Phantasy Star Thread
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universe pukes
I can hear the opening again
Take me back bros
Best OP song coming through.
I am reminded that I still haven't finished Episodes 2, 3 and 4 of PSO. I only ever played PSO once, and even then only for Episode 1.
Playing through the original on SMS right now. Having a pretty fun time. It's a shame these games aren't as remembered as Final Fantasy
I was 17 when Universe came out and had played the shit out of PSO yerass before. I bought it and almost paid for the full year of the Hunter's license because I was 100% convinced I was going to love it and cherish it as much as I did PSO. Unfortunately, it was considerably worse than PSO and gave up on it about 4 months after release. I deluded myself into playing it for a month or two longer than I should have because I couldn't accept the fact that it sucked. This is probably the biggest video game disappointment in my life and I don't think anything will ever surpass it as long as I live.
Thanks for reading my blog
I plan on doing this soon too, just waiting for the copy I bought to arrive.
You still have your Master System? In 2019? And it's still working? And you still have the Phantasy Star 1 cartridge? I'm jelly as fuck.
It was a nice blog, thanks for posting.
I've never actually played Universe before, since I went from PSO to PS Zero, then Portable 1 and Portable 2. What's wrong with Universe? One thing I really hated in Portable 1 is the fact that so many evemy attacks would knock you down. It was infuriating. I've heard the mono/di/trigrinder in Universe had a chance to fail and it degraded the max upgrade level of your weapon.
Any weebs here watching the anime?
Looks much better than that original PSO2 trash anime.
i didnt know there was an anime but i bought the movie for like $4 during the sentai filmworks sale. is it good, actually
Honestly it's been so long I can't remember exactly what I hated about it. It just didn't click with me. I remember hating the combat and how the spells were tied to your weapon rather than your character. I never actually made it to end game so I don't know if things opened up a lot more but I just remember feeling less satisfaction per run than I did with PSO.
In PSO you could just run a map and even if the boss had a 1/5000 chance to drop the weapon you wanted I still felt like I had accomplished something at the end, but in PSU just running the same missions over and over I felt "why the fuck am i doing this?"
Maybe I expected too much from it and disappointed myself. I never played the Portables but I heard Portable 2 was just like Universe but better so I've been meaning to check that out at some point.
imagine not being a FOchad
>Matoi actually looks cute
Yeah, I think this is picked up
The EP4 tie-in was really bad, and writers are aware that everyone hated it,so the characters are only ever used as gag characters now.
They also did a web anime about people playing the game. It's surprisingly not bad. Whoever writes it seems to know how the player base behaves.
Why is the music in Episode 3 so perfect?
I just want to play through the story of PSU again with widescreen on my pc but i just can't fucking get it working.
I used to play blue burst with some of you fags in 2004/5, good times.
I honestly can't find a good download link for PSU (PC). Most the available links are either online only (i.e. no story mode) like Clementine or the torrents are dead and no one's seeding. Sad since I wanna play PSU's story.
FOnewearl reporting in.
absolutely based
playing PS portable on psp for the first time, it's fun.
Portable 2 is even better, since you can actually manually block and dodge in that one. Also way more enemy varieties, more missions, more tilesets, etc. Playing on PSP is fine (that's how I played it the first time around) but on PPSSPP there's a way to play Portable 1 and 2 at 60 FPS which was mind-blowing the first time around. The game felt so smooth.
This is mostly single player experience (hiss) but enemies took a really long time to die, even with 3 different people whacking it at the same time. I don;t rmemeber the original Online ever dragging on their non boss fights this long.
Holy shit on a stick was it pretty though.
I actually remember trying to get that emulator to work but couldn't figure out how to map the controller I was using correctly, so I gave up. Really wanted to give it a try too.
>shitoi faggots
WIll we ever get a Phantasy Star game that won't end with a surprise Dark Falz? At this point, it's hardly a surprise anymore. Everyone's expecting Dark Falz.
as retarded as zelda game ending without a ganon fight, or a mario game ending without a bowser fight.
People Loved Majora though. Games suck when they get into a rut.
no, dark falz is pretty core to the series
Rate this game.
>Zero, then Portable 1 and Portable 2. What's wrong with Universe? One thing I really hated in Portable 1 is the fact that so many evemy attacks would knock you down. It was infuriating. I've heard the mono/di/trigrinder in Universe had a chance to fail and it degraded the max upgrade level of your weapon.
For one there was no online content for a long time. They would release like 1 area a month so month 1 was the equivalent of forest and then month 2 caves.
also item system sucked, changed from fun rare-finding to stupid korean upgrading system
I would but I don't have a vita to play it
Pretty fucking good, just bad load times and the giant monsters or whatever the fuck they were were pretty lame.
>you'll never be a fat highschooler grinding the mothership LQ again
See this is soul right here
>game had stupid characters and a generic story
>forced you to play as Ethan on stages before you could use your fun created character
>that lengthy opening and ending with each mission
>really didn't like it all that much compared to PSO
>still feeling the impulse to sit down and play through the story to experience it again
This except I'm fatter now than when I was in highschool. Also I was already in college when PSO2 dropped, damn you younguns
>in PSU just running the same missions over and over I felt "why the fuck am i doing this?"
This ruffled my feathers too, and I really have a hard time understanding it because on paper there shouldn't be any difference. Something about the way the missions compartmentalize what is otherwise the exact same experience of beaming down to the planet, and shooting/stabbing local wildlife until you find a boss never quite feels right. The best I can reckon is that in PSO this activity is mostly self directed rather than coming from a quest system and that distinction matters.
same here man. PSU was shockingly different than PSO.
Will the psp2 infinity english patch ever be released? Why the fuck does it take so long?
None of that is particularly unusual m80. Unless you submerge your consoles in rancid sewerage regually or something there's really no reason to assume they'll just up and stop working. I have a couple of Master Systems myself that were very poorly looked after by their previous owners, have spiders living in them and still function just fine.
>I've heard the mono/di/trigrinder in Universe had a chance to fail and it degraded the max upgrade level of your weapon.
Yeah, that was after they fixed it. At first when it failed your super rare weapon could be DESTROYED. No getting it back.
Anyway, if you played Portable 1 you've essentially had a slightly less frustrating, but certainly uglier, PSU experience. You have missed fairly little.
Took me ages to find it in my old backups
Tell you what m8. I'm gonna upload working single player versions for you.
Keep the thread alive and watch replies to this post.
Pose as a team because shit just got real
well, I can't believe I preserved this amazing piece of history
We have moved beyond that one . NOW you want to look out for one with a fucking ssj aura behind it. Soul killed by someone named Lee
Sega's incompetence and this shit was why the usa versions were always really shit if you didn't exclusively play with your bros.
>get red ring drop
>entire server is now out to nol you on sight.
A bit late with the reply, but thank you very much.
Gonna take a while, I'm afraid. Hope the thread lasts.
I will give this thread my energy. Live Phantasy Star thread!
I'm looking forward to the day star ocean puts some phantasy star characters on the mobile game since it plays in realtime.
Funny thing is years ago I mistook Star Ocean for Phantasy Star because the characters and setting look like they could be in the same universe
At this point they pulled the same type of bullshit that almost killed a game but they quickly fixed it and got us away from that bullshit.
It's why I want it to happen. They already have tales in there. Now just get some PS 1-4 characters and I will be able to make a party of my favorite protags.
How do you find people to play with? I tried a little of PSO on PC but it was pretty boring alone, though I did run into a really high level dude that was cool. Also how does Portable control? Wondering if I could play it dual analog on my Vita.
I talk to my friends who I played with back then and we hop on the gamecube version and play online.
>How do you find people to play with?
Private servers (PSO and PSU). You can also play PS Portable 2 Infinity online but it's a bit more complicated and probably would require a VPN:
>Also how does Portable control? Wondering if I could play it dual analog on my Vita.
Neither of the Portable games use dual analogs. You're stuck with only one analog, adjusting the camera is done using the d-pad and the L1 button which repositions the camera behind your shoulders ala PSO. If you don't have time to play both the portable PS and only want to experience one of them, I suggest Portable 2 (Infinity, if you can read JP) since imho it's the better game of the two.
>Wondering if I could play it dual analog on my Vita.
Doubtful, unless the Vita has an option to treat the second analogue stick as the D-pad for PSP games.
You can do it on emulator though.
I wonder where these people are now...
That was the ending screen for which episode of PSO?
