Portents of calamity
UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
WE'RE SCREWED cause guess who we're getting from Japan
Watanabe Shacho
Peke PaPa
RN. Ryuusei
D Neko
glad i'm always able to find you before lobbies. playing against you is the main reason i join these anyway.
Also sean, your internet is fucking trash
I'm here to post sad things and make improvements.
And I never improve!
Then leave?
No your internet is fucking trash.
I hope you realize I am goofing off. Looking forward to taking beatings again today.
was gonna play tonight but forgot i don’t have ps+
sorry, lads
Never heard of em'.
I simply didn't find it amusing
dw buddy. I enjoy your sadness.
These 3 bar connections are nothing but lies.
Might go restart the router
I'm sorry my light japes couldn't pierce your stony shell. It doesn't make me love you any less!
All you need to know is All Japan Top 8
So it really was your internet!!!
I'll ask once to cease your faggotry, huo
You really aren't a jolly dude, are you?
oh i still have the pclobby up somehow:
kw: pclobby
Not in this type of humor, no
I need to drop more fireball oki against Vat so I stop giving up my oki to the flashkick threat.
If dia's connection with me is gimped then I'll go reset my router
Crow couldn't get off work so he won't make it but yeah. I highly doubt we'll see anyone from NA in top 16, never mind top 8.
pc lobby wen
Yeah, reset your router. We get stutters a lot but never 5 frames.
It's ok guys. I've been practicing. See me in top 8.
The only hope would be if they kill each other in pools.
Alright, someone else cover for me
I'm not too worried
If ya get real bored I made one.
You lie
Is the Phonon light-pillar just able to hit anywhere? I swear I'm downbacking, and shit does whatever it needs to.
22C hits high and tracks.
The others hit mid and have set distances
Awww lordy, there's multiple lightpillars? How on earth do I tell them apart?
Distance for 22A and 22B
Superflash for 22C. Just block high as soon as the flash happens.
Are talking about her 623x or 22x though, they both can be considered pillars, 623C is a DP
gg huo, i’m terribly out of practice
I think he was talking about 623x. Phonons dp light pillar. 623A only hits directly infront of phonon, 623B hits a specific spot that's right around the middle of the screen or 2-3 training mode squares away from her. 623C is actually invulnerable unlike the other two, and hits directly infront of her like 623A but bigger.
I'm guessing the lobby is full?
time for a second lobby seems like
Cut the up-backing
I'm down to lobby up for lobby 2. Was just messing with DOA before getting on here. Fun game.
Awww shit, I'm missing Sairoux? Do I disband lobby 1 instantly?
Time to practice my half circle motions again. Been messing them up all week.
Holy moly that was a great near comeback hahaha.
Those are some fancy new combos Icy (or at least it's the first I've seen em).
playing susanoo has ruined my ability to do SSM in samsho I'm working on trying to override that muscle memory right now.
Oh shit he followed me into Unist too.
I don't think I've been practicing new combos. Anything new I do is random and on the fly
I bet he'd make it into the next MvC if they decide to dig it up after infinite
comp died for now, and i have to leave anyway so its dead for now
better him than nemmy
Got it set up
Whatever that stuff you were doing that started in the air that converted into the ground stuff was new to me at least haha.
PC Lobby is set
Pass is pclobby
Woah there pal, don't be talking smack about the best Resident Evil character.
Hippie isn't hosting? And what's with these lobby names? Why is it Magical Girl Yuzu and not Yuzu's Bathwater?
2 Yuzu mains are hosting the lobbies.
Because the latter is twitter garbage
Because only retards talk about that bath water shit and I like Magical girls
This was a pretty funny video.
I've seen a few people with Delicious(Character)Water titles this week.
The word Water is ruined.
>Double perfected an eltnum with that sort of title
Felt nice
were you also reading those water webcomic edit thread?
Do I disband the YDF on the hour, or is it kinder to let you guys duke it out in the background while I play other games?
hippie restarted his router and his connection looks fine now, so I'd imagine he can host.
Cool, I may well make you guys migrate.
