did the hype completely die out after E3?

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They haven't given us any information since the clunky gameplay footage. I'm still cautiously optimistic though I'm not expecting it to be great, just pretty good.



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the gameplay is the first game is kinda shit as well, if the story and characters are good then I can forgive clunky gameplay

I'm kind of worried. I'm already sad it'll be a different setting than the first one.

I'm replaying the VTMB for the first time since I was a teenager. I gotta tell you guys, I'm not enjoying it. Beyond the awesome voice acting and Blood Boil, nothing really feels satisfying

I hope 2 is amazing. If Tzimisce isn't included, I hope someone can mod it in. I want to turn someone into a nightstand.

it's literally gonna be a shitty vampire skyrim without mod support and a bunch of degenerate tranny shit

There was never any hype to begin with.

They need to fix the combat big time, but I'm still hype for it.

jesus christ the writing in this game is dogshit and was clearly done by some white guilt liberal

The problem with the gameplay in the original is that it lacks any skill. You just face the bad guy and mash the left mouse button until one of you dies. But at least it does what it's supposed to do. The problem with the gameplay in 2 is that it flat out doesn't work. Punches don't register, hitboxes don't make any sense, bullets miss some enemies at point blank but not others, etc.

Kinda, they stopped giving out new information so there isn't really much to discuss. For now we can only wait for more of the coteries of new york, they were teasing some new stuff to show.
I don't get why some people think the gameplay video was shit, looked good enough for me. I was honestly expecting worse.

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This is my basic opinion as well. I already know I can tolerate shitty gameplay, but that's fine so long as the story and characters are good.

My issue with what I had seen is that the characters physically and verbally seemed kind of stilted in the gameplay reveal.

It's like they were told to voice their lines as neutrally as possible so that the dialogue would "fit better" regardless of what kind of tone the player pushed the conversation towards.

For example, remember when you first met Jeanette? Like her or not, she left a big impression and she was radiating amusement and instability in your face. Remember Gary Golden? He was charismatic and smooth, but also thoroughly fucking with you in a threatening manner. Or fucking Betram Tung, he stood out as a very calm, helpful, and knowledgeable person, SHOWING you rather than TELLING you that the Nosferatu are reliable.

Meanwhile in the gameplay we were shown: Slug seems kind of logical and reasonable, and you don't really get the sense that he's a coward or anything, just kind of robotic. Tremere/Toreador woman: Also, just kind of logical, no real emotion displayed. Nosferatu Contact: Just kind of a reasonable dude.

You see the issue? They're just being really understated when they should be dialed up. Slug should be a sniveling, wretched bastard that tries to pluck on your heartstrings, because he is a weak coward. Woman contact should be flirting with you or fucking something considering how hot she is and the fact that she's a vampire who must have chosen to present herself like that. Nosferatu contact should have been a little more sleazy, which seams to be what they were going for based on his shit eating grin. Give him some indoor sunglasses or something for Christ's sake.

I want CHARACTERS not exposition dispensers. I liked the hammy, fun characters in VTMB, and I didn't even mention people like Fat Larry or Chunk. They need to not take this shit too serious.

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I don't expect much from VTMB 2 as much of what is been said before the first game was absolutely carried by the story and characters.I believe the story and characters will be poorly written and loaded with progressiveness. Really a shame, oh well.

This cannot be real. Please tell me this is some LARP


obvious at this point its actually a kickstarter just done on steam with pre-orders instead. yet somehow they expect to make that release date

No, it's just too hard unironically for devs to create emotion when the game is soulless

I'm going to kill this guy immediately if possible.

Work for it man. Keep on getting through it it's definitely worth it just to see the story honestly. The sewer levels are the biggest slog just get through that and you've beaten it.

Also try and change the world in the game man, your characters actions will make a difference.

Thats not from the game.

>He will lead a crusade
>When some fifty year old vampire pre-teen could snap him like a twig

Just you wait, captain Sweden will make your nightmares reality

its real

its from the tabletop version they based the game on

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What’s it from?

I wish the devs could read this

Who wrote the tabletop? And when?

its from vtm v5. mitsoda has stated that v5 and bloodlines 2 were developed in parallel


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Whitewolf have always done shit like this, trans rights bullshit is popular right now so they're trying to push it.

