Plot twists that ruined potentially good games

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Kirby Planet Robobot

Everything after the credits in MGS4.


Typerwriter Scene in Heavy Rain, where they blantantly takeaway control from the player so they can hide a crucial moment offscreen & it’s revealed that Scott Shelby was intentionally faking all of his inner thoughts the entire game

Why are Cage's games considered amazing? It's baffling to me.

Ending of wotlk : For once the villain should have been able to win. But Deus Ex plot defeated him.

not really a twist, but everything after defeating mordegon in dragon quest XI

FF9 where Kuja loses all of his character development & becomes a Generic piece of shit villain by the time you reach Terra. It was so horribly written that it makes the entire game utter garbage

>TFW you realize that "indigo children" are a real thing in a special sphere of insane cult nonsense that basically amounts to children being spoiled to ruination under the belief that they are entitled autistic godlings.

Kuja was always an egoistic asshole sick of serving his Terra master and if you ever thought otherwise you're brain damaged.

MGS4 was utter trash from beginning to end.

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Any David Cage game...hmm the wrting is for the most par awful too, so nevermind

I don't get why vidya writers always insist on breaking the rules of fair mystery writing to pull bullshit like that. Twists done that way always feel dishonest.

The problem was that his complex motivations went out of the window & he was reduced to “Le Destroy the World” bad guy. They should have ended the game with him actually winning. Not every game needs a happy ending

>Yoko Taro: The Thread

Fahrenheit's plot twist was not last minute. That game goes batshit like halfway through.

Ass creed 3
>guess what lol
>nothing you did mattered :*)
>haha fuck you

Heavy Rain was amazing when it came out, however the plot twist so awful that it single handily ruined the entire game. It’s honestly more insulting than ME3’s ending

It was beginning to redeem itself towards the end before the post credits scene.

doesn't seem like it was a happy ending for you.

Outlast 2, by a country fucking mile. Holy shit.

>Why are Cage's games considered amazing?
They aren't.

>The problem was that his complex motivations went out of the window
He never had complex motivations, you're confusing him with Garland. Kuja was just his proxy that went apeshit when it was revealed that Garland put him on limited lifespan just like the black mages Kuja was creating.

Because his games hold up at a passing glance and fall apart as soon as you actually think about them. Lots of people do not think about them.

My bigger gripe is:
>"The origami killer appears to be using a typewriter..."
>Typewriter is in front of her face

HR was awful when it came out, you were just 12.

What was it?

>They aren't.
Tell that to the Sony fanbase. They couldn't stop raving about Detroit.

Wrong, it was great for the first half of the game. Everyone loved it until they actually finished it



Easily Firewatch

>Build up Twin Peaks style suspense and atmosphere
>Murder mystery built ontop of conspiracy

10 mins towards the end where the devs clearly ran out of budget


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Don’t even fucking try to argue otherwise, this is the worst by a country mile

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The end of Suikoden I when the King reveals that he wasn't actually under mind control of the evil sorceress but he just knowingly let her do all that horrible fucked up shit because "lol she looked like my dead wife" absolutely retarded

anyone can self insert themselves into any of these signs. this is the same scam as star signs.

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Fuck Star Ocean 3

>it’s revealed that Scott Shelby was intentionally faking all of his inner thoughts the entire game
Unless he is aware there is a mind reader stalking him or he is aware he is in a video game. There is zero justification for writing this bad.
That isn't just bad writing, you can feel the person who wrote that idea has "haha, no-one will ever figure that this guy is the killer. I'm so smart" as their thought to themselves as they wrote it.

Finally a smart game for smart gamers.

Twilight Princess when Zant is revealed to be nothing more than a puppet of Ganondorf

The entire game is you trying to find your wife in a backwater town led by a religious cult. Wife gets Phantom pregnant. Religious people trying to kill her because the child will be the Antichrist that ends all life. End of the game has her giving birth, the main villain killing himself and all his followers to escape the coming rapture. Game ends with a white out implying you brought about the end of the world.

....until you find a secret document that explains that the whole area was really a testing facility by an Umbrella style corporation who were projecting radio waves into the compound that caused everyone to mass hallucinate and go crazy. Nothing in the game was real.

>most interesting part of the game is the worst
if they played into it better the game would have been top tier.

video games?

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The inability of herd thinkers to realize they're not thinking for themselves is one of the greatest woes of society.

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>nothing in the game was real
I wish this was punished by a life sentence worldwide.

a game that's literally only half good can't be called "amazing"

I only played Omikron because Bowie is in it. It was a clunky clusterfuck but I enjoyed it.

still mad desu
also my first ever refund on steam, feels good man

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Honestly the twist didn't ruin the game because it was already pretty shit, take the art style out of the equation and all you're left with is a mediocre shooter that's worse than games a decade older that it is.

Wrong, it was dogshit from the very start.

I know you're a child, and you never played Fahrenheit, but that game was actually vaguely interesting for the first half. You only think HR was vaguely interesting because it was your first Cage game, and even then, the central mystery isn't as engaging, and you don't have the fun of cleaning up a murder scene and then investigating it.

No it was
>and im out of ideas. Lets have a bunch of her drown that nigga and call it a day.

"The Sony fanbase" presumably contains just as many people who thought it was dogshit, who are "they"

>your robot arm is your wife

No the artstyle sucked too.

>most interesting part of the game
Nothing about the comstock shit makes any sense. It's literally a "smart" story written by an absolute fucking retard who doesn't have even a pamphlet tier understanding of the concepts he's exploring, and it creates a story that's so full of holes that it couldn't hold an ounce of water for a microsecond.

That certainly was not what ruined the game.

The gas walls and FUCKING SNIPERS did that already, combined with hallway level design for a game that gave you spiderman swings.

never have I ever once felt satisfied with an "its all in yourhead/it was made up" kinda ending, never ever

if the entire game was about split realities all leading to the same inevitable event it would have been amazing.
its obviously just something they threw in the end because they were lazy.

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>matrix meets simon
The early 2000s were magical

Fucking pisses me off seeing people praising the story like it's some sort of genius invention. Too many plot holes and cases of the characters being needlessly idiotic, and the crux of the entire ending isn't compatible with the rules it simultaneously sets up

Ending of Life is Strange, literally nothing you did mattered & everything boiled down to one choice because the other ending was a 30 fucking second cutscene

Woe? I'd call it a marvel. We truly are masters of manipulation.

>Think different.™

Both the main game and prequel suffer from this. Prequel sets up a bunch of story elements, then never wraps them up, leaving you confused as to what just happened.

Come on you can't tell my you didn't enjoy the aethetics, getting out of the rocket if you could forget the puzzle and walking through Colombia was pretty good.

I'd still take Bioshock over it any day tho.

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It can be hard, man. Ever catch yourself having an opinion that you realize you hadn't actually thought about, and don't really know where came from?

>dude you're the chosen one of a magical cult

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that's because it essentially is a way of telling you nothing you did mattered and making the player feel as if they did nothing.
I think it could work if they tell you right from the start it's all in your head, or it's heavily implied to be in your head and the game does something with that then it might be more interesting but it would have to explain things fairly well.

>install the mod that cuts this part
>game gets 1000% better

Not him but on almost every site with a prominent Sony community it was given unanimous praise until it was ported especially here where any kind of criticism was met with the usual "assmad pc/x/ninten fag.

>Nothing in the game was real.
lmao I'm so glad I didn't bother finishing this game

>Knowingly buying a walking simulator
This is your own fault.

Zelda wasn't also already dead like the champions.

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Normies, Redditors and games journalists who fell for the cinematic experience meme

The twists and ending were the best part of Indigo Prophecy though.

I usually admit I don't know because I don't hold strong opinions on things that aren't important enough for me to research.

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i think user was referencing Fahrenheit
midway to the game it sounds like it's all about "indigo children"
obviously the original idea is born out of the self-delusion of esotericism-believeing moms of shitty children

i will always be mad (that and not having the option to start with mirage instead of cliff)

>Conner did all that shit
>made it even worse
>Desmond did all that shit
>made it even worse
Man Freedom is a great thing right?

Thats what i literally said, i also said its all shit. And it is.

>only one specific subgroup unanimously praises game
I don't think that means the game is considered amazing

i know that dummy, but the image is a real thing that people "believe" and convince themselves of. these people think they are special because they can insert themselves into every point there.

