ITT: Games with dead online
ITT: Games with dead online
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every online game in the future
this one makes me sad even though i never played it
DC Universe Online, dude it makes me so sad,I played that every day when I got home from school, now to see it be fucking dead is such a punch in the gut
Killing Floor, the worst thing about the sequel is that it killed off the first game.
>nothing but Attrition
Wait killing floor 1 is dead? When did this happen?
Conduit for the Wii
Damn that game was fun
Not entirely, but having only two hundred people ever playing it makes it way harder to find matches compared to the few thousand players it used to have. Especially since most people who play it are shitters that can barely beat normal difficulty.
Did it start dying when they made the Green Lantern 'class' a paid-only feature and it was really unbalanced?
I'm actually not sure if it's dead yet, given it's GFWL and all.
I wanted to play this one in co-op with some of my friends, but they're too busy with casual mainstream shit.
Gone too soon.
This game wasn't great but I still forget it's dead and get a hankering for it a couple times a year
Was the online in this game ever alive?
I miss The Culling, really wish more people gave it a chance when they restarted development.
It's not fucking fair. It was ahead of its time. Fuck Uber Entertainment for ruining everything and then trying a bunch of kickstarter scams right after.
Pretty much after everything became paid for
Red Orchestra 1, those meatgrinders are gone now ;_;
Can we go a step further with
>dead online games
>Still getting low level invasions in Bloodborne
they are pretty much all japs but it's still fun trolling all these years later
TF2 community servers
Bianca being Online
Remember when they made a fucking cryptocurrency miner you could use to earn in game currency? Remember when they made new characters TEN DOLLARS in a dying game?
What were they thinking? I'm so fucking glad Planetary Annihilation bombed as well because they completely ditched SMNC for it.
It's not fair.
I've seen people say there are still some good TF2 community servers, but I'm not sure I want to check.
Match making ain't that bad and costum gamemodes are still being played.
Man original MNC is what I fuckin loved, I never really got into SMNC.
Arms and Kid Icarus Uprising unfortunately
TLoU, can fucking get that plat trophy
>tfw the MMORPG mod gets more trafic than the game itself
Well, honestly, I'm not even mad. Pleasantly surprised people find life out of the game like that.
Xbox one version of fighterz. Damn, you can even find opponents on the switch version and that one came out last.
In the same vein, Valve fucked over modded servers for a while and for the longest time I couldnt play my favorite mod TF2Ware
I must've spent hundreds of hours playing this dumb shit alone.
What a shitty ass answer, anonymous. Kick rocks you fucking dork.
Lost Planet 2
Oh god, this. They put so much effort into that mode!
>Kid Icarus Uprising
>Game fills in with bots to ensure you can play
>Bots are mean
>sometimes people still appear
Yesterday actually. Gonna play some in a few hours, now that I got the itch for it
Battlefield 4. It was the last Battlefield that I liked. Can anyone recommend an alternative? I don't want to play 5....
Good luck, user!
I wish the push for the release of online server information actually went somewhere.
Died pretty quick, like all online only games will.
I got this game for like 3 dollars and thought it was fun, got a few friends to get it and they hated it.
Shattered Horizon
Oh shit this game was awesome, I liked it so much that I ended up just stomping every server as Pure which in turn made me lose interest
Real shame cause it's a lot of fun but it's deader than dead
I just want a sequel to flesh out the ideas because at its core its so unique, but too unfinished and unfocused for the main game Fuck Tim Schafer, he can drag out a project and spend like a motherfucker but at least he comes out with something unique
>Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed
It wasn't supposed to end like this.
isn't it basically a Sacrifice clone
Microsoft bought Double Fine, as far as I'm aware. They got the cash now to make a sequel. But yeah, the side missions were kinda repetitive.
>DC Universe Online
Just join a private server.
>Bots are mean
What are they doing to you, my dear baby boy?
>game isn't even dead
>still can't make friends
Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Joint Ops Typhoon RIsing
I'll never forget /radops/
>Joint Ops Typhoon RIsing
That's that 3 team FPS with vehicles, right?
I've spent good 4 years on my main community server, during which it change names, hosting and sponsors a few times. It was good times, but it's time to move on.
2 team, had lots of vehicles that controlled really well. maps could be several square kilometers but wasnt milsim shit, played with some Yea Forums guys years ago and had a blast.
If it went f2p on steam it could probably be revived.
>these desperate valve shills
You killed your golden goose and lost millions of players just to compete with Overwatch with your retarded "competitive" mode.
You seem to have misinterpreted my post. I wasn't implying matchmaking is better. I just meant it was time to move on from that game altogether.
Then YOU should have made your post clearer and easier for me to understand. I refuse to take any responsibility for your bullshit.
Fuck off, unlike you I actually still play TF2 and it's still fun.
