Why does discussion on weeb games always exclusively revolve around waifus?
Do they have no meaningful content or interesting moral topics to explore, differantiating opinions on plot etc to discuss?
These threads aren't even video games anymore and belong on Yea Forums or /jp/ in my opinion. Waifu threads take up half the catalogue most of the time and add literally nothing of value, in fact, they degrade the content on this board.
Eastern games need their own board or need to be moved to /jp/
Please remove Eastern games from Yea Forums, they're cancer
Anime site, don't like it then
Just remove and actively ban anti-sjw posts crying about censorship and loli, then anime shit becomes tolerable again
play Magia Record
I agree
Ok as long as they also ban all sjw posts that cry about loli and support censorship
Fairs fair.
Remove OP from existence.
>actively ban posts crying about loli
I agree.
>Just remove and actively ban anti-sjw
The mods have started already. Love Live, Senran Kagura and HyperDimension Neptunia threads will get you banned if you post one for example.
remove smash.
They are geniuinely breaking the rules by not confining to a general like all other games have to be.
And their fanbase without exception is cancer.
This, OP is being a fag again. Someone get him off all those dicks.
I take it back, I like those games, sorry guys
No, just remove anime games.
With this we'll still have 7 threads up simultaneously discussing Tifa's breast size
This, ban people who can't enjoy the cuteness that is loli. Those "people" aren't even human.
im already playing
what kind of game is it?
Nah, unless we can also ban AAA walking exposition filled games as well. Agreed?
gacha which is to say the gameplay sucks ass but you get to have cute live2D Madoka characters talk at you
care to explain the logic behind this? because there seems to be none.