what are you guys hoping for in 1.15 and following updates?
i'm personally just hoping for an overworld/biome update that just adds tons of trees and plants, animals, etc
What are you guys hoping for in 1.15 and following updates?
the current version runs like shit on my shitty laptop, even with optifine.
I cant even run 1.14 but i can run 1.7.10 with 100+ mods with 30fps so why in the fuck cant i handle couple villagers and fish but can handle a tornado???
I hope they fix redstone in Bedrock edition, make it moddable and overal stop woth the jew shit then stop suporting the oozing pile of garbage that is Java.
>tfw cant remember what email i redeem my version of bedrock on
FUCK. it was back in 2015, how am i supposed to remember that shit? it's probably some random outlook email i made to use the Windows Store/Windows 10.
I'm still on 1.5 so it doesn't matter much to me, but it's probably something lame.
New biomes are always exciting though. Gives you more reason to explore and build rails.
The overworld has already gotten so much. I want a fat cave update. Underground biomes and shit. Maybe even new ores. I want diamond to stay the top though. Not sure how that would work.
Why the fuck have people given a single shit about vanilla minecraft for the past 7 years
shit had and has the most active modding scene of any game ever. If you want it, there's a mod for it. If vanilla adds something, a mod already exists that's done it better
If I pirate this can I do multiplayer? I just can't believe it's 30 bucks.
Can you pirate Bedrock Edition?
thats literally an option in the game
i just want custom worlds back :(
how much money do you spend on fast food a year?
I honestly hate the fuck out of the mod add ins like animals and trees. The flowers were a nice touch for more pigments\dyes, but foxes? Llamas? The horses were a barely acceptable add on considering we could already travel with pigs.
>Also removing lapiz lazuli as a dye
>Wtf seriously?
I would love to see the new grindstone reworked or maybe even removed so the anvil isn't made redundant. So far its just an extra clog up of space to repair tools instead of armor, not to mention the aesthetic is too detailed when compared to the rest of Minecraft, much like the podium.
What I am excited for is the the finalization of the new crafting tables! Weapon and armor rework looks like it might be in the future. Maybe shoulder pads\ pauldrons? Or gloves and gauntlets. It looks like they might be adding new ores (tin, led, corundrum) and maybe weapon types, but that's risque considering more mod add-ins like m'ores or that one weapons mod. Also different material bows! And maybe different kinds (longbow, hunting, compound, crossbows are already here).
And more recipes!
Since when were Minecraft mods capable of this kind of shit?
Next to none outside of Chipotle once every other month.
is there any reason to explore now? Haven't played in a few years but the most exploring and raiding got you was some iron or gold so exploration was entirely worthless.
there are still aspects of minecraft that can be added have been added that are not really in any mods, atleast not implemented well. for example, 1.13 mechanics really can't even be made into a mod for earlier versions
Cave update, complete with underground biomes and new underground structures. I'd also like a new mob(s) that only spawns below y-30 and maybe new ores but only if they can come up with a good function.
so Terraria
It's only moddable because it is in java. You need a huge amount of effort from dev for C++ version to have mods, which clearly no one is interested in spending.
Wow, Bedrock Edition performs a lot better on my PC, I just tried the trial.
How 2 pirate it?
Since day 1.
Yeah I suppose.
Well I think it's fine to let modders stay on Java, maybe give the game a few more updates to make shit run more smoothly, but it fucking breaks my balls that switching to Bedrock means redstone is fucked and I have to pay for texture pack and skins.
This, for a game named minecraft there's very little variety to mining.
If they fix the atrocious gui for bedrock edition and make everything look and behave exactly like the java version, then i still probably wouldn't play it because they'll try and do "something special" which always and only fucks shit up.
Cave update is coming I think, everyone's been asking for it. I just know for a fact the combat update's coming first. The cave update obviously takes a lot more time so don't expect it soon
the combat update won't be the only focus of 1.15 though, so there's still room for a cave update
one of the mods they're probably going to add in is the sulfur mod. It added glowing dust similar to redstone but different colors, used to make colorful TNT that worked like fireworks. There was other stuff that could be made with it, but the visuals were fascinating.
Snapshot previews shows it'll have weapon updates
>2019 A.D. Game has been out for over 10 years. Nearly 8 if you are going from actual release.
>Still no dynamic lighting
jeb released a custom java snapshot with combat features. doesn't really add anything remarkable besides weapon reach
if they're updating weapons they better make it so you can crouch to sweep again. Sweeping all the time is useless and annoying. Being able to attack a spider, then hold crouch and sweep at it when it jumped felt so cool.
it's in optifine too so it's not like they can't add it due to coding limitations
It's called MINEcraft, not VILLAGERcraft.
I want mining and and caving to be fresh and fun again.
Add like 2 new types of hostile mobs that spawn below y=35 or something
Maybe a new type of ore? I don't know what new it'd bring to the table though
Fix combat please
Iron ore is RARE AS FUCKING HELL in 1.14. I only have about one stack of iron but already have 3 stacks each of redstone and lapis
>game has been out for 10/8 years
>90% of the shit people like about the game was released in the first 5/3
Are those purple trees from a mod?
Give me something to do. Both Pixark and Dragon Quest Builders are much more entertaining games because they give me objectives to track and complete.
They're ruining it to a degree with how easily materials come from different sources
Diamonds aren't necessarily mined anymore when you just raid village chests, buried treasure and dessert temples enough times, water ruins give you too many resources that you would otherwise have needed to go to specific places for (no need to find a village for carrots and potatoes). Phantoms are the worst addition to the game yet and should have been a one hit kill too.
Llamas are useless, I have no idea what the new update has done.
Installing Aether II right now, fuck you OP.
I can't be the only one hoping for different material arrows, or at least a less frustrating way to get flint. I always have 10 times as much iron as I do flint, even after accounting for tool and armor use.
Play those games instead because they're better?