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>you are empathetic and compassionate
>you have a loner personality
These aren't compatible.

Persona 5s twist was shit. Persona 4 did it better.

The rocket ride was by and far the BEST part of the game. I was so immersed in that moment.
Then you get off the rocket....

>Play as black man
>60s funk music starts playing everytime
Indigo Prophecy was based

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Nobody calls cages games amazing. They have cool ideas but are executed terribly. If someone could competently execute Omikron or Farenheit it would be amazing because both have really cool ideas, but Omikron is way too ambitious.

This, the twist and the ending is the best part. Also purple clan ending is the best one.

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so many of the concepts you consider natural and self-evident are actually artificial it's not even funny
without your parents and kindergarten teachers training you, you'd probably take twenty years to develop a concept of 'left' and 'right', or if your environment doesn't require it, you probably never would

>Garland put him on limited lifespan just like the black mages Kuja was creating.

Sweet sweet irony

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I will always defend the idea of AI being so advanced that it becomes self aware.

Why don't people understand that there's rules on how to write mystery novels for a fucking reason? Pretentious video game faggots want games to be considered art and yet they can't even measure up middle tier writers from the golden age of detective fiction.

The porn and the complete anal annihilation of Elizabeth's character designer were the only good things to come out of Infinite.

>I don't think that means the game is considered amazing
If you want to ignore the period it was exclusive then no it wasn't but there's no denying that everyone was ranting and raving about it.

But I don't hold on to them like a warrior on his last stand.
When someone tells me something I consider to be wrong, I don't go all
>reality is DEFINED to be the opposite of what you say! you are deluded!
like I've seen lots of normies and subhnormies here do, I go all
>sounds like bullshit. if we go by your ideas, then why is X an Y and not a Z?

I only default to herd consensus if there is no conflict, not as a hard rule.
I have changed my mind multiple times on shit I've argued against.

His motivations can be summed up as trying to convince himself and the world that he is this unique, sophisticated and all powerful being and not just this disposable tool used by greater powers in their schemes. When Kuja realizes that he is essentially the same as the disposable black mages he used, his whole facade that he has told himself and the world crumbles and freaks out. There are many issues with the plot of FF9, Kuja's character development is not one of them.

If more games pulled a event horizon they could actually make it somewhat decent.

where instead of just lol he crazy it's a crazy evil unknowable space alien thing reading your mind and using your own memories, desires, and fears to drive you and everyone else crazy.
of course it wouldn't work for but dude what if it was all a dream, but it can be used to make you question just how much of what you saw was actually real.

>but there's no deying everyone was ranting and raving about it
there is though because "everyone" wasn't
plenty of regular players as well as reviewers shit on it because that's what happens to david cage games, in fact it probably got it worse because of all the Problematic shit that came out about working at quantic dream

Just want to point out that Danganronpa v3 does NOT belong in this thread. thank you.

>plenty of regular players as well as reviewers shit on it because that's what happens to david cage games
Sorry but no, it even received moderately high review scores at the time as did heavy rain and again it was being praised as a masterpiece by ps4 owners.

>Every MGS was utter trash from beginning to end.

>Yoko Taro, Hideo Kojima and David Cage: The Thread

The whole game doesn't make any sense with shelby as killer. How he acts when nobody is around makes no sense knowing the twist. Cage is a hack

Second Sight kinda fits. It always were a fact what you are fucked up in the head with amnesia and weird abilities. But in the end it's revealed what your flashbacks were actually the present reality and what you thought was real was just an ability to see the future, which you were unknowingly using to fix everything.
Though, it gets away with it because half of the game wasn't "in your head".

What sucks is it was excellent up until that point. Literally the biggest blueball. Still my favorite boss theme

Meh the way they looped back to Bioshock 1 with the dlc was cool but then again I was also drunk most of the time I played this shit.

What is this, a Scientology pamphlet? Every single one of those statements are vague enough to be applicable to anyone.

That's the point

I hope you brainlets never stop being assblasted by V3's god-tier ending.

It's not a deus ex because the game established that the light is stronger with Tirion and the ashbringer.

Come on user. V3 and the rest of the series are in different universes. They are both 'real'.

Spec ops does it well

I'm still mad

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Technically not vidya, but the ending ruined the entire movie for me.

It's literally
>the real Dad was the friends we made along the way

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The reveal at the end of KOTOR that YOU are the bad guy was a real eye-roller desu. Right up there with it was all a dream.

Why? Hell, it was foreshadowed out the ass

t. brainlet who couldn't get past the bell puzzle.

It's okay, not everyone is intelligent enough to understand the intricate writing of Bioshock Infinite.

this, fucking this
>dad body is fucking ruined by an accident
>mewtwo put his soul in pikachu
>end of the film
>dad body is in pristine condition

fucking this. Zant was such a refreshing change too, I remember being pretty creeped out by him whenever he appeared.

Literally the ending of every danganronpa game except for V3

This is the worst I've ever seen in any media. Nothing comes close. Cage is a shameless cheater and a liar when it comes to writing.

I'll never stop being mad.

>I play games for the story!
Fucking NPCs

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user, it doesn't matter if the game was 'all a dream' or 'all in your head' or 'in the end it didn't matter/nothing changed', what matters is that they mattered to you. They don't negate what you experienced or went through.

Now that shit with Heavy Rain was fucking terrible, especially 'cause it involved the best character. Fucking lame.

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>I play games to raise my ELO
Pot kettle

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Even the biggest Detroit fans admitted that at least 2/3 of the game was completely terrible.

An inane thing doesn't get redeemed by foreshadowing. I don't think it ruins the game, but a lot of people seem to think that the plot twist, a thing you can only experience as intended once, is what made the game.

How is it inane?

>Indigo Prophecy
>Ruined by plot twists

I know nothing else really tried the murder mystery where you're the suspect thing and people were really interested in that and let down by the fact that that didn't end up being the main plot, but that game gets so fucking batshit insane that it's impossible for me to not appreciate it.

fuck this game

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nah fuck you m8. That shit was awesome at the time. You just had to be there when it came out.

First case of Danganronpa V3 did the exact same thing as Heavy Rain but weebs ate it up

>Wanting to play games instead of wanting to watch a movie makes me a ELO skinnerbox retard
When's the last time you played an actual fucking game bro?
Fuck multiplayer. Fuck movie games. Fuck you.

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>weebs are hypocrites with no standards
We all know that though

Prey has the worst one by far, ruins any replayability it had.

You little shit.

What about that one Drawn to Life game

>I can only enjoy one aspect of a videogame! My autism prevents me from enjoying anything else!

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Too bad they cut that girl rape scene

What twist exactly? That Susie was Haltmann's daughter?

The worst offender was that it was barely long enough so you couldn't refund it.
Glad I pirated it or I would have been pissed.

This, even Alex commented on what you experienced may seem pointless

fuck you mgs4 was incredible on release day and I cried during the microwave meme

It was Eggman all along. (No shit sherlock)

SA2 with the Biolizard and Gerald Robotnik being evil. Where the fuck did that come from? So many plot holes on how he even built a backdoor to program a superweapon to destroy earth and record a death message in front of GUN themselves.

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what where they thinking???? Where they thinking AT ALL?!?!?!?!??!?!!

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How can a plot twist ruin a game? The gameplay is unaffected.

People who replace random words with "meme" need to be executed.

I can't make you feel my emotions.It didn't register as shocking or novel, my response to it was 'ok'. It was just this basic reversal of "you thought things were this way, but actually they were that way" that fundamentally didn't change all that much apart from a few lines of dialogue. You could have removed it from the game and the good/evil endings would have been basically the same. I find it inane because more could have been done with it, but really the twist is just there for a passing gotcha moment and then it is back to business as usual.

they did the same shit in detroit with kara and alice, it made no sense

Yes they're retarded faggot

It's just refreshing to see that they are honest about being movie games, while Sony moviegames attempt to disguise it with a thin veneer of gameplay.

Great gameplay with shit stories are still shit games

Good gameplay with bad story is better than having good story and shit gameplay.

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It doesn't have a twist
It doesn't have anything at all
It just ends

>I-i'm not a skinnerbox retard! I play games for FUN!
>But your fun isn't allowed, only my specific fun counts!

Twice as wrong. Both end up being terrible games. Rather have a balance between the two because terrible stories are uninteresting and aren't worth finishing then.

