Are they giving up?
Are they giving up?
Unironically best summer skin they’ve made yet.
I’m mad they never patched in a way for me to rank up and not have to play with idiots , but whatever I don’t hold grudges
They gave up already when they scrapped the new mmo and recycled the assetts into a shallow, skill-less hero shooter.
I hop Blizzard finally dies now that their games are dying, Classic will flop, and XIV is the new king.
this is worse than tf2 he looks retarded
Hopefully, can't wait for this garbage to die
Why do you care if it dies or not if you dont play it
To spite the people who do
>Overfags boasted about being a serious competitive game unlike TF2
>looks more clowny than TF2 now
>competitive scene dead
>literally no one cares about Overwatch anymore
>those who play it get banned
Pffffffhahahahahahhahahah *breathes heavily* PAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAHAHA *slaps knee* OH NONONONONONONO
That's whhy it's good.
where are the female skins?
its to pander to the core audience
Who are you again?
>they finally make a genji skin
>fucking retarded fencer skin
it's dead jim
a force of nature
>I hop Blizzard finally dies now that their games are dying, Classic will flop, and XIV is the new king.
King of the shitheap. MMOs are dead, there's nothing to reign over but empty themeparks.
Yeah but TF2 is deader and has no competitive scene either
>still no thicc me swimsuit
yeah nah fuck off
>muh esportz
Make the memes but TF2 is literally a game for broke asses that trickle content even slower than Overwatch
I thought that was a buffed up Inkling girl eating a whole chicken
Are you retarded? One is epic and the other is a reskin, they do that for most of the purple level skins
It is already a perfect game. Only nu-males need constant content.
If it's perfect than why do I feel zero desire to play it when I have overwatch?
have you ever competed at a tournament level anyway? why would you care about getting your shitty bronze rank and season spray?
It's a perfect game at its core with 5+ years of updates ranging from lame to terrible tacked on.
It still manages to be an infinitely better game than Overweight.
>Why would you care about a highscore?
Found the zoomer who never played an arcade game or probably never was in a arcade in his life.
Because you are a nu-male and need new things all the time to get a shitty neutered dopamine rush.
Explain how it's better than Overwatch
That logic makes zero fucking sense.
With that logic, why even be here? Why be in this board for new content?
>all the men have shirtless skins
>ZERO shirtless women skins
that's the best one ever holy shit what do you mean
i gotta go back to ow now
but you're a bronze player nobody gives a shit about you
top 100 are the only players that are relevant in a comp scene because they are the ones in the tournaments
nobody in diamond or masters even matters if they never compete
>all the men have shirtless skins
>all the men
2 people count as "all of them"?
I don't play comp mode though. I'm just pointing out you being a negative little bitch when the whole point of video games in it's creation was about points.
What, do you play games for the story or something? Why do you play games?
what am I supposed to be looking for?
even baptiste shows a little bit of chest in his pirate skins, genji has a skin with some of his chest showing as well.
that's literally EVERY human male character you fucking faggot.
Fucking BASED
they're literally "keeping the game alive" with palette swap skins
only surface level normalfags in the 80s who played pacman cared about points
now they're all boomers who play candy crush on their phones for that epic high score you speak of, fucking retard
Oh so you're just throwing in anyone who shows skin in the chest region as "topless" now? I don't think you know what topless means.
Doomfist's default is topless.
Also Roadhog is a mutant
Doomfist is a cyborg
Not completely human
>EVERY human character
Reinhardt is a human though
One skin that's not even legendary isn't exactly a big deal. They reskin low level shit all the time. So what?
You didn't answer my question zoomer
overwatch sucks but tf2 has been dead since mannconomy
find a new game to play, zoomers and boomers.
Why do I need to find a new game just because you don't like it? Should I play Fortnite? Do the floss dance like the cool kids?
>You didn't answer my question zoomer
I play games to play them what kind of dumb fuck question is that?
Well, people play comp because they want to play them. What the fuck was your original point then? People do things that they want to do. Why be such a crabby bitch boy?
wow this post is the worst bait I've ever seen
Yet you still replied to it and didn't even say anything about it. So not only did you take this "bait" but you also failed to contribute to the conversation.
Which makes you utterly pointless. But I guess you're probably used to that by now.
What’s competitive? You play the game of go to tourneys but those are gay.
Good games just play they don’t need gimmicks like “competitive”. That’s what the community is for to form not the game
overwatch and tf2 are both dead garbage
you guys should move on
user, if there's no competitive scene...the online game dies. This is literally fact.
>"Guys, the games I don't like are dead. I came in this thread to tell you that. But I won't suggest any games because I don't want you to tell me how little/bad taste I have"
Okay user, you take care now.
I thought overwatch league was a big thing? Didnt blizzard pump millions of dollars to get the scene going?
It's way too early to tell if OverWatch is making the big bucks but from what I skimmed through it's doing modest despite being a brand new Esport.
nice cope
Nice meme. Maybe you should come back when you actually have anything insightful to say. Most of us are adults here. If you want to talk like a kid gamefaqs is more of your speed.
you dont have to move on, but the game is pretty dead
I don't think you know what dead means.
>implies dev laziness
>posts superior based summer torb skin
You could've gone for the Hanzo skin, but nooo, just had to contradict yourself.
Truest post in the thread, based.
dude your game is dead why are you defending greedy companies who put out 0 content
This isn't surprising. The only people left in the game are Meta fags and literally no one plays Mei. So no shit they aren't going to put effort into her new skins.
>0 content
user, I play Overwatch not TF2
>No one plays mei
>Probably 9/15 matches I played today had Mei on my team or someone elses
>muh skins
nice content
Still content. They added the workshop couple months back. Just make your own content or download other people's content.
Infinite things to play then faggot. What you got now?
>not a single skin for the girls
Have they given up? Do they hate money?
It's not as big as Blizzard hoped for, but it's still a decebt size. Official tournaments get over 100k viewers, while the smaller leagues get usually about 20k viewers.
if they just made all of them naked or even just removed there shoes it would instantly become the most popular game again
user. the game is already filled with kids, I don't need to hear foot freaks like you in my ears.
The meme that no one plays overwatch is actually true now. Top 100 used to be like 4500, now it's 4200
>just removed there shoes
You freaks are literally worse than EVERY phile/philiac out there.
Top 100 what? What are you even on about?
And those are both from the first Christmas and the first Chinese New Year. Meaning they've been doing this shit since launch and you're just noticing now? Not only that but they literally label the skins that are pallet by not making them "Legendary" status. Get better bait.
The top 100 players threshold used to start at 4500 SR (overwatch's ELO system) and now it starts at 4200 because there are less players to cannibalize SR from. I hope this helps.
>skins are content
>shit workshop levels are content
next thing you will tell me VODs are content
cope harder overwatch is a dead horse
it's just feet
100% based
I have no idea what the fuck you just said to me.
Skin is content regardless of your high standards.