Running for miles to find villages isn't really more resourceful that digging for the ores, considering hunger. Trading and raiding is a last resort for me.
this faggot can't make his own goals
>cave update
>easier way to get flint
>more biome updates
>fruit trees
There is more but those are off the top of my head.
i believe the update after 1.7.10 made a change to the way things are loaded, instead of loading things like models as needed they are all loaded into memory permanently
this got rid of the huge lag spikes when moving around
Too bad they fucking broke it since 1.13
There are new modloaders but it still takes forever for them to implement the functionality there was before
don't know who cares but look at the weps in the upcoming gamemode/minigame
>dual daggers
>massive hammer
>magic staffs
they're making the metalurgy mod canon
Maybe they still hope to implement Optifine one day and save themselves the headache of actually trying to fix the spaghetti code, so they wait for devs to cave in
>just make your own fun!
Fuck you Notch, you should have just finished the fucking game in the first place.
How do you still cannot grasp the concept of Minecraft after 10 years
>but what do you DO in this game?
>if they would only make it ABOUT something!
>there isn't even a STORY
>WHY am i here?
This. I unironically hate the recipe book they added.
oh shit that's actually something I thought was alright, but only because you can keep closed and only open it up when you need it.
i want a furniture update.
>what are you guys hoping for in 1.15 and following updates?
Actual fucking content that makes the game fun with new interesting locations, enemies, and items instead of useless shit you wont use.
Nigger, there's a clear progression in this game now, actually multiple of them: achivements, The End and regular mundane grind of optimizing the builds, be that something redstone or just you creating a castle or some shit. If you play modpacks the progression is even more telegraphed. Come on, if you're still bitching at the idea of the game having no concept of "what to do" in 2019 then you clearly don't understand it.
how would they do furniture without breaking the 90 degree angle pixel block art style?
Oh, we can't have proper furniture. It stifles creativity!
Mining serves zero purpose in this state of the game. You simply can find everything above ground using shipwrecks, village chests, or nether fortress chests. In order to combat this, they need to make mining worth while. How? Different ore types that provide different boosts/potion effects. Another way is having mining only items, such as name tags, saddles, things along that nature, but more useful. Lastly, make caves newer, have structures inside them, make them more unique, better, and harsher.
>They need to make mining worth while. How?
Learn from Runescape
one thing i don't get about this game is why mojang is so autistic about the stuff they add to it
they've flat out stated before that they actively avoid adding things that are already in mods (even things that would otherwise be blatantly obvious additions or tweaks)
jeb also apparently has this "grand vision" for what he wants the game to be that involves adding useless animals and overworld structures that generate once every 10,000 blocks and have no useful loot
also if they wanted people to just use mods then why do they make it so hard to mod the game? the most moddable version (java) doesn't have any kind of modding API, and the version they're actually trying to make the "main" one (bedrock) can barely be modded at all
I wish zombies still dropped feathers. I have many stacks of useless rotten meat, and many chests full of flint, that I can't use for arrows because feathers are so difficult and takes so long to get.
Is Dragon Quest Builder better? I heard its like Minecraft but with RPG shit so quests fights etc
because they want to keep it as a simple game, and I can see how adding content doesn't go that well with that general view, so they have to be very selective
Are there any old servers still running? I wanna see some worlds that have been built, changed and ravaged over a long period.
2b2t and variations of thereof
I wish they had a team focused on building and one on adventuring.
I was here when this was posted for the first time and I still don't know what's so special about it?
It was a fun terrain generator setting, that's all, infdev ruined it
>playing minecraft after 1.5
They already fucked that in 1.14 with grindstones and lecterns. Might as well go full-bore.
lmao no they have no gameplay use whatsoever
it's more rpg/quest focused so it's not exactly the same. it's better tho if you just want to play an rpg with a building theme
They could add a tirednessmechanic, similar to the hunger mechanic. So when you've been moving for a while, you move really slowly unless you sit in a chair for a while.
i'm honestly excited to see what the modding community can and will do to those blocks
I'd love to see underground biomes be a thing. Maybe some cooking upgrades and more wood types.
try the bedrock version, i was surprised how well it ran on my 8440p
user, that's still like 60-120 a year
>no gameplay use
So what? I want to decorate my house with actual furniture not shit made out of fenceposts, pressureplates and such.
does the engine allow vertical biome differentiation?
It sounds like something that wouldn't be possible to add to the game
Cave update.
minecraft is a building game, so not everything has to has a function besides looking neat.
that being said, alot of furniture could have functions, like storage, or being able to sit down/make villagers sit, etc
If they could add some new ores and shit in the caves and mines OF A FUCKING MINING GAME it would be fucking great wouldn't it. God Mojang is so fucking incompetent, i think they could be considered top 5 worst game studios around if not for the rabid fanboys that will track me down and murder me.
Just get better caves, add mining hammers that do 3x3 mining or some bullshit that helps mining. I can't believe that you still have to rely on mining one block at a time
Yeah, but it restricts the world generator to a single biome.
hating on mojang for taking a year for meaningful updates isn't even uncommon. alot of people have that opinion, expect for hypeyoutubers
bedrock edition
I'd imagine so, but even the ravine/abandoned mine placement is still pretty bad so I imagine they'd fuck it up hard.
>fat cave update
Is it just me or has gravel become much more uncommon on recent versions? I used to get stacks of flint in Beta but now I'm lucky to get ~5 after a long time of mining.
Saddles being craftable. Because it makes no fucking sense that we still can't make them. I've found like three or four dungeons and none of them had saddles. One of them didn't even have any chests.
And putting the marking banners on a map thing from Java in Bedrock.
how the fuck do i trade with villagers now?
also what the fuck why do they still make the same fucking HRMM sound holy fucking shit my fucking ears
What baffles is me is you can literally create a block in a matter of hours and an enemy in a couple of days how the FUCK do they take years to add a small amount of bullshit
Update the fucking Nether. It's embarassing that Nether Fortresses don't generate correctely and they still have that ancient, basic and boring 2012 look. Add new resources like ores or brewing plants to make it more worthwhile to travel the Nether.
how bout both?
the overworld includes the caves too, so you could def have both
Lazy swedecuck developers. How sad that a multi-million dollar company needs to host a fucking poll at Minecon to add ONE (1) new mob to the fucking game. Why only one? Modders could have all four animated, textured with sound in a weekend compared to the seven months it took to put in the fucking awful phantom.
