Will steam ever allow us to change our names?

Will steam ever allow us to change our names?

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yes after epic takes over

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I doubt it. It could easily be fixed if they at least charged for name changes.

i don't wanna make a new steam account

Is this an Epicnigger or Steamcuck bait thread?

neither it's a question nigger

what fucking name

I've changed my steam tag 2-3 years ago

probably not no

the unchangeable one

You mean login no one ever sees? Because you can change your name on a whim. Fucking autist.

They'd have to reconstruct their whole database. Apparently the original login name is used as a primary key. People knowledgeable in databases can tell why it's an issue.

I am pretty sure you are able to change that too.

> Because you can change your name on a whim
My steam name is [U:1:96135117] and it cant be changed.

t. Has no idea what he's talking about

thank god you're not able to change it
i need it to track your scammer/cheater ass

Is the joke here that Steam is the only PC game launcher which does allow you to change your name?

Yup. Please elaborate on this.

that much is clear when you use "t." without greentext.

yeah i hate the login

In the edit page?

I think the Username is directly tied to the STEAM_ID and thus can't be changed. But you can change your Community name as many times as you want.

That's the public profile name, not profile id/login.

What about the custom URL?

Nothing to do with login ID

Yet you can't change it either after the first time.

i don't think it's that bad you can't change your login
p sure no one else can see it anyway so im happy with the custom url and profile name

What is there to worry about? So your community id and community link are always changeable. But the private one you can't. Can people find that out or something?

Got banned on steamrep you piece of shit? Fuck you

that's just tag not sign in
is there a sharing thing? only thing i'll lose is a half done ds1 character and 100 hours into dragon's dogma wait that's a good amount of hours maybe i'll keep the damned account
why the fuck won't they change it man?
will i have to redo all my skyrim mods if i make another account?

Why do you even care, what the fuck.
Not saying it isn't bad you can't change it but it is innocuous as shit.

>Private login name
Why do you want to change it?

>Public name
Takes about four seconds.

That's login, not steam name. Steam name can be changes freely.

Come on OP, tell us why you want your ID to be changed so we can all laugh at your underageb& ass for being retarded.

no i made a shitty name nigger
i legit have ocd for that shit

Just make it so you just have to login once so you don't have to constantly see it.

not possible

I still don't understand what you mean by not being able to change names, and I don't think you do either.
Your profile name you can change any time.
Your profile url you can change at any time.
Both things combined means no one really can track you.
If you're talking about the username you use to login, that's never made public nor linked to any given static url.
That's not your name, that's your Steam ID.

true, but i dont want to be reminded of how retarded i was a child everytime i log into steam

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>how retarded i was a child
You must be 18 or older to post here.

steam was launched in 2003

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So you admit that you're still as stupid now as you were then.

faggots changing names every month is the worst fucking feature of the platform.

it's not that i do not want the ability to change names, i just don't want to be unable to recognize 90% of my modest friendlist.
the tag system SUCKS BALLS.

>haven't changed my name in nine years
feels good

Not that guy but what?

probably, but your the one that cant count

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Why not just set the client to auto log on.
I don't even see my name anymore unless I'm checking account settings.

Don't sign your posts.

are you fycking stupid, I've changed it at least 20 times by now

>t. how retarded i was a child

Can someone give me a quick rundown on what OP is complaining about? Is he an ESL? I don't get it.

I want to go back and play Left 4 dead, and hl2 mods with my friends from 8 years ago slow down time now!

do you think you were smart as a child?
what was the first name you ever went by online user.

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OP is a faggot, that's all you need to know.