heh, little does Yea Forums know that if albert wesker never died, resident evil would still be in its prime. tell me why this isn't the truth?
Heh, little does Yea Forums know that if albert wesker never died, resident evil would still be in its prime...
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He's still alive though. That lava wasn't enough.
Source, because he took two rocket launchers.
based and weskerpilled
damn, i miss him.
*gets banned on twitter*
He took way more than 2 RPG rounds before that.
Wesker's VA got banned on twitter for saying "nigger" a couple of days ago.
post tweet
Isn't he quite a SJW though? Wow, never saw that one coming
Literally what would be enough if lava isn't
No problem, clones can solve everything.
lava + 2 rocket launchers
Not gonna spoonfeed you. I've already elaborated on the topic.
He thought he was SJW enough for a n-word pass. Guess what? Twitter staff though otherwise.
woops wrong post
please sir, a crumb of source
>Wesker ded
>Spencer ded
>Birkin ded
Resident Evil really is lacking in reoccuring antagonists now.
>this user is in college
>turns in a paper
>user where are your sources? Ask the professor
>im Not Going to spoonfeed you, what I turned in was enough
Don't worry. After RE2make success and Capcom's words about their games being recieved better due to more classic elements, you can expect sudden revival of antagonists in RE8. I can already see appearance of Wesker's clone born from genes of his son.
all that's left is:
>the connections (re7)
>HCF (code veronica)
>neo umbrella (re6) if they're still around
>and alex wesker
who even knows what happened to tricell or the whereabouts of jake wesker
you got em good user.
Completely wrong, he was suspended because he told his followers to mass report some other guy
Shitty thing to do but it's not worth lying about, faggot
Alex Wesker is dead, user
And FUCK Neo Umbrella, literally the most retarded thing I've ever seen
Tricell went to bust and remaining assets were sold on black market.
damn and here i thought i could trust a anonymous post on Yea Forums.com
Alex managed to transfer her consciousness or some form of it into Natalia, what becomes of it is yet to be seen.
The "nigger" thing, albeit false, was at least funny, this is just nasty.
Didn't he say "Faggot" too?
i believe that alex is still alive in natalia rather it being a warped version of alex and natalia's mind
Literally who? Everyone forgot about her
7 Minutes, 7 minutes is all I can spare to CHRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!
What is this?
Not my fault you have Alzheimer, user.
Muslims kill the most muslims, blacks kill the most blacks, sjws deperson other sjws.
Figure out the lesson here.
But user gets a good grade if he spoon feeds the professor, what does he get for spoon feeding random user No.470695849 on a korean basket weaving forum? Sure he could be nice and do it, but he doesn't really get anything out of it, like he would in your example.
Time to drink some pigeon creeeeeeeam
>jake wesker
Can't just forget he existed? Guy was one step short of being a godhand character. Godhand is cool, mind you, but he really didnt fit a game like RE.
the user that didn't get spoon fed here: i would have gave em all my love if i was given the source.
You guys are forgetting about Loli Wesker
Yeah but the user is going for a liberal arts degree. I can give him a worthless piece of paper too
Remember when liberals said RE5 was racist for killing niggers even though the game is set in Africa? FUCKING KEK LULZ!!
that's not re4
Have you seen what his dad does? Granted, at least Wesker sr. has excuse of a virus, but the point stands that the series has gone crazy long before Jake came around.
Thats not RE2 not remake
Guarantee Capcom already did too, although I wish they didn't because that loose end would bother me.
Revelations stories are pretty self-contained within their own side franchise. Loli Wesker will not appear in a mainline game, she'll be in Revelations 3.
Eh, it's time for some new blood.
I doubt Capcom's going to make a Revelations 3, although i liked that cheap grindy raid mode from Rev 2 and need more Lady HUNK so i wish they would.
The only reason they'd make Revelations 3 is because the Switch community won't be getting RE 7, RE2, and definitely not RE 3 and RE 8. So maybe there's hope. The Rev games always started out as "let's try RE on mobile devices"
I thought the End of Zoe DLC was pretty frickin' badass while still being scary. Being forced into melee-only combat in a RE game is a rush.
