How do you deal with the inevitable gaming fatigue, Yea Forums?
How do you deal with the inevitable gaming fatigue, Yea Forums?
By having a job so I cant dedicate all of my time to gaming and getting burnt out in the first place
good answer
bad answer
I simply live with the pain.
And eventually it goes away, for a little while anyway.
have sex
I just stop playing video games
Pick one game and stick to it.
I come to the forums of the games I used to enjoy and then shit on people who have bad ideas.
gattan gotton
My hobby share is about 70/30 of guns/games.
Fuck man, guns are more expensive but I don't get tired of them. When I can't shoot I just game.
this or get a hobby outside of gaming
What's inevitable about it? Don't play video games all the time, dumbass.
Keep telling yourself that loser
Sounds hard. You have to focus on the other hobby while games are always right there in front of you already.
I let it slowly consume me over the years to the point where I fully embrace being tired as a way of life
by having more than one hobby, a job, and a loving girlfriend who may or may not be addicted to games
I don't have it anymore. I just keep fucking playing video games. I slept less than 5 hours today, watched a couple chinese cartoon episodes, played 4 hours of vidya, after a break 3 more, passed out for slightly over an hour, about to start playing another one, probably going to be 3-4 more hours.
I actually care about vidya and have good knowledge of it so I when I get tired of just consuming, I study vidya design for fun.
>mfw reading typical vidya suggestions anywhere
That sounds fun. What material do you study?
How long you been doing that?
Nowadays mostly just observing actual games and seeing how the devs fuck up and spend months correcting shit.
Indie devs suck at it so there's a lot to be predicted.
Before that it was shit like:
>random articles on shit like "balancing with tedium" something shit devs fail to realize they're often doing and it really fucks up the game
>reading interviews with devs who describe their goals and development
>factorio dev notes - other dev notes too, but factorio ones are good for details
>in-depth vidya videos, like that Spirit of the Law guy who dissects Age of Empires 2
The problem with good materials is that most of it is one of:
>doesn't contain the information by itself, you have to know a lot to be able to reason about it
>if it explicitly tells what is good or bad, it's often wrong or not novel to me
For example, I wouldn't trust the Rimworld dev on providing good info because he fucked up multiple times in Rimworld.
Hard to tell, when I started it was very uncommited, then I started deving some vidya and realized people I dev with don't know SHIT about vidya, then I realized most vidya is done badly and now I shit on vidya for fun.
It's fun to be able to describe why exactly does vidya suck and how to improve it.
>wants to start a game
>lost interest literally 5 dialogue in
>i KNOW i can get hooked on it if i just play it longer but the ADHD just can't stop kicking in
I don't know what's going on with my and games man, i just watch movies nowadays
Somebody post the game fatigued patchouli
I go to sleep.
tun pa pa pa pa
you might stop getting any pleasure from playing vidya if this is your only pastime
>inevitable gaming fatigue
The whatnow?
I've been playing vidya for 27 years and I don't recall ever being "fatigued" by them.
it's something that only happens when you play subpar games for extended periods of time.
Oh, so you mean garbage like Smash and Pokemon?
Considering the fact that every game released on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters, have you ever considered that you may just have a shit taste? Anyone with any semblance of sense of quality will get bored to death if they even try to play moden games.
I watch movies for a couple of days and I'm ready for more after that. I usually only get it if I put over 100 hours in a single week into one game.
I'm old enough to be able to compare game from the early 90s, 00s and modern ones.
In every generation there was great games and shit ones. Sounds like a "you" problem to me.
If you can feel happy eating shit, good for you, but don’t try to deny that you’re eating shit.
I wish I would know.
Right now I have meh feeling about any game and I have many good ones on backlog. I wanted genre change but basically have no urge to play yet really want to play SOMETHING. Hell, I don't even want to eat. All I want is to sleep.
I hate it, really.
>All I want is to sleep.
iktf except I can't sleep more than ~10 hours unless I'm really sleepy.
I wish I could just sleep 22hours per day, spending only 2 hours on biology.
>tfw I understand this image
Not knowing knot sadpanda would be newfaggotry.
wtf dont google this
I browse Yea Forums and fap to ecchi threads here. Honestly, I don’t really care about vidya anymore.
by trying something new
>google actually recognizes it as a meme
wtf google this!
What it is? Dolphin porn?
the song is better without stupid onomatopoeias
It can be.
Mogumogu mogumogu
I want to converse with you
Now's your chance.
