What went so right?
Halo Reach
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It's a complete downgrade from Halo 3 in every way. Even the choice of graphics make the game look more dated than Halo 3. Still 7.5/10
speak what you will about gameplay and story etc, but graphics were a step up. im not talking about style and design, thats subjective, but graphics and lighting are better
Halo Reach had many flaws, and while it could have been accepted as another good title, those flaws were perpetuated and intensified by 343i, essentially killing Halo. Halo Reach marks the decline of Halo, and it's quite depressing to think about.
The only thing that went right was the art direction, and that doesn't include the limited aesthetic capacity of forge.
Ill refrase that. Foliage and Indoor areas look better. But the shadows especially on the Spartan models look like ass today tho. Shit looks like a moblie game. Whereas Halo 3 just looks normal.
i dont care how controversial reach was i fucking loved it. cant wait to play it on pc again after so long
They all died - no wait, Emile survived.
Never mind, nothing went right. Except for the giant sloths that survived the "open world Halo" shit they're shooting for with Infinity again.
June or Juno (I swear people said both lol) he didn't die. Emile was the 2nd to last noble team member to die
Shit I get those two confused. Lot of vaguely ethnic snarkers on Noble team, thankfully Captain Toast Sandwich is in charge.
Yeah I can't believe they let Mr White lead my multiracial gang like that.
it dabbed all over the shitty fucking EU
>btb on spire, me piloting a pelican and my best bud on gunner
My best memory of gaming easily.
Customizable armor in campagin, Fuck mjolnir.
Best armor, weapons, vehicles, and Invasion.
Are you retarded? He's American not British.
I like Noble Team better than those fucking uggos in Star Wars Rogue One
That's about it. Everything else went wrong.
You realise Halo 3 MCC had a lighting upgrade right? Shadows also display at a much higher resolution.
Go play the original 360 version and tell me Reach doesn't look better.
>invasion spire, final objective
>piloting pelican
That must be a new thing because I remember only the AI being able to do that
I forgot you could sit on the side of tanks in Halo
Nigger you could pilot a pelican and a phantom
not in multiplayer
The biggest problem with Reach is that it slows Halo's already slow combat to a crawl.
Halo 3's MLG settings made the game play a little faster than base but this speed is still slow compared to many other shooters.
Not only is movement generally slower than most shooters, the TTK is higher than most as well even with the most optimal weapon the DMR.
Reach seemed to want to slow Halo down from the BR of Halo 3/2.
But bloom introduced RNG spread which destroyed the integrity of fights.
Coupled with "fuck you, you have to wait now" armorlock and "hol lemme break the map" jetpack. Reach's combat in Vanilla becomes a battle of attrition where each side fights to waster the other person's time.
Halo Reach doesn't play like Halo 2 or Halo 3. It's far less scrappy and promotes weirder quasi-long range fights.
People complain all the time about the sandbox of Halo and how it's never balanced.
Halo should really only have 7 weapons and 2 grenade types.
Carbine/Needle Rifle
Plasma Pistol
Reach Magnum/CE Magnum
Frag & Plasma Grenades
All the other weapons are just bad. The AR is unfun to use. The sword is too easy to use. etc
Weapon bloom does not belong in Halo. Armor Abilities are garbage. Sprint does not belong in Halo. And Equipment is garbage.
>no mention of vehicles
Reach shit all over vehicles as well, the biggest thing that separated halo from other shooters.
Instead of making another version of "Big main hero goes on a killing spree against alien bigbad #4", they made a suprisingly emotional and painful story about a team of soldiers trying to fight a losing war, losing team members through self-sacrifice, acts of suicidal badassery, and just plain bad luck, and eventually managing to roll that ball that would tip the war in their favor.
I don't really give a shit about vehicles but even in the casual modes they are in insanely weak.
the ghost becomes useless when armorlock is available
The sniper rifle becoming an anti-vehicle weapon beyond the capacity of shooting the driver was the worst part. A sniper could just put 4 rounds into the front of your ghost from across the map and end you with no effort.
Fucking hell I just want to play Halo CE. Fuck Bungie. What? I mean fuck 343i.
>And Equipment is garbage.
Fuck you, equipment was great. The only people who hate equipment hate it because of the cancerous bubble shield and tad overpowered power drain.
The deployable shield and gravlift were fucking great, even the shittier ones like the flare and radar jammer had excellent utility.
Mutiplayer was great after a few patches
they literally all have the same throw range. they are a very shallow idea.
based schizo
>mcc wont have reachs or any other games main menu and what not
disappointing but somewhat understandable
Did they? Even so, why would it matter? You could still throw the equipment a decent distance if you threw it while moving and jumping. I don't remember having any issues throwing a flare/jammer/drain far, or dropping a grav lift/mine nearby.
Sorry, how about Captain Nothing Burger?
If you were in charge you would've killed halo way faster than 343
>thinks the sword is too easy to use
>doesn't think the BR is too easy to use
Sword is so easy to counter, just pay attention to your motion sensor and backpedal while chucking nades if they're around the corner.
Now if there are any weapons that need to be practically removed, it's the BR and Carbine. Halo would be 100x more fun if the BR was removed and only present in Swat game modes to quarantine the cod kids.
the flare, power drain, and radar jammer are literally all recolors of a basketball.
the regenerator and bubble shield are near identical
the deployable shield was not in multiplayer, neither was the flare.
the trip mine was a mine that doubled as a spotlight and beeped loudly.
all of this shit is fine to mess around with in your head or mod but in practice it's just gaudy.
the deployable shield rarely does anything because you can break it by shooting its base from either side.
it's just dumb gimmick shit
Really because MLG Halo 3 tournaments are still going on to this day.
MLG Halo 3 doesn't have equipment.
I suppose i would be a bad design lead because i'd make a game for the good players and not for shitters to have there 15 seconds of fun before they're getting spawn trapped for the rest of the game.
Literally nothing. Worst of the main Halo games. Worst Halo developed by Bungie.
>motion sensor
>armor abilities
>weapon bloom
>too much forge world maps
>plenty of shitty maps
>everything is introduced in this game and ends in this game
>so you can't even connect well with your squad before they die anyways
>plenty of shitty weapons
>no duel wielding
>slower movement with less floaty jumps
Nah it wasn't that great.
>the flare, power drain, and radar jammer are literally all recolors of a basketball.
>the regenerator and bubble shield are near identical
Why should you care about details like that in a console game of all things? They were fun and made the game more varied, and allowed me to screw with people who didn't understand how great they were. It's a video game mechanic, not an art piece.
>the deployable shield was not in multiplayer, neither was the flare.
Yes they were, what makes you think this?
>the trip mine was a mine that doubled as a spotlight and beeped loudly
What about that is bad? It's a warning to the enemy if you don't try to conceal it, and if they're not paying attention it can catch them around a corner. You could place it under a vehicle/weapon pickup and inattentive players would kill themselves on it.
>the deployable shield rarely does anything because you can break it by shooting its base from either side
The deployable shield isn't meant to be used as a mainstay cover. It has many actual uses, it's a diversion, it can block entrances/exits, it can function as a wall to screw over vehicles, and it's a platform to jump off of.
It's only dumb gimmick shit to you because you never tried to have fun or git gud with it. There's plenty more use to all of this equipment, simply the fact you can jump off of them for a second jump was huge.
Your dumbass tier chart doesn't get better the more you keep posting it. Literally NOTHING should be above 4 and 5.
You're falling into the reactive trap of assuming I don't know how to use these things in Halo 3.
I know exactly how to use them which is why I despise them.
Power drain is just a gigantic grenade. Instead of precisely throwing a grenade to bounce and break someone's shields, you can just throw an undodgeable blue sphere at them and one shot them.
Bonus points if it's more than 1 person. What a joke.
Bubble shield literally breaks Oddball.
Bubble shield literally breaks KOTH.
Power drain and bubble shield are cancer, I already said this. That doesn't mean the others didn't have their use and add variety to playstyles.
nigga regenerator is just a different bubble shield
trip mine is just a shittier power drain. the range on this shit was retardedly big. it was like the c4 from MW3. You throw that shit and shoot it.
The grav lift to me was always "can i break your gay nonMLG forge map" the object.
other than that it was a super jump wowie zowie.
