What's your most expensive/priceless TF2 item?
What's your most expensive/priceless TF2 item?
A Green Confetti Stainless Pot. Ironic, since I don't wear it.
I sold everything I had to retarded kids, now I only play with default items because some autists get really triggered when a default guy kills them
a fuckton of regular keys I got from selling an australium scattergun I got from mvm on day of release. Was one of the first I imagine so dude paid a lot.
I never sold/used the keys. I stopped played like 2 years ago, they just sit there.
just wear gibus
I do on the scout
I had a miami lights Cotton Head before it was all class, but I gave it to my friend when I stopped playing TF2. I still have some cool items like the Cheater's Lament, mostly because they're not tradable though
A Pro Killstreak Strange Widowmaker named "-30 -30 -30 -30 -30 -30"
I love it dearly.
why not sell them on the steam market?
my experience with the game before meet your match killed it for me
I probably eventually will or if I'm drunk enough I might just unbox them all. Haven't needed the steam money yet.
I don't own any really expensive stuff. Most expensive is spec. killstreak genuine original, so 2 keys? Probably not even that anymore.
a friend gave me a haunted magical mercenary (the halloween unicorn cosmetic) as a joke when those were new.
Its $10 dollars on the community market now.
Thank you friend.
Should I redownload TF2? I just want a fun multiplayer game to play and everything out right now is shit.
yeah, try to play community servers, and make sure to bring a friend along so you can banter and coordinate stuff
i had one of them old ancient crates i sold for ten bucks
the new "casual" mode still sucks monkey balls because people leave very fequently
community is where its at assuming you can find a good vanilla one with people
unspecified haunted ghosts unusual worth $70
i don't want to say what it is since i'm selling it and feel kind of foolish for buying it. got into unu trading after selling the vast majority of my inv for a horribly ugly scorching hat
mine would be my harvest moon salty dog
lol nothing
the 1 of 11111 or whatever soldier medal, which i got from being a NEET and seeing a thread on Yea Forums when it was available
i have some low craft number garbage, and some glitch stuff from when you could put killstreaks on hats but thats all basically impossible to put a value on. the only thing i have with real value is a crafted black rose, which would be worth at least 40 keys, but selling stuff is too much of a pain in the ass so its just rotting in my inventory.
A strange self aware beauty mark
i had a numbered golden wrench in the top 20 but abandoned my account
Don't forget to set your profile to private
I guess the rose butterfly knife from playing that shitty alliamce valliance of arms game. Its shutdown now so cant get it nor can you trade for it since its achievment based.
I do not have much of anything, only hate I ever unboxed was some admiral hat i think.
>but I abandoned my account
somehow I find that how to believe, what number wrench did you have
A Lo-Fi Longwave that I got in a giveaway.
i'd prefer not to say since it would reveal which account is unattended
i just hated how many games i had and how many hours i wasted on games and i hated some of my friends on there
Do people still get upset at cheater's lament?
if you aren't lying you should really recover the account and delete the wrench, it donates money to charity when you do (so i've heard, maybe they don't do that anymore)
The e-mail attached to it doesn't exist anymore, and this was before 2FA. I don't think that charity thing is going on anymore anyway. It was a one-time thing. Plus I don't care enough about charity to waste my time trying to get that account.
Most expensive i had was a strange festive huntsman, and i sold it for 18$
My most valuable thing is an australium stickybomb launcher. After that would be my unusual Magistrate's Mullet with a theme I'm proud of, and then my Big Kill.
Honorable mention to my strange Beggar's Bazooka with a professional killstreak kit on it. It's only worth like 7 bucks but it was my favorite gun for MvM.
I sold a strange degreaser with a sheen and some kill-counter parts on it when I got out of the game some years ago, got ten dollars for it on the steam market. Not a lot compared to other items but it was a nice return considering I put almost no real money into the game
pic related plus a strange kritz krieg and #21 backwards ballcap for scout
dumb canadian
barely melted capacitor
gibus, pyrovision and mercenary medal
The Lid one
I don't invest in expensive items, the most expensive one to my eyes is either a Strange Rifle or a signed rocket launcher.