JoyCon drift is the RROD of this gen. When will Nintendo claim responsibility?
JoyCon drift is the RROD of this gen. When will Nintendo claim responsibility?
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>joycon drift
While Chinese ass Nintendo loves making cheap plastic shit. I also had at least 1 stick start drifting on like 6 different Xbone controllers so I think consoles are best left as raw materials in a mine somewhere
they're hacks. imagine demanding 300 dollars for low quality materials. oh well, you nintenbros will gobble up anything shat on your plates.
Anyone who uses the obviously garbage joycons on their switch and not the real controller, the pro, deserves to eat shit.
Does replacing the sticks work? I haven't found a long term fix.
i'm pretty sure anyone with a brain figured this would be an issue like.. 2 years ago..
RROD was something that just "happened" without any real warning signs.
Joycon drift isn't something that just "happens" The retarded engingeering of this console was visible from day one.
i unironically find the joycon grip more comfortable than the pro controller.
No, because the problem is the contacts.
Mine fucking drifted in less than 6 months
Fuck these dumb pills, why cant they just make it like a psp
>switch like
Looks like an ugly brick
just rotate your analog stick 6 times in a full circle and it re-calibrates itself.
Never, they would have to do a recall of every single joycon
If they just ignore it you are forced to keep buying them
Thank goodness it wasn't me who had problems with it. I now use the directional buttons just to avoid using that.
Baby hands
it isn't as big of an issue because anyone who isn't a retarded immediately got a pro controller after using the joycons for 5 minutes
PC gaming wins again. I only own a switch for the handful of good first party games but it's obviously a cheap plastic underpowered piece of shit so they can sell it at a low price for kids
for a time , until they broke again
I have a pro controller and I use it more for steam games than playing with it on my switch, I play switch more handheld
Do any of you faggots know of a good/cheap alternative to the official Joycons like the Hori left D-pad one? I like playing in handheld but the official Joycons are shit. One of my right ones drifts and the other one randomly disconnects from the Switch when it's in handheld mode
Yeah but kids are retarded with low standards. They should've cut down on Hardware and increase durability for when the switch inevitably gets thrown and tossed around in travels (I know how many times my Gameboy fell out of the car door and into the parking lot). Shit should've been quality shit instead of shitty quality.
Nyko Dualies
Remember when Nintendo was known for material quality, aka Nintendium?
Are there any 3rd party joycons with symmetrical joysticks? Even with the D-pad it ducks for 2D.
worst part is that they ahvent said anything about the issue
You can get a new stick for less than $3.
So what causes this? What mechanism for maintaining centering tension on the stick is wearing down? Seems like it should be something easy to fix, and possibly bolster.
Firmer joycons with with better, bigger analogs, bolstering for comfort and a d-pad when?
Oh great I have to order and solider and new analog stick onto my 60$ Product that's 6 months old. #BillyWillLoveHisNewToy!
I don't remember having to reball my joycons to replace them unlike my 360's integrated gpu
Do you think they will fix this for the lite?
Considering they haven't acknowledged it I'm not hopeful
>Bought Pro Controller
>Joycons maintain their quality condition
I can’t relate.
Shitty joysticks is to sell $90 pro controllers to retards. Picture not related
My launch Switch doesn't do this.
Then again its gathering dust and I mainly use the pro controller
I mean, you're a console warrior so odds are you're gobbling up shit yourself. Also, don't lie and say you're a PC bro.
I paid 15 bucks for mine with no issues. Literally almost only have to charge the thing once every 4 - 5 days. What kind of fucking battery did they put in this thing?
People were still claiming that bullshit during the DSL(weak ass hinges) and Wii(GPU overheating) era. They were cashing in hard on their decades of good reputation and marketing but it's really about time they get a wake up call.
Uncle Phil, you've got to kick this man's BUTT!
>oh well, you nintenbros will gobble up anything shat on your plates.
holy based
when Nintendo fans wake up, then Nintendo gets their shit together. Good luck making that fanbase admit mistakes, especially after the disaster that is WiiU
I didn't have that problem :^)
Are you using the newer Xbone controllers? I've had an old one without the bluetooth/headset jack for years and use it regularly with zero problems. Is this a problem with the revised controllers only or did I get lucky?
The last piece of nintendium was the GBA Micro.
does Nintendo fix or replace it for free?
Fuckkkkkkkk no.
>they're hacks. imagine demanding 300 dollars for low quality materials. oh well, you nintenbros will gobble up anything shat on your plates.
just buy new ones poorfags
I still own the launch one. The famicom colored one. The last actual pocket handheld. Fuck your brick 3DS and Slab Switch
you gotta pay $4 shipping
Golly, it's almost like Sony is the only one actually making good shit.
DS lite? Wouldn't know, never bought one. My DS never suffered from weak hinges, and I dropped and opened/closed that thing a million times over. 3DS was the first handheld I've ever owned that started suffering from problems. Particularly the weak circle pad that just snapped off.
My Switch had a warranty, so it was all free, shipping included. They just printed off a label for me. Once the warranty is up though, you have to pay.
>tfw don’t havd enough money to buy new joycons and don’t want to anyway since mine are limited edition
>have to deal with Link walking off cliffs and messing up my aiming
>keeps pressing up in menus in every game and messes up my moves in smash at times
I mean... it only happens maybe 60% of the time.. so it’s not too bad I guess....
Did they fix the pro controller issue with the dpad or is that fucked too? Do you have to buy three different controllers just to get your fucking switch working?
You just quoted the whole post.
Only early adopters got fucked, 2nd production batch devices onwards are fine.
Wonder if they fixed the analog drift issue on the Lite
you gotta pay $4 and they break again after a few months
>it only happens maybe 60% of the time
That's 59.9999999999999999999999999% more than it should be
>You just quoted the whole post.
I will buy new joycons until they say they fix this issue
I had both types but even from launch my controllers started dying. I'll be fair and say 2 were probably my fault but like 4 wasn't. I sold all to gamestop tho regardless. I now only buy used 360 controllers and test them myself.
>>You just quoted the whole post.
pro controller doesnt have a broken dpad, it just feels awful
I wish I could say that, but brittle joysticks are just the tip of the iceberg. Early PS3s had a high failure rate, dualshock buttons had weak springs causing buttons to just sink in after a certain amount of use, early PS2's had a huge failure rate, PS1 lasers died after a few short years. I mean, there's always "works on my machine" anons, and I'll admit my PS2 phat works to this day, but Sony has its share of problems too.
Not even singling them out or being hypocritical either because my Gamecube's hard drive basically died after two years of use. Had to have it fixed by Nintendo. Same goes for my Wii, it was overheating thanks to Wii Connect 24. Handhelds though have been nearly perfect for me.
>Golly, it's almost like Sony is the only one actually making good shit.