>Calls ALL workshop designs shit
Okay, you're clearly just going to be a bitch no matter what I say. There's a lot of cool and interesting stuff in the workshop. You clearly are just going to hate on the game despite what I say.
>esports dead
>skins are shit except hanzo but I already have the tokens so I don't have to play
>balance still garbage
>boring meta
>blizz literally doing NOTHING
what exactly is going on in blizz hq lol
>it's bait to call shit content shit content
I don't care if they call the skins faggotniggerassmuchers
they're shit and shouldn't even exist.
Boy, the new Blastoise redesign sure is weird.
>that ONE guy in the thread replying to every single negative OW post
Sorry, am I upsetting you?
Basically? Kind of a big deal.
forced 2/2/2 and role queue/rating
how long before all AAA multiplayer vidya has the chinese social score system?
>Forced 2/2/2
Fucking good
>break down crying
top kek
and where is that exactly
the game has been in the exact same state for over a year
Why would anyone still be playing Overwatch? It was already stale in 2016.
>fucking retarded fencer skin
how do you even play that much in 3 years unless you're just running it in the background
I like getting new skins. I like trying new characters or playing reworked ones. I also like getting in the groove of the new maps.
It is shit but it isn't what they are doing to keep the game alive or something they haven't done since the begining at all, the number of actual new legendary skins per event has actually increased since release. So yes your post was a pointless bait
What if I wanna play a team based shooter?
Lil tranny freak is afraid!
Don’t worry after Classic is the biggest game ever released again, you’ll just get ropped.
and I sabotage my own post by forgetting the webm like a retard, FUCK
try dota
it's photoshopped, retard.
But I hate games like Dota and League of Legends
no you dont
try apex legends
dota has to be the most toxic game to play right now. imagine wasting 1 hour per match just to lose, whereas in overwatch i can waste 10-15mins to lose.
Does Dota and League of Legends have modes I can play with just AI? I'd try it then.
Does Apex Legends require me to play with a group of random people? Are their roles? What's the point in it? Are there like job classes or just military shooter nonsense?
kill yourself instead
Can you even get 24 players in a tf2 match these days consistently? I feel like even the videos I've seen have like 5 - 6 people per team, maybe 10 every now and then, but mostly it seems pretty empty
Are you honestly old enough to be here?
didn't read tranny LOL
whatever good things overwatch contains are overshadowed by blizzard's impresively incompetent marketing and game design team
genji is the definition of fun FPS action but its a shame that they decided nobody should play him because if you're too good you can win too hard
>they gave Torb a retarded meme swimsuit skin
>Hanzo got the “sexy” swimsuit skin
Worst choices. Should’ve given Reaper and Zaria swinsuits instead
Just wondering, do you practice what you preach? Should probably go talk to someone about it if you're considering.
team based ahooters arw toxic by nature
i dunno play counter strike where you aren't beholden to the end state of the match and you can just play it for fun without risk of getting banned or demoted in rank
Why you hating on Torb's skin? I just got it and use it now. Why do you hate fun?
That didn't answer my question
Demoted in endorsement rank doesn't mean much user.
>Still fighting over whether TF2 or Overwatch is better
>In 2019
It’s just dumb
But mostly because I wanted Reaper and Zarya to get skins instead. Now I gotta wait another year assuming the game isn’t dead by then
anything team based is an abomination to video games
Depends on the map. The most popular ones are always filled while other maps it may depend at what time you're playing.
only in OW threads is acting like this much of a dicksuck acceptable lmao!
Imagine not playing the best hero shooter out there
>Deader than Overwatch
TF2 doesn't have to constantly boast about the millions of players it has which totally aren't bloated from the all the smurf accounts across multiple platforms
better be or else some fag wasted 10k hours on a shit game
>It's just dumb
That's the fucking point you fucking moron. Are you seriously that autistic to not comprehend this?
c-can i see the thicc you?
Reaper wearing an armored diving suit, with a bathing roab with a hood a blacked out snorkle mask running at you with 2 water guns doesn't sound very in character, user.
It is really strange they didn't include a waifubait skin.
Really strange how they continue to trickle content in general. Do they really think people will still be playing in ten years?
>no feet skins for any of the waifus
It's like they don't want anyone to play their shit game.
That showed me literally nothing.
Well yeah, anyone can play TF2. It's for cheap kids who can't afford video games.
I love that pause after "basically". He looks to the left, which is usually tied to lying or imagining stuff, trying to come up with something smart which ends up being " kind of a big deal". He even leans backwards after saying it.
God I love Meet the-series
Extremist much?
They're probably just working on a sequel. I doubt they expect Overwatch to actually last. They must've felt the sting when Fortnite took over.
>only 4 (FOUR) new legenadary skins
>reused event
>new hero is delayed
Yep, its dead
>go to overwatch thread
>waifus and gameplay discussion
>go to TF2 thread
>rate my loadout
The choice is clear.
This is scout, rainbows make him cry.
Yep, they know their game is completely fucked. OWL is a straight disaster and Fortnite stole whatever audience of "hardcore" gamers they hoped to foster to actually watch OWL.
The only people who play this trash now are e-girls who can't aim so they are forced to play healer every game
Literally no one has talked about waifus in this thread you spaz
The videos all have some nice details that even today people are still finding. When Valve was at its peak, they were unbeatable.
What is it with the footfags?
I literally don't understand what is erotic about the foot. It's a veiny, smelly and rough part of the body that isn't erogenous in the slightest.
Why not the elbow? Or the back of the head?
You're fucking sick and your fetish is probably just a cover for some even more queer fancy you've developed.
Nobody faps to Mei either. At least not with all those clothes and no curves.
>queue competitive game
>wow a whole bunch of new players! they're only level 30-60
>the low levels turn out to be smurfs
fuck this horrible game. Level 25 is enough to play ranked? are you fucked up?
>Not only that but they literally label the skins that are pallet by not making them "Legendary" status
How is that supposed to be a plus point and not a bare fucking minimum?
Is the mind of American zoomers this destroyed by marketing?
I love TF2 to my dying breath but there's no point in shitting up an Overwatch thread with it. That discussion got boring about 5 minutes after Overwatch was released.
You're literally talking about fucking outfits.
Will you turn down the cringe autism already?
>I told someone to end them selves, and people didn't pat me on the back, OH NO, no where else would this happen!
Hey user. you're
I clapped
feet are like hands but they do even more stuff then hands!
Overwatch isn't good, Blizzard is just being an oversensitive bitch about things like OWL and the players in it, the community is filled with a bunch of 30 year old neckbeards who complain about support not clinging to them like an old ex, and they just keep adding characters that literally break it's meta, until they get a fix a month later.
I was talking mostly about /owg.
Too much waifufagging even for my tastes, but well, something has to keep the thread afloat in a sea of gacha.
Also, about content.
When was the lastt weapon released in TF2? When was Baptiste released?
The fact that you consider relevant or praiseworthy just to not to try to scam with you palettes it's very pathetic.
I'm not the guy you've been arguing with btw, just had to post because you make me fucking sad, you're ultimately cucked.