Same shit different name.

sure but now you have literal trannies coming into these threads insisting that tzimisce were always an analogue for transgenders

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Yikes. Wasn’t really considering this to begin with but I’m avoiding the fuck out of it for sure

another preorder DEVOURED by RUDI

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Jesus Christ how horrifying.

This is why Lasombra is the best clan
Especially now that they left the edgelord sabbat behind to join the based camarilla
They are basically Ventrue but better

This Guy wrote Rudi and some other bullshit.


I don't want to spoil myself so I avoided the E3 footage.

Whoever saying VTMB2 will have sjw shit like Rudi is wrong, they said that the game is taking its own direction and theyre moreso picking and choosing from V5 and V20. Theres someone always in these threads shitposting and its fucking autistic, go back to /pol/ and let us talk about video games and not the mess that was V5 that got shut down by Paradox.

Why the fuck would a vampire practice a religion like Islam? Imagine a vampire practicing Christianity, what the fuck?

Wait the gentleman gamer wrote that pile of shit?? Damn I actually liked his clan videos as well...

The funniest part is the idea that all of V5 was written by one person and that they have anything to do with the game.

But really just don't bother, its pointless even trying to explain to this echo chamber.

>Whoever saying VTMB2 will have sjw shit like Rudi is wrong, they said that the game is taking its own direction and theyre moreso picking and choosing from V5 and V20
>Theres someone always in these threads shitposting and its fucking autistic, go back to /pol/ and let us talk about video games and not the mess that was V5 that got shut down by Paradox
no not until the game fails and you anhero you little dipshit

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You know there's a whole fucking sect of muslim vampires, right? And that they have been in the setting even before bloodlines was made, right?

>Who are the Assamites again?

>Why the fuck would a vampire practice a religion like Islam?
Assamites (basically vampire jihadists that are stereotypically violent)

>Imagine a vampire practicing Christianity
Most cappodocians before they got shit on? Most lasombra elders?
Its not that weird. Being gay and practising islam though is just fuckin horrendous writing, I really can't wait for this SJW cancer fad to blow over, I really can't.

>implying a vampire that found Jesus and is trying to redeem himself isn't pure kino

You know what the best part about the tabletop game is?

You can completely ignore the stuff you don't like and not have it in the game, the core books are guides with suggestions and ideas but you don't have to follow them.

Don't like it? Don't use it.

They don't even need to be assamites, just members of the ashirra.
Have these niggers even bothered to look at the wiki page? I'm not expecting to actually read the books, but at least the wiki.

you're a broken record /tg/

and we're not talking about playing the tabletop we're talking about playing the videogame which is based on the tabletop and which you can't homebrew away

stupid fucking faggot

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Being a pedo and Islamic, now that would be good taste. Could you imagine Muhammad being a vampire?

That chick is writing a few side quests, shes not running the game and everything she writes will be peer edited.

V5 invoking Chechnia was the warning signal that it needed to hear, it went too goddamn far and the devs would be goddamn retarded the destroy the entire game.

Based on whats been rumored from the plot, it wont have anything to do with shit like rudi. If some side development of characters added to liven up the city includes lgbt friendly nods, whatever. You have to be a mean angry bigot to get worked up over it that much to shit post.

Imagine crying about homophobia and the far right in a game where necromancers fuck corpses and tzmicise turn everything into living furniture and traps

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>That chick is writing a few side quests, shes not running the game and everything she writes will be peer edited.
sauce? oh its your gaping anus

>V5 invoking Chechnia was the warning signal that it needed to hear, it went too goddamn far and the devs would be goddamn retarded the destroy the entire game
no sauce? just anus?

>Based on whats been rumored from the plot, it wont have anything to do with shit like rudi. If some side development of characters added to liven up the city includes lgbt friendly nods, whatever. You have to be a mean angry bigot to get worked up over it that much to shit post.
your fucking anus again? m8

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Nods are okay. It's when it's stuffed down your throat at the expense of quality characters.

>V5 invoking Chechnia was the warning signal that it needed to hear, it went too goddamn far
Why do you think this though? The game is supposed to be edgelord roleplay, why are certain boundaries not crossed just because the victims are straight white males?

Why are you so angry?