Ahahahahahaha, the DS4 is perhaps the worst fucking console controller ever manufactured in the last 20 years.
Absolutely woeful quality in every respect which is a shame because the DS2 and 3 were magnificent.
>treat your devices like shit
>they break
You idiots are literally a bunch of overgrown toddlers. Mine still works perfect after over a year.
>comparing drift to RROD
Fucking newfag. Yes it is a hassle to have to manually replace your stick or pay the tax of buying a new one, but a controller being faulty is nowhere near the same as your entire system bricking out of nowhere.
Not him but I have dealt with drift for the past two years or so, only for it to finally get out of hand. My current joycons basically force characters to walk off cliffs 70 to 80% of the time now, so I was forced to buy new ones. Really hoping that one day they'll develop joycons that aren't sucky.
>>>You just quoted the whole post.
>weak ass hinges
Damn right my DS couldn't handle my tardo strength
Yeah you're right, MS at least paid to fix your system for you or sent you a refurbished one. Nintendo tells you to go fuck yourself and spend another $80 on controllers.
No it's straight up fucked up, you can open it up and do a ghetto fix to make it work right.
Yup, DS lite. It had a notoriously weak hinge that cracked from normal use. Pretty much everyone I knew who owned one had this issue because whoever designed was a complete retard.
Except didn't the Wii U literally prove that wrong? If Nintendobros gobble up anything shat on their plates, why did the Wii u fail?
There are several ways to prevent the RROD. For example, I bought a playstation and never had the issue.
I thought it falsely registered adjacent inputs (like pressing left gets you down sometimes) making games like puyo puyo tetris unplayable? There was constant shitposting about it for months. I guess they fixed it?
I'm not one to speak on the PS4 as I only had one for like 2 months. But from what I've heard the controllers don't have good battery life. What I do no is that thing is loud AF
Or you can just pay $5 for a replacement stick and swap it out. Or pay $4 shipping for them to fix it themselves.
I refuse to believe this happened to anyone other than retards treating their system like shit, mine was fine and my butterfingers were dropping that shit all over the place back in the day.
Glad I held off on buying it then. Just didn't see the need. Battery power was high enough for me on the original DS, and it was bright and small enough. It just seemed like a useless upgrade.
Yeah but then there was that whole summer that you couldn't play games online. Made my 360 purchase worth it while my PS3 rotted as (((They))) took away my favorite past time. GTA 4 Free Roam
Just get the Switch Pro controller or 8bitdo's SN30 Pro or SF30 Pro controller so you can avoid the Jou-Cons wearing out causing the drift problem.
I agree. I threw all my DSes and the only one that didn't survive was the Launch Blue one
>implying Nintendo will ever take responsibility for shitty hardware
That did suck.
That game giveaway was my introduction to wipeout though, so it wasn't all bad.
>Wii(GPU overheating)
Never heard of this happen. I played my Wii for hours straight and it never got hot or overheated.
Drifting joycon causes Switch to stop working?
>mfw the only reason people care about this now is because Mario Maker 2 has literally no way to disable the analog stick making traversing the menus annoying as fuck.
stop working correctly
It a defect that only effected certain unlucky units. My friend got hit by it and it would display lines and other artifacts.
Who, Nintendo?
bruh look at this dude... OH NONONONO HAHAHAHAHA
nothing to see here nintenbros just move along
Sorry if this makes me a retard but doesn't it being biodegradable mean it's a lot more likely to degrade during the time I own it? Or is the timeline still on the centuries scale?
I personally don’t. It feels like I’m about to crush them.
I like the GameCube controller because it feels very natural to me and I don’t even play smash that much.
Bought a pro controller. Not an issue for me.
I bought a replacement for $5 on amazon and installed it in 30 minutes, which is way longer than it should have because I'm terrible at installing ribbon cables. It works perfectly and has for a while.
But yeah, when I did have drift, it was really fucking bad. Kept dying in Doom because I couldn't move backwards.
What's ironic is that the issue causing drift is very similar to what caused the N64 joysticks to wear out (the contact points were too abrasive and it eventually wore it down until it was no longer responsive). You'd think they would've learned by now.
shut up and give me your money gaijin
First off. Solider. Okay.
Second, it's attached via ribbon cable. You just unlatch it, pull the cable out, then push the new cable in. If you can figure out how to plug a switch into a TV, you can figure out how to install a new joystick.
Is that stick sturdier than the OEM one? I might just do a preemptive replacement if so
I thought it was green and purple FRUCK
shut up phone poster
Imagine having such tiny hands that you actually use the joycons. What are you, 4?
Joycons were shit to begin with
It feels slightly different - The stick is a little bit tighter and I can feel a little more physical feedback of the stick moving against the contact points, and the click action requires more pressure, but it bottoms out more so it feels a bit more like I'm pressing it.
It's better in some ways, and not too bad in others. Absolutely worth replacing if you have an issue with drift. Unfortunately I've only had it for a couple weeks so I can't say much for durability. At least it only cost me $10 for a 2 pack of them.
Trying too hard
The pro controllers d-pad is the worst cancer made, constant miss presses.
Nintendo fags are just retards who'd rather buy a new controller than fix the one they have with a little switch cleaner.
Nintendo and shops don't mind fixing joycons because it literally takes ten seconds of work to fix
Thanks user
Ill buy some now just incase my launch cons start drifting
Feel bad for anyone getting the Lite and having to deal with that shit a month later and not being able to fix it without giving up your entire system for 2 weeks.
I actually got to play a Switch after being talked into doing drugs at some college kids house, and I have to tell you it was just an awful experience.
What's really convinced me of this ONIONS meme is that boys are expected to be able to fit these devices in their hands, the size of the joycons almost imply a lack of testosterone. Completely miserable, felt like one of those plastic ten dollar games you get at a discount store.
just hard enough
Sure, I bought the Veanic brand ones to be specific. I dunno how the other brands vary. Knowing chinese production lines, it could all be from the same company.
>the whole console becoming unusable vs the controller being ass
>$4 to ship it in for repairs
Fuck off xbox faggots, I'm gonna tell you the same thing you spouted whenever I told you xbox live was a rip off and would lead to the death of vidya (and it has see lootbox cancer, dlc, etc. can all be traced back to xbots rimjobbing microsoft).
>WhAt ARe yOu PoOr?
Man, fuck Nintendo for not making the Wii U Pro controller compatible with the switch without a stupid 3rd party dongle.
the contacts are part of the stickboxes. You cant just replace the rubber like other controllers. The box cost 10. Dont spread misinformation. Its effortless to replace.
blame the retarded wii owners who thought the wii u was a wii accessory. I wouldnt make anything backwards compatible if they happened to my console.
the problem is legitimate
stop with your fallacy right there
You corpote ass babies. If it's not a 500$+ product. I'm not doing self service on it. I'd rather throw away my switch and buy a new gun if I'm going to changing parts constantly. My PC is allowed to have parts break. I built it so if everything in there breaks it's either my or the parts maker's fault. All under warranty so will be either easy for me to fix or easy to send off. If I'm buying what is supposed to be a retard proof toy. I expect it to require no service, otherwise my money goes elsewhere. I'm not gonna put a bandage over a cannon wound, I'm going to amputate instead.