Holy shit I'm trash today, can't even to quarter circles. Not sure if 5f is why or not, but I gotta warm up.
embarrassingly bad lag again
everyone here have a fisher price pc from 2008? yikes
So this just happened right now, hahaha. Fun times, nice one Icy.
>pc is making the lag
>not wifi
nig r u srs
Excuse me? This is the finest Leapfrog TM tablet that money can buy. Are you sure the problem's not on your end?
Any good phonon players on pc?
Let's make this the final game on lobby one, unless somebody really wants to play again.
there are no good players on pc, just a bunch of lab heroes
Park and Mag play on PC but they also are on PS lobbies as well.
Fuck, I'm too slow to message that I'm closing it.
New lobby made
works on my machine
it seems icy's lobby is the new primary lobby.
I forgot that was a thing
I hardly see them in the PS lobbies so I was wondering if PC had more phonon mains.
Well shoot, I think I'm out. I had fun again, thanks for putting up with my poor attempts at fighting.
Heh, nice.
At least I get a good connection with hippie when he beats my ass. You must be Midwest.
I am
how much work would it take for this game to get better netcode?
Send arcsys a formal letter about how better netcode is required for larger countries like the U.S
I think I've at least figured out what move I should be using against Sai more. I don't get to do my usual play style against him like Dia.
Very little if Arcshit would just pay for ggpo
Moving to japan.
Alot of that stuff you're doing is new to me so I've gotta figure things out as well.
ggs. Have some things to finish up tomorrow so it's time for bed. Getting a bit tired anyways.
amazing how bad you frauds are at neutral
How so?
Thats why I came here to get better at it
And who are you again?
Is there a guy in the pc lobby talking shit or is it just a some ghost?
Probably some shit poster who doesn't even play the game.
Looks like it
Bingo. just a lurker from that particular thread most definitely.
whatever helps you sleep at night
spend less time labbing and more time playing and maybe you wouldn't be such a garbage lab hero
>playing the nooch meme
imagine not wanting to be a gorilla
Go succ peepee
Overhead that hits as a crossup? That was sick!
I'm a garbage fire today, so fuck it i'm done for now.
ggs regardless. you'll get them next time
Rythem gave me a good idea for also what to do against Sai
nightnight gg bros time for me to slepslep
i took a round of akatsuki yaaaaaaaaaaaaay
This guy says "slepslep" and you guys get mad at me for "faggotry"?
Anyway, night dude.
Fuck I didn't mean to skip Beatie.
I was trying to pull up the messages.
I'm a dumbass
GGs lad. Hope next session gives you better fortune.
>lain has abandoned us for psn
I'm sad
Zoning me definitely was taking me for a ride.
Good stuff Rythm!
He's a shitposter, ignore and report
If you're the new enkidu guy, hop onto the smaller lobby
And when did beatie come back?
He's beating us up on PC
Well, guess not
Holy fuck I got lucky against Sha
You mean RKzero10?
That's me and I'm hosting pclobby, beatie is in pclobby
I told you Icey, I told you dawg
Just guard thrust
> didn't wake up 623C
I'm dissapointed in you
That was a clutch play in the end.
no wonder its a laggy piece of shit
It happens. One time I put down my pad and when it was my turn, I grabbed it but accidentally pressed triangle in the process
GT is reverse hadouken with D right? Somebody linked an interesting twitter video of how you can punish that with CVO activation.
Has anyone been able to get that off here yet?
It's a gimmick that relies on being in a completely advantageous position. To naturally manage it in a match would be an incredible stroke of luck.
I promise to land an IWEXS on ya at EVO
no one in these lobbies guard thrusts besides me so not yet.
>sploogie rank 1
I kinda fell off for a bit but I'm trying to get back. I like PC more than ps4 honestly. mostly because it's easier to lounge and browse threads
I think you guys can all migrate to icy's lobby if you want to, there's enough room now I think.
RIP quick matches
ggs you two
After my match pclobby I'm gonna have to go. I got some stuff to do.
Broken? We just moved to icey's lobby
anyone looking to host afterwords?
Only now I realize I can divekick the webs, hahaha.