Its based on Seattle senpai, its accurate. Everyone there is a lefty.

you fucked up a good setting is why

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What is this shit? Why the fuck is there never any prepper gangrel? Hillbilly farmer gangrel? Why do they all look like bohemian onions drinkers and furry larpers?

You're just as bad as the SJW boogieman that you hate so much.

ok retard

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Its all reused art from the failed mmo. Cause V5 is a rushed out pile of garbage.

V5 tried to say that the Chechnian gay massacres irl were Ventrue killing fledglings or something and there was a vampire movement to stop them so Chechnia threatened White Wolf with legal troubles and Paradox ended up dismantling the whole thing. Theyve since achknowledged V5 had some decent ideas like the blood emotion stuff but theyre not willing to do anything uber political they just want a vtmb2 game.

Some swedish fashion designer that was friends with the pnp devs at the time drew them, she couldn't care less about how real people look and dresses.

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You spend all this time posting these pictures when you could be doing something more productive.

Like killing yourself. I bet your family would be relieved if you did.

Finally be rid of you.

You're an idiot. There's like 3 factions of vampires that are deeply religious.

Everything you posted has the same bodytype... Not very body positive for our BIG and BEAUTIFUL friends
Where are the wheelchair bound characters too? This lack of DIVERSITY is DISGUSTING and ABLEIST

Wow what a HATEFUL BIGOT you are

>this game looks like absolute trash and V5 is a dumpster fire
>reeee horseshoe theory

now who's seething m8? lmao.

forgive me padre even the freaks are pretty

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This literally killed my hype:
I know it's from the pnp, not the game. But the devs seem just as bad, tbch.

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Jheez dude im not him but lets not go there, poor taste. Its just video games, regardless of whats discussed the game will release and you can buy it or not.

The original at least will be remembered for all of its ideas, regardless of how they were executed. I hope 2 isnt overtly political but we'll always have the first game at least.

RUDI is a bull so black no hype can escape his surface

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Yeah ok that was dumb.

I would actually like to thank you for what you're doing though.

You're making everyone else feel so much better about their own lives knowing that they will never be as sad and pathetic as you.

You're doing a great service.

>look like normal homeless people

This one is actually terrible, how are there Nosferatu? Missing the entire point, theyre not just your average homeless person in a rich city.

Luckily we've already seen in the game that Nossies are fucking ugly.

this image has never been more appropriate

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Good to know what clan MC Ride would be a part of

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Game's so fucking fucked even trannies have trouble defending it.

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uh listen jokes aside buddy maybe its time for a break

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The hype is all artificial, generated by paid advertisers pretending to be fellow posters.

I may as well stop, you're not even coming up with any worthwhile comebacks. Put some effort into it man.

>even trannies have trouble defending it.
Trannies can't even defend themselves from themselves

you may as well stop

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I love how they just throw in gender pronouns in the middle of perfectly fine customisation like it's normal
No it's not normal you fucking bellend
It sticks out like a pair of dogs bollocks when faggots try to appropriate well adjusted human culture

After rumors of it being SJWshit came out, whatever excitement most people interested in this game had instantly vanished. Trailer kind of hints you to it too, what with the fat and unsexy vampiress and faggy vamps that makes Twilight's sparkly vamps the pinnacle of manliness. It's DoA.

>which you can't homebrew away
Except, of course, that you can. They call it 'modding' on these new-fangled computers. Of course I'd call it 'not even needing to be modded out because it is not in the game to begin with', but that's just me innit.

The facts we know: a SJW is writing some side quests.
You assume: Game is a pure Rudicore poofterfest, beginning to end. Pretty bizarre assumption, m8, and you have literally nothing to base it on.

Give ME sex! Give ME Damsel! Give ME sex WITH Damsel!

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>Where are the wheelchair bound characters too?
So, enough with the shitposting for one second and lets talk about lore. What happens to a cripple who is embraced? After feeding can they heal to the point that they can use their legs as well as just about any vampire?

>just mod in an entirely redone story and dialogue bro
is this your new marketing strategy?

i like it

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>we only know for sure that it's PARTLY shit

>the year of our Lord 2019
>still having expectations
Let go of any expectations and you shall not be disappointed, my children

>literally who dev who only has made bad games
>paradox publishing means EA levels of greed
>all footage and information so far has just been disappointing
the only positive things this game has going for it are that shaffer is doing the music for it and deb of night is returning