Do you play with Minecraft mods Yea Forums?
very little of minecraft sales money goes to the developer team now
microsoft just pockets most of it
why do you think they dropped 4 billion on it
So why hasn't Microsoft got rid of the incompetent shit developers yet? What the fuck do they do for so long that these 3 month minimum work of coding updates take so long to release?
Naturally occurring gunpowder, ability to craft cannons, muskets, pistols, which consume gunpowder as ammo, etc.
Dungeons feel a bit anti-climactic right now, which could perhaps be remedied somewhat by populating some of them with a single boss monster. They could be guarding a chest with some enchanted gear or something. Killing the boss monster would stop (some/most) other mobs from spawning in the dungeon (except the normal zombie/skeletons spawning in dark areas).
Another feature I would like is an item that can spawn or "attract" villagers. Would allow you to build a town or fortress from scratch and then populate it.
One thing I don't like about the new pillager outposts is that there is no way to stop the pillagers spawning. I found an outpost right next to a village and thought it'd be cool to convert the outpost into a little fortress, but it's basically unusable.
vanilla survival is fun if you just want a comf world to build in that'll always stay with you if you want. It does get stale pretty easily though if you have a creative block
>Naturally occurring gunpowder
Gunpowder isn't naturally occurring. Otherwise we would have invented guns a lot earlier.
If you get creative blocks then download a mod like pic related for boss slaying and dungeon crawling.
A good remedy of that is have natural sulphur deposits that you can combine with charcoal to mass produce gunpowder. That way Charcoal will finally have a use.
minecraft isn't suppoused to be 100% realistic.
if that's what you're worried about though, maybe you could mix 2 naturally occuring powders/items together to craft gunpowder?
What I mean is some way to craft gunpowder from naturally occurring resources (or a new type of block that when mined provides ingredients to craft gunpowder)
Gravel is pretty plentifull but mining it for arrows is a pain in the dick.
>minecraft isn't suppoused to be 100% realistic.
Gold's pretty realistic in Minecraft. Shit for making weapons and tools, great for making circuitry.
Could provide a reason to update the nether by adding Sulphur and Saltpeter. Both needed along with charcoal to make Gunpowder. But Swedecucks Yeb and Dickbone would rather add more flowers and villager clothes that provide absolutely nothing beneficial to the Player.
>villager clothes that provide absolutely nothing beneficial to the Player.
It's a visual shorthand for what profession a villager is.
minecraft only updates every 18 months and it's usually just a couple of block retextures and """borrowing"""" a feature from a mod but only implementing it half-assedly.
to be fair like 90% of the minecraft community still just plays on 1.7.10 because of mods, my dude.
just the neet-ish part of the community
this really.
main reason I use tinker's construct is being able to dig 3x3 tunnels to find shit instead of 1 block at a time.
even then, if you want iron it's STILL faster to just run around caves than it is to do any amount of digging, even with 3x3s.
For me it's Aether. Wish Aether 2 kept it simple and just be a Sky form of the Nether without spiraling off into some dumb fucking pretentious rpg.
I usually just make a list of all the shit that comes to mind that I want to build while I’m at work. That’s how I was able to keep myself playing long enough to build pic related. I still plan to put a castle at the top of the tower right under build limit, as well as some other little structures on floating mountains, connected to this main tower via rope bridges.
Also sorry for the shitty quality, I’m playing on my Switch.
That looks repulsive. How do people build autistic creations like this and just accept it?
i just LOVE builds like that.
maybe expand it a lil and give us an imugr base tour? id def be intrested in one
>not playing the Superior building game
How do you autists deal with the fact that you can't change different types of wood into other types? It fucking pisses me off.
as a long time DQ fan, im just loving all the attention the series is getting nowdays. that being said tho, you can't beat the og block building game
Dragon Quest is pretty gay desu.
Imagine the faces of all these posters who play this cube game
Shame they never put this on PC too, loved the first game on my Vita, they put heroes and 11 on PC not sure why they didn't put this on too.
The only autist here is you faggot. The point of the tower was to have tons of different buildings all stuck together.
Perhaps one day I will.
Go find the wood you want? Not that hard unless your a lazy nigger.
Maybe you're just retarded at building creating that autism monstrosity
Okay nintendie autismo lmao.
New update fucking when
Hytale killed this anyway.
They need to make a backpack so I can actually transport shit over large distances.
Fucking never. Give up or bully the creator until he kills himself or releases it.
let people enjoy things you tard
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is definitely more soulful than Minecraft is. It actually has personality, charm and direction to it, unlike Minecraft which is bland and boring. You really have to be autistic to play it.
Ah yes how could I forget you’re only allowed to build autistic medieval castle in minecraft how foolish of me. Please forgive me oh master of buildings.
t. Autistic weeb trash. Minecraft is the original while faggot shit Dragons Quest is a pathetic copy.
He’s clearly built regular shit in the background why are you autistically focusing on a tower that just so happens to have different rooms in it?
You can build whatever you want so long as it's structurally sound you niggerbrained retard.
shulker boxes exist
Care to actually explain what’s wrong with it?
>structurally sound
Pick one. You don’t even know how to build.
>endgame item exists
Why do retards keep saying this? How about something tangible in the overworld?
I do know how to build actually and just because there's Minecrsft rules with no gravity doesn't mean you build your bing bing wahoo autism shit that isn't even supported by pillars.
Dragon Quest Builders 2 is an actual game with characters and objectives, as well as story, art direction and music.
Minecraft is mediocre on all fronts, still using the fucking placeholder graphics from the alpha
Literally didn't know this was a thing. Haven't played for like 8 years. Maybe I should play a bit more.
The only one sperging out here is you, just because he didn't build single structure but multiple mashed together instead. Of course having different clashing styles cobbled together creates a clashing end result. You can even see a "proper" non-autism-hissfit-inducing building behind it. I for one like to see something unusual, I'd have never built something like that myself.
his autism triggered because someone dared to build something more fantasy themed than a regular castle
Minecraft is more Iconic and better known than your weeb trash.
minecraft is a shit game by shit developers, like they actually thought adding a bunch of obnoxious pointless or just out right boring unfun mechanics was a good idea like having to wait around for turtles or having to sleep to deal with the annoying ass phantoms phantom's, hell mojang can't even do basic rpg elements which is basically impossible to fuck up yet somehow they did, builders does everything minecraft does only it isn't a half assed "add a feature and never expand apon it ever and hope people forget that it existed" (cough zombie raids cough) clusterfuck
>can’t have fantasy shit in a video game about letting you do what ever you want
You have literal, unironic autism. Get it checked. I imagine seeing naturally spawning floating islands sends you into an autistic fury?