Yeah, if someone can host that would be nice
yeah it would be real nice to have a host who isnt a laggy waste of oxygen
But I wasn't even hosting.
>im not hosting
>but can someone host after i leave???
>the triple dodge
You smell like a laggy waste of oxygen
Good match either way Sha
i didn't know your fisher price pc had smell-o-vision
or is that a superpower you get after being a fraud for long enough?
Stop replying to him, dumbfucks
You have a superpower for being a fraud for to long
the degree to which yuzu can shit on byaks existence is upsetting, uniclr please save me
stop existing, parasite
Dang, I think I've seen 2nd win perfects at least 3-4 times tonight from Sha.
Well that went about as well as expected.
I think a training dummy could put up a better fight than me.
is this what passes for "bantz" among you shitters or are you particularly brain damaged
PC Hyde here, what can I do better besides not dropping combos
should I host or did the other pc guys tap out? If I do then idk if I'll stay for too long
I messed up the dodge timing so I ended up doing more than I needed to.
Here is what I wanted
>that 3 seconds of patience with both fighters crouched waiting for eachother to pull the trigger
reminds me of a SamSho video I've seen where the fighters are both crouched for at least a good 20-30 seconds before the other makes a move.
You're particularly brain damaged
I'll join if you make it
Before starting the match I think I'll try to implement something I practiced, but I always end up forgetting when it starts.
Is this normal?
And of course I sleep like a log most of the day.
Oh well no time like now to try and shake off some of the rust at least. Got some psn for to tourney to hold me over until I can find a dirt cheap card on black friday.
We'll be here the same time as normal on the 20th, right?
Try learning what moves are punishable and capitalizing o them
Don't worry about doing optimal combos because they're typically too much for newer players
Stick to combos you're comfortable with then move on once you feel like you're ready to do the optimal stuff
good luck amigo
A surprise Gon appears!
PC lobby is up again
kw: pclobby
this is what having a single digit IQ does to you folks
stay in school
I have 150 hours played of just hyde :(
Dang hahaha, down to the wire! Wasn't expecting to clear the rain of pizzas and playing hop the fire.
Gonna tap out now. Gotta practice blocking in delay some more.
GGs all
The 1 bar connection definitely didn't make it easy
You really need to teach me how to use those 214s rythem
You were feeling lag? It was smooth as butter for me. Sorry if that was on my end. I'll throw up a better stage next time.
Damn what a garbage super, i thought i was done for when it hit so i just dropped the controller
lmao sorry, but that's just how fightans are. It takes a loooong time to git gud. I got 200 hrs myself but I'm still a little baby too
Never give up m8. A sliver of life is still life.
You need to stay in school
I forgot I wanted to shitpost too and I still only have my phone left if I use the ps4.
Where's huo, I hear he's taking my sad king crown and I need to get it back.
not actually that hard kiddies if you're >100hrs in and this trash you're never actually gonna make it
He was hosting earlier but took off to play EDF I believe.
come to the pc lobby pussy we'll fuck you up
Is the pclobby full?
Fug I'll get em next time.
Nope. A few of us in here.
He might come back sometime later if you're sticking around for a fair amount of time.
He usually hits up the lobby that comes after main lobby closes or Lobby 2 when we have too many people playing in the Main Lobby.
Otherwise you should be able to catch him sometime this week since it seems he really wants to improve before the team tournament.
but I wanna play some new people too
we got 3 slots left
I wasnt expecting a sliver of life, i was expecting zero life - hence calling it a garbage super cuz it does no damage
Don't invite shitposters then
Even so I wouldn't give up holding the controller just because of how odd the damage scaling this game can be.
Twice today I had combos that ended where the opposing player had survived what should've been assured KOs.
not interested in playing laggy frauds sorry
Dang that was a clutch combo by atic.
Haven't you guys ever heard not to feed the trolls? Stop being so fucking new.
well considering he's too scared to play any of us I guess he's just that bad lmao. What a big baby bitch
I gotta tap out bros, long day tomorrow
ggs though, cant wait for evo
Just fucking ignore him, you dunce.
