>be lonely Yea Forumsirgin loser
>start playing ffxiv to perhaps make new friends along the way
>nobody talks in public chat
>too autistic to start a conversation myself
>every now and then someone shouts their fc ad
>too autistic to whisper to them
>I still haven't talked to anyone outside of saying hi to my duty finder party
why is it always like this
Be lonely Yea Forumsirgin loser
Ask /xivg/.
As much as I hate content creators like MrHappy, I hope they work their asses off to make E1-E4 guides for idiots so I don't feel like strangling someone during next week's reset.
Just join a socially active company, ask questions and just post
There's not enough dailies. Having all of 50/60/70 dungeons be a single daily is bullshit.
Agreed. Plus it would be nice to separate out the older dungeons since I haven't run some of them in a long time and don't feel like relearning the fights, or not relearning them and contributing more cancer to the duty roulette (when it is already endstage cancer)
Talk to them. You have nothing to lose.
What a fag
Makes me want to kys when I'm synced to 50 without any good fucking abilities.
whm is actively unfun until 60 or something.
World visit your ERP server, sell your body. You'll soon lose your shyness, start racking up gil and become a professional prostitute. Bonus points if you're a blonde Viera/Raen with glasses.
You're an idiot.
Those same retards are going to watch those videos like it's the only way to win these fights, and kill any chance of free thinking or adaptability of their own in doing so.
>decided to check logs after Eden since it was the first time i tried running current content
>actually find my char (PS4fag)
>dunno what any of it means
What the hell does "All Star points" means?
The more the better, you want to avg 50% or more, peak perf. doesn't matter much from a midcore viewpoint since they want consistency over peaks, if your average is high you're great, if they're low work on your rotations.
Start your transition
Not that it really matters since it's just 1 run. Thanks for the rundown though.
Search for recruiting FC's on reddit. Preferably small yet active ones. Avoid anything to do with Yea Forums like the fucking plague.
>wants to make new friends
>doesn't want to talk to people publically
>doesn't want to whisper people
I'll be your friend user.
>why is it always like this
it's because ur a faget. talk to those retarded niggers
Join us on Ultros user, everyone in the Yea Forums guild is pretty sociable. It'll be easy to make friends by just joining in on whatever conversation is going on and running content
Not entirely related, but
>watching the Action 52 episode of AVGN on YouTube
>he mentions "Alfred N the Fettuc"
>start typing it into google because I'm curious if there's a way around the black screen
>google immediately suggests Alfred N the Fettuc before I'm done typing Alfred even though there are surely many more common Alfreds it should suggest first
Is Google spying on me?
>try to glamour into cute or cool outfits to stand out but nobody even so much as comments on them
>in one dungeon somebody told a sprout wearing leveling gear that they were cute and they added each other as friends after
I can't help but feel that the only real way for the terminally socially crippled to make friends is to have been a sprout and had people reach out to you.
why is Yea Forums so shit?
Just came back and noticed that that bitch that also does dungeon guides went full thot mode. Mizztek or something. Pretty great.
I hope not. The most fun part of any content is playing with people who don't know how to do them. It also creates a social atmosphere since you get people helping each other and explaining mechanics and the fight and creates a real sense of achievement for everyone when they clear it.
Video guides stifle that 100% and creates a toxic atmosphere. WATCH THE GUIDE OR KICK.
You're cute, user.
Because Yea Forums is just edgy reddit nowadays.
The rule still holds. "If she breathes..."
I'm too autistic to ever use my keyboard and people keep taking note of how maximum cute my character is, and spamming me with emotes and attention, anyway.
Perhaps you shouldn't have rolled the tranny prostitute race, everybody knows they're exclusively played by smelly neckbeards, anyway.
Moonfire Faire is coming soon friends, what are you hoping for?
Let me guess, Lalafell? I will never understand the appeal.
Because you are embracing your lonely loser mentality.
Stop being a loser!
Femroe, actually.
More lalafells lusting for tallfolk loins.
Is WVR the only questline with a lala/lala relationship?
You're either lying about the attention or lying about being a femroe. Or possibly both.
That depends. If you think Wedge jerking off to Tataru sleeping with every hyur and roegadyn to aim their crotch her way is a 'relationship' then there's 2.
Nine out of nine times people's idea of "cool" (especially in a final fantasy game) is a complete eye cancer of spikes, rags, dangling parts and asymmetry. Per the mmo rules of incrementally retarded gear design, the endgame gear does nothing but contribute more to this issue.
Sprout leveling gear and most event glamours don't have this problem.
>public chat
user, there is no public chat
why the fuck is there no public chat, i think SE is against it by design
No, and to be honest I was rather surprised myself at first, since my character is at max height and black as fuck.
Nah, you're lying. There's literal nobody who would ever believe you.
There is public chat and if I was SE I'd be against it
This. The worst I had it was starting without a countdown (I'm used to dungeons) and someone asked none to politely to use one. I chose to be an asshole and do it again just to spite them. But aside from that, people are willing to learn and work together when everyone is blind.
This was also early morning or so, no guides even out.
What, you have four people to do custom deliveries for but only six deliveries can be made total per week???
I'd post a screen as proof, but people would go into an autistic rage and yell at me to return to /vg/.
literally me the last 1000 hours
You save screenshots of people giving your character compliments?
No, why would I screenshot that?
>the warriors of darkness caused the flood by killing the ascian
>actually the flood was the ascian's doing all along
>actually Eden caused the flood
Who REALLY caused the flood of light? And while we're at it what the FUCK is Eden? I doubt a sin eater would have a techno interior
Don't worry, I've put up with this for years. Best way to get people to approach you and call you cute is by making a flirty search info.
t. made a flirty search info recently and have been getting headpats from everyone
Well how would a screenshot be proof, then? You just gonna take a selfie of a femroe character? That doesn't mean you get compliments.
Also femroe here. People are prone to targeting and saying nothing, and /hugging and running away. You would think for the least popular race and people hating the aesthetic that we'd get ignored. I usually /pet back.
Spoilered for character posting because thanks /vg/
How the fuck do you play BLM? I can't get my head around the rotation. It also seems to change constantly. I've read there are some buttons you're just never supposed to press as well?
>talk to people
>they start asking questions about real life
Every single time
I guess so, but why would anyone lie about getting attention? That would be just sad.
Because you don't want to admit you play the toddler race.
Fuck off tranny. Someone hugging your character back in 2016 is not indicative of habit.
have you ever considered acquiring one?