GameCube version... I think Episode 1.
>beat falz now
>cool ass pose scene but with people in super meme or skimpy outfits unless they're cast or just bros in general who love to look like bounty hunters or arks
Where is Phantasy Star 5?
Here, enjoy another little tidbit from my adventures:
>like the jester of aesthetic of Force armor
>it's essentially the equivalent of magic in Phantasy Star
>can't stand playing magic based classes in RPGs
Shit sucks, man.
I love PSO and PSU AOTI. I wanted to like pso2 but I think I couldn't love it because the lack of a real English community on the game, and yes I know there is a "community" but it's not a proper one in my opinion, and the mix of not everything being translated. I think when PSO2 comes out in NA I'll play the hell out if it.
Not that user but
Where I live the PSI cart is EXPENSIVE AS FUCK because the retrotards. I think even the original MS is expensive too
They say good things come to those who wait, no good things here though. Only PSU.
This is both the first game (PSU Episode 1 ) and Ambition of the Illuminus (Episode 2). It is possible to go on the Clementine private server with this installation of Illuminous but don't do it. It does not work well. If you want to play on the private server install that client seperately.
Use online.exe to configure the games then PSUoff.exe and PSUIlluminusOff.exe to play (might still need to use online.exe to launch even in offline mode?). Episode 1 does not support widescreen, Illuminus supports 1280x720.
God tier opening
Can't believe it took PSO2 5 openings to have a vocal opening.
It ain't magic dude, it's photon!
Xie xie!
Danke Herr Doktor!
Terima kasih!
Are both in English?
Is PSO1 worth playing anymore? If so, what's the best way to play it? The Gamecube version that lets you play all the quests offline with local multiplayer?
PSO really had such an aesthetic to it in general. Like when people think of the future and clothing of the future its always like jumpsuits and sleek shit, but THIS is a vision. Imagine walking around on these shoes.
Wait there's another anime coming out??
Is it related to the previous one from a few years ago?
There's a set of private servers you can select from. If you want the classic feel of PSOBB (which is just PSO1 + ep 2 / 4) I'd go with Ephinea, whereas if you want something where you can kind of experience the game faster with a few more custom changes try something like Ultima PSO or Destiny PSO.
>Danke Herr Doktor!
Funny you should bring that meme up considering the shitpost of a character I've played on Ephinea.
>Are both in English?
They are, indeed. Hopefully they'll work without trouble. These versions have been patched to get around GameGuard, which is the stupid thing that makes legit copies of PSU unplayable offline.
I think the openings and opening songs for the two PSU portable games are great.
Replaying PSO on Ephinea made realise just how grindy those games are.
Unrelated. It now tells the story of PSO2 episodes 1-3.
They're very nice.
*paralyzes you from across the room*
I've been playing Destiny off and on as of late, increased exp rate and they have some interesting custom mechanics like daily quests that have a chance at dropping a crate that gives you a random valuable rare item. Among other things, it's a fun little server but not too well known I think.
Was it autism?
I was a huge no-lifer fan of the old pso on dreamcast, is the new game coming to windows 7 on steam? I ain't upgrading to windows 10 or getting a console.
Sonic team were racist as fuck on the original pso, we almost never got the quests JP did.
*laughs in plant*
Remember playing the shit out of this, but don't remember anything about it. Why is that?
Once again, thanks very muchly mate. You've turned this ordinary thread into something great. I'm surprised you still have the installer.
>tfw CAST
I laugh at you pathetic flora.
Man, being a CAST Ranger is such a godsend. Even traps are useless since you would 100% disarm them from farawar. Except those god awful drop-down cage traps.
>is the new game coming to windows 7 on steam?
No one knows. PSO2 originally came out in 2012 so the Japanese client probably is compatible on Windows 7, but who knows what changes are made to the English version.
Imagine not having techs :)
*turns into Dark Falz*
Wtf bros.
>mfw I discovered that Red Ring Rico has a cameo and secret side story in PSP2i
Post MAGs
Kinda tempted to play this to fill out my Phantasy Star "Played" list, but I hear it's not very good. Is that true? What exactly is bad about this version?
>I'm surprised you still have the installer.
Oh, I don't but these don't need proper Windows registry installations. Just extract and play, you might even end up with my saved games, I don't know. But yeah, no worries. Good deeds are their own rare drop or something like that.
For all the people that played both the Jap version of PSO2 and PSU. I haven't played pso2 and plan on getting it with some irl friends I went to high school with. Do you guys believe that the hub world will be as awful as PSU's 4th floor?
Really takes me back anons
tfw no way to play psu episode 3 story
I bought Phantasy Star Portable 2 for 10€, it's worth it?
The core combat from PSO2 is the best the series has ever had, but NOVA takes out too many weapons for it to realize its potential like PSO2 does, taking out most of the Partizan PAs on top of erasing the cooler weapons like Gunslash, Launchers or Wired Lance makes the game far too boring, .
On the other hand, NOVA has more solid core combat on other fronts, comboing is more important in this game than PSO2 proper, especially since 99% of the times you'll be playing solo, positioning is also handled better than PSO2 on average and the class system in NOVA is much better than PSO2 proper.
The two new weapons are disappointing, harpoons are basically repurposed Launchers with a few hybrid PAs that mostly suck, the pseudo WB system is good but they're far too slow to be of any use and comboing/Photon burst is and always will be more relevant that the pseudo WB effect will ever be, at any point in the game, Halos are fun and a nice elaboration of the Dark Falz gimmick at the end of PSP2I, but given how you could achieve the same exact effect with consumables...they're hardly worth it, the Kamehameha PA is great fun though, shame they never elaborated on this archetype on PSO2 proper.
As for content, the game's pretty barren, there's really zero variety and most missions are replays of replays of replays with slightly different mobs, Gigantes are fucking amazing if you liked battles like Big Vardha in PSO2, but there's only a bunch of them despite being perhaps the best designed bosses in the entire franchise, coupled with a bunch of old PSO bosses and some stuff from Infinity like Geel Zorg or Yaoroz.
I also liked how the insane weapon customization system from EoE made a comeback in this game, it was fun.
Basically, it's a decent game, but it's in dire need of polishing and more content variety which it will never get since SEGA has no idea how to handle PSO and put salt on the wound with their jewish DLC tactics which sinked NOVA for good.
It throws away the original game mechanics and is a completely different game, as if the drastic changes to artstyle and sound style were not enough. Makes purist fags (like me) very bitter.
Is the story intact, still? No unnecessary changes? I don't mind if the gameplay is different from original PS, as long as it's not shit.
Thankfully, for PSO2 there's a small little bar off to the side in the Main Area hub where most of the ERPers and shits go. The JP community is very quiet and reserved so there's not so much chatter except for looking for groups. It remains to be seen who, and how many, will be joining the NA servers and if that will carry over or not. The game is free to play, so keep that in mind.
I often hear about this issue in the English circles of PSO2. I think it's funny.
Beautiful thread, lets all stay strong sega bros. Anyone here play on Ephinea? My first time actually playing PSO1 online and having lots of fun and made a few friends that il never meet again. The whole style of this game just hits me hard
PSP2 is a good game. I used to love playing it.
Yeah, it's pretty annoying. I wish PSO2 didn't sacrifice its visual style so much for the sake of crossover gacha shit.
Is PSO Ep3 worth anyones time, what fucking made Sega turn that into a card game
PSO2 EU server announcement fucking WHEN
Hot take:
Phantasy Star Zero was an amazing game and ahead of its time and hardware, held back by the system it was on. A PS0 successor on 3DS would have been the fucking SHIT.
Why not just play on the Japanese server? Western servers are probably gonna have less content and the fan translation translates pretty much everything these days.
how is this?
You take that back.
The first PSO2 anime was a gem. A warning of the consequences of unrestrained shilling in the most hilarious way possible.
>but couldn't figure out how to map the controller
imagine being this much of an idort
Currently playing PSP2 with friends using the Hunsterverse VPN. Great game.
And it ended up being the worst one.
its pretty alright given the platform, feels very PSO and i'd argue it feels more like PSO than PSO2 in terms of just presentation and gameplay
>placeholder MC
>just recaps the game
Nah I'll pass.
Borderless is great though.
I tried playing Portable 2 but it feels so damn clunky.