Probably won't be sticking around too long tonight, I just noticed I'm still to used to some old keybinds I had going and should probably retrain my hands a bit.
Damn you, sha. i wanted a match
>too scared to play lab heroes at 5f+ delay
nah i just dont like wasting my time
make sure never to hit up locals, scrub
That combo off of the trade was nuts too, haha.
GGs broheim. Til next time! Will be rooting for ya and everybody else when the time comes!
>troll troll troll! mommy mommy hes a troll!
the bleating of another loser fraud
Alright, Oni. If that's how you want to be, that's cool. Who doesn't let a guy just IW his way to victory?
I can't fucking beleive that Atic actually punished that special 421a teleport I did.
I'm telling you he's a fucking robot
Agreed, his reactions to the situations are unreal tonight!
Do I even want to know what this is about?
Also damn Icy has some cooler teleport tricks now.
>CS even though laser was already on screen
Guess the hitbox comes out abit later?
Why does atic always say he's not that good
So I'm not the only one who noticed this. Icy is pulling some new tricks for sure even if he's not aware of it.
It's a matter of consistency.
I'm actually mad at that laser cs block.
Doesn't he play in socal? Maybe he feels like he isn't compared to some of the players there.
That was just a random input and not on reaction. It only keeps working because you teleport next to me all the time.
Yeah. Icey has a really bad habit of doing that.
Why not just kuuga akatsuki fireball spam?
> it's already coming next month
Goddamn, it was like it was just yesterday it was added to evo. It's gonna be sick
>Evo right after my birthday
It's like a present
Both and are true.
My birthday is basically going to be work all day and then driving all night to Vegas.
Still, that insane that I was still punished for something like that.
Well played, other Akatsuki. I think I can see I may need to add more 6C into my gameplan.
>mika can dash across the screen with every move and still be + on block
Nice fraud character you FRAUD
I'm on to you onimaru
Who are the strong players in socal? Anyone we should be looking out for at EVO? And where do your loyalties lie, team socal or team Yea Forums?
Holy fuck Calwz, that grab was crazy
Isn't Sha also WC? Lamp too I believe.
Or rather SoCal that is.
So who are some of those Japanese monsters coming to EVO this year? Honestly I'm a pretty big newfag to this game and some people freak out over them. Are they really that godlike?
Oi oi. Isn't this just bullying, Oni?
That guy had a monster of a Mika last time I remember fighting him. Guessing he's still pretty darn good?
I'm NorCal, but speaking of which, I've been going to locals lately and getting my ass kicked by Tari and Brett, and I still think the general skill level of these lobbies is pretty high.
It does feel like there's a bit of a power gap between Hippie and Atic vs the very top NA players though
Literally look at the first post
Yeah, I watched your match. He was all over the show with that movement. With the win streak he's on, I think maybe Oni might be slightly more skilled than the average bear.
Beatie go to bed, you're getting tired.
That's an understatement, I'm not all that great
but I'm having fun
Even if you're not top 10 in the entire country, I still think you're pretty damn good at the game
I feel less bad about getting stomped by Oni now that someone else got perfected
The handful of regular tourney winners of WNF or other streamed SoCal locals I think are all clearly stronger than me. There are also at least another handful of players who are about as strong as I am.
The couple locals I do go to are always very stacked, so I don't think I have ever won a single local myself.
Probably should have tried phonon again
I'm alright given my only motivation is doing cool shit and playing for fun, plus I spend 99% of my playtime fight people here
Beatie no...You had him in the first round.
I've heard the crowd clamoring for my return. So be it!
Ah dang, combo drop to lose that one haha. Looks like I'll be leaving with my usual K-D ratio in CS. At least it was a close one yet again!
GGs lads, gonna go late night gym and I probably won't be back in time for late night lobbies so I'll catch ya all next time. Thanks for the fun games!
That counter in the 2nd round would've won it but I was just sightly too far. I'm pissed as hell
I'm heartbroken to be honest. You were doing so well and then he's just like "Nah, better go next level"
Sounds like you can take my spot and test your might against Gon (assuming this is Huo). Have fun!
Taking my leave as well since I need to be up early tomorrow.
