Why was Dark Souls 3 so well received by critics? Especially compared to the previous Souls games.
Why was Dark Souls 3 so well received by critics? Especially compared to the previous Souls games
It was comparatively straighht forward compared to Demons and Dark, had higher production values, and souls had finished its transformation from extremely niche thing to cultural phenomenon by then.
reddit liked dark souls 2 so naturally critics need to like the next one
critics are the most retarded people on the planet they literally dont have brains when it comes to video games
Because it's was indeed decent.
Because it has the most polish bar bloodborne and the best bosses period
It's really only that Dark Souls II is underrated
critics are retards
decent isn't a 89/100
It fixed the things wrong with II and went back to the setting of the first.
It's the best one.
yes it is.
you're just being intentionally obtuse and I'm too old for this stupid shit so I'm going to bed.
It was more complete than DS1
It was less garbage than DS2.
Yes it is, when a trash heap like me andromeda gets above 70 ds3 more than deserves its rating
nigga those aren't the original scores
Console peasants' opinions are worthless.
89/100 is decent, excactly because critics are retarded
>He will never play Demon’s Souls.
>He will never play Bloodborne.
You sure about that, sweetie?
>DeS emulation for years now
>Bloodborne via PS Now
DS2 (not sotfs) has the highest score out of them
whatever you say, but the PC port of DS1 was fucking awful so that's why it got a lower score
That's misleading image showing awful DaS1 port and shitty DaS2 rerelease. All DaS games have same score of about 90 with slight deviation
>what is emulation
dumb snoygger