>official servers have little to no rules in chat, people can say nigger and faggot all they want
>community/modded servers are a hell hole of chat hall monitors and you get instantly perma banned for even saying nigga
>unironically got permabanned for saying nigga in vietnamese one time
I don't fucking get it, why is this shit getting so bad? It isn't just a problem with rust, this is a problem that has been spreading throughout almost every game, just about the only game that I can still shit talk retards in safely is CSGO and that will probably be changed some time down the line as well.
Official servers have little to no rules in chat, people can say nigger and faggot all they want
I would ban them too
>playing rust
people like you deserve no opinions on anything, I do not believe you to be human.
Basically rules are now being actually enforced, compared to 10 or so years ago when they simply didn't have the means to reliably enforce them.
You have simply grown complacent and now you no longer can be doing that. You can either adjust to the current environment or just continue playing a losing game in which you win nothing.
Not meant to sound preachy, just that's the playing field you have now.
Because you gamers don't stand up for your rights.
Antifa blocks traffic, hospitalises people, and throws firebombs.
Nazis pick up a gun and shoot people who oppose them.
What do gamers do? Cry on the internet?
Yeah, I thought so. If you aren't going to stand up for your rights, why should anyone else?
host your own server and let people say whatever they want
you fucking nigger I just firebombed EA HQ yesterday
did you actually spend the time to make this cause you were mad you got banned from a video game server
My mistake sir, keep fighting the good fight.
just noticed he left his email in it too lmao
Yeah I feel you. Censorship is trash.
Got banned for saying taconigger in a community server. The wordfilter picked it up and kicked me. Joined back and wanted to test the wordfilter, so i typed "tacon|gger". Mod saw it an banned me.
Funny how children can run around in allchat near your base and scream nigger all the time but you say it in the chat and you get banned.
yep people are faggots nowdays
they're usually trying to stream on twitch, and build a "community" sadly they don't realize this makes them gay as fuck
>Complaining about stupid shit
They actually banned you for being an obnoxious underage fuck
Not really, it seems real simple: basic word filters are easier to implement than some AI scanning through voicechat logs.
You fell into a real basic trap.
>nazis shoots people to oppose them.
>antifa is being antifa
Your fooling no one /pol/ not with your subtle agenda.
Stop playing trannie games maybe
the games that don't allow expression will die and the games that do allow expression will flourish, pretty simple, it's up to the developers
You're essentially complaining that you need a safespace to say nigger in like a fucking child. Which I assume you are since privately owned servers have had rules for years and there's nothing wrong with that. If you wanna cry zoomer tears because they decided they didn't want you sperging out on the mic create and host you own server instead of coming to an anime message board to cry like the retard you are.
>the games that don't allow expression will die and the games that do allow expression will flourish
Yeah how's that working out for you, buddy?
>the games that do allow expression
Name some. I'd love to know some multiplayer games where you can warn people about Jews and single women without being silenced.
I know skribblio exists. Any others?
What the fuck are you even trying to say here
>Banning some fuckin retard who spams the word nigger
Good riddance. That word is fucking annoying to constantly hear.
Memeing faggots are ruining games for everyone i hope permabans are handed out not only for saying nigger but other discord meme shit
> unironically got permabanned for saying nigga in vietnamese one time
The same thing happens on Yea Forums too
You don't even need to say nigger. Just say anything that offends a mod.
You don't know what a safe space is. Stop projecting, SJW.
Host your own server. When players are given dedicated servers, they make the rules.
no one gets banned for saying nigger here
Are you underage or something? It's always been a thing where there would be privately run servers with zealous mods who enforce the rules on language.
I'm convinced the people who bitch about "say word money stolen" and lament how this never used to be the case are actually also underage and never had to actually play on community run servers and deal with shitty mod behaviour there.
Try playing in a russian server. They will ban you if you're too good.
because the people who are 18 and 19 now grew up on Console shooters like CoD which had people screeching profanities on the daily, and are now getting PCs and finding shitty community run servers. Reminder that the 12 year olds who shit-talked on MW2 are 22 now.
>posts Yea Forums-tier garbage outside of Yea Forums, replying to a shitty, Yea Forums-tier thread
>gets banned
Checks out.
Shut up, nigger.
but we HAVE been protesting. we've been on sex strike for our entire lives.
>gets shown wrong
not letting me say nigger whenever and wherever I want is fascism
Literally 99,9% of all bans are justified.
>community servers have their own rules and you can find a server that is right for you so you don't have to put up with bullshit you don't want
>join a server with rules you don't like and break them
why tho
I think community servers giving bans and the game itself flat out banning you are pretty different
There's nothing SJW or facism about owning and running your own server zoomer. It gives you the freedom to do whatever you want and say whatever you want given you are the owner. I'm sorry you retards can't grasp the freedoms involved in such because some owner decided they didn't want you saying your special needs word.
I never understood why they don't just issue chatbans that get increasingly longer rather than outright perma ban
No it isn't
It's great, it's like anglo variant of kurwa
Yeah nah you aren't fooling anyone, usually any person mouthing off that word is some underage tot on the mic.
>the word is bad because someone I dislike used it
Don't you have AIDS medicine to take? Black child to take to public school?
>lemme use projection, that'll prove I'm not a child
>anime picture no less
Wow, sure got me. Looks like my point was correct its easy to filter out faggots like you.
Anime website, brown "person"
>Uh oh, better use more ad hominems!
Nice not argument user.
It's not ad hominem when it's relevant.
Ad hominem is like this:
>lol fatty, I bet you can't play vidya
This is not ad hominem:
>lol negro, you statistically have lower IQ and so are likely not to comprehend the logic I am presenting
Because progressivism is religion, and what you did is blasphemy against god of equality.
If they had same power as medieval inquisition they would have tortured and burned you for that.
>Using nigger is an easy filter to find faggots and underage anons who cry over nothing
>proceeds to act like a faggot and call me brown without delivering any proper rebuttal
Checks out, thanks for playing.
>Yea Forums post-reddit invasion hates it when you say the big bad n-word
Because there's many nigger-rap and nigger-hop aficionados among zoomers. The subhuman wiggers are very sensitive to their subhuman nigger rappers being insulted for being subhuman scum and for listening to subhuman "music" which doesn't make you look cool as much as it makes you look low IQ.
I sometimes b8 by pretending that niggers are equal to people or that women are equal to people.
Though nowadays either others have picked up on the b8 or we have actual invasion of coalburners and white knighting literal cucks.
It's mostly actual resetera fags and trannies and redditors.
>0.3% of the population makes 200% of the responses
I get called a tranny all the time because you retards are retarded and don't realize that trannies are rare as fuck.