Why is this game so much harder than World?
Why is this game so much harder than World?
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Because theres more commitment to every action instead of being able to roll out of everything and heal while moving
I dont like styles
And I dont like how easy they made world
>bumping a thread 4 minutes old
Because it’s a real monster hunter game
Because its not an MMO
Aerial style trivializes it with the bunch of monsters who just can't stop moving or flying.
Is it? I have World installed but I refuse to continue playing until I finish this one, huge mistake, it takes a lot of fucking time to take off.
However, I played the tutorial mission where you have to kill the huge iguana and it felt like the only thing I had to do was follow a light.
>Because theres more commitment to every action instead of being able to roll out of everything and heal while moving
But it also seems like monsters are WAY more active in this game compared to world, or am I imagining that?
When I played World I didn't feel in any real danger 90% of the time.
In this game I am constantly having to reposition and actually pay attention to what the monster is doing because they are so much more aggressive
>aerial is good
Nothing in it is harder than stuff like extremoth.
the game overall is way harder than world though. why would you grind hundreds of hours in world just to play one hard encounter in world?
because it's a G game obviously
and if World's G rank follows the absolute bullshit that was World's post-release then it'll probably take the cake as the hardest MH game, Extremoth is already a bitch and a half
because you're comparing a g rank to a high rank like some kind of mouth breather
Imagine actually thinking this
Master rank in Iceborne is barely harder than the base game.
how did you get the game early user?
I don’t know. I have 300 hours in World so basically I am a veteran but Great Maccao kicks my ass, his moves are completely unpredictable.
Beta didn't have master rank...
so the beta had the entirety of the expansion and all the post-release content in there? seems like a pretty big oversight on capcom's part
the beta tuned for the retarded journos that get into e3?
Lvl 15 deviants shit on crossover gimmick monster any day
Most of them anyways. You gotta admit Super Malfestio is disappointing.
Because it still uses 15 years of Jank, stiff, and archaic game design while World addressed the most glaring jank bullshit the series has been plagued with since it's inceptions.
I hate that we got Iceborne. There was never any chance it would fix the problems with World, and I don't hate World, but it has its flaws and they're at the fundamental core of the design.
I wanted World 2. I want them to take all the good they did with World and move forward to make a game where the progression isn't so fucked and we're not stuck paying for the mistakes introduced at the start.
Literal coping response.
What did you not like
I've played the series since it's started back on the PS2. I'm not going to just up and denie that standing still to use any item was a good thing.
>i-it's only a beta
It was though? Why would you not get punished for commiting to an action at the wrong time?
>Because it still uses 15 years of Jank, stiff, and archaic game design while World addressed the most glaring jank bullshit the series has been plagued with since it's inceptions.
Even if what you said were true, it doesn't change the FACT that monsters in old MH games are massively more active and dangerous than in World.
The AI in World was deliberately dumbed down and slowed down to appeal to casuals.
I'm playing World right now and Handler is really testing my patience guys, should I stick with it ?
if you're on pc get mute mods as well as mods that make her better looking, also if you have a powerful enough pc you can just emulate all the older games
There is people who easily wiped an entire map of all large monsters during the Beta. Any Monster hunter demo or beta is built for the brain dead.
I will understand drinking and eating standing still. I will not accept that bullshit Flexing and Stomach rub bullshit increasing stationary time.
It's literally just an animation. Would you have it just the drinking part be twice as long? Is THAT really the jank that makes World better than any real MH?
No. Because appearently drinking a vial of a potion takes 10 seconds instead of the standard real life 2.
its commitment. Healing doesnt mean you just chuck down potion without any care in the world (heh), but have to pick a place/time for it
>but zone out?
yeah, thats a valid strat. and have fun zoning out in arena/big elder dragon quests
Disappointing. I thought you'd be smarter user.
Why the fuck am I not allowed to skip cutscenes in the year of our lord 100+1919 ?
>It's Commitment
It's "Archaic".
And I thought you didn't gobble dicks hourly.
We can't all live our dreams I guess.
if you want to bring reality to the mix, those bottle are at least 300-500ml in official CGs. Your standard soda can size
now drink them all in 1 gulp, with adrenaline high in your blood, a huge as abomination running after your ass, in 2 sec
and yeah, the complete drinking animation in World is longer than older games, just safer
I have 600 hours on both GU and World and I'm calling your ass out for being a total fucking faggot on 4 counts
Count 1. You're comparing a G-rank game to a non g-rank game. That's just plain stupid.
Count 2. MHG was piss easy to the point everyone called it one of the worst MH games out there. Ranked always lower than fucking Tri.