PSP2i translation patch when
A lot of people, be it Yea Forums or YouTube comments or elsewhere, do agree that PS0 was a good game. And I do wish it got a 3DS remaster. Too late for that now though. Now we wait for a HD PS4/5/Switch/PC remaster.
I honestly love that it still uses PSO's charming naming scheme of FOmar, HUcast, etc.
It's boring as fuck. And the visuals sucked, too much AIS focus with how barebones they are.
OP4 was the best one, fite me.
Use emulator, set it to 60 FPS, increase resolution ----> voila! It's like a new game.
Seriously though, the 60 FPS cheat breathes new life into the game. Try it.
Eh, opinions. And no, 3 was the best one.
Best final dungeon music coming through:
Maybe it could have been if it wasn't on a flat desert plane. Bleh.
Love for the Phantasy Star series
Man, I would absolutely love a new game with Zero's style of gameplay. It's a great mix of PSO with elements of PSU.
Logged thousands of hours in PSO, will definitely get 2 again once it hits NA but until then im playing Monster Hunter as a substitute. The 4 player hunts are the closest thing to PSO ive found
Keep the gameplay style, but make the environments larger and more varied (and make them have a Y-axis). Puth that shit on the Switch and I'm fucking set for years.
One thing I disliked a bit about modern Phantasy Star games was the fact that the enemies are a bit erratic in their behaviour. PSO and Zero had very predictable enemy behaviour which made crowd control/aggro management a very clear task. No matter how many enemies the game spawned simultaneously, I immediately knew how to deal with them.
>No unnecessary changes?
Well unnecessary additions, no doubt, but I don't think there's much that can be taken away. Not familiar with the translated version myself, though.
They already said PSO2 will come to the West with all current content and no drip feed catchup bullshit
Blame all the fucking retard europes buying rmt pds and all the fucking hacking
wait, if Infinity translated? it's been fucking years now
Why does Episode 4 of BB suck
It's actually a fun game when you figure out some busted builds that make certain characters god tier high damage fuck houses. Fun bosses too. Only shit part of the game is the system voice.
>I wanted to like pso2 but I think I couldn't love it because the lack of a real English community on the game
I don't think you appreciate how big the English community was at it's peek.
You don't have a double saber powered by a fo.
Probably gonna exclude a lot of crossover content.
The PS Nova translation patch is woefully incomplete.
Still untranslated. I literally learned Japanese to play these games; games that are stuck in eternal translation hell
>Sakura Wars
>Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
>New Love Plus+
It took less time for me to learn Japanese than to wait for these translations.
Fair trade off for the closing theme being one of the best
how much time did you invest until you were proficient enough to read dem runes?
got any tips for retards like us
>Y S T A R P H A N T A N
>S T A R P H A N T A N Y
The PS1 remake is still pretty tolerable.
Stay away from the PS2 one though. The changes in that are far more drastic and actually harm the base game greatly.
Surprised it took 160 posts for someone to notice. I only realised my error after making the thread.
>how much time did you invest
Took me about 3 years before I could start playing games comfortably. You could probably do it in a shorter time span if you're not as busy. I studied Jap while doing my postgrad studies and it was tough balancing shit. Truth is, you never stop learning Jap though. To this day, I still encounter new words whenever I play Jap games.
What's with Phantasy Star games and good vocal songs. Even the non-English ones are great:
thanks user
If you like phantasy star music, you should check out sonic riders zero gravity's ost.
this franchise sucks now. pso2 is trash.
Elenor is cute. CUTE!
Also dead. DEAD! Didn't she die in the explosion during *that* mission with the good doctor and Elenor's sister-robot?
fuck off back to /vg/
I don't think so, but I'm not sure. I sure as hell hope not.
Fuck, you might well be right. It looks like it's left open ended. Damn it, why do so many of my favorite girls die?
That fucking laugh
I hate it so much
then you step into ultimate mode and those lily's shoot out instant death megid instead of poison
Heart of YN-0117
If you think any of the collab material is coming over, you're in for massive disappointment. If it's not first party Sega material, it's almost certainly not coming west. Western version's prospects and potential playerbase is going to plummet when there's confirmation, and unless JP hard bans all foreigners to drive them out to the english version, most will probably stay since they get all the content over on JP.
i fucking love pso1
>Phantasy Star Nova will never be translated.
They can't keep me out. Unlike alexander, their defense isn't impregnable
look at this fucking CREW
I don't get it. I can see that it's the item used to get the Elenor mag?
Have you tried Blue Burst? That's where I'm at. Whenever I'm on there's usually about 150 people online.
Windows 7 is quite literally past it's EOL by the time PSO2 comes to NA next spring. Expecting anything to work on Windows 7 past then is setting yourself up for failure due to your paranoia of thinking you're that important. Not to mention it's likely going to be in the Microsoft store, not Steam, which guarantees it Windows 10 only since Microsoft is sponsoring Sega to port the game.
fun as hell
Sega trying to sabotage the series
Discord trannies and ERPers
Regardless of what is officially supported unless they modify it to need some poofter DRM Steam-style launcher running in the background it's still a game that will run on Windows XP.
If they tie into the Microsoft Store you literally won't be able to play it without Windows 10.
You know what? I'm actually happy about that. Keep that shit out. It's one of the reasons PSO2 is so shit now because it feels like the game lost so much identity aside from the fact Episode 4 exists. The Sega IP crossovers are fine because that was stuff that happened in the original PSO too sort of but Sega cameos are always welcome imo.
>"we're bringing over all the content"
>ThEy DOn't mEan aLL thE CoNTenT
Tell me more, time traveler
Not being a complete homo, I have never used Microsoft Store. Is it a Steam-style DRM launcher that automatically launches when you run an exe? If not, there is nothing to stop anyone from just running pso2.exe. Changing the game from a win32 executable to an 'App' is not something I see happening, that'd not be as simple as all that. It's old software and the win32 platform is a big part of what it is.
Microsoft Store installs everything in protected folders that you do not have access to view, modify, or run without going through Microsoft Store. It's not like Steam where you can just go to the download location and run it without Steam.
I miss my humar from the original DC release.
>all hunter weps but a few meme claws
>most ranger weps including all the rares like spread needle
>all techniques up to 15
>best stats in the game
>space hockey outfit
>playing with 2ch and 5ch and avoiding all discord trannies
>sometimes pass by their lobbies and they're all afk in the same place every day with shit gear because they probably can't clear expert conditions
Lost technology comes back to life. You are a true hero.
Yeah I hated that about Ship 02 so much. Tons of players just sitting in the fucking corner of block 01 just dancing, being afk, or sitting there all day chatting with each other lagging up the room. Eventually I stopped going there and went to the Super Hard block (I think block 07?) and it was nice and small, but it was kind of just populated enough where there were people playing the game. Then months later all the faggots from block 01 came to 07 and shitted up that block. I used to hear people complain about block 23, but that was before I started playing so I can't imagine how cancerous that must've been.
whens psogc coming to switch
Is Clem playable yet
So I got Phantasy Star 2, 3, and 4 from the Sega Megadrive games on Steam. Why isn't PS1 on Steam? It's really odd that they'd skip it.
Pissed me off too but I just went and grabbed the rom because I can't even get a damn cart of it off ebay.
Sega in general rarely puts out shitty music unless it's outsourced to the west.
can't wait for pso2 to get ruined by gaijin...
PS1 was a Master System game, so they likely just don't have their weird emulator on the classics collection configured for that sort of thing. If you want to get into PS1 legally, i'll point you towards the Switch version which has a lot of extra bells and whistles. From choosing to doubling meseta and EXP gains, a minimap, being able to play with FM music instead of PSG, to even on-hand breakdowns of all the item and enemy types in the game, or you could just leave all of that to the side and play the game as originally intended.
It's nice, the 'cuter' aesthetic and the fact the dungeon designs aren't as interesting as PSO seeing as they're just single squarish rooms joined by exits might put some off but the entirety of a PSO game is in there. Photon Blasts seem a bit more fun than PSU as they're not designed to be spammed and take attack charging to use. NPCs get fucking useless later on so you're doing most of the legwork. Quests are always full runs of an area + boss which gets samey, and there's one (unessential but it's there) 101 floor tower quest which takes 6 hrs and you can't save during at all. Masochism. Still wanna fight my way through higher difficulties though, shame there's no online anymore.
I'll definitely pick that up then. No reason not to since they went through the trouble of adding QoL and little features.
honestly a genuine western fanbase with how tryhard focused we can be on gameplay will probably normalize some shit while the turboweebs stick in their corner
Is PSO2 good?
