Have you guys hacked your switch yet?
Have you guys hacked your switch yet?
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I have a job and a 256 gb sd card, im not hacking anything , tranny
Redpill me. I haven't updated mine since the release of Odessy, what can I do?
The only games I'll want for it within the next year are online games, so I don't really care.
I can emulate old games on literally anything else. Once it gets to the level of 3DS hacking I'll give it more thought.
>wanting to get banned
When you give you a 100% method to hack a reasonably updated Switch with online play, I'll hack my Switch.
there's atmosphere which is free and there is SXOS which is plug and play. I would avoid /hbg/ since it is a shithole. I do miss the Great Tranny vs Pinglong China War though.
Do you think the lite will be able to be hacked?
Post a video guide from Stock Firmware to Emunand and then I will.
I want to play with my friends online.
No now shut the fucking fuck up
No and I won't
Next thread
It's pretty great.
Finally getting around to all those switch ports I always wanted but could never justify spending full price on.
$40 for a Final Fantasy 12 port is highway robbery, especially since I've already bought the game twice.
But for free, hell yeah brother
I have a job, 256GB card and a hacked switch.
Feels good, bro.
Literally whats the point of SXOS when you can install xci now with tinfoil? I just did that yesterday with "To all of Mankind" after waiting and waiting for someone to dumb the nsp.
FF 12 is 40 fucking dollars? What the actual fuck, FFVII and IX were nowhere near that
Only if it's as easy and unbannable as a 3DS. I want my online functions with my games and to not get banned for going online. Literally had to be retarded to get 3DS banned.
I don't plan on it but why the fuck do I keep getting this error for upwards of 2 hours
are there fully customizable themes yet
>can't play online
What's the point?
On Switch? Yep. This shit's stupid.
i just got a 400 gb to replace my 200 on amazon prime day only 62 cad. my 200 one filled up pretty quick so i figured fuck it, double the space. now i'll have space for ps1 and 64 games.
no. how do as a poorfag? i don't want to even buy a $3 dongle thing
>unbannable as a 3DS
That's hilarious
>Playing online
What's the point?
The vast majority of games on the Switch worth playing are either single player or have local multiplayer
An user mentioned some time ago that all the current versions of Switch can be hacked now.
Is it true or was he just larping?
>not joining in on the final splatfest
I payed for sx when it was first release since it was the you could play xci and not get banned was pretty great. I think the convince was worth it since I also hacked my roomate's switch and my younger brother with Atmosphere. SX just eliminated a couple of steps and made the process just plug and play. I don't think it's worth it now since Atmos caught up so yeah. It was also nice to see the trannies at /hbg/ when based Pinglong came through with emunand.
Make your own and risk destroying your switch.
Just by the goddamn thing. I live in Korea and the total goddamn price was $5 to get it sent overseas. You can't be THAT much of a poorfag.
Damn, how the hell do you fill up 200gb? My 256GB is halfway filled and I only play like 2 or 3 games from it. The other day I deleted some shit games and now I have plenty of room.
>pedo game
I don't want to turn this thread into *yet another* mini-/hbg/, but start here
And use either a paperclip or the tinfoil method to boot into RCM.
I used tinfoil. A little fiddly, but worked great, and minimized chance of shorting your Switch.
Just take a thin strip and make sure it covers the two right-most pins in the joycon, and nothing else. Boom, done.
EmuMMC is a thing. You can do both!
VII and IX are ps1 games
XII is a HD port with added content(Zodiac)
Did something change? I'll admit it's been a while but as long as you didn't do stupid shit like boot up Sun and Moon before release AND connect online before street date or download from Freeshop, you were gold.
Literally the only downside to modding is I couldn't play Splatoon 2 online anymore and getting Mario Maker 2 levels is kind of annoying (for now).
Not him, but I don't have splatoon 2 cause busy with other games. Am I missing out?
Nah that's basically it.
The thing is, the difference wasn't in the 3DS, it's not that hacking on the 3DS was *so good* it was impossible to get banned, it's that it was in Nintendo's lax bans-for-hacks policy.
A policy that's since been updated, and now they rule with an iron fist, specifically because people abused the ability on the 3DS, by pirating Sun/Moon and going online early.
no it's literally tf2 but for pedophiles
It's weird to me how all the custom themes have the game icons in a tiny corner of the screen with a huge useless background taking up everything else.
The utilitarian simplicity of the Switch's UX was my favorite part!
Don't wallpaper over it with your faggotry! Just give me a neat, neutrally toned background or something.
Well to be fair, it's the zodiac edition. FFX+FFX-2 on the other hand has no right to be 50 fucking bucks.
Nintendo is the apple of gaming so of course anything Nintendo is expensive as fuck
there's one custom theme that literally just makes the homescreen two rows, that's probably what you want.
No, waiting however long it takes for coldboot
Probably forever. Coldboot requires access to parts of the hardware you can't get unless you sideload through RCM
How easy it is to find an unpatched Switch?
Of course, now I don't know what to play though.
Maybe eventually but Nintendo went insane with the security on the Switch so much so that it's a miracle that Nvidia fucked up and gave us the RCM exploit. The Lite won't have the benefit of ever having the RCM exploit.
Zoomer detected
Yes but I can't figure out how to get Mario Odyssey to run. I've updated the game, tried different sources. But still it won't boot with the "this user cannot play this software" error. I've looked around and no one has a solution. Help?
You got the tinfoil app store?
Install it using tinfoil? I haven't tried that yet, I'll give it a shot.
How well can it emulate games?
I’ll hack once I can play N64. Maybe GameCube
It's cheaper on the Switch then PS4/XB1/PC BTW, were they want fucking $50 for it when not on sale.