Deployable shield is fucking shit as I said because the base can break it instantly.
Flare sucks because you can still see enemy nameplates.
Radar jammer doesn't matter because radar is fucking gay.
all this shit sucks and is dumb.
Grav lifts are fine if they are preplaced and have a respawn of 1 second
>tfw started playing elite just so I could double jumping with equipment
I bet bungie was aware Elites could still jump off the power drain, but they didn't remove those because the players had become so used to using them.
Worst list and wost post I've ever seen on this board
just kill yourself IMMEDIATELY
>>everything is introduced in this game and ends in this game
>>so you can't even connect well with your squad before they die anyways
That's a good thing, capeshit queer.
Regenerator was pretty shit and I almost never used it, yeah. Of all the equipment it really was the least inspired and impacting.
Throw n shoot with the trip mine was kept in check by its respawn time.
I had fun using grav lifts against vehicles and in buildings to disorient or temporarily trap players. One of my favorite things was to throw it at the bottom of a stairway/drop after I walk past if I'm being chased, always funny losing them because of that. Dropping a grav lift near a kill pit and grav hammering vehicles that take the bait into the pit was also fun. A shame they can 'break maps' too easily though.
Deployable shields still take time to destroy, and with console aiming it was especially distracting. It still had context sensitive use as well. Throwing a deployable cover ahead of someone to block their exit was always funny, proximity voice just made it better. BTFOing ramming ghosts or warthogs that think they're safe if they just drive in cricles was always nice.
Yeah, a lot of console games had the nameplate and sticky aim issue. Still was good for disorienting people, even if they new about the nameplate and sticky aim trick they'd have to sweep over you by chance.
Radar jammer was great for blowing your stealth and just running at people. Paired with a close ranged weapon it was great. Failing that, you could have always just used it for an equipment jump like the flare.
No it isn't. Why should I have any emotion to those shitters dying when you barely get to know them? That wasn't the intention at all but its what happens when your campaign isn't well done. The levels themselves are mostly fine typical Halo campaign although a bit more boring in this one but the story was not good for sure. Space level was great though.
Oh, you're a casual player. Yeah man they should make it so you can use the pelican in multiplayer, that'd be freakin' sweet, Lois
The fact you don't even know about equipment jumping shows you're not a 'pro' player either.
Equipment isn't in MLG retard for that reason
>unironic MLG posts
How old are you? Was halo actually your first FPS?
That's HCS not MLG you fucking retard
Barely nothing
Artstyle is basically the only thing they got right
Everything else varies from mediocre to shit
Sure thing xXx_MLG_Sh4d0wF4nG27_xXx. I understand why you'd play that shitty game mode, the motion sensor is too complex for you to understand. Why should you stop moving at full speed, right?
Yeah Halo is a game where every should be corner camping like it's PUBG
Hey mate I've got some of your hardcore MLG console gameplay right here
The apex of the average Yea Forums user on display right now.
Talking about Halo 3. Thinks of the word competitive. Shits his diaper and starts bringing up things that aren't the topic of discussion.
If you don't like Halo. Fuck off lol
>can't understand why a temporary barrier would ever be useful
Webm related, some of the stuff you missed out on while competing in milk gurgling contests to train for the semen you'll drown in one day
The chopper could have just killed him by shooting him.
BTB just seems more fun because you're beating literal children.
The only hype moments come from matches where all players are good.
I don't give a shit if I go 30 and 5 on BTB.
It literally means nothing to me.
And if you're trying to imply you're older than me... that's a fat yikes. Imagine being 25+ and posting the most reddit Halo 3 clip of all time.
>tfw you'll be able to fly a pelican in multiplayer when halo mcc is out on the pc
i modded flyable pelicans into halo ce multiplayer maps, was very easy.
Nothing until it comes out on PC.
holy fuck this list is bad.
FUCK bros what can I play while I wait for this to release on pc. I know for a fact Ill put well over 1,000 hours into reach and Halo 3 but Im so fucking bored of waiting. What the FUCK theres no good games out right now
>Even the choice of graphics make the game look more dated than Halo 3
Dude, Halo 3 looks like fucking plastic. And those faces? Lord Hood looks like melted wax.
Glad I played real FPS games before getting into halo, never fell into the console MLG trap. Scary to think I might have missed out on the fun of custom maps and just generally fucking around.
Last thing I'd wanna be is an uptight cunt who plays ranked competitive in Halo of all things, that's a real sorry state
It really sounds like you don't know how to have fun. Should try breaking free from the competitive gaming mindset. It's poison, specially on consoles where it's pathetic
Fuck off esports fag
lmao bro. you act like you can't play custom games if you play MLG.
Hell, MLG is just a custom game at the end of the day.
Maybe you'll get over your Ranked anxiety one day
Same. Reach is my least favorite bungie
Halo title, but I'll still be joining you guys. I just want to relive some of those good old Xbox Live days.
Don't get it wrong, I played swat and the other tryhard modes every now and then. I just didn't obsess over it like you did. Variety's the spice of life and all.
But you really fuckin missed out if MLG was all you played. Esports bullshit will always be around, no need to dump all your time in it
This desu.
I was a custom game junkie back in the day but when it comes to pc Ill be a ranked player because m&k is way more suited for it.
how about try again. SWAT is a casual mode lmao.
SWAT isn't MLG.
Again, I didn't OnLy play MLG. How else would I know I don't like playing Grifball that much? Because I played it lol.
I spent most of my time forging maps really. MLG maps : )
Wow you spent your free time making maps for the most boring side of Halo.
Want a medal for that?
How did you do it? That sounds boring as hell. Surely there were many people calling you a casual for taking halo and MLG seriously. It was almost as bad as taking CoD MLG seriously
i have my own medal
i don't really care what the general opinion of something is. I think MLG settings make the game in general feel better. No radar makes the game feel better.
The people I met who were making MLG styled maps made me think about the game in ways I hadn't when I was just dinking around by myself in Forge.
MLG Onslaught is probably still one of my favorite maps to this day. Flag juggling on that map is just so cool.
Seems your idea of what makes the game better is to strip it of mechanics until it becomes another generic tacticool shooter. I feel the motion sensor makes halo a much better game, it makes stealth more of a surprise and enables more mindgames, and most importantly keeps it from being counter strike.
MLG players I met were 99% autofelating children who couldn't play for their lives. The amount of actually decent ones I encountered could probably have been counted on one hand. They all had no grasp of game mechanics beyond peeking and running away when their shields dropped.
I'm sure if I played MLG all day every day I would have met a few who were decent, but the ones clamoring about MLG were usually even worse than the average player.
>tfw explosive jumping out of these maps and having an entire server screech over proximity voice trying to find you
>defending radar
Just play HvH on CSGO. That's exactly what it plays like.
>MLG players thought too highly of themselves
>They were all shit and I was better than them
Is this post supposed to be ironic?
>run away when they're shields dropped
This more in non-MLG because the recharge time is shorter meaning you can get away easier.
>posting fat kid
everyone who played Halo 3 has played so much of these gay custom games they could puke.
>bait posting
>Just play HvH on CSGO. That's exactly what it plays like.
No, it doesn't. It's a motion sensor, not a radar or an omniscient map. You can crouch walk, or just walk slowly, to avoid detection.
>Is this post supposed to be ironic?
It's what the state of competitive FPS gaming is on consoles. It's even worse than in other mediums, something about consoles just attracts the most wannabes, and people on the wrong curve of dunning kruger. Because they're literally children.
Just dumping what webms others have posted. Fat kid was overplayed, that's why I would jump out of the map. I crashed so many lobbies with that, fuck fat kid. It stifled variety. Hearing them screech over proximity while searching for me was the shit, if there's anything you truly missed out on it was proximity voice trolling.
>he thinks radar is what stops Halo from being CS
What the fuck?
Strip away vehicles, make the BR the main weapon, and remove most of what makes halo unique and that's pretty much what you're left with. CS but with higher jumps and slower action.
Making your own Spartaman through armor customizatioin.
Kat's butt.
>arena shooter
>crouch walk or walk like it's CSGO
bruh sound effect #2
>people on the wrong curve of dunning kruger
You cannot be a real person. You're trolling me right now.
>I crashed so many lobbies with that
Just leave if you don't want to play. You sound like you're just a really shitty person.