>trannies keep asking to sit on my characters lap
>trannies keep asking if my character has a dick
I'm 28 bro, it's too late for that.
> 8-man party
>"OMG I love your dancer glam!"
> Look at DNC
>Literally undyed, unmodified mog station outfit, same dress that most dancers are wearing if it's not Thavnarian or AF gear
Technically no, it isn't.
>playing anything but a catslut or fem lizard
user you may be obsessed.
Technically maybe not, but realistically pretty much, no ?
So I hear NIN is a job with a lot of button presses. Is it also a mobile class?
Add Viera to the list also, at least until most of the trannies suffer severe dysphoria again and switch back.
yes, high apm with little reward however.
The 5.0 patch notes mentioned something about level sync for Norvrandt sidequests.
Does this mean they're worth doing now on alt. jobs from 70-80?
I'm burnt on dungeons/deep dungeons from getting a few classes to 70.
plenty of guides out there, the premise is trying to get as many fire 4 casts out there before having to switch to umbral ice for mana regen. also always have thunder dot active
Happened to me as a sprout. Some people thought it was cute I had put stats into str as a bard and wearing str accs because I thought I would be stronger. They explained to me and invited me to their fc and i became the cute fc mascot by being an ignorant sprout. I mean sure they were making fun of me kinda but attention is attention.
The high apm is the reward.
Shad made it so you can press every button now. Seriously, for the first time since 2.0 you acually want to cast freeze now it os glorious.
BLM is not a difficult class, rotation wise. The big thing is you want to be in umbral as little as possible and cast as many fires as possible in astral without letting the astral/umbral timers run out. In 50 content you thunder, fire iii, and spam fire fishing for procs and resetting dots. In 60 content, it bumps up to spamming fire iv and only using fire to refresh astral and casting blizzard iv in umbral for more fire ivs. At 70, you keep doing what you did at 60 but now every 30secs you get a big ddick nuke. And at 80, its the same but with a bigger dick nuke.
AOE is even easier.
The hard part of blm is that you can only fire off these simple rotations while standing still, so in essence the game is working against you. But to compensate, blm is king shit of dps mountain with ridiculous numbers.
>meet roe bro
>they tell me how they're a fantasia addict
>switch to lala in less than 2 weeks
>they switch to highlander next
>also they're trans
I stopped speaking to them soon after. Nothing but vitriol, asking me if they look like a boy after a week of taking hormones and overall seeking validation. Midlander, female roe and elezen seem to be the only safe zones.
You're playing the wrong game.
Kind of. While you can do all side quests on any 70+ class, it still doesn't beat dungeons with armory bonus (or whatever the bonus is called for having 1 class at Max level).
The one good thing is that you can do all of your side-quests as one class but turn them in as another. I did most of Upper Kholusia as my 80 DRG and turned in all the quests on my 70 SMN, got about half a level.
It seems people only ever reach out to "cute little sprouts". Moment that green icon is gone or if you stopped playing the game for years and came back, you're screwed if you're not socially outgoing.
Alright thanks. I was just feeling a little intimidated by all the different abilities like fire 1,2,3,4 and blizz 1,2,3,4 and knowing when to use them.
it will be your game
Is it still worth casting thunder 3 while my mana is full again in umbral ice phase?
>Get into FFXIV after getting bored of WoW
>Play as usual.
>Random people who gather waves at people
>Get compliments for being a healer in FATE's which to me is common sense that healers heal.
>Join Free company. People talk actively and give me advices about things
>Join dungeon first time.
>Tell i'm new and might do poor job
>"No problem. let's take it slow."
>Dungeon ends. GG everyone. Smooth run. 2 out of 2 people says "Thanks for run"
Just with my 1½ week of playing FFXIV i have met more social and kinder people than in WoW. I don't know what it is that in WoW turns people into such sour fags.
An alien civilization that sent Eden to destroy the planet. Pretty simple.
Mr Happy doesn't even bother making guides anymore. He just puts up an hour of unedited stream footage and calls it a walkthrough.
Stop larping as a beta loser.
Not that user, but is there any reason why I shouldn't just spam Blizzard in pvp? It's literally free, it slows people down, and for frontlines it's a lot more handy than Fire's cost.
You dont make friends in XIV, you go into XIV with the friends you already have
Eden literally uses creation magic which the Ancients used to use a lot of. I feel maybe it is an alien civilisation and the Ancients learned their creation magic from them somehow, or maybe imprisoned one to leach from it and that was the crying from the core of the planet. It's Jenova.
>playing a jap game to make friends
Im hoping the female knickers return but you can dye them any color
Wait till you get to endgame lol, all the radioactive waste is contained at extreme/savage/ultimate.
>sharpcast fire
Shit guide
Do you never use transpose anymore?
>implying not Bhunivelze
Soken went Masashi Hamauzu on top of all the themes and assets from 13.
As well as these two having the same energy.
Don´t let your guard down, there are some autists undercover there too. Went into the first trial in ShB and the healers were fightning eachother, one of then was AFKing as soons as the fight started and using rescue to pull the other healer into AoEs. The tank was passing all his aggro into then healer and so we aways wiped as the was no healers alive in like 10 seconds of fight and the tank was more focused on ranting on the healers than actually tanking, yet would rant at the off-tank if he asked to get to main tank. Good times
Nah I unironically want to befriend trannies and people that LARP as a cutesy uguu girl than angry fat neets or john smith who works 9-5
only in downtime to go to UI to spam astral soul
Never played an MMO but I keep hearing about FFXIV.
Since I like FF, I'm kind of curious about this.
Is there a starting guide or something? I have no friends who like this game.
Transpose is the oh shit button when you are about to run out of enochian in astral fire.
It's also used at the end of the fight to switch to umbral ice then you spam umbral soul to keep the timer up.
A starting guide? No, just jump right into it blind. Part of the experience is discovering everything yourself. If you're worried about group play, it's literally just the same etiquette as any other game with a holy trinity system.
Don't do this. All these fags do is run the latest content with the "inner circle".
>Never played an MMO
Don't, they are total time sinks and at the end of the day you get nothing of value back from the game.
Not to mention FF14 is a full priced game with multiple DLC's, a subscription model AND paid cosmetics as well.
I fully buy the idea that either Jenova/Lavos is the underground screaming OR it's the earth itself angry at the misuse/abuse of magic (Look up Therion, the Chthonic riddle we fought who was the final doom. His description in another FF game is that the crystal/earth created it as a guardian of the flow of crystal magic/aether/whatever the fuck it's called, and Therion exists to smite anyone who interrupts/abuses the flow).