No, they're shit movies.

You're being disingenuous. It wasn't very interesting or fulfilling after all the build-up, but it wasn't a "random hobo" and it was an honest and competently-constructed resolution.

Can you really convince anyone that you're justified in feeling disappointment, having known what Captain Whiskers looked like the entire game?

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No they're not. I'm soft hearted like that but prefer to stay away from people because they frighten me.

To properly enjoy the plot of the Wonderful 101 you have to make a conscious effort to ignore this legendary little shit's existence.

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>The ending of something like eight Mega Man games is "LMAO, it was Wily/Sigma all along!"
Rock, X, and everyone they know are all a bunch of retards.

>Why are Cage's games considered amazing?
Only Cage thinks that.

I think the worst thing Gone Home ever did was opening the season for fakeout twists like that. So many shitty nongames that try to fool people into thinking they're gonna have some sort of interesting mystery or paranormal thing going on and then it turns out it's nothing

Wait a minute, that card...

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>Even the biggest Detroit fans admitted that at least 2/3 of the game was completely terrible
AFTER the port was announced.

Ending of prey. Spent whole game not helping niggers and women and helping men. Then in the end the niggers and whores judge you. 8.5//10 game 1/10 ending.

When expecting new villains in Sonic games to come back, yeah I was. I thought Whiskers and Jhonny was cool. Them piloting the Egg Wizard would've been cooler than Eggman/Nega showing up out of nowhere because "surprise" he built the robots first. It's Eggman being the final boss of every sonic game in this decade which is repetitive.

Also add Sonic Lost World to the list. So underwhelming.

>I play games for the gameplay
Fucking newfags kids

There are games with literally no stories that are better than movie games

What was wrong with him?

Not the worst. By the middle of the game it was obvious the story had gone off the rails. It was nice seeing Rapture again though.

I doubt they would have ever made one, because it was really small chance to synthesize one anyway. Also how would they distribute it to everyone? What about raiders and hunters?

brainlet spotted

What like Mario? Sure. But I'm not gonna play a great 70hr JRPG for a shit story.

God damn thanks for reminding me that fits the bill perfectly.

Thanks to the above reminding me, definitely DRV3 Everything. EVERYTHING you see and experienced is literally made up and is a TV show for the rest of the worlds enjoyment. From the personalities,to the environment to the setting,all made up. Except for you know,the brutal ass deaths. Those were real and those people are never coming back

That reveal happens way WAY before the end of the game bro. It doesn't count and more over it's a decent one.

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The DLC ending for Gravity Rush 2 shit me off to no end

The fact that you don't even fight the bitch is most egregious considering how much of a hand she's had in the whole thing. The only reason they even fuckin have Barbarossa as a boss, and then he turns into a giant fuck-off dragon. 2 doesn't get a pass either considering it pulls the exact same shit with the Beast Rune Incarnation.

I will never not be mad about this
Fuck off you fucking hack, thanks for making 90% of Kara's struggles completely irrelevant in one fell swoop

>It's Eggman being the final boss of every sonic game in this decade
Except Colors DS.

Visually and technically they're pretty good, but man Cage's influence completely ruins them every single time
Quantic Dream really deserves better

And Sonic Adventures

Lyric exists, but I'm not saying shit, bro.

The entire plot of WotLK was awful
>lol i'll have you literally destroy all of my army so i can kill you and res you and your 24 friends myself lol

My little nine year old mind was blown away by this ending.

Tbh it makes perfect sense if you choose the red ending, which is the only correct ending because ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH. Just a last desperate ploy by dickless sentiet squids who don't understand the true WILL TO SURVIVE.

What ruins it is that hey added blue for autists who self-identify as a computer and green that breaks all logic, for total retards who just want heroic everyone gets along and literally all bad things are now gone from universe bullshit.

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That was the only good twist in all of DR though. The overarching plot in those games was trash, it's a good thing that they just shat on it

Also i'm posting this just to see but why the fuck does the spam sensor thing go off when I typed Danganronpa V3 what the shit?

And another one hit me too: Zero Time Dilemma. The whole ending was literally nothing getting solved from the big set up that Virtue gave except "TRY YER BEST LOL"
I should've known better because i've never seen Uchikoshi end a series well by always choosing to chimp out by not making a conclusion but holy fuck that was bad.

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>Lao betrays your party
>The Lifehold was bullshit
>You're an android
>Nobody escapes Planet Mira
>Lao is still alive
>The Vita being an ancient superweapon from the original creators of humanity.

Xenoblade X was so good but the story turned upside down so bad. Now it's stuck at a cliffhanger forever.

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He said everything after the credits retard.

>society collapsed because two highschooler girls forced a classroom to kill each other

And then you watch the anime and it turns out it's even worse than that

Murdered soul suspect

Dangan ronpa?

The only good twist?? What the fuck? Even DR1 had a better twist than that by pulling the Junko Enoshima isn't actually dead. Who died was her sister thing and there's multiple points in DR2 that are far better constructed.

Do you just have shit taste or are you being contrarian? Fuck dude

Don't forget "Lol Elma is an ayy". That was not needed.

>it was being praised as a masterpiece by ps4 owners.
you mean tumblr

Xenoblade X
>it's mira magic lmao

ZTD as a fucked up ending to the Zero Escape series works. But as a standalone title I would say the ending actually improved the trainwreck that was the rest of the game.

Actually put it best. All that mystery and buildup and it turns out to be some stupid chuuni nonsense crap that only becomes even more retarded when you watch the DR3 anime.

The only good thing about the DR games were the individual cases, the overarching plot was worthless and V3 did the right thing by forsaking it

There are plenty of mediocre review scores for Detroit from the initial release, Edge Magazine for one

What about if the plot twist doesn't happen during the game? Ultimecia isn't Rinoa makes the story way worse than if it were true.

The story wasn't all that good to begin with. The pacing was horrible and the elephant in the room of "where the fuck even are we" was left untouched.

Good for the first half? Are you joking? It's a great cupboard-opening simulator, but if you're not insane enough to derive pleaseure from pretending to open cupboards, it's boring, pointless, and horribly paced with terrible characters and godawful barely-worthy-of-the-term gameplay.

For fuck's sake, the first half hour is just some douchebag waking up and fucking around in his house, and you're supposed to, what, coo over the immersive boredom? If an actual movie started like this, it would be ripped apart by critics and audiences alike. But do it as a video game and it's praised?

There's even a part where your objective is literally to sit and wait for two minutes, with "immersive" fidgeting controls. Heavy Rain isn't a decent game with a bad twist. It's a premeditated murder of happiness. Everything about it save for maybe the graphics is the worst everything I've ever seen.

Assassin's Creed 2
Borgia didn't want to beacome the pope just to be one of the most powerful and influential man in the world, but for the aliens bullshit

Why wouldn't a mad hypergenius be capable of putting a backdoor in an organism he made from scratch, or devising a simple transmitter?

>"where the fuck even are we" was left untouched.
But that was why I continued playing. It was a good mystery story and slowly clues were being opened up. But the ending drops no answers at all, which is why it sucked at the ending. Waking up on a strange planet is a fun story, except for the ending.

>Legitimately amazing plot twist ruined by idiots who didn't understand it and who repeat this dumb meme

Still annoys me tbqh fampai

No. The universe wasn't a video game, you retard.

That theory never made any sense or had any grounding in the game itself. I have no idea where it came from it why it got so popular, and every time I read someone's "evidence" for it I just think "did you even play the game?"

>The character that died when you barely knew her was actually the character you didn't know at all!
>good twist
Fuck no, Junko is one of the shittiest twists I've seen not just in videogames but in media in general. It literally doesn't matter since the characters are basically interchangeable at the point of death.
The only worse one I can think of off the top of my head is Brotherhood of the Wolves movie, in which a one-handed character eventually reveals that he still has the other hand and was just sort of hiding it all along.

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Monika being self-aware in DDLC.

When it came out is was loved by Yea Forums because it is PS exclusive so was the greatest thing ever goldenface.jpg

>was just sort of hiding it all along.
and it was a freakish clawed zombie limb. Yeah, still not a good twist.

>brainlets STILL think DRV3's ending is bad when it's one of the only objectively fantastically written parts of the entire series
lmao, how are DR fans so retarded they STILL can't understand their own series? Chapter 6 of V3 is the ONLY point in the series where you feel actual despair, ironically enough because the game's main focus/themes had nothing to do with that yet it still trumps the first 2 games by a landslide.

lmao what, not even

I always felt like the way it was written pointed to the killer being different characters depending on the choices you made, but then they cut corners and just said it was him.