I don't hack my consoles.
my switch is on 5.1 so i think i can do warmboot or something.
tried to order a jig to properly check but shit never came.
guess ill order different one.
You can still hack on the most recent software update. Atmosphere is working on 8.1.0
I'm waiting for it be as easy and safe as Wii got. I also don't want to void the warranty until my sticks get fucked to see if it's covered.
>Sub 1080p resolution
>worse texture quality and sound quality
It had better not cost the same as the other platforms.
I've read kosmos doesn't work well with hbgshop. Is this just a meme? What CFW should I use.
It actually runs 1080p docked, and 30FPS on all platforms. The switch port is pretty great, actually.
is there a way to go online without being detected?
No, but they ban in waves so you can play online for a while before you're banned. But it seems like you will most definitely be banned.
Not with pirated games
Do I back up both my RAW GPP along with my BOOT keys or just BOOT0 + 1?
I updated my software, is it still possible to hack? Also can I go online with my purchased copy of Mario maker and smash bros or is online out of the question once its hacked?
mom wouldn't buy me any games so i hacked my switch
aren't we epic pirates bros
Set up emunand. Keep your sysnand clean/legit, and just use emunand for homebrew/piracy/emulators. Set up 90dns/incognito on the emunand to ensure it never connects to Nintendo's servers. The sysnand is safe to still play online and shit with your legitimately purchased games.
not till it's 3ds tier
>quick install
>retard proof
>low risk of system ban
>can into online
Why the fuck is Kirby Star Allies like 60 dollars? I have a slight interest in it, but I can't justify the game's very okay quality for that.
how easy is it to hack and pirate shit on?
this might be the only reason I'd consider buying this garbage piece of hardware
so there's emunand like with the 3ds, might start researching then
Emunand covers the first one and the last four, but I'm still waiting on the quick install, retard proof, and non-tethered version.
Xbone X and PC are 60FPS.
here you go, i used this
Sure, but neither are portable
And I ain't taking time out of my busy schedule to play Final Fantasy 12 again. It's bus rides and before-bed wind-downs or nothing. Couch time is reserved for new stuff
I was merely explaining that the technical limitations of the Switch release justifies a lesser price point, not trying to convince you to get it on another platform if you prefer portability.
I haven't bought one yet. But I will hack the Switch Lite asap when I get one
Recommend me some Switch games to play, Yea Forums. I'm visiting family and most of them go to bed at 9 while I wind up staying up until 3am every night because I'm jetlagged as shit and have crippling insomnia.
can I hack the switch lite?
>I enjoy wasting money
thats why your poor
Yea Forums is filled with favella niggers that can't even get a low end GPU for their computer.
do you expect this shithole to afford a nintendo console?
can i pirate games on a hacked switch yet? if not there's no point for me
based retard
It's dynamic res targeting 864p docked.
I don't know, can you?
Uh, of course you can? What kinda question is that.
I don't get it, I finally decided to hack my switch with the hard mod method and suddenly they say it's patched when it wasn't months ago, what the fuck?
It's a launch model from 3rd of March XAJ700028
>hack switch
>still play online anyway
Whats the matter Yea Forums?
You told be I would be banned back in August...
they ban in waves retard
I have a PC, why would I have a switch?
I'm not a thief (that means no).
and when was the last ban wave?
>playing online
I don't want to void the warranty
no reason to own one
Offtopic, but Onso, I that user that wanted to add you on Steam a few weeks ago. Can I add you on PSN/Switch? (you never accepted my Steam friend request, but I figured that's due to you not being a big PC gamer)
I'll hack it near the end of it's life cycle when everything is figure out and I can hack without screwing over any online shit. I won't pirate, but i love homebrew and would love to customize my homescreen. That's really all I want, I like the regular home screen, but having more games visible at the start as well as some cool backgrounds and folders sounds great. I migh also hack my day 1 switch if the Switch pro is real. I'll definitely upgrade and leave my old switch
Not properly no, I only ever use homebrew for dumping my game carts and backup up saves. Cloud saves are a thing but I'll still dump my carts/saves once I have a 256g card, also I'll mod it fully once I have an unhacked Lite
Switch Lite will be unhackable for years you faggot
>wasting money "supporting" Nintendo.
I have, but it's still been ages since there's been anything I've wanted to play. Praying that Three Houses doesn't turn out shit.
I doubt the security would've been that bad. It would've taken longer for sure, but hackers focus diverged after the Nvidia RCM trigger was found. There was no reason to find other exploits. Also, now that the system is busted wide open, it'll be much easier for them to find other exploits on future consoles. Mainly, because Nintendo HAS to provide all future updates (security or otherwise) to the completely busted consoles.
Exactly this. There are so many games I wouldn't have even bothered with if it weren't for Switch hacking and homebrew. Also, fuck those overpriced games. Hell, even Super Mario Maker 2 can just import levels from hackers databases where they just store all the levels. So you don't even miss out. Even if a level gets taken down for some reason, it'll always be up on the database.
And as usual for a company that goes apeshit with antipiracy measures, innocent people are getting banned. So we'll see how long that lasts for Nintendo. Sony got themselves in a lot of shit for similar draconian practices.
PC-switch is the best combo
gay4 is just for movies.
Really thinking about it this month because I have a near-launch model and I'm curious about FETH but don't want to risk paying for a turd. Astral Chain is another singleplayer game ripe for yarharring in the future. Everyone says you should keep your cfw shit on a separate card though and running out and spending money kind of defeats the whole purpose. I'd be pretty asshurt if I got banned though so I shouldn't cheap out.