I didn't consider Eden could be related to the the original genesis of the calamity. That's a neat idea though I honestly want Jenova/lavos/Gaia to be more a final big bad on par with Zodiark/Hydaelyn rather than solved with the 8 man
Communities in games are dead, you were lied to in thinking ff14 was any different than any other MMO.
The only time you'll ever be able to socialize normally with people is the first month of a game's release. Not expansions either. Gotta be a new game. Otherwise everyone already has established groups cliques and guilds.
Ironically, I've found more community and accepting new friends playing fortnitethan any MMO since archeage. Try that if you can stomach building.
Don´t really need a guide or friends. It´s more of an action rpg that happens to be online than a real MMO. Just hop in, pick your class and follow the story. Google or ask in the chat when in doubt of something, but most things are simple enough. Go tank or healer for instant queues
Don't get bullied into watching a guide. You don't need them for anything. Content is designed to be experienced blind and mistakes to be made. Not to mention most guides are out of date due to mechanics being changed via nerfs, skills no longer in game, or new/removed features.
Link? I wanna see mine. PS4 also btw
it's as much a JRPG as it is a MMORPG
your progression will be guided by a main story quest-line that will teach you most of the important stuff
so you can just jump in, the only thing you may want to know as a new player before creating your character is which jobs the starting classes turn into, so:
gladiator > paladin
marauder > warrior
lancer > dragoon
pugilist > monk
archer > bard
thaumaturgist > black mage
conjurer > white mage
arcanist > summoner / scholar
also, start with the free trial
>content is designed to be experienced blind
yeah the first couple days, if you're not keeping up with how to do content, expect me to full well boot your ass from any party i'm in if you're fucking wiping.
>booting new players in pug groups
I hope you're on Aether faggot.
The planet punishing the Ascians for their constant abuse of creation magic is the most plausible idea but it's also a bit too boring, and on the outset I can't see exactly what they were doing so badly in the first place, though I feel there's obviously more to their utopian outlook that Emet portrayed than lets on.
I still feel an alien horror is just way more interesting anyways and them being the catalyst for essentially everything makes them a good final boss.
This reminds me of people in the Eden raid screaming "it's day one!" while fucking up mechanics. Mechanics being "don't stand in the orange aoe indicator you've seen since level 1 that hurts you".
I don't know shit about the trinity though, as I said I never played an MMO.
I only play single player games, I don't much care for online play in general but I'd like to change that and maybe find a friend or something I don't know.
The only reason I'm interested in FFXIV is I heard the story is pretty good at times, and I like me a good story.
If I can get some enjoyment out of it that's not story related, that'd be ideal.
Also, we are talking about the PC version?
Cause I heard there's a PS4 one, is that bad or something? My PC is kind of a toaster.
Of fucking course I am. I'm not on the tranny dc or primlel. good luck clearing anywhere BUT aether.
Your trust in your teammates.
the ps4 version is functionally identical, it just looks worse and runs at a lower framerate. You can still hook a kb&m up to it, and probably should, though it's not totally necessary.
>level 71 dungeon as BLM for leveling
>boss is at 10% health
>Foul, despair, ley lines and fire 4 all ready to be spammed
>put ley lines down
>triple cast
>suddenly an AOE marker right on me
>don't move because fuck it
>get her to 1% before dying
Who else /livingontheedge/ here? What other jobs make me risk my own safety for damage? I already main MNK
I agree with you, leveling BLM is hell. You jump from 30 to 70+ dungeons in roulettes and its like playing a completely different class
What the fuck were they thinking?
>>put ley lines down
>>triple cast
Ask koji.
Healer should have adjusted
I fortunately didn't get that. It was mostly the new markers that threw people off and Titan's vroom vroom mode.
>I feel there's obviously more to their utopian outlook that Emet portrayed than lets on.
He told us the truth but did say if he was lying, we wouldn't know. I want to believe we were the exception, and that there wasn't anything he intentionally left out.
This play ESO.
Quick what's the name of the next expansion S______B_______
PS4 is good. Probably need a keyboard and mouse for chat and other misc stuff but perfectly playable on controller.
What I'm most upset with is GNB not being GUN.
>Using triplecast with leylines
Please dont.
Eden was fucking kino bros.
>No shoehorned references from other games
>God tier music
>Short and to the point
This is the true travesty of ShB
I agree with you, though I would be happy with both. The need of either is to maintain the threat in the source. Combined with the Ivalice 24 man ending cinematic (Watch it, Legatus says he found a weapon in the clockwork city that is powerful enough to "Dig to the earth's very core" or something to that effect) and going to Garlemald in 6.0 or 7.0 and a Jenova (or Jenvoa with some Lavos) is perfect. I figure the abuse may be as simple as wanton use of creation magic. Manipulating it on such an industrial, international scale that it irritates the natural flow/natural order. But I dig that idea of yours of it being taught by a foreign entity.
I figure the deal with Emet is he's that classic Satan(?) theme of "Tells the truth but leaves out details/you interpret the truth wrong".
To spam everything before the boss dies, duh. Why would I want to wait for cast times when I have all my strongest attacks available to me?
We'll be marching on to Garlemald with all of the Eorzean Alliance flags flying.
just play a healer and say things like
>h-hi guys >.
PS4 disadvantage, unless you have a pro, is being locked at medium graphics and 30 fps. Otherwise you can hook a m+kb up and play just like PC. Controller is also very well designed and the director and producer uses one during their livestreams.
Literally all of them
Leviathan was kinda gay.
> give this game a try today because WoW just cannot stop sucking cocks
> roll a bald male human named John Macclane
> play for awhile thinking this ain't too bad
> very first person that talks to me says "you're cute"
> uninstall
Fuck this shit. MMOs are dead.
>play on new years eve due to lack of social life
>spend all day wishing everyone happy new year
>people seem to be happy and respond but we always go our merry way after group is done
>sunking feeling of loneliness creeps in
>spend the midnight clock of crying in my lonesomeness and watching the fireworks.
If you have triplecast up you could have moved out of the AoE without sacrificing damage, then TP back to your ley lines when the danger passed.
Not to mention ley lines increases your spell speed so its literally useless when you are on triplecast
Not him but Triplecast with Ley Lines is technically a dps increase due to Fire IVs cast time being over the GCD.
I appreciated that the cutscenes were really short. At first I thought it was going by too fast but then I realized it was for the best when going in wiht friends so you're not waiting on each other to finish cutscenes for too long
gokart titan was cool
gil pls OwO ?