Yeah, but the story doesn't go anywhere for the most part, which is quite a letdown even for mystery. You at least want some tidbits sprinkled here and there. Might as well throw in Golden Sun Dark Dawn since it suffers from the same problem.

Remember, this story came out 5 years before they wrote Shadow the Hedgehog
>Builds giant superweapon aimed at Earth without GUN knowing. Despite everyone seeing it.
>It can be disguised as an asteroid, how did they do it, I don't know
>He recorded his death message in front of GUN telling them about superweapon and nobody believed him
>Somehow, Biolizard is alive and appears from thin air to destroy Shadow, one of Gerald's own creations next to him.
So many plotholes. And retcons from ShTH. It was a wtf moment for the entire last story.

It's really annoying because it could've been a properly done twist if they cut the bullshit.

Didn't he also murder a guy off screen and the game just kinda cuts away for no reason just so you don't see it?

Nobody fucking loves Sony's shit on Yea Forums since 2006, faggot

I was fine with that one. They should've made getting the good ending a lot stricter though.

This 1000 times.

The story was already complete shit as it was. Having Big Boss come back from the dead out of nowhere with Zero, just to exposition dump the entire plot of the series, before conveniently dying when he finished is probably the most offensive story-telling I've ever experienced in a video game. This was the moment I realized how big of a hack Kojima was. 10 year olds can write more cohesive narratives.

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He liked her. Plus the shit she was doing wasnt dumb it was just shitty for the people that had to live through it. Someone benefitted from every evil action she made, just not the hero or his friends.

Autistic police robot and the detective was the only plotline I've seen praise about, while robot maid and child are usually shat on. MLK robot isn't even talked about

Hey, guys, I'm here too

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Pic of related had terrible implications upon a 30 year old franchise and its entire narrative.

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I'm just gonna guess here since I didn't play Ow the Edge.
>Builds giant superweapon aimed at Earth without GUN knowing. Despite everyone seeing it.
It just looks like a space station covered in a city until the cannon opens.
>He recorded his death message in front of GUN telling them about superweapon and nobody believed him
The thing was kinda contingent on the emeralds, which he didnt have, the space station was already seized, he was captured, and about to be executed.

Zelda will never take huge risks with Aonuma at the helm. I'm sure some people will say BotW was a huge risk, but it was literally the safest route they could have gone with for fucking with the Zelda formula considering open world RPGs were huge at the time and still are. He still gets assblasted at people liking Majora's Mask.

But that was one of the only good parts of the game.

My frustration with Gone Home was that it uses the stupid fucking cliche that lesbian anime uses of "Sexual assault is fine/hot when it's between women!" It's literally the way we used to imagine sex in the 70's where if you go back and watch some of the old Bond movies it feels like he's raping some of the girls.

When I learned that it was a lesbian story written by two middle aged white guys, my eyes about rolled out of my head. Of fucking course it was.

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I said of the last decade, retard. That just means Lyric, Nega Mother Wisp, and even pic related

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I mean the biggest "evidence" to me is Ultimecia's GF being named after the pendant Rinoa gave you. I don't remember it really being explained why it's like that and it's not like anyone goes around saying the name a lot.

How is Metal Overlord a plot twist? He's been collecting DNA the whole game. It was obvious he was the final boss from the start.

>Big twist is that you're just virtual bodies inhabiting androids
>Find the server room
>Everything's destroyed
>So then... What are we?
>No explanation

First of all the argument isn't that it's a good twist it's that it's a better twist than V3s

Second of all play some of the games listed in this very thread and to even expand your palette a little bit why not give shit like Gundam (which has some entry level asspulls itself) or read a manga like Shamo. "Worst you've ever seen" Nigga all you do is follow memes.
T. anime expert

>Unironically complaining about "chuuni nonense crap" when gouging in Japanese media
If you wanna be that guy who reads comics and then cries about how Superman does somewhat outlandish things like fly because that's silly and what not that's on (you)

I dunno about you but I didn't get despair. I just got angry with "It was all a dream! Sorta!"

Yuritards are mentally ill.

Ultimecia literally explains where it comes from right before she summons it. She created it from Squall's idea of power.

Elma "WE WUZ AYYS AND SHIT" had me drop the controller and think about life. It was that bad.

Cage is an even more inept Peter Molyneux

It's incredible how barebones and poor XBCX's story was compared to XBC2. They didn't even come out that far apart, but they're worlds apart in characters and story.

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>cutscene flashes between Rinoa's and Ultimecia's nearly identical faces
>Rinoa says "I don't want the future. I want the present to stand still. I want to stay here with you."
but most importantly: no internet to discuss it or realize that the Griever thing was inaccurate translation
Also plenty of people simply wanted it to be true because that would have been a pretty grand plot.
So the question goes back to you, if you can't see where this theory coming from, have you actually played it back then in 1998?

1999 my bad

It's a Mario game. It doesn't matter. SMB3 is a stage play.


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how come you idiots mention this game so late? it was like kojima shits in the face of this fans

>the most offensive story-telling I've ever experienced in a video game. This was the moment I realized how big of a hack Kojima was. 10 year olds can write more cohesive narratives.

Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest for me. I was wincing most of the way through, but when Corrin and Azura decided to help the bad guy destroy Hoshido for ??? reasons so they could maybe use a magical macguffin to kill him was the first time I ever just turned a game off and put it down because I couldn't deal with the story any longer.

The fact that she showed Corrin the orb without any of the other Nohrian royals just made it even goddamn stupider. The entire fucking plot was "Xander won't believe us, so we need to genocide Hoshido."

It's literally a representation of Squall's idea of "The most powerful GF", it represents his lone wolf nature. You killing it shows him growing past that.

These are not complicated themes.

>it's anime, so you should just drop all your standards!

No. Japanese media can do some dumb shit sometimes but that doesn't meant it does it all the time, DR's plot was a complete mess and it's apparent even the writers became aware of it by the time of V3

We knew Metal Sonic was snooping around but it wasn't until the final boss that we learn he isn't working for Eggman like he has in every other game.

See pic related

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>the guy we thought was the killer wasn't him
>he was manipulated by the actual killer
>the real culprit behind the whole scenario was actually a mad goddess angry about not getting the good dick
Fug and I was really enjoying the cheesey scooby doo vibes from P4

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The theory makes the plot better than it actually is. So it's probably incorrect, but who the fuck cares?
FF9 was a clusterfuck regardless, people who try to shut down any attempt to make it more interesting than it actually was are retarded.
You're correct, it's not a complicated theme, people want something more satisfying and found something that fit the hole where the coherent antagonist was supposed to be.

That makes me think the Rinoamecia thing might have actually been a thing at some point during development of the game and then it got dropped

I've beaten the game about 5 times. I still have no idea why anyone think thinks it's a thing.

Fuck off summer fag.

What's the problem?

Because even if there was no twist MGSV wouldnr have been amazing.

good thing you were drunk because Burial at sea was just as retarded mainly because it made Bioshock 2 non-canon

The last 10 minutes of assassins creed 2 made me never play another assassins creed game ever again.

Would you kindly?

>obvious as hell twist
>still disappointed
artsy games can fuck off forever

At least Peter wants to make games. He just has no knowledge of making his ambitions real

I liked that ending, it explained everything. Especially how you and Adachi got your powers, was legit.

Go and die snoy faggot

I used to be angry with Danganronpa V3's ending, but now I've learnt to live with it after realising that they've essentially just copied the concept from the Human Centipede 1 & 2.

Attached: danganronpa-v3-killing-harmony (6).jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

>the entire game is about delivering critical components for a gigantic 'GUARDIAN' to save humanity from alien invaders
>Completed it; it flies off carrying all hope of the human race
>It couldn't do shit against the kaiju

Attached: TheFinalStation-Guardian.jpg (1920x1200, 210K)

>2deep4u pixelshit
I'm not sure why you expected anything else.

I wasn't pleased with it until I realized that Danganronpa always had awful endings. At least this shitty franchise is done for, thank God

Because MGS4 already killed any interest in the plot of MGS and Peace Walker continued the trend of it being boring, uninspired and pretentious crap.