That DLC was ridiclous -ly awesome
>Chad roided Chris dabbing on hungry Africans
Ofcourse someone is gonna say something, just be glad it came out when it did because if they tried that shit today the backlash would be ten times worse.
the reach on the articles will be supernatural
im pretty sure they considered having the next main game after 6 take place in the middle east, going off how action-focused the series became over 4-6 and that final ending with Jake in 6. Just me speculating but if there's any truth in that then it probably got scrapped early on because it'd be too different from RE and risk controversy doing zombies in that region
>risk controversy doing zombies in that region
Didn't Dying Light already do that and nobody had a problem with it?
>resident evil would still be in its prime
It's better now than it's been since 2008 though, Wesker was in literally one of the worst RE games to date.
Why did he beat the shit out of Claire?
I want to fuck Wesker
to fuck with the redfield legacy
He heard from Leon she likes it rough.
you're too inferior for his supreme body
he knew she could take it
Wesker is fucking overrated. I’m glad they killed him off in 5. Good decision.
So, how did we go from this
to THIS?
Wasn't he confirmed alive in Umbrella Corps?
lots of bulking
I hope they don't fuck up Nemesis.
>Full tilt sprinting
>No load doors
>"S.T.A.R.S...." can be heard several blocks away when his footsteps finally fade into the distance
If people struggled with X, Nemesis will absolutely shitter slam them into the dirt with no lube
can't wait
Yeah the eventual "Muh comfy muh comfy" tards screeching and then claiming they didn't hate the game because it was too hard will be hilarious
weak ass basednoobs
The DLCs for 7 worth the extra bucks?
It'll take only like an hour maybe more depending on your skill level.
However they're replayable as fuck, but if you're not into speedrunning/HUNK scenario type stuff it's probably not for you
>"Hard? It wasn't hard OR scary, I dropped it because it was just TEDIOUS and BORING."
Have his rocket launcher be a one shot kill.
...And I just confused REmake 2's Free DLC for whatever you're referring to, kms
It's worth it alone just for the end of zoe dlc, so I'd say yes.
Better, have it knock you into danger, make you limp and be a full heal tax for people that are too stupid to avoid him properly
Restarting lets them keep their shit, just tax resources until they learn that smashing your head against a wall isn't a viable strategy when you can't put a bandage on the wound
That's ok user, apreciate the intention!
All right, going to trust you, thank you mate!
You should be able to use environmental traps against Nemesis. Like shooting explosive barrels as he walks by, or knocking scaffolding down on him. There needs to be adaptive-difficulty ways to make him fuck off when you are too hurt or low on ammo to fight him, or people will get stuck
The adaptive difficulty in 2 was just fine, the tweak enemy damage and health based on player performance and stay within certain boundaries.
Speaking of, it was extremely hilarious seeing all the boogeyman posts about how people were saying they were gods at the game and suddenly RE2 just made the game impossibly hard and bosses were taking 1/10 of the rounds to kill after one death, then when the actual numbers surfaced suddenly these boogeyman posters vanished because they were talking out of their asses
>REmake 3
>sees nemesis for the first time
>walking slowly towards the player
>''oh, it's like Mr. X, he can never get you if you just run around him, haha"
>start moving to the side to try and dash past him
>nemesis starts sprinting at them full speed
>He starts sprinting when you do
>Zombies are faster than you when you walk
My pants are already shitted
I wonder how they will implement Jill's dodge.
The gameplay could be so much faster and more frantic if you could dodge-roll out of a recovery animation, like while you are getting up from being hit. When Mr X hits you in RE2R, he just stands there cracking his knuckles for 10 seconds as the player slowly gets back on their feet. I want Nemesis to hit Jill and then to immediately try to hit her again as she is struggling back to her feet, but she can dodge away. RE3 was always more action than RE2 or RE1
Honestly 6's system would work perfectly if they severely reduced max stamina and he recovery rate so you could have a get out of jail free card but you couldn't spam it during fights
All of the movement in RE6 is garbage. The best way to implement dodging is to copy Revelations 2. It's just a dodge into the direction you're holding with your movement keys. The control is so intuitive that you don't even need i-frames.