>Overwatch didn't even live 3 years and they are already dropping support for a sequel
I still find it hilarious Hero shooters died to BR games so fast. Blizzard thought they had something here.
Literally so afraid of triggering tumblrinas that they skipped her summer skin despite being a launch character and this being what, 3 years of overwatch?
>adding cancer compositions like bunker and overpowered abilities that enable it (invulnerability field)
yeah really great content
scam me? I haven't spent money on overwatch besides when I bought it.
Stop using the word cuck, holy fuck do I hate you fucking children
i just want a zarya or mei 1piece suit with puffy vulva
Dead game with meme esports league
I'm surprised Blizzard haven't jumped at the trend already, make F2P BR game, make it high quality and then do what they do best, fill it with skins and lootboxes.
Shouldn't it be a half mexico half america ?
it's ow
holy shit perfection
what is the name?
Wonder what BR will die to.
They blew all their money on OW and OW League
where can i find that fuckdoll?
I will love Fortnite for the end of time for absolutely destroying Overwatch in terms of popularity.
Thank goodness all the e-girls are now stuck in Overwatch healer jail where they don't need to aim at all and the only skill they need is to press Q at the correct time
can i make a extremly lewd nudity shooter game? is that allowed? gofundme and find a team
That surprised me too. I fully expected them to be one of the first ones to jump on the Fortnite gravy train.
That last part of your statement was 1-2 years ago.
In hell
The only genji skin you need is sentai though?
it's already dying to auto battlers and LoL
>I will love Fortnite for the end of time for absolutely destroying Overwatch in terms of popularity.
They're entirely different genres though. Also one is free to play and the other isn't...
Basically, overwatch has 3 different compositions.
Bunker (stand and shoot), Deathball (run and wreck face) and Dive (jump in, blow up the target).
Every composition that became dominant got was called cancer.
And i bet even 4dps composition (chinese cheese) would be called cancer too.
tldr - players call everything cancer
I'm still wondering why it still has a decent amount of Twitch viewers. Is it just bots?
>I just want a lewd-
No, never, respec wamen, you perverted male!
Who's going to stop you? There was that lewd RPG porn game that got millions? in funding.
I use nothing but sentai skin for Genji
What are you, gay?
Haven't touched it in months, skins aren't enough new content for events. Comp everyday gets old.
The game itself is cancer because it relies way too much on hard counters rather then skill. Exactly what Seagull said in his video.
The game has nothing to do with mechanical skill now and everything to do with game knowledge. It's basically about picking the right hero's for the right situation.
This is not a good thing.
>tldr- Yea Forums calls everything cancer
So basically Pokemon and anything that requires some sort of TEAM EFFORT and STRATEGY is not a good thing to you?
Wrong, they apparently can also play DBD. Are there really that many girls in this game, streams seem to point to yes.
Stop playing comp then? You shouldn't play the same game everyday regardless what it is.
This is why cooldowns and infinite ammo don't belong in FPS, it fucks with the game's balance.
i don't even know how to go about it
guess i can figure it out after i get the gofundme bux
Play some quick play see the same 10 people over the next 3 hours
There's a difference. In VGC or any sort of competitive battle in Pokémon isn't hard countering things at all, the only connecting point to your statement is synergy with teams
That's what happens when you add ultimates and abilties like it's a MOBA.
There will be HARD counters, just be glad you don't buy items as well.
MMORPG shooters
minus the grinding for levels, think monster hunter
This game is completely dependent on team effort and strategy instead of mechanical skill. This is fine for some people but personally I like aiming in my FPS games
Also OW has a major design flaw. The game REQUIRES you to swap as we just agreed on, but swapping punishes you by making you lose ult charge. This adds a fucking RNG element where you have to hope you pick the right attack/defense composition out of spawn gate, otherwise you will be at an ult deficit for the rest of the game.
They seriously need to make major game design changes, especially regarding the fucking bollocks ultimate's in the game
Dragon Age Origins, girl's Morrigan. Wait, how new would you have to be to not know?
Never characters are the worst sort of content you can add. TF2 got it right by adjusting existing kits and playstyles that mesh with the game's philosophy, rather than total nonsense that obliterates it. Fucking Symmetra and Torbjorn had to be reworked 5 times each because of power creep and half-baked design philosophy. It feels like a joke to even compare them.
Auto Chess is becoming more popular just as DotA did back in the 2000s.
You must not have watched any Pokemon world tournaments with most teams being copy pasted versions of itself.
Even in fighting games have counters.
RPGs even have counters against certain enemies. Hell, some enemies have counters against certain abilities.
Everything has a counter.
Overwatch isn't about picking your favorite character, it's about being able to adapt and being decent enough to use the type of character that's needed for the situation. THAT requires knowledge and skill regardless what some twitch/youtuber/whoever the fuck you mentioned earlier.
That sounds awful ... then again I think I have less than 10 hours over all in BR, so I suppose it being replaced by something I play even less wouldn't fully shock me.
she's not human
Well, the game took a lot from MOBAs, even more than TF2 (where the heavy also doesn't have a lot of tools to contest the sniper). In DOTA a lot of heroes can be hard counters, but noone complains.
What i really hate that for a game focused on teamplay, there are too little features promoting it.
Hell, in TF2 there is a "spy" button. In OW i can't even tell someone that i need help (ask for healing works differently).
>Overwatch is all about rock paper scissors hard counters
wow epic game design :) :)
2010-2014 All i ever did no joke was instaspawn 2fort.
You do need a good pitch. Simply saying "shooter with tits" won't get you anywhere. If you're serious, study what that RPG did, how they made their pitch and what kind of pedigree they had before. At the end of the day, people want something that's fun. The tits are the two cherries on top.
>personally I like aiming in my FPS games
I don't understand this comment.Are you saying you don't have to aim?
>but swapping punishes you by making you lose ult charge
Not a big deal
>his adds a fucking RNG element where you have to hope you pick the right attack/defense composition out of spawn gate, otherwise you will be at an ult deficit for the rest of the game.
Completely false.
I kinda doubt it will replace BR tho, the RNG is probably enough to drive people away.
I liked how in TF2 no matter the class you could counter all the other class's outside of some combos (krit solly/demo or a ubered heavy)
Tell me a shooter that doesn't have some sort of rock, paper scissors counters that does not have the same character in every team?
instaspawn 2fort?
The game is barely reliant on aim, it's all about cheese strategies and rock paper scissor match ups.
It's fucking awful, which is probably why OWL will be such a failure
Matchups in fighting games only matter in the highest level of play, you should know this user.
You don't have a sudden edge in a 10-0 matchup anywhere else but peak competitive.
The only thing overwatch is good for is porn
Blizzard has a team of whales keeping it alive but they don't use Twitch. A lot of it is likely bots.
How much have you played of Overwatch? You mind showing me stats?
>Looks like a human
>S-She's not human tho
Why would it even matter at that point?
TF2 you can actually out play enemies with some luck and skill.