Go shoot up a school, you white faggot.
Been a problem outside of being mentioned by Kotaku, keep up
I don't have that problem, but I use external controllers a lot more than the joycons
Remember when every single N64 joystick would break, without fail?
I'm not excusing Nintendo for not doing better QA on the sticks they used, but it is very easy to replace them.
If they have drift on the switch lite, I'm most likely waiting until a price drop.
Some of the early ps3 were timebombs as well.
but Im Latino
>but it's really about time they get a wake up call.
Never happening.
so glad I bought an underpowered handheld to only play on my home tv
two words. class action
No. I had the grinded up plastic that turned into dust sitting in there like every other N64 controller, but they still functioned properly. Maybe I just didn't play as long and as hard as some of you, but I loved Mario Party as much as the next kid back in the day. I know it's one of those "works on my machine" instances, but it's the truth. The first controller that truly crapped out on me was a third party Genesis controller. The one with the yellow pad that's not actually a d-pad, but just a flat surface. I'm sure some other boomers know what I'm talking about here.
Go jump a fence then
How the fuck are you supposed to use the Pro with the new model anyways? do you just stick it on a stand and bend over real close while you use the Pro?
yeah but what kinda retard buys a weakass handheld only to play at home. oh yeah. you. you're the kind of retard.
>used to play handheld mode almost exclusively until joycons started drifting
>bought a pro controller and play tabletop mode now
Fuck, I wish I could go back. I really hope they fix the analogs for the Lite, but they probably won't so now I have to look into repairing my joycons myself.
I liked the one with 6 face buttons. I also liked when you put sonic 1 into sonic and knuckles and it just kept saying "no way" my child brain was so pissed off and angry for that reason
Are you not a nintendbro? i can't understand people who play games and are not into nintendo.
Nah, now that the Switch has got traction there's nothing stopping them from adding support for it. Nothing except potential Switch Pro controller sales.
>I had the grinded up plastic that turned into dust sitting in there like every other N64 controller, but they still functioned properly.
Same. Never had any effect in the games.
The dualshock 4 even has built in rattle right from the get go.
And here’s the sad nincel, rewriting history to prove his point.
Serious question now. How many of you tried using contact cleaner before sending joycons to repair or replacing them with another pair and/or pro controller?
Was the 7th gen just fucked? Between the RROD, YLOD, wii GPU/disk drives, I don't remember any huge issues like this with the gen before.
I almost bought a diy kit on amazon when i had one of my joycons started doing this, didnt care about it before but started doing in a heated section of overcooked 2.
Fixed it self with a calibration for some reason though.
>blame the retarded wii owners who thought the wii u was a wii accessory.
Watch the original E3 reveal again. They go out of their way to avoid language that would imply it's a brand new console. They wanted people to think it was an add-on.
Is this satire?
This is the one I was talking about. Thought it was the most radicool controller there was. Also yeah, the 6 face button controller was pretty cool. That "no way" shit was really disappointing, but kind of a cool way to tell the player "hey, cut that shit out". Also, Knuckles in Sonic 2 was pretty badass.
Switch survived a 1000 foot drop and still worked. so it's not like Nintendium is entirely gone just because joycons have a minor issue.
Because mario stopped being fun around 12, pokemon games where never more fun than the card games. Metroid is okay as is FZero. Zelda is lame. What's Nintendo still got? Nothing you're supposed to grow out of media targeting children. It's called being an adult. I haven't soberly played a Nintendo game in like 10 years and I haven't missed a thing
wow that's just as good as NOT charging the customer A SINGLE FUCKING PENNY for fixing the broken product you sold them
Nintendo fans are the biggest fucking cucked retards on earth
Buy a contact cleaner and clean the joycon with it. Or buy a new set of joycons.
I remember the Yellow light of death.
>I haven't soberly played a Nintendo game in like 10 years and I haven't missed a thing
Keep telling that to yourself, bro.
It's called YLOD you retarded zoomer.
almost got me
>my Gamecube's hard drive
user... gamecubes didn't have a hard drive.
Huh. And here I thought it was just my luck of always getting a piece of tech with at least one minor or prominent defect. I feel better now.
Switch can survive any fall if it can survive falling at terminal velocity.
Whatever the fuck it was called. The main component, the heart of it. Basically the whole thing was fucked thanks to this single, important part not functioning anymore.
imagine buying and defending a console where you can't even use the included controllers.
fucking pathetic faggots. marios cock is so far up your asses. you queers are hooked on his wop semen like it's heroine
Wow, man, by the same logic games are for kids to begin with. I only see infantile people play games. And know couple of boomers who play nintendo.
>Zelda is lame
Zelda is the best, mario is fun but mostly the 3d games, mario kart is fun, smash is fun, pokemon i don't like
>still got
They made an arthouse movie and book about jewish genocide.
every single 360 controller i've had has had this issue, particularly on the right stick
you don't notice it on the 360 since the games have enormous deadzones for the sticks, as soon as you use it on pc, however, you find the camera moving on its own
bought a weakass handheld only to play at home. your faulty brain is a problem for you
The only Nintendo game I have recent memory of playing was wii u smash brothers, and I was drunk and high. Why would I lie? I guess honorable mention to Mario Kart 8 in like 2017 when I was tripping balls
go back to school little zoom.
Maybe when you're done being a drug addict you'll find enjoyment in stuff again.
Don't know why people say it does. Is that just an urban legend or is there some truth to it?
not if you do a mass shooting. mainstream media will make sure to present you as white
desu playing or doing anything sober is the ultimate cuck move
>b-b-but the jews told me
shut the fuck up and do drugs you pathetic bitch
Nigger the Jews are the ones who want you to be strung out 24/7. That way you'll be an unproductive fuck with no drive and no will to leave your current situation.
Never. Just alcohol.
Nice troll bait. Nintendo is #1 selling console this generation, and you are just mad Xbox and Playstation aren't keeping up with their crappy hardware and games.
i'll be honest, i have no idea what "joycon drift" actually is since aside from an annoying clicking sound my left joycon makes when i move it a certain way i've had no problems with my joycons.
Does Nintendo give free repairs for this?
Nice job being an addict.
No that's not the same logic pong was put in bars and arcades because that's where adults hung out and played pinball. Then home pong consoles came and gave everyone a taste. Nintendo didn't even originally market to kids if anything it was their competitors like Sega, and Sony calling Nintendo consoles baby toys that made Nintendo start appealing to casuals with things like the Wii. I know plenty of non gamers who would play their kids console's with them. That's called being a good fucking parent. Doesn't entice me to want to own the worse console on the market.