>social people do better in games built for social interaction
>>No shoehorned references from other games
huh? what is your definition of shoehorned?
You have the right idea bro but you want to use triple cast despair f4 despair after your LL F4 spam.
just did a run of ghimlyt dark and my dense party died to the stupidly predictable rush attack from those retarded sisters and I solo'd the last phase where they prepare a wipe
blm is too good
>get flirted on by random amerimutt
>add them to friend list
>think their character is cute
>they change name and race literally every other day
The raid had no ties to any other FF game.
Because GCDs are a thing. Even if you instacasted you still have to wait on the GCD. Where with leylines by the time you finished casting you can immediately cast again. Save triplecast/quickcast for when you need to move a lot.
I wish I had friends.
Storm Breakers
>He doesn't press all his buttons on the final stretch
Lmaoing at your life, virgin
Absolutely pathetic
>"Tells the truth but leaves out details/you interpret the truth wrong"
He had one hell of a memory capacity to build us an entire side dungeon with academic notes. The ascian that talks to us as we wait is proof that Emet's creation magic wasn't as perfect as we were lead to believe. Maybe in that, Elidibus will reveal something that was left out because Emet couldn't face it.
But balance trannies say the recommended opener is
B3 T3 F3 (triple) F4 F4 F4 (swift) F4 F4 Despair T3P F4 Despair
Is it better to use triple for the latter half?
me too user :c
the only thing I have learned is you don't want gamer friends, they are horrible and smelly. You want normal balanced people, preferable LOW IQ. I personally find people who are big fans of Marvel movies to be great friends
BLM or DRG? drg feels like he has no skills besides basic combo + dot... but blm kinda slow, but i hear he sucks until vlvl 70?
But it did?
Just google fflogs, should be the first result.
>look up ryne's dress
>she's wearing shorts
I understand cost, but it would have been nice to have voice acting. I'd gotten used to the MSQ and some tone is lost with just dialog.
You're not missing out on anything. Man the fuck up and stop pitying yourself like a little bitch.
We both know that you're at a crossroad. Let's be honest here: you couldn't an hero because you don't have the gut to do it. Neither do you seem like the attention seeking type who only pretends.
The other option is what I told you initially: get fucking used to it. Life sucks for most of us and that's exactly why we're here. Human condition. That's how I got out of my crippling depression. Just become a bitter fuck who deals with problems when they occur.
Stay strong, faggot. Even though you don't wanna see it that way, you stupid ass is just as important as any other one's on this board. Doesn't matter if some possess the things you long for, they're not more complete or happy than you.
me too, dude
I find high level DRG to be harder since the rotation does become pretty complex (although they simplified it a bit) and you got to move around constantly to make sure you hit flanks and rear for appropriate moves. It's very hard to avoid dangerous situations as DRG. BLM has a simpler rotation but is very stationary, but on the other hand you get to stay at a range meaning you avoid most shit anyway.
It's always like this.
Because your the problem user
BLM is unironically one of the best jobs right now. Constantly the top DPS, great gear sets, a deep enough rotation without being autistic, excellent mobility to help you with the true BLM meta of optimising fights, great lore, cute job teacher and you have full permission to put heal cucks in their place.
>Finally decide to join FC
>Get ignored 99% of the time
>No one wants to run content with me
>If I do manage to have a conversation with someone, they immediately drop it as soon as someone else in the FC starts talking
Joining an FC was a mistake
Are you the gilgashitter I had yesterday bitching at people in E2 for not having watched a guide?
drg is easy to get positionals now that we have access to TWO true norths.
you just missed your chance with that lonely middle aged woman
Totally forgot: if you're a girl, show tits.
Just wondering, is this guy intentionally a ripoff of the guy from Game of Thrones? I heard that Heavensward was basically "We want the Game of Thrones audience" the expansion.
Only Veena, Rava players are usually legit.
Someone on Odin please be my friend.
How long until this tranny kills itself bros
Damn, Lalai looks like THAT?
might be, I only got mine to 66 before switching to other jobs and I found it to be pretty stressful compared to other jobs
>Want to play with a friend
>Server is full
Jesus the force your way remix is so fucking good. THANK YOU BASED SOKEN
There's guides for E2 already?
i know your pain user, its hard to break into fcs with established cliques, even if they say they're welcoming its still hard because im always I'll say something dumb
>That's how I got out of my crippling depression. Just become a bitter fuck who deals with problems when they occur.
listen to this asshole, he has a point.
That's why I usually avoid guilds, being in one makes me feel even lonelier than when I'm solo
I did join an FC for shad just for the xp boost but I filtered the guildchat when I realized everyone there was a wownigger.
What if they use the Journey's version of Oblivion for nu-Shiva's fight?
Yeah but its not engaging or fun like a physical DPS is
At some point they may as well make 8 characters so they can save on fantasia money.
you can still visit friends servers though
Primal has less dicks than aether the reddit faggot server
>tfw trying to clear titania ex via party finder for the last couple of days, and I never even got close to clearing the ad phase due to the dps check
I kinda kept going because of the sunken cost fallacy, but I'm starting to think it's not actually worth it, and I should just let it go and accept I'll never clear it.
So many stupid people queueing for it, it's frustrating.
>doing GUN intro quest
>escort a pop idol
>swarmed by fans
>notice Y'shtola's sister in the crowd
>"huh cool she likes idols I guess"
>bandits invade
>sister pulls out her glock and starts blasting
It was a nice touch.
>play on one of the RP servers
>be a flirtatious, forward personality
>people flock to me and want my dick constantly
>spend every day pounding a different lizard, cat, or bun
feels good
>mfw the person I ERP'ed with because I was horny screen shotted all my DM's
>No one wants to run content with me
Are you the faggot that joins for instant queues and carries?
Avoid big ones. Stick with Yea Forums and /vg/
This guy gets it.
I got 6 coms for explaining E4. As a rdm. Felt so good.
>Play Champions Online like 10 years ago
>make a character which looks exactly like Duke Nukem
>talk of the chat whenever i appear
Just bee urself
Post them user.
You might as well since they are out already
>queueing for it
You're not trying to do this through duty finder are you user..
Soken isn't using pre-existing remixes though. These are practically new songs entirely sans the lyrics.
>be on Balmung
>everyone ignores me when I try to talk
>never get any form of attention because I'm not in a clique
>the one person I get to play the game with me cucks me and ERPs with a futa bunny they met on /xivg/
>cry myself to sleep every night for being a loser among losers
If the physical DPS in question is a braindead one like DRG then it absolutely is.
