What if Titan's enrage in savage is him just doing donuts in the parking lot and you just fucking die?
What if Titan's enrage in savage is him just doing donuts in the parking lot and you just fucking die?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Soken has been overworked and wanted to take a little break, so we decided to get some licensed music for this fight"
>40% hp phase starts
Titan EX will grow to stupid size and play wack a mole on the arena.
Redpill me on SMN
A byproduct of leveling SCH
Worst job, played only by trannies and fags who can't deal with standing still like us CHAD BLMs
Awful people who shat on Louisoix' wish to not be summoned again.
See And fuck your blue-eyes white dragon blocking half the screen even when you turn it small
>more scenes referring to whombryda than Louisboy
fuck it all
>join a titty ex farm in pf
>required duty complete
>only 1 other person in the group know the mechanics
How did they complete the duty the first time?
I laughed like an idiot when Titan got on his little car and started driving around.
>Nomura is involved
>raid plotline is already shit
Spam bloodspillers like a retard
Spam fell cleaves like a retard
Spam holy spirit like a retard
Rip tear and gouge
This is why GNB is the bestest tank
Well, nothing will ever beat alexander so Im fine with what we got.
>spam rip tear like a retard
Great tank you got there
Eden hearts....is light!
Got carried, and are hoping it happens again.
>hydaelyn bad!
>ok i believe you
>everyone gets an aoe marker
>I'm behind everyone so I run back to give people room
>Other guy decides he is also going to never just stop in the empty space I gave him and stays overlapped with me
Do these dipshits think they are going to outrun me? It happens in 99% of fights
I wouldn't mind the plotline if it didn't feel low-budget compared to the prior two.
>We need to go here and summon a primal here!
>Screen fades to black, fades in, then you just reach out to the screen for the second time, poof, instance unlocked
Titan’s sick lawnmower burnouts is just the kind of content this game needed
I'm used to it by now
>changing clothes
>crafting items
>slapstick violence
I want more animated stuff
Server delay. A similar decision once wiped us in UCOB so I checked the other guy's stream, and it looked nothing like what it did on my screen, he couldn't have seen I was running away from him because on his screen I was behind him instead.
>only change in savage is they change left/right landslide into larboard/starboard landslide and remove the telegraphs
How does Koji get away with it?
I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with light!
>2.0 - Each raid tier had at least 2 dungeon-like sections
>3.0 - Maintained the status quo
>4.0 - Dungeon-like sections relegated to solo instances before gaining access to the raid
>5.0 - Drops it entirely, is now literally just Trials
Blame Japanese who kept complaining about the most inane shit.
Everyone is always a second behind on your screen, and it's something to get in your head if you're running is someone looks to be a couple feet away from your ass, to then start deviating and see how they react.
And thats a good thing
>bro leviathan had two heads
>titan drove in a car
did the wol have an aneurism at some point
>3.0 - Maintained the status quo
Coil and Alexander? Really?
He's just being edgy
stray thoughts affecting result similar to emet's miniatures
head + tail during fight and "get the fuck out of landslide fast" probably factored into it
Reminder the WoL was on the Council of Mystery Niggas. This is literally our latent creation magic making the most radical shit. Like the amarotine that made a griffin by mistake thanks to a stray thought.
Yes, that's why your character kept holding their head near the end of the MSQ. It had nothing to do with light you just popped a fucking blood vessel
for the guy asking for source in the last thread
Is it just me or does GNB feel like MCH for retards? Continuation is like Heat Blast/Gauss weaving at half speed
Ok wol I didn't say anything about Titan riding in the car. But were Shiva and Garuda really naked when you fought them the first time?
>lying naked while the snow falls all around me
It's even in the song don't look at me Ryne
>ryne will never be dissapointed in your lewd memories of garuda and give tou the trash stare
based and khloepilled
Ysayle would probably retroactively influence the memory
I'm still hoping for big garuda honkers though
>WoL has a minor stroke and invents the quadbike
fucking epic
So are you upset that we're getting primals we've already fought in concept or do you like that they're remaking primals using new ideas that probably weren't conceived (or executed for reasons) in 2.x?
>Quetzacoatl is just a dungeon boss
I thought this was the FFVIII expansion bros
why did they ruin gnb sound effects
given that they seem to be complete reimaginings of the primals from the ground up, i'm completely okay with it
titan-source basically shares a name and an element with titan-first and thats it
>drives one square forward then brakes abruptly
Shit cracks me up every time.
I was concerned they'd be 1:1 ripoffs and was satisfied with how different Titan was, Levi a bit less but he was still distinct enough from the previous.
That they combined 2 old primals with 2 new bosses felt like a very nice touch, something I want them to keep in the next 2 levels of Eden. So say Shiva and Ifrit + 2 new bosses, and then I'd assume a light and dark primal + 2 new bosses.
nip players apparently hated the old ones
I'm fine with it, since it's something that needs to be brought up anyway in returning elements to the first. Also, shit like what happened to Titan is great.
I love it and i want them to go 2x deeper into the idea of reliving fights we've already had. Although i was kind of expecting nightmare versions of them rather than them being primal 2.0
I'm interested if they decide to take it one step further next tier, combo primals (Ifrit+Ramuh, Garuda+Shiva) could be really cool if done right
unironically made the tier for me
feels like they're really letting themselves do crazy shit this time around, i love it
>eden prime is the FIRST boss and has an absurd ultimate animation
>titan drives a quadbike and has hulk gloves
>leviathan has two heads (idk he was underwhelming)
>voidgirl wipes your pug because no one understands timers
i've had a fucking great time so far in eden
wait, when you level up your SMN you get levels on SCH and other way around?
Levi badly needed another Trial. It's 2.0 version was almost dead on release. Same with Ramuh and Shiva.
yes, theyre tied to the same base class of Arcanist. You can never touch SCH, but if you get SMN to 80, you'll also have an 80 SCH.
I would be mad if they were anything like the old primals but besides ability names and theming they're pretty much totally different.
>kill for a friend
Reminder that if you join groups like that YOU are the problem.
>then it alternates to lightslide/darkslide
>Stack timed bomb
>4 people get timed bombs on them
>Everyone runs away
>Stacked time bomb explodes
Sort of, not really. In effect, yes. In reality, you don't get experience for either, you only get "arcanist" experience. And since Summoner is just "Arcanist with the SMN stone equipped" and Scholar is just "Arcanist with the SCH stone equipped", getting any Arcanist experience at all increases both. You'll notice this with any job. You never gain Dragoon experience, you just gain Lancer experience and Dragoon is just a piece of equipment.
I'm not too sure if we'll get Garuda, you know. We got the XV version in a Solo Instance recently. They may have blown all their new ideas on that.
what the fuck, 2 in price of 1. I know what I'm leveling next.
>started leveling AST before SHB
>mfw current AST
I dont want to level another healer, though, but I pray the buffs will come with savage
I did whm and sch first and now trying to do ast is physically painful. I had to start doing it exclusively through alliance roulette
I expect savage do troll the fuck out of people by doing things like casting a delayed stack then a delayed bomb but the delayed bomb will explode faster than the stack.