>At least this shitty franchise is done for
user I...

>the rampant AI is now merging with the spaceship drive (?) and gaining the power to alter reality (??) and must be defeated by shooting it in the face (???)
>Also did you think it was over? Think again! There is a very real, humanoid, solid version of the AI that is walking around and it escaped on a shuttle, oh no!
Fuck this noise. The ending of System Shock 2 was a crime.

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Yeah it was really a disappointment.
It would have been better if they stuck with the King-prince plot and stop at that.

Is it really a "last-minute" plot twist when it happens halfway through the game?

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Ambiguous endings are made to be milked, expect another spinoff soon.

It's not about dropping your standards it's being aware of what you claim to like. Japshit revels in being fucking chuuni. Even Dragonball Z for all its acclaim has its moments of that. Cowboy Bebops or Legend Of the Galatic Heroes are rare and even if that is what you're expecting you're dumb for thinking you'll get that experience out of a series featuring intensely skilled super duper high schoolers wearing wacky clothes and killing each other.

Danganronpa 1 and 2 are both part of V3's universe in the same way that the Human Centipede 1 exists as a film within the Human Centipede 2's universe, yet both films are fictional in our world

Pic related

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I rarely touch pixelshit, but I played this since I got it for free.
Never again

Not this moment in itself, but pretty much everything after it. The trial is a fucking mess, way too convoluted.

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Again, that doesn't mean all of japanese media is like that. Phoenix Wright, Zero Escape and Ever17 are good examples of similar concepts being executed miles better and with far more competent plots and twists, and before you say anything, yes I know ZE had some dumb shit but even that wasn't as brainlessly stupid as what DR tried to pass as a plot, and then made EVEN WORSE when they tried to 'fix' it in the anime

Kodaka left Spike Chunsoft to ironically work on a Danganronpa ripoff with the Zero Escape dude, didn't he?

You mention that and not Nah?
IIRC, the humanoid Shodan is basically just a representation of her. She's still alive after that fight and then the woman who got away had already been infected by the Many.

Okay but more importantly why did you watch those films

Skyrim had a twist?

See that mountain? You CAN'T climb it.

Not really a twist but the big mountain mystery on GTAV just petering out into nothing sours the whole game for me

So like Blair witch project films?

yeah, justice for all is the weakest out of the original trilogy.

I swear for god, i feel more sadness for the mass efect 3 ending that for the dead of my father 6 years ago, is just, hearthbreaking

I think he meant the leader of Greybeards being a dragon

>10 mins towards the end where the devs clearly ran out of budget
It was clearly always the intended ending because of how it ties into the lead characters. Of course whether it's an actually good ending or not is another thing entirely.

Never watched those films. I'm not the biggest fan of the horror genre, the Human Centipede series are pretty much the only films I've watched within it.

Agreed. It did make T&T so much sweeter though.

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>No Kingdom Hearts 3
I thought we were better than this Yea Forums. That TWEWY cop out twist was shit. Also, Zeyanhort going to heaven and not saying sorry.

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The "nah" is an horrible line delivery, not a plot twist. Shooting an AI in the face is the plot twist.

The game shit the bed halfway through. If you can call that glorified rythm game a game at all. The demo was so nice...

What's the problem with that apron? Why are they looking at it like that?

Unfortunately both characters and story of XC2 are painfully stock ones from the shelves of generic animu tropes. And I think trying to do something interesting is failing is better than trying to do something boring and succeeding.

The only thing I remember about this game is Carla Valenti in tanktop and thongs.

Wait what

What TWEWY cop out

I haven't played KH

damn son, get your priorities right. unless your dad was a dick or something.

Someone made a second human centipede movie?

So fucking what? That story was shit anyway, the only good thing was the gameplay.

It wasn't that typewriter though

Sora died and now he's playing the game after waking up in Shibuya

this is retarded, it didn't ruin anything, they just needed to do more with it.

I can understand that but in a way, it makes sense that Shodan lives. Googles technically only shoot a screen, not some sort of mainframe technobabble.
But I think the devs have admitted that the entire ending was made at the last minute with literally no budget left.

bioshock 2 is stupid and unnecessary so who cares

Kinda makes me want to play the game again but fuck me is it slow. Also fuck Gargan Roo and pretty much everything on the other continents. Oielvert gets a pass, it was nice dungeon

I have mixed feelings how mgs4 wrap up it’s plot up but damm that final scene with big boss was great though.

I'll never not be mad. I managed to overlook the generic shonen story, bastardization of the lore, and ruining of all the returning characters but the twist at the end was so fucking terrible I dropped the game despite there only being an hour left.

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Assassin's Creed by the end with the whole "hurr durr, it's aliens fren, now here's a sudden supernatural battle in your otherwise grounded kinda game" Should've just cut the crap about the scifi shit and gone with just purely an assassin game.

>Desmond made it even worse
I wouldn't be so sure about that one. It's been a few years but from what I remember if he hadn't acted Abstergo would've launched a satellite with a Piece of Eden inside and would've mind controlled literally the entire world with it.

They’re all overhype and easily pander to i play for the story fags

They were made by the same people, but lore-wise the first Human Centipede film exists as a work of fiction which inspires a security guard to conduct the same sort of experiments that he saw in the first film, only to a much greater extent. Despite this, both films are a work of fiction in the real world, and I feel as though this is somewhat analogous to Danganronpa V3.

Joke's on you, I'm none of these things.

The problem with Phoenix Wright is that it had all these interesting court cases and plots, but it kept having to (or wanting to) relate it back to the main cast and your characters, so you'd care about it and it'd mean more.

It was fine in PW1, it was stretching it in 2 and in 3 it only held together by how amazing the rest of the game was. The Fey's were just ridiculous in that they were constantly being tried for, or connected to murders, it's stupid.

How on earth did it make Bioshock 2 non-canon?

Wrong in every part

Yes it makes sense that Shodan lives, as data in the shuttle's computer.

Light freeing Tirion is literally a divine intervention retard.

> They should have ended the game with him actually winning. Not every game needs a happy ending
You are just a fucking kujafag that’s it you truly have brain damage seek help

It's been a billion years since I played that game, what was the twist?


How about hotline Miami? Then agian that's hardly a twist.

>You are intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

Worst plot twist ever was when I matrilineally married off a meaningless third daughter to a bastard son of saxony who then promptly seduced me because lol daddy issues I just love daddy’s money and dick so much which plunged saxony into such a state of unrest that I constantly had to bleed the realm to fend off Charlie Maine’s demon spawn from gobbling it up because the bastard turned out to be the luckiest man on the face of the earth and managed to murder his way to the throne and pop quiz hot shot you have an obligation to your grandkids now who may or may not actually be your kids and then another one of my bastards who turned out to be the most just as planned mother fucker ever came back with an army the size of my nut sack saying “this land is my land now pops, gtfo and stay go” so my legitimate sons rode off to fend him off and were slaughtered and I was old and busted and rode off myself but out of the east another bastard who I thought was shit came to my aid and managed to slay the jackass in personal combat. I was wounded and lay dying and managed to legitimize him because fuck you thats awesome which further drained the realm because the jarls didn’t like that because fuck and then the bitch incestuous daughter got it into her head to attempt to assassinate Bastard Awesome the Unlikely which just caused everything to fall apart further.

every Layton game

And Infinite wasn't? Instead of being it's own self contained story, which was already bad enough it tries to tie itself to the first game in the worst game possible as if Elizabeth was behind all it's enough, same shit for the alternate universe plot point, completly retarded, especially when Booker and Liz switch dimension to pick up guns, they jump dimension twice and never go back to their original, how the fuck did they think this would go now that everything is different
I reckon that it was due to how the link between the sisters and Big Daddy was created, Elizabeth see how suchong die and then manage to make a little sister and a big daddy bond together. It's been a long time since I played both games but I'm sure that what happened in this part made Bioshock 2 non canon which is a shame because it's just as good as 1

Not really, I choose to stay alone because I know people find me unpleasant to be around.

Reddit hates Cage because they're favorite E-Celebs told them so.

>And Infinite wasn't?

It was.

Until meeting Elizabeth who was written so many times, that she became Levine's daughterfu.

Is human centipede your first exposure to a story that turns meta self-referential?

Yeah Red is just the most sensible ending. Green is just for people who want peace with all things, or rather want Edi to survive for Joker's sake.