Reminder that erp is not real sex virgins
And? Just own up to it, who cares? Better to get off to ERP than waste hundreds of bucks on porn comissions of your OC character.
I meant joining the party finder party, I'm just tired and defeated.
How do you ERP without feeling worse that you'll never have a real relationship? I don't see the appeal honestly
Based successful user
>make a bunny
>make her white
stay faggot, faggot, one job
You will never be a woman tranny
Don't join big guilds.
It takes time to know people you know.
>tfw probably the futa bunny you're thinking of
You didn't really get cucked, unless you had a closed relationship. If you want more attention, either be more forward and attract submissive little sluts or more flirty and attract the thirsty futas.
Don't worry, you can come visit me and I'll keep a collar on you.
no one said it was sperg
gross, no
Just like how you're not a real woman tranny
>play GNB and MCH
Who else /USA/ here
I don't have them, I paid the person 20 USD to not send them to all my guild mates...
Yea i'm good there was some very questionable stuff going on in that chat lol
>implying I care
>implying I don't just do it for fun
they're not mutually exclusive so who cares.
Come play with my femboy miqo then.
GUN is being saved for Gunner, duh.
>get FF XIV because everyone is getting it
>expect party stuff, raids and good times
>what i get is males pretending to be cat girls asking for ERP
>literally everywhere
What a waste
FCs with 15 players or less is the most ideal. Once you hit 20 you're in full clique mode.
>not BLM
there's nothing more american than niggers and blowing shit up
>femboy miqo
Is this a male miqo or female(male) miqo because I don't top the former.
sounds bretty good desu famalam
But how are you going to feel a false sense of superiority if everyone is competent
>literally everywhere
This isn't reddit, your fake stories wont get you upboats.
White mage storylines are stupid, STUPID
>muh raids
stinky wowfugee
Guys I've never played an MMORPG before, if I do, can i just hang out and beg people for money so I can just get drunk, and maybe do the occasional quest? for beer?
Female(male) powerbottom with some nice bits of his own. I like playing a powerbottom with large sizes who can still dish out what he takes.
How do you know they are men? Are you intimately familiar with them?
Theres only 1 specific server where this is true and you didnt have to join that one you faggot ass nigger
I skipped every cutscene for WHM post CNJ because it was awful in every regard. Is 80 worth glancing at?
>blaming your autism
I got bad news, user
>SMN is a mobile caster and can summon fucking bahamut and phoenix
This isn't Galoopo, is it?
Basically you need to find the spot on the map where the cool people hang out and you just go there and talk to them about crap
it's good fun, idk what the other parts of these games are since I just do this. It's important you buy some cool clothes so you fit in
>Flare's original name was NUKE
>can double, triple, or even quadra NUKE as AoE rotation
most american job
>play cute and funny
>get head pats all the time
>never get friends
>trannies come in and start talking about erp
Fuck off back to xivg
>that catgirl slutposter in /xivg/ who turned out to be a fucking 30 year old woman IRL
Welp, thread over. /vg/ shitters and trannies have built a nest. Someone call Janny.
>There are people posting ITT that got killed by Pure Light the first time they saw it
probably got tired of people calling her a plain-jane 5/10 horseface
>think you've escaped Lyse for an expansion
>she turns up in the job quest
MNKbro's never catch a break...
>implying that end game in MMO's isn't chatting and ERPing with people
>"Hey im a girl irl, dont hit on me silly boys"
>"N-No, I w-wont join voice chat, I-Im shy hehe"
It's not unreasonable to assume that someone so informed in the ERP habits of others might have that information through extended interaction with them.
I can only assume people who complain about ERP are people engaging in it.
just go to limsa you retard
Nope! Mine's just a random alt I parked on balmung.
On the other side of the coin, there's nothing worse than cunts who bitch about people not knowing mechanics when the content is brand new.
More like F-List and ERP the general
Depends. I've gotten compliments for my glamour that I think are half the time legit half the time their way of breaking the ice to try and get my digital-dick. But I tend to only get compliments or remarks in a city. Also as a mhigger that makes Raubahn look like Shaun King my arabesque outfit makes me stand out a bit.
Out in the field or in a dungeon people tend to be more focused on the task at hand, or intimidated. I felt like a dweeb being a Haurchefaunt for my party on blind innocence when leveling up ("You guys are doing great! I know we'll win, so don't make me a liar!") after coming back from a near wipe but I always liked when I saw bits of humanity and not just people mindlessly doing roulettes. I'm not so jaded as to not smile when I see some cute ASCII moogle or cat, or someone wearing a full hakka beast tribe outfit while everyone else is wearing seriouswear or slutwear, or some dude named taco something who handed the party tacos. It's dumb and vaguely holds up spork yet compared to mindlessly wordlessly doing a roulette or being snarky and rude, I like it.
I screencap it for fap material, but don't share. But I figure they're incriminating themselves unless it's a fuck alt for how much they'll enjoy it and if it comes out, well big whoop people see how much of a big bad dominant son of a bitch I am and it's liable to bring more participants.
>no shoehorned references to other games
Name/initials? I'm at work right now but I've probably seen you before if you actually hang out on it.
Pick two. SMN gets punished for moving now.
*clenches fist*
Haven't done it but probably more of tree hugging and dirt fucking.
The way mana works out now affords one T3 hardcast without interfering with your AF phase. Any more than that and you won't have enough MP for despair at the end.
I love my lalafell!
Say whatever you want but i love when the WoL tilts his head.
Bros I'm not a tranny if I like to erp in this game and pretend I am the girl right?
When people ask me about my gender IRL I say female and I never correct people when they assume I'm a girl or on voice chat. I've been told I have a pretty girly voice and it makes to happy to be referred to as female
70 one was god tier.
>when the music suddenly stops and changes
Asymmetry IS cool.
>move from Balmung due to cliques getting tiresome
>move to a new server and data center for a fresh start
>can't break in anywhere
>can't even find any ERP anymore
I think I made a mistake.
>just start playing
>make a qt lizard lady
>scrap that and go with catgirl
>5 hours later I wish I stuck with the lizard lady for no real reason
Every fucking time with these games.
You sound like you have gender dysphoria.
I like our not eyeroll. Where we shrug, wave our hand out, and tilt our head.
no retard
you're probably agp though
I peek around the bench now and then, playing on a femboy Miqo and a shemale Viera. Feel free to add on discord
Anyone can add me, actually! Always open for lewd and friendly banter.