Top autism post here.
Nintendie autism isn't fantasy lmao. Look at Jeracraft to see how actual fantasy builds are made.
just because something is better known doesn't make it better.
"actual fantasy"
there's no real way to do fantasy, it's just a block game with no gravity anyways
that madman is still updating this mod?
You know you can get sapling and plant it wherever. If you want to keep it biome specific for some reason build nether portals for fast traveling.
It's good idea to play most of the game after the endgame because those items make your life so much easier.
>actual fantasy
How do you define something as true fantasy when fantasy is literally just “thing that isn’t real”
I'm big mad because 1.15 has been confirmed to not be a cave update
could just be technically correct, aka the update would be mining update, overworld update, ore update, etc. or they could also just be lying
A good equivalent to this is nu-Star Wars. Here, Disney had an interesting, established universe to craft stories in. Rather than do that, they shat the bed instead.
Mojang, rather than add stuff that compliments the the core aspects of Minecraft (exploration, building, survival), they add superficial stuff which adds nothing meaningful to any of them, or detracts from another. Shit that helps with say exploration (those wings), you can't get until the end of the game, when exploration is no longer necessary. Terraria is the best example of a base formula being expanded on properly, the only problem there is that they add far too much shit which is either pointless or fucks with progression.
can they make the game not a shitty, tedious, obnoxious, half baked, glitchy, unfinished, grindfest, laggy mess of a game?
Type in Jeracraft on Youtube and watch one of his project videos.
No. I’m not going to get my fucking minecraft rulebook on how to build from anyone but myself, let alone a fucking E-CELEB. you zoomers and so fucking autistic.
You ask how to define true fantasy I tell you and you go DUUUUUUUH E-CELEB >:^( me thinks you have a touch of the 'Tism, the Nintendie kind.
Fucking nothing cause they are annoying and most tech based mods are about streamlining while expanding the variety. Some of the items were already in modpacks anyways, like drying racks instead of fireplace and variety of faster furnaces, ranging from fuel sources, to smelting speed, smelting amount, fuel efficiency etc
Nigger my whole point was that there IS NO TRUE DEFINED “FANTASY” holy shit. Just stop embarrassing yourself. The only one here who has “a touch of the 'Tism” is the autistic e-celeb watcking zoomer, aka: (You).
really the eltra should be in between early to mid game
it's also fucking retarded that leather is harder to gather then iron, give rotten flesh a use and let us convert it into leather so it's actually useful outside of trades
>b-but that would break enchanting
so? just make books harder to craft it's not rocket science.
Nah, the code is probably so spaghettified they'd need either dedicate an entire update or two just to unfuck it. They'd drop java if it wasn't so popular. I'd drop java if it wasn't for mods. It would literally easier for them to allow make proper modding API and some tool that would allow easy server compatibility for Bedrock edition than unfuck java it seems
Thankfully Aether Legacy is a thing, So its not necessary to deal with scope creeped Aether 2.
Who else wants to goblins from The Descent in Minecraft caves?
Doubt you'll see this now but each villager type has it's own workstation. At the end of the day, the villager will return to the house with there respected station.
If a villager doesn't have a work station assigned to them, they will have no job and therefore can't be traded with.
If you place a workstation next to a jobless villager, they'll gain that profession. You can also replace there current station with another one in order to get a new type of villager or break and place down there current station to reset trades.
Some of the stations (the ones I remember) are
Stonecutter-stone mason
Catographers table-cartographer
And a bunch more that I can't remember. Look it up if you want
Dude cares more about the cult of discord trannies that constantly suck his dick for any update information through emails than finishing the game. Like said this game is pointless now.
i hope for two things
>better performance
>"mojang gets off their asses and starts doing shit" cave update.
i play on 1.7 only because a few mods i like haven't been ported to 1.12
you should give 1.12 mods a try and see if you like them
i did and i do. i just also play on 1.7 sometimes only for that one reason. thankfully the number of unported mods is getting smaller and smaller every day. hell, somebody even successfully ported ShinColle with only minor bugs, which is really nice. the only real thing i'm waiting for now is thaum 4 for 1.12 (but that will never happen) and some addons for PSI (though i can play without them as thy're just sidegrades).
>wants laggy framerate
because despite what people say microsoft is generally really good at respecting the competency of the existing staff of subsidiary companies.
They don't like firing masses of employees for the sake of quick profit outside of the programmers who make windows 10
>most popular game ever
>mojang cant get non retarded devs to unfuck java edition and just copy modders ideas to release new updates
there are people out there who will fix that shit for free. i cant believe how angry those retards make me. why are they like this? holy fuck
Just wait until they completely rot and modders start making community version updates
shit's gonna be hilarious, modders absolutely cucking devs at their own job
>try microtransaction version
this. mining is the most tedious, boring, uneventful game of lava minesweeper in the world
at least give us something that can mine multiple blocks at once
Same. I hate the current worldgen. Check out a mod called conquest reforged, that worldgen is amazing
Decent video that released recently, I agree with most of the things said in it. The reason why Minecraft lost its charm for me is how the challenge of surviving has been nullified. You don't need to gather resources to construct a base and its defenses, all you need is three blocks of wool and you're set. If you happen to spawn by a village, you don't even need to do that. In fact, the game actually punishes you for not taking the easy way out with those annoying Phantoms.
What I don't agree with is the point that Mojang are prevented from altering the way beds work because of muh nostalgia. Fuck that, they need to be brought down a peg.
Mobs on the surface are more of an annoyance pretty fast anyways. Limiting bed won't change much. There should be more challenging monsters in certain bioms or cave systems.
i think the mobs are fine, just need more variety. there could be fast skeletons with swords/longswords/haldberds/whaterver that could be a rare drop with various enchants and tiers, for example. and that's just scraping the surface of what could be added.