I remember hoping for the NA release since JP got announced. Can't believe it's actually happening now.
But is it worth the wait, or at least pretty good?
You missed out on the glory days and a lot of the changes won't make any fucking sense to you. It won't hinder you much though as a lot of it was qol to help new players catch up
The main concern is just how much content will be there at the english launch, but it's not like it's a bad game, just one where the community fracture was a major problem and the balance became an absolute hellscape of meta builds that nuke everything to death, as per usual.
PSU was a good game and no PSO aspie can convince me otherwise.
She’s here, bros
Don't expect it to last long. Every server after the JP one only lasted a year or two because of mismanagement and lack of interest.
Free her
I think you mean
>Y S T A R P H A N T A S
>S T A R P H A N T A S Y
Why is she an assist trophy?
I have enough ragol memories but I have to choose between becoming Elenor or getting my fohu outfit.
Fuck that guy.
>tfw pso quests are actually connected if performed in certain order
Blew my mind when the purple robot went berserk and tried to kill me.
I can't help but question this guy so much
You're too late, I'm already Elenor!
PSU OBJECTIVELY is more like PSO than PSO2 is.
too bad it's not that charming or interesting on its own
Its pretty good, the combat is very fun. You should download the patches and play the JP version though.
The 3DS remake of Majoras Mask sucked though while the 3DS remake of OoT was good.
Even though I like the areas, it's really not. PSU was shit till late jp aoti and psp2
I don't understand the hate for PSU.
I played the shit out of it when I was a kid, albeit I hadn't played PSO at that point.
I played some of Clementine PSU recently after having played all of PSO's Ep 1 & 2 and it just felt like a much better game.
Gameplay-wise it feels like PSO but far less stiff, far easier to switch weapons, plus you can dual wield. I hadn't encountered the really annoying status ailments you would encounter all the time in PSO ep2 either.
Visual and music wise it's got the same soul as PSO, the same of which can't be said for PSO2. PSO2 in general just doesn't feel like PSO1 and PSU to me.
Clementine is modded shit. The original psu was ass on usa and never updated ever. The jp release was better but it went through the same bullshit at first. Add a sub fee on top and you have a big fucking bullshit recipe of having to wait literal weeks for crafts to finish on shit that can randomly break outside of your control. Sure they fixed that but it was still bullshit in a game with a sub fee. Then on top of that you had rng skill upgrades that were so bad people would just put on shit weapons on the wrong element to beat on shit in a corner for days at a time.
This picture almost brings a tear to by eye and I don't even know the players. I want to go back. Not even to this PSO in particular, just to the time period of playing with your close friends and completing a task, and taking a posing screenshot to commemorate it. You will always know what you were doing and remember who your team was and what they were like.
PSO >>>> PSU >>>>>>>>>>>> PSO2 ERP shit
Why is the PSO client so much better than PSU resolution wise?
pso2 has the best combat in the series, cope boomer
Getting new cards takes forever but the gameplay is fun with a good deck and it has some top notch girls.
pso2 combat was made for people with adhd
More fluid action game style combat doesn't mean much when everyone's running around in bikinis and maid outfits, meme dancing while Miku Hatsune sings in the lobby, ERPing, and the entire plot and structure of the game is just a mess. Turns out there's many things that a game like this should have besides just combat, but it's a massive mess. And even the combat is just autistic turbojap balancing wank for inflated HP and damage numbers that ultimately mean skill is less of a necessity than bigdick DPS checks.
>he thinks PSU and PSO required skill
fuck off
>And even the combat is just autistic turbojap balancing wank for inflated HP and damage numbers that ultimately mean skill is less of a necessity than bigdick DPS checks.
I don't even know what your point is here.
Cope, boomer.
>warps in
>hits you twice, knocking you down with each hit
>jumps back, creates copies with robot ninjustu, then does it again
heh, nothin personnel kid
Is that all you can come back with? You have no argument.
>PSU OBJECTIVELY is more like PSO than PSO2 is.
Yep, PSU has all the horrible shit from PSO turned up to eleven, that's absolutely true, at least with PSO2 they understood certain design choices like dice rolls for hits (in a system with real time parries moreover) were absolutely fucking retarded.
You clearly have no argument either, and you clearly have no idea what the game is currently like. I.e. it's absolutely pointless to even try making any sense of that retarded sentence.
And if you insist on replying
>bigdick DPS checks
where? Because I can't name any.
>Anime bad except THIS ANIME :)
Cope, boomer.
s o u l
>shoots and knocks you down from across the room safely hidden behind 7 of his friends
PSU was button-mashy, but PSO? for how simplistic the gameplay was, you had the basics of combat like target prioritization and not getting ganged up on because your shit would get pushed in within seconds if you just charged blindly into rooms
>force walks in and blows everything to shit
nothing personel kid
*teleport behind you*
>More fluid action game style combat doesn't mean much when everyone's running around in bikinis and maid outfits
You're pretending people didn't do the exact same in PSO, and also conveniently forgetting the furry scourge in PSO, which was amplified exponentially by the Sonic events.
ERP rooms and parties were a thing back in PSO too, just like they are in any and all online games.
>Turns out there's many things that a game like this should have besides just combat
It does though, much more than PSO did in its days, which is exactly the problem, as you yourself point out in your massive schizophrenia and double standard fueled butthurt for a game you never played.
The big problem with PSO2 starting from EP2 was precisely that there was barely any reason to FIGHT things outside of EQs, which got exponentially worse with EP3 and sank to new lows with EP4 and 5, despite the new team's misguided and desperate efforts.
>And even the combat is just autistic turbojap balancing wank for inflated HP and damage numbers
PSO was the exact same, and worse due to having buttload of garbage mechanics and a hybrid turn based/real time system that made things exponentially worse.
PSO is also much worse on everything, from basic boss design to mechanics, a basic PSO2 boss like the Banther/Banshee duo is mechanically more complex than anything in PSO, the returning monsters from PSO in PSO2 are leagues above the originals, hell the entire game structure is better and offer more variety and complexity than PSO ever did.
>punishes you for having high HP
Reminder that PSO2 is going to fail in NA. It's going to be nothing but discord trannies and ERP fags. The game has no real content worth doing and if you go to /psog/ right now on /vg/ they'll agree that' it's a waste of effort.
there's your problem
jp PSO2 is nothing but ERP shit. You can't deny this unless you've never played the game in which case stop talking out your ass like the other dim wits.
Forces win again.
>one hit kills you with an unavoidable fire spell
i'm not going to try to debate whether PSO2 will fail in the west or not (it probably will even for F2P because it's so damn late to the party and going up against juggernauts more worth the time and effort), but any time someone parrots opinions from /vg/ threads it's usually retarded echochamber horseshit.
Deal with it zoomers, your autism dress up game is shit.
RAmarl bros report in.
>Didn't miss PS thread
This seems mostly PSU and PSO but I'm still glad.
FUCK Lee and FUCK Chrono
I like how PSO was a lowkey horror game.
It's atmosphere is amazing.
I used to play PSP2 with so many people, was in the most-respected guild around there, and then soon my PSP broke, some people still went on but the servers just silently got taken down. Shit's fucked up.
Same, although I wish the PSO2 kids would leave.
Might play through PSIV again on my plane ride to Japan soon.
What if I've played the series since PSO but still enjoy PSO2?
is clementine done wiping yet? I want to play it, I hear some good things, but I ain't down for having my shit wiped.
btw here's a picture of me if it helps.
Why would you reply to my post with a picture of yourself? I don't see how that's relevant.
I was replying to my own post. Please don't shitpost my looks.
He's making fun of you and insinuating you're an ugly dumb tranny
No shit Sherlock.
You seem to be making a mistake, as that was my post.
Is there even a way to play these anymore? Even in singleplayer?
I remember playing a demo or something on X360 with a buddy and we had lots of fun. Especially since he didn't usually play that kind of game but he really enjoyed it.
No, that was my post.
PSO Blue Burst and an user posted the original PSU stuff here. If you're looking for online, then private servers exist and the PSU Clementine personally hands out their own modified client.
>tfw PS came out online only 3 days after FF
All the good games are always overshadowed by FF in the end it seems. I'll watch but I'm probably the only person who's a bit sad it's not a sequel to the original anime. Sure it's not anime of the year or anything but I found it a lot of dumb fun if you didn't take seriously (but then I also don't really play PSO2 which could be another reason too). >PSP on the PSP
Maybe one day. They do bother to actually update with some new info once a year which is admittedly more than lots of other fan translations I've seen start and fail so here's to hoping.