>join an FC with my clique
>fun times
>leader does something we don't like
>all leave and poach the cool people to add to our ranks
>move on to the next and repeat
>Not making a big titty buff highlander chick
Your kind is a dying breed these days. Most vermin here would read what you posted and sneer at you for not actively hating or making fun of everything you come across.
Christ user actually kys or go back to /vg/. You are a blight and contribute nothing.
>FF XIV thread
>develops into ERP talk
Every time
>gender dysphoria
Stop with this meme shit way of explaining a fetish.
You have a fetish, trannies.
>expecting anything less than this from XIV
You haven't played the game too long have you. There's next to no content, join the party or unsub
>play dancer
>another dancer in party
>they partner the catgirl dps
>only dps left is a femroe
>partner the femra whm
SMN sucks total fucking ass to play, does less raid damage than red mage, and moving makes bahamut drop his spaghetti.
I'm sure you bandwagoned onto the job when it was busted in SB so you can stop playing it now that its bad.
nothing gay about sucking a virtual dick
i mean the dick doesn't even EXIST it's just words brugh
The past few days the threads have actually been chill and helpful with only a small amount of shitposting. I think the trannies from /xivg/ got jealous of people having fun and decided to come over.
I don't know why it's happening so early in the day. I hope mods aren't asleep. For once I want a thread to 404 because this is absolutely disgusting.
You will never be a woman faggot fuck. Avoid this guy that unironically pretends to be a woman because I've spoken to it before
AGP is the fetish
Dysphoria is wanting it to be real
Very cute would kiss and hug
>ERP thread
>develops into FF XIV talk
Every time
No not really every time
maybe one in fifty
>implying I care
>implying I'm not perfectly happy with my life situation and just enjoy playing virtual videogames as different personas
stay mad incel
What's a decent fc to join on Light-Odin?
I don't have access to my discord right now but I'll seek you out and give you a /pet or something later
Yea Forums threads usually aren't like this it's just a faggot tranny posting about being lonely and attracting all the other scum of the earth
Fuck faggots, fuck trannies
what do you mean by this
There's nothing wrong with discussing it, as long as it doesn't devolve into straight up typefucking in the thread, it's completely fine with me. It's one of numerous aspects of the games social interaction, just because you personally shun it doesn't give you authority to proclaim it a forbidden topic here.
One thing that trips people up is Flare, pre-68. You might read old forum posts telling you to use it, don't. Never ever use it unless you swiftcast. The enemies will be dead because they haven't balanced the old content at all. The guy you're targeting? Dead at 80% cast.
SMN deserves to stay in the shed for what happened in SB. Their numbers aren't even that low.
But Yoshi will cater to the whining as usual and make them be the objectively best caster at everything like in SB.
Stay dilated so your gaping bloody hole doesn't heal.
people having meltdowns over ERPers existing is no different from resetera transfats refusing to allow a game to be discussed because it offends them
Just say "LA HEE" in shout and make friends.
Completely based.
I'd add you but male cats and vieras arent my thing.
How do I offer myself to ascend and purge the sinners.
What's your name user I need friends, I'll even ERP with you if it helps...
id prefer to be called a girl though
You guys ready for AST to become the mandatory healer in 2 weeks?
I don't do that stuff, you can come flirt and shit IC'ly but no OOC
I probably have a better job and living situation than you, sorry cuck.
They should just delete the job and remake it as a limited one with cutscene attacks.
>tfw ugly tranny and can't get love irl so I ERP in game
who else bros
im totally my cat girl lads. who else is also their cat girl in ffxiv?
ay dios mio.... las creaturas.......
im a real woman, I like to make my ffxiv character reflect exactly what i look like irl and erp with people
Reported for racism :^)
/vg/ leaking, or falseflag?
Reported for being a tranny
/vg/ isn't like this
Good point, sorry for the delay. I think they will be able to fix Edilibus. Until Emet Ascians were obnoxiously vague and cryptic and now that might be changing. Particularly if Edilibus attempts to take that diplomatic/'balance' role in the past. You just need a way to make an Ascian tolerable for the Scions to deal with and not instantly try and kill.
In fact, that's probably it for 6.0 - it will become Zenos vs Edilibus and the Ascians and Zenos vs the WoL and Scions. Zenos will threaten Zodiark, and so Edilibus has to enter into a kind of tense temporary alliance with the scions.
Probably some autismal /vg/turd wiping the thread.
>avatar fagging
>will probably reset IP so ban wont stick anyway
This is just a degenerate faggot that crawled from the woodwork. Hopefully threads being purged for a few hours will keep it at bay and back in /vg/.
We could have been friends but you mentioned ERP...
/vg/ usually knows they're degenerate fucks and keep to themselves.
The people posting discords in here are just Yea Forums trannies
i'm always on the lookout for more friends on light. are you at 80?
Who let you out of the cuck shed?
>go to /xivg/
>they're talking about leveling, tank gear, and black mage
>go to Yea Forums
>they're talking about ERP, trannies, and "uguu im so lonely"
Here's an opener that's better.
Sharpcast is now always better spend on Thunder.
It'll allign with party buffs (whether Trick is thrown out at the 3rd or 5th GCD you'll benefit from either) so you're making the most out of your casts.
You'll fit in two more Fire IVs instead of using a 2nd Despair - which works out as more potency.
As always with BLM your most optimal rotation will change on a fight-to-fight basis, but this one has generally worked out well enough for me as a default.
Never FFVIII doesn't count.
Just report and ignore, don't cause such a huge stink.
Meanwhile, don't forget that AST and SCH are getting massive buffs in two weeks. The fact that they were two of the three jobs that got anything in this minor patch yesterday means that there is much more to come.
I’m as queer as a three fucking dollar bill but this immunity to criticism and constant praise that is shit all over these communities is not healthy. I know this is a groundbreaking statement but damn
Now this is a good rotation.
thanks. I saved mine from reddit when shb was new so it was an early one, but it works well enough. I'm not really a serious parser or anything like that, I just enjoy watching my enmity meter on blm somehow exist despite the tank enmity gain buffs
The Yea Forums threads are guilty of pretty much everything they say about /xivg/.
Titan was basically Hecatoncheir.
I don't care what you guys say.
I enjoy watching FFXIV content creators because it makes me feel better about my own performance in-game.
All of those people who randomly whispers are losers or huge degenerated.
People always want quality friends and no some insecure faggot that needs to be babysit on internet.