OVerwatch sometimes you see your opponents team and you literally have to walk back to base and throw all your ult charge away (the game is press Q to win shit so this is really fucking bad) to even have a chance of winning.
Ultimate's were a mistake. We can all agree on this
That's a fucking lie and I'll gladly prove that to you. You have any fighting games on ps4?
The average player doesn't have any loyalty to specific games, which is the healthy way to approach it. But what this means is that the average player will simply jump ship to what's currently popular. Both games try to keep you around as much as possible. Credit where credit is due, despite not liking BR games, Fortnite knows how to keep player retention up. Constant updates, constant events. The downside is that if Epic slows down, the game might quickly lose most of its players.
Not him but I played about 200 hours max and hit the highest rank. A huge amount of the game is waiting for everyone to coordinate ults, and a lot of characters do that passively without needing to reliably hit shit. The only characters I can think of who demand good aim are Widowmaker and McCree.
12v12 (sometimes 16v16 if the server had 32 players) no respawn timer.
It's illegal to marry aliens
that gook skin is a purple. all purple skins are palette swaps. The x-mas skin was from year 1. You're literally trying too hard to shitpost for a game that is easy to shitpost on
I wonder why they won't let you just keep a fraction of your ult after you switch. Though I think it's because Blizzard doesn't want to balance a constant switch meta.
No, I only play fightan on 360
I haven't touched it in months, it's two sentences to read user. The fact your alternative to the game being stale and dead is 'well you shouldn't play online games regularly' says the state of OW.
>Matchups in fighting games only matter in the highest level of play
A guy who can whoop your pussy at both Overwatch and TF2 you little bitch.
Well, i agree with you.
And retaining the ult charge opens a whole another can of worms.
The only possible solution i can imagine is gradually lowering the ult power, when ult combos can be answered with regular abilities.
For example, new immortality field really screws up with graviton combos and needs to be baited similar to beats or trans.
Season 1-19 or wherever the fuck we are now, usually ranked mid plat
Yep, or being able to give your hero to a team mate with ult charge and then being able to swap off
I only walk back to my base to change because someone else decided to change and suddenly there's no fucking healer because they think being a genji with no healer on a team is a fantastic idea.
You don't need to lecture me on shit I already know. I'm an "average gamer". Between the PS3 and PS4 I have played 410+ games not including games from other consoles in the past.
Highest rank? I'm assuming comp?
>The only characters I can think of who demand good aim are Widowmaker and McCree.
I'm assuming 200 hours and "highest rank" and thinking widow and mcgree are the only ones require havent played in a while have you?
Jesus christ, upgrade your shit already
No, I say that about any game user. I couldn't stand playing the same game that often no matter what it was.
Why the FUCK are you replying something directed at me and not telling the person you're not me? Rude much?
I meant like screenshot, anyone can say they're high rank user. This is the internet afterall.
>The only characters I can think of who demand good aim are Widowmaker and McCree.
Then they turn McCree into a flashbang right click bot :) Excellent game design. Mcrightclick
Characters is the best sort of content you can add. A new map is just another background for 5% of games. A new character is a whole another strategy. Some releases are shitty (like brig, it is a good character, but waaay overtuned on release), some are good (ball).
Torbjorn and symmetra were (and, honestly still are) noob wrecker characters. They are too easily countered with skill (just hitting headshots and not pushing blind and alone).
Just like TF2 engineer they were copied from.
And it just does not work in 6v6.
But who's gonna stop you, if they can't tell?
>You don't need to lecture me on shit I already know
Then why did you bother saying they're different genres if you know that the average player doesn't care about that, since the original post in the conversation was about Fortnite taking out Overwatch's popularity.
>high rank
Anyway I'm not downloading a 1GB patch so I can take a screen shot of one of the worst games I've ever played.
Because again, that's like comparing apple to a rocket launcher? They're not the same thing. They're not team based, they don't have the same literally anything.
There's a lot of things more popular than Fortnite. So it's weird you even said that you're glad one popular thing got replaced with another popular thing...
>slow as fuck with updates, still in early access after 2 years
>buggy as shit still
>inconsistent performance which is vital for a twitch shooter like quake to have consistent performance
>no dedicated servers, persistent lobbies or mod support
I'm not going to say plat is low rank, what the fuck do you consider plat rank? Are you really going to be a nitpicky little bitch about my wording?
>you havent played in a while have you?
I got top rank in season 3 with Bastion and Reaper, whenever that was.
>almost 250 replies
>nobody posting softcore yet
Season 3?! user that was like 3 years ago. Alot has changed.
I didn't make the original post, I only answered afterwards.
I guess the original poster just really doesn't like Overwatch and was happy that anything else overtook it.
>Characters is the best sort of content you can add
No, constantly having to balance 40 characters for a competitive "esports" game is a horrible nightmare. The state of Overwatch balance is the poster child for this.
>A new map is just another background for 5% of games
What the fuck am I reading?
>nd McCree.
Nigcree is the easiest turn off your brain character. No tracking or precision required to deal damage. Ethots love to play them lmao
Here, lemme post literally the only thing people play this game for
I actually play in diamond and everyone is fucking awful, literally only like 1% of players are actually good at the game and know what they're doing.
My rank is horrific though because it's filled with smurf accounts who are either GM smurfs rekting or GM smurfs throwing
Heaven forbid we actually talk about the games on a video game board.
>overwatch regular is a chronic masturbator
Bronze is "not even trying"
Silver is "you tried"
Gold is scrub tier
Plat is barely above
>A new map is just another background for 5% of games
He's not wrong, overwatch is literally just a bunch of capture point arenas surrounded by hallways and streets
Overwatch isn't a game it's an excuse to create porn
If you think Mcgree is the easiest turn off your brain character you've never touched the game before in your life and you need to admit that shit right now.
i like how overwatch, a game released in 2016 is almost as dead if not deader than tf2, a game released in 2004
Idk who even plays this game anymore desu, not even me, anyone who says otherwise is either a literal fag or lying
>Two tiers below scrub
No user, that's not how scrub tier works. Scrub is supposed to be like one of the lowest not fucking mid.
>he is trying to defend Mcrightclick
I? I hurt people.
Gold is average. The average Overwatch player has sub 90 IQ. It's definitely scrub tier.
not new faggot
i just stopped playing 15 hours in and she's not memorial enough for me to remember her
Did Orisa get screwed with no content again despite having the biggest potential for skins?
how about shooter with puffy vulvas and feet?
i'd just rip off apex legends or something
i do like loadouts like in the cod days to though
I literally played it today
No, learn to read. There's even easier characters than Mcgree
I always fap to Mei
He's right, you know?
Online natchups are different from the offline matchups because some gimmicks only work once online. And some characters are just too hard and demanding for low level players so matchups can shuffle around depending on player skills.
Well you're either a fag or lying then
The only time I play Overwatch anymore is when Lucio Ball is playable. The rest of the game is boring. If they are making an OW2, they need to make this a permanent game mode for arcade, because they won't do shit for OW1 now.
