Online multiplayer is gay.
It's full of no fun allowed tryhards.
Online multiplayer is gay.
It's full of no fun allowed tryhards.
Depends what game you play.
The dopamine rush you get when you kill another player is something singleplayer games can only dream of acheving
Maybe you should try hard too and stop being such a disappointment.
What ones don't have autistic faggots?
It's no good if the other guy is a retard.
All games have autistic faggots to an extent.
You need to aim for games where lobbies mix up all sorts of players so you get to fight against tryhards and fun people alike.
>he doesn't like to dominate newbs
Only multiplayer game I've ever really enjoyed is Payday 2, mainly stealth heists
Why do casuals always call people better than them tryhards?
tryhards are fine, the real issue is it's filled to the brim with cheaters and current anti cheat systems are not allowed enough priority in the system to actually be effective. bodied in his last MP game
Because you spend thousands of hours playing one game all day long. If that's not a tryhard I don't know what is.
So you're just making up stuff because people beat you?
Shut up and post more chubby fi
Why can't they just be better than you? Why does it have to be a "lol nolife" thing?
Oh, it's because you know that and you're insecure about it. Gitgud
Only pubstompers really. Especially if they smurf their rank to newbie-tier just to destroy everyone. I don't see the point in that
It can also be they spent 10 dollars on some bullshit cheat and now they're pub stomping before they get banned in 20 hours
literally no reason to take a competitive game seriously when for 1/6th of the cost of the game you can have a really decent cheat that will play the game for you.
How dare you push your insecurity onto my wife.
That's not a tryhard, that could also just be a guy enjoying himself, tryhards are the ones shutting over others for not having a specific build, or preparing for some raid or mission and wanting everyone to have a PERFECT setup and everyone to have done that mission 200 times already
Yeah it can’t be that competition in and of itself is fun for people. I hate this board.
So everyone better than you is a cheater or a try hard?
who was even talking about hacking? no one brought it up what the fuck are you even talking about. you still haven't justified why you don't think there's no one on the planet that can be better than you at a video game
Welcome to the world of casual elitists.
Yep competition is great fun, that's why almost every competition on the planet has a subset of cheaters abusing anything possible to win such competition.
Shall we begin to go into all the "compeitions" in which the winners turned out to be total cheating rats? Tour de France ring a bell? Motor racing?
Shall we get into all the PED use? The software cheats? The match fixing?
There isn't nearly enough porn of Fi.
>cheating exists so nobody should ever compete at anything.
>i got beaten it mustve been hacks
That’s at the top level of any hierarchy in general. Just because some fag decides to cheat doesn’t make competition less enjoyable for someone at a “casual” level. There’s plenty of people at a local or regional level that play competitive games or sports simply because they like getting better. Same thing with people who are into fitness just to improve themselves. Terrible analogy and completely disingenuous. Kill yourself.
this. ironic that those kinds of people usually make for terrible teammates/leaders and screw everyone else.
Until cheating is taken more seriously then say, toxicity, don't you think try-harding in a game where someone can pay 10 dollars and completely rinse your team is a bit of a silly use of time?
At least in a lot of these sports/competitions their are counter measures taken against cheaters, games simply have an Open gate with a blind security guard.
> I don't like playing against other people because I'm bad and don't care about improving; I just want them to let me win
I bet you're the sort of person that goes "I paid for this game so I'm entitled to win" too.
The difference is with Video games is even total shitter cunts can install a cheat and suddenly they're one of the best Widowmaker players on the planet despite having total dirt tier movement and positioning
>everyone who beats me is hacking
What game doesn’t have anti-cheat? Every big fighting game has anti-cheat measures on consoles and PC. Dota, CS:GO have VAC bans. League and WoW use their own proprietary systems for anti cheat.
>playing an FPS that isn’t halo or arena shooters
Besides that, Blizzard has some of the best anti cheat tools in the industry, people who aim not get banned as most instantly
Current anti-cheats are fucking awful, they don't have enough priority in your system to actually be effective against good cheats.
I bet I could find a cheat for every game you listed with in minutes.
What does slime girl taste like Yea Forums?
Ah yes let's go play a game that has literally no anti cheat.
just say you're playing Quake Live, couldn't you use AHK to create an undetectable rail gun aim bot?
slightly salty slightly umami flavored jelly.
Try cheating in any one of those games and get back to me. VAC bans for aim botting existed back in the CS: Source days, Valve have had over a decade to work on improving their tech. This is a total non-issue anyway, cheaters aren’t as widespread as you think, most people don’t want to throw away cash or time invested so they can get some cheap kills.