Would Into the Spiderverse be a better choice?

>how suchong die and then manage to make a little sister and a big daddy bond together
That was in the first game though, except you only heard it through an audio log and only saw the room after the fact. I can't remember how Bioshock 2 explained its way around this.

So you either started with II or you're inbred, good to know
It was always supposed to be science fiction you colossal retard, you fucks ruined the franchise by not getting that through your tiny brains and demanding it be changed. Enjoy your middle of the shelf Witcher clone trash

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I'm curious what happened in JC2

What plot twists? You make all decisions, there were no twists.

The moment you put a story into a video game it breaks the gameplay.
Video games should not have stories in them at all. It's like trying to put a shoe on an elephant. Imagine playing football or baseball or soccer and some antifa liberal faggot goes up to you and says "WE NEED TO HAVE A STORY IN THIS GAME WHERE WHITE PEOPLE ARE EVIL, THERE'S POLLUTION EVERYWHERE AND ALL THE MAIN CHARACTERS ARE MINORITIES" it would just be absolute shit.

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Being part of the plan is not an excuse for doing something fucking retarded.

Yeah it was, they were somewhat wholesome and innocent times. At least that’s what i feel.

Then play a game with a good story then, /pol/tard.


How about Neverending Story, a story in a book about a story in a book? Why would anyone mention Human Centipede before that? Into The Spiderverse isn't meta at all, it's standard capeshit with multiple universes. Hell, even fucking Homestuck is a better example of meta shit.

Ultimecia draws Griever from Squall's mind.

West can’t into row row fight the powa. Everything has to have consequence and grimdarl shit. So it can be taken as serious art bullshit

what was the plot of modern day Assassin't Creed 3 again? wasn't the whole first civilization mumbo jumbo was about preventing 2012 apocalypse?

Wasn't that not much of a twist? I didn't get far into the game, but I remember them talking about it.

Can't you see the ketchup, user?

What's worse was the BSN crowd who had spent years of their loves in appreciation threads for their waifu couldn't even handle it so they concocted that awful Marauder Shields meme to cope. Its one thing if fans over hype the end of a series they like and yes that happened here, but Bioware also bought into their own hype and lied to people

It had a build up, yeah. Not a twist but still retarded

doesn't matter if it was supposed to be science fiction it was retarded and no one gave a shit about the modern time only the world desmond isekai'd into this time.

the franchise has MUCH bigger problems than whatever you think it has

I still don't know how people can say that's such a great game, I think most people just blindly love it, because it was a deconstruction on the brown and bloom military shooter back when the trend was still at it's hight.

Black Mirror S4 EP1

In addition to about a dozen retcons and other lore ruining bullshit it is revealed that Levant was taken over by a Kalma, transforms into pic related, becomes the Chosen One of Darkness despite that not being possible, and Kahu becomes the Chosen One of Light despite that also not being possible. Kahu also gets angel wings because why not.

Attached: Jade Cocoon 2 - Levant.jpg (480x360, 17K)


That's fine, she would have looked retarded if she earnestly believed that it had to be him just because he and the killer both use typewriters. At most she should have made a joke about it, that alone wasn't nearly enough to conclude that he was the killer.

wait, whole '''''gameplay'''' is freaking Simon Says?

I know it was in the first game but Elizabeth see the event in the dlc

this is peak autism

I said any story in a game is shit RETARD

But it was not retarded. The entire point of the storyline of the IP before Désilets left and Ubi realized it printed money is that the Assassins use the past to save the present and that there's been this huge Deus Ex-esque war happening behind the scenes. What AC did was try to come up with science fiction explanations for the fantasy found in our own myths. And with this demythologizing of our collective legends, AC presented that with an aesthetic that didn't look fantastical.
Immortal polytheistic gods are those who came before. The Apple from the Garden of Eden is a metal sphere, a device used to tap into the humanity to control them. Eden isn't an actual garden, it's a city from those who came before. Adam and Eve's disobeying of God by eating the Apple is actually Adam and Eve rebelling against their Isu masters and stealing an Apple to facilitate that. Also they free runned, I guesss.
Again, the whole point, the entire reason you were even doing things ingame, was because of that. Give me a single reason for why it's bad beyond personal opinion like "I didn't like the Animus :("

>it was retarded
You're like a drone
>no one gave a shit
A lot of us did, guess that didn't include the CoD kids that have been complaining ever since 2007. How's that turned out for you, has Ubi cut the Modern Day sections yet? No? Hope you enjoy them
>the franchise has bigger problems
Caring about nu-AC, how cute. I jumped shipped with Unity, can't wait for Ancestors and Amsterdam 1666

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so his dad was dead the whole movie?

Don't argue with ACfag.

I fucking HATED that fairy cunt. The dub made it so much worse. They dumbed down the breeding system too; no true hybrids.


Forgot the indigo twist.
What was it?

>every booker will inevitably become comstock
now that you told him that, there's no way it's going to happen! dumb bitches!
story was pretty much shit when they changed dimensions over and over, it was clearly a half-assed way to show progression in time that could've happen in the first dimension.

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this is peak faggotry

It's not a videogame, but Mulholland Drive has an ending like that and it's done fine. I feel like I know of another one that does it well, but I can't think what it is right now.

Literally every plot twist in WATCH_DOGS. Christ it felt like whoever wrote the storyline for that game has never owned anything remotely technical outside of their iPhone and they think by throwing technical jargon at the player constantly it will somehow make you seem like a nasty bad hacker

The writers should have necked themselves, and the developers should have taken over the writing. They made the main character physically a weak piece of shit who has to hide constantly instead of being biggus mcdickus and his shiny gold plot armor, they could have probably written him to be as clueless as he was useless.

She grows up to be a lesbian in a non-Japanese video game, so Yea Forums hates her.

Strange Journey was great though

>They dumbed down the breeding system too; no true hybrids.
I really disliked that the merging was reduced to getting a new skill/ability but the party customization was top tier. Literally one of the most fun and different battle systems I've played and it only gets better the more you play.

>Gain magical voice that pops people's head
Jesus Christ what a horrifying game. I still fucking love the detective bits/interesting or memorable levels like the bear lodge and the upgrade system.

Shoulda kept the story about alcoholism though


you're all literally faggots

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>he waited until unity to drop it
I dropped it during 3 and played black flag solely for pirate shit without doing any story but the bare minimum.
>>You're like a drone
Ok hipster.

But it makes perfect sense for her to become a selfish lesbian, she was raised by a selfish man after all

>Fuck no, Junko is one of the shittiest twists I've seen not just in videogames but in media in general.
It's literally the most common twist in that kind of setting, you only have two possible twists with that kind of story:
1. The killer is the one who died the first
2. The killer is the childhood friend/sister/wife of the hero

Sometimes you have the combo of 1 manipulating 2.

It can't really be the worst plot twist ever since so many things uses it.

>Strange Journey was great though
>World gets saved by a white guy

While I love Undertale to bits, the whole 'EXP stands for EXECUTIONS POINTS OoooOOooooOOOO LEVEL OF VIOLENCE OOOHHHH' was corny as shit

>not reading hentai doujins for the story
get a load of this pleb

Attached: 1418373810284.png (446x427, 216K)

>good job agent you beat the bad guys
>also we secretly are the bad guys btw
>roll credits

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>Strange Journey
I don't know what the fuck that is, but this looks more like a comic book than a game.

Attached: shin-megami-tensei-strange-journey-redux-10.jpg (1280x720, 455K)

>can´t make your robocop become more humanlike without having to join deviant degenerates or rebelling in general

I hate it

You're under the delusion that the person you're replying to plays video games in the first place and isn't a /pol/ immigrant.

he was nipponese in the original

I just finished JFA a couple of days ago. It was a bit of a messy case, but I don't think it was that bad. It was cool when Franziska busted in.

It would have only been stock and generic in the late 90s and early 00s era. It's actually cool how the game subverts a lot of modern JRPG bullshit.

Interesting idea but terrible execution

You have a bad case of autism

How to ruin an entire series by Tri Ace.

>he was nipponese in the original
Debatable, same as zelenin being russian but having more nordic features instead of slavic.

MGS4 was shit because it's 30% gameplay and 70% cutscenes, who the fuck tought that was a good idea? Act 3 is literally 80% cutscenes

You don't know what that word means.

it doesn't ruin the story at all.

This but 100% unironically.