Honestly bro, you just seem like a really maladjusted person.
>equipment that was only in Halo 3 makes Halo unique
>Armor Abilities that were only in Halo Reach make Halo unique
>Sprint that is in half the games makes Halo unique
Does the golfclub weapon make Halo unique? I guess that should be in multiplayer then. Wait, it's just a reskinned gravity hammer...
Scorpion makes Halo unique, I guess it should be on every map now.
Yeah, Guardian isn't a real Halo map because it doesn't have every weapon in Halo on it. And you know what, it really needs a wraith and hornet to make sure Halo is unique.
You forgot one
Why even port Reach? We could be playing Halo CE or 2 right now if not for them struggling with Reach. I like the game but not enough for these delays.
You only need to do it if you care about being sneaky and if you're right next to them.
MLG brainlets, why are you so incapable of thinking things through? No wonder you hate equipment, vehicles, and motion sensors so much. You have no idea how to play around them.
>Scorpion makes Halo unique, I guess it should be on every map now
What is going through your head?
>playing the actual game is boring
These are the kinds of people who ruined Halo the most.
>my friend died before he could see halo fall into garbage from reach on.
>literally remeber him say he was boycotting reach after being a huge halo fan
Rip Mikey
"Playing around" radar just involves crouching around everywhere. The same exact shit happened in Halo 5 when radar was on for HCS.
343 wants to pretend people love nu-halo cancer. If it sells well and doesn't include reach, it stands as proof to how shitty they've made Halo. If it includes reach, they can weasel their way by pretending that cancer is loved by all.
just play halo ce or 2 then, the games exist, retard.
Reach is being added to the Xbox as well, it's 2 birds with 1 stone.
How do you solve the pre-nade conundrum that radar causes?
>What is going through your head?
What is going through YOUR head? No wonder you acted like a faggot on mic and "trolled lobbies," you have no fucking friends. You are such an insufferable person and you invoke dunning kruger.
I'm waiting for Ashton Kutcher to walk in behind me with a camera at this point.
You said stripping away vehicles ruins Halo. There are so many Halo maps that don't have vehicles.
Sanctuary, Warlock, The Pit, Guardian, Lockout, Epitaph, Cold Storage, Hang 'em High, Swordbase, Boardwalk, Countdown, Construct, Midship, etc.
Fewer maps have vehicles in Halo if you really think about it.
stop being retarded.
There's a reason motion sensor range can be changed in settings.
You could also stop playing exclusively on tiny maps. Those offer no tactical or strategical room at all and is just a game of run in circles and shoot whoever you see. If the map isn't larger than 2 regular motion sensor ranges, it's shit meant for CoD kids.
Wizard from Halo 2 is one of the best maps in Halo. Cope harder aimlet and grenadelet
The addition of Forge+Theater is too huge, it pushes H3 over the edge. Player-made and curated content always adds value, even the retards making big tittied anime girls out of spawn points.
Reach kinda fucked it up after though.
Didn't play the remasters, I presume they're garbage?
Share with me your everlasting wisdom. How do you "counter" radar?
>There's a reason motion sensor range can be changed in settings.
If you're going to have it so small, just turn it off entirely and make a player rely on their ears. Then you're not punished for just walking at a normal pace.
>You could also stop playing exclusively on tiny maps.
I know Bungie was retarded enough to put Valhalla in ranked Slayer, but typically people want to play smaller maps when it's 4v4.
>How do you solve the pre-nade conundrum that radar causes
Bait them out, stealth it, stay outside of obvious nade trajectories, jump to minimize damage, throw your own nades. How can you not think of this?
>There are so many Halo maps that don't have vehicles.
Variety is important, and what made Halo good.
>Variety is important
Then why are you so against other settings that change things up and don't bleed into other playlists?
where my GUNGNIR Gang at?
It's fine to enjoy cod maps.
>If you're going to have it so small, just turn it off entirely
Even when it's incredibly short it still has meaning.
>make a player rely on their ears. Then you're not punished for just walking at a normal pace.
If players can hear it so easily, why not include a motion sensor?
>but typically people want to play smaller maps when it's 4v4.
When I said tiny, I meant wizard tiny. There are plenty of small maps that aren't perfect for ADHD children.
what do you mean with "counter?" radar has lots of uses, depending on the games even. have you never seen or done a flip around where you notice someone sneaking behind your back, to accidently blip on your radar, and then lure them into an assassination, but at the last second jump back behind them? or confusing people by throwing a grenade next to a warthog for it to show up on the other team's radar? or even just radar jammers or similar tools. you'd have to be retarded to think that the motion trackers in halo don't add depth, with the later ones even including relative vertical positioning. you're not meant to constantly crouch around, that makes you immobile and an easy target.
Literally what is to stop my opponent from doing the exact same thing. Which is my point.
If you are walking from blue glass on Guardian to blue ramp and someone is coming up ramp you both pre-nade the other person because you can see each on radar.
He's not going to push your nades and you're not going to push his nades. So 4 grenades just explode on carbine.
If you're damaged you can't push, if he's damaged he can't push.
The only hope for this game is if teammates get involved.
This happens all the time with radar on.
I never said I wanted MLG removed. I've only said it was retarded for anyone to play halo exclusively for the MLG
Without radar on you'd actually have to turn around and understand the Halo spawn system.
The only time people would spawn behind you is dependent on where they died. That's the mechanic that people who don't use radar use to predict enemy position.
>get grunt blood on your camera
>MJOLNIR mini-wiper actives
>Literally what is to stop my opponent from doing the exact same thing
Positioning. Some angles and areas are better to hold than others. Something like jumping on a wall light can usually render you immune to grenades.
>you both pre-nade the other person because you can see each on radar
This is what I meant by bait out the nades. Use the radar to your advantage. Make them think you're running in and laugh as the MLG brainlet wastes their resources.
>If you're damaged you can't push
Depending on the angle, you can push while taking damage and take them out because they're still in the nade throwing animation. It's short but if you land a headshot it's enough to win.
>The only hope for this game is if teammates get involved
Not the only hope, but it makes the game more team oriented and tactical.
>This happens all the time with radar on.
I don't doubt it. Most halo kids are too young to understand these things.
So what's Reach's unlock system now? They talked about seasons and tokens, but it felt like they didn't properly explain what the fuck they were talking about. That or I'm retarded.
>It's fine to enjoy cod maps.
Call of Duty maps are generally larger than any of Halo's 4v4 maps.
>Even when it's incredibly short it still has meaning.
The smaller the radius, the less use it has to the player.
>If players can hear it so easily, why not include a motion sensor?
Sound doesn't give an exact location like radar does.
>When I said tiny, I meant wizard tiny.
Wizard isn't played, and Warlock is a comfortable enough size for 4v4. Warlock & Midship weren't the only maps played, and there were other larger ones just in that game.
Fuck these people for being to retarded to port a 10 year old fucking game to pc.
Anyone have a link to the insider beta download? I'm retarded and can't find it anywhere and I don't care if M$ tries to ban me
>holding angles in Halo
>Make them think you're running in and laugh as the MLG brainlet wastes their resources
Except he's not wasting his resources. If he nades I can't swing on him, meaning he can push and then bounce another grenade to push me out further.
>It's short but if you land a headshot it's enough to win.
You don't even know the TTK for Halo. Shut the fuck up retard.
never mentioned spawning.
>you should understand a partial rng system that spawns players depending on where the enemies are, teamates are and conflicts are currently happening
literally has nothing to do with this.
>>you should understand a partial rng system that spawns players depending on where the enemies are, teamates are and conflicts are currently happening
Yes, you actually should.
Yes you should because that's the game
>Call of Duty maps are generally larger than any of Halo's 4v4 maps.
But CoD has sprint, making the maps play as if they were smaller. They're still generally larger even with that considered, but the way spawning works kinda plays against that.
>The smaller the radius, the less use it has to the player
Still has a use. I agree that a large radius is cancer, I prefer them just barely outside of energy sword lunge range on most maps, and only larger on huge maps like sandtrap or valhalla.
>Sound doesn't give an exact location like radar does
And radar gives no location if they move slowly or stay out of range.
