3 is so fucking soulless. Such a dull and sterile experience without a shred of originality.
nice soipinions
this insectoid bitch literally looks like an Antz character
>nip cleaning lady meme
>q2 2019
OP, are you 12?
>multiplats are the bad games
really gets the noggin joggin
dark souls 2 is one of those generation defining games. Like all it takes is for someone to share their opinion of DS2 for me to know if they are a retard or not. I know you are the lowest common denominator when you come into threads complaining about noob traps in ds2 lol
(google "ryan gosling blade runner meme" for pic i can't be bothered)
You're right
here you go fren
Dark Souls 2 is the best out of all of these games regardless of what others manipulated into thinking.
kill yourself contrarian
True. Don’t listen to the haters senpai
I finally played Bloodborne last year and it was kinda mediocre why do people act like it's in a league of its own compared to the Souls games
How was it mediocre?
it was just another souls game with a different name
So you already think the series is mediocre to begin with?
mediocre in terms of the series
What was the one with the brown looking village area with the statue and you could quick travel like a faggot
I only ever watched a friend play here and there
dark souls 3 is better than dark souls 1
So hows it mediocre?
didn't do anything the best, didn't do anything the worst
dark souls 3 has some of the most beautiful locations in the series, some of the best style in the series, some of the best music in the series, and some of the best bosses in the series
people only don't like it because they burned out on the series after bloodborne
prove me wrong
It has the best setting and some really interesting backstory. In terms of actual gameplay it benefits from not having Dark Souls 1s weak second half, Dark Souls 2s weak entire game or Dark Souls 3s general mediocrity. It's a pretty consistently good game all the way throughout, though it kinda needs the DLC to not be too short.
To be honest, in terms of actual gameplay my overall favourite is Sekiro but I'd replay Bloodborne over any Dark Souls game.
DaS3 is better than original Dark Souls.
Like what
99% of DaS3 hate comes from DaS2 apologists
Accurate. Simply making a negative comment towards DaS2 with no mention of 3 is enough to work as a summoning call for the DaS2 brainlet to deflect to 3's flaws.
bloodborne exists
not really I dislike both, a lot of people do too. They're by far the weakest in the series
I like em all, except bloodborne because I haven't played it yet.
bloodborne's bosses are on the large weak as fuck with a few good standouts and the music is mostly forgettable, again, with a few strong standouts
i also found most of yharnam kind of samey in feel
I don't know man
Bloodborne gives me absolutely nothing
the gameplay is the rehashed rehash of a rehash but even further casualized and dumbed down
It's true that I didn't enjoy Das3 nearly as much because series fatigue had already set in, however - it's not my fault that the game was such a blatant retread in nearly every single aspect. Each game in the series should keep the Soul of the game intact, while injecting some innovation: Bloodborne is a perfect example, meanwhile Das3 made zero attempts at doing anything new, so it will always be the most forgettable one of the bunch, fatigue or not.
>July of the year two thousand and nineteen after our lord and savior
>"I'm gonna make a thread which states the most bland and overly used opinion from the last two years"
>BB's music is mostly forgettable
>praises DaS3's music
DaS1 is better than bloodborne
>bloodborne's music is forgettable but das3's isn't
das3's OST was such a letdown, the main menu theme was so good, it got me pumped for what was coming. It's been months since I played 3 and I don't remember a single song outside the main menu and the gwyn rendition
I can remember vordt, dancer, nameless king, soul of cinder, gael, yhorm, and twin princes off of the top of my head
I played BB most recently out of any souls game and I can legit barely remember any of them
ludwig is very good, first hunter is too
for me its darksouls 2,
Hating on Bloodborne isn't going to make Dark Souls 3 good.
>q2 2019
>Menu theme
>Slave k***ht
>Siester Friede
>Nameless king
>Twin princes
Those are legit, imo
Sekiro was better than all of them
too different to be comparable imo, it was great for what it was, a bit short though
>tfw roastie doesn't spark joy
Heh. Wew lad.
but they're all the same
she smol
Swap bottom 2
But DS3 is the best with Bloodbirne
Demon's Souls is so fucking overrated
Not really, I mean I like it but it's often totted out as the best or second best game which is complete bullshit.
Honestly I think it's the hipster factor since it's by far the least played of the series
Demon's Souls is weirdly still perfectly playable. It's a jankier Dark Souls with a lot more focus on gimmicks.
It's funny looking back on it having played the entire rest of the franchise, though. Old Hero is a boss clearly intended to be fought carefully using his blindness to sneak up on him, but if you've played the later souls games where you have to fight far stronger and more erratic opponents head-on, just sticking to him and kicking his ass is no big deal at all.
Not really.
This guy gets it. Also looks good on emulator.
it's not hard to see why it's regarded as such
>no bad areas, unlike the dark souls games
>gimmick bosses are actually fun
>unique mechanics
>death is actually punished harshly with only 7 stones of ephereal eyes in the game encouraging PvP not just for MUH DUELS
>best trolling potential for invasions
>second best atmosphere after bloodborne
that where captain marvels been
Lmao, here comes the amerimutt white knighting an entire race.
I am sorry you were born a nonwhite and thus worthless, but it is no reason to hate your superiors, user. :)
Ds1 is a legitimately bad game after O&S
Yea Forums will never stop fucking crying about DS3 will they
> demon souls
go back
>get Lordvessel
>lose all willpower to continue playing further
Why is this HAPPENING?
the game goes to complete garbage afterwards, just stop (or try getting to the DLC)
You can post literally anything and some fucking retard will come in and sperg something about nigger/kike/whitoid (lol)/shitskin/mudslime/roach/gook/chink/nips/beaners/and whatever else there is.
Simple, really. After you get the lord vessle, you see the end of the tunnel, and begin to realize that your journey will end. Before that point, you were working toward something. A new build likely. Or playing with a new covenant. The fun was all in the preparation. The gathering, the building, the meticulous planning. But once you get the lord vessel, all of that doesn't matter anymore. You probably have everything you need at that point. Or at least you're only a step or two from the final bits. So what's the point?
If you want to dig deeper. Dark Souls actually attracts a lot of INTP personalities. And those kind of people lack follow through. More interested in entertaining the idea of making a build, rather than doing the work to see it through. For INTP people, the "light at the end of the tunnel" effect is far more dramatic. As soon as they realize that their idea could *possibly* come to fruition, they lose all interest.
Dark souls 2 is my favourite :/
Why the war? White women and Asian women are both good.
Here, now we can actually get this thread started, don't say I never do anything for you fucks.
Glad I'm not the only one, got extremely bored after fighting that big rolly polly cat on the bridge, the brick road city was boring, Anor Londo didn't have any oomf, and I ended up quitting at the obligatory "DRAGON THAT KILLS EVERYTHING" part
who is she?
is she married to a white guy?
>play bb for 6 hours
>its just Dark Souls 4
>Do a 360 and never play it again
>Orphan of Kos
>Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos
>Martyr Logarius
Oh so this is why I died 40 times to him
But I am white. I'm mocking the mutt for desoerately attacking whites at the sight of someone not bowing down to asians. Americans are cucks after all.
god I wish I had a konmari wife
No, she has a show where she teaches mutts how to put their clothes in their locker because mutts are extremely low IQ.
>music is mostly forgettable
What the actual fuck
Would still fuck.