Count 3. MHGU's G-rank is absolutely downgraded in terms of difficulty. MH4U's G-rank made you hunt with commitment you wouldn't believe. you'd sweat profusely, you'd rage relenlessly, you'd cuss all the words,races, and terms on all languages. MHGU's G-rank is a walk in the park collecting flashy trash.
Count 4. World had QoL improvements didn't change the fact that it can have hard monsters. See: Jho, Lunastra, and Kushala. Those on tempered caused enough asspain to prove a point. This is on top of the fact that Nergigante was an actual pushover, but somehow nuked this board with WHY IS THIS SO HARD!? TOO UNFAIR PLS NERF threads while, I kid you not, complain about World being easy.
tl;dr OP is a colossal faggot.
Maye because potions in world aren't instant and a roar or literally any attack makes you waste it?
This. Fucking retards need to play what they shitpost next time
Gonna need some source and some super deviants proof on that post my friend.
>worldbabs are so brainlet that they unironically try their mobile healing option while the monster is still chasing them
Massive yikes.
Busy with other games. Have a timestamp that's a bit old
Monsters in mhgu/xx are dramatically faster and more aggressive - yes, even in low rank. Now, some of those monsters also have gen2-tier instant surprise charges, but the simple fact is that the attacks are quicker and the downtime between moves is dramatically lessened, while the weapon move sets are also generally higher commitment than World's. Compare GU diablos to world Diablos, for example. you'll see a massive difference in speed, aggression and downtime. Consider also that the changes to the skull system in world make hunters Massively op relative to the monsters because of the sheer number of damage skills you can add to a set. Finally, consider that all GU hub/guild quests are scaled for four players at all times. And that you can't hit camp to refill items mid hunt.
That's the point, so why complain that you can move?
>tfw nothing has ever come close yet to the absolute stress-inducing experience that were 140 quests
Lost a few years of my life on some of these assholes
God I love Valstrax so much. Simultaneously challenging yet so fair with his pristine hitboxes
yeah yeah, just throw out that "archaic" word without showing why its archaic aside from "muh drink-and-run"
just accept it. World improved on the formula a lot, but in the process threw out a lot of nuances and decision making
and? is it any different than getting hit immediately cause you flex at the wrong time and place, thus nulling the healing? at least you still get something out of it in world
Dreadking was a fucking mistake
I want to copliment you, that is 10/10 quality bait, keep doing gods work user.
Are old MHfags bigger man children than Worldfags?
Imagine typing this out and not realizing how much of a baby you are haha.
Yet due to some styles GU is still a walk in the park because most things aren't even balanced around them.
>only 600 hours
fucking casual get good
Sorry opinions hurt you, user-chan. Maybe try a different hobby?
>and a roar or literally any attack makes you waste
Why is this a problem when you have infinite potions?
Incredible bait. Have my well deserved (You)
>get called out
fucking kek. When actual MH users come in play, the shitposters lose their footing
This one is shit tho, 2/10.
because it's outdated and bad
>MHG was piss easy to the point everyone called it one of the worst MH games out there
The counter to this being that everybody now thinks World is the easiest
I can only think of Valor LS (maybe GS/H) and HBG, really. and HBG cheesing is the series' staple
And Adept style is literally dps-lost, with monster in the lategame having so many consecutive attacks that dodging is iffy as fuck
God i hate Adept users online
Adept Pierce LBG and Valor HBG destroys EX Deviants. You could eat EX Bloodbath for breakfast everyday with a team of 4 Pierce LBG with Flash Bomb. Meanwhile, I would like to see you cheese Extremoth as easy as this.
You can just tell GU was made with more hardcore fans in mind
I mean it had 3 monster quests by 5 star low rank no other game in the entire series ramps up as fast as GU does because it's doing that for the long term fans
Besides just being hard overall it doesn't waste your time with easy stuff either
HAME type strata exist in every MH game, there's videos of teams of cluster spammers taking out extremoth in a few minutes
How's the online in this? Dead?
>it doesn't waste your time with easy stuff either
>those awful collection quests
Here's my problem with world
>slaying monster
>barely taking any hits
>monster finally gets one and hits me with a paw swipe dropping me down to a little less than 3/4 of my health
>for some reason this also stuns me
>monster chains to strongest move
I swear this was the only way that I ever carted in world. Total B.S. knockouts to random moves that had no business knocking out.
There's always a few pages of G turns rooms up, more on the weekends
I'm retarded and MH4U's G Rank only hit the fan when you were doing those absurd expeditions with extremely high levels. G1 and G2 were easy. Some Apex hunts were a struggle. On the whose I had more difficulty with MH3U, but that was because you had to fight clunky underwater game design on top of whatever fucking monster you were fighting.
Also i'm still made that they picked an awful, barely legible font for that game.
plenty active in East Asian peak time, and reasonable anytime else
any MH, really. i can still find room for 3U and 4U now
Also, anyone have that meme involving all the styles for all the weapons?