Because it's /k/ approved basically the Generation Kill of Videogames
they'll add armor pieces (not necessarily just reach pieces) every new season to the game, with credits you'll be able to buy them and use them, no actual money involved, past season's pieces can still be bought.
it's literally just an excuse for them to release the game sooner without all of the other content in there and having a reason to get back to the game every few days.
>holding angles in Halo
Do you run out in the open with no cover in sight? Whoever has the better position in halo usually wins. They control who can push and who can retreat. They control the nades.
>If he nades I can't swing on him
If he nades too many times he can't nade anymore. Resource management, bruhhhhhhhh
>You don't even know the TTK for Halo
>nade barely grazes my ass, taking 2% of my shields away
>I land a headshot on him first because he's still in animation
I've won this engagement.
>But CoD has sprint, making the maps play as if they were smaller.
Sprint in that game isn't very fast, and was limited last I played. Maps were made larger because everyone spawns with a hitscan rifle that kills in 1/10 of a second.
>Still has a use.
A cancerous use.
>And radar gives no location if they move slowly or stay out of range.
Which leads to stagnant gameplay where people either don't move, or crouch walk everywhere to avoid being seen. Clearly you've never been in a sweaty 49-49 Slayer match.
>doesn't understand that i explained the thing they told me i should know, which i do know
>still isn't relevant to the motion tracker
>don't have any other points
ok, faggots.
Definitely not Elites team deathmatch.
>>still isn't relevant to the motion tracker
Both of them let you know where an enemy is. One is figured out, while the other is a literal red dot on your screen.
>don't have any other points
If you're complaining about having to learn how a spawn system works, you're not worth the effort of making any other points.
For me it's EOD
i'm not complaining you have to learn how the spawn system works.
>2% of my shield
Yeah, in this scenario everyone just throws shit wild and everyone is barely accurate, except for you of course. You're the best!
How old are you?
That's the balanced motion tracker. That's the point I was making. Looking where your teammates are, which are in combat, where your teammates are respawning, that's where the enemy won't be spawning.
Then you logically look to the remainder for enemies. In TS that is. In CTF it's usually just the other side of the map.
>where people either don't move
Waiting in ambush is perfectly valid if you're fine with not controlling the map. The game has 1hk backstabs for a reason
>crouch walk everywhere to avoid being seen
Only when near an enemy and if you don't value speed and favor stealth. If in a team game, there are plenty of mind games you can pull with this.
Try hiding in a corner on MLG Onslaught on 5Flag
>Yeah, in this scenario everyone just throws shit wild and everyone is barely accurate
It depends on the area. There are some areas where you just can't throw a good nade, the geometry leaves too many openings and the enemy can jump through quickly. Like grav lifts.
There's no reason to because there's no radar.
halo 3 GOOD
halo reach BAD
Um user it's a UH-144 Falcon
That sound fucking stupid. Is it really that much effort to add all the armour at once? I can't imagine it delays the game that much.
>you can't hide without radar
actually it makes it even easier to hide. You can hide while standing!
>Waiting in ambush is perfectly valid if you're fine with not controlling the map.
If you're already in the lead or in control of the power items, then there's no reason for you to move and become detected.
>Only when near an enemy
Or all the time because you don't know where the enemies are either if they're crouch walking around.
>There are some areas where you just can't throw a good nade
I gave you the area. Carbine on blue on Guardian.
It's more difficult to hide because you're not constantly piped information while standing still like you are when radar is on.
Rip to that guy, I heard he died of cancer
What is sound?
>then there's no reason for you to move and become detected
That's how it is even without radar.
>Or all the time because you don't know where the enemies are either if they're crouch walking around
You wouldn't start crouching walking immediately when the game starts, would you?
I'm only for halo for the campaign and coop multiplayer.
I give 0 shits about online.
How is reach?
The point he's making is that when one team has point advantage and map advantage they can just crouch and the point disadvantaged team has to push into a player that is invisible on radar and can see them pushing on radar unless they also crouch which bleeds time which still favors the team with the lead.
Not as precise as an obvious marker on your screen that grants perfect information.
>That's how it is even without radar.
Less so, because you're also not being given free red dots for standing still without radar. There's more incentive to actually move without it.
>You wouldn't start crouching walking immediately when the game starts, would you?
So I walk normally for the first 30 seconds of a game, and then what?
There's a reason CE turned off radar in the only mode with a set starting weapon.
Yeah, I'm in favor of using sound over radar.
Then nade the obvious camping spots or use pincer tactics if there's a spot that can't be hit.
>but they have every weapon and they're camping in a single room!
You deserve to lose lol
It's an information advantage. Of course in a hypothetical you would just say what would work, but the difference between a hypothetical and a real situation is that off angles exist. If you know it's a common spot then your opponent probably knows it is as well.
The team that stops being stealthy is the team that stands to gets the weapons first.
>If you know it's a common spot then your opponent probably knows it is as well.
Grenades are AoE. Unless they're holding it with a rocket launcher we stand a chance, and all you need is to take some of the weapons to fix the power disparity. If they hold a single room, they're probably dead to nade spam alone. If they camp spread out, then eventually you'll pick one off with numbers.
it's like you're not reading my posts. of course whatever you say will work in your hypothetical because you thought of a situation that backups up your thinking.
if you're still defending the Halo radar in 2019 you're beyond help.
Weapons take a long time to spawn, so you have one burst of movement every 2-3 minutes.
And you're acting as if your hypotheticals are flawless instead. Sorry, but this is like the whole CSGO awp cancerous debate that happened before. Theoretically, the team with 5 awps on defense should always win. Sadly that's not the case.
Your only argument against radar is that a team will always crouch and grab the power weapons first, then camp in a single room. The first part can't be done against a team that doesn't crouch, the second doesn't work because explosives exist, and most maps don't have rooms with only one entrance, meaning there are no perfect angles to hold.
Playing halo competitively has rotted your brain
That's all it takes to render the "entire team camps corners" argument null.
>That's all it takes to render the "entire team camps corners" argument null.
Not really. 2 minutes is a relative eternity.
>The first part can't be done against a team that doesn't crouch
Except it can. After getting an advantage, there is no incentive to risk losing it by pushing out. This is why deathmatch is consistently a shit mode and why objectives are always better.
>the second doesn't work because explosives exist
If you think all 4 players will be sitting in a single room, you have other problems to worry about.
>Theoretically, the team with 5 awps on defense should always win. Sadly that's not the case.
What are smokes and flashbangs?
What is site split?
You are so fucking retarded.
>Your only argument against radar is that a team will always crouch and grab the power weapons first, then camp in a single room.
Not in a single room. Camp in general. They will always get lead off information that I am coming because they have radar, so they can pre-nade me or just power weapon me.
>meaning there are no perfect angles to hold
you can see which way you have to look by looking at radar. THIS IS THE POINT EVERYONE HAS BEEN MAKING THIS ENTIRE "DEBATE"
>Halo should be 8 players sitting in corners waiting for rockets to respawn
You must love Fortnite
Campaign is poop. Co-op for firefight is too easy compared to ODST. Overall it’s ok, far better then 4/5 and 2 on legendary
I think they nerfed the ass in pc.
Maybe it's just her standing up who knows
Campaign aesthetic was perfect
Perfectly captured the feeling of by the last bungi Halo in that the story gets more depressing with each moment
Every Kat photo is her crossing or dead where’s ragdolled into a hunched over position. It depends on angle user, crouch next to her or have her crouch and try it again.
>After getting an advantage
You can't get that without reaching the critical points of the map first.
>there is no incentive to risk losing it by pushing out
There is if you're being flushed out with explosives.
>This is why deathmatch is consistently a shit mode and why objectives are always better
Yeah, I really don't get why this MLG fanatic is deciding to argue over TDM when objectives are much more legitimate and make this entire argument pointless since both teams have risks.
You're gonna need multiple
not from that distance, bud
>What is site split
Awps pick you off unless you 5 man rush it or send in a suicide man so your own awp can kill them. Repeat until a site is taken.
>Camp in general. They will always get lead off information that I am coming because they have radar
So then scout the spots you can safely scout and coordinate to take down the dangerous spots. It's easy and what I did with my buds all the time.
>you can see which way you have to look by looking at radar
Which is why it works. You took the bait and now you're looking the wrong way, my bud who was on the other side gets the jump on you.
