorders and bad makeup.
to those who like watching jerma, why is it?
Only one.
God damn I miss Seamus, first YT lets player I ever stuck with.
Sometimes when I'm working/writing, my mind goes empty. I need background noise and brain filler. Twitch is nice for that because I can use my TV for something and it's better than browsing Yea Forums instead.
His childlike wonder, refreshing enthusiasm and charismatic attitude..
I literally never watched this guy or know anything about him other than people spamming his 4 part emote and he introduced the world to the rat meme.
cohh used to be a massive rager before he sold out and went family friendly. he used to buy cheap keyboards in bulk just to break them when he got mad
What did Vappy do?
based and redpill
I actually fucking hate ragers more than anything else on stream. I don't know how people find it enjoyable or funny when it's just really annoying and awkward.
He's a useless bald cunt, but I like watching "Pyrionflax".
He plays with good lads
Pyrionflax is honest and that is why people like him. I have not watched him in years but I assume he is the same as he was before.
this guy is FUCKED
He's a bit of a dickhead, and clearly an alcoholic. He drinks 5+ ciders every night while streaming, and berates this shit out of his "friends".
But I've watched every day for 5 years? I ghuess I just like the lads he pays with
Gay Furry Pokeporn with Vinny's face in the background
Sometimes, when I want to see some borderline porn.
>People actually thought he was pretending
>Nobody said demo yet
You really should watch before he dies of alcoholism
he's a centre-right faggot masquerading as a leftfag. And he's a creep with twitch women.
lol no
It's hard to tell with MMO streamers sometimes, those people average from normal people to completely fucked in the head and a lot of fucked up ones blend in very well.
Fuck no, he's gonna ruin Trihex at this rate
I watch GTA role play streamers, it's pretty funny and nice to have on in the background while playing something casual
Trihex has long since been ruined. Unless you like watching him "react to debates" or that other garbage he does now
Who? Demoman?
Dude Trihex ruined himself years ago.
Yeah, I watch dansgaming sometimes.
Timestamp? Sounds funny as fuck
Yeah, cute korean girl streamers, a cute chink, and also some russian cuties. I can't understand what they're saying, but they're happy, adorable and fairly good at the games. Also Artosis.
Why? Genuinely want to know.
Demolition D
Although he doesn't stream regularly and usually at random hours
nice filename, bigot.
i really only watch two streamers that i found through EU4.
ddrjake for pretty comfy and varied streams nowadays with a chat that bans usual twitch cancer
Florryworry because he's the supreme autist of the game and does shit i'd never even think of myself
i used to watch a fuckton of TF2 streams but most of the people i watched kinda quit the game just like i did
Fuck off Vappy, you're not getting rehired.
how the fuck do the russians get away with streaming movies all the time?
No words
He's a comfy gay fat man and doesn't really have any obnoxious alerts/other stream sounds on.
I watch SC II, predominately Winter, Neuro and Florencio. Irregularly but when I tune in, I stay for a while. Also whatever comfy stream gets linked after 4chancup.
I want easy money too
MOONMOON. Asmongold if I am also playing WoW. It would be nice if Josh wasn't banned but oh well.
It’s good white noise when I work.
Actual cancer.
boomtube is a video site, some of which pertains to games but even those videos aren't actually about games, they're about someone's opinions of them
twitch is a game streaming site, some of its streamers aren't really gamers but even they will stream actual gameplay sometimes
tldr shut the fuck up boomer
sc2 and brood war are the only games i watch attentively because you can learn from watching. Most other games are alt tabbed and treated like radio
Moonmoon used to be ok until he started Apex Legends and GTA RP, he's been terrible ever since
i thought he's been banned from literally everything now, even twitter? where does he do shit?
I'm gonna stream some EDF come watch me faggots.
Yes, and yes I know it's degenerate and I want to stop, but I keep coming back. How do I stop?
that'd be the only remaining reason yeah
I used to but eventually I got sick of Aris' shitty attitude and none of the other ones are funny.
I sort of know that feel. I only ever streamed Undertale and Deltarune Challenge runs, such as No-Hit Jevil or No-Heal, Death, Save Genocide Runs, but even I ended up capping near 20 viewers at points.
God bless auto captions
For me it's bathrobe dwane
Can't be much longer now until he snaps and bans every vocal furfag in chat. I hope vore becomes an autoban word too.
As someone who doesn't know anything about Vinesauce and never watched anything by them ever, what makes them good?