Out of all the brainlet takes I've seen on this site this one is one of the worst ones yet
The XV version honestly wasn't that different to the normal fight and relied on warp strike or w/e it was called, so I doubt they blew too many ideas on it beyond "cool teleporty move"
man fuck them, I can't enjoy the job anymore with these awful sounds
it's great, if you don't hate healing you can just switch over for fast dungeon queues. I main SMN but besides doing a run each dungeon to try out the new stuff we got, i pretty much healed through shb.
>crystal boypussycat
>cute book nerd
>cute train nerd
>all the cuties from eulmore
>janny turns handsome, steel ball run president style
>magic questline has a cute shota
Greatest expansion, in the game, and in my pants
Is it unreasonable to run savage as multiple jobs?
I like you, OP.
You're funny.
>Double stack markers with different timers
>spread markers get 2 different timers and they have to quickly find the right stack partner
im considering doing it because ninja is a pain now
BLM is going to get the ultimate treatment during titan savage since there's no way they are going to be standing around long enough to do real damage
I'm I the only one here that likes/doesn't mind the new gnb sound?. After playing war all SB, gnb felt bad because none of the skills sounded like they had MEAT on them
>first stack to marker A
>second stack to marker B
wow that was hard
If they share gear? Not at all. You're holding your group back by spreading your gear out between jobs or roles though
blm shits out enough damage to maintain dps with just using umbral soul and xeno
Between roles is what I meant. I'm 70% sure I'll just continue as MNK but I want to try it as GNB/DRK or AST as well since all my raid experience is only from DPS. I guess I can switch off after gearing up the first job.
Has /our guy/ made guides for Eden yet?
why would you need guides for casual content?
Why would GNB have the meaty swings?
Most of its attacks are one handed with an agile fighting style aesthetically
You can run stuff like EX primals if you want to do harder content with other roles. Focus on gearing a main first. One of the reasons we get a month at the start of the expansion before savage comes out is to figure out what to main
because it vibrates and makes an explosion and explosions are explosions, not swings
Nobody cares about your ecelebs go away
Does anyone on aether want to come for a treasure map on the tempest? I've never done a treasure map before but it says 8 people there so I'm guessing we can probably go with like 3 or 4.
he's right though
The force your way remix is worse than the original. Blue fields remix is great though.
Pat himself said that if we had listened to Emet, shit would have worked out eventually.
how do explosions and vibrations sound like a mallet?
they certainly didn't sound like this with squall or seifer
>join griffith knowing they could die for him
>wtf don't sacrifice me
There's a difference between "You could die for me" and "You will die for me, no escape and your soul is tormented in hell forever."
What iLv do I need to do all of Eden?
There is a whole lot of differences though.
Griffith also betrayed people who loved and cherished him. Emet-Selch betrayed people who were never not suspicious of him. I fully oppose Emet and I know his dreams are a fool's errand since Zodiark will resurrect empty husks without souls, not the dead as they were the day before the calamity. But I am still sympathetic and understanding of him. That's what makes a tragic villain.
325, savage will be 345
how 2 mahjong
It's easier than the current EX, so 420 should be enough. If you and your party aren't absolutely terrible shitters.
That guy looks like Soul Dozer?
Griffith's actions were understandable, but that doesn't make them any less abhorrent. Emet, on the other, makes a strong case of proving that the ascians were better than the mortal races on many fronts; namely with that fact that half the population willing sacrificed themselves to an egregore to save the other half.
blm bros...
>start a titty ex blind learning party like 2 weeks ago
>5/8 players already know the whole fight
why are they even joining my party aaaaaa
>namely with that fact that half the population willing sacrificed themselves to an egregore to save the other half.
>astrologian firmly in the shed
hahahahahahahaah fuck astros and fuck scholars too
People don't even know what is this because you cropped every data out. Congrats.
Tried really hard to get Omega F / M, no luck.
Is a Zhloe minion this time, get 2 lines with no effort.
The only time I've ever gotten 2 lines is when its one of the Aliapoh sisters.
>sub 100 parses for basically every job
what is this
I wonder who could be behind this post
also SB started out exactly the same, so enjoy it while it lasts
SAM in the shed again.
guess nothing changed from last expansion.
d-delet this... history must be unwritten
So I'm at BLM 74 and haven't touched it in a while, is this correct:
AoE is Freeze, Thunder IV, Fire III, Flare twice, repeat.
Single target is Blizz III, Blizz IV, Thunder III, Fire III, Fire IV spam, Fire I when it's about to run out, more Fire IV spam, and at the end Despair, repeat.
Plus procs, triplecasts, swiftcasts and fun circle obviously.
It feels like that's correct, but I'm not a parser and these early 70's dungeon bosses seem to take forever.
>"Hey YoshiP, I love FFXIV, but it's hard to keep playing your game (because of the lack of content) and now I'm taking a break here. Sorry for asking this but is there a way or a reason to keep playing? or anything that can you teach me how to keep my motivation for playing your game?" - A player asking Yoshida during Gamescom
>Yoshida's answer
>Yoshida "It's alright not to play it everyday. Since it's just a game, you can stop forcing yourself if it's hard on you to keep that up. Rather, it'll just pile up unnecessary stress if you limit yourself into playing just that one game since there are so many other games out there. So, do come back and play it to your heart's content when the major patch kicks in, then stop it to play other games before you got burnt out, and then come back for another major patch. This will actually make me happier, and in the end, I think this is the best solution I can answer for keeping your motivation up for the game."
Do you guys actually agree with this approach?
Theme seems to be using WoL's imagination to conjure up your own primals to fight and get aether.
Griever is totally a boss isnt he?
Don't know how you could enjoy it with the awful sounds it had before either.
It's pretty obviously eden normal
The only person who did anything wrong in XIV was Lyse
Hes 100% right.
Only if it's either Y'shtola, Alisaie or Krile.
I wish Alisaie would mount me.
based shotabro
As usual, Yoshi's JP is very easy to understand. Yoko Taro could learn a thing or two from him.
I honestly thought that was a cheese car at first.
Alisaeie is disgusting.
A good way to get another certain weapon in.
WoL:" I wonder how Alpha is doing. Been a while since that tough battle with Omega. Still not.as long as Ultima Weapon though. Wait....nononono dont merge them! Oh fuck.."
More like:
>Superbolides and takes damage while the HP is 1 but before the invincibility kicks in like a retard.
Aoe is quad flare or you're a BITCH
I honestly forget what level BLM gets what tools now though, I tried to do multiple flare rotation in shisui during a roulette only to realize I had neither enhanced umbral heart nor triplecast. Your rotations sound sane enough at least.
Do I look like I'm going to spend resources/time going after pots for a fucking dungeon?
>Not even a passing mention in Shadowbringers
>Wasn't part of the Scion corpse walk Urianger showed us
>Even Ishgard and the Ironworks crew got a few secondsof screentime
Lyse confirmed forgotten. Fucking Fordola came back in the SMN quest.
SMN pretty much has to be rooted as much as BLM and with worse payoff.
you can just buy ethers from an npc. As long as it gives you 800 mp it should let you cast flare again.
>Wasn't part of the Scion corpse walk Urianger showed us
Now, I hate Lyse as much as the next man, but she was there user.