>he thinks they'll stop making updates
Slope blocks
Go to the Minecraft website, spend $30, and then bam! Pirated.
not gonna happen since the current limitations are there by design or whatever, unless they add 1 or 2 for a very specific block
It was interesting but the terrain where everything is super tall and it's just massive mountains and ravines everywhere was far more interesting.
That's an excuse because Mojang is Bethesda-tier when it comes to programming. They should've kept Notch's little ginger gimp fag to program.
might be, but im honeslty okay with them not adding too many shapes that aren't just cubes, stairs and slabs
Furniture like chairs and cupboards.
hold up i vaguely remember this gay comic, was this the one where herobrine had amnesia and steve was mind controlled?
You're digging too deep, I believe it becomes more rare below a certain depth
I never said they will. That's the fun part
>You don't need to gather resources to construct a base and its defenses
You never needed to though. All you ever needed was a lit enclosed space.
Guys, I discovered a way to fix the hunger bar.
Instead of hunger, it's a stamina bar like in BoTW. You can recover stamina in a number of ways instead of only eating, like sleeping or standing next to a campfire or just standing still.
The OG hunger bar is just a necessity with no reward for the player, but the stamina bar can actually improve the experience. Running faster the more stamina you have, deal faster combos, bonus damage, jump higher, swim faster and so on.
Food now has another role, instead of only eating when you're hungry and giving some saturation. You can eat whenever you want, different foods give different stats. Sugary food gives you faster boosts, proteins extend temporary your stamina bar, heath fruits could boost your regeneration, baked goods could improve your haste.
Fuck Minecraft, 10 years of development, wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle. We have not even got temperature yet.
Just some interesting stuff, the kind we got during SSF updates. The last update i was excited for was beta 1.8 and maybe The End update before i saw what a empty floating pile of shit that was.
It's a pipe dream but I'm hoping for ways to make mining more interesting. For a game called MINEcraft, mining is one of the weaker parts of the game. I'd love to see some new underground-only biomes, mobs, structures, and resources. Subnautica, for all its flaws, has some excellent deep biomes to take inspiration from.
It'd also be cool to see the Nether overhauled. It's so useless, and there's little reason to go there except for a couple of critical resources and some aesthetic blocks. Flesh it out, add biomes, replace it with something else, remove it entirely, who gives a fuck, anything is better than the half-assed shit we have now.
And don't get me started on the awful glitchy portal mechanic. Nether transport is a neat idea but fuck it, just make it 1:1 so that you can actually have portals within a mile of each other.
It's pretty good. I enjoyed it for the direction and limitations it imposed on you. There's multiple chapters. Each one centers around rebuilding a ruined settlement, gathering villagers by doing quests/fights, then in turn expanding the settlement by making rooms based on recipes the villagers request. You can build anywhere, but the area that is officially considered the settlement is pretty small and the blocks and furniture available to you can be limited at first/based on the chapter, so you have to get creative.
Second one released recently and seems like an even bigger and more polished version.
I don't see why the Java edition hasn't been abandoned already, Being propped up only by forges unofficial mod support that completely breaks every single fucking update, It's nothing but a test-bed for half-baked new features the bedrock chads re-implement in the superior engine, With all the resources wasted on java they could've had the W10 edition be the standard and port that over to mac and linux.
Why the fuck are there minecraft threads since two days ago?
Minecraft is the FOTM since pewdiepie started playing it again, even on a clean browser profile youtuber recommends a shit ton more Minecraft videos right now
I hope they just erase everything they added to minecraft in the last 8 years and revert everything back to beta 1.7.3, or whatever it was, the last version before the adventure update. Beta 1.8 ruined minecraft forever for me.
>mfw revisiting minecraft for the first time in forever
>have great fun with the new features even get some friends on a server to play with
>tomorrow I wake up and I see them talking about pewdiepie
>mfw he literally uploaded his first minecraft episode the day after I started the server
This shit always happens to me. I start a game and them immediattely and usually finish it, then immediatelly find out an e-celeb has published a video of said game, it has made me so paranoid holy shit.
1.10 was the downfall
This happened to me twice in a row yesterday
>Be me
>Play some Area 51 and GTASA modded with Myth Mods in the morning
>Check Vinesauce
>Turns out Joel had uploaded a video of GTASA with myth hunting and is using myth mods too
>"Okay shit that's coo-"
>Vinny is playing Area 51
How the fuck does this keep happening?
I hope for the cave update.
New ores
New underground things
Maybe you can go deeper but there will be stronger mobs after a certain point
Here is an ore id want:
Lead armour is stronger than diamond but it slows you down
Lead tools are more effective , more damaging , more resistant but slower.
You need iron to mine lead
You can make a potion of lead that gives your resitance and strenght put also takes some of your health away , nausates you and slows you down , maybe even somekind of blindness but to a lesser extent (you can only see 16 blocks in each direction)
You can also make arrows out of lead that will be more damaging but they will travel less
>not feeling a sense of pride in knowing that you exude enough power to bend the will of people on the other side of the world to whatever fotm game you decide to play without them even realizing it
user please, you doubt yourself too much
I want caves to be overhauled as villages and oceans were before. Not really into getting new ores, or even blocks, but having caves be a lot more varied and interesting environmentally would be great
>ability to craft cannons, muskets, pistols, which consume gunpowder as ammo, etc.
Guns dont really fit into the minecraft medievalish timeframe
I can understand cannons and maybe muskets.
But for the love of god dont add an ak-47 to vanilla
It deviates to much from the core feel if minecraft , a blocky world with medival technolgy and evil monsters
Another feature I would like is an item that can spawn or "attract" villagers. Would allow you to build a town or fortress from scratch and then populate it.
There should be villigers that seek shelter as they have been raided
It gives you an idea of what the villigers proffesion is
The biome generator. Right now its complete shit. Its been shit for years. Whats the point of a "realistic" biome generator in minecraft? So i can have thousand of meters of flat forest or thousand of meters of plain desert? And lets not talk about the fucking swamps or the jungle. The beta biome generator was at least ten time more varied, with better scenaries and unique locations, despite having less unique biomes
That's one way to think about it but what if the one exuding the control isn't necessarilly me and it's some other entity or "law" which gets us in the mood for a certain game?