Neither of us have time to articulate or go in detail. But basically I'd like to know how you assess
I don't have just the one hobby.
At this point it's more art than science, but doing the math is usually halfway towards getting it done.
It's often very easy to tell that devs aren't doing math because the values are of different magnitude to their closest equivalents or allow completely bypassing a game mechanic.
If the math isn't done, the game is balanced on feel, which is much harder and only really viable for games with constant, high-quality feedback, such as competitive RTS.
Then there are devs who are completely fucking detached and you can tell they either don't play their own game at all or are really bad at it.
If the dev describes situations that don't happen in game or misses obvious solutions to them, that's it. Or if the dev doesn't make any effort to "win" his own game.
This is common in sandbox games like Dwarf Fortress.
Gee Bill, two hobbies?
I don't play video ganes.
Yeah there are quite a few mental missteps when it comes to videogames and their devs, but I've noticed the same notion, devs just give a shit about their games and just do things because others so it too.
I'm playing a game called everspace, and right now I've become bored rather quick because the game is just not fleshed out or interesting enough to warrant a roguelike title. I got duped I would say.
>not fleshed out or interesting enough to warrant a roguelike title
Roguelike doesn't mean fleshed out or interesting, it means turn-based, grid-based, randomly generated RPG designed with permadeath in mind.
I checked the steam page of the game and it doesn't seem that the devs are even claiming it's a roguelike proper, just "roguelike elements" AKA procedural generation and permadeath they never name those directly for some reason.
>devs just give a shit about their games and just do things because others so it too
Sometimes it's because players request it.
Shit devs have no ability to tell what is a bad idea.
For example, Oxygen Not Included devs spent months working on a feature that a streamer suggested off-hand on one of his streams. It was a stupid gimmick that a thinking player would discard instantly, but dumb players and devs liked it, so they spent time implementing it.
Now no one uses the feature and all the work is wasted. They don't even bother to salvage it.
So how to avoid burning out? I tried changing genres but it doesn't work.
And nearly all games on my backlog are strategy or rpgs and for 120-150 hours long.
Yeah I mixed up my terms, but you hit the nail on the nose
I get it, it's a dilemma. You can't experiment because for most studios a single failure means shutdown. We truly do love in a society
Play the game of life.
Fucking gliders and acorns
Those are symptoms m8y, not causes.
Why try to avoid it? If you don’t want to play games, it’s not a bad thing, you can always come to Yea Forums and fap to ecchi threads.
I play new games
No, it is a bad thing! I literally waste time if I don't have anything to do and don't play video games! I have tons of games on backlog too!
Fapping sucks, I used to fap 6-8 times per day and its not good either.
I work as a machinist 45 hours a week and it doesn't help.
the wheel rotates from both sides user.
When I'm tired of video games I browse the internet, when I'm tired of browsing the internet I come here, when I'm tired of both I go outside or practice piano, read, ETC.
>when I'm tired of browsing the internet I play video games
Is what I meant, it's 5AM and I haven't slept yet.
Fapping doesn’t suck, it’s the perfect fallback every time you feel bored. No enthusiasm for gaming or anything else? Just go to some booru and find something that makes you hard.
>find something that makes you hard
impossible after you turn 26.
have other hobbies
And done. 4 hours. Don't know about any fatigue. Maybe being a NEET helps.
I have other hobbies, like reading. And i alternate between genres and franchises, always playing something fresh
I'm 29 and I've never been so horny in my life, sucks for you I guess.
I play in tournaments and I experience fatigue often through my practice.
Also I work in an extremelly demanding and stressful environment which contributes to mental fatigue.
It's simple, take a fucking break.
I had gaming fatigue for a long time but then I realized that all the new games were just shit and my PC couldn't properly handle occasional good ones.
The combination of PC upgrade and recent resurgence of boomer shooters made me play games 24/7 again. Which is a bit inconvenient because I've got a lot of work to do.
eh, the situation comes and goes.
You just have to find "the" game. hurr durr you lost Once you find your perfect game, you will not have the tired gamer syndrome. I just found a game to scratch my F-Zero itch AND my mech building itch in the same game and I feel like I'm 5 years younger again. I play it and time warps and it's already time for bed so I can go to work tomorrow properly.
Break Arts II for anyone interested.
Going out and doing something else, like going for a walk.
this year boyo, you'll see why 27 is the club.
This comic is always puzzling.