Wrong. You should be playing it everyday. Kinda like Ninja with Fortnite and Asmongold with WoW.
>Two friends and one roommate are too goddamn casual to run this shit
>I cleared a mere hour after patch if even, was too busy having fun to notice the time
>Can't share that banger of a track or fight with them because they are so goddamn slow they are still on the ShB MSQ
For real though SMN needs a buff somewhere. No to stand over BLM but to parallel it seeing as a job so simple gets so much damage it makes no sense to me that an intricate one be strictly worse.
Ha, gay
I'm going to upload a titan log and there's nothing you can do about it.
She was in the Monk quest.
*ddos's fflogs*
If I was gay I'd be all over her, considering she looks exactly like the fucking dude we got acquainted with way before she became a part of the story for good.
>I haven't even done the samurai quest yet.
>Been 80 for a week or two.
Is it good?
>tfw the whole "canon WoL is a female mooncat" thing is true and were just high on shrooms again
(I wasn't this guy) >multiple flare rotation
I've tried these, but it just seems dumb to be honest, oom or potions. One of those things that's technically possible, but not worth it ever.
>tfw the whole "canon WoL is a female mooncat" thing is true and were just high on shrooms again
Is this all a fucking fever dream of a khajit on skooma? Or Chim and skooma?
no one cares about eden normal mode logs
applies here too
I know, which is exactly why I expect people to get triggered about it, just like you did.
>hit things with a baseball like a retard
How do I stop being afraid to talk to strangers so I can join a ststic
He's right. Don't let any video game run your life, any company seeking to take up all of your time is a bad company. There is plenty to do in the game, when you get bored or want to do something else, stop playing and come back again later.
You mean a baseball bat?
where are they keeping the feo ul lewds aaaaaaaaaaaaa
Fuck you.
yeah, doing too many things at the same time, oops
You should join a certain statistic instead.
>point out no one cares
>bro you're just triggered
are you ok user?
Poor MNK's
Your beautiful branch wouldn't want you to find them!
nah, they're different enough and any similar mechanics will probably have shit to fuck with people like boomer titans landslide
>oh hes just doing landslide, dont stand in the middle
How mad are you going to be when the mount is the shitty desert speeder and not the titan ATV
I don't want either
Yeah I was mostly kidding. It's probably only ever relevant in dungeons, but it's a fun party trick on huge pulls if you can pull it off.
And then Eden gives you the dialogue choice to regret what went down with Emet and admit even he had his reasons.
I was pleasantly suprised but I kind of wanted the Ultimate landside thing from titan, maybe it will show up in savage
I agree, the story was severely lacking in FUCK DRUMPH. What's the point of the narrative without that?
I was actually a bit wounded by Rayne's reaction.
Emet did nothing wrong.
It's gonna be the voidwalker demon, I mean they already spent effort rigging a person onto it
What did she say?
Fordola is the cutest despite being a mhigger.
Prove me wrong.
Anyone know what the Four Lords/Triumvirate equivalents in Shadowbringers could possibly be?
there aren't equivalent people across the shards you dumb idiot, they're not literal mirror worlds
>Hades Extreme
>Automata alliance raid
>Frontlines rebalancing+PvP glamour and new map
>Ishgardian Restoration
>Shadowbringers Relic Weapon
Anyone else worried that SHB is frontloaded and we're going to get scraps from 5.2 onward?
>outer ring of squares falls away in savage mode
just fuck our shit up, Titan
The three Lightnings
>Colonialism is the policy of a nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories,[1] generally with the aim of economic dominance
The Ascians just wanted their fucking people to be alive again. If you are against the Ascians wanting their world back, surely you must also hate it when Native Americans want their land back too right?
Emet legit did nothing wrong. Were I in his place I'd have the same goals.
However, our dudes and us are in his way so there's no option but to fight, that's just the way it is.
>Frontlines rebalancing+PvP glamour and new map
Where was this confirmed and what can I expect?
I meant in terms of the raid battles.
The new trials will all be tied to MSQ this time like ARR instead of optional content like HW and SB
Girl, I'm sure there's a hint for them somewhere
Otherwise, it's probably going to be all story trials or something I don't know
if you mean we're getting the exact same content as the last 2 expansions but reskinned to look pretty and new then yeah sure
One of the media tour interviews, Yoshida said that the bigger PvP content will come in 5.1. At best, expect Frontlines to be balanced separately from the feast, at worst which you should expect it's going to be a new map and some slight changes to how frontlines works
>no more dungeon areas
>it's literally just fights
This bothers me more than it should. Why the fuck call it "raids" if it's just a fucking trial? Just say it's a boss series or some shit and call it a "new type of content for XIV" and say that "raids will be reconsidered in the future" or something.
We all know that we're not getting a dungeon in it, and we've already come to a point where they don't even try to imply we're going through a dungeon as it's literally
>go here
>fight boss
>come back, do it another 3 times
So why even bother to disguise it?
>Leviathan's platform doesn't respawn
>You actually fight both heads on a permanently split field
Wtf, I hate Emet-Selch now.
This is usually how it goes. Once .3 hits it's only a couple of weeks before the servers start to feel completely dead.
I wish Emet-Selch would explore my virgin territories
>implying it won't be the center blocks
I could actually see them doing both, like Leviathan desu.
>all these new boss tracks
what the fuck
how is it possible for the OST to get even better than this?
Am I supposed to focus target the boss or the MT in trials/raids as healer? In dungeons it's easy because one one tank, but most harder content fights require a tank swap so not sure if I just change focus with the tanks or keep it on the boss at all times
>and then I'd assume a light and dark primal + 2 new bosses.
Garuda and Ramuh for the last two elements. I'm assuming that we're either getting that, or we're getting Ifrit, Shiva, Garuda, and Ramuh in the next tier, light/dark primals for the last tier alongside two OC bosses.
I really hope they subvert this before shb is done.
It'll just be numbers buffing. It's too late for anything else.
If they were smart, they would have madeEgi Assault a single button with 4 charges that recharges at twice the speed as it does right now.
They need to Trait Bahamut into Dreadwyrm Trance though. Having Dreadwyrm and Summon Bahamut be two separate phases is clumsy, especially with how elegantly handled Phoenix Trance is. Extend Dreadwyrm to 20 seconds like Phoenix Trance, have Dreadwyrm summon Bahamut who behaves exactly like he does already, we now don't have to stand still and hardcast Ruin III during Bahamut Summon.They could even let us cast Deathflare twice during the Trance to make it more equal to Phoenix's new spells.
What if Yshtola gave WoL her used underwear? Haha...
t. mad goblin
Shut the fuck up. I'm not say SMN needs to be the best I'm saying it could stand to improve or BLM could stand to lose damage without being hurt.
always focus boss so you know what it's casting even when you're targetting the shitty DPS in need of spot heals
We back to Stormblood, baby
Streamers complain they have to spend 4 minutes on trashmobs before the fight
>make Allagan empire
>watch it collapse
>explore its ruins with Garlemald
Is this the largest scale masturbation possible
It's up to you but I would recommend the boss so that you always see what it's casting regardless of who you're targeting to heal.
>make Allagan
>watch it collapse
>complain that your work in Garlemald doesnt compare to Allag
This guy is on another level
Oh fuck I forgot to do the Rathalos battle after I came back to the game for ShB. Is that fight still doable?