Why the fuck are you even in this thread? Isn't there any other thread you rather be in? Is this how you spend your time? Shitting on things you hate instead of focusing on things you enjoy?
Who thought it was a good idea to fill Overwatch with so many healers, shields, stuns, and the ability to resurrect teammates?
MOBAs somehow manage to balance 100+ characters. Not perfectly, but they try.
They just added Havana. Since maps are random i play on it only once in a while. They just added several skins. Kendo is nice, but i could live without it.
The only content that really matters is new characters (obviously) and new features (workshop, replays).
Then I'm a fag, and you ain't gonna do shit about it.
>old mcree sees a man and woman holding hands.webm
How do you know he isn't a fag and lying?
Seriously? Why not just play a fucking boring ass military shooter if you're gonna bitch about stuff like that.
I didn't pay much attention to that RPG but I think something they did was get a bit of every fetish, to make sure they got as many people as possible.
You'd be breaking the law
You have it backwards. When everyone is shit at the game, tiers don't matter. But most players will at least take the time to become competent, at least if they play consistently and want to win, which is where tiers really make a difference. Meanwhile top-level players can make magic happen with "bad" characters, like Melee Yoshi or Gen in Street Fighter IV.
Well their is softcore Overwatch porn in this thread and that's literally the entire point of Overwatch at this point. They might as well turn it into an RPG game.
>why is this failed MMORPG filled with MMORPG archetypes
>class based (There are a select options for each character but variety mainly comes from the class chosen)
>loadout based (Universal character is entirely dependent on what you equip it, usually has more liberty on what you can use)
Which do you prefer for FPS multiplayer?
I would not be against Overwatch having a different genre game. I hate playing with people online.
>The only content that really matters is new characters
You should be asking for balances to existing characters, not constant introductions of more paper-thin brand new ones.
Quake 3 arena.
diamond here too. it is the worst rank in how variable it is. sweaty diamond dumbasses or uncaring GM smurfs.
at least plat know theyre fucking morons and hold on to whatever notion of fun they have.
Loadout, a good core design for a small cast of characters with additional side-grades is optimal. If you have too many different characters it becomes disorienting and impossible to give each a proper sense of balance, nuance or place in the game.
either or as long as it isn't cooldown based combat
Pearls before swine, it won't work.
very frustrating rank, just high enough that players have a sense of entitlement but just low enough that players haven't really earned it yet.
>The only characters I can think of who demand good aim
>demand good aim are Widowmaker and McCree.
> learn to read
You people are legitimately ill in the head and worse than the FF trannies.
You people are a special kind of delusional if you think the novelty of Classic WoW will last beyond six months.
You are not going back.
This is not the Blizzard of 2004.
You will not be playing with all your old guildies again, and even if you did, all the magic of exploring shit with them for the first time would be absent. Because you're hyping yourselves up for something that is older than the zoomers reporting bugs that are actually just features.
It's dead. Learn to let go and move on.
LoL is guilty of multiple reworks and frequent rebalances that usually tip the scales heavily on one side so much that it even affects which champions they make skins for.
Post the usual sluts with their new summer skins please.
Again, you're wrong. Hanzo definitely comes to mind.
Like Battlefield?
That pic doesn't make sense on this topic.
Balances should be a given, not counting as new content.
Something should be done with bastion, though. Braindead to play, boring to play with, frustrating to play against when your team does not cooperate and useless when left clicking into choke stops working.
Though blizzard has a history of sloppy balancing.
They haven't made a skin for Roadhog in a speedo yet, so no.
I think not having dedicated servers is a big problem. It was better when communities actually got created of their own accord and then you could ban players who are cheating very quickly.
You can actually have an admin, while opening the server up to admin abuse, you can also kick trolls, cheaters and riff raff and also have more control over the game modes/types.
This being Blizzard, they'd likely still force their own authority over those.
I'm old enough to remember playing it with just as scrubby friends on LAN, but the community is either dead or filled with people who are above mortal limitations on aim.
No way a random guy jumping in would have a good time.
I just hope OW2 has proper ultrawide support, not the shit this has that cuts off a bunch of your screen.
user, we are not gay enough to post Hanzo.
Laws are subjective and as "good/flawless" as the people who made them, tho.
They gave up after the first year
Sorry I don't play Overwatch I only jerk off to the girls. Do the girls not get skins this year?
True, they added a server browser and it's total dirt tier.
They add a workshop but without mapping capabilities it's such a waste.
CS:GO literally has better and more fun game modes then Overwatch as community created game modes. Surf, KZ, Bhop and TTT are fucking amazing and can be played in CS:GO, what does Overwatch have? Some shitty parkour mode that is player on the normal maps and looks like shit?
>"Make the cast balanced, but also keep adding to the cast constantly!"
It's not going to work. It hasn't worked. Blizzard dug themselves into a hole. Their fans are trained to only see updates as meaningful if they include new characters, which means fixing the existing playable cast constantly falls behind new characters, LGBT reveals and paypiggy skins on the hierarchy of "important shit we have to work on." So now you have a big list of half-baked characters who aren't satisfying to play and have no higher-level techniques to practice.
Nope, not even joking
>no anti cheat
yeah I love the game but if you can use AHK to make an aimbot in a couple of minutes it's not really worth taking seriously
Honesly, i hated dedicated server for TF2.
>start game
>want to just shoot someone
>join server
everybody just flying through walls with rainbows everywhere
>join server
>another 5 fucked up servers
various degrees of shit
>join server
perfect vanilla experience
then server shuts down and i have to do it again.
That's just Valve philosophy vs Blizzard philosophy. Valve basically just gives as many tools as people want and tell them to monitor themselves. Blizzard refuses to let go of any sort of control. Likely don't want their own community to do a better job than they do.
No, he's born and raised American. Just latin american ancestry.
I didn't think it was possible for a game I don't even play or have interest to play to disappoint me but Blizzard found a way.
yes, and you'd get arrested... so?..
Do the math, dingus.
Another 12 years of tf2 coming up
How exactly do you beat tf2?
>In DOTA a lot of heroes can be hard counters
I don't think you can equate the two. Firstly, you can't change hero once you've made your initial pick. Secondly, heroes can be banned. Thirdly, teams are created by each player selecting their hero in turns, meaning you know who the enemy team has chosen thus far, and can adjust your team accordingly.
I actually 100% agree with this, it's a shame but their is a happy medium in the middle where you just have amazing surf or TTT servers.
Imagine the awesome maps you could create for Wrecking ball and stuff.. Instead we get the Workshop. Are there even any fun Workshop maps that could compete with say, surf or bhop?
Atleast shows tummy in the water skin. is all I care about
So what's the story of this fleshed out Overwatch universe?
By this point we've learned that there is no TF2killer other than Valve themselves.
I love how ow shills start shilling the new skins then don't post the skins.
Underpaid shills
You should make a troll post about it on the Blizzard forums. It's guaranteed to Disrupt the entire site for atleast a week
Total freedom for dedicated servers obviously means you have to go through some dumps to find the gold. For just a typical casual experience there's always the skial servers. I'm sure there's some website that has a compilation of good servers if you're interested.