>Online multiplayer is breeder shit.
ftfy no need to thank me
It isn't sweet like shortcake?
different user here
its because cheaters have the time to circumvent all the safeties built into an anti-cheat. Like piracy, every game will have its anti-cheat cracked some day.
Also, some of the games listed before already have votekicks implemented, so now people can just kick hackers by themselves and not need to wait for a VAC ban. That makes the anti-cheat less of a priority and lets companies to maybe implement more content and play with balance more.
>cheaters aren’t as widespread as you think
"Apex Legends developer Respawn revealed in May that it has banned over 770,000 cheaters"
>slime girl
She's sword, not slime
>cheaters aren't as widespread as you think
>Apex Legends developer Respawn revealed in May that it has banned over 770,000 cheaters, representing around 1.5 per cent of the 50 million players of the game.
Wait if 1.5% of cheaters cheat you you get 100 players in a game, does that mean you are almost guaranteed a cheater EVERY game?
Also VAC, like many other anti cheats has NO chance of catching methods of cheating like ring-0 cheats and DMA cheats
Tryhard is the most fucking beta term. If you're not competitive don't try to compete you whiny pussy. Jesus christ.
>Valve have had over a decade to work on improving their tech
Not that user but Valve have done barely anything in the last ten years in the way of developing cheat detection. It would harm the modability of source engine. They mostly rely on reports.
>play game a lot because I enjoy it
>since I enjoy the game and I play a lot, and winning is more fun than losing, I try to get better at the game
>get better after a lot of playtime
>play normally like always
>bottom fragger on the enemy team raging in the chat "OMG U NO LIFER TRYHARD GO HAVE SEX"
>mfw I'm just trying to play a game I enjoy but these faggots with inferiority complex have to whine all day long
Just go play singleplayer at that point, scrub
>Fun? What is this zoomer term? If you aren't min/maxing to win at absolutely any cost, fuck off.
Don't play competitive games/game modes if you won't even try to win, you pussy ass faggot.
I've never played any game more than 350 hours. If you're playing past 500, you're just a tryhard who's only satisfaction in life is winning at a game most people play for an hour a week.
Nice beta loser attitude dude, just accept that you suck and move on. It's only a game after all.
I have varied taste in games, I'd rather play many good games than be an autistic no lifer poor hygiene degenerate like you.
I'll give you don't play competitive game modes and whine about play being competitive, but to just fuck off if a game is overall considered "competitive"? In certain case-by-case basis maybe, but I enjoy myself a good fighting game because it's genuinely /fun/ to string a flashy combo together, but I don't find it fun to autistically master a single character to the point I know every frame of every attack better than the devs do.
But I play plenty of games too, and I'm probably better than you at those games as well. One thing I've learned after getting good at games and meeting other people who are good at games, is that someone who is really good at one game will tend to be pretty good at most other games, and will easily pick up new games and get good at them.
It's not about playing one game for 10k hours, it's about your mindset.
If you play with your brain turned off, grey matter fried, you will never improve no matter what. You saying "BUT I ONLY PLAY ONE HOUR A WEEK" is a weak and poor excuse.
That is perfectly fair, I think most "competitive" games worth their salt will already either have a dedicated ranked/comp mode/ladder or even external ladders like ESEA/ESL to play on.
If you're playing something like Battlefield and someone is raging for you using a non meta weapon they're a massive nigger faggot. But if you're playing CSGO competitive or ranked in League or whatever and you get mad when people flame you for playing like a faggot that isn't trying to win then it's entirely your fault.
What I find worthy of insult is faggots that play stuff like Overwatch and will rage like hell in casual mode, or retards that will play competitive but then also not make an effort to win and report people because they flamed them.
If you don't want to play competitive modes, don't play them, if someone flames you outside of comp for not being competitive, tell them to fuck off. It's that simple.
if it's gay, why aren't you playing it?
Why are you so upset?
Is your life that awful?
You are just trying to deflect and cope over the fact that other people are or might be better than you at a game, and your only way to cope is to say "t-tryhard" and "v-virgin". It's honestly pathetic and very telling about your fragile ego.
It's just a game man, if you can't take the heat, don't go to the kitchen.
>Playing easy mode
why is cheating such a big deal to you?
I stopped playing payday 2 when they went full retard with the dlc. It was great fun when I did play though.
>stealth heists
Were fun until you got that ADHD tard that got bored 5 minutes in and opened fire to ruin the stealth part.
because I hate cheaters since my ex-gf cheated on me and anyone who cheats deserves to burn in hell fire :,(
nah I am conflicted. In life people cheat all the fucking time but ethically I think it's wrong. Cheating in a game is just frustrating because it completely ruins the game for everyone except the cheater.
salty milk and coins
Sounds like you just can't keep up.