Yea Forumsros this game is consuming all my free time and interfering with my personal life but my sub is ending in a few days. Should I just man up and manage my time or should I just cut my sub? This game already ruined my life during ARR days
Manage your time better, ya dingus.
Just stop being a dork
Dude what the hell. Take a break
Absolute cringy brainlet post.
SMN can dance all around every AoE like a faggot without sacrificing any dps while BLM is sweating like a fucking maniac everytime he lays down his Ley Lines waiting for the next AoE to fuck him up.
You can be glad you're not as bad as RDM.
I'd see the whole quest being about the great serpent of Ronka and the different guardians of the Ronka empire. I'd love to see Quinforth coming back, I loved this dummy and the two Viis cuties.
why the fug is every static in PF only looking for melee DPS
is it time to roll monk?
Fucking read this you moron.
That's why BA was such a breath.of fresh air, it actually felt like the first real raid this game has ever had, a shame it was locked behind eureka
So it's obvious that the WoL will conjure Griever, right?
How does a themepark MMO ruin your life? This game hands everything out on a silver platter.
Absolutely not, but no one can deny it's success anyway. He usually spews PR comments like this to reassure players that the content cycle will remain intact, as to not over or underwhelm players with expectations. It's a pretty workable design philosophy, despite being an MMO (But even Yoshida admits he wants to work away from the game being considered as much).
It's not surprising they stand to make more money with smaller, predictable patches than with larger, adventurous ones. Even if you factor in a large unsubscribe rate, the actual work load to get players to play for that one month is likely more than enough to sustain the game. Basically, in input cost to create the content can channel enough cash in those short cycles to make the game profitable. That's not even mentioning the Whaling rate for the Mog Station during those times.
Yoshida is a pretty fucking hack director with not even a modicum of creativity or originality, but he's arguably one of the best producers out there, and the way he answers that question is a good indicator of why that is.
>Hey WoD, don't tell anyone about what happened here please.
>Proceeds to tell his fights to the wandering ministrel 2.0 who can then spread it to everyone.
It will be there for fan service, but it makes no sense for them to conjure it
light/astral themed fight doesn't make much sense, we're still trying to fix the first from being overaspected with exactly that after all. But I definitely see a darkness/umbral themd fight happen
>XIV team says that BA is what they always wanted to do with Eureka and were building up to it
>instead of getting 4 BA instances with gear that have unique eureka effects to use in the other instances, we got one at the end of everything with four other boring instances that are basically filler and gear that's different in no other way except "well it gives more stats i guess"
Holy shit, I have never been more mad
No, they can't. They got less flexible now DT is just on a 60 timer and not tied to aetherflow so you can't hold it for when you need to move. And having to ruin is a considerable potency loss, stop being retarded
You guys were right. Wowfugees in the end go back to their primary instincts of only wanting endgame once the honeymoon period is over for them.
I don't get the story. Been trying to watch more cutscenes lately but Thancred just called Minfilia the oracle of darkness. Can someone explain why?
No no, the girl from E2 is the Oracle of Darkness.
They kinda foreshadowed it in the dialogue, though. They said that messing with each element can throw the others, and you have to be quite careful when doing this. Considering that, when we slam notZodiark into the garbage can, we could accidentally shift it a bit too far in the dark direction, and need to slam notHydaelyn into the same garbage can.
That being said, we barely have any dark/light themed primals so they'd likely be original primals anyway.
He was referring to Nomura's OC, not Minifilia
really hope you're joking
What's his complaint?
>recall the strongest primal you've ever faced
If Titan can end up as a car then whatever we think of can end up as Griever.
- MNK is now super uninteresting to play for those who've been playing it for years so there's even less of them now
- NIN is now considered way too much work for way below average DPS and has left-side job exclusive gear so if it's not their main, it's unlikely you'll see someone play it with good gear
- SAM are constantly whining about DRG
- DRG are mostly shit as usual and same comment as NIN for their gear
So its widely agreed that Innocence and Titania Ex are a lot harder than Lakshmeme and Susano right?
oh right I forgot about the oc, I hope she doesn't look as butt ugly as in the art, also
>same age as ryne
Redpill me on fishing
Holy fucking yikes so you were a walking trashcan on summoner before and you still think it's intricate
That sort of exploration stuff is relegated to alliance raids.
>but I want an 8 man version of it!
Savage fights, which are supposed to be difficult tests of your skill, are based off the normal versions, and walking through hallways doesn't contribute to that style of gameplay.
Personally I found Susano harder than Titania.
>Light themed primal
>WoL thinks on it
>Linkshell call
>"Pray return to Waking Sands"
if you didn't beat eden the hour it came out you aren't a real gamer, already got my weekly pants from it
fuck you, Gaia is QT as fuck
summoner bro here type /bahamutsize small
its effected by client. not user
No they're pretty equal
her face is fucking disgusting
Real gamers don't choose the worst gear path possible
Think about how she would look without those shoes. Now realize how fucked up her proportions are
lmao fuck off she's hot
>Gaia is a human female
>Edea is a human female
>Both have long, butt length black hair, yellow eyes, pale skin, and mostly black clothing.
>Edea is some kind of super mage
>Thancred hinted that Gaia is some kind of super mage
>Edea was possessed by a time witch
>Gaia is possessed by something, and was using time magic throughoht her fight.
>Both were designed by Nomura
>It's an FFVIII raid
So now that they made up a stand in for Edea, how are they going to asspull Ultimecia in as the final boss?
You know damn well they'll keep reusing those NT assets until they have no more to use.
>Long fish face
>Gross lipstick
>weird shit on boots
user it's okay to like an ugly girl for her personality but she fuckin ugly.
>DRG are mostly shit as usual
You mean players rather than the job itself, right?
Her hammer is more detailed that her. He probably drew her in a few hours. I wouldn't blame him for hating XIV considering it's original failure is what started Versus' problems.
the entire piece is an abomination, the in game model will probably be better than the concept art
>Ever letting them shrink down your Big Boi
They cannot ignore his girth
Skimming the video. He said Eden was unsatisfying. So he's judging Eden via normal mode.
He wants more raid fights per term. Like 2 more. So 6-6-6 or something. Also not sure but from reading the comments, so I'm not sure if I'm right, but he's saying there's nothing to do in the endgame. Not sure about the others now.
>dark/light themed primals
Still waiting for an Anima boss.
insult my wife gaia any further and there will be consequences
Do do you have anything substantial to say or are you just spewing shit to be heard
>going pants or chest
Yes, hence the "mostly" it's usually harder to find good DRG players than other jobs.
What's wrong with pants?
Can't expect much else from people like that I guess. Thank you for your service.
You think you ever saved dwt for movement
>not /bahamutsize large
Lakshmi is the easiest of the bunch. So yeah you're right. A lot of people still wipe in Innocence because it's a very movement based fight unlike my time on Susanoo when I was farming it, every one was on point even in DF.
Pretty ineffective compared to the other gatherers. Best assigned to retainers.
Chest-Pants-Ring/Belt/(2 turnin) is the best for some classes
getting one item (pants/chest) is typically a lesser upgrade than getting three items (ring/waist/gloves)
no, they're casual shit for shitters like you
Now Titan HM, that was a real Primal fight.