At the bottom of Sega's never ever pile probably, even though the creators are still at Sega and would love to make one. That's either a good thing or a bad thing depending on if you feel the series ended on a perfect note (which it did)and needs no more expanding or if you'd just like to see more of Algol's setting again in general (which one of the creators ideas for a PS5 would involve how numans can't stop over breeding).
It's basically a soulless cash grab of a game that started one of Sega's most important properties, which would have lead you to believe them to have treated it better. It's amusing and not the worst thing ever on its own (especially compared to the second games remake which has the ugliest designs) but it's definitely not the remake the game deserved.
It's a bit weird though considering that the did include PS1 in the PS3 Sega Genesis collection for once. You'd think they'd finally include in packs from then on.
Sorry for long post I just miss Phantasy Star a lot.
lol you're PISSED dude, you got called out on being a dumb ugly tranny lmao and you cant handle it
How do I get PSU to go past 1280x720?
>that formatting
Sorry I'm phone posting.
But was it? No.
God I love Phantasy Star and wish there were more games with a similar style and aesthetic.
People keep telling me to play Xenoblade but my nostalgia boner prevails every time.
They're just going to get stronger when it finally comes out in the west.
You should, I need to replay it again sometime soon too. I hope you have a good and safe trip to Japan though user.
fucking gogs is what's wrong.
fire and poison status alignment did like what, 1 fucking % of enemy max HP damage per tick and it was considered GODLY
Did Nova get a full translation, or is it still just the menu and items?
I might well do it if I can't sleep. And thanks.
Is PSO worth playing if I don't have anybody to play it with?
What exactly is from with people ERPing? It's completely normal for humans to have relationships.
Started playing PSOBB on Ephinea, it's comfy Yea Forumsros
If you mean PSO/PSU, I think Xenoblade is a good alternative to, even if it doesn't hit the spot as well as PS did. And while I know Xenoblade Chronicles X does taken inspo from PSO, the way it handles the setting and themes reminds me a bit of Phantasy Star 2.
There's also Cosmic Star Heroine that takes heavy inspiration for its setting and some characters from the old PS games, though most people gloss over that fact since the actual gameplay is closer to Chrono Triggers and that's what's most people know in the end.
>pretty fun time
>that slow ass walking
>the INSANE grind before you can even start playing the game
nah user, why you lyin. Maybe if you'd said "I'm playing on one of those sega collections" or "i'm playing the gba compilation" but the SMS version takes like 3 hours of just running your ass up and down the patch right outside camineet.
I like how this shit was bashed when it was released for how shitty it was, that it was better to play BB and EP4, but years later Universe was a fine game.
Universe had a really rough launch and shitty support for every place except Japan, but once it got up to speed, it was great.
Why does this game seem like concentrated 2000's
Universe sucked, expansion made it slightly better
PSP2 was breddy good
I hope that pso2 doesn’t require an account be made on the Sega website because I’m a Britfag and just want to download and play.
>I'll watch but I'm probably the only person who's a bit sad it's not a sequel to the original anime.
I thought it was alright for what it was, but in the end it was essentially an anime tie-in for the worst part of the PSO2 story. I'm happy that they're gonna adapt EP1-3, since those were the best parts of the story.
beyond being released in 2006, it pretty much was. the main storyline was literally a by-the-numbers shonen plot, and the intro theme was about what you could expect from Sega at the time.
The PS games are heavily reflective of the sci-fi anime of the eras they were made in. Since most of online games were made in the 2000s, they reflect the 00s. The exception is the original PSO, which is a late 90s sci-fi anime in video game form.
Fuck Caves.
Thanks user, I'll check them out.
You DID have a psycho wand, right?
>mc isn’t a cast male
How the fuck did they fuck up the canon race/gender combination?
I've played PSO since ver. 2 and the last time I played it was earlier this year before I made the switch to PSO2.
PSO2 is flat out superior in many aspects. PSO has a great soundtrack, story and the aesthetics are top tier, but PSO2 is no slouch in those departments either and it helps that PSO2 imported most things like OST and costumes from PSO. PSO2 has better combat, better character customization, deeper and more varied build options, takes a lot more skill at higher levels, has a metric ton more content, improved chat/emote/lobby actions/symbol arts/etc. Don't get me wrong. PSO is still the great game it's always been and it's worth playing even now, but PSO2 is undoubtedly the true PSO successor of this generation and is as every bit worth playing. Don't be an obnoxious nostalgiafag and you can't pull that oldfag shit on me because I was there. The only difference is that I'm not dishonest and blinded by nostalgia like you are.
Np, hope you can find some enjoyment in those at least.
>is a RA so high ata
>highest atp of all RA’s
>frozen shooter
>snow queen
>spread needle with paralysis boost
>charge mechguns
>Zalure needle
>berserk needle
>can equip a partisan or excalibur
>megid needle
>needles in general
Find something that can Stop this.
is the GC version of the game a good start in this series? or should I jump right to PSO BB or PSP2?
>how is this?
The true successor to PSO. It's great, the aesthetics are top notch comfy.
PSP1 and PSP2 are better games, but I do recommend you play PS0, it's pretty amazing.
I had guld milla
It has the best and most charming npcs in the series.
>you will never be happy about having to fix cables
So you agree the combat better. Okay thanks for letting us know.
The GC is GOAT for playing splitscreen with friends, but if you're not doing that then you should just play PSOBB.
What is it with PSO2 fans being whiny faggots about anyone saying older games are better in any way? The moment anyone derides PSO2, reasonably or unreasonably, you hang onto this shit like a fucking grudge and have to have the last word on it.
PSOBB has more content and has mods for stuff like proper widescreen support and further draw distance.
>implying MC isn't a caseal
Fuck off with your non-canon shit.
I don’t really agree the combat or class design is better, i do however think it competes with PSO1&2’s combat and class design.
The thing I dislike about PSO2’s classes is that everyone is a dps and very few have gimmicks that set them apart from one another, this is why my favorite classes are also the support cucks Te and Ra since they have clean cut niches they fulfill. The other thing I dislike is weapons, it has vertical progression, every new weapon is a powercreeped upgrade of the last. There exists VERY FEW specific cases were weapon a does more damage than weapon b despite weapon b having more attack power, etc but the difference is usually a difference in damage as opposed to UTILITY, for example as a RA in PSO1&2 I switched from different weapons to crowd control, do straight up heavy damage on a crowd, so heavy damage on a single target, or debuffing. In PSO2 I use ONE weapon per class despite being able to equip multiple and my aim is to just do more damage.
The one thing I will concede on is that PSO2 has better combat and the class tree lends itself for some liberty with unique builds, but thats it
What is it with PSO fans being whiny faggots about anyone saying newer games are better in any way? The moment anyone derides PSO, reasonably or unreasonably, you hang onto this shit like a fucking grudge and have to have the last word on it.
PSO2's movement blows PSO2's out of the water, but the actual feel of combat is shit compared to PSO's. Hitting enemies is your character shitting out a stream of lights and numbers while the enemies appears completely unaffected by it until you drain their HP and they fall down. PSO's enemies react to getting hit and you feel like you're making an impact on foes with the impact sound weapons have.
I also like the simplicity of PSO's weapons and systems compared to PSO2's. Upgrading gear is super-simple with grinders because they never fail and they work on nearly every weapon you can find. PSO2 has this mess: pso2.arks-visiphone.com
Getting gear in PSO is simple, since all you have to do is start a quest that has a lot of a monster that has something you want. It's simplicity lets you schedule gear hunting whenever you and your buddies are available and makes even trash foes legitimate item hunting targets since some of them carry great gear. In PSO2, you have to do emergency quests to really get strong, and those are timed. PSO2 makes you schedule around it and do what it tells you, while PSO let's you schedule when you're ready to play and lets you choose what areas you wanna look for items in.
user, I was talking about the PSO2 OP. Good morning, by the way.
Oh theres one last thing I forgot to mention. Everything in PSO2 becomes less fun the moment you have to do an MPA, which is 90% of the content you do. Yes its that bad, MPA design is basically 2-3 people carry the rest, theres no organization or planning and often you stack classes you only need one of such as Te, Ra or Bo. MPA’s are fucking stupid and I wish they’d drop the whole concept alltogether. I have 200% more fun on the special 4 man EQs.