You don't realize that people who play MMO games don't want to hear your problems or your shit, everyone wants to have a good time doing content and then btfo from the game.
if you want real friends made them in the real world not in some MMO.
i don't want to erp
>Getting two more fire ivs instead of another iv and a second despair
Nah, they're just Niggermages who don't realise LL also lowers your GCD.
I don't think this guy has any pretention of being any good at the game, he just plays through the story content
Dragoon buffs soon boys!
This, the most fun part is everyone doesn't know what they're doing and clear it anyway.
It become a chore after the guide, i hate it.
>There are people worried about their 'main' getting caught for ERPing
>Balmung apparently ERP hell where no one runs content
>everyone wants to get out because ERP all the time
>bad RP at every turn
>it's actually current Aether and some of Primal
Though /vg/ being decent is a rarity. You can check in at any point and guaranteed it's circle jerking. They're just all over here right now.
I think its because they casted convert early (or whatever the skill is called now)
Some people want to get off without their SO, online or otherwise knowing. Sometimes they can't scratch the right itch.
I am still debating whether or not to masturbate to her
Can he make the female WoL orgasm like he did to Vanille?
Just convince your real life friends to play and be a normal person who does normal things please.
This opener is so shit, don't listen to this faggot.
New opener for blm is sharpcast > pre-cast B3 before pull > enochian > thunder 3 > fire 3 > triple cast > f4 > leylines > f4 > swiftcast > f4x3 > despair > thunder 3 > manafont > f4 > despair > b3 > b4
The opener is tight, and you need a minimum amount of sps for it to work depending on your ping. Note that if you have too much sps you might need to skip swiftcast, otherwise you'll clip (supposedly, not sure about this.) Another discovery made is that it's better to sharpcast whatever's next rather than exclusively sharpcasting thunder.
>not just whipping your dick out immediately
i dont get the whole video game "content creator" thing, but all i want is someone that makes video guides that aren't twice as long as the fight takes
this game isn't that complicated, nothing takes that long to explain. these bosses have like 3 attacks, it doesn't take fucking 25 minutes to say "X does this, Y does that, don't stand in the fire." i found one guy that did a couple omega savage guides that were like 2 minutes each but he hasn't posted in over a year so i doubt he's coming back
face is cute but her legs being made of like 2 polygons is ruining it for me.
I wouldn't wish this game on my worst enemy let alone my friends.
Forgive me for the sin I am about to commit.
>tfw avoided relationships because everyone ingame and irl is just a huge slut with no loyalty
>realize i'm contributing to the problem by not committing to a monogamous relationship
If you were playing FFXI in its prime, this would be a completely different story. Socializing and making connections with people was so important that you literally could not progress in the game withotu doing so. The little communities and linkshells, even the entire server became tight with one-another over time. Everyone knew eachother and had varying degreess of reputation. Even those who were originally quiet and autistic found their surrogate families in that game.
I really miss it.
who else cried when the big man dies at the end of shadowbringers
Just get into one at 45 when people start becoming afraid of dying alone.
How do you make these? Post one of her ass
>give peoples logic I've been told and understand
>told to be normal
big thonk
Who would've thought that people would be having troubles with Cape Westwind in 2019
>video guides that aren't twice as long as the fight takes
Just read a short text guide instead.
Which big man? The big big man or the really big man?
Which one?
Can you put her face on a Viera body?
I'm guessing they had sub 30 gear on still.
I don't know how I feel about starting without Blizzard 4 but that is an interesting rotation.
MMOs are social games by design, don't be a retard. Nobody's telling you to suddenly drop a bunch of emotional baggage on the nearest catgirl in an attempt to make her your friend. Just fucking talk to people. Use emotes, talk in dungeons, talk in /shout, etc. You'll get people whispering you and it's easy to make friends that way.
It's exactly this.
The potency difference is 20, but it flows much better and lets you avoid having to weave swiftcast in to your Fire 3 and double weaving your sharpcast + leylines, which which can cause potency loss greater than 20 if you're on a poor connection.
i don't consider wowfugees to be truly alive. ergo, i would not be guilty of murder if i killed them
Any strayan frens playing this on the US servers? How bad is the lag?
OP here, what the fuck happened to my thread, are all ffxiv players disgusting RPers??
I don't care for long rotations, what class do I play?
Yeah because XI is literally a fucking chat simulator where even in the hardest boss battles you do like one action every two or three minutes so you'd wind up killing yourself if you just stood there and did it all alone.
Is anyone else disappointed that we know what 6/8 remaining Eden bosses will be?
Post pics.
This is significantly worse than double sharp and somewhat worse than just the basic single sharp fire double despair (the one the other guy posted but with a sharp before F1 to do F3P (Swift) > Desp > MF > ...)
I guess it's useful if you need to be moving around the instant the fight starts or align your triple differently but that's not any current fight we have.
I would not use this as a general opener.
Is there one of her naked yet?
Asking for my cock.
please post more
>parsing Cape Westwind
>shittalking fucking sprouts over a Cape Westwind parse
Is this post supposed to be self-parody?
Just stay away from catniggers and you'll be fine.
She uses a normal midlander body. You can strip her using the SStool.
I find people are usually worse off after watching a fight video since they always stretch out one or two sentences into 10 minutes and long stretches of video showing pointless things to the point that the people watching don't remember it all and also don't properly weigh the importance of things.
do people still make those?
Why would you not use Blizzard 4 after Enochian/Thunder?
You could have just join through DF.
>mt titan
>almost everyone else keep dying
>explaining mechanics and stayin alive
>only one comm
Made me sad, not gonna lie
I can smell the estrogen flowing off of you
Every single rotation and opener being forced to be centered around trick attack is pure cancer and I have no idea why SE permitted TA to persist into yet another expansion.
>Not always having a parser running
You know fuck all about XI. No more from you.
>You can strip her
Be the change you want user. I'd watch your. You might even be bigger than mizztek
There's no ilvl requirement for CW. Don't be a cunt.
Also get the highest dps too
Or else play a healer or maybe tank.
I'm a new user. Can someone on famfrit send me some minions,mounts,gear or cool stuff?
Aleria Learia is my name. Add me even if you don't want to donate. We can hang out in game and do missions or whatever.
>be red mage
>literally 20 verraises during titan
>one shot him
>zero commendations
I don't know why I bother.
that's just for the opener so you could get despair out faster
>Can't run Trust dungeons if you have a dodge penalty
Okay but why? I'm not playing with other people
Here's your hardcore and complex gameplay bro
What's double sharp?
