Remind me why was this a hit again?
Remind me why was this a hit again?
it was great
It was a nice little father/daughter story with okay gameplay.
>fuck it up with the DLC and turn her into a dyke
Left-Wing gaming journalists love Druck the Cuck for listening, and befriending Anita Sarkeesian
The gameplay was so boring I almost slept playing it once, it's a good movie though
It reminded estrogen plant journos of the closest thing to a videogame they ever played which was old visual novels like Final Fantasy 7.
Normalfags got on board because of flashy lights and production values make them feel good.
Normie-bait movie
It had good graphics for a summer 2013 console game.
Ok lets cut to the chase, Ellie and Joel were having sweat dripping hardcore sex every chance they get.
Oh my god the last of us?! It was such an epic (holy shit!) game!! It was so cinematic and the graphics even on the PS3 were so (SOO) lifelike(!) I mean it was killer!! then the PS4 version came out and I had to buy it and play on the definitive way to play, power to the PLAYERS
Absolutely. Remember the dyke shit was added LONG after the game was released.
smoothbrains thought it had a deep story
Because games journalists are terrible at video games, so a game with barely any gameplay was perfect for them.
Because Amy Hennig was that good.
go back to twitter
>Riley just opened a small tap with that shitty kiss.
>Joel tore open the flood gates and showed her how to fuck. This is how it was. This is canon now.
Through dick unity
You're god damn right through dick unity
It was a collection of popular cliches from that generation which gave it broad appeal. It was also paced fairly well.
Exceptionally good acting for a game.
Played until I got killed by a huge tit monster in some building. Just turned it off and couldn't give a shit about the story. Never played it again.
>Am I cool for hating on a legitimately great game, guys?
But lol its a movie lols, cause it has cutscenes haha haha
It was a spectacular display of audience targeting.
It is quite literally the most SONY game you can make.
Grounded playthrough was definitely something else
I'm hoping they don't fuck that up in part 2. The tension was too good
it's a genuinely terrible game
the story is trash, the characters are trash, the plot twist is trash, the gameplay is trash
the fact that it's YET ANOTHER zombie game where MAN IS A REEL EMEMY and you're forced to fight dozens of dudes with guns which is the single worst thing you can do to a monster survival game, the zombies suck, the clickers are executed poorly, and the best part of the game was the first 5 minutes when you played as sarah and it just devolved into cliched, boring, unimaginative trash with awful AI and awful combat
movie game for shitters who don't like gameplay
You mean exceptionally good gameplay for a movie.
Fucking grounded. i swear that shit was a nightmare.
I think i never held on to bricks as much as i did in other gameplays. Fricking bricks are life savers in grounded.
good story, good acting, serviceable gameplay, great music, and lots of shilling from the typical sites.
because people love shitty movie games for some reason
Good marketing. Marketing is almost always the reason things become popular. That said, it is also a fairly good game.
heavy rain and detroi had better gameplay as movies
>it was actually pretty good
not with that fucking ai
Grounded's ai cheats. As in enemies will wander to your general location regardless of how large the area may be and will often counter/have priority over your actions.
Because gamers love little girls. Obviously.
ellie was shit and they killed the good one right at the start
You sound like a cynical downer that would be better off killing himself. There are PLENTY of terrible, overrated games out there and TLoU is not one of them. It's not even debatable, you just have shit taste.
>tlou queer thinking he doesn't have absolute shit taste
tlou is genuinely one of the most overrated games ever released
it's just another knee-jerk response to the walking dead's popularity with none of the charm that the show had and the charm it barely had was just in how dumb it was
tlou wasn't even a dumb bad, it was just bad
Don't be silly user, the one at the start dealt hardcore drugs, you can't trust that kind of little girl, only wholesome girls allowed.This is a family friendly board, for family friendly people.
Ellie was so fucking hot, why did they ruin her
Ellie is just a replacement for the superior girl
but user
hardcore drugs was a metaphor, what she really sold was her underwear
That doesn't sound wholesome at all!
it was to underprivileged kids with no underwear user it's all good
It was a good story, good graphics, and serviceable gameplay, at least better than Uncharted's.
thanks for the compliment
>Children of Men ripoff + zombies
Of course it was going to be beloved by uncritical plebs no matter how dull the gameplay is.
>open display of reddit faggotry
this place has gone to shit
How is it so easy to identify normie humor/memes?
This site was covered in fake spoilers before release. Thread after thread including the few days after and every single fucking faggot was wrong. Going into the experience it was impossible to guess the ending and I don't see how you could see the twist coming either since the game spends the entire experience drip-feeding to you how Joel has no hope for this world. That kind of writing just wasn't going on in triple a at the time since this released towards the end of the whole movie game phase we had going on. The Last of Us was structured much more like a series (and obviously took inspiration from that format) and this generation has been better for it. I don't give a fuck what idiots here say.