1.12.2 with mods is peak minecraft.
There is already and advantage to having your hunger full
Being able to run faster and to sprint , if the hunger bar is low enought you will not be able to sprint or you will run slower (dont remember witch)
>You can eat whenever you want
No , just like in real life , there is a limited ammount of space for food , and after the limit is reached , you can no longer stuff your face
>Sugary food gives you faster boosts,
Yea... i guess. You can already make potion of swiftness using sugar tho.
proteins extend temporary your stamina bar, heath fruits could boost your regeneration, baked goods could improve your haste.
slow down , slow down , keep in mind who the target audience is , i think this maybe a bit too complex for your avrage minecrafter. not every food should give you a buff/debuff.
Minecraft is a bare bones game , adding such complexity to what in most games... is a preety simple system whould be the equivalent of drawing an anime character but drawing the nose as realistic as possible.
no, but that doesn't mean there aren't other madmen who use his mod as a framework to make their own versions of it, using sprites he drew
hell, someone used the sprites as a base for a model change mod and it's amazing
just wish 1.13 would've been the new 1.7 instead of 1.12. the water mechanics are just such a godsend
I hate that one. Was super interesting at first because visually it’s pretty entertaining. But actually traversing that shit turned me off shortly into it. I would’ve preferred floating
Yeah, but at least there's aquatic centric mods for 1.12.2
i have to wonder if they considered adding nether villages or better nether structures with this update. the nether could be a lot more interesting. it's usually just miles of the floor is lava. could benefit from adding more ways to find wither skeletons or neutral mobs to trade for spooky items.
i would be fine with them if they just added the waterlogging mechanic
just taking thing X from the overworld and putting it into the nether with a reskin is a pretty boring idea, desu
>There is already an advantage to having your hunger full
>Being able to run faster and to sprint, if the hunger bar is low enough you will not be able to sprint or you will run slower (don't remember which)
You just can't run if you are about 3 or 4 drumsticks lowers. Also there isn't "run faster", there is only running, walking or crouching. Your lack of knowledge about the game shows that you haven't played for a while.
> No, just like in real life, there is a limited amount of space for food, and after the limit is reached, you can no longer stuff your face
This ain't real life, Minecraft ain't realistic and neither my propose was to make the game realistic or complex, just in-depth.
>You can already make potion of swiftness using sugar tho.
The alchemy is ass and underused, no one makes potions aside from fire resistance for the occasional travel to the nether or a splash potion of weakness to cure a villager. It's to much trouble and too much waiting for making something that only serves the purpose of adding some stat effect. The only guys who use potions are PvP players and my purpose is great for then.
>keep in mind who the target audience is, I think this maybe a bit too complex for your average minecrafter.
You are sub estimating children, Fortinite can be a very complex game that involves a lot of logical thinking. If you really think, kids enjoy a lot of complex games like Fortinite and Minecraft, dudebros enjoy more simple fun like COD or Fifa.
>adding such complexity to what in most games... is a pretty simple system
There is no complexity added, just depth and most I stole from BoTW, a game with a much more in-depth stamina system and with universal appeal. Food would still work like always and you would even have more possibilities to replenish your stamina, but the more experienced you get with the mechanic, the more players would enjoy more. Like bringing bread and soup to mine or terraform, bring meat and fruits to fighting, etc
I never modded minecraft, but want to play it again and maybe start modding it.
What are must have mods and mods that add cool content?
>full bllomed flowers and trees
which mod?
it's just biomes of plenty afaik, idk about the rest if there are other mods since i just found it on google images desu. though if you're talking about the purple lavenders, that's definately a BoP feature
They should have torches and light sources stop being as strong once you go below Y-30 or 40, meaning you'll need to place them more often. Also they should get rid of the higher half of the brightness option in settings, once you put it too high the game loses the horror aspect it had (which was really obvious in early versions where it was dark as hell) and you don't even need lighting to see other than to stop mobs from spawning.
They should also add some more formations deep underground. Maybe something like a ravine albeit right on top of bedrock with lots of lava, and thinner and not as tall; complete with more dangerous mobs like mobs that can survive lava or mobs that only spawn around a specific ore or material.
Minecraft needs depth in its movement, everything is to slow. If the elytra is a high-end glider, adds a craftable non-equipable hand glider that only makes you slowly descends with no options to use tools while using or you would smack your face to the ground. If possible, hot air from campfires would make you ascend like that cool mission from AC2, you could also put a chicken on your head like in Zelda and have the same effect, in case of the hot air, the chicken would act like Yoshi trying to get to higher places.
A rope that works like the rope-arrow from the thief series, basically a leather that doesn't need to be attached to a wall, great to descend ravines. If possible, rope arrows or hook-shots for a more maneuverable experience.
Now for unrealistic never ever pipe dreams, add fucking air balloons, sailing ship and trains.
Did they ever re-introduce proper flooded cave systems like they used to have in Classic?
Exploring caves was so much more fun when you came across some sump that might lead to a whole new cave system, or even back out into the sea.
>Also they should get rid of the higher half of the brightness option in settings
It's optional and serves the purpose of visibility more than anything.
Also, fuck the light-mob-spawning system, I need to cram my house with torches because there isn't a single item that acts like a repellant in this goddammed game.
Yes, but there is no incentive for that. I wish they add underground rivers and real lakes as well, fuck those random water ponds.
they added those for caves that spawn in with a tunnel leading to oceans. though, they're literally just caves with water, there's nothing else to them
maybe they'll finally manage to put in a table and a chair
I want an update that permanently disables creative mode in everyone's game, so that if you make an instructional video you have to build your fantastic creation out of the same shit you find in the world for yourself, and not choose from the infinite menu.
I want an update that makes it so that anyone posting a youtube instructional video and has a an avatar that supposedly is "them" speaking to the viewer, to suddenly cause all of the dorito and cheeto grease on their bodies and in their bedroom carpets to suddenly burst into flame.
cringe and bruh moment
You can get something like this with custom generation, but aether legacy is better anyway.
holy fucking reddit spacing
Wrong reply, It was supposed to be
>Figure out how redstone works
>Stop using ladders and make staircases hidden in the walls and floor
So this is autism
I've never played DQ before and I'm scared to jump into the series without playing from the start.