Yes, pants. In fact I'll change into them right now. Meanwhile can you hold my katana for me?
why would you think we tell the ministrel about eden?
Best class in the game for aethersand otherwise useless. Can’t get silver scrips consistently.
nothing wrong with a little colonialism and genocide, especially among savages and inferior life forms.
But crafted gear comes how the same day savage does, shouldn't people worry more about getting good stats?
but i'm already holding MY katana
Most profitable gatherer in the rare instances where something it gets is in demand
Not as brain melting as btn/min to actually play
Oh yeah, the savage probably uses something else, doesn't it?
>Crystal Exarch says he kept getting the people closest to you when trying to summon you
>Lyse never gets called
WoL doesn't give a shit about Lyse confirmed.
Ahh yes, Titan HM, where the difficulty came from the servers being so shit that if you didn't predict a landslide and move preemptively you were dead
Fellow epic gamers, it's time to rise up.
Lowest effort way to grind your "daily" map drop, go to relevant body of water for the map you want and grind away, no need to move in circles for nodes, maximum comfy.
How good is the white starter gear for GNB? Is it enough to hold on the google library? I have 2k poetics but that's not enough for a full lvl60 set.
Just get more poetics.
its literally some of the highest level gear you can equip at that level, from memory
>Acting like Pants/Chests is wrong
>When most people will be FULL crafted
>When your crafted versions might have dogshit substats compared to the NM version.
>Listing Week1 & 2 as if you can't do NM on week 3 before your static runs
I am starting to believe you've never touched the job, or casters in general
at least get the base level shire gear, then buy the upgrade items as you go
>Not doing your static runs the second the servers come up
Due to overmelding crafted all normal gear is welfare gear for poor idiots anyway.
Similarly it's also very very unlikely that that your better substats were worth 14 mainstat and some higher number of substats.
>don't use defensive CDs
>get hit with the fat benediction
>use superbolide immediately after
The ultimate content respecting job.
Only faggots go with a pantsy ass tiny sword.
Real man wield a fucking axe.
I really want to fuck the Eulmore Jongleur Twins. Is that weird?
God I want her to look at me like I'm trash.
Level it up just to get a fishing retainer. My retainer brings back 5 oysters that sell for 20k each every hour. It takes some work to get going but it's a good way of making money if you're lazy
nope, you are where you belong. inside the shed.
Lyse is the autistic kid nobody wants around but their sibling brought them so you have to put up with them.
>highest personal damage
So Exarch teleported all Scions nekkid. That kinda what the Thancred screen seems to say.
Haven't we now pretty much confirmed that everything related to our history and culture is just Ascian design? Emet is basically one of our actual gods, like Jesus he walked with us. He spearheaded the Allagan Empire, every advancement in civilisation, in magic, in technology, in war was all designed by Emet and his people.
The homes people want to protect? Designed by Ascian minds
The weapons that people turned on Emet? Forged in Ascian forges
The airships that people roam the sky trying to foil Emet's plans? Guess who really designed those things.
The only thing that stood out as "new" to Emet was Time Travel and hopping Dimensions whilst keeping your corporeal form. Things we borrowed from Omega (a being discovered/trapped by Allagans AKA Emet) and Alexander (a Primal who only came about via summoning magic taught to the people by Ascians.)
I main all 3 casters, preferably BLM. I just won't be playing SMN for prog this tier because 400 DPS and a roughly equivalent raid buff at the 100% level isn't worth having to play the worst designed job in the game's history.
SB SMN's ruin 2 and tri d lining up meant you never had to save DWT for movement. You technically had flexibility but not in any meaningful way. If you actually saved dwt explicitly for movement there was some kind of logic failure where you thought you were optimizing without doing any actual math.
depends on the stats. I can understand wanting to avoid skill/spellspeed like the plague on some classes.
That's BLM.
>Talk to Xande's clone once
>Claim you made the Allagan empire
Was he carried by 5 people with legend titles through normal mode as well? No wonder he feels the game is unsatisfying, he doesn't actually do anything and the bosses still die
BRD is
MNK doesnt require constant double weaving anymore. You CAN fit some in, but it's not mandatory and probably wont be going forward was skillspeed increases
Not really. They share maybe one similar mechanic to their previous incarnation but aside from that they're completely different fights.
This person must have been seething the entire time playing this game. Surprised they didn't mention the time that Godbert told Nanamo that giving handouts to Ala Mhigan refugees and making them dependent on the state was the worst possible thing she could do for them.
Or how when Minfilia preached during Operation Archon that blending of too many cultures causes them to lose what makes them unique and different and that too much mixing leads them to become stale and empty.
Who am I kidding, they just story skipped.
>when you find out Lahabrea was basically that weird nerdy kid who liked bugs a lot
He'd be proud if he saw our Titan.
>Lyse never gets called
She has no Echo abilities at all. Ergo she can't be summoned.
>How about Thancred
He has. Albeit very very small. We saw that in the Ranjit fight.
What was Emet's plan had we succeeded in containing the Light?
>take a break
>lose your house
Yeah its pretty annoying. While it gets tiresome clearing the dungeon-esque areas each week before getting to the boss there is now no functional difference between a raid and a trial aside from the way loot is handled and the game shouldn't pretend that they are.
That's.... What I'm saying though that the class isn't intuitive. You moron.
I understand what you're trying to say. But he did almost all of the previous EX trials and raids with minimum ilvl.
What he did wrong here is judge a "story mode" version of the raid as like an actual proper raid. He should have waited when Savage dropped and finished it before talking.
Already seeing 1.9 GCD with GL4
Why the fuck doesn't flamethrower generate heat or deal decent damage for a minute cooldown?
shes so fucking ugly, I wish they showed her face so we would know sshes a highlander
That would have indicated we were enough of our original form that we would be near an original Ascian once more. He had that recreation of Amaurot set up for reasons beyond sitting in it letting the feels surround him.
A game produced by Yoshida and directed by someone else who isn't trying to focus on the business side of things would be pretty good, honestly. He has a knack for leading and getting people into doing things, he just isn't willing to take any risks (which is good as a producer, not good as a director since it leads to things being safe and boring). Ideally, doing both would mean you know exactly how much risk you can take, but he's way too safe for my liking.
He might be a good designer, but there just isn't much to go off of. His early 1.0 stuff (for content) was stuff they didn't have time to put in, and most things outside of that was putting a ton of QoL stuff in. His 2.0 stuff was rushing an MMO out and not trying anything new to play it safe. Everything past that has been the same since it worked. There's barely anything from before XIV is- there's a JP only arcade game and MMO, both in the Dragon Quest series. And we don't even know how much of an impact he had in DQX, and looking at the arcade game, I'm not sure how fun it is (it seems like a typical collect-em-all card game that's popular in Japan with a DQ skin, but I didn't look deeper into it).