Superheroes band together to stop big war but after the war ended they had to disband.
Many many years later, new bad guys emerge and now they must assemble the heroes again
I want to be Hana Song
so who are the new bad guys
By having 10 000 hours. Getting a Buring TC and shitposting in Pubs
Well, shooters do not have high level techniques on the level of, say, fighting games.
The ones that are in, are accessible even for beginners
>pinpoint aim
>animation cancelling
Fuck, even Rein has that
>rocket jumps
>reflect kills
>enviromental kills
>Imagine the awesome maps you could create
I highly doubt that Blizzard will ever give that much control over to the community. They'll do the bare minimum and expect people to suck their dick for it. Or if they're felling really scummy, they'll offer specific assets and tools for microtransations.
Is Valve just waiting on another studio to make something original so they can buy it and publish a sequel?
>Can't tell she's not human
>break law no one can tell
>Y-You'd get arrested tho!
No user, you wouldn't, that's the idea.
I only read the first graphic novel recently that I got as a present and seen all the animated stuff they posted on youtube. But I could try and answer some stuff.
Basically, Overwatch is the avengers and there were smaller side factions that resided as part of Overwatch with other people we've never met yet or heard of in the games.
There are criminal factions, some are even against each other, as villians usually are.
There was a war agaisnt omnic extremist so there's a bit of racial tension in the world between humans and omnics.
There are differnt types of omnics and some even crossing boundaries like Orisa or even Zenyetta for his "enlightment". This racial tension is not excluded from Overwatch as there are debates within the organization itself. Torb for example REALLY hates Omnics. Junk Rat and Roadhog are not a part of a villian or overwatch, but they'll do anything for cash. They're the beavis and butthead of the lore.
Reaper and Soldier 76 used to be part of Overwatch. Reaper got experimented on by a double agent named Moira. Moira is also responsible for making Black Widow her skin color due to said experiments.
Well, what do you want?
Do you want players to pull of a fireball motion just to shoot a projectile?
>mfw people actually care about this shit
I wonder if they will add MOBAwatch as a legitimate game mode some day, when they will have more characters on every role.
Right now it will be
>Ban lucio
>pick Zen
>free win
Oh I'm sorry, I didn't get the memo I was only supposed to like things you do.
I thought I was doing what I wanted to do. Silly me.
some of the good guys tuned super evil
The ones with an overall darker shade of color in their character palettes.
Fuck off with DbD, shilling retard. It's literally a game made by Canadian frog Jews who can't even code.
why not go read a comic book, a video game is not the ideal place to be getting this sort of content
I recommend The Walking Dead comic books
Arguably, yeah. But right now they seem more interested in hardware and games directed towards VR. Hard to say what the actual devs are doing all day.
It might have to do, going by Glassdoor, that it's because of the way Valve gives out bonuses. Bonuses for new interesting ideas, no bonuses for maintaining that idea. Might be why Valve is always coming up with new ideas that end up not reaching their potential, because the devs aren't getting bonuses from it.
overwatch is a memegame
They could have at least made a skin for Ashe, the only good character in the game.
Lore moves at a snails pace.
We have
>talon (think Cobra from GI Joe) becomes more militarised under Doomfist (think Cobra Commander).
>robots become more dangerous
>something fucky pulls the strings from the shadows
First of all, Walking Dead is generic zombie shit.
Secondly, if you read what I said I did say I have the first GRAPHIC NOVEL of Overwatch.
>she's not memorial
This nigger is retarded for multiple reasons.
I did a similar thing when dva's Redneck skin came out. Probably one of my finest shitposts on there
Would it be so bad to have ONE (1) hero in this game where all the abilities has are passives?
>talon (think Cobra from GI Joe) becomes more militarised under Doomfist (think Cobra Commander).
>Nigger is the main villain
Literally wrong, the comic series have been going on for a while now.
It's a fun game, and no one told you that you have to play it, or do you just instantly assume that if there are girls in it, you must play it?
Dva since she does fuck all
What? Doomfirst doesn't run Talon, shut the fuck up. He's just a high ranker.
>girls are drawn to a game that takes no mechanical skill to play
I was wrong, he is leader but there are others that are part of the council
It's not because they can't, it's because they don't see the reason why you would ever put effort in a video game meant to relieve you of stress.
>it's illegal
>do it anyway
>get arrested
>HuRr YoU CaN't EvEn SeE HEr
A cast of enjoyable characters with different playstyles. As long as i don't tryhard, every character is viable at least in some of the games. While it is not the case at high level on play, in casual matches (plat and below) i can pick every character in favorable circumstances (good map and team composition) and win, as long i am good enough.
>hurdur u're EY PEE has been blocked due 2 aboose
>can post nigger just fine
I lost my god damn post because of that.
Anyway, stop shilling DbD, you used the same pic and filename 2 days ago. Fuck you.
Counter strike takes no skill to play? What are some games that are OBVIOUSLY skill based that you think girls don't play?
How many female professional gamers are there again?
Female racing drivers? Female sports stars? I mean in a proper league not the fake female league
AFAIK the comics are all flashbacks
no your retarded
Its been around for a while sure, but it takes 567389294673923 years between releases, heck when was the last animated video because blizzard can actually do something of acceptable quality with those.
>Video games meant to relieve you of stress
>A game that requires you to put up with screaming people on mic
>Thrown together to make a team to overpower another team
>Stress free
Okay, no, don't even attempt to justify this. I play overwatch and even you saying it's to "relieve stress" is laughable.
Remember when Blizzard made Soldier 76 gay to distract from the scandal where a Mexican employee was abused with racist and sexist remarks by a female manager? The constant insults making him quit the company because HR took none of his complaints seriously.
We are talking about DBD
My point still stands.
What's your point?
But the comics are monthly? So what are you talking about?
>Do illegal thing.
>No one can notice
>user ignores this part because he doesn't seem to understand this, he probably thinks people (many of which probably do illegal things daily without even noticing) get caught regardless if people catch on or not thus he thinks you get arested for it.
I guess there are none of those things because it would take a lot of effort and it wouldn't be omg so super fun like shopping :) xD :)
It's just a game, bro.
So? People are gay. I think it's great to modernize characters instead of being generic and boring.
Are you 2 fags arguing about fucking aliens?
>Blizzard is completely incompetent
Who would have guessed
A game that people want to win. We're not all okay sucking and losing.
Yes, and I used counter strike as an example of something women play that people normally consider "skill based".
Why did you even reply? That told me nothing.
Only a faggot would shill DbD on this board. I'd rather see 20 Overwatch waifu/fap bait threads than a single DbD thread. Go and post in the Steam discussions if you wanna talk about DbD, here is not the place.
I wouldn't put CS:GO in my list of games that woman play personally. I'd put Fortnite above it for sure.
Monthly? One google search says theres 16 out, the games been around for 38 months.