At least be honest with yourself.
I actually enjoy a good AI much better. Doesn't cry as much and it feels much more like a quality, balanced and well-designed puzzle than the haphazard, screeching autists in online play.
Sounds like you're the problem here.
Git gud faggot.
Actually the problem are people complaining about tryhards. There's nothing wrong with being a tryhard, the problem with online games these days are people who don't actually like video games going into online games, usually with their friends, where they just sit and do absolutely nothing. They don't actually enjoy or want to play video games, its just that the game is in with their friends so they gotta play it. As a result no one gets to play the game because these retards clog up the game.
come on now.
>It's just a game man, if you can't take the heat, don't go to the kitchen.
*Get out of the kitchen, ESL mutt
No, online matchmaking is gay.
This wasn't a problem in the old server model.
This. It's legitimately addictive
Difference being when you catch someone cheating in real life, he is almost always punished for it, severely. The cheater has to be extremely careful and secretive to not get caught, which means the means of cheating is also naturally hampered. Someone getting away with cheating in real life is "a skill" that to some degree is commendable.
In an online video game, someone cheating can do so overtly. Not only is it often that nobody can do anything to stop him, there is little to no repercussions for the cheater in the long term. Zero effort cheating for no purpose other than to be a cunt.
This. Matchmaking is unironically the cancer killing multiplayer games.
I think the problem is mutts.
>cry about tryhards
>cry about racism
>cry about toxicity
>cry about drumpf
>cry about nazis
>cry about getting owned
They're all thin-skinned retarded niggers.
imagine calling out good players for playing good
imagine thinking its okay to complain about someone playing good, implying they should purposefully play bad so you could have fun
I disagree, for example look at school. Universities are overrun with cheating rats but they look another way because they are getting paid.
It makes me not want to even try at life when every little part of it is being abused by people who have no sense or morale's or ethics and only want to get as much shit as possible and fuck anyone else.
Whiny bitch. I've been playing online since the 90s. Games were always full of whiners like you at the bottom of the scoreboard. They just knew to shut the fuck up or find a noob server back in the day. Now you uppity bitches think you matter. Well you don't.
Have you ever stopped to think that maybe someone just really really likes a game?
A game can be fun and competitive at the same time. To me it just sounds like you suck hairy monkey balls and are jelly of people that curbstomp you into the ground because you;re such a noob.
OP is actually shit at his only hobby, more news at 11.
Maybe try pottery?
>slime girl
Shut up nigger
>used to play LoL
>go into casual games, people get mad because I'm not playing ther current op meta champion for my role
>go to ranked
>people playing dumb shit and going "lol just a game bro" when called out for being a dumbass
Do people just not pay attention to what most they're playing?
Yes user, all americans are ebil leftists, that's why they elected trump in the first fucking place.
It does seem to occur a lot on mutt servers.
>Yes user, all americans are ebil leftists
Well they definitely all suck jew cock.
>he thinks its political
This to be honest famalam.
I blame matchmaking systems, it puts people into a competitive-only mindset even in casual matches. Public games from a server browser don't get people as invested in winning by as much as possible.
The ideal mindset is to play to win but not tryhard when it's clear that you're going to win. At that point you're open to a lot of possible options, do you play a character you are weaker with, pick your favorite weapon even if it's sub-optimal or do something entirely experimental that you couldn't get away with in a close game. That's what it means to balance playing to win and for fun.
Universe brain post
absolutely obsessed
Not him but he's right. Those issues do occur on American servers a lot. Yuro servers are mostly friendly, fun and competitive and eveyrone's focused on the game, not blabbing on about niggers or muh jews or mutt politics or calling each other fags all the time.
Stop interpreting valid criticism as "being obsessed" and you might have a slim chance to save your imploding society.
uhm...tryhard much, sweetie?
I'm sorry you're fucking trash and lashing out like the faggot you are.
Daily reminder that online multiplayer is the same shit as playing against bots
Random online players are just bots that have feelings
It's not though, human players are way better then bots because bots can't think. Bots are awful to play against.
>Those issues do occur on American servers a lot
No? Do you get all your ideas about american servers from overwatch threads or something?
Glass blades and razor shards
Depending on the game it might drive you to improve yourself as a person, as you improve your skill at the game.
Lots of sweaty tryhards in splatoon
Who's the artist?
If he's calling people tryhards he is never gonna improve.
it's because video games and the internet got too popular. online games used to be pretty chill, even competitively
What do I search to find chubby girls without getting ham planet porn?
curvy on gelbooru
Cant team kill in zelda
Dumbass stank nigger