None of the transported Scions have the Echo, only Deadfilia, Krile and Arenvald do
>leggy blonde twins
Seems normal enough to me
He didn't do them on min ilvl, his legend/ultimate legend buddies did. He just followed them around to avoid mechanics and the boss died. As soon as they reached a fight where he had to take some personal responsibility they wiped 100+ times because he's a retarded wowfugee who is used to 19 other people wiping up his mess. Anybody can clear ex primals when the top 1% of the playerbase is doing 99% of the work
>join titania party
>"clear for a friend"
>actually a based group, fast and easy kill without any mistakes
>they disband
wait no come back
Hades was completely in the right from his perspective, though. That doesn't stop us as the WoL from being right as well in stopping him, it just means his position sympathetic. Griffith is just an asshole psychopath who lusts for control and power.
>clear party
>we make pretty good progress
>party leader has to go and wishes us good luck
>he fucking disbands the party
Swear to god this happens too often.
Agreed. If I were in his position I would have done the same. He's not really a villain but an antagonist. His plans run directly counter to our own which puts us on the path to conflict even though his plan is completely understandable from his perspective.
Its ~1000 potency in 10 seconds, you use it after you spent all of your heat gauge on Auto Crossbow.
i think it only exists to give you a chance to sip some Monster
>oh no the past is fucked
>I'm going to sacrifice everyone in the future to save people from the past
Why was the exarch the good guy again?
Fuck off with your pedoshit degenerate. Day of the rope soon
>Alliance raids
>Even a dungeon at all
Is this bait? XIII had better dungeon design since at least it had some very short paths off the common ground. XIV doesn't even have that in this day and age.
Alexander was the beginning of the end, and the dev team has seemingly forgotten how to design a dungeon that isn't a hallway. All they need to do for savage raids that are more dungeonish is give it a bigger layout with more routes and some puzzles. Take a queue from their old dungeon-raids from 1.0 or something. You can even give story babbies their hallway to run through.
That's what I want from raids. You can make dungeon exploration a challenge, but I guess you've never done that since XIV's dungeons haven't been hard since 2.0.
Imagine a phase changes where you can't do shit. The MCH stands there with their gun burning nothing and gaining DPS for it. For a job with already great uptime, they would need to make it a target able skill at least.
Aren't you talking about Emet?
Clearly xiv isn't the game you're looking for.
MNK is the only good DPS
SAM do nothing but complain about their skill that does just that. It's not as amazing as you might think
Flamethrower should be the meditation equivalent even if they only build 1 heat per second it would be worth it
I don't know those chumps. Hell, if he came up and said something like, "hey bro, trying to bring my people back but you keep killing us horribly. Maybe knock that shit off and we'll put our plans on hold until you and your friends die of old age," we'd have no quarrel.
The First is all just a dream
Paladin has a cool finisher though.
>SE still hasn't copyright take-down FFLOG elitists shithole site
uhhh wtf Square? fflogs cancer is LITERALLY kiling the game right now
Eh. We kill tons of people. Not nearly at the same volume but nobody cares when we do it.
There are trannies and then there are faggots.
Just shut up and play the game how you want to. Who cares about parsing?
This gonna be the new shitpost for the next days? Please tell me, so I can filter it right now.
His backpedaling is fucking pathetic, as are the fanboys saying he shouldn't listen to the chat/comments which of course is a paradox.
So what exactly did cause the first calamity that was destroying the Ascians original world? All those monsters in the Amaurot dungeon were creatures of the Ascians own design that were sealed but escaped whilst everything was going to shit.
literally didn't told us
just "a sound eminitating from the core of planet"
it could either be the "true enemy" or whatever or could be some dumb plot twist that the council of the 13 purposely orchestrated it to give a reason to summon zodiark
for now we don't know
Then what game in this god forsaken genre is different, user? WoW has basically the same issue. I've played XI and loved their approach to dungeons. I've played more niche MMOs like DnD Online which had a unique approach, TSW which had unique puzzles but it failed on every other account, Vindictus, TERA, Maplestory 1 and 2, I even tried Wildstar. Every fucking MMO in this day and age which isn't 20 years old follows the same formula of snooze tier dungeons with either some boring one-off gimmick or wall to wall pulls, unless you're going for really obscure shit that is produced by two people like Project Gorgon. And even then, sometimes they haven't even gotten around to doing that. Since they have the other parts of the game to make.
Am I supposed to sit back and stay quiet? Am I supposed to be silent as I have nothing to play in a genre I like because people like you tell me that "X game isn't for you"? Can I not raise a complaint about one of the weaker parts of a game I like? Can I not want XIV to be better? And besides that, If if this game isn't for me, then what is? There's certainly not much out there - trust me, I've looked.
Something coming from the center of the earth, the fear sent the ascian creation magic went haywire and further amplified the destruction. Nobody actually know what it is, not even the ascians.
The way I understood it was that they are so proficient at creation that even a stray thought while invoking it can cause them to create something wildly different. I think one of them fucked up and made a nightmare monster that started running amok and scaring everyone else, causing them to spontaneously create nightmarish beasts and apocalyptic events, multiplying exponentially until it was a global event. Their magic comes so naturally to them that they used it without even trying.
>8th person joins the PF
>Oops sorry I joined the wrong PF
>He leaves
>Everyone else follows
Why the fuck does this happen?
Can someone explain how FFlogs works? A few things I've done are uploaded but most aren't, though I've never done anything with the site personally. Is it automatic when using ACT, which I use occasionally? Or is it other people uploading their logs where I happen to be included?
Probably caused as a side effect of the creation magic. Emet did mention that the laws themselves were being undone, so maybe the star's aether got corrupted by the overusage or maybe people created a paradox by constantly creating.
people in this game are actually socially retarded
No, you go play the games you actually enjoy. There is not much point sticking around just to endlessly whine that the game isn't exactly how you want it to be. You yourself listed games that did it the way you wanted, why not play those games instead?
>Or is it other people uploading their logs where I happen to be included?
Don't bother. Play whatever job you like, realize yourself if you're doing bad and have fun instead.
Parsefaggots are the worst don't join them.
Wrong, it was caused by that voice from the earth causing the creation magic to go nuclear.
I think I'm going to go back to WAR. GNB has been fun, but it's missing something
That's what I figured.
I'm not concerned, just curious. I do use ACT sometimes to see how well I'm doing, which I believe is the intended use.
I played BnS just for 1v1 pvp for like 1.5 years
>make practice party
>"newcomers allowed tag on"
>first word is "practice" in the description
>after a wipe someone goes "nice farm party" and leaves
>everyone fucking confused
>this happens like 3 times in a row and then again after someone leaves
as always.
That's the intended use but if you have seen Yea Forums at all that isn't how it's being used.
Eden is way easier than Deltascape and it's mostly rehashed enemies and mechanics.
They really should've put more focus and structure into the Noise and what it might be. Without any context, it makes it sound like they went full panic mode because someone dropped a pen. I personally find it annoying because the storytelling in this game constantly portrays Ascians as sneaky manipulators, but in reality are absolutely incompetent and have no tact. All the backstory really does is call their superhuman abilities and reasoning in question.
That's not even mentioning how the final Elidibus scene was handled, which should pretty much cement their position of Comic Relief instead or Major Antagonist.
Thank god I geared my MNK first
People parse the darnedest things. I've got fucking dungeon parses for some reason.