>Halo should be 8 players sitting in corners waiting for rockets to respawn
Halo should be about an objective, not kill count. Otherwise the winning team will always have no incentive to push out.
Prophets are the jews of space, Brutes the niggers. Debate me.
Kigyar (Jackels) are both rolled into one
Your friend was a faggot anyway
Why would a team with an advantage choose to surrender map control? So they can wait in a camping spot and get 0 kills (enemy has no inentive to push them) until new power weapons spawn, at which point they're fucked?
Try reading my post before responding.
>halo 5 is higher than shit tier
my nigga are you brain dead retarded?
It's Kig-Yar you fucking lightweight. But yeah, they're definitely niggerjews.
>I really don't get why this MLG fanatic is deciding to argue over TDM when objectives are much more legitimate and make this entire argument pointless since both teams have risks
You can defend the Flag in CTF by crouching and staring at radar
It doesn't just happen in TDM even though it happens there the most.
We get it. You don't play Halo.
what map and what angle? Outside Nuke?
>not from that distance, bud
What map?
>Awps pick you off unless you 5 man rush it or send in a suicide man so your own awp can kill them. Repeat until a site is taken.
What map?
>t's easy and what I did with my buds all the time.
You don't have friends. The same friends whom lobbies you ruined because you didn't like the game?
>Which is why it works. You took the bait and now you're looking the wrong way, my bud who was on the other side gets the jump on you.
And my buddy was hiding behind your buddy. Nothin' personnel kid.
>Halo should be about an objective, not kill count. Otherwise the winning team will always have no incentive to push out.
It's almost like MLG Ball, MLG King, and MLG CTF exist.
And in Reach you had MLG Neutral Bomb
Shut.The.Fuck. Up. Retard.
How old are you?
I'm 22.
>You can defend the Flag in CTF by crouching and staring at radar
That's predictable as shit, is this really the best you MLG kids can come up with? No fucking wonder you hate motion sensors, even casuals read you like a twittercap.
good list. i'd say 2 is my favorite because of the campaign level variety alone, but i haven't seen many people favoring 2
Good on him. It’s amazing how people lambast 343 yet reach started everything wrong.
What maps ran Bomb? Was it just Sanctuary?
I did, but fine, you wanna play stupid?
>Weapons take a long time to spawn, so you have one burst of movement every 2-3 minutes
Why would the team with power weps not be pushing forward to turn their advantage into kills/objectives? Why would they sit back and wait for a "burst of movement" next spawn? That's what the weaker team wants, but the team in control is incentivised to do the exact opposite.
>That's predictable as shit
You're going for rockets? That's so predictable. Oh, you're shooting me? That's so predictable.
You're on the map somewhere? That's so predictable.
>Why would the team with power weps not be pushing forward to turn their advantage into kills/objectives?
Because they already have the lead. Why risk losing your advantage when it's so safe to wait it out?
Which is why MLG Pit CTF has no flag return.
The map has essentially 2 chokes and a complex.
If one team gets a cap they can lockdown camo and rockets and only have to worry about sword and highway really.
Why are spartan 3s so fucking tubby looking
Because you can't wait it out, power weapons respawn. If you give up map control, in a minute or two you'll be fighting anyway, but you'll have lost your edge. The meta is to push home your advantage by fighting to maintain map control.
Which is why I don't like Pit.
Thing about those first two is that it's how you win. Camping the flag room like an MLG kid staring at your radar is a good way to get naded and then one tapped. Hell, maybe they'll double nade you just for the disrespect kill.
I think it works pretty good on Team Slayer.
Probably a bad oddball map.
King of the Hill might be okay on it
Radar isn't in MLG lmaooooooooooo
-Removed because it was too complicated for newer players
you think radar is hard to use?
If it wasn't, MLGcucks wouldn't screech so hard whenever they need to play with it on.
This thread is proof of that.
Apparently it is, seeing how MLG pros always fall for radar bait and get caught off guard when someone crouch walks or just stands still.
Which one of you retards tried to bring up CSGO and didn't even provide a map? Lmao @ you psueds
There's been plenty of rational argument against radar. The crux of the issue is information advantage without cost.
Why should I be able to see an enemy through a wall?
You can't see people who are crouching. It adds depth. Your ADHD-riddled brain apparently can't handle that.
This radar autism reminds me of CSGO's decoys. Why are they so shit bros? Valve could have at least tried to make them sound real, as they are they're just a 50$ flashbang that doesn't flash or bang.
They're even worse now since they made it so you can only buy one per round. You used to be able to buy two. That was the only time they were even half believable, because you could throw two in the same area. When is decoy going to be made great?
But they can see me. Why they should they be able to see me and I can't see them?
>The crux of the issue is information advantage without cost
If you rely on that information you expose yourself to sneak attacks.
Because you're too ADHD to do anything but hold forward.
I only used Armour lock and jetpack
From where?
That logically does not follow. What would an attribute of mine contribute to the reasoning for a game mechanic that affects everyone, not just myself?
>From where?
Exactly, retard. You're so reliant on the radar you can't even imagine that someone snuck around the map and is breathing down your neck.
If you could fit any other thought into your head that isn't "must hold forward at max speed", then radar wouldn't ever negatively affect you.
Same but sometimes I used the roll or hologram. You could roll off slopes for insane boosts, and it was always funny watching people shoot my hologram.
But if there are sneak attacks they must come from a place. If you know sneak attacks occur, where have you seen them come from?
This still does not logically follow. What do my attributes have to do with a game design choice that affects more than myself. How am I the reasoning for a decision that I was not part of?
>But if there are sneak attacks they must come from a place
Yeah, and it's from the place you're not looking at because you saw something on your radar, and your underaged mind is so fixated on that moving red dot that you allow xAssassinx to creep up and assassinate you.
But where is xAssassinx coming from that I do not see him?
If your buddy isn't crouch walking the entire time, he's just asking to get ninja'd. If he is just crouch walking the whole way, he'll never reach me.
Remove sprint.
>different map with a different scale
>not taking into account the weapons being used or sightlines
I don't even like sprint, but there has never been a good post associated with this webm.
He used his honed senses to gain an understanding of the flow of battle. He slipped between your front line, full speed, yet skillfully just outside of radar range. Once there, he crouch walked, timing his movements well, to get behind your objective and await his teammate's frontal distraction.
You only need to start crouch walking when in radar range. Unless the enemy is perfectly spread out on their side of the map, you can find an opening to their assholes and ready your hard-earned hayabusa katana to strike.
and he calls other people underage....
>You only need to start crouch walking when in radar range.
Radar range is pretty large, and it's unlikely you're going to hit crouch the exact moment you enter it.
Holy shit, radarfags are actually the squeakers from Halo 3
I was mocking you, but it seems that went over your head. You'll get a growth spurt soon, don't worry.
If that is the type of crowd modern Halo is attracting for any tournament no matter if it is MLG or not that isn't good at all. Once upon a time Halo was absolutely THE esport game in its prime. Nothing could really fuck with it not just within the genre but pretty much no game out there period.
The reason you even see that picture like that is entirely the fault of those who took over Halo.
Some kid called xAssassinx managed to sneak behind you, and you didn't expect some naruto fanfiction reply when you asked how he did it? You should get your radar checked out
>merely pretending
Yeah, Halo started MLG
Competitive Halo was wounded by Reach and killed by 4. 5 has been an uptick but no where near where it used to be. Halo 3 tournaments on MCC are drawing more a crowd at Dreamhack these days.
This is how you can tell Halo fans are young, they have never experienced a fad go out of style before.
Do you honestly think Halo would have plateaued at Halo 3 numbers if Bungie kept the series?
You mean wrong OP and a lot went wrong with Reach, OP.
>Radar range is pretty large
Only on social. Ranked modes have shorter ranges, it's been like this since halo 2.
>different map with a different scale
If Halo 5 had the same map scale as Halo 3, then sprint would be broken as fuck. Sprint is an illusion, fucking brainlet. The're not necessity for sprint in Halo.
>not taking into account the weapons being used or sightlines
Good or bad? What the fuck are you talking about?
Then what's the range in m?
>Sprint is an illusion
What does this even mean? You're just quoting some eceleb.
>Good or bad?
Halo 5's starting weapon can shoot accurately past 10 meters, making maps play a lot smaller than they physically are because you can actually fight people. This is why Hang Em High or Damnation work in CE, you have a gun you can properly defend yourself with.