I wasn't the faggot that needed a server were everyone knew me because I'm not the kind of faggot that replaces his social life with vidya.
most of them are shitty achievement/idle servers that are actually just there to farm ad revenue, but occasionally you find fun servers like randomizer x10 or 8 humans vs 24 engineer bots
Don't forget
/tfg/ meetup this 27th and the preceding 9th of the next month during happy hour
Not dead
Co-op still playable
Battlefield 2/3, both still get played
my bid for the thread would be Dystopia/Neotokyo although NT still has a fierce as fuck community keeping it alive every friday night
thank fucking christ, the drip-feed from cyberpunk newbies discovering it on steam for free keeps it alive and has kept it alive for fucking years now, still damn worth a good session
>It's not fucking fair. It was ahead of its time.
>It was ahead of its time.
They took the shitty F2P MOBA format and made a third person shooter, fuck SMNC they should've just made MNC2 with more map and characters and charge $40 bucks for it
Cheston was my nigga though
>Co-op still playable
How does that work? Considering it never moved from GFWL afaik.
ADD ME GOGOGO I played this shit all day on 360 but I have been wanting to play it again.
Yeah it was a damn shame. I just really liked gothphelia.
Demon's souls
it was dead anyways, but still. not even getting the CHANCE to be invaded after it shut down hurts, bros
>favourite BC2 server is still running and max pop most of the evening
>but half the players are 150+ ping RUS
>Delta Force Black Hawk Down
Oh fuck i was just remembering how much of that i used to play on xbox back in the day. God damn lotta good times were had. I miss it...
If you're serious about it, I might add you when I get home in the evening, because I'd love to do a co-op playthrough, although don't you need 4 people for the full group? Also, time zone difference might be an issue.
The worst thing is that the sequel is shit.
Red Faction Guerrilla
Any Assassin's Creed game with multiplayer
Double Agent spies v mercs
I fucking loved the off the wall unique mp games in the xbox live days
Dragon ball Raging blast 2 on 360.. was my whole summer after i broke up back in 2012.. dammit looking at these pics i can feel the fighting movements play in my fucking head
>PC online 528
>PS3 online 439
>360 online 239
don't die please god please no let it die
I live in NZ so most online shooters that aren't CoD/Battlefield/Apex/Overwatch are dead as doornails.
I still have Red Orchestra 2 installed and check it weekly but I get nothing ;_;
Is there no solution to this? Or is it just too costly?
How do you play co-op on LP2 now that gfwl is gone, I vaguely remember starting it back up and all my shit and stuff was gone
No idea, going to have to look into it yourself.
I am NEET until august 7th and worked night shift in degenerate burgerland. Lets go for real. I dont have anything unlocked, but I know all of the levels and secrets n shit since I played this shit years ago and just got it on PC recently. Set up GFWL for this shit. I am down.
Outside of specific events which raise player numbers, no. You have communities on most reasonable places though, like Rising Storm 2 or ArmA, I just don't really enjoy those as much.
No i meant because of the place you live, is there no way to play with other regions and have a decent ping?
>always wanted the guns to be projectile and not hitscan
>they actually did it, only for Apex
>I am NEET
Well, I'm not, which might be an issue, since my playtime window is quite limited on weekdays. But I'll shoot you an invite later and we'll see how it works out.
Literally just dl'd this because I was craving to explore a shitty MMO like I did as a kid.
It's time to move onto to 4, user
requesting summon
4 is super dead as well.
Most Kiwis play on Aus servers because it's like 50+ ping max. I get like 150+ ping in Asia which is barely tolerable but you have to deal with obnoxious Indonesians and Pinoys. US West Coast starts going over 200+ ping and I just can't enjoy that.
Yeah man just do it. I just added another user today. Not for LP2 but he has a steam as well.
Catch you later man.
Republic Commando actually had an online multiplayer, and nobody talked about it because it was pretty generic. But god DAMN, was it a good kind of solid generic. It was my shit for a year or two back in the mid 2000s on PC. So much surprising fun. It never held a candle to the other FPS's of the era but it was solid as hell and the only Star Wars FPS you had that was pure infantry shooting and no vehicles or Jedi.
I miss it a lot even though its really average, but it was not a BAD average at all.
Pic is shitty but the only one I found of an actual online multiplayer match, I remember the PC version had at least 32 player severs and they were actually pretty semi-active.
Not dead, revived
Warhammer Battlemarch
It was real garbage, but i loved it, especially since i had a group of online friends to play it with
As if paid online on console isn't cancer already also helps to kill them very fast.
From what I see the rts in this game is very regular if not simple. Can someone elaborate?
I miss it.
You haven't seen a dead game if you haven't tried DBZBurst Limit onile.
What? BF4 is dead?
Stop saying!!!!!
that's what I was gonna say. Really liked that game.
Got 0 players for any hardcore mode in my area right now. Server browser says every match got ~60 players but as soon as I join it's a ghost town.
>Delta Force Black Hawk Down
oh fuck
Gigantic, Battlerite, WH:40k Eternal Crusade, Verdun, everyhting else.mention above
My library consists of dead games
I know it technically isn't even out yet but fuck there's nobody playing anymore since Ultimate came out
Image broke
People talked so much shit in that game and it was really funny
>hitman 2 has a bunch of multiplayer only challenges
>nobody fucking plays hitman mp