>zelda is the best
Maybe when it was an RPG like Zelda 2, shits skyrim for babies. Please explain why it's good besides "muh story"
what absolute nigger school did you got to where they teach you about heroin
Bing bing yahoo!
The jews are the ones that want you to be productive so you can be a good little wagie and line their pockets further, jesus christ you're so indoctrinated.
alcohol is a cool and good drug, the only bad drug is caffeine
nice job having a job lol, mr goldstein's daughter needs a new tesla
>drug addict
>weed and acid
Actually in a numbed state Nintendo games are more enjoyable thanks to how easy they are. Go eat more antidepressants kid. I could eat several Xans and even my Zonked ass would have more fun playing Red Orchestra than Mario
Everyone that got a switch is aretard to begin with.
>nice job having a job lol, mr goldstein's daughter needs a new tesla
And how do you get the money for drugs?
>the only bad drug is caffeine
I always start a day with a strong black coffee (no sugar, no milk) and walnut liqueur.
Proof that you are the retard here.
Doesn't switch have this?
Nice job posting that picture sideways you cock headed retard.
Selling drugs obviously. I was gonna have them anyways
You start every day with a strong black cock in your ass.
not my fault 4chin drops image rotation from image metadata
I rent out two houses in the south of the UK.
gross dude, i start every day with a big fucking blunt, and since i'm in america right now, a 40oz
works on my machine
>dude just buy a $70 controller that still won't solve the issue in handheld mode
Nintenfags are living proof why corporations can do whatever the fuck they want with no repercussions.
Never tried it. Would you recommend it?
Why are you in USA? Business?
>Playing Hollow Knight
>Stick thinks that I'm pressing down
>Scrolls downward in map and menus
>Constantly looking down ingame
It drives me mad. Shaking the joycon fixes it a little, but having to deal with the camera violently jerking downward while trying to platform is insanity. My pro controller can't come soon enough.
Thank god normalfags are starting to catch on to this, I considered making a thread about it, but Yea Forums would have just told me to git gud or something.
Nintendo can go fuck themselves. both joycons drift and one of them has the R button bring up the fucking home menu
uncomfortable,unreliable, gimmicky,overpriced dogshit joycons. Thank god I pirate all their shit and buy second hand.
My girlfriend's family moved here so we're visiting them, we do it every summer.
>joycons are shit, fuck Nintendo
>that is why I pirate their games
Yeah no, their sticks start to drift months after the purchase rather than the year of the Xbone and switch.
Fuck you I can't believe you would say that!
>Nintendo 'fixes' the problem by increasing the minimum deadzone for everyone in an OS update instead of fixing the hardware
>and one of them has the R button bring up the fucking home menu
That's literally not possible unless you fucked with something inside the controller itself.
>literally 0 videos
>we live in an age everyone has video cameras and wants to be social media famous
bring back bendgate too
This is how I fixed my Vita's joysticks.
anyone remember how the insides of ps2 controllers would just fucking rot and lead to the pressure sensitive buttons not working and also buttons registering as multiple different buttons and shit? good times
do ps4 controllers still have the problem of ds/ds2/ds3 where if you don't use them for a while the sticks turn into some gross sticky mess? i don't do consoles anymore
>it's almost like Sony is the only one actually making good shit.
You what?
The drifts aren't even as bad as the metric fuckton of issues the ds4 has.
If you leave Wii connect 24 on it won't turn the system off properly but it still heats up and the fan won't turn on.
No retard, the R button is mapped to the fucking board or some shit unlike other buttons and it can randomly break and confuse it. It's a common problem, look it up, R=R+home+a/x or something.
can happen if the R button is pressed "hard" aka it breaks by itself.
>have my switch joycons and pro controller since release
>they work perfectly fine and don't drift
>nephews that got one last christmas already have drifting joycons and same with their pro controllers
>they drop shit all the time and slam the sticks and buttons
>notice all the problems people are having is the same problem careless children have
Imagine having broken hardware because you treat your possessions like a child, then have the audacity to blame it on the company.
I was surprised how durable the Vita joysticks were given how cheap plastic they feel at times when rolling around the shell.
>nintenbaby reading comprehension
I said thank God I pirate all of Nintendos shit so I don't get double fucked. Worst case scenario I scam gamestop with a swap. Hoping a 3rd party makes a right joycon because the Hori one is better than any garbage nintendo can engineer.
This is normal? I assumed I accidentally damaged the stick and that was why it was happening.
>do ps4 controllers still have the problem of ds/ds2/ds3 where if you don't use them for a while the sticks turn into some gross sticky mess?
That's a good question. I haven't bothered to check.
That said there are some other problems with the analogs such as the controllers developing drifts and stutters which still exist to this day.
Ah so what you're saying is that you fucked up with a repair.
>I said thank God I pirate all of Nintendos shit so I don't get double fucked.
Double fucked? Again, how is that related in any way? If joycons are shit then the games are also shit? This is what you wrote right now.
was, every joycon does this, people that think they don't are casuals who can't even tell it's drifting.
thanks for beta testing it for me, suckers
>comparing an entire console failing to a controller failing
Not even comparable. You're exaggerating. Do new joycons cost too much? Yes. Are there a miryad of issues that Nintendo needs to address with the Pro Controller and the Joycons alike? Yes, but It's no RROD.
I thought newer joycons didn't have the issue.
It's like people have never done the old controller swap scam.
>my children's hardware can't handle children
It's a handheld console. It's gonna get dropped. It's gotta be like an ugly chick with a great ass. It needs to be able to take a few beatings and take dick like a champ.
The drift is completely intentional to sell overpriced $80 jowcons.
The issue they fixed was the short range.
No you cocksucking nintenbaby. I never attempted any repair of the joycons.
fuck off autist.
> Again, how is that related in any way?
I don't have to pay for the games so the monetary cost of having to deal with scam joycons isn't as big an issue.
That was nice, user. That was a good bait. For a while, I thought you were serious.
Convert /vp/ to /nintendo/ you incompetent fucking facebook mods, these redditor soiboys are cancer to this board. Nintendo has been pursuing blue ocean strategies for decades now and are their own nitche divorced from actual gaming culture anyway.
The entire point of the new Switch is to use it as a handheld.
Wow what fags. Guess I'll just keep spraying compressed air underneath the rubber every few months.
Oh noes they have to send out free joycons
They had to outright replace the 360 og model
That's the most retarded idea I've ever heard especially since Nintendo are the only ones with a hard focus on games.
>oh no someone is angry with nintendo making shit products this is past my overton window
Kill yourself. Nintendo fans are such obnoxious sissyfags. I guess that's what happens when your such a loser your whole identity is based on casual games made by a japanese love hotel.