Mexicans should learn how to shut the hell up.
>Then what's the range in m?
What are you trying to ask? Do you mean MLG?
MLG has 0 radar range because children have a hard time paying attention to two things at once.
I can't check for myself since I'm not going to pay for Xbox Live anymore, but looking at some videos says otherwise. It's 25m in both ranked & social slayer for Halo 3. The original games, not even MCC.
25m is default motion sensor setting.
What is the ranked setting then mr expert?
I hate Reach but that doesn't mean I don't like you either.
>muhh i don't sprint, but i love it in secret with halo 5
Holy fucking shit, the 34shills are stupid.
that's default settings. So it's not smaller in ranked? That's a lie? cool
casual confirmed. Team Slayer is just ranked for social players.
Yeah, I don't know where that user got the idea from. Maybe it was like that in 5 before they made it sound-based instead.
While that's true, ODST sits right next to it as being the worst, don't see what anyone sees in that game.
>casual confirmed
If we're going to go down that route, the only rank that matters doesn't have radar at all.
The Halo 3 MLG playlist was the best thing about the game for me. At that time the esports scene was doing quite well and it allowed me to play with people I've seen playing for money in tournaments. That then transitioned into me playing custom games with some of them. I still remember the first times I ran into T2, ghostayame, karma, hysteria etc in pug games. I got to play customs with Fearitself and flameswordSQ, Roy, etc, it was great times.
Fuck I want to go back.
No, any rank with no radar is for casuals.
Lmao wtf, what happened after reach being a huge hit on mlg, i remember that halo 4 had zero competitive scene
Is that why you got mollywopped in it?
The small amount of turds on Reddit REEE'd about it and now they're posting on here to promote it. In truth, most just wanted Halo CE-3.
>$10 on steam
i'm hoping PC competitive scene is healthy
People realized Halo wasn't actually a good competitive game, and that they only hyped up the esports scene because Halo was the biggest game at the time.
I never played it, why would I play a ranked gamemode for casuals?
No, REACH wasn't a good competitive game.
Halo 3 is still played competitively today. Cope harder basedboi
>doesn't play something
>feels entitled to an opinion on it
Back to waypoint, faggot.
Yeah so is Modern Warfare, and both are casual games that have less than 100 people playing competitively.
Reach only had a single good event, and it came way too late to make a difference.
>What does this even mean? You're just quoting some eceleb.
Wouldn't be surprised if he is one, they're all faggots and tend to be Esports niggers.
Link me to the last tournament
You can tell just from the name "hardcore mode" that it was a joke. Did you actually feel hardcore playing that casual shit? Or did you only feel hardcore when it turned into MLG? Play a real ranked game, kid.
>plays halo
>isn't even good at it
>feels superior to other people
It's all on MLG's website, they're still holding prize pools of several thousands at least once a month and halo 3 has... Some parents driving their kids to a shed with balloons out front, lol
>plays halo
that's where you're mistaken, millenial. As if I would ever play that baby game on the official Micro$oft console
>too scared to even play halo
>talks shit
Halo 3 pretty much originated esports. The MLG scene kickstarted esports as a whole, without Halo leading the charge no competitive game would be given any thought.
Except for Starcraft already being a thing.
Nobody cared about starcraft. Blizzard saw how popular Halo 3's MLG scene was and dumped a bit of money in Brood War's scene. All this created was a cult korean following, and some weeaboos jumping on the bandwagon.
The faces look like shit, but everything else holds up very well, especially the armour.
Sprint sucks. Fuck reach for making it the norm
Fuck Reach in general.
Not for the reasons you're thinking. The true reason is that if Reach were a good game, people would have realized Halo was just a fad and let it die. Since Reach was shit, people are convinced Halo was holy and that 343 killed halo.
I can't wait for MCC to come out on PC and for the PC]fats to burn out on it within a week, realizing how shit the game always has been.
>"competitive" halo
The true cancer that killed halo
T. Kid who only ever got participation trophies
But both Halo Reach and Halo 4 did everything they could to stifle the competitive community.
To be fair, competitive is the cancer that's killed a lot of games.
>compfags nearly killed TF2 with their shitty balance wishes
>Overwatch might have been a long-living casual game but Esports was the main focus
Fighting games are the only ones that benefit from compfaggotry
Real talk. When are they going to upgrade MCC with reach?
Reach was never shit, 3 was just better. I respect that they at least TRIED to change shit up in the CoD/Halo era
fighting games dont even benefit from that sometimes.
If you make it too competitive you wont even have enough competitors for long enough time
When the PC version releases.
Halo never needed to be a fad retard and it isn't a fad anyways dumb fuck. Counterstrike is stronger than it has ever been with GO and that has been around about as long as Halo has. WOW has maintained popularity for years even if its been on the decline for many years. Pokemon games still sell like hotcakes to this day and they have been of absolute shit quality for many years.
Halo declined because 343 and Microsoft haven't treated Halo well and unlike Pokemon the Halo fanbase isn't as autistic so Halo fans dropped the new shit. Halo should easily be having super popular esports tournaments but they won't as long as 343 runs shit.
after pc probably
>even if its been on the decline
>there's several million Halo fans laying dormant waiting for the time to rise up again
If Microsoft had any sense they would just re release 1 and 2 with some light updates that way we could choose between those two to play online and the fan base wouldn't be split up.
I'm honestly surprised microsoft isn't cashing in on the re-release train like everyone else is. You'd think the industry would have learned from Todd by now.
>and it isn't a fad
Not anymore. This is exactly what the other user was talking about; Reach ruined this series because it tricked children into thinking Halo didn't die on its own, even though it was on its way out by the end of Halo 3 anyway.
>Counterstrike is stronger than it has ever been with GO
After they added skins, gambling, and made it free to play. GO was deader than Source before the microtransactions were added.
gonna do halo 2 on legendary, wish me luck
>Fuck Reach in general.
its piss easy
This FOV test is dumb because it isn't really the FOV that is giving the speed problem. Its more just the default movement speed and that is it. Play old school shooters such as Doom and when you have sprint toggled off Doom Guy goes slow in the game. On and he is speeding around like he's a sports car. 120 FOV just looks retarded and makes what is supposed to be a small room very long. 70 FOV could work better with some faster base movement speed or the ability to toggle sprint. Not sprint as it currently works in FPS I mean toggle sprint like what old shooters used to have.
I think ideally 90-100 FOV with faster movement than what we see here for Halo would be pretty perfect.
yeah and?
>Those flaws were perpetuated and intensified by 343i, essentially killing Halo.
This. Halo games typically pioneered new features and gameplay mechanics (dual-wielding in 2, equipment in 3, etc), but never at the expense of the Halo formula. In cases where they DO affect the formula, they correct themselves in later installments (for example, dual-wielding kept players from using grenades or melee, so they brought back the AR in 3 and scrapped dual-wielding entirely in Reach).
Instead of correcting Reach's flaws, Halo 4 expanded upon them while adding even more new features from a certain other popular FPS game, without thinking about how they'd affect the core Halo formula. It's amazing how little 343 understands about their own game that they inherited.
>but never at the expense of the Halo formula
Dual wielding removed your ability to melee or throw grenades, and equipment was just a third grenade type.
more like it's been updated for years.
Look at Overpass from 2015. Look at Inferno's changes. Look at the updates Vertigo's been getting.
Ignorant boomer stfu
Heard you guys talking shit like I wouldn't find out and then sabotage the PC release to make my games look better.
We own halo now. Deal with it
>The only thing that went right was the art direction
I don't even think that went right, I didn't see anything wrong with the art direction that Halo CE, 2, and 3 gave us. Reach was when they started trying to make everything practical.
>more like it's been updated for years.
Because it became popular, which was a result of them adding microtransactions. Were you even alive in 2012?
I would love for the PC release of Reach to be sabotaged, they should have just released CE, 2, and 3. How long does PC have to wait for Halo 3, damn?
It's already being sabotaged by not having forge at launch.
The absolute state of Power rangerlets.
When can we go back and retcon the spartan 4 program and back to realistic millitary aesthetic
And you should be grateful. Custom maps detract from Halo's vision and core theme, only we can be trusted to deliver the true Halo™ experience that won't break your immersion.