I can only imagine they left it hanging to bring it up again later somehow, because they were clearly completely clueless about just what it was if their only answer was "summon a super god to deal with it we're out of ideas" when you consider they can summon literally anything as well as having a catalogue of existing creation magic constructs
Any interesting sidequests worth doing?
Because XI is in permanent maintenance mode, and TSW had less good dungeons and more good quests (and I'm not even sure if that's still true since I've heard middling things from their reboot). XI doesn't even do dungeons anymore - it's literally arena battles at endgme since they can't do much else.
None of those games I listed do good dungeons, outside of XI. Do you see my frustration, user? I can play another genre, sure, but there's nothing like dungeon exploring with friends. There's no feeling like conquering a challenge with them too. It's so bad that there's not even some terrible Wizardry clone with online multiplayer that I can play to get my fix. There's absolutely fucking nothing.
This is why I'm frustrated. This is why I'm pushing for it. If there was something for me to play, I would play it. But there isn't, and I'm frustrated at people like you who tell me to "go play something else" when there is nothing out there. It's like telling somebody who enjoyed Resonance of Fate to play something like Frozen Synapse. They have similar gameplay styles, yeah, but what made Resonance of Fate fun might not be in Frozen Synapse (ignoring that the gameplay of the two is different, I was trying to think of something with the turn based yet real-time combat system that the two kinda share, and can't think of anything)
Of course, next you'll just tell me to look harder, or even better, make it myself if I hate it.
the chain where the reward is sex with khloe
The ones with images in the quest description have nice little stories.
Dunno but I skipped all the non-aether current sidequests in Shadowbringers whilst clearing the MSQ. Now theres plenty for me to level my other jobs.
You have no idea how much money I would throw for Wizardry Online to come back. Because everything I read of it seems like it's what I want. And it's fucking dead in all regions
Elidibus: Imma do the same thing I did except this time I'll bring in Warriors of Light instead of Darkness. That'll show em!
It wasn’t really summoning a super god. It was more “the Planet is sick, let’s give it a will of it’s own and let it purge itself.” And it did. But it didn’t have the energy to bring back what was ravaged. Hence a second aetherial sacrifice.
It was the WoL Ascian who bugged out and went “Summon a literal god to divide our planet and all its people into 14 lesser versions of themselves.” They were the real Galaxy Brains.
Makes more sense this time around. If they win, we’re finally dead. If we win, we’ve just killed other worlds Warriors of Light and left them vulnerable to Ascian schemes.
If we end up teaming up, then he’s proper fucked.
>Because everything I read of it seems like it's what I want
Its shit, yes there is small chance that you can permadie on low levels, but you literally cannot permadie later, you just offer some shit to the altar. Got memed by vg into playing this crap
What fight even allows MNK to do that much damage? Levi or Void?
The permadeath is less of a draw, honestly. I just cared more about how much dungeon crawling was integral to leveling, and how said dungeons were more about prep, building your party up, and then exploring them proper with difficult encounters etc. Which seemed right up my alley.
If that wasn't the case, then I guess I can write it off.
>Just did Titi ex with a monk that was doing less dps than the drk
>WITH dragon tether
How do people get so far while still being so bad?
The last boss I believe they mentioned was not one of their creations but came from space. How that ties to the sound in the core is up.in the air though.
My friend is probably the worst Dragoon I've seen.
Elidibus is literally the only full Ascian left in charge, the whole plan is gone to shit and there doesn't seem to be a way to salvage it with Lahabrea and Emet out of the picture. That's if he's even on board with bringing Zodiark back at all, his clothing is different from the other Ascians which when you consider their initial culture is weird and too individualistic.
I still don't get why hydaelin went apeshit and split all of existence and split everything fourteen ways, effectively nearly killing every one and everything. Makes her seem more of a dick and a bigger fuck up than whatever was going to happen with Zodiark.
I think she says something along the lines of “maybe we could have reached an understanding if things were different” or something along those lines.
>both dragoons immedietly back flip off the island
kill me
God Elidibus is such an autist
>Titan stands up and begins revving up his big pushback move
>I'm in front of him, so is everyone else
>I get flung all the way off the platform and no one else moves an inch
What the fuck
Elidibus is going to piss on the moon
The quest chain in Wright about the new mayor was the only one I really liked.
So how much of a self important brat was Alisaie as a child?
>mfw i get vertigo and panic when Titan pushes me to the edge
I never got that with any other boss
She didn't effectively kill everyone and everything, life continued on just fine after the splitting up. All the non-Ascian intelligent beings were going to be murdered by the Zodiark faction to try and bring back the people that already sacrificed themselves. Whether it would really work or not we're not sure, but the last time we saw a primal resurrect a dead person their body was a soulless shell. The Hydaelyn faction wanted the sacrifices to stop and wanted the new races to be able to live.
I feel that with every boss that has a ledge.
She gives you her reason.
arm's length / surecast
people finally figured out the monk opener
abusing dragon kick + bootshine under perfect balance
monk players finally got in touch with ancient Buddhists
>laying down your life in battle
>being tortured before eaten and cursed to be tormented in hell forever by demons with no chance of escape
The way I understood it, that wasn't actually her intent. Hydaelyn was created as the antithesis of Zodiark, but Zodiark was also the will of the planet. By striking down Zodiark, she also struck at the planet, whether she wished to or not.
>wanted sacrifices to stop
>sacrifice themselves instead
>ruin everything for everyone afterwards as world split into shadows of its former self
>all new races are basically retarded children that can't stop fucking itself over to save their lives
Both ascian camps were retarded and it was basically lose/lose situation after the initial calamity hit.
Is it the Anatman one?
That's 75th percentile, BLM is still top dog in 99th percentile
What's the AoE rotation for blm at 70 my brain is tiny
i met the man twice in person now, at this and last years E3 and he never turned down a picture with me. but this housing shit is quite retarded. the demolishing limit should be 2 months minimum.
>inb4 post pics you liar
Why the fuck do we let fairies just turn people in to fucking leafmen?
I mean, this whole expansion is one giant look into what happens when she wins too hard.
because if we try to stop them tHEYLL TURN US INTO FUCKINNG LEAFMEN
would you rather have them turn into sin eaters
Fairy bullshit, I did all the fairy quests and they regularly turn people just for shits and giggles.
It's like you didn't even play the game or skipped every cutscenes.
Honestly that whole scene was straight out of a horror movie. Even more so than Tesleen. The whole time it was going on, I couldn't help but think "we're supposed to be the good guys."
We've got bigger fish to fry, the winged shits can get massacred later.
Freeze, thunder IV, fire III, flare, flare, manafont, flare, ether, flare, transpose, freeze, repeat.
When you hit 72, you can skip transpose since you'll be able to cast freeze at 0 mp after a flare.
yeah people who deserve it
>DRG parsing 4.6k in DP Ex
>hit enrage
>"lol what happened guys we ran that perfectly XD"
They already tried.
Oh no they don't, do the quest for the picture fairy.
>Haha I love turning people, it's the best when they're unaware!
>I turned the person just going around taking pictures and exploring too!
The whole "turn into a tree" creeped me the fuck out back in early Zelda games, and it's even worse here.
It's "I have no mouth and I must scream" levels of horrifying.
how can someone even be bad at DRG? like nigga just do your combo and jump it ain't fucking hard
thanks homie
Who turned 4 of them into beavers?