First panel, the dude has a garbage tier mental, but he finds it in himself to have the motivation and discipline to improve his quality of life.
Second panel he has achieved his every goal, but his mental is still complete garbage. What exactly did he gain as a lesson from disciplining himself and how the hell do you stay disciplined with such garbage mental resilience?
i sex your mother very good in the mouth, faggot.
I wait for it to pass.
Should be any day now I get tge sparj back haha.
Its been 9 months since I had an urge to play a game longer than a day haha.
Working also makes things bad.
>Break Arts II
I fucking love mechs and it seems to have amazing mech editor but the gameplay looks like some fucking audiosurf. Is there more than this to it?
This, I am replaying some old games and I suddenly enjoy video games again.
Maybe I should do this
38 here. Fapped to a soundgasm of a girl silently schlicking an hour ago.
I know how it feels to dedicate yourself entirely to a discipline thinking it will save you only to end up finding out years later that you went the wrong way. I'm sad he didn't find his answer
that was me with a diarrhea.
Your quiet moans sounded cute.
Short answer, no. You build mechs, and then you race them. There's a discord to organize races but of course it's a small community because it's an indie game.
Longer answer, I personally love the racing portion but I also use a light-weight mech so handling is pretty much spot-on. Heavier builds are a lot more slide-y but usually have more combat ability. There's regular guns, mines, and swords and killing a mech puts them on like a 7 second respawn time. You can really feel the difference in power when you're using a 15K HP speeder vs a 30K HP attacker. There's a lot of nuance to racing properly and coming in first makes all the time spent in the garage worth it.
NEETs are just as worthless and miserable as wageslaves.
I should add that you actually get two mechs to use per race that you can actually switch between in the middle of the race. So if you're behind, you can use your speeder to catch up and if you're ahead, you can use a heavier armored mech to not die quickly since if the other races are close, they will be shooting you.
Also you can turn around to fire at enemies behind you but that's hard as fuck. I haven't figured out when the best time to do that is.
t. coping "totally not wageslave" wageslave
I wouldn't call 16h a week wageslaving.
I wish I knew, I'm stuck not knowing what to do with life.
This sounds kinda pretentious, but i don't know why people don't exercise daily at least some cardio like jogging or cycling
It's literally free and pretty fun
Watch a TV show until i feel like playing again
Agreed. Fuck wagies and NEET parasites. Making freelance bucks from your hobby is true patrician's choice.
Non-exerciser here. It's just not fun. When we play video games which stimulate your mind, suddenly not doing any brain activity for 30 minutes is boring as fuck.
The most cardio I do is hours of DDR. If they can make moving around and exercising fun, people will do it. TV on a treadmill is not fun either.
Because it's fucking boring you troglodyte, and all the sports I like require money, time and the right season.
It's still wage slavery, just less of it.
It's as if you were saying that you're not straight because the divorce only cost you a car and not a house.
If you need money to survive and need to work to get said money, you're a wage slave.
Everyone needs money to survive, so everyone is a wageslave.
gyari's drawings make me horny
Gimme that
Add music while you're doing it, i mean i'm adhd as shit too but even i can just enjoy some music while going around my neighborhood
But how am I going to organize my backlog if I'm busy exercising? I have more than 1TB of unsorted music and if I'm not using Foobar, I won't be able to organize shit.
Everyone who needs to work to get money.
There are those who don't need to work to get money, such as autismbux beneficents, the retired, the prisoners etc.
And those who don't need money to survive, such as feral niggers on isolated islands.
The telltale signs of a shit hobby. Stop pressing people to waste their time like you do.
Get into a sport, I recommend rock climbing or swimming. """Exercise""" is mind-numbingly boring for the average person, don't press on if you don't enjoy it.
Rock climbing sounds cool but wouldn't you need to do regular exercise in order to be minimally proficient at it?
Not if you're young and you don't eat like a pig. If your work requires you to get off your ass and walk for 30 or so minutes for your commute you're already set, if you do labor doubly so.
Exercising is the easiest way to keep your body in good shape though. I'd rather just do a simple workout with dumbbells a few times a week than bother with some sport bullshit.
"Exercise" is a byproduct of doing sports. To exercise for the sake of exercising is just being vain.
I'm not big (125lbs/56KG) but I'm an office drone so not physical work at all. So I guess I would have to start doing weights. I'll think about it, since I'm in the desert and there's mountains out here everywhere.
hey thats me
Got any specific suggestions on older titles to curb burnout? Have a decently specced PC and can probably pick up any console titles that haven't slipped into /vr/-tier collectorfaggotry
I always used this when looking for older games to play
I don't think it's been updated in a while but if you know what types of games you will enjoy, you won't be let down.