Same, it's made some games a real pain in the ass
>make Nintendo board reeeee
We all know that you Snoys would be there every single day, shitposting.
stupid kid.
Making a nintendo board has nothing to do with sony you faggot console waring memelord.
They make like 4 games a year then 3rd party support is limited. Why would I pay 300$ to Nintendo to play Witcher 3 at 540p in 2019?
But you just said you own the Switch and play their games. But you are better because you steal those games?
>R button bring up the fucking home menu
show us user,for science
>divorced from actual gaming culture anyway.
Oh, and movie games are gaming culture then? Sony only makes shitty D-list movies, Xbox doesn't exist, and Nintendo makes games. Quite frankly Nintendo is the only gaming culture left.
Except for the fact that they're the only people constantly pushing for one even going so far to spam here and /qa/.
>he needs a switch to play switch games
Now we raugh at his itty bitty clitty!
>They make like 4 games a year then 3rd party support is limited
Great, even less reasons to give them a board in your eyes. It'd make more sense to make a Sony board compared to Nintendo.
Yes, user. I know about Yuzu. Are you now pretending you have a PC strong enough to launch it?
my joycons work fine but i bought one of those power a mario wired pro controllers and both sticks drift like a mother fucker. Opened it up and cleaned it, still drifts.
So did Nintendo send orders to 3rd party manufacturers to also make theirs complete shit or what? Anyone have these power a controllers and have the same problem?
So this Gaming "Culture", Shut up corporate drone. Pathetic corporations come and go. Even when Nintendo is long and gone we will still talk about SNES games not because we love Nintendo for making the SNES but because we loved the Devs for making good games. Literally you'll always have a computer to game on.
>inb4 PC gaming jusssss doesn't feel right
I remember when Abercrombie and Fitch was all the rave. No I have no idea if they are still making clothes. Did style die? No these are storefronts that will evolve to take your money
Of course I do, it's far out of the realm of reality to own a 9700K
I have the same issue here. R button acts as Home+A about 30% of the time.
stupid fanboy false equivalencies. Look up blue ocean strategy and nintendo or just use basic critical thinking to realize nintendo is obvious it's own nitche outside mass gaming culture. Didn't even finish reading your comment btw.
Sony fanboys don't exist in any meaningful number on this site you stupid autist. Chad warden was a joke, all the anal vore is to make you nintendo fanboys get upset. people who dislike nintendo redditors and want a separate board aren't sony fans.
piracy killed the dreamcast and the psp and we have anons like this celebrating playing barely functioning games on their emulators
I never want emulators to go away but you guys really need to buy some games sometimes. It's the only way any of this shit ever works out. We won't get games if you don't buy shit.
>launch Switch joycons start drifting last month
>go to walmart, get new pair and swap old ones into box
>go back the next day and return them no questions asked
Every controller I've ever had die on me have been Playstation controllers. No DS4 yet but with what the battery life on that thing is like I'd be surprised if it was made anything but as cheaply as possible.
he's a retard who doesn't realize the vast majority of devs are third party and multiplat and the company that owns the dvd player that plays the games is mostly irrelevant to actual gaming culture and discussion.
It's hard to find single right joycons that are any color but grey. I ended up having to sell my broken red one to gamestop and buy a used grey one to replace it. Cost me like 10$ after the trade in.
Don't worry about me. I don't pay for or steal Nintendo games. Anyone who needs to defend themselves breaking laws they view as unjust are cowardly piss babies. I break the law all the time. When my time comes I'll go out like a man and not try and justify my actions like some loser
reminder there is nothing wrong with this "fraud" as corporations are so evil they raise prices across the board for everyone to offset the difference between what they "expect" to lose due to fraud. You have a moral obligation to defraud big companies, it's not different than getting a tax return.
That's what I try and tell people. Like 98% of games are multiplats lol
>32gb internal storage
>shitty gimmicks used as an excuse to sell underpowered hardware for $300
>the console is not as powerful as other home consoles, nintendo, why?!
>It's a handled console!
>the console has a shitty 720p screen and a fan even though it's a handled, nintendo, why?!
>It's actually a home console!
>shitty paid online
Nintendo is a tumor to the video game industry.
>either of them largely irrelevant
it definitely stands to reason that the industry would be completely and utterly different if just one of them didn't have their legacy to contribute to the history of video games, let alone both of them.
I really fail to see how this is not painfully obvious but I forget we can't talk about either Nintendo or Sony(whether its the good they've done or the bad they've done) on this board without someone getting anally devastated.
I have more problems with my pro controller and ist's shitty digital shoulder buttons that wont register if not pressed to the bottom of the ocean than with my joycons than still work like they are supposed to work.
>Sony fanboys don't exist in any meaningful number on this site
You what?
Not only are they infesting this board like a bad case of bedbugs but they're on other boards like /g/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
The only other series with such wide coverage was Pokemon and lo and behold they received their own board.
Cus a controller failing is the same as the console failing. The controllers can be pretty bad but its not the rrod
>It's hard to find single right joycons that are any color but grey
Then just get a dual pack and return both of your originals. You're getting your money back anyway so what does it matter?
>internalizing the will of your oppressors this hard
The authority is illegitimate and the laws unjust.
>i'll go out like a man and stay quiet while they buttfuck me because dissent is "cringe"
You're such a normal fag you think any moral obligation to break laws is petty rationalizing because the government literally can never be wrong in the laws it creates.
If the playstation didn't exist FF7 would've just been made with shittier music, better load times and graphics on the N64 lol. These are platforms to market games on. Literally most of those inhouse studios that make the sony games you love existed independently before selling out so shit like Ratchet and Clank could've been Muliplats instead of exclusives. Literally everything would be better now if the Jaguar and Saturn would've won that gen.
If all consoles were made like DVD players it really wouldn't be much different. We have numerous companies that made consoles and not just make software. You can't know how the landscape would change if they were never what they are, but you can know that past influence isn't equivalent to current influence. There isn't even a meaningful distinction between console and PC games anymore.
>the console is not as powerful as other nintendo consoles, why nintendo?!
because you didn't buy the n64 or the gamecube
They figured why fucking bother trying with somewhat decent hardware when no one fucking buys it and just buys a hard to develop for glorified dvd/cd player.
You people have to realize that the Gamecube only being a modest success despite nintendo throwing everything they had at the console was maddening to the company.
>great hardware, albeit with some quirks and held back by mini-DVDs(that most developers didn't even fill up anyway)
>great library, had F-Zero GX and Melee on it, great 3rd party support(Socal II/The EA Street games), many versions were of superior quality to the PS2 but inferior to Xbox ports, with some exceptions like Midnight club
>excellent form factor, did not take up much space and looked great
>simple to use
>great controller though it really needed a second L button
>full connectivity with Game Boy Advance, a feature that the competition couldn't even touch on
Simply put. You people should have ran out and bought gamecubes when they were 100 bucks but didn't.