>PSO2's movement blows PSO2's out of the water
>The thing I dislike about PSO2’s classes is that everyone is a dps and very few have gimmicks that set them apart from one another
PSO is even worse about this.
>The other thing I dislike is weapons, it has vertical progression, every new weapon is a powercreeped upgrade of the last.
>There exists VERY FEW specific cases were weapon a does more damage than weapon b despite weapon b having more attack power, etc but the difference is usually a difference in damage as opposed to UTILITY,
That's not really true. Depending on the class or your affix build, you may want less raw power for more S-slots or unique abilities.
Universe is the only game I've played in the series. How much did I miss out, Yea Forumsros?
>Likes PSU the best
>black sheep of the family
>never in the arguments.
I meant "PSO2's movement blows PSO's out of the water".
Yes, PSO was very fun. The excitement from seeing a red box is like no other.
depends on what you think you missed on. PS1 and 2 are kind of tough dungeon crawlers to get into, 3 was pretty mediocre, and 4 was the FF6 of the Sega Genesis. PSO is the most beloved game in the franchise, PSU is this weird more polished middle ground without having a whole lot on its own (at least from my growing up with it, apparently the full product + expansion + jap patches is pretty good), and PSO2 is the sleeker super anime cousin that throws all subtlety out the window for bombastic craziness.
That is completely true, there isn’t a single affixing build in pso2 that involves utility, its only aim is doing more damage every time, the only difference is how you deal that damage.
>PSO is even worse about this
Completely disagree
>only 3 classes
>each does different things
Not only that but:
>separate each class even further via races
>ra or hu? Ok pick between being able to cast techs for utility or traps for utility
>fo? Ok pick between being a full support cuck with tech utility or having the capability to do some meele combat, also each race has different modifiers for weapon specials and tech types.
Its honestly a lot more varied than PSO2 because the amount of classes that can bring real utility to the party in PSO2 I can count with one hand.
the PSO2 vs PSO1 rivalry sounds like the FFXIV vs FFXI bout
oh, and the Portable games are straight up more PSU but with improvements, and PSZ was a quirky but fun experiment.
it is the same thing
PSO and HUnewearls are the reason I have an elf fetish. And Sil'fer is soley responsible for my tan elf fetish.
I met my team online mostly because they were the only ones whot spoke my language on the server, we barely knew each other and yet I felt like I formed a bond.
Or maybe I was 16 at the time and was kinda dumb
>but the actual feel of combat is shit compared to PSO's
Not at all.
>Hitting enemies is your character shitting out a stream of lights and numbers while the enemies appears completely unaffected by it until you drain their HP and they fall down.
That's absolutely not true. Enemies are far more reactive to various conditions like flinching, status effects, positioning, aggro than they ever were in PSO.
>I also like the simplicity of PSO's weapons and systems compared to PSO2's
grug hit upgrade button grug get upgrade this so fun
>Getting gear in PSO is simple, since all you have to do is start a quest that has a lot of a monster that has something you want
>In PSO2, you have to do emergency quests to really get strong
Depends on what you're trying to get. Some equipment requires you to do specific EQs, but most of them don't.
>Everything in PSO2 becomes less fun the moment you have to do an MPA
You hate playing with other people? There's no helping you with that one. Maybe you should go play a single player game.
>MPA design is basically 2-3 people carry the rest
Well then do it with only 3 people if you think everybody else isn't as great as you.
>theres no organization or planning
Get a premade party then. It's no different from joining an open room in PSO.
>often you stack classes you only need one of such as Te, Ra or Bo
That just sounds like your personal autism. There are many advantages to duplicating classes like Te.
>MPA’s are fucking stupid and I wish they’d drop the whole concept alltogether. I have 200% more fun on the special 4 man EQs.
Reading your posts just makes me realize that you're an illogical cunt. Your fun doesn't make any sense whatsoever and I believe you just want to complain for the sake of complaining. Everybody else likes playing with large parties. You, for some nebulous reason, only enjoy playing with 3 other people.
>Likes PSU
>Also like PSIII which is black sheep of original series
I feel you user.
>That is completely true, there isn’t a single affixing build in pso2 that involves utility, its only aim is doing more damage every time, the only difference is how you deal that damage.
Nope, that's still a complete lie on your part. For example, I use Atra EX instead of Lightstream for the extra s4 utility.
You should stop posting because you have nothing substantial to say.
>PSU has all the horrible shit from PSO turned up to eleven
PSU's combat isn't as clunky though. Nor are there as many retarded ailments that make solo runs completely bullshit.
I didn't want to fan the flames of the pointless argument but it seems they make good gear EQ related when said EQ comes out and over time they offer other ways to get it like with LS/Atra weapon materials dropping from the current LQ. Now the LQ is going away in a few weeks but you can still grind out what you need in such a time frame.
just only menus.
It helps that satus resisting gear was easier to come by and scape dolls where a lot more plentiful. I just like the aesthetic of PSU more than the others. I do like PSO2's more scifi themed outfits like luccage and the episode 1 and 2 outfits.
>freezes you and calls every enemy in the room over to gang bang you to death while you're incapable of doing anything about it
That was my favorite part of PSO, just going through episode 1 and 2 and reading the logs, seeing what made everything go to hell on Ragol and Pioneer 1.
It's such a subtly unsettling game, I love it.
>can't move
>usually surrounded with the spinning banana looking faggots
>1 hits you with a purple testicle
>try modding my old ass master system 2 so it has that rca output because fuck that rf shit
>have no idea what the fuck is going on when it comes to electronics and soldering and all that jazz
>mfw it fucking worked
got me phantasy star and a bunch of other cool gaymes I played when I was a kid for pennies
shit's cash
Remember when griefers would freeze other peoples consoles with action replay and corrupt their memory card? Good times.
Episode 4 and its obnoxious enemies.
nice skin, faggot
There were goddamn erp rooms in the fucking portable games. Don't think it's just isolated to PSO2.
Thanks. Makes the HUD less cluttered and cleaner looking. Though the skinned maps are kinda shitty.
>atlas ex vs lighstream
Literally a case of choosing between the best weapon in the game over the second best, not only that the only atlas that is actually better than lightstream is the wand and only because yes...it does more fucking damage thanks to the s4. Nice. You only get 1-2 lighstreams and 4 atlas ex so the decision making is basically which classes i intend to play.
You gave absolutely zero coherent arguments and countered points I didn’t even make. No I don’t hate playing with other people and no i don’t want to solo either, MPA’s just offer little amounts of communication and coordination and just amount to hitting things as hard as you can. The only thing I feel good about doing in an MPA is using my crowd control move to make things easier to hit, while in bosses it feels completely souless to be in an MPA and sometimes i don’t even know what people are doing.
Stacking Te’s is unecessary and just slows down the run, while stacking Ra’s makes weak bullet management annoying.
I love to play with other randoms even when they are bad, but 7 vastly prefer the 4man content.
Did you ever notice how it's always japanese games that eventually become primarily for ERP? PSO2, FFXIV, etc.
>gangs up on you with a second Mericarol
>stuns you
>launches preparation for 1 hit KO attack
>the other one stuns you again so you can't get away
>kills you while you literally can't do shit about it
don't kid yourself, look at City of Heroes / Champions Online
>Literally a case of
Take the shifting goalpost and shove it up your ass.
>You gave absolutely zero coherent arguments
Keep shitposting.
All MMOs have an ERP scene.
my nigger, it also gave me an incurable dark elf fetish
Playing Phantasy Star 1 on the Sega Ages port for Switch
Very well put together game considering its age and I like the setting
The encounter rate can eat a big fat dick though
>no argument
>keep shitposting
>literaly flaming the fuck out of people for no reason
The irony. You must definitely be some idiotic zoomer.
>sil'fer hentai is still being made today
Most of it is pretty meh, but it's amazing that people are still churning out porn for a dark elf girl in an obscure card game.
Also, I'm pretty sure that someone in the Episode 3 team had a major case of chocolate fever, since three of the girls in the game are brown. Pic related.
>no argument
Yeah, that's literally you. Your last contained a backpeddle
>I know I said that there's no reason to ever use a numerically inferior weapon BUT YOUR EXAMPLE OF DOING SO DOESN'T COUNT
and an empty shitpost
You're a fucking moron and I'm satisfied because everybody else in this thread can clearly see that fact. You have two options: either keep being a shitposter or shut the fuck up and let this thread continue on its way without your noise.