Even if it was monthly they hardly have any lore in them thats means anything as its often forgotten and trivia at best. The good bits of lore either get shat on or ignored. Like where is the extended lore on interesting characters like zen who basically have fuck all? They keep the same shitty s76 crap as well as their tranny audience loves the reaper/S76 ship.
I'm not the one sucking cocks.
Women don't play CS:GO and CS:GO takes no skill to play, just to actually win. Girl streamers are always shit or get carried (by cheaters) every match.
This is Yea Forums right? Of course we are!
You DO realize the comic and game are not the same thing right?
You DO realize, the comic came out AFTER the game came out...right?
Right user?
....surely you're not this fucking retarded.
McCree is supposed to be 236 years old? What the fuck happened to Ow's lore, it became dogshit right away.
user, assuming you're being serious. You see ZERO issue with using homosexuality as a shield to distract people from your own employees being abused with racist and sexist remarks? That's literally the only reason S76 was made gay.
Alright, now comes the obvious question. What games do you think take skill, user?
So? Who cares? Life has always sucked. This isn't going to make things any worse for me.
I legitimately believe they are doing the same meme magic with the AREA 51 shit while that Epstein pedo fucker is about to go to jail
An oldie but still relevant.
Comics started in year one of the game, if you go of year 2 and 3 thats 24 months plus the 2 of year 4. so its missing 10 months of this 'monthly release'. Learn count blizzard shill.
He's 37...
What the fuck are you rambling about?
>SR system ensures you will be against good enough opponents to lose half the time
>One-trick culture coupled with hard counter game design
>overabundance of DPS players when you need only 2 in most viable compositions.
The only time i have fun is either QP when everyone does not care, or LFG, when everyone at least tries to win.
I've met like 3 women playing it, seen them in videos, even heard of competitive women's teams for csgo, pretty sure that's close enough to classify it as "women play this too"
very low percent compared to a game like DBD or Fortnite. Or MMOs.
One of my favorites is Sniper signaling when he makes a turn at the beginning of his video.
Okay captain literal, I was wrong. It's not monthly and they haven't made an issue in a year. Fucking sue me
Any game where you can't get carried by cheaters.
>mfw Tracer the hero on the cover is trash tier
>knows the specific age
>doesn't know about Blackwatch
Nigger you can literally google information.
>playing mmos
I see lots of girls playing MMO games because they like the community aspect
So ... solo battle royales? Racing games? Fifa and all other sports games? Fighting games? Wait no, you could just have a cheater play the games for youm so not even solo games work since you could pay to get boosted if there are people out there willing to do so. That logic seems really flawed.
I'd give my left nut for a Bill Burr Scout voice pack
>be me
>magical land where laws don't matter
>wake up next to alien gf
>rape her
>get dressed for work
>no clothes; robbed during the night
>head to the neighbors house
>walk into his room and get dressed
>ask if he's got a belt hiding somewhere
>he says no and punches me in the groin
>tell him goodbye and give him a farewell stab with my switchblade
>waves to me as I drive off in his car
>see a motorcyclist get decapitated after running a redlight
>get intestines on my wheels because I followed him through the red
>lay a big shit on my boss's desk
>"Got a date for the wedding yet?"
>tell him I haven't even asked her yet
>he giggles and shoots me in the face
>wake up next to alien gf
>its the real world
>get arrested
>bobby puts the cuffs on me
>"what's your excuse then, gov?"
>"SHE'S INVISIBLE! you can't even see her durrrr"
Yes, there's a reason why The Guild became popular.
People who play Overwatch and refuse to try TF2 because "muh blizzurd" need to neck already.
That's not why I don't play TF2
I don't play TF2 because I don't play video games on PC. That's literally it.
>playing fps
>on a controller
all of my why, the only acceptable reason is your ass is so wide it doesn't fit in a desk chair
It's not that big of a deal
We are talking about CS:GO at the moment and how do you go from team games where you can get carried by fucks to solo games???
If no one knows you committed a crime they can't arrest you. It's that fucking simple.
It is though. Aiming on a joystick is literally so fucking bad and retarded that you have to have aim assist enabled to actually hit anything.
A script is literally doing half the work for you, unsurprising if you're an American though
>shooters do not have high level techniques on the level of, say, fighting games
What do you expect
That orc has the same expression I'd have if I worked there.
I dont take my video games seriously since i have no desire for going pro. So you can kp your Euro pride all to yourself. I could care a less.
Yes but what you are talking about is driving a car with a keyboard, or a helicopter with a controller.
You have the complete wrong input method for the job. You are drawing with a track pad.
>I could care a less.
So you do care.
Play Fortnite
And every reply I'm caring a bit lesser. Who cares if I'm not the best or you're the best? Chicks don't care unless you're making money off of it. Pride is for idiots and if I had to be prideful about something it wouldn't be where I rank in some ranking board that means absolutely nothing.
You want to take your games seriously? Good for you. I don't. I play to escape, not to become anything.
I wanted to like Overwatch but there is NOTHING to keep a casual player interested long term. They haven't even made a new Summer Game mode in 4 years.
Competitive and chasing eSports money was a mistake.
>you're drawing with a track pad
come on mate, you need pencils or pens to draw bro your drawings look like shit the line work is wobbly as fuck. You might never be the best at drawing but I know for sure you can do better then that.
What if they do an inspection? ;-)
You're the one using the analogy. I'm an actual adult who does not need examples like I'm a toddler. You could of just conveyed the information to be proper.
Keep your analogies to the rest of your fedora wearing friends who I'm sure appreciate your condescending know-it-all attitude.
I don't draw, so again, so not my problem.
TF2 is unironically better if only for the fact that BM is built into the game in many ways
>Sniper misses a shot, I use Nice Shot in earshot of him
>Saying Thanks after a kill so your character gives the killcam a thumbs up
>Spamming No if someone tries to be an armchair general
Why not try your best? My point is if you're going to draw why not use the proper tools for that job
>I'm an actual adult
>could of
any game with unregulated milquetoast BM is better than overwatch, can get banned for spamming a voice line 5 times
Overwatch's problem is that it favors unskilled heroes over skilled ones. In no world should Mercy ever have been the best hero in the game for half a year.
Why do you keep using analogies? Also why analogies about drawing? I just fucking said I don't even draw.
Oh no I made a mistake, surely that somehow demotes me from adulthood. Please spare me oh wise one.
And people say FFXIV is the tranny MMO
>can get banned for spamming a voice line 5 times
Good riddance, sick of hearing your fucking word lines.
you are avoiding the question and acting daft on purpose? have you given up on life and therefore trying?
dw I empathize with your apathy mate
She got a thicc thighs skin the event before this
Have you even paid attention last month? Everyone was doing pride shit. It's just a marketing ploy.
Yeah, I'm such an apathetic person about fucking video games.
VIDEO GAMES. Let's all take video games seriously, wouldn't want you mouth breathers to blow a head fuse.
They're games. I'll try to get shit done with. FPS never ends, it's just to kill time. It's mindless. Yes, people can be good at it if they want to be. I don't want to be. Get off my fucking back already. Holy shit.