>The control is so intuitive that you don't even need i-frames.
If you think for 3 seconds mega scrubs aren't going to complain about no i-frames you're insane, even in most action games people are too stupid to position properly and need the dodge button to be a "No strings attached no hit" button
Well, if they're going to go with anything resembling the level design of the original RE3 in the remake, dodging will need to have i-frames anyway. Worm and acid nemesis are u-shaped hallways the width of the boss so the only way to get through undamaged is for your dodge move's i-frames to eat the attacks.
You have literally no excuse when you can pinpoint aim and there's limb based damage.
Fuck, even the HUNK shit in 2 is a good example, a good player can get through it without getting scratched
>those Mickey Mouse shorts
He’s alive through Jake
>tell me why this isn't the truth?
because 5 was far from RE's prime.
Only hinted, but never actually confirmed.
Spencer's death was so retarded. It's like Capcom wanted to finally end the franchise but did it in such a dumb and anti-climactic way so they tried to kill off all loose ends.
Now that the franchise is continuing, most of the Capcom writers are probably tearing their hair in the office every day thinking about how to continue the series.
An RE5 Remake would be fucking ESSENTIAL at this point.
God shut up. RE7 didn't continue any of that bullshit and it was better for it. Take your supervillain plot lines and make a MCU game out of it.
>Take your supervillain plot lines and make a MCU game out of it.
But Spencer was far from a super villain. He was literally an old man tied to a chair that was dying.
I wanted something like Andrew Ryan from Bioshock or Cigarette Smoking Man from X-Files. That's why I am not complaining about Wesker's death, he turned into an OP super villain. I just want conspiracy kino like X-Files but with zombies and shit. It would've been cool to have Spencer stick in a wheelchair and plan from the shadows and being one step ahead from everyone. But nope, Wesker had to kill him off and die in an epic anime fashion xD.
RE5 was a mistake.
RE5 should have been what it was originally planned to be. Chris alone in a creepy desert town with the sun scorching him during the day and progenitor infected BOWs hunting him in the dark. The story would have probably been about Wesker trying to find the origin of the progenitor virus in order to synthesize a new superior branch of the tyrant virus.
Imma be honest lads, I don't really care how much its rehashed, navigating a city during a zombie outbreak will always be fun no matter how many times they rehash it. As long as it involves scavenging shit and conserving ammo, I'll keep throwing money at the concept.
I just want them to officially re-release the Outbreak files on Steam so I could spam CINDEH
Fucking yes. I was watching the new stranger things season and when it has the episode with the hospital i was like holy fuck this would be such a neat level for outbreak.
Why won't they release that shit on PC? There's definitely an audience for it. Or shit why won't any company release a game like it. Instead of constant 1vmany and battle royale, give us a fucking survival coop game were people have to split up to get shit done.
>I just want them to officially re-release the Outbreak files on Steam
please make this pic relevant again, capcom.
Is operation raccoon city remotely decent? It's the only one I don't own on steam.
Play it for the interesting characters and concepts. Gameplay wise its not very great, and I dont even think multiplayer works because it had games for windows live permanently attached to it.
Its shit
But you're dead Excella.
Still works but there is usually 13 other people online at best.
Revelations 2 had the best controls in the series. Too bad that everything else was just meh.
I loved Wesker in RE 5. He was just the perfect amount of cheesy movie villain. The distinctive voice, his huge hate boner, his karate gimmicks, the way he twirlled his gun after taking shots. Wesker should have continued being this overarching villain that showed up at random times just remind you how perfect he was. His role in CV was the perfect niche for him to fill - as a secondary villain with his own agenda.