Dead Space 4 when
Dead Space 4 when
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Hopefully, never. But I'm afraid they might want to reboot the franchise.
Fug that, i wanna know what happened after Dead Space 3's epilogue. And wtf happened to Lexine
How woke can the writers go with dead space 4?
You don't want to know
they can easily make the unitologist alt right and the top guy into a trump type cult leader
but didn't we kill the top leader? who was basically john lenon mixed with anime jesus
I love Dead Space. I consider it one of my favorite games. Considering what EA did to the series in 3, it's for the best that this franchise is dead. It's extremely sad, but it's still less sad than seeing EA continue to murder the core game and milk it for all its worth.
Do you want to know their ethnicity?
It's strange that EA killed Dead Space so quickly after 3. Sure it flopped and wasn't great, but that was just one game, and the franchise was huge with comics and movies and shit. Seems like they could have stood to try again when they had so much money behind it.
Never because Visceral are RIP
Fuck EA
fuck off you retards groveling for more sequels
not everything has to be a big franchise
I'm more angry that we didnt get to see the game Visceral actually wanted to make and instead got cowadooty in space with shitty love triangle plot
3 wasn't that bad. It was already on a downward trajectory with 2, and 3 wasn't that big of another step downward. In hindsight it almost seems quaint that it caused such an uproar, compared to the franchises that have been butchered far worse since then. I have no doubt that EA will try some "back to the series' roots" reboot sometime, and it will turn out even worse than 3.
>3 wasn't that bad. It was already on a downward trajectory with 2
Stopped reading there
2 is by far the best, 3 is absolute shite
EA doesn't exactly make smart moves, just look at the entire Battlefront debacle and surprise mechanics. EA was clearly the one pushing for microtransactions and millions of sales when they should have tempered their expectations to the 2 or 3 million they were more or less guaranteed.
2 is generic garbage
1 was a nice and contained story that came and went but EA demanded a sequel be made for more money. 2 is creative black hole made for broad appeal and easy money
>2 is by far the best, 3 is absolute shite
The series went from a Resident Evil 4 rip-off, to an Uncharted rip-off, to a poorly made Uncharted rip-off with co-op and mountains of microtransactions. 2 was the turning point, like it or not.
The series should have been finished after the first, why on earth would you want a Dead Space 4?
I recently replayed Uncharted 2. Those circlejerk set piece levels have aged so poorly now that the graphics that they dumped all of their money into look like shit. I assume Dead Space 2 is the same way.
user I...
Not really it still looks fine and game is good it just lost a lot of the tension that DS1 had going for it
what exactly makes 3 worse than 2?
3 actually has more content and mechanics than 2, and is far more open as well
>mountains of microtransactions
completely untrue. there were a few skins you could buy and that was it. absolutely nothing in the game required any form of microtransaction and what little content there was that you could purchase was so insignificant you barely even knew it existed unless you went to the menu for it
That'd be stupid considering Unitologists are more akin to crazy communist cultists than anything else.
>Dead Space 2 is generic garbage
Never voice your opinion again
He's right, you know. Helen Keller deaf mute Isaac is best Isaac
hopefully never ever it should have ended with 2
Everyone dies. They should either reboot it and then not go full retard with the plot, or somehow send Isaac back in time before Dead Space 1 with all his skills and memories and have him fight to prevent everything from happening or some shit. Or just remaster/remake DS1 and call it a day.
>3 actually has more content and mechanics than 2, and is far more open as well
They removed almost all the horror and turned it into a co-op shoot'em up, pointless microtransactions up the ass, censored the necromorph babies and turned them into dogs
Half the content is also locked behind the shit and dead co-op now. The online is peer-to-peer as well, so if you're not the host, it'll be a lagfest. The story is the most retarded shit ever.
Am I the only one that doesn't like 2? Giving him a voice was a mistake and it doesn't even give him a shred of personality. Also feel like it tried way too hard to be scary and fell flat because of that. Not a fan of the story either. 1 is the only good one.
>2 is generic garbage
How is it generic? Because the main character has a face, voice and personality?
I used to be really against that change in 2, but now I warmed up to it. Sure, it wasn't necessary, and indeed was an attempt to make the game feel more cinematic, but in the end it didn't really harm the experience, just changed it a bit.
And the stalkers did a goddamn great job at making the game more scary, both through atmosphere and gameplay.
Gotta approach it like the Alien franchise, first one was the most confined and scary, then with 2 the stakes were raised higher more action was added while still retaining decent scares while expanding on the MC, then 3 hit and everything went to shit they forgot their roots in favor of making a blockbuster, and everyone with half a brain hated them for it.
Just imagine Dead Space 4 if it's the Alien Resurrection equivalent.
>not-very-well-made affectionate parody that people with sub-room-temperature IQs misinterpret
>5/10 game gets widely regarded as a 2/10
Try 3/10 gets widely regarded as a 1.5/10.
>t. far left of the bell curve
literally never. EAs incompetence was a mercy for once. let it rip
Do you really want another after the travesty that was 3?
I started really badly with the intro on the ice planet and the cowadooty section in the city then it became quite decent in the space section and then it was only downhill from here
I really missed the old weapons, the shitty crafting system (only there to put more microtransactions) dragged the shooting down imo, all weapons felt much less unique
and fucking universal ammo
Never. Visceral is dead. Not only that, I think the creator said he wants to make a new one and it would be a great coop experience.
Never. But there is hope for a new game in same universe.
Sort of like what halo infinite will be. Its not exactly halo 6.
they can always recon and just throw him in if they're that desperate
True but again if they wanna shove Trump they can just recon shit with a reboot