I didn't watch the Apex or RP shit because those streams were shit. The only thing worse than an FPS stream is an RP stream. I didn't watch him for months.
Sometimes I'll duck in to watch some nobodies streaming their first playthroughs of Mass Effect 2 just to watch which choices they make, how they do on the suicide mission, their favourite squaddies, etc.
the voyeurism is kinda fun
Watch Elajjaz.
idk man, I just find monkey-like raging people funny
this has gotten me in irl problem too, but I can't help it, people screeching like baboons and getting red in the face over minor shit is just too hilarious
Tourno channels like teamspooky, the handful of evo channels, the local one, etc..Sometimes I visit Yipes channel for MvC2
I used to enjoy northernlion but he's really been annoying me lately.
He clearly thinks of himself as being some sort of elite gamer deep down. He goes out of his way to tell everyone he's better than Malf and Dan at games pretty regularly, even though Austin who is clearly better at everything is pretty humble about it.
Then if ANYONE in chat criticizes his gameplay at all he zeroes in on the comment and goes on like a five minute rant about how chat thinks they're good at everything. He has such a fragile ego. Same thing with when chat recommends a Unity game, it's his own fault for bringing it up and not just having a plan going into Tuesday, of course when he tells people "I dunno what we'll play" they give him suggestions.
It's just annoying how most of the time his only interaction with chat is just bitching at them, he used to be comfy but not anymore. His youtube content has gotten better though now that he actually plays some variety instead of 500 episodes of a few different rouge-lites.
There's no way this faggot is ever coming back. Specially now that Shadowbringers is out and it is really fucking good. FFXIV consumed his life and that's all he and his girlfriend play all day every single day. Good for him, though. As long as he is happy.
I don't feel this really at all but to be honest his chat is really bad and especially awful with the shit on reddit recently. I will admit he has been declining recently and losing Nick is awful. Untethered Nick is great.
>swedish commie
I'd rather not
same, hes a cute weeb
Sometimes, yes.
>Nope, I have a hard enough time understanding why people pay to watch actual athletes play REAL sports
well I had no trouble figuring out why you're a tremendous faggot
He’s a pussy now. Cry’s, and acts like cosmo
t. Guy who watched for years
I love Elajjaz so much!
Is that the dude with the ultra feminist gf?
E-celeb bullshit board when?
I wanna talk about streamers without faggots going turbo autistic about it because they don't like streaming.
no, hes single at the moment
>watch streamer
>after a while they clearly get burned out and depressed/disinterested
>so videogames takes a backseat while they ramble about depressing shit and treat streaming like a personal therapy session
>or ramble about literally anything else like politics or whatever other flavor of the week drama is going on in the world
why does this keep happening
I'm hardly ever on Twitch but when I am on I usually just watch Aurateur, Jerma, or a smaller streamer
He's single, for me, when I meet him at a convention
name 1
Criken but let's be honest, his friends, and Tomato in particular are the reason the streams are good. Alone Criken is just a fucking retard doing stupid shits to try to be funny.
aris is a pretty alight guy
This is what happens when you force yourself to stream every day instead of taking breaks not to get burned out.
because you watch shitty streamers
greek except all he does is talk about being a sad fuck while he watches videos. He's losing weight and going out more, so that's good.
aris is funny, but his chat is cancer
2 of them
used to be 3 but eh
why doesnt Yea Forums stream?
>streamer thread on Yea Forums
>people only watch the massive normalfag day care streamers for little pants shitting retards
I sometimes watch my old Let's Plays from 11 years ago
just love to hear the enthusiasm i had back then
There is literally only one (1) good streamer.
No one wants to talk about smaller streams because Yea Forums is so fucking cancer that they will just go into their streams and be shitheads.
Absolute normiecore.
these threads always reek of of jealousy and bitterness
>watching some retard play Yakuza 0 for a bit
>he cant figure out where to go even though the game tells you where to go if you pause or stand still for 5 seconds
>point this out
He broke up with Maral? Since when?
>watch a stream for an hour
>streamer doesnt know there is no game audio
>no one tells him
The 2 biggest obstacles to working on my backlog are:
1- watching twitch
2- playing multiplayer games
Now that I know the culprits how do I fix the problem?
years ago, couldnt tell you the year but its been a long time.
im guessing they had different goals in life which would result in them not spending any time together, but they're still good friends.
Tyler1 and Greek stopped being a thing, so no.