That went better than i expected. Not used to chaos mirrors oni?
Here's hoping the PC people learn how to ignore shitposting bait
I thought I left something better than this.
scrub baby still mad? aww poor babby go cry to mommy
GGs pclobby. I was hoping to fight melk but saw a bunch of people I didn't recognize so I stuck around. I only recognized two of you in the first lobby.
My Chaos is only about a month old so I don't have much experience in general with him.
We can only hope that it was samefaggotry that was going on earlier in the thread and not actual retardation that was replying
Are any of you world-class players playing in Evo at some point? I gotta know if I should bother watching or not.
You're a damn fine assumer.
But holy shit he's green? I'm dead. My saddness is far greater than yours!
considering that most of them left O'd asume we'll be fine now
Was melk there? I haven't gotten my ass kicked by him in a while
A bunch of us are going to EVO
gg Oni. Is Wald your main or just someone you use to pubstomp?
Nah. It was a bunch of new people, or at least a lobby of people I've never seen before.
Damn, if there's a thread up, make some noise or something when somebody plays. I'm nigh-universally opposed to watching people play video games, but if it's you guys I'd reconsider.
Mika's my main. Wald and Chaos are subs.
Wait a minute, is Oni just Basto?
I doubt any of us will actually be on stream. There is a 128 pool or something like that
Your Mika is insane, I'm glad I never had to fight her.
Yeah. I thought people knew this.
I don't think PC-only crowd were aware of you so it just makes it retroactively entertaining seeing them be absolutely bewildered by your balls to the wall mika
Woah there, no sad posting here. I believe in you, so take it all the way to the top. Beat the Japanese at their own game.
speaking of which, how often have you guys been seeing new people? I just got back and already seen a ton of new guys
I have a friend who mains mika who would love to make your acquaintance on pc
What? I'm saying there is a low chance that we will be in the pools that will be on stream since there are so many people playing.
There's being sad about not being able to beat us and then there's complete acceptance about japanese superiority.
Having fought ranpo in casuals, that shit is no joke. Brett and Red know that NA is not ready for what is to come.
Although, i'm confident we can at least weed through that hefty +1k playercount before facing an actual NA pro or Jap arcade god
I actually didnt know he was oni, at least if I remember right, I put up a better fight on pc than I did fighting him in the ps4 lobbies.
Oh. Yeah. I haven't really spent any time learning about EVO or tournaments in general, so I may not have gotten your meaning. Sorry for being a dumbass.
You and I know that's a denial post! Maybe it's all the EDF talking, but as long as the odds are higher than zero, there's a chance! You gotta win, and make your winning speech about the need for the GG lobby system.
FUuuuuuuuuck get his ass Rhythm! Don't let him pull that Charlotte bullshit on you!
Fukken sniped
GGs PC lobby. Good times all around
gg Beatie. I need to learn that ground-to-air combo you do. Is it one of the ones from the tutorial or one you picked up elsewhere?
Many fall in the face of Dark Yuzu.
That happened to me when I joined PC lobby yesterday too. Hope they stick around as there were alot of neat character picks.
Yuzu mirrors are such shit shows. They're more random than anything.
I haven't joined the pclobby in ages so I wouldn't know. From what said it sounds like they've only recently popped up.
Hopped on over there tonight since I was late for the psn lobby and also wanted to hear the game for once.
I'll probably bounce between platforms a bit but it was nice seeing a bunch of new people playing. I've been wanting to test the validity of smart-steering during stagger corner pressure but didn't get a chance to do so tonight.
There are better mikas he could probably learn from. Most of what I've done is straight from documents and junk so it isn't anything new.
They're fun to watch, at least. I love when it's just two people teleporting behind eachother.
My reactions are too shot
The pc port always feels a bit off to me. I still don't know why since my computer is more than enough to handle playing it, but something about the game makes me feel like there's an additional frame or two of lag on everything.
>Seths fastfall can be performed with a simple AB + down instead of needing to quickly double tap down mid combo
This changes everything.
By which I mean it changes very little, because that's probably only like 10% of the combos full difficulty anyways.