Why is Chad arguing with himself wtf bros
Sports are pointless games son, you're telling me you don't want strength? You don't want stamina? You just wanna put da ball in ba basket better than the other guy puts da ball in da basket? You're no chad.
>being competitive is not chad
You're a fag.
The last remaining oldfag talks with Yea Forums.png
Sports are the relic from ancient times when people didn't have video games to entertain themselves. Physical activity is necessary evil not to become a rotting lardass. Better do it as efficiently as possible to have more time to enjoy vidiya gaems.
Thanks. I don't have a huge amount of time these days so it'll probably be something more casual than a timesink RPG, hopefully I can find something to rekindle the fire
>when some underage zoom zoom is talking about good old times when he played Halo
Im just sharing user no need to get your panties in a bunch
I just think it's fun, and at least now i can get up a flight of stairs without gasping for air
>tfw fat
What do?
why playing vidya if you don't feel like it?
Because it's the only we thing know.
I’ve seen these videos but I don’t know what those characters are from. Are they that guy’s original characters or from something else?
You need help my dude.
What hobbies can you even do this with? Vidya is my only hobby and the only way to make money off of that would be to let’s play or something, but you have to be super lucky to make anything from it.
Carpentry comes to mind. Just build shit and sell it. Big or small items, you can do a lot.
Pull out your Ethernet cable and just play something. Stop your alt-tab habits.
Exercise more. Eat less.
Only if it gets me money for free.
What is this?
It will cause mustard gas to generate from your hard drive. Don't do it.
I'm willing to risk it.
I didn't have internet throughout the 2000-2010 era so pls no kill.
Find that 1 game you can play consistently without losing interest (even if you take long breaks)
Give up on gaming and play on rare occasions when something grabs your interest
Choose 1
Vocaloids, like the migu
Based on
Yes, that IS Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning
Well that was nice. kemonofurs are always nicer than other furries.
On Yea Forums sure they are, the regular furries are edgelords because they are pre-alpha version of /pol/.
I wait until it goes away
Too bad it has been 5 years now
I just play a different game, and if that doesn't work I take a break from playing games for a week or two.
Maybe you don't need to play video games every day or every week. Fucking read a book, ride a bike, it's summer.
I take a break and focus more on my other hobbies and interests for a while.
If you're a PC mustard, try your hardest to limit yourself during massive sales and shit. It's easy to end up with a huge backlog, and once that happens, you feel compelled to play through all the games you bought, and gaming starts to feel like a massive chore. Having used to be a consolebabby, I actually kind of unironically miss how stupid expensive console games are, because it meant I would buy them far less frequently and get a lot more out of whatever game I bought.
Those require attention span and getting up the chair so no
>play vidyagaem
>get sick of it
>go to another vidyagaem
>get sick of it
>watch animu
Competition is the means by which capitalism condition its population to become worker drones.
You're always competing to outperform everyone else, Successful millionaires tell you to always be the hardest worker in the room, to always be disciplined and adopt strict routines, strict diets and to dream as big as you can.
How it translate to average population is a small percentage strike gold and reap the reward of their legit hard work, which, in turn, gives them self-validation and they will go on to tell everyone else "work hard, trust me, it works." and the rest of everybody else will bump into obstacles that will end up leading them to different levels of wageslave hiearchy (My job is better and pays more than yours)where they will settle and maybe aim for a manager position in the future. While there, they will be pushed and pressured to perform much higher than expectations and never be thanked for any ammount of hard work they put in because no matter how hard they work, it's merely expected of them.
Outside of work, people compete over who has the best quality of life so they compare material possessions and personal success in a desperate effort to convince themselves this is what success trully is.
It's true, when channeled correctly, a competitive spirit can lead you to unbelievable heights and motivate those with heart, but in capitalist society, you're just a fucking puppet and you're manipulated into competing with your fellow proletariat so that you never actually unite with them to achieve TRUE success. Remember, Capitalism is about being on top and those on top don't want competition.
Well yeah I was just talking about sports though. Everything you said is right but I said what I said in reference to sports. Because that's what that reply chain was talking about.
He's not wrong, retard.
Chad takes in all viewpoints and pits them against each other to find the one true answer.
To be a chad is to accept every perspective