Wasn't there literally the same issue on early PS3s as well?
All joycons are ticking timebombs in all honesty. Nintendo fucked up with this being the controller everyone had.
>Sister's switch had drift on right stick, broke off when it fell off from the table.
>My left joycon is barely recognized by my switch. Turning it off disconnects it and the ZL button broke out of nowhere and I have no clue how.
>Friend's both joycons have drift problems
Good thing he's a smashfag and uses the GC controller only
What are you quoting, retard, that's not what I posted.
>the jaguar should have won that gen
the jaguar fucking sucked
you have got to be baiting
I'm quoting you. Replace nintendo with home and its the same shit. Same point.
You're a big boy and can make inferences buddy
>because you didn't buy the n64 or the gamecube
No it's because Iwata is a hack that fell for blue ocean strategy and doomed nintendo to never compete again. They carve out a nitche of autists and try to bank on gimmicks forever.
>2nd production batch devices onwards are fine.
You mean the batch with anti-piracy measures?, because it started drifting after 5 months.
>the jaguar fucking sucked
>doesn't get the point
Why are nintenbabies so low IQ?
yes it was called Yellow light of death and it occurred much less frequently than RROD
>poorly explains his point
user I have bad news for you: you're the idiot here
The jaguar winning wouldn't have made everything better. You can't fucking prove that.
Nice projection faggot tell me what size boot does your local Peace Officer wear? You should be able to measure the print off your face.
>The authority is illegitimate and the laws unjust.
Of course that's what I said, but only pissbabies NEED to have a reason to break the law vs want to. IE I wanna smoke some crack today. A piss baby would get caught with crack then rat on his dealer
>i'll go out like a man and stay quiet while they buttfuck me because dissent is "cringe"
You're cringe for thinking I was advocating the idea of complacency. I was talking about the cops dragging me out body bag. I will not go quietly into the night.
>You're such a normal fag you think any moral obligation to break laws is petty rationalizing because the government literally can never be wrong in the laws it creates.
All laws in immoral fool, read the Trial of Socrates inbetween those Harry Potter books you love
Unironically the last fucking sane and fully working controller Nintendo has produced was the fucking SNES pad.
How do they fuck up this consistently? At least Sony and MS find a design and stick to it.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>carve out a niche of autists
>wii was successful because of soccer moms and nursing homes
which one is it you fags
has had GC/N64 level stick drift for 2 gens in a row
I just had to fix a common issue with a PS3 controller. It's when random inputs happen out of nowhere. The issue was there is this foam padding that applies pressure to secure the circuit from button and stick inputs. Over time, the foam padding compresses and less pressure is applied to the connection.
TLDR; They literally rely on pressure from a foam pad in PS3 controllers to secure the connection. Not ribbon latches, but fucking foam pads.
Funny you would mention Sony since the design they stuck with is inherently shit.
I didn't use my second controller for a while and I think the rubber gets all weird and goopy. Decided to dedicate that one as a pc controller and turns out that the stick would stick a little bit.
stopped reading there. Desperate NPC catchphrase.
Jaguar had a 32 bit GPU and a 32 bit CPU. It kicked ass for 1994 devs just had even less experience with 3D than by the time N64 came about in 96 or whatever. Almost half the library of the N64, PS1, is all early 3d tank control crap. The Jaguar could've easily ran any game the PS1 did as the PS1 was weaker.
It's a controller.
You can change them when they start to drift.
because one used shitty cartridges and the other used shitty mini dvds so neither got their full potential ever seen based dumbass
At least it makes my pee pee look ginormous
Remember, the neat smoll switch is going to have those joycons attached permanently. Once that shit starts to drift, you're shit out of luck unless you're brave enough to tear down a whole gameboy in order to replace a joystick.
That's the gimmick retard, soccor moms are nursing homes aren't recurring customers, it's why the wiiu bombed so hard. The niche are the manchildren who have an emotional connection to nintendo, it used to be normal children as well until they lost that audience to call of duty and fortnite and minecraft and shit so now they are left with the loser kids. Nintendo has a nitche outside the regular gaming sphere of loyal autists and chases gimmicks to cash in. The whole point of blue ocean is to NOT COMPETE with other companies and carve out your own separate market to have a monopoly in. It should be obvious Nintendo doesn't compete like Microsoft and Sony compete with each other, or like they did during the sega/ps1 years.
I'm hoping the hori deamon x machina joycons use decent sticks and not this garbage.
You can't prove things things would be worse if god forbid there wasn't a hundred less Mario games in existence. Europe was already in it's home computing revolution and Americans liked the C64 and Arcades. All Nintendo did was modify their pong consoles to create the famicom. Videogames would've still been a thing. Were they important before? Sure. Are they important now and most importantly producing good products now? No
>those joycons
You realise they aren't the same, right?
>and most importantly producing good products now? No
Name some good games user.
>they wont fuck it up some other way
nintendo hardware revisions always downgrade build quality
Take the cap off the analog stick and put it back on. Blow under the cap/on the top of the analog stick, or put a drop of mineral oil onto the top of the analog stick, before putting the cap back on if you want extra protection.
You're welcome.
You know there is an option in the settings for recalibrating your joy con sticks
Fixed the drift for me
>stopped reading there. Desperate NPC catchphrase.
Stopped reading there. Desperate Siegefag catchphrase. Tell me bitch why would I ever wanna be in the game where you are the main character? I like good games.
Why is the joycon drift just now being shoved in your face every time you go on Yea Forums? This has been happening forever. Where were you guys last year? Or the year before?
Further proof that Yea Forums is a cancerous hivemind. Monkey see, monkey do. Doesnt change the fact that the joystick drift is not okay, but you clearly all are bandwagoning. I bet none of you even knew about this BS before the same user kept making the same threads about it last week.
DxM joycons are most likely clones of the Hori d-pad joycons with a fancier shell and turbo functionality, since we already know they're barebones controllers and don't work wirelessly.
>its why the wii u bombed so hard
it bombed because everyone thought it was a peripheral
retarded advice. use compressed air and isopropal. Not that it will really do anything long term, the dust shit is a meme.
Taking off the joycon caps also makes them bumpy forever, just go under the sticks.
user you sound very very fucking mad at nintendo when nintendo quite seriously revitalized a dying game's industry in the states. stop being so mad. I'm not even a huge nintendo fan so you can cool your jets.
>no u
as expected of a nintenpc
There aren't any besides Def Jam Fight For NY. Name some games I've missed out on since 2013. I know I haven't missed out on anything since all the good games are 3rd party.
They're bandwagoning from reddit and kotaku. It's all about the karma and the clicks.