>he says this in a game where ledge hopin is the top strategy for the latest meme "monster" in mhw
Get real, I played every gunner/style combination and only Valor HBG can be called broken.
You do know that only like two of the gathering quests are needed to advance, right?
I haven't found it any harder until G-rank. Comparing anything after High Rank in MHGU to World is stupid since World is a High Rank game though. The other High Rank games also weren't hard but their Ultimate counterparts are.
>Are old MHfags bigger man children than Worldfags
No, but fake ones like that are.
uhh u're super boltreaver prooves?????
Forgot to save the updated one with Alchemy, no nobody play alchemy either
>*does no damage in your path*
Some day people will come to terms with the fact that they get better every time they put hundreds of hours into a game, and for that reason the latest entry will always feel like the easiest. Until that day we'll get people upset about how they made the new Monster Hunter/Dark Souls/whatever too easy.
this better be a joke
>play MH
>its hard
>play World
>its easy
>play MH again
>is still hard
please explain this to me /sci/-kun
the better hitboxes/QoL help a lot too
but still, i still get my ass kicked returning to FU
fuck janky hitboxes and 40 min dual blos quests
not JUST that, which is definitely visible in tigrex and pickle, but GX also keeps some of the more questionable hitboxes while world ALSO has very questionable hitboxes on the other end of the spectrum
Shit like plesioth hipcheck vs being able to spam demon dance on an enraged odo actually trying to attack you but whiffing on a barely moving target
>Play G rank
>it's hard
>play HR
>it's easy
>play G rank again
>it's hard
I like all MH games, and think they each do/did something good for the series kn their own way.
is alchemy actually bad?
Can't agree with you seeing as I played GenU after World
not really, people are just put off by its unorthodox playstyle of item making
HH, Hammer, LBG and SA are all great with alchemy
and Valor just outclassed almost everything too
on most weapons yes.
barrel shaking is mostly a meme that not even SNS wants to touch despite their easy time with items. On top of that on most weapons you lose YOUR CORE FUCKING COMBO, or just generally extremely useful moves
youll notice in the picture hammer is different. thats because hammer only loses a shitty move that no one ever used AND you get the 3 art benefit from striker so its literally just better striker
It's not bad. It's just generally not good either.
Because it's not a shitty watered down westernized version of a game belonging to a beloved franchise.
Iceborne beta already proved World "g" rank isn't hard at all
>representative of the actual difficulty
Are you new or something?
>play HR in a g rank game
>it's hard
>play HR in a casual garbage game made for casuals
>it's easy
>go back to a decent game
>it's still hard
Early G-rank is never hard
*muffled hon hon hon in the distance*
>You're comparing a G-rank game to a non g-rank game. That's just plain stupid.
MHG is harder than world, because world monsters are inherently slower and more predictable than old MH monsters. Being able to get infinite items and exploiting the terrain for free traps and heals also made brute forcing hunts much easier.
>MHG was piss easy to the point everyone called it one of the worst MH games out there. Ranked always lower than fucking Tri.
MHG was more well-received in japan than 4U, for reasons explained below. Also, only tribabies would rank it lower than fucking tri.
> MHGU's G-rank is absolutely downgraded in terms of difficulty. MH4U's G-rank made you hunt with commitment you wouldn't believe. you'd sweat profusely, you'd rage relenlessly, you'd cuss all the words,races, and terms on all languages. MHGU's G-rank is a walk in the park collecting flashy trash.
MH4U's endgame is pure trash. The weapon balance is the worst of any MH, Apex monsters are more tedious than actually challenging, and the MMO-style weapon grinding is literally the most retarded thing ever. GU's endgame is much more enjoyable, hypers are challenging without being tedious, the deviant system is retarded, but they are infinitely better and more challenging than subspecies, and you grind for actual weapons made of monsters instead of glorified lootboxes.
>World had QoL improvements didn't change the fact that it can have hard monsters. See: Jho, Lunastra, and Kushala. Those on tempered caused enough asspain to prove a point. This is on top of the fact that Nergigante was an actual pushover, but somehow nuked this board with WHY IS THIS SO HARD!? TOO UNFAIR PLS NERF threads while, I kid you not, complain about World being easy.
I'm running out of space for typing, so let's just pretend you're actually right here.
>adept style
I hate world like the next guy but dont get ahead of your self. Yes they're optional but adept is too forgiving in the frames, especially in sp mode
Not sure if its just because im used to the game but world monsters feel a shit ton more aggressive. I dont see moments where a monster just stands in place doing idle animations or doing the robotic turning
I feel like they made hunters easier to control and gave you more control in world but didn't give the monsters the same treatment.
World was designed to be fun.