I hate those fuckers.
I guarantee the shitposter sperging about PSO2 is an overweight tranny.
Trannies like PSO2 tho...
>can’t have discussion because some autist gets butthurt the moment someone doesn’t 100% like their game
Definitely shouldn’t be allowed to post here. I never even said I didn’t like PSO2 and called it comparable to PSO1&2. I hope someday you manage to grow up or find somebody who can take care of you and pay for your premium subscription.
trannies get bullied in pso2 over their alien looking characters trannies have no slider fu
Maybe in your bubble. There's plenty of trannies on PSO2. Just look at /psog/
psog doesnt exist retard
PSO tranny seething
/pso2g/, autistic manchild.
Shut up with the tranny witchhunt talk and post about Phantasy Star.
>sperging out over these non existent trannies living in your head rent free
>calling anyone else an autistic manchild
I dont even think you're a boomer you're just retarded.
Do you promise not to sperg out and call everyone an idiot if I happen to post something you don’t agree with?
Who are you even quoting? You make no sense given who you replied to. You're the one sperging out over trannies hating PSO2 when PSO2 has trannies out the ass if you know where to look for them.
all this talk of trannies, zoomers, boomers, which game is better. I just want to talk about how I like the series, despite all it's flaws.
I said shit about trannies. I'm just here for PS.
/pol/fags ruined this thread.
>specifically go out to find trannies
>WTF TRANNIES??????????
really makes me think
PSO1 is one of my favorite games of all times, even though it's pretty clunky and jank compared to modern games.
You're the one crying about trannies hating PSO2. Not me, retarded autistic manchild.
HUcast and RAcast are so fucking good to play as once you get your attack up for them.
I'd probably play BB more but the pservers don't have the same feel
so you are retarded
Start fucking robots.
Nice argument, shitposter. Enjoy your vacation.
Phantasy Star V when?
You should get that checked
>trusting nu-sega to make a game worthy of the psv name
I can dream
folks from the original shit are still at the company, but Sega simply doesn't have the foresight to do anything but chase immediate money trails and mismanage everything and everyone.
isnt that what IDOLA is supposed to be or whatever
hell no
Some of it is pretty good too.
Where's a good place to start if I want to play the RPGs? Emulation?
As long as Reiko Kodama and other staff members continue to work at Sega and say they'd be down to make I won't be able to give up for better or worse.
I played the SHIT out of the demo on Xbox 360 and so did so many people. Since it was just a demo, there was basically no moderation. It was complete anarchy. Porn spam, underage girls, hacks and glitches everywhere. So many memories.
The Switch version of Phantasy Star 1 is the best way to start with the non-online games, but if you don't have a Switch, emulate the original Master System version. The original or retranslation are both fine.
The PSU demo was so fucked, I pretended to be a girl got some many nudes from dudes. People would pay me meseta to moan on mic. With the amount of genuine child porn on there it was amazing it never got shut down sooner.
>the people that traded porn for meseta
>that comic of her getting gangbanged by three Boomas
>joined a Yea Forums team three years ago on Ephinea
>everyone just stopped playing because they got bored less than a year into it
>ended up the team leader because I was the only one that still logged in and spoke with the og leader, who also stopped playing
>don't even know if the super dedicated friends I met still even play
Guts, if your out there, I want to see you and your Tsumikiri J-Sword again.
The PSU demo is legitimately interesting study on how online communities anyone can access go without any moderators or admins supervising.
Mah nigga
>How much did I miss out, Yea Forumsros?
Honestly, they were all pretty good. You missed out on the much easier to play PSP games, but other than that, you were kind of doing the same thing in all of them. Get autistic about class choice/boosting stats/feeding mags, run through missions repeatedly with people online, grind out the random missions just to complete them all, keep leveling up and running through all difficulty levels, etc. Playing the other games would've just been like Universe, except doing it a lot more.
Still, fun times.
>Likes PSU the best
Why? What was it about PSU that you liked the best?
Did you play the PSP games?
>Is PSO worth playing if I don't have anybody to play it with?
It's fun. It might get dull and repetitive, but if you just want something to screw around with in the evening then it's a nice choice. If you're looking at PSO then you might as well get Blue Burst from somewhere and join one of the unofficial servers, so you can play it online.
>your team only gets together during events on the server
I want a new a PSO with combat like the Xenoblade games
That sounds pretty boring.
PSO2 actually had decent difficulty if you played new content with a maximum of 3 players when it just got released. Once you get new gear and such, it just got way too easy.
Combat overal was fine, actually better than most """"action"""" games, if done with melee imo (only to be seen when not being OP)
PSO1 was good shit, but clunky af. Played a lot with my sister and cousin. Cousin never wanted to go back to the hub, so he dropped FO stuff for me and my sis (run out big time on ep2), he also never stopped attacking with his Hucast on DF and would even kill himself. The long hallway is a personal meme before any last boss.
PSU got shit on, but it was good too. Really enjoyed the online part and carrying all 5 other players being a mythical male newman. It also gave birth to my secondary character/partner name I use in every other game now. She was a CAST, made her in PSO2 too. If anything, that game got me even more attached to that character. I like the game for being inspiring in it's fashion aesthetics
Just sharing a bit of nostalgia. Never played the old games myself, bros did though. It would be nice to get a proper mainline game.
I do love me some sci-fi weeb game.
I never got to play Universe aside from like 5 mins of a private server. I really liked portable 2 and poured lots of hours on my psp with that game. Pso2 is still very fun and has some challenging content but most of the EQ big boss "raids" you cannot fail.
Was there a point to playing Hunter? Especially in ultimate.
Hunters are worse than Rangers except for HUcast, who is a fucking beast that single handedly saves Hunters from the trash bin.
Man, I remember when games had events on servers.
Xenoblade honestly has boring combat. I'd rather PSO stick with the PSO combat. Sure, it's odd and unbalanced and dodge breaks it, but the timing of your attacks mattering and being able to stagger an enemy with a hit is what makes PSO significant and different from the other games. I really don't need to see another MMO that just has you run up and spam abilities until one side is dead.
>went to sleep
>just woke up
>thread not dead yet
Wow, such is the power of Phantasy Star autists. I love you guys.
More comfy.
>I'm pretty sure that someone in the Episode 3 team had a major case of chocolate fever
Devs with top tier tastes. God I love chocolate girls, FUCK. Hnnnnngh.
I know Portable was basically PSU with some changes. Didn't have a PSP. I did play the DS one which was very much alike the old games. Sister was mad enough to do the 100 floor dungeon (no saving, like 7h of playing).
Yeah...PSO2's issue is that they tend to make it too much of a cakewalk. I still think it is a great game and one of the few free online games with a somewhat fair monetization system (item storage was a bit of an issue). I stopped because no internet, pc wrecked, pc hates the game in short.
Maybe in the US version it's better to play. I'll have to try to log into my JP account to see how I made my best robo.
One of my biggest complaint is the godawful same lobby. Loved PSU with different lobbies, even when most were empty.
The game narrative is all over the place, so Im looking forward to the story making more sense in the anime
>Rieko Kodama is already in her 50's
SEGAAAAAAAAAAAA, let her make new games.
>new Phantasy Star
>new Skies of Arcadia
>new Rayearth (lol)
>new 7th Dragon
item storage isn't much of an issue anymore because of the added mat storage and extra storage slots you can buy with stargems which they give out like candy
>PSO2 actually had decent difficulty if you played new content with a maximum of 3 players when it just got released. Once you get new gear and such, it just got way too easy.
You obviously haven't played PSO2 since UH was released.
>Sister was mad enough to do the 100 floor dungeon (no saving, like 7h of playing).
I'm tempted to do this too now. I still have my save file for PS0. Got 2 characters, a HUmar and a FOnewearl. I forget what level they were.
PSU was neat, but having to grind each PA was fucking shit. There was enough stuff to grind already.
>tfw the series started with a female protag and was the first jrpg to have a female protag
>tfw no one ever talks about her
On one hand its a blessing since I'd hate to see Alis be included in WOKE normie posts but please don't forget her.
Would you blame him though? It's post-EP4 PSO2, I don't see why you'd want to play that.
What they did to her design in PSO2 is a crime.