>do exactly the same thing as blowing, but use an unnecessary amount of force provided by a can of compressed air you have to buy beforehand
>Taking off the joycon caps also makes them bumpy forever
it depends on if you can get them back on exactly right, it's a hella lot trickier than it really should be
I don't care if they don't work wirelessly, I want something to use in handheld mode that wont wear out in 6~ months. I bought one of those $5 usb adapters that let me use my xbone controller on it for when I play it on my tv.
> All Nintendo did was modify their pong consoles to create the famicom. Videogames would've still been a thing.
"All Nintendo did was make a green field out of salted earth, wtf"
>Triggers so sensitive you cant even place the controller down.
>Sticks drift after two days of inactivity sometimes.
>Control sticks wear out easily.
>Triggers get stuck bc of above issue.
Why would they not be the same? It's not like the lite is going to be thicker or that the removale of hd rumble will clear any room for better sticks.
Nintendo didn't do jack shit that the Sega Master System didn't do. They literally just took 2 year old hardware. Made it grey for retards. Bing bing bing wahoo. The NES failure in Europe is proof that Nintendo is 1 in the same with many devs. People care about games, that's why when the 2600 became a cesspool of games people didn't wanna give away what is like 100$ for 1 shitty game now and instead went to the Arcades.
Literally a temp fix. Eventually the bass will get so ground down they won't work period.
it bombed because wii fans aren't nintendo fans and the product didn't become a fad. It would have genuinely sold better if everyone DID think it was a wii peripheral. Wii fans never gave a shit about the games but the novelty of motion controls, which wore off. Nintendo has since tried to chase Tablets, 3D (not VR though as other companies are doing that and they can't compete) and new gimmicks like "HD rumble" and a portable not portable console. Not to mention touchscreens before. You will NEVER see a nintendo console without gimmicks and without underpowered (which means easy to price gouge) hardware unless they ditch iwata's autism.
Fuck Iwata for killing Nintendo and creating autistic Nintenbabies like you. As well as for damaging nintendo to make casual shit forever to appeal to non-gamers, who are even worse than casuals who buy AAA shovelware.
I literally don't own a Nintendo console beside a GBC you best just go back to wearing your cute little skull facemasks. I love seeing scrawny ass bitches like yourself wearing them.
>There aren't any besides Def Jam Fight For NY
So you like shovelware.
You realize everything was released in the arcades before they got console ports right? Of course not you're way to young and only view old Nintendo though retro YouTubers.
>haha I don't even play nintendo games but I defend them anyway honest also i'm a homosexual anal predator
really need to work on your banter nintenbaby. Calling yourself a faggot who wants to fuck trannies isn't how this works.
You think they'd just go grab a million other sticks or use the same shitty ones they already have? They're trying to save money by making the switch light, I highly doubt they're going to use different parts for the joystick assembly especially since they haven't changed them out for their normal joycons yet.
Wow 2005 garbage is better than 2019 big budget "quality" provided from the big 3? Sure glad we keep the big 3 around. Tell me what have I missed out not owning any of these consoles? PS4 has the FOTNS game. That's 1 I'm missing out on. I need more
If Nintendo hadn't put out the NES when they did you'd probably just be bitching about another company that picked up the pieces Atari burned and whatever mascot-game they have.
user, they're outright smaller.
>(which means easy to price gouge)
switch unit supposedly costs around $250 to manufacture going by disassembly guesstimates (
>2005 garbage is better than 2019 big budget "quality" provided from the big 3?
For starters there is no "big three" when it comes to the games themselves. That just refers to console manufacturing. Secondly no that's your bias towards older games, Def Jam is just as bad as those yearly wwe games.
>It would have genuinely sold better if everyone DID think it was a wii peripheral.
That's exactly why it didn't sell because everyone thought it was just a $300 controller.
Please tell why I should care if Nintendo fails as a business if I pirate 1 copy of BoTW? I don't care how these corporations feel.
>haha I don't even play nintendo games but I defend them anyway
I don't play Nintendo games I'm not some pedo like you weirdo.
>really need to work on your banter nintenbaby.
Once again I'm not defending Nintendo, I don't like their products. I'm more likely to pirate than pay for it regardless. Do you buy things you don't plan to enjoy? Strange self loathing, just like a closeted gay man would do. What I'm talking about is the people who justify piracy as "I'm fixing the industry" instead of "I want free shit" is a pissbaby attitude. You wouldn't know either since you're a 14 year old console fairy.
>Calling yourself a faggot who wants to fuck trannies isn't how this works.
The only person here talking about degenerative homosexuality is you faglord lol.
>if Nintendo wouldn't have made gaming shittier then gaming would still be shitty!
I know right it's like all corporations are money hungry. If you create art to sell it is no longer art and is now a product, remember this when you're talking about Nintendo and their "Soul"
why would you pirate things you don't enjoy and know you won't enjoy
You're trying to tell me through about five layers of irony that Nintendo's impact on gaming quality was worse than ET and I'm not buying what you're selling. Please type into your browser and find a site you'll enjoy.
But it's not, I played to 1 week ago. It has a full fledged single player campaign. Tons of playable characters with unique fighting styles including finshiers. Tons of actual rappers, 4 player split screen. Full character customization. The campaign has branching paths. The crowd throws items in and can even help or hurt you in the fight. Half the games budget was probably weed and it's still a better game than anything Nintendo or sony has made this gen. And Yes I played Bloodborne.
user, you do know that the joycon isn't a solid piece of mass right? It's made of parts...
Cause it's fun to do bad thangz.
>no u again
retarded homosexual cumbrain
> "I'm fixing the industry" instead of "I want free shit"
I'm doing both you autistic reprobate. I would pirate even if I liked the industry (and did) but now I prefer to pirate than to buy games. I even support piracy companies by buying flashcarts and shit like SXOS for convenience even if i don't need to. I'd unirocinally rather pay to pirate than give gaming corps money.
Having autonomy over your own devices is liberating. I hack all my shit and have fun doing so and then end up hardly using it. It's cool to put gamecube games on my wiiu that run native, but really any gamecube game I actually want to play I'd already played by then.
>giving the SXOS team your money
Nigger please, anything of value they accomplished was backported, caught up to, or completely sidestepped within months, and I didn't have to pay to pirate anything. Thank you for beta-testing my cracked Switch's CFW.
ET's failure only hurt Atari and Universal. Everyone returned it didn't want it that's why they had so much stock they had to bury it. Honestly the crash was the fault of everyone just trying to make cheap clones of successful games. You only need 1 copy of Galaga, this is something devs didn't understand at that time. ET 2600 isn't even the worse ET game ever made Irategamer. It's the good kind of bad.
ds lite masterrace, still going on to this day and the battery is still awesome i honestly can't believe it. it might outlive me
I've seen a lot of contrarian bullshit in my day but leaping to ET's defense for (You)s and owning those nintenbabies is a new one on me.