4 should be in shit tier, 5 should be low. Otherwise accurate list.
Like Cicadas, they emerge in different broods every few years
I liked dual wielding. They shouldn't have removed it. Its supposed to be a trade off but they butchered dual wielding so bad in 3 that it was never really useful.
woopty-fucking-doo, faggot
it's a 14.5x114mm anti-materiel rifle
it's literally the most accurate portrayal of the weapon to date in halo
>arguing realism in a video game that abstracts things for the sake of balance and fun
>He's this much of brain he doesn't realise that Halo is extremely realistic, especially Reach
>RNG spread
Why does Yea Forums complain about this? The entire point of recoil is to make you control your fire, you can't expect to snipe someone with an SMG
>he wasn't equipped by the lowest bidder
>Halo is extremely realistic
>Cortana turns the physical Index digital
>Nobody is crushed by the gravity of Threshold at the Gas Mines
>High Charity slipspace jumps to the Ark without using the Ark portal
>Master Chief falls from space on a daily basis
>space donuts kill all life in the galaxy
>Halo is realistic
>especially Reach
This is why Reach is not canon.
Oh ok so you are genuinely retarded
I'm sorry for your loss user
bad post
>muh fast
>le.Reach fans
>t. halo fans
armor lock was the most fun ability in the entire franchise, only scrubs will disagree
>everything needs 10 sequels because I can't connect to a character that I haven't seen for more than a decade!!!! ;_; i miss u tony
I'm going to have to disagree with you about the graphics. I believe it was more of a stylistic choice, Reach isn't about the Chief, it's about the Spartans that sacrificed themselves on reach just to fucking give one last boost for Chief, the last hope for humanity. It's a sad game set on a planet, where as opposed to exploring giant rings that contained lush greens at times. Even if it wasn't a stylistic choice, it definitely wasn't a downgrade in detail, more like trying to be realistic, and compete with call of duty in that regard, because black ops was literally releasing the same year reach did (according to my memory)
Even just one sequel would have worked. Actually that is what Reach should have been. Split into two parts. If it meant sacrificing ODST for a better Reach series than that should have happened desu.
>le lorelet
>Cortana turns the physical Index digital
Cortana was most likely developed off of Forrunner technology. It's shown numerous times that AIs can interact with Forunner tech
>Master Chief falls from space on a daily basis
Mjolnir contains a liquid gel layer that is connected to a reservoir. In re-entry the Suit is capable of Flooding the undersuit with gel, locking the joints and protecting the spartan. This literally explained in the opening of halo 3.
I'm going to make a change to my statement. UNSC and anything to do with the Humans is realistic. Anything else is based of either sci-fi tropes or theoretical technology, such as the EM shielding that was reverse engineered from jackels shields. Halo rings are probably just massive Slipspace drives that kill everything surrounding it with the hawking radation slipspace drives make
I'm not necessarily against that idea, but I didn't have any trouble connecting to the characters in Reach or being satisfied by the game's story
God. I don't know, something about this game just reached to me (no pun intended) I loved it a lot. Maybe because the community it had that I got involved in was amazing. I always managed to squirm myself in those giant full lobbies of custom games, playing shit like infection, Indiana Jones, etc. I can't wait for the MCC release on PC, ElDewrito was amazing, so I can only imagine it'd be the same but hopefully better, I doubt optimization will be as good as ElDewrito, however.
user, there was that egg where you could pilot a pelican, remember? Everyone's dream came true that day
>t. Quakenigger
>still thinking Halo is realistic
Forerunners are literal space magic. Realfags get out
Read the whole fucking post
Emile is black, Jun is spanish
> Reach bad
> ODST good
t. retard that can't figure out the difference between sci-fi and fantasy
>Cortana turns the physical Index digital
No. If you actually played the game you'd realize that the index was inserted in the control panel, forunner technology already digitized it, cortana took a copy of it before deleting.
>Nobody is crushed by the gravity of Threshold at the Gas Mines
the station is way farther from the planet than you can realize by just playing the game since the sizes are inaccurate, according to you the halo ring in ce would only be five feet in the first level.
>High Charity slipspace jumps to the Ark without using the Ark portal
there were flood on earth. they can easily have found the location by slipping a single spore through the portal. anyway, this does not take away from any realism.
>Master Chief falls from space on a daily basis
do you mean orbital drops? because those are actually a real thing that can happen. if you mean the drop in halo 3 then he had to use a piece of forerunner ship to use as a shield and he locked up his armor. see halo reach, and read books. mjolnir is known to save some spartans from falling from orbit.
>space donuts kill all life in the galaxy
science fiction doesn't mean unrealistic space magic.
Halo is sci-fi/sci-fantasy
>No. If you actually played the game you'd realize that the index was inserted in the control panel, forunner technology already digitized it, cortana took a copy of it before deleting.
That's still space magic, even Bungie considered it so.
>the station is way farther from the planet than you can realize by just playing the game since the sizes are inaccurate, according to you the halo ring in ce would only be five feet in the first level.
Station gets cut by the Arbiter and falls towards the core, gravity is still normal.
>there were flood on earth. they can easily have found the location by slipping a single spore through the portal. anyway, this does not take away from any realism.
Nope, it was a jump from where High Charity was in Halo 2 to the Ark.
>do you mean orbital drops? because those are actually a real thing that can happen. if you mean the drop in halo 3 then he had to use a piece of forerunner ship to use as a shield and he locked up his armor. see halo reach, and read books. mjolnir is known to save some spartans from falling from orbit.
In Reach, they needed a reentry pack, in Halo 3 they didn't.
>science fiction doesn't mean unrealistic space magic.
So you admit, Halo is unrealistic.
fuck off zoomers, armor lock and bloom will never be right in a high ttk game like halo
if a single spore knows something, then the gravemind knows about it. they could have easily figured out the coordinates and jumped directly.
And that's supposed to be realistic?
Do you understand the difference between a reality based faction and faction that comes from the corrupted remains of the galaxies most powerful species
Halo isn't based on reality you fucking retard, it's based on the rule of cool.
Bloom could have been fine had it not thrown off your aim so badly and had the precision weapons (mainly the DMR) not been too good like they were. Bloom does help make automatics better though which I can support.
Feel free to get an actual arguement
It would have been fine if they kept the recoil from the beta, something that fucked up your aim at longer range but could still be controlled and wasn't random.
The aesthetic.
Bungie's Halo had all the UNSC tech and vehicles and weapons and armor looking like actual military hardware. Looked all boxy and shitty and worn like it'd been cycled through the shit a bunch of times. Reach wound up being the peak of this where they actually had the scraped and scuffed textures on armor and vehicles.
Also being able to see your custom armor in cutscenes was sick and my main replay value of the game honestly. I learned a shit tonne of speedrun strats just to check cutscenes faster.
A few really fucking annoying things were in this game that keep me from generally remembering it as fondly as 1, 2, 3.
1. That absolutely SHIT "credits" sytem that is only a way to make players grind the fuck through the game and wring people for more gameplay than the game itself is inherently worth. Unlocking armor through achievements and actions was perfect in Halo 3, but Reach turned it into an online grindfest where it'd be impossible for someone who purchased the game today to unlock it all, and even back in the day when there were daily and weekly challenges available it took hours of daily gameplay to get anywhere.
2. Invasion, an actually interesting new addition, being basically completely abandoned to one or two maps.
3. No dual wielding.
4. Noble Team's AI being so shitty that it's actually a relief when they die so they're not getting in the way.
Take your own advise, lorefag.
>3. No dual wielding.
This is a good thing, though. Dual wielding has never added anything of value to the series aside from making Halo 2's boxart look cool.
Fun is of value actually.
I didn't think it was very fun to make all of the two-handed weapons shit forever.
That just sounds like a you problem.
If you don't have shit aim, a projectile weapon + a plasma one will shred people damn fast in close-mid range.
It was the last halo game with an actual community. Try finding people in halo4/5 with mics
Or you can just use a BR and not be useless when your plasma pistol isn't charged up.
i like it, fuck you Yea Forums.
Cope and rentfree compfag
But I don't play Halo competitively, lorefag.
you can drop a player's shields with 3-4 non-charged plasma pistol shots while spraying your other weapon, then they're dead in a fraction of a second while you keep the trigger going or melee
It's all about aim.