>hurr durr durr
You're in for a looong session. It took her all day and she put the DS on sleep. If you can use savestates, better make use of it as one fuckup means starting all over. Game was very fun as I played local with my siblings.
I played until episode 3- beginning of 4 but 4 was very scarcely played since I played at my brother's place for reasons mentioned in previous post. Eventually gave up and stopped.
That's nice. Sega has always been very generous with the game once they start giving something for free.
Are you ok?
I remember that I have a FOmar still on my PS0 game. I ended up sticking with just Barta and Megid. Sure, it's not the most optimal stats-wise, but Megid will vacuum enemies together to make them easy to hit while Barta will smack around a group and can freeze. That, and using a staff to ride around like a bucking bronco was always fun. (if not very practical)
I once tried to redesign her a bit into modern PSO style in a drawing... Her main issue is the armor being heavily outdated. What I just saw was a crime that included heavy sexualization for no reason.
The made Lutz an old man too, I didn't want to see them return like this.
>fun, silly, sitcom-style story between side characters
>game suddenly decides fuck all that and to dickpunch you
>zomg she doesn't look like she's from the 1980s REEEE
I don't mind it in an of itself, but it's definitely two sexualized for a proper Alis. It would be better without the excessive skin showing on the torso. It's also two ornate, though that makes sense for this version of the character. I like the Nei and Rika costume redesigns, though.
Not the actual issue, at least in my opinion.
They had such a vision with Phantasy Star
It's not the same without the video
Can anyone who has played both tell me whether PSII or PS Generation 2 is better?
phantasy star is wasted potential the ip.
Who's that, Rumia?
Waiting so hard for clementine to be finished. I made a big titty dark newman female. But i dont want to put the time to level all the technics if its gonna be deleted in a year. But it feels so fucking good to play. And i cant wait to try pso2 on xbox next year. I also am crossing my fingers psp2 infinitys english patch is finished this year.
Sadly ive had my fill of pso. You can only run max attack or ttf with hucasts spamming charge vulcans so many times. It was fun but its a relic of the past now
>well known vore artist
>enjoyable art style
>actually draws a non vore comic
did someone order music?
Also anyone that had I JUST SMILE, THIS IS MY HAPPINESS, or ANGEL OF FIRE playing in their room music was always a cool guy. Youre still a cool guy if you had that playing
You MUST be a zoomer because those designs are literally just 80s anime hair and leotard plus robo bits.
Man I liked this game way more than it deserved
>tfw never got to play the DLC or online
I miss heavens punisher. I think thats what it was called. The one that only worked depending on what time it was in game
Mirei, princess of whatever area PSU takes place it. She joins your party for a bit, has some awkward interaction with your senpai Karen. It gets revealed that the two are actually sisters, so one of the episodes ends with Mirei showing up for supper with Karen so the two can get to know each other better.
Next episode has Mirei getting killed, Karen leaves your party permanently, and she pretends to be Mirei so that the area will still have a princess and nobody is aware of the assassination.
I'm not the biggest fans of Nei's and Rika's redesigns either but I'm not as critical since st least it does still not too far from their original designs. Meanwhile Alis's design has the right color scheme but the actual outfit doesn't really fit her at all. Granted, I don't know what's her role in PSO2 is at that point but her outfit is too goofy and mix-matched compared to her original look and personality.
>tfw PSIII was never considered for the proper remake it desperately deserves
>Why? What was it about PSU that you liked the best?
The plot and characters were campy but I grew attatched
>Did you play the PSP games?
Nope but I heard Ethan's sister appears
So generic I actually thought the chick was Marvel
EP5 of pso2 took place in a dream world inside of the akashic record. She's the legendary "Sword Maiden" who is supposed to stop the evil red dragon that's prophecized to return and end the world, but just ends up making the player do it for her. It's not the real Alis, but they still did her dirty.
Not to mention Ethan barely sees her after the events and the only moment he gets to spend with her during the online story is when your character is sleepy from photon sickness in the mushroom area on Neudaiz imagine being cucked by space church.
Currently waiting on Clementine to develop a bit more before I get back in to PSU. My friends flaked on me otherwise which was demoralizing but it's still a ton of fun.
how did the story end?
What does the prophecy foretell, Yea Forums?
already happened, play Nova
>just ends up making the player do it for her
Dang, they really did do her dirty.
A lot happens after what user said, but if you want the very ending:
Karen does end up rejoining the Party later on during the assault on Rykros. Ethan, Hyuga, Karen, Ethan's Sister, and the wacky pirate group all help in defeating Dark Falz.
>not playing late ep5/ep6 pso2
based retard
Looking at such a high resolution piece of concept art of the Motav Prophecy I noticed on the upper left and right of the emblem on the cover, each of those looks like Dark Falz's final form. Obviously there's a lot of symbolism on there, you can see the seal in the center and the emblem thats on those pylons in each zone that you have to activate in order to unseal the ruins. Then the 8 pointed star in the upper middle circle looks very similar to the arena you fight the final form of dark falz in.
Perhaps the Motav Prophecy is an instruction manual to how the whole Dark Falz sealing system is intended to function. Similar to Dead Sea Scrolls of Evangelion being an instruction manual to the Black/White Moons while also being perceived as a prophecy.
>go play pso all day
>come back
>thread STILL up
PSbros are somethin special bless you all
Maybe its for the best that it dies. I was there a couple years ago and it wasn't pretty. From people hating it (yet still playing it) and getting angry about discordfags and trannies and ERPers and all this other shit...I'm more comfortable just talking to randoms in-game in PSO1 and PSO2 than going to pso2g
It's crazy to watch all these zoomers talk about how unique and atypical the designs back then were when I'm a boomer and I look at this stuff and, while I like it, I also realize that it's about as generic as the stuff we get today except the trends back then were different.
I fucked up my spoiler but yeah, it's boiled do to just namedropping and pointless drama. Also an intense hatred for all things chocolate skinned because heeheehaha this player is actually black!
>make a FO on ephinea to solo with
>remember them being kind of ass later on but forget why
>finally get to ultimate
>mfw i see the EP1 & EP2 elemental resistances
>phantasy star thread
>it's shit tier nu-phantasy star
>windows mouse cursor
not soul
true soul is playing on dreamcast
Not yet. There's going to be at least 1 more wipe
nigga u think my 10 year old ass kept that shit??
The Chaddest of the manbots, I loved playing Hucast.
If you want classic PS, then do something to contribute.
>tfw Sega now considers classic PS and PSO their own thinga instead of always grouping together
I have some hope for us user.
everyone in thread is discussing all era of phantasy star though. No mention of PS Nova though I don't even know if people considered it good or not. I haven't heard about it since it was announced
If there wasn't proof Nova existed I'd honestly believe it to be some PS urban legend with what little I hear about it.
it doesn't help that it has no native online, only ad-hoc
I kind of hope Miku and Luka get a concert in PSO2 when it comes to the west. youtu.be
Sega has a serious hate boner for attack techs in PSO.
The issue was how well elemental resistances scaled at higher levels. Monsters with high EVA and DEF can *kinda* be dealt by having higher ATA and ATP; but elemental resistances use percentage.
>miku in FOnewearl outfit
Also, the tech damage formula is set up in a way that MST is much weaker than ATP because a single point of MST has much less of an effect on the final tech damage calculations than a single point of ATP does for the regular attack damage calculations.
Yeah, that always bothered me. A single point in MST only increases your Foie by like 5 points of damage (iirc). It was honestly kind of shit.
It's pretty stupid. It makes FOnewearl's high MST not nearly as useful as it sounds.
The default PSO Sword design is cool as hell. Prove me wrong.
i have comfy memories of the demo on 360. I played it till it died. I want to go back.
I prefer the gunslashes from pso2 myself but I appreciate the big slabs for what they are.
The Dark Flow is peak PS sword design, though.
Post #500 is here!
Thanks for the great thread, guys. Glad we could still have proper and nice Phantasy Star discussion on Yea Forums.
>bump limit phantasy star thread
do more of these
It got derailed by /pol/fags for a bit but we still got a complete PS thread.
These threads are comfy as hell. See you all later.
FUCK nostalgiafags
FUCK trannies
and FUCK zoomers
I really like the aesthetics of PSO2's base gear. I wish there were camos for all of them (yeah, I know there's form change, but that's so much more bothersome).
Last for cute robots!
Based and Casealpilled.
there's those "(class) orders" camos that replace all of your weapons with the base versions