>Game reacts to your save scumming
Game reacts to your save scumming
name 283 games that do this
god I want to behead this cat
Name 5 games that do
>game tells you that you'll regret not savescumming
Postal 2
new vegas
Metal Gear Solid
>game crashes
>it thinks you force-closed to prevent autosave and cheating to restart an event/skillcheck/combat/etc...
>tells me I'm just robbing myself of the fun or something like that, and it's even voiced and not just a message
fuuuck you, it's a false accusation
>you are either very methodical, or you are a coward.
Which is it Yea Forums?
That's because you're a miserable little shitskin incel.
>devs add in quick save/load
>game complains about you using a feature of the game
Why not both?
>want to force myself to take the game seriously and not be a quickloading bitch anytime ANYTHING goes wrong
>pick the game mode that doesn't allow you to quit without saving
>can still just alt-f4 when something bad happens, then load the latest autosave
Is there ANY post-1999 rpg/adventure game that can actually save me from myself?
tfw cum so hard the cat is white
look at this nigger
tfw I will literally never know if a game does this because I'm not trash at video games
Is it savescumming if you're playing a game like Max Payne where you can be downed by a single bullet?
>do this myself
>only do it because I can't be arsed trimming old save files
I never bother with the permadeath modes. I feel like every time I die when I'm taking it seriously it's complete bullshit, like something that kills you 2 seconds after a loading screen.
you know how the % shit is just a dice roll?
it rolls the dice before you save so after you reload you get the same thing every time
Play roguelikes
>the game knows exactly how its all going to end
>its rigged from the start
That's not reaction, just prevention
also I think the expansion added an option to turn it off
Fucking cheater
>Game has subtle horror elements
>Branches off into two paths at one point
>The wrong path is an endless staircase where, if you save the game, the game says "Thatwasabaddecision" over and over.
You cheated! How could you!
>waifu you picked in your previous save knows you picked a new one in the new save and is pretty mad about it
>Cheating on your wife
LITERALLY nothing wrong with savescumming.
You. You can choose not to do this. Your hands are not a seperate entity pressing alt + f4; they are doing what YOU tell them to, and you can equally tell them not to.
My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do.
Depends on game.
Many games become shit if you savescum in them.
name one (uno) videojuego
>tfw time passes while not playing the game
>Are you saving AGAIN?
My grandmother could beat the game if she saved as much as you do
This is fine since the % should be based on the actions likelihood but I would still prefer that instead it just reduces damage dealt from 0-100%. For utility effects just have it be a binary yes or no, rng is pretty cancerous
I think you mean all Bethesda games.
Whoever made this is cruel.
I understand, but I cannot be changed. As long as my brain knows that I can escape a bad outcome by doing something, I cannot be immersed enough in a game to forget it.
I have to mod out the console in TES games so that I can no longer consider it an option. Putting that barrier of effort of having to uninstall my mod to restore the console is usually enough to let its existence fall into subconsciousness.
It's hard for me to enjoy the games when I know I can just hit ~ to manipulate anything in any way I want, and render all of my effort/progression/actions meaningless. Similarly, I cannot accept failure as long as I'm aware that I can escape it.
Animal Crossing
>Old 3DS with poorly attached SD card
>If I hold the 3DS incorrectly I press that SD card slot and eject the thing, making the 3DS turn off
>Playing the postgame Etrian Mysery Dungeon dungeons
>It finally happens
>Almost all my equip and items gone
>Almost all my gold gone
>No will to move on
>Drop the game
that game wasn't that good anyways so it's not like you're missing much