What games will give me overpowered feel?

What games will give me overpowered feel?

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Shadow of War


Rising revengence

Prototype, endgame TWEWY, Infamous, Devil May Cry once you get all of Dante’s stuff, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, and more games that I’m probably forgetting.

Prototype 3.

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Rising revengence
Assassins creed with orcs

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I want to believe, damn it.

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God hand
Risk of rain 2

>Assassins creed with orcs
implying that's a bad thing

I’m not implying it’s a fact user

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>games are 80 GB
>maps still feel incredibly empty
How did they do it?

Uncompressed files, mostly.

shadow of war on brutal is far from overpowered
try it

it's about herding orc, all action happens in meta game not on the map


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DMC5 when you learn how to combo.

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Devil Survivor

Late game Terraria
Late game Warframe
Late game Minecraft

whack-a-mole combat, nah thanks, even bamham feels better than standing in place and doing 100 hits for no feedback

Neverwinter Nights MOTB

This is the best answer so far.

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Half Life 2 with the antlions

any multiplayer game if you aren't a shitter

This fighting the bosses and trying to button mash so you can punch them with a giant fist

Risk of Rain 2
This is also a good answer, but only if you are willing to take the time to get gud

Secret of Mana

Heroes of Might and Magic IV

Asura's Wrath

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This is how I know you haven't played the game user

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What do you mean? You can beat Bayonetta and not be good

I never learned the combos and I beat it

You can beat it, but it's not very fun unless you get good
Also, combos don't matter much in Bayo, 90% of the time you'll just be using pkp anyways
It's about dodge offset, which allows you to play offensively and defensively at the same time

I honestly enjoyed the speed and intensity of the game even if I never got good and also played Rising, what else should I play that's like it?

Also the plot is ridiclous but added witht he charm

The only correct answer

Warhammer40K Spess Mureen

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Good answer. The only RPG I've really power tripped on


A Dynasty Warriors game.

BeeHawk Siren in Borderlands 2.

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It hurts.

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oh I love feeling overpowered
>Any Soulsborne game in NG+ or invading with a twink build
>Any Dynasty Warriors, or Musou game in general
>Mount and Blade Warband
>Elder Scrolls
>Xenoverse 2
>Monster Hunter World
>Tekken 7 if you arent a retard