It's not debatable, Gore and Jimenez say you're Japanese in the Japanese version of the game and they say you're American in the English version. Zelenin is Russian too, she may not look Russian to you, but she is Russian.

>he waited until unity to drop it
Black Flag was a great pirate game and a good enough AC when it comes to Edward. The Modern Day storyline was atrocious, although Ubisoft comparing themsleves to the bad guys without even realizing it was neat I guess. Rogue was more of the same which when it comes to Blackflag's gameplay is good, and we played as a Templar so can't complain about that. Just like with IV the Modern Day storyline didn't matter, and it was clear that was the way the franchise moved forward after Desmond's death. Unity is perhaps the closest we've been to an AC1 sequel ever, even more so than II. 1 and Unity are the only ones were you actually feel like an Asssassin investigating and taking out targets. It was also the one with the worst MD "story" if you can even call it that.
All in all it's a good enough point to drop the franchise, and it's as simple as headcanon ACIII's ending with Desmond winning, ignore the MD sections of the next 3 games then drop it.
Sorry but I swear every single person I've ever debated on this opens ip with "it was retarded". If I got a penny every time that's happened I would've bought the IP off Ubisoft.

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GTAV campaign was trash


>the Arkham Knight is a brand new character
Also bringing back the Joker for the 4th game in a row and making him the main antagonist yet again even though he's dead

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That was so fucking goofy even for Yakuza.

>turns out the "evil" dragon was actually holding back eldritch alien shits from basically destroying the world

>implying that's a bad thing

I bust out laughing when I saw he still kept that bitch-brand on his face. You'd think he'd spend some of the millions he got on getting plastic surgery.

Believe what you want, dude. The Apple in AC was fine, it's some relic or something I dunno. But then ACII jumps the shark to TRANSDIMENSIONAL TIME TRAVELLING GOD ALIENS. Fucking bananas.
In fact all of the modern-day sections of AC were pants on head retarded.
Even Broken Sword has a better portrayal of templars hunting something down.

why would a ultimetica, a witch powerful enough to make time do a barrel roll, need anything from sqalls mind or care about him at all?

Come on, that one was at least done with enough finesse to make it not feel like a total asspull. I liked the way it integrated the gameplay and rpg mechanics into the story (albeit right at the end), not to mention it was clearly set up from the beginning. You start on a fake set, and end realizing you were on a fake set. Symmetry desu.

Fucking brainlets. That twist was fantastic.

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Because vidya writers ...
1) are hacks that legitimately don't know the rules and think they are clever for coming up with a twist that is not widely used.
2) think that because vidya is a "new/modern" medium they are not beholden to those lame old folks' rules for the OLD media.
3) think they are artistes and have a vision and rules don't apply to them.
4) suffer from all or any combination of the above.

4) is definitely true for David Cage. He legitimately thinks he's expanding the medium of "interactive storytelling" or some such bullshit but his writing is fundamentally flawed.

I liked Prey's______ ending

When the core gameplay was also so decent. First and second act were kino, third one faltered because not a warzone, 4th one picked back up and fifth had same issue of third

Any games that pull a super lame plot twist but then settles it back on the original course?

There was no time traveling involved. They knew they were about to go extinct so a couple of them, the most intelligent ones out of their entire race, became sort of like an AI to warn their slaves once they've evolved and a similar catastrophe happens again. The fight against Borgia is pretty much the same thing that happend between Altaïr and Al Mualim, while Minerva's vision was the payoff of what little we've been seeing here and there about the "behind the scenes" of the AC world, just like Subject 16's blood in 1 pointed out. We as humanity think of them as Gods because of how we ended up adapting those myths to our daily life, but back then they weren't, they were simple people like you and me, we knowing them as those who came before. Multiple people in 1 comment how they were the ones that built the Apple, so they were planned. Désilets "left" mid-Brotherhood development so II was untouched by Ubi's greed.

Metal Gear Solid 2

Alice being shown to be an android is inexcusably bad.
It’s also filled with poor writing in general.

The killer should’ve been Lt. Blake.

>There was no time traveling involved
It's close enough. In all honesty I just don't care enough about the franchise to do any research into it. Minerva directly addresses Desmond by name at the end of ACII, that degree of omniscience is verging on time travel.

Who ees Desmond?

fahrenheit was called indigo prophecy outside of the US

Man, I'm fucking sick of people treating D:BH like garbage just because it's a Cage game, man. It's like a Telltale game on steroids.
Have you even seen its flowchart?
It's great for what it sets out to be. Even if the story isn't perfect, it's the first game I've played where your choices legitimately unironically matter. There are so many different endings to the game it's absolutely insane.

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Those Who Came Before could see into the future with one of the pieces of Eden, thus she knew that Ezio would be there and she knew that Desmond would be able to see them. That's why Ezio's planned definitive ending in II is so somber. After 23 years of revenge, he realizes being the "prophet" means being nothing but a middle man for something that escapes his understanding. There's a certain irony about him not knowing who his descendant is. And Minerva looking straight to the player like is kino.
Knowing about future events is why they knew the Catastrophe would happen again. It's why Desmond and co. get to the Colisseum exactly the 72nd day before the 21st of December of 2012. It was all "planned out", but the whole point of Desmond's free will is that there was no time travelling involved and thus the fate of the world rested on his shoulders until Ubisoft fucked it all up

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I think there are a lot of things about D:BH that are really impressive, but just as many things about it that aggravate me to no end.
By far the best Cage game, but that’s such a pointless compliment that it feels like an insult.

I do agree Detroit is Cage's best

Yeah that stuff is cool and all but the real important thing is that I want to fuck Kara

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Get rid of the forced robot resistance love interest and it'd be an easy 10/10. Is it even possible to not have positive disposition with her? The kiss option is always available.

I'm not reading all that shit

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>Huh i wonder why the level is called Denial
>Oh we are doing that, aren't we?

While we are at it, fuck the time travel bullshit in The Invisible Hour.

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Except no David Cage game is "Potentially" good by virtue of being made by David Cage

People who were upset about Alice being a brainlet don't understand the central theme of Detroit, even when it's literally in the title of the game (Become Human).
The whole game, the player believes Alice is a human, and then it's revealed that all along, she was an android too. That's the point, to show to you that the androids ARE humans. The story has been building up to this point, to test players on their empathy and acceptance to androids. It's the core overarcing theme in all three stories, "are androids just robots, or are they human?"
It wasn't supposed to be a moment where David Cage goes "haha what a TWEEEEST I fooled you!" but a moment where the game challenges your beliefs and thoughts about the androids.

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That's basically the trend is indieshit, Good guys cant win happy or neutral endings are too mainstream, Gotta make stories where you lose no matter what you do and how well you do it, Everything has to be nihilistic and hopeless, Otherwise they cant jerk it to their storytelling prowess, Movies can get away with that shit but when it comes to videogames its a giant middlefinger.

>androids ARE humans

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That wasn't really a twist


Even if he sullied it with "dude black people oppression analogy lmao" it's still a cool-looking game

I thought this was cool as fuck. I wish they kept this storyline going instead of completely abandoning it in 3 and moving on to whatever the fuck is going on now

If you don't think androids are humans, then why play a game that portrays them that way? It'd be like watching Blade Runnder and crossing your arms and pouting and going "no they are just dumb stinky androids this movie is stupid."

>Become Human
>That's the point, to show to you that the androids ARE humans
>to test players on their empathy and acceptance to androids
>"are androids just robots, or are they human?"
>a moment where the game challenges your beliefs and thoughts about the androids
Which might've worked if the game had just a tiny little bit more of nuance. The game tells you androids are toasters, but it sure as hell doesn't feel like it from minute one. Having the robot act 110% like a human the asking "woah, do you feel like, they could Become Human™?" is asinine.
As with everything else in the game, Connor is easily the one with which was done the best. At least he spends half of the game being an android so him becoming "human" actually feels like a change.

That ending was utter shit and made me wish they had never made that sequel.

even with a good story Bioshock Infinite would still be shit, the gameplay was absolutly horrible, what the fuck where they thinking
it taught me to never have any hype for anything ever again

That’s not a twist, the king tells you that she’s still alive right after you finish the tutorial.

Danganronpa V3 has its fans, even though I personally didn't like it.
Btw, I hate that pic related doesn't have Twilight Syndrome in it. One layer of fiction is missing.