What animes are you watching
What? But they've been living together for a long time now?
lol i used to see shit like that in the chat and wonder wtf they were saying, then i realized they all have a browser extension called better ttv that actually shows emotes for things like poggers
Kiwifarms, Boogie, and DrDisrepect are still around?
did anyone save the audio of her talking about how she liked to swallow loads
sounds like you either
A: are autistic and are watching blind playthroughs when what you want is an experienced player
B: watching shitty streamers
or probably both.
If you aren't enjoying yourself, leave
You can say the same thing about Jerma. It's like a big daycare for retarded children, but you can probably say that about most big streams.
you hwat now
Her association with Save the Children meant she'd have to travel all around the world, Ela probably didn't want to not see his girlfriend for weeks or even months at a time. So I respect the decision.
I've been watching this one guy for 6 years now. Only person I watch on Twitch. Never donated before though. I didn't even sub to him until the prime sub system came in and I could have 1 free sub.
Sure, but when the fuck did they end it? I've watched Ela for a long time and assumed they've been together all this time.
>he doesn't make free money off of twitch from what he would be doing any way (playing video games)
oh right Yea Forums is autistic, 12 years old, and too poor to have a mic that they didn't cobble together from an old speaker.
any stream with over 1k viewers has a trash chat, he needs to just accept that and grow thicker skin. he barely interacts with chat outside of bitching at them so he may as well just ignoring it outside of sunday streams
What does that have to do with anything?
It's not that easy
I can't believe they fucking changed it so you see ads on every fucking channel DESPITE having Prime enabled, it makes no fucking sense, why should I see ads for shows which I can already watch since I pay for the fucking Prime shit?
I watch only 2 streamers, one of whom doesn't talk, and every now and then I'll put on some SaltyBet
been streaming for 3 months faggot
What games did you start off with/play right now?
leeching off big streamers doesnt count
You think he will still be streaming when he turns 60?
>tfw I've been streaming consistently for a year and never made a dime
imo that probably doesn't matter all that much
I mean, sometimes certain games click with certain personalities. But most of the time, it's the personality people are there to see
Umm, a year ago, Ela didn't really want to talk about it much, just said that they're still good friends, and they just chose to split, that's why I think it was because of her career, but no one really said anything publically.
>has neither microphone nor cam
>expects people to watch
It's 2019.
>6.6 average viewers
You're spending money on follows and sub bots just to shitpost on Yea Forums
what level of irony you operating off of m8?
do you even know what leeching is? Leeching is accepted because it often helps both streamers. I am a 7 viewer affiliate and have nothing to offer a even a 50 viewer streamer
Yeah but it's hard to show personality when there's 0 people watching, it's only when you get someone in chat that you can properly do stuff. You can only talk to yourself so much.
Alright, thanks, didn't know.
For me, it's ZFG. That is the only streamer I watch ever.
>Nope, I have a hard enough time understanding why people pay to watch actual athletes play REAL sports, so watching someone play a videogame just boggles my mind.
high 5 dude, i dont get it either its 100000% better to play sports yourself instead of watching a random dude, even if theyre "pros" theyre forced to play defensive to win, making the sport FUCKING BORING and 0 interesting to watch
>t. has never streamed once in his life
don't listen to that retard.
you want people to watch? Don't play fortnite, don't play League there are 100 people streaming that shit right now. people will have to scroll through 10 pages just to even see you.
stream something old as fuck. stream an older but popular indie title. A lot of people want to watch that but they have little recourse to do so.
>t. has never streamed once in his life
I'm watching him rn lol
There's an easy rule you can follow to avoid a whole lot of shit streamers.
If they have a facecam, they're shit and not worth watching
Yeah I've been looking to stream games that have next to no viewers, even some relatively recent good games have no streamers.
I like Joel, Clint Stevens, and SimpleFlips
If I want to watch someone play a flavor of the month then I'll watch Vinny most of the time
Create a youtube channel and upload stream highlights. Get the word out somehow, post on forums. Make some noise and a name for yourself however you can. People won't just click randomly on your stream, make some really good highlights and try to lure people in that way.
>>t. has never streamed once in his life
I'm affiliated on Twitch. I've streamed a little more than once
god i wish i was this pot pie
Tourneys, Lythero, Somecallmejohnny
Wasting hours in circles when there things in the game pointing where to go... fuck those guys. No backseating is auto-leave from a stream
>when I live in a noisy place with lousy neighbours and neighbours that a sexual fetish with "let's take the ground of the house again and put somethin new"
Summer time is the worse, fucking assholes go to vacations and then rebuilding houses for 3 months because they are not there
i watch gorc and admiralbulldog
>he doesn't have a camera
yikes, no wonder nobody watches your shit stream
react to your game. talk about your game. Talk about your observations and though process.
if you're having trouble doing that streaming is not for you.
chat is great, chat is fun, but for a small stream you will spend HOURS streaming to no one or to a silent chat.