It's like final fantasy, there is no need to play the prior releases. Also, DQ Builders is supposed to be like a spin-off series.
anyone else player with larger biomes? the game can look so ugly with biomes mashed so close together but I'm wondering if these biomes are a little too big
Increased height limit with mountains and new caves
>lmao no they have no gameplay use whatsoever
Just like... half of the added content after 1.7?
>Figure out how soul sand works
>Stop using ladders and make water pipes all over my dwarf underground base
colored lights. Not that it will happen, it will just be another completely useless mob like the polar bears or pandas, a new villager, and if we're lucky some nice new blocks.
Honestly, I'd like to see more ways to hook the players' imaginations; like the first lesson you learn is to build a shelter because the monsters come out at night. Right? There are NEEDS that lead to one having to do things in order to thrive and move on to something more sophisticated or inventive.
Food, for a very simple example: basic food sates your hunger, but you have to eat more of it more often. More sophisticated recipes should reward more fillingly. Steak and pork are easy to get and are the best food in the game. Give the player more reward for more work/risk. This should be an axiom for the survival game. Digging deep for diamonds? There are monsters down there that mean business.
And maybe some sort of mechanism to encourage settlements becoming villages becoming towns: like building a campfire and shelter attracts traders; a well and several shelters attracts villagers. Building several improvements makes it a town -- and villagers will build stuff too.
If only minecraft took a few notes from terraria's progression
For once stopping with shit content additions and focus on making the game run better.
The fuck? I have 3 stacks of iron blocks where the fuck are you digging dude
They're trying to make terraria 3d without getting what makes terraria great.
There's a ton of amazing but relatively unknown mods. The old Ugocraft mod, Globe, etc.
Cave/underground update. Underground generation feels super static, consysntly running into the same ravines. The most interesting thing they added in forever are the winding flooded sea caves that usually lead to an open ocean. Give me more stuff like that.
Just get a better pc NIGGER
>implying a better PC would fix any of the shit involving Java.
Just make a better java NIGGER
Has happened to me a few times too, latest one was sea of thieves, friend of mine bought it for some reason and we used family share to try it out, had a blast, about a week later summit starts streaming it and suddently a crap load of streamers and youtubers follow suit and people start talking about it again. It's back to being a meme game but it was fun while it lasted I guess.
My game runs at 600 FPS until I turn on a shaderpack
Minecraft is in an awful state, they decided to java seperate and try to develop a new version C++ but they fucked it up in terms of modding potential and being cash grabby with everything the they pretty much depend on the java version because many don't want to switch.
They cant make a minecraft 2 because it took them this long to make minecraft in its current state and plenty of minecraft clones have appeared and developed almost the same amount of content minecraft has now and are more polished and people would probably play those or continue playing the current minecraft over a minecraft 2.
Doesn't help that Hytale is coming up too, which is going to hurt Mojang hard considering they've just been making Minecraft more about fighting rather than survival/building now. Hytale is pretty much going to be Minecraft but it's also Cube World, Portal Knight and Terraria too.
They can make Minecraft 2. Just like Terraria is getting its last update, Minecraft can do too.
Minecraft can be everything Minecraft was but with a new engine, blocks 1/3 smaller and physics/graphics improved, it would sell like hotcakes.
They also need underground water mobs, like an eel or something instead of Reskinned Zombie #7842374472336532489593565634
if its the fletching table and tool forge Im hoping we could get a better tool system to change progression up a bit
I think the problem is minecraft has such a fucking slow development, they release like 1-2 updates per year but they add very fucking little in content and always have been like this, I feel like a minecraft 2 would be just as slow.
I've been watching vinnys stream, they'd added a fair bit since I last played and yet at the same time, it barely feels like anything,
Here's your minecraft 2 bro
I wish
Imagine if actual proper structures could generate in Minecraft.
Shame that Mojang is a sub-par studio that seems to work as though they don't have one of the most profitable video games of all time on hand
>lagging on minecraft
is this a joke? I get like 2k fps on average
Seems that's the trend at the top, see Game freak.
Eel could be a passive/hostile mob. Even when it's passive, it's pretty dangerous due to giving off a small AoE electric shock every now and then.
the aether was cool when it was just a light based nether. Once they added their own tools, their own crafting table, and their own lore it turned into its own game. They might as well have made a map pack.
Go play some mindless game that gives you a chore every week like Destiny 2 or some shit then.
Cubeworld is Dead
Hytale is someday maybe whenever
Trove is still rotting in a ditch
Dungeons is far away
Why is it so hard to make content for Minecraft? Why not just hire? Outsource to modders?
An actual Sky Dimension.
I thought soul sand just made you slower?
Everything underground needs a massive update/upgrade.
Caverns, more dangerous mobs the deeper you go, a ton of different minerals and ores should ahve all been added yeas ago.
Hell there should be different layers like in Terraria or Dwarf Fortress long before bedrock. A cavern like with crystals and glowshrooms and shit, basically a new biome in itself, then the ruins and dungeons and so on. THe possebilities are endless and that these fucks need years to add a new mob or two is just a display of complacency andor incompetence.
I can't wait for the FUTURE of minecraft.
You think they'll ever add it in officially?
That's SEUS PTGI right? What Texture Pack?
yeah e-8 with a beta TP called ultimate immersion.
Soul sand creates air bubbles that push entities up in 1.13 if it's underwater.
Could it be possible to implement cave-ins and gas explosions, also make bedrock deeper?
On the most recent MC version? I thought there wasn't an optifine yet
Native modding api. The latest hing with forge and optifine was a fuck up. They were too slow.
Same, my 2014 laptop with an 860m ran and quad core 8 thread 4th gen i7 runs the java editiin at 30 fps, but runs the bedrock version at a stable 60 fps. I imagine if i tried a 2014 version of the java edition it would run at 60 fps
1.14.3? there's optifine
But your staircase image is using the modern interiors mod right? He claims it only works with 1.12
oh yeah that's 1.12.
>microtransaction version
Do people still believe this?
This is really reaching the uncanny valley here.