Alternatively, I can do the same thing and switch to a BR for an instakill. Aim doesn't mean anything when you're just going to be spraying at center mass.
Of course you don't keep telling yourself that
I'm a campaignfag.
A retarded one at that
Probably useful in H2, but in 3 the weapon switch is going to lose you a good amount of time and you're going to lose the encounter.
A good one at that.
ok so you care more about muh gameplay """balance"""" then the lore
Plasma has travel time. If I'm close enough to where switching to the BR would get me killed, I can just hit the melee button and teleport 15 feet forward for the kill.
The art direction shifted and Halo 3 has better dynamic range and lighting than Reach
, but overall the polycount and level of detail is higher in Reach. I belive they also made improvements to the AI count and optimized a bunch of other things, which allowed stuff like Forge World to exist.
I quite like the designs of the Reach characters as well, they're just so much more detailed than H3's without being over-designed. (*cough*343*cough*)
You're assuming your non-BR weapon could drain your opponent's shields as fast or faster than his plasma-projectile combo. Good luck getting out-melee'd
The Plasma RIfle made melees lethal after only 3 shots.
I care more about the level design and campaign gameplay, I also like a simple story so more focus could be put on those things.
I do think Reach added too many polys to vehicles, weapons and character bodies. Excellent job with the faces, though. Halo 3 had awful face models.
A Halo 3 art style/mapping and lighting with Reach poly count and particle effects blend would look fucking amazing.
>Halo 3 Marines
The best lore in the games is handled like Halo CE and 3, Halo CE had the Covenant Battle Net, Halo 3 had the Terminals and crashed Pelicans and Phantoms that gave information of what was going on around you along with Truth's holograms. Halo 2 only did lore well on the Chief side of things, on the Arbiter side Bungie got carried away.
Arbiter side Halo 2 is cinematic kino.
Chief side is show-don't-tell ludo.
That's the problem, this is a video game, not a movie, this is why his levels sucked and why it ruined my interest in the Covenant, Bungie talks about mystery all the time but they couldn't even uphold by their own standards with Halo 2.
The campaign was kino until they felt the need to tie it to Halo 1 for some reason.
Reach was the first time I was severely disappointed from a game I was super hyped for.
I don't even know why they tried that, they even stated they were tired of Master Chief's story the main story so why even tie this game to it?
Too inspired by Alien and Aliens.
First movie/game sets the mystery, the awe for the unknown. As it ends, it's all too familiar. How do you keep engagement in the sequel? Increase exposure.
what disappointed you? because the beta was very clear on what it was.
>Increase exposure
They went a little too far with it.
objectively halo reach>halo 3
facts doesn’t care about your feelings, boomer.
halo 1 is the best halo
If you ask me, it was just right. They just needed to fucking plan the project better beforehand so time constraints wouldn't have them cut out half the damn game.
It was too much, about as bad as how much 343 exposed the Forerunners in Halo 4.
the flood was so based
Hard disagree, whereas 343 just went ancient evil space Sith with bionicle army, Halo 2 actually had a semblance of political ploys and dual, convergent perspectives. The aliens were humanized, sure, but that's to help you empathize. You are playing one of them after all. As far as I love Halo 3, it messed up simplifying the Covenant again into crazy religious zealotry.
This too. Gravemind was built up to be an actually smart, scheming otherworldly intelligence on par with the leaderships of both Humans and Covenant. In 3 it's just a hungry biomass again with very annoying interruptions and no visible appearances.
If you want more alien aliens, Reach is always available. They're dangerous again and don't speak English anymore.
Who gives a fuck, it spent most of the game ruining the Covenant with political and religious shit, then it went on to ruin the Flood with the Gravemind cutscene. Halo 4 should have kept the Didact's face covered, had him show up more, removed the Librarian cutscene entirely, and made the terminals work like Halo 3 with just text and nothing else. No one asked for Halo to be explained so much that shit should have stayed in the books. I don't know how you could defend Halo 2 yet shit on Halo 4 for doing the same exact shit, you hypocrite you see I gave criticism to both Halo 2 and Halo 4.
is this how golden experience requiem work?
>5 > reach
what in the fuck? who made this?
>5 above 4
Are you high?
/hg/ cucks
That's one of the few things he's right on though.
This, doesn't matter how good the multiplayer is, if the campaign sucks, fuck it.
>Exact same
I just explained how it isn't the same.
Also, I quite enjoyed 4's story for what it was, just not the overall premise and the fact that it requires side media to add context. 2 stands on its own.
Also, you seem to forget that you can skip cutscenes if the plot narrative bothers you so much in 2.
>No one asked for Halo to be explained so much that shit should have stayed in the books.
You weren't around for the bungie.net or HBO forums I take?
God, wish they didn’t even port reach. It’s the worst bungee Hal game and it’s causing everything else to be severely delayed. We would like,y have halo 2 anniversary soon if it weren’t for this shit game.
Halo 4 has a legitimately decent story if you’ve read the forerunner trilogy, which is sci fi War kino and just as good as the Nylund and Staten novels.
Halo 4 wasn’t good overall, but at least the campaign wasn’t insulting and ended on an interesting note.
5 is the one that really shit the bed lore wise and like said, fuck it if the campaign is bad.
That's true what I said but Reach campaign was really bad, and I mean bad, I don't think people remember it well, as shit as Halo 5's campaign was at least I had fun in some parts, there wasn't really one part in Reach I actually had fun in.
The space dogfight was cool, and falling from orbit and then walking to New Alexandria was a bit kino.
>You weren't around for the bungie.net or HBO forums I take?
Oh god, you're bringing back memories, I remember those places had people that were just as bad as what you see on Waypoint today, god damn them.
Halo 4 is shit because masterchief s story was done after 3. Also 4 was just shit in general
The space fight was kind of boring and disappointing, I was hoping for what I seen in Halo CE-3's cutscenes but just I got Firefight in space.
I like Chief’s 343 armor and the fact that they’re backpedaling I’m perfectly decent design in an attempt to appease all the other dumb shit is a shame
Space dogfight was shit. It was boring and a waste of resources for a boring set piece
Yes, his story was done in the games.
But as a book reader of The Fall of Reach and all the other excellent novels it was incredible seeing chief as who he really is in lore- but this time without a clear villain to beat and his best friend deteriorating in front of him.
Basically a walking tank with deeply buried feels. Watch the cutscene I posted with Lasky. I think the awfulness of Halo 5 might have poisoned his legitimately good development in 4 for many people.
Mexican detected.
Finally someone with some good fucking taste in this thread
I take offense at that. I'm a Mexican and I say 343's designs are puke-inducing.
Got any arguments to back up that claim?
halo general please go
You were just mad, if you didn't like playing Master Chief, why even play Halo, his story was never finished even Bungie said as much since from Marcus Lehto himself they would have made Halo 4 all about the Chief if Bungue were still making Halo, even Brian Jarrard stated the original plan was to make a Halo 4 starring Chief over Reach but changed their minds because they didn't want to start a new story they couldn't finish. People that say Chief story was done in Halo 3 are people that never really liked Halo from the start.
Hello, Eld
What, Reach has the best aesthetics and has good blacks. Only thing that fucked it up was the bloom. Reach is the most played Halo ever.
im glad halo reach is coming first. seethe more
its great. no halo 2 but still good.
Forge World
This guy gets it. Had a friend who played mlg all day, even went top 16 one time, and he still enjoyed customs and social playlists. That's how you enjoy Halo.
Reach, H3 and ODST are the top 3 Halos, prove me wrong.
Glad I never got into Xbox Live and only really played campaign and some splitscreen, I'm not one of those fags that bitch about not having the same gameplay all the time. Competitivefags ruin everything.
Is there a way to piss him off? He uses my shitposts for meme material.
Post Halo Infinite Chief, tell him that Blue Team will not be in Infinite or anymore mainline Halo games and tell him that book material never mattered to the games.
Reach was great, only reddit and Yea Forums says otherwise which tells you a lot.
No such thing as “good blacks”
I think he means the palette
Yeah, except for:
>Enemy variety
>Game mode variety
>Weapon variety (Dual-wielding sucked, get over it)
H3 did have a more active pro-scene and the campaign had a better story, I'll give you that.