I once had over 100 people in my channel and maybe 3 of them were chatting, it'll feel weird at first but just look at this thread and how many people say "I never chat" twitch is built upon lurkers. I watch GoSeigen stream mario maker 2 sometimes and he'll have 200-300 people in his stream with a silent chat.
if you're hoping chat is going to save your stream, you aren't gonna make it.
I've thought about that, it would work for MP games because you could have actual exciting games off that, but singleplayer games? That's just trash if you don't have a chat to back and forward with.
No one watches my stream because it doesn't exist
I don't watch any. I find it boring, even as background noise.
Honestly being a streamer also sounds fucking awful. Having to constantly talk while playing games, exaggerate my reactions and God forbid you don't stick to your schedule
I only watch Tfue
he's handsome and one of the best in his game, and he never rages
I don't even play Fortnite
first thing im gonna do if one of my kids start to stream
I do mostly as something to leave on in the background but god damn do I rage when I see people talking about things the streamer is doing and using "we". "wow I can't believe we won that round". you didn't do shit, retard, and the streamer isn't your friend.
Any zoomer in here can explain me what's the appeal of facecams?
if you're depending on chat to make you seem interesting no one is ever going to chat.
>gets hit
>tfw only way for me to grow is to stream the same game every time
fuck this shit
Based and you just posted my favorite streamer.
How come so many of his viewers are sjw faggots?
I'm still getting used to it, thankfully streaming mostly multiplayer games means you have teammates to interact with. It's not so much that I have a difficulty talking about what to do, what I'm thinking of doing next, where to go etc., but that it's not very entertaining to hear about that stuff so I get self conscious that I'm just talking nonsense. But again, most of the time that kind of shit is what I communicate to teammates anyway so it sorta works out.
Have you ever watched any streamer play single player games? 90% of the time it's interacting with chat about what's going on etc.
No problem, just watch Elajjaz. :)
Holy shit
i watch based lomelli
this absolute goblin is insufferable to watch playing anything that isn't a multiplayer game
>skips tutorials
>skips everything
>screams and yells that he doesn't know what to do where to go game is trash and so on
stick to fucking overwatch, orisa oliver
>Favorite streamer starts streaming
>Teamfight Tactics
Guess he's not my favorite streamer anymore
my man
xqc is like the worst streamer ever. yet I find his stream weirdly compelling. it's like a "what's this retard gonna say next" kind of thing.
I just watched him play dks2, roll into the lava and say "I CANNOT POSSIBLY PLAY BETTER"
>Yea Forums doesn't watched based barbarousking
>pretending to be retarded is the meta
Sometimes. Depends on what they're streaming.
Somecallmejohnny's yearly SAGE streams are super comfy, I always try to catch those.
I'm more interested in the games than the personalities I guess, so I mostly stick to tournaments and speedruns of games I like.
Pros in multiplayer games i play and moonmoon. That's about it.
>see TFT before release
>hey this looks fun, can't wait to try it
>play maybe ~20 games in total since release
>already completely disinterested
How do these apes find this fun to play still?
I watched him do Witcher 3 until the end of the griffin quest and it was way too painful. Literal retardation.
>no standoff for the ssd
>ram in wrong slots
when big streamers play it, it drops their viewer count
I don't even know why they bother
>millionaire streamer settles for an AMD
>not even dual PC streaming
fuck sakes man he could have a 9700k/9900k for the gaming and the R9 3700 for encoding
It is, I used to stream not too long but stopped due to health reasons. Doing anything more than 2 streams a week is mentally exhausting as fuck. Especially when you're used to playing vidya alone.
I wish I had the setup I do know when I was NEET, being a wagie and trying to find time to stream is shit.
when you only have 100 viewers or something it can be but I assume people with 20k viewers dont really have that problem, chat pretty much takes care of its self
I try to every now and then but then they do something that massively turns me off. Smaller ones are boring and usually foster a total hugbox LGBTQBBQ+ "NO HATESPEECH" community, big ones are usually total ungrateful greedy cunts that do scummy shit like enable submode when playing a game they know will be popular so they can scrape more shekels from retards desperate to chat or ask everyone to prime sub every 5 minutes.
this but back when I didnt hate playing games and life
If you hate life, I suggest starting with the Greeks.