Fuckin' Mike. How dare you mezmerize me with your exotic European dances!
I still don't feel like my controller responded as properly as the ds4, and I've tried many different controllers and fiddled with the steam settings for them.
Two dumb inquiries:
Where the hell are you guys looking when you play this? Should I be staring at my opponent, looking for the frame that tells me everything? Do I try and just make sure my spacing's good? I have no clue.
Second, do my (The opponent I guess) chain shifts give Vatista more time to charge things? I feel like charges exist outside of normal time.
Don't feel bad. It's 90% lag.
Yes, cs from the opponent counts as charge time.
Sometimes that gives me enough time to charge a flashkick to counter them.
I learned that it's best to keep your eyes focused on your opponent and only take your eyes off him during a combo to check the timer/grd and meter.
Generally focus on your opponent while keeping your distance, GRD, meter, and any possible neutral objects in peripheral. There are times you can look around to evaluate your situation but you'll want to make sure to understand what your opponent is trying to do, either with their spacing or attacks.
CS allows buffering.
1. I look at my opponent, their meter, and the grd mostly
2. Afaik as long as you're holding down/back, the game continues to count the frames.
I shared this earlier in a different thread but I thought it was pretty funny and thought everyone should see.
Nah. Pretty much everything I do is self taught. The tutorial stuff is still pretty good to learn in general though. There's also a ton of stuff you can lean off Youtube if you want more information and combos. Watching high level tourney players is also a pretty good way to learn. Squish is pretty much the god Akatsuki so try checking his matches out
GGs everyone, the time always flies past in these lobbies
Good games dude. I still don't know how to you do all those 214s and run up 5a. So wild.
Hearing Gord's angry voice in the actual game versus Wag is pretty cool.
Don't gordeau me atic, I want to get back up to speed the right way. Though I probably shouldnt say anything since I still lost.
Oh goodness, this is some King Crimson shit. I love it.
That's what I thought. Dammit, playing the hot girl was a mistake.
Shiiiiit I drop those Yuzu slash-slash-orb combos like they were just a bit too warm. How on earth do I work around Hilda's little skyooop attack that happens instantly? You could sit there and spam that and I would lose.
Fuck Icys kinda mean as hilda
I forgot how much I love 214c 22a/b with Hilda
Why can't I get better.
Wow, I just dropped everything there.
Think I'm gonna leave after next one. It's 10:00am here already.
>as hilda
play more lol
I got cocky in that second round against Gond and stopped my combo so that I could do that 214c, 22x
Yeah, the double overhead stuff and spiking them into the gloom looked a little mean.
I'm getting one win on you tonight after that.
I love that you're 7 hours ahead of me and still show up here. Thanks for all the beatings.
I hate myself for this, but what manga is this? The eyes kinda look like Bokuben.
And fuck I swear you guys get a buff to INT when you hit yellow health. I gotta combo from 30% to dead or it's over.
Talk is cheap
I'm weak now but just you wait, I'm coming for you
Damn. I almost could have done it... But I did ex flashkick instead of ex laser by mistake.
Oh well. GG's everyone. Have a good night.
I hate to do this to ya X, but I'm gonna have to cancel that delivery. I'll be keeping my sadness crown 'til next time.
Fun times all, I'll be off.
Just hit me and I lose.
Are people still playing? Just got home, looking for some west coast PC matches
See? Easy
Also thank you for switching back.
3 of us in ps4 dont know about pc but they're probably done.
New to the game and ready to get punded
You should beat my main next and not a character I haven't played in 3 months
Playing Gord just to assimilate VOs is really addictive.
Like I said I'm weak now, but just wait until I get back in shape, it won't even matter if I have a main or not.
Talk is cheap
Who are characters that people here rarely play?
Just play a character you like
Source is Kanojo, Okarishimasu. Also off-topic but this season of Symphogear is going all out for dark Magical Girl show. Wasn't expecting this scene at all.
We need a Carmine, Gord, and Hilda main off the top of my head
I really need to stop putting off symphogear, it looks like something I'd enjoy.
