>All those cheat code book creators that are now unemployed
All those cheat code book creators that are now unemployed
That's not how employment works
how did they find out all the cheats anyway? did the devs send them out?
>big FAQ lobby for cheaper internet
>mom and pop cheat code book sales plummet
>net users like onoholeslayer666 curate for free
>big FAQ profits off google ads and free labor
It's unregulated capitalism at its worst. and i say this as a libertarian. big lootbox assassinated JFK.
>poor unsuccessful buisiness men its the systems fault they failed
dont pretend youre any better than /pol/ blaming jews you niggers
it was a joke you mong
Either that or they datamine
>merely pretending
You missed the joke. Curb your autism.
listen here, OnoholeSlayer666! everything i said was a joke except big lootbox assassinating JFK, that was real.
And you fucking sound like a big lootbox shill to me, ya glorious homosexual.
>oh noes we got compared to muh boogey man
>quick everyone! act like you were just pretending to be retarded!
>all those elaborate hoax sites that told you how to fuck zelda by playing Purple Rain on the ocarina
where did the past go
t. onoholeslayer666
>some cheat books/walkthroughs flat out lie
how could they get away with selling those
>ywn come home after school
>catch the newest episode of digimon
>wake up Saturday morning
>watch pokemon, yugi oh, and gargoyles
>soul train will never disappoint you ever again because it came on immediately after morning cartoons
The official bradygames strategy guide for Chrono cross flat out lies about 40 percent of the bosses. It tells you the opposite of what Dario does when you cast a color element on him which will get you assraped if you try it. It also advocates for having multiple same color innate characters, and even tells you to take radius into the fight with garai on the isle of the damned
>haha youre just that guy thats why you care xD
keep telling yourself that
Big Cheatbook were notorious for zero auditing of there information.
Show me the ancient aliens video that says big lootbox didnt kill jfk. Check mate buddy. I know how you liberals think.
>prove a negative
>laughing at retardation
cope ;)
That's what they get for cheating
shit thats kinda depressing