Not using B4 is also not good for a general opener. Not sure why they chose to omit that.
thanks Thancred.
I hope that parse for that shell tortoise comes in handy.
What's the optimal way to get the items in Eden?
take your avatarfagging back to /xivg/
By clearing the fight and needing on an item, you retard.
roll on them
I'm well aware. I went in once with only a level 1 book equipped. It was a blast.
Mate, Japan is right there. Why hang out with burgers?
Like optimal order?
I figure it's get only one accessory token (for the non-innocence ring), a belt, a 2 piece item this week, then either two 2 piece items next week or one 4 piece
1- you clearly don't even know what you're seeing.
2- that's a calculated full aliance. It took 18 people to do that.
>friend list mostly grey
>trapped on Ultros
>havn't made a new friend in months
>somehow make an abundance of friends I talk to regularly on Mateus/Balmung
It really depends on where you are. I've found Ultros players to live and breathe memes and keep you at arms length at all times when talking to strangers.
Which tank should I play?
Personally, my favorite are ERP logs where neither side is sure on the particulars of female anatomy.
>he thinks that's an avatar
go back summerfriend
No pls don't use emet for that shit
>Patch 5.01
>Raid done in an hour
>People slowly getting off the high of the MSQ being halfway decent
>Actually get to sit down and look at the game
>It's the same shit
>It's the same shit dumbed down even further
>Shit is so easy that when people manage to fuck things up you legitimately feel assblasted that 1 or 2 retards are making you do everything all over again even though it's only a few minutes tops
Nevermind I looked at the no B4 math and it's better than double sharp, thank goodness.
Autism because you have to use sharp at almost exactly -12s prepull
(-12s Sharp) -> B3 (Eno) -> T3 -> B4 -> F3 (Triple) -> F4 (Pot) -> F4 (LL) -> F4 -> F4 -> T3P (Sharp) -> F1 -> F4 -> F4 ->F3P (Swift) -> Despair (Manafont) -> F4 -> Despair -> B3 ...
Use that guy's no B4 opener, it's the best general one so far. I think it has an extra f4 in it though.
>posts exclusively using screenshots of a character pretending to be that character
That's the textbook definition of avatarfagging.
It doesn't matter, whatever your weakest ilvl item is
that is an avatar you fucking retard
His post is equivalent to people todd posting.
DRK if you're a retard, GBN if you want to be bad, WAR if you want to DPS, PLD if you want to be chivalrous.
Why not?
It's a meme you dip.
>No no the rules don't apply to me it's perfectly okay when I do it
DRK is braindead boring.
What is it that you guys have against this movie?
Drk's fine. Kinda simplified from SB, but so were most classes. And current numbers are irrelevant because they'll be reworked in 2 weeks when savage drops
Why do all Viera look like they have Down syndrome
Week 1: Head/Feet (544 main stat)
Week 2: Hands/Waist/Accessory (680 main stat)
Week 3: Body (442 main stat)
Week 4: Legs (442 main stat)
Week 5: 3 Accessories (612 main stat)
This order is to get the most of your main stat such as STR/INT/DEX each week.
FFXIV was never complex
post you're toon uwu
Because their features are fairly Africanized so if you try to build them to look like a midlander it looks fucked.
kys stormbab
Fem au ra who fantasia-ed and want to replicate their dead eyed stare.
Not the same guy you absolute faggot.
Eat shit and die
On a similar note...
>meet a new futa-friendo
>never know if they're full-package futa, no balls, etc.
>feels awfully awkward to ask
I hate it.
because the trannies that fanta'd to veena from raen can't into a race that isn't asian
Which do you prefer?
only the femroes attention seeking, worst race
always assume balls because as everyone knows futa without balls is utter fucking garbage
It never ceases to amaze me when people think nipples have holes inside of them, and that said holes can be used for specific ERP purposes.
Although I just fantasia'd into a lalafell like a retard and regret it already
Most people know that's not realistic but enjoy nipplefucking anyway.
ahem, FUCK praetorium
>FFXVI gets a trailer
>The scenery looks really familiar
>A midlander with an axe is shown in the last scene
>FFXVI turns into FFXIV-II as a ARPG as you take control of Ardbert and his journey as the Warrior of Light
Would you buy it?
>Normies talking about how 'sickened' they are by Ryne nudes
It's just virtue signalling to pretend you're not attracted to an objectively sexually attractive female based on an arbitrary age.
If nipples don't have a hole then how does milk come out?
Full-package, with or without the cunt. Accept no substitutes.
So is /xivg/ EU posters? There has not been this much degeneracy during peak NA hours.
>missing out on Padja cunny
>He fell for the dwarf house meme
Blist any people who cutscene skip or buy jump potions.
The countless amount of people who did Eden and didn't know where the npc is to trade in the new gear. Literally the last cutscene.
I usually just let my partner pick whichever they prefer when they ask me personally.
>twice as much exp from roulette than Castro Mediano
i'll take it if you don't want it
No I've already seen how that journey ends.
Is this Belle Delphine
Depends on the gameplay and price.
Maybe a throwback to snes graphics could be fun
I barely trust SE with a MMO, I don't trust them with a real game.
hey lets fuck
It's not about the destination. It's about the journey.
Alternate ending where things get even more fucked up.
I get off to futa art but I can only imagine the sheer amount of autism it would take to roleplay as one. The thought of molding an entire character around a fetish sounds incredibly mentally ill.
Sounds to me like you just hate femroe. You know full well it's the animu races that crave attention 24/7.
Join Very Cute FC on the Light data centre on Odin.
They actually tell you where to trade in the tokens before that, so you're told twice where/how to trade them in.
Are you on one of the RP servers? I’ve had tons of social interactions playing on an RP server.
Were you the strawpoll guy?
Fast Underground Car Knifethrowing?
Fuck yeah!
RPing as futa isn't any different from RPing as female until you're in bed with someone at which point you're basically just a dude with tits and ass.
the idea with the last MSQ dungeon is that emet selch has finally found an audience to tell the story of his people and lost history. He is the ultimate witness of the world before Hydaelyn.
That's pretty much why he's testibg your worth. He doesn't want to die and give up the memories of his lost comrades against people he considers as mindless apes.
The whole city was as faithful as he could do it because it's not for show, just for his own nostalgia. He didn't expect you to come with the scions.
The only way I'd buy it is if you can make the healer into your onahole.
>yfw directed by Yoko Taro
I love it when you talk dirty to me