You still around? I might be able to get some pc matches in
Please no more Yuzus
Would solidly recommend it if you like cheesy action and drama along with some idol stuff and magical girl stuff mixed in.
Sweet. Understood.
I haven't found myself attached to one character specifically so having a fair idea of what is off-meta helps me know what everyone else is playing, what I need to learn to defend against and if any of the off-meta characters appeal to me.
yeah, can you make the room?
Not them but depending on your familiarity with the genre, some of those "off-meta" picks will be difficult to pick up so best of luck to ya.
You know, for a high execution character, it's surprising to me how many people here are good with her in so many different ways.
Gotchu kw will be pclobby. Gonna leave some extra slots open for other ppls if they come by
I know Hilda and Carmine are hard to play, I have no clue about Gordeau outside of memes.
Might end up having to force myself to stay up so maybe I'll jump on this.
Kk lobby's up
That's because she's actually an easy character and she can actually combo off stray hits unlike characters like Hyde or Orie who needs to know 10x the amount of combos and have a high reaction to recognize which combo to go for.
never played against akatsuki so this will be nice
Dammit I'm still pressing the wrong buttons at the worst times.
>4 people on pc at this hour
Late night boys make some noise
Wow that second round I got pounded.
Only got a few more minutes unfortunately gotta get up in the afternoon
I honestly didnt mean to play for this long but I never feel good leaving with only a few matches and all of them being losses.
>You can assimilate VOs
Is that what he has been doing? What are you supposed to do against a grab that can grab high and low?
i feel kinda bad watching you guys destroy the newbie like that :( but if he's okay with it then it's all good i suppose..
GGs all but thats all I have time for
Still got a lot more practice to do before I can even compare to you guys
Do you need a fight stick to use Hilda or something? Trying to hold a button while pressing other buttons feels weird
I told my friend I'd play ffxiv with him at least an hour ago so I'm gonna go. I practically had to rip myself away from the game after those last few matches.
Redo your buttons, she, vatista, yuzu, etc can be made to work with controllers
GGs broski. Keep it up.
Hope I was able to showcase some Enkidu abit for you to see if you might pick some of that stuff up in the future. A tip that I definitely need to learn as well for ya is be careful when using ex divekick or try not to use it unless it's like winning the 2nd round and enemy is low health.
Hope to see ya around more often!
I came in specifically to get kicked. I can keep practicing combos on the missions and do the story but applying what I learned to players in a barrier I need to cross at some point even if it hurts
>Amazon keeps rejecting my fight stick purchase.
Sometimes I envy you americans for living somewhere relevant.
That's why you can't timerscam VO against Gord.
I'm using the antiair assimilation 214B which doesn't hit grounded opponents. It's basically a hard read on you jumping or VOing when I do it on your wakeup.
Ah fuck me, we both had the same idea at the end
ggs Gon. Ended showing up a bit late but it was nice to play you again after over a year
I'm pretty sure it hits grounded aswell since I've been grabbed by it when I was just blocking on the ground.
>want to play UNIST with Yea Forums but suck at fighting games
I'll get good some day, right?
I couldn't tell if I had grabbed lamp with an air born command grab or not.
Right now I remember what I hate playing Gord. His buttons suck and the spinning scythe is really unsafe.
As long as you keep showing up and try to learn I guarantee you'll get good enough to play with the best of our guys.
I can now get at least 1 win a week against at least 1 or 2 of the top players here now which is a far cry from where I was last late Auguest/ early September.
That's 214A, the regular grounded assimilation which doesn't grab VO or airborne opponents.
I'll take your word for it but I coulda sworn it hits both high and low.
So what should I do to get out of the grab? Dashback?
have you taken a shower?
lobby crashed for me pc lads, but it;'s a good time to stop anyways
ggs bro. Sleep tight
I tried to play Orie like Char. Bad idea .
Okay really need to go to sleep now. ggs everyone
GGs! Til next time!
Alright, now I'm done for today. GGs everyone who played today, in case you're still lurking around. See ya tomorrow
GGs and thanks for the late night pc lobby beatie.
Been awhile since I got to fight your Aka that much. Those combos off of j.2C were sick. See ya next time!