>cave update
Yes , for the love of god yes
Didnt paly this game for like a year
>more biome updates
Whould be nice
>fruit trees
ah fuck it why not
Atleast they are not adding it to the actual game
Kill the enderdragon
Don't they have microtransactions in the C++ version?
pewdiepie has an resetera account
I am no programmer so I have no idea. But gas explosions sounds easier then block physics like cave ins.
But bedrock level should defenitly be deeper with more stuff inbetween.
I wish the enemies were an actual challenge and there was more stuff to find when exploring.
Yikers, poorfag
>Your lack of knowledge about the game shows that you haven't played for a while
Didnt play for a while , but i did remember something about eventually slowing down
>This ain't real life, Minecraft ain't realistic and neither my propose was to make the game realistic or complex, just in-depth.
I know , but i dont feel like this whould be a very odd feature to add
>The alchemy is ass and underused, no one makes potions aside from fire resistance for the occasional travel to the nether or a splash potion of weakness to cure a villager. It's to much trouble and too much waiting for making something that only serves the purpose of adding some stat effect.
I usually made potions of swiftness to get around faster in later game
>You are sub estimating children, Fortinite can be a very complex game that involves a lot of logical thinking. If you really think, kids enjoy a lot of complex games like Fortinite and Minecraft, dudebros enjoy more simple fun like COD or Fifa.
Ok... but we can still have food items that give no side effects?
Will they be proportional to the real life counter part of the effect or just be strenght 1 swiftness 2?
Whouldnt that make potions redundant?
>There is no complexity added, just depth and most I stole from BoTW, a game with a much more in-depth stamina system and with universal appeal. Food would still work like always and you would even have more possibilities to replenish your stamina, but the more experienced you get with the mechanic, the more players would enjoy more. Like bringing bread and soup to mine or terraform, bring meat and fruits to fighting, etc
Ok , maybe i was wrong here but i still belive that there should be food items that just regen hunger and thats it for the sake of simplicity
Reddit was my gateway drug to Yea Forums.
Never really got rid of that reddit spacing habbit
(Unrelated question , what was your gateway drug to Yea Forums , mine was reddit but stories about the ISIS air-strike on youtube made me join)
>building a campfire and shelter attracts traders
or ditching java for good i fucking hate how bad minecraft runs on high end pc's
Only good thing about Minecraft Dungeons is it will probably light a fire under Mojangs ass to implement those new weapons and decorative objects to the real Minecraft, Though what the hell is up with those realistic ferns.
logdotzip btfo
>what are you guys hoping for in 1.15 and following updates?
That they fire literally everyone at Mojang and hire some game developers to make the game functional and interesting.
Cubic chunks to a lesser extent.
the time stone so i can go back to 2011
Anyone knows if there's a waypoint mod in Minecraft PE?
enemy AI that isn't just "walk towards the player and/or shoot projectile"
stronger focus on survival and base building
right now the most efficient shelter is just a hole in a wall with a door and some torches, the only structures that require any kind of actual effort to utilize are enchantment tables (due to the bookshelf layout) and beacons, which are not nearly worth the effort to get
why would you need that just walk 20 blocks lol
make Biome Bundle a vanilla worldgen
seriously holy fucking shit it is good
Twilight forest is shit ever since they forced that adventure mode garbage.
What version has best world gen?
Best world gen mod?
I want them to stop adding pointless new things to the game for once in 10 fucking years so they can focus on finishing and fleshing out all the garbage that's already there.
I want them to go back to every feature from every old update and either FINISH what they planned or take it out of the game entirely. Either give me a reason to make any base potion other than awkward or fucking get rid of them already. Either give me a way to use the cauldron for alchemy like was originally planned or fucking get rid of it already. Either finish the fucking game or just make a Minecraft 2 already you fucking hacks.
I want them to completely rewrite the core of the game AGAIN so they can take out all the legacy engine bugs and cardinal direction technicalities that make up a significant portion of the game's mechanics. I want them to completely rewrite lighting and mob spawning code.
I want them to fix the terrain generation system that they BROKE in beta 1.8 so every world isn't the same boring garbage with no variety anymore.
I want them to replace the testificate villager model and half-assed trade mechanics already because it was originally a fucking joke placeholder, and in the process maybe they can make villages even an iota less pointless. I want them to flesh out villages and villagers enough that living within chunk load distance of a village isn't a fucking death sentence for the thing after two nights unless you spend all your time babysitting.
Anything pre beta 1.8
>cave update
>more differentiation in biomes in terms of natural materials, mobs, plants, etc.
>colored lighting
>shamelessly lift almost everything from quark, charm, and inspirations
call me when they make minecraft as good as terraria
Good to be nvidia goy
Better server software, it's hilarious how much hardware power you need to run the fucking things
>upcoming gamemode/minigame
it's a seperate game user
Not for 1.15, for survival mode I'd like the ability to create and add randomly generated structures to my world, and to be able to share creations easily with other people. Mods already take care of the first one, but sharing creations and getting them to work is cumbersome.
Another thing that would be cool is creating your own biomes from scratch: choosing your own tree type, fauna, flora, mobs, color themes, cave features, ore distribution, etc.
christ this is retarded
>turns the camera around to face the avatar
>starts sneaking and swinging arm
disliked and removed from watch history
>Playing Minecraft after they fucked up the combat system on 1.9
>playing minecraft for the combat
thanks for the blog post no one asked for
Is there something people want in games that originally was for creating things is such mechanics
do people still believe the earth is round?
First off, they should remove all that useless shit like the grindstone and stay with only the furnace and crafting table.
Second, they should make emeralds have another use. Villagers fucking suck and are useless. Have emeralds be used for items, or maybe just remove it entirely. Or maybe they can have it so villagers give you emeralds if you do jobs for them.
Third, make the nether have more features. The user that said it should be like Dante's Inferno was brilliant. Your portal is located at the first level, as you move lower and lower the amount of lava increases, pigmen start having larger radiuses to call for help, or maybe even have pigmen get aggressive just by you looking at them for a split second. And this all has a payoff, such as more materials and perhaps a labyrinth that gives you essential items such as eyes of ender to allow you to go to the End without farming endermen.
Also, forgot to say this, but if you build a portal beneath the first layer, you get teleported under bedrock in the overworld and die.