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Gimme the rundown

It's about how far off the fucking rails it went. You just randomly become Neo and it honestly becomes the best bad story ever.

nobody likes marcus
kara is ok
the whole game should have been about connor because then it is basically blade runner but better

Connor section were the only worthwhile thing in the game, at least most of your action have consequence so it's nice. Thought I'd care about Kara storyline but no, Marcus was not really entertaining desu. I laughed a bit at the androids sitting at the back of the bus it's retarded and I bet Cage thought it was smart putting robot concentration camp

The issue is in how terribly that twist is executed. Kara has zero reason to believe that Alice is a human and, in fact, has proof that she is an android, but just “chooses not to see it”. The game also conveniently cuts away from the evidence of her being an android, just as it cuts away during the typewriter kill scene in HR.
As with all Cage games, it’s a good(-ish) idea executed very poorly.

Fuck u mum m8

Fuck androids, Even if you gave them everything they wanted, Them turning against Humanity is an inevitability which is very likely going to lead to machine supremacy, With their highly dangerous bodies and incredibly high intelligence, What the fuck could humanity do once they start replicating armies of sentient killing machines, We can barely trust our own families, Yet we should trust something that replicates us on the most superficial level, No.

Only problem is that the game's plot lacks the nuance and story telling to actually make that work.
It just creates a caricature world that beats you over the head over and over again with this "THEY ARE HUMAN" theme and it just left me asking the question "why the fuck were they programmed/built to have free will and shit, like, that's fucking retarded and the person responsible for all of this is the guy who made them to be sentient then told everyone that they were fucking toasters".

It's not deep, it's fucking retarded.

he become the one

They should have just minimized the text on the letter and showed it. Comes off better than not showing it at all.

It sucks because they actually did do one moment of forshadowing Alice well with the Todd interview. It was fucking lazy to do that and deliberately obfuscate everything else.

>its the mayans vs the internet vs hobos
What the fuck happened

ubisoft fucked it all up because they fired the guy responsible for all of this, modern day story doesn't even matter anymore
ill never stop being mad

i wish i could ignore my cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias. i wish i wasn't aware of myself doing it when it happens.

i don't want to hate myself anymore

He never had "complex motivations". Since his first appearance he's nothing more than a generic mustache twirling bad guy gloating at the weaklings. Then it turned that he was a pawn all along (unsurprisingly) and he threw a temper tantrum.

Everyone thinks of themselves as the only free thinker in a room full of mindless drones. The big secret is there is no fucking herd.

They are literally not humans.

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Someone call the grand Inquisitor, we got a heretic

>investigate a murder case
>spend most of the game finding connections to magic
>time travel to find out about the magic origins
>learn that there's no such thing as magic and the murder was done for money

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Are you retarded? An android that thinks its human/on the same level as a human is not human.
The discussion of this is literally, LITERALLY the entire point of DADOES/Blade Runner and D:BH.
The entire world in Blade Runner is divided between humans and replicants. A machine that thinks it's human is not human, even Deckard knows this.
The whole point of this plot in media is that it's an interesting discussion point with many different factors and conclusions.

That's something very common in japanese mystery media. If there's supernatural element's, there's a very good chance the source of the mystery is actually not supernatural

>The only forms of oppression are people sitting in the back of the bus
>Concentration camps
What about making them wear funny hats?

>Plot twists that ruined potentially good games
>What are they Yea Forums?

I have no idea why everyone jerks off Kojima for this badly written and badly executed "twist" that took a fucking sequel to properly explain and resolve

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Mystery games are fun, but dear God their stories are trash. See persona 5. I don't understand the thieves part after the first two

What? It's at the half way point of the story and ike the other user said, it IS foreshadowed

Based. Fuck the Japs. Murder them all.

>at the robot concentration camp
>androids are told to turn their skin off
The classic Cage hammer.

All of the plot twists with the new information about the characters in LISA the Joyful collectively ruin them for the sake of tragedy fetishism. Hell, the Joyful itself is a shitty end to the series in general.

No one considers them amazing.

That """"game"""" was shit to begin with.


just as series ruining as "LOL, THE SERIES WAS REALITY TV"

i like Max Payne 2 but id rather have Max Payne 1 or 3's story over the clusterfuck that was 2's story

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AI ghosts from the future and aztec-mayan-satan cults are trying to kill you because your mom got pregnant near a ??thing?? and you're actually the most chosen chosen one, so you turn into a zombie and have flying kung fu fights and save a small child who's apparently the key to stopping the apocalypse

the kid you were playing as was dead all along, and the island, tower, and puzzles on it were in his dad's mind as he came to term with his son falling overboard and dying (more likely then not anyway) during a storm

The opening credits, you mean.

Why does it even matter? As if Kara would care less about Alice if she was an android. The game is selling the idea hard that androids are people too and somehow Kara, an android herself, is supposed to feel different? It doesn't make any sense.

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I don't know. I loved Heavy Rain hated everything else. Fahrenheit actually surprised me with how bad it ended up considering how strong it started off.

Let it go, my son

While not amazing, the twist at the end of lost paradise came out of nowhere and was so stupid.

>Let's betray Kisana and Nadai, because our parents.

>The moment you put a story into a video game it breaks the gameplay.
>Video games should not have stories in them at all.

hi ACfag

Bayonetta 2's story fucking sucked, especially with that joke of a boss battle
dont even @ me

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Infinite would be great only if it had proper rpg elements, and dropped all the shit that started from weapons workshop. Shame, infinite had great worldbuilding and art direction

This. The plotwist managed to retroactively ruin 2 and 1.

>modern day story doesn't even matter anymore

that's a good thing because it was badly done in the first place and was not needed.

There is a herd and it's hard work to actually oppose its opinion.
I live in a religious country and was raised religious. Getting over this bullshit was painful and I spent a lot of time deluding myself that believing in a god is rational.
If I wasn't smart as fuck, I'd probably still be one of the drones, thinking pre-programmed opinions, favoring those who agree with them, thinking it's impossible to have "values" without agreeing with those who gave me mine.

This was the best thing ever, I thought the game was pretty good at first, then mediocre, then weird with the whole giant dust mites thing, and finally this shit happens and I start laughing so hard I literally busted my appendectomy staples out. 20/10 game of the year. I didn't know comedy was a Vidya genre that could stand on its own.

>plottwist only works for the European and Japanese audience

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Idem. It is The Room of videogames

Believing in God can be rational, as long as its not one of the major religions. I yearn for the true intermingling of science and belief, but people keep fucking shitting on everything.

The unnecessary piece of shit audio drama for FFX

Tidus gets decapitated by a fucking blitzball bomb and Sin comes back to life

What the FUCK where they thinking?

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You don’t think the writing staff changed at all in half a decade?

>If more games pulled a event horizon
That movie is so shit tier other than it's imagery. I think it's literal brainlets who have turned that shit movie into some sort of "cult classic", which it doesn't deserve. Anderson is a hack of all hacks.

I hate the "lol am i the only one who ...?" posters from the deepest bottom of my soul,but i never saw anyone who enjoyed Dead island, except me

The Meryl and Johnny proposal scene was pretty close to the end of the game, so no, it wasn't even close to redeeming itself.

Nah, I liked this ending.
I absolute hate them for making a sequel, thus ruining it.

It doesn't need to contradict logic, but it is never rational.
The most pro-god position that is still rational is basically
>this world exists and seems to have a start
>there might be something before this start that is out of this world
>this thing may be a single coherent being and not just a force
Anything above that is just projection of own characteristics onto the world.

>k then ill just kill all of Olympus

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That's literally the opposite of an NPC. NPCs can only play the game through the mechanics. They can not enjoy a good story as they don't have brains and cannot understand it. If anything "hardcore" gamers are more like NPCs than casuals in that regard.

You should read more on the subject. I find it pretty interesting

Can one even intentionally nail this ridiculous comedy in a videogame that appears to be played straight, or is it only something that can be done accidentally while attempting to be serious?

Storytelling in most movies is legitimately worse than a good game's story. I can't tell you the last time I went to a movie theater and felt like the ticket price was worth it.

You should read more on the subject. Christtard cope isn't valid logic.

I will my man. See you around

haven't watched this shit in a long time.

Imagine being a Monikafag when you can be a Libitinafriend

Jacob's Ladder, in my opinion.

>If I wasn't smart as fuck,