Has anyone actually seen the SS-Class hunt in action yet?
Like every crystarium delivery questline has a character fucking terrified of going into Il Mheg because the Fae fuck with everyone. Only the Nou Mou/Amaro punish the bad ones, the rest are assholes through and through
They don't maintain anything, they JUST do their combo. They don't maintain dots, they don't worry about Blood of the Dragon they just sit their doing their basic combo and jumping.
Oh don't do this to me.
I already hear the name "Ahm Ahreng" to the tune of Amadeus by Falco.
this is just wild speculation on my part, but:
Emet said that the formation of the Hydaelin faction was the first time their society was split, so Hydaelin in nature might've partially ended up as the goddess of "dividing things"
and on another note: the whole "ascians got tempered" deal could just be a side effect of Zodiark going "everyone calm the fuck down and stop with the mass panic, I've got this shit now" when stopping the apocalypse
>Killing one head causes the other to start casting its enrage
>Have to split damage evenly and kill them roughly at the same time
user is a good lad being friends with mentally disabled people
you have one thing to think about, and thats whether or not you want to go into life now or in the next possible life window to line up better with buffs
thats about it apart from le positionals
I always line up triplecast with double flare then Manafont for a third instant flare. Also single target if you manafont after despair I believe thats enough for another Fire4 plus despair. Dont forget to fit in sharpcast. What I see everyone do is sharpcast your thunder3 then pop the proc right after you Fire1
wisdom of the lake
>that right foot
Got a secret feeling that whatever caused the fall of the Amaurotine world is going to be the focus of Taro's raid series. We'll find one of the broken dolls in the android graveyard, and from there explore the calamity as it happened.
The graveyard is just above the entrance to the Tempest
There's an Amaurotine who specifically mentions creation automatons like the one's in Automata
There's that whole debate questline that talks about the other continent neighbouring Amaurot and the struggles they're doing with the Calamity.
The raid series is called Dark Apocalypse and the key art shows constructions unlike anything in the First or the Source.
Taro is the exact kind of person you want writing the end of your big civilisation.
Probably way off the mark, but it'd be the tidiest way to incorporate Nier into XIV.
I miss Lyse
Me too
The Nier raid announcement still feels unreal.
Can't fucking wait.
I even swapped main to SAM just to get Virtuous Contract.
I don't understand you. You sound insane right now.
Is the nier raid going to be an 8 man or 24 man?
Going to report both of you for low quality posts.
Nice to see fellow Lyselads.
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
SCH lost access to Fey Wind so that part of the fight isn’t as cheesable, but it’s still doable.
Hated current AST at first, by the time I got to 80 I loved it.
Neutral sect is fat as fuck and needs no discussion.
Horoscope adds another pop heal (stellar detonation is my personal favorite move in the game and if you don't like it why are you even playing AST).
Celestial intersection is an insane addition we did not desrve.
Once you remove muscle memory for old cards and understand how new cards are meant to be used, the new ones feel great. However if you're not a fan of constantly microing cards while paying attention to raid mechanics you could hate it.
Honestly AST may be the current best healer, haven't had a tank die on me for the entirety of ShB even with 3 pack initial pull on Akademia.
What are the odds of us actually getting a glam of Virtuous Contract, or Nier weapons in general? 24 mans arn't exactly known for weapons.
>first boss of Amaurot
Who thought this was okay?
What the fuck lads, why is there a spam invite FC called on EVERY SINGLE EU server
jesus christ
>empathizing with a character obviously made to draw empathy from the player is a bad thing
How to detect a sociopath
1st boss: Skull headed giant Slug
2nd boss: imp faced giant Turkey
They meant it when they said their aether powered creation thought process got fucked.
I've only done Amaurot once but I was confused as to why we were getting vuln stacks, it looked like we were stacking/separating properly.
>Main shitnario roulette
>adventurer in need (dps)
>Queue as dps
>Estimated wait: time more than 30 minutes
>place in queue: after 50
What did yoship mean by this
PM the person who sent you the invite with "FUCKING STOP" then right click and block them
>deletes your thread after it reaches autosage
Depends on if you was a range dps or melee dps
Sell me on NIN.
The great thing about Nier in XIV is that it'll get a decent narrative structure and good game design.
Hrothgar looks best as Dark Knights with the armor and the giant blade.
The meteors are like Tsukuyomi's, can't have them be too close.
When the FUCK are they going to add ARF and Ala Mhigo as MSQ roulettes.
never, that's not why MSQ roulette exists
personal dps is so low that even with trick attack, they're no longer a guaranteed raid slot
infact some groups are even blacklisting NIN.
in addition, they're even more ridiculously complex than they were in SB, requiring even more fight-based optimisation making them horrible for progression.
finally, they're even more ping reliant than before, so unless you live next to a data center you'll have to break your back (and fingers) just to do the dps other jobs get by auto attacking
are you sold yet
They are both already in the 50/60/70 roulette.
The MSQ roulette is meant for the ARR 8 mans.
oh i'm not joining them, just wondering if there's a way to report someone for spam inviting people to his 500+ member FC of sprouts on every EU server
Eden 2nd floor sucks.
First of all: Literally who?
Second: Is this person a fucking retard?
Yeah but ARR 8 mans suck fucking dick. Nobody enjoys seeing castrum/prae over and over and over again.
YOU suck
learn how timers work dumbo
Has been e-celeb
If you think emet selch did anything wrong I hope you're also at least a vegan
Griffisu diddo nozzing
hai yes.
Voidwalker's ability to delay her spells might be a nod to the Condemn ability from V, since that was the main ability of the Oracle job and the Voidwalker is the Oracle of Darkness, and both involve time-delayed spells.
if you can't beat a little caterpillar like that how will you ever hope to face the great serpent of ronka
The best thing about that is they wouldn't be able to do anything about it since they're fucked without us.
They should just scrape AST desu. It's either OP or complete garbage.
Emet-Selch is literally the most sympathetic main villain they've fucking done though, he just wants his world back. If you were in his position are you seriously saying you wouldn't do the same? You'd just let those shattered fragmented husks of what were once people mill about living their ridiculously short and difficult lives, never knowing how beautiful existence used to be?
hyoton looks cool
>Yeah but ARR 8 mans suck fucking dick. Nobody enjoys seeing castrum/prae over and over and over again.
Everybody knows that.
Even SE.
Why do you think the MSQ roulette gives insane xp and tomes?
Mr. E Niggas
You don't have to be vegan to be opposed to animal cruelty
Yes, but SE doesn't want to change them since they have a crippling fear of reworking old content, so they have to find a way to get sprouts through it, and they chose to bribe older players with a big EXP and tome payout.
>make div 2 min
>remove sleeve draw completely
>rework collective completely into something not absolute garbage
>lightspeed 90s
>increase heal pots slightly, especially ess
>make either stellar det do a lot more damage or pot buff dot/male
There I fixed it
What will the meta job composition be for savage?
Good players will be the meta.
It is funny how insecure and afraid Yea Forums is about meta, parsers etc. I know so many people who care about it and are so helpful, and I know a lot of people who doesnt care and are completly cancer.