>Smaller ones are boring and usually foster a total hugbox LGBTQBBQ+ "NO HATESPEECH" community
>wtf small streamers don't want to exclude people from their community that they are trying to grow
him and jaboodyshow only
>He clearly thinks of himself as being some sort of elite gamer deep down
He is so clearly saying that stuff w/ tongue in cheek that you have to be a genuine autist to think he's serious.
God it's all the same shit. Everyone just wants to grow their own personal brand or be a personality. Join my Discord. Follow my Insta. Thanks for the bits. Haha watch me react to flavor of the month. The part that really kills me is in many of them I don't see any personal endeavors, like there's something they want to achieve outside of streaming. A lot of the biggest names don't do shit with their life but show a facecam and "talk" to their chat. Don't envy that shit at all. Feels just like another 9-5, except maybe you could be more "yourself" but even that's bullshit because you're still curating how you act and look.
I only watch jerma and vinny on sundays.
>A lot of the biggest names don't do shit with their life but show a facecam and "talk" to their chat.
True. I remember seeing a clip of sodapoppin saying that when he isn't streaming he's on his computer anyway so he might as well stream, and when he isn't on his computer he doesn't know what to do. I'm sure plenty of the other big streamers are like that, it's really weird.
Who is she?
Bonk gang (watching them ruined solo streamers for me)
Alinity. Honestly, her streams back in Pandaria were actually decently comfy
yeah having multiple guys doesn't put as much pressure and theres never dead air.
>unironically watching a female streamer
What the fuck is wrong with you, retard?
There’s nothing wrong with watching streamers you enjoy. Quoting, caring about, paying money for, and talking about streamers and their streams is autism.
I've had it explained to me by a zoomer that they grew up online. As a generation they go out significantly less than we did. In other words, they didn't socialize much and so they like seeing other people and learning how they behave.
She has a vagina and you do not retard
Big ups Carlitos and Gustavo
Shout out Brandy(BLACKED) and Tyrone
>She has a vagina
How much have you donated?
I play games myself. Watching someone else play them is cuck-minded zoomer shit. Paying someone to play them is a sign of brain damage.
>category has literal naked female painting their bodies, strip club tier dancing, actual pole dancing
you can take a screen shot of just chatting and myfreecams and there would be little difference
God I hope that retard commits suicide soon, he'd probably do it live as well.
I know, I dont watch her anymore but this was back in 2013/2014 with low viewercount.
mostly speedrunners (OoT and San Andreas)
always tuning in when a tekken tournament is on as well, some arnis when I'm in the mood
trying to cut the hours down a little even though the streams are usually background sound
>if you do not explicitly say everyone is welcome then they might feel unwelcome
Like I said, utter no fun faggots which is why nobody watches them. An emote is hatespeech to these types.
I'd tell you but I don't want you to get jealous, you wish you were born a female.
what game can a random person get into and just grow to like 100 viewers or something
No. Most streamers sound like sheltered soiboi faggots. Can't even stand it as background noise.
Good one.
Your guess is as good as anyone's.
>San Andreas
You know Joshimuz?
I do my friend. I do.
Well, fags should feel unwelcome unless otherwise specified
Two of them yes.
One plays point & clicks the other arcade stuff and obscure old PC shit.
They're pretty comfy to watch either actively or just in the background.
this is the bitch that scammed her way into canada
I watch LobosJr, distortion2, and elajjaz. I used to watch ENB too, but he became a giant faggot.
How old is this freak?
anywhere between 28 and 38
who remembers comfy youtube Asmon ~2014 before he went into streaming?
I just went there right now looking for big tiddy and this is what I found:
>PC building
>2 bald manlets
>1 ugly shitskin
>russians with no facecam
>rick and morty
You lied to me user
Made this today instead of streaming. Its sad I make more money by gambling then getting paid by twitch.
>One of us
SpeedSouls boys IN, shame Nemz has some personal issues to deal with, hope the lad is okay.
just arisu
are you sure you're winning? I went to the casino and watched my cousin play the slots and he was sperged out winning 15 bucks when he just plunked 50 in the machine.
can someone recommend me a good mic?
Yes user. I only deposited $10 into the Online Michigan just for funsies and after $4 and 25 Cents in on one game. I won a positive $190 gain out of it leaving me with $206.75 into my checking account.
This is what Twitch paid me the previous month after streaming since August 2018.
why is Flik humping that whale?