Squenix wasn't doing any of that shit
I was referring to the west you fucking smug piece of shit.
why do something at all if you're apathetic about it? Why not spend your time doing something you are passionate about?
that's fucking weird as hell bro.
AKA FFXIV is not a tranny MMO
Mind your own god damn business you little nosey fucker.
Do you even feel feelings? I find it hard to believe someone would spend their time doing something they have no feelings towards one way or the other
>What if thyey do an inspection.
Then you get caught, but, they likely won't and you know to avoid it, just in case.What are you trying to prove user? How old are you?
I'm not replying anymore to you. You're just obnoxious.
You're making a chicken out of a feather!
You're making a chicken out of a feather!
You're making a chicken out of a feather!
You're making a chicken out of a feather!
Fair enough
Feet contain a surprising amount of nerve endings that context to pleasure sensors.
I asked you what games you consider "skill based" you said, any, ANY, game where you can't get carried by cheaters, that by default, at least to me, means ONLY games where you don't have a team.
>mfw play overwatch every single day and have fun
I keep seeing a guy eating ass when scrolling the catalog.
1. Be polite
Got any more gum on you?
your blizzard boss doesn't care if you lie cheng
>have fun
Good for you.
I played the beta and really didn't feel the need for me/buy it but you do you user and don't let any shitters tell you otherwise
based af
>only 4 new legendary skins
>no baywatch Mercy fapbait skin
Not even logging in
I kinda thought this game was fun for a while. I like some of the character designs. More unique than most shit at least. I just don't want to cater to my Western faggot loser friend and everyone says it sucks on here.
The game died when they nerfed Meis ass.
>they finally put Mei's juicy ass in a bathing suit
>it's a fucking spray
>we get this ugly Mei skin instead
>there's no guarantee that we'll ever get the spray as a skin next summer games event, and if we do the blizz trannies will just cover her ass like the pajama one
Blizzard really dropped the ball on this one.
>come back for the anniversary thing to play all those events i missed over the years
>every fucking time it was just hunters vs winston and lucioball like once
>despite being so short and easy it's basically just free crates people would get extremely salty when it didnt go exactly their way
Why are overwatch players like this?
the beach is the best server on planet earth since the rules are pretty low on lewd clothing
some beach servers even allow no clothes which is just wild
the event modes just suck so much dick, not to sound like a borked record but if you compare shit like mystery hero's to CS:GO's surf or bhop it's just awful
Tf2 is 12 years old and I wouldn't even be suprised if at some point this year it had more concurrent players than overwatch
That makes footfags even worse.
Doesn't matter, as long as blizzard is dead in the water I'm okay.
I love my healthy wife Mei!
They gave up when they started spending more time playing the feelings police than making the game.
Dead game
I'd say you're both right yet wrong, Tiers matter the most when players aren't shitters but aren't pros.
If you think of pros as 'people who can draw out the most potential in a character', mid tier players as 'people who can draw out some potential' and shitters as 'people who don't fucking know of any potential' it makes a bit more sense.
Shitters don't even know what the fuck is going on, so tiers don't matter.
Pros know exactly what is going on, but a cunning pro can pick something that is rarely used but has a good opportunity to be successful (like, do you think that guy who won a pokemon worlds with a Parachirisu threw him in for shits, he was close to filling that spot with a more meta pokemon, Amoongus i think but he chose the squirrel because i'd be unexpected).
But people with some experience but not enough to be pro are probably around the same skill level, but if they use a better character, they're going to win more. So tiers matter the most here.
dropped this game around early-mid 2017. realized all the development time would go into cosmetics, and all the events are just to jew money or time. by the first anniversary the writing was on the wall for those who stuck through the first year.
>Using the Battle Cry voice command while holding a melee weapon and looking at an enemy plays unique voice lines about how you're about to push their shit in
I dropped it after the mercy ult change.But yeah, the game's pretty much done for.
Fuck off, I fap to Mei.
>No barefoot Mei skin
Why even live
They already gave up a long time ago. This game will never surpass shit like League, Dota or Fortnite, at this point they're just trying to hold on to the small amounts of relevance they have.
They don't have to, because Activision did that battle royale mode for COD. Why create another game that competes with yourself?
There's a reason there's 0 TFW threads on Yea Forums but tons of Overwatch threads still.
People still play OW.
Nobody gives a shit about TF2 except a few shitposters hanging on for dear life.
There isn't. Generic Good Guys disbanded when they fucked up and now are rebanding to fight Generic Bad Guys, except there's no actual distinction with who plays with who on teams and because the game is a short round based team shooter nothing changes and nothing is at stake. Nobody can win, lose, achieve or die.
The most significant thing to happen in game is the one map where you escorted the Doomfist to a museum had the Doomfist removed when they released the guy who wears it. Some dead robots were added to let you know he came and took it. They'll be smoldering there forever.
All PvE story events are flashbacks.
something about women
There are "tons of overwatch threads" because the game crashed and burned, so people want to see how the failure is doing. Every new fuckup is something to talk about.
TF2 has nothing to talk about, it's just as good as it always was.
The only worthwhile thing about Overwatch is porn. That's literally it.
>my game has 0 interest because it's flawless!
>your game has so much discussion because it's actually failing and dying
10/10 levels of cope.
now I see why they sell you pony hats, you're genuinely mentally ill
tf2 has 50k~ people playing constantly
>>my game has 0 interest because it's flawless!
never said that
>>your game has so much discussion because it's actually failing and dying
As a former Overwatch player, I can say that is 100% true, the gameplay turned out to be a dumpsterfire and all the devs did was make it worse over time.
There was the point where I played it every day, but when the gameplay started to stink and all the dev team did was make it worse, I quit.
I don't even play TF2.
>can get banned for spamming a voice line 5 times
stop spreading bullshit I spam the most obxinous voice lines the whole match and I still haven't gotten muted or banned
>there's 0 TFW threads on Yea Forums but tons of Overwatch threads still
do you not fucking know what /vg/ is?
also this is a tf2 thread
why the fuck would you be playing OW when paladins is a better game and free?
have you fucking seen the thickness of paladins girls thighs? there is NOTHING in ovewratch that can compete
I don't even know why people try to defend overwatch. I think almost everyone can agree that the gameplay got stale and that the game is unbalanced. Blizzard does nothing but release new skins because loot boxes make ALL the money. Hell you even had 'pro' players quit because they could not stand the game anymore.
You can say you like the girls or even the game, but to say the game is good is acting in bad faith. Overwatch was a fad. I played it because my friends were playing it and I stopped once they stopped. It isn't a good game. It is at best a good enough game to play with friends, at worse a slog of the same strategy from both sides over and over again, and I don't think anyone can honestly say it's something else.
>Nobody faps to Mei either
>all those clothes and no curves
Real ass and thigh men play Mei.
Completely and utterly irrelevant, the only thing that matters if they're both "shooters" and that public eye only has room for one game
Is it any good though? Also how's this game on the Switch?