>Nigger please, anything of value they accomplished was backported, caught up to, or completely sidestepped within months
I know, I got it on release before atmosphere and shit, regardless I like to fund companies that put out a good product and encourage piracy. I'd rather give money to SXOS and get a preloaded CFW dongle to support piracy than donate to some tranny exploit finders patreon.
SXOS is also pretty well made, built in tinfoil and such. I also bought fucking sky 3DS
"normal use"
every case i've seen of a broken hinge was from a retarded kid dropping it all over the pace and shaking the screen on it's hinge like a monkey.
Mine is completely fine after 8 years of use and i'm still playing on it with absolutely zero issues whatsoever. literally made of Nintendium
Literally if you knew anything PacMan for the 2600 was a bigger abomination than ET. There was simply no chance a game with a 6 week dev time was gonna be good.
Found my GBAsp after years of no use. Battery is still full what the absolute fuck
These are causal memers that don't know why the industry crashed (in america for all of 1 year) they think one bad movie game did it because of the landfill meme. The shit pac man port did just as much damage to atari. Obviously is was constant shovelware, overcrowded market and no reliable way to tell game quality that killed in a toy industry so new it was still seen as a fad by many.
These underage nintenbabies think ET (which isn't even that bad for an atari game) caused the whole industry to crash lmao.
How are all of you breaking your joycons so fast? I've had my switch for over a year now and never experienced drifting once on the pair that came with it. Are you going apeshit on your controllers or what?
OP confirmed not to have been alive during the RROD era, that shit was bricking systems and was an almost 50% chance of happening to all initial 360 launch units.
>How are all of you breaking your joycons so fast?
because Nintendo ships them broken.
joycon drift is 100% it's just not as critical a flaw.
Just use the ol' WD-40 contact cleaner and it should solve the problem.
everything Yea Forums says about the DS4 is just a complete lie man it's so fucking weird.
Before buying one Yea Forums told me it had a terrible d-pad, turns out it has an amazing dpad and is the go-to choice of nearly every pad player in the FGC because of it.
Yea Forums told me it's worse for people with big hands but it has way more room for my fingers than the bone controller.
Yea Forums told me touch pad is pointless but steam input makes it useful for a variety of functions (+ the gyroscope is great for emulation).
Never listen to Yea Forums about the DS4.
had my Switch since launch and never got any drift, worst thing that happened I had to recalibrate my pro controllers sticks once.
I've never had this problem
because i never use the joycons
That DPad does suck lol, you just have low standards. Never listen to Yea Forums tho, they unironically like Nintendo.
yeah, nah
Is that why they've been pumping out movie games like Xenoblade and Bayonetta and Fire Emblem and Pokemon? If anything they're falling to the exact same scourge as everyone else.
only if there's dirt. Over time the contacts dig into the plastic or something and then it get all wiggly. All I remember is that something scratches something else and that causes damage and eventually a drift.
>tfw giant hands despite being a manlet
too obvious
>, turns out it has an amazing dpad
D-pad is dogshit and was made slightly less dogshit in a later revision. It's FGC pad due to tournament legality and lax inputs of casual nu fighting games.
>Yea Forums told me it's worse for people with big hands
retarded, it's almost as big as the duke. regardless the design restricts dexterity in the upper portion of the controller to use shoulder buttons properly.
>Yea Forums told me touch pad is pointless
it is, shill.
At least the DS4 is normally priced and not half a controller like a joycon though.
>had my Switch since launch and never got any drift
You're literally too casual to notice the drifting.
>wow 50 people on reddit has a problem it's totally not a rare defect because it happened to that guy with HUGE karma score!
i have 4 controllers cause 3 of them have a dead spot in the same place on the left stick
What's the best Switch pro controller?
It helps with the drift for a little bit but then you have to calibrate again within the next hour. It's annoying as fuck.
>Using your Switch undocked
SN30 pro+ by far
Yes, and it's completely useless.
>Pretending that an underpowered handheld is a proper home console.
I dont understand. I've never had this issue with joycons
Nigger, 50 games.
Huh, the customizability looks nice. Shame it isn't out yet.
Well, lucky you.
>happens to 60% of consoles
>tfw am a member of the 40%
It's not? I thought it was just the SN30 pro with grips for more comfort.
None if you niggers can beat me on Smash if I use Duckhunt
>the DS4 is perhaps the worst fucking console controller ever manufactured in the last 20 years.
hot take
Me and Mr Game and Watch are gonna have to drop some 9s on your gay ass to remind you who the True Mascot of Nintendo is.
But the other thing keeps making inputs while yo do so
i already did (smirk)
It's not available on Amazon, yet.
That's not how percentages work you retard
Shame about the no games
And the giant pointless light that kills the battery
also switch pro is fine, it's only the joycons that suck
you can disable the light on the controller retard
I'm pretty sure it's the touchpad, not the light, that kills the battery
Okay why would I pay for a feature that I'm going to turn off? What about the games that use the controller light to indicate factors like health? Disabling an issue isn't how you solve problems with corporate design. Sony doesn't care about my word just my money. And they will be getting none of it if they keep sticking lights all over their shit to glare off of my TV. Because I'll buy a 3rd party solution eventually
I had a lot of controllers throughout the years, and DS4 was the ONLY one that started drifting so bad it became unusable and I had to buy a new one ASAP, after only a few months of light use. Fuck off, it's shit.
I've heard about people cramming Vita sticks in them.
The disaster of the wiiu is wholy the marketing departments fault
didn't they not actually break but rather just become kind of loose?
Split joycons are max comfy
>Psp joysticks
I broke like 4 of them they were horrendous
So, any good alternative for the joycons?
I was thinking of getting a Switch, but this issue really makes me reconsider.
Except that's not gonna work on with the lite
>kind of
Not just using the new god-tier retrofighter controllers.
Yeah but they still functioned correctly, they just wobbled around in the neutral position
I know it was because they knew the sticks were very brittle, but it would've been nice if ALL modern controllers handled analog sticks like this (a pin connector) so you could easily replace them. Fuck having to solder them on.
What are the best replacement analog sticks for the joy cons? I love handheld mode but my left joycon has some serious drifting issues (loves to go up or down)
Anyone any suggestions?
It's like I always tell gun fudds and car boomers. The aftermarket is where innovation alway shines.
reality is obvious, indeed
But it works.
Why not, NASA did to get us to the moon and it's non conducive. Brake cleaner is also a good way to clean Electronics
if you play the switch in handheld mode with the joycons you are a fucking 6 year old baby child.
>b-b-but i wanna pway my switch in bedd
stop being a lazy retard just dock the fucking thing and use a real controller like us non virgins.
If retards use it, let them
Joycon sticks are fastened with two screws and a flat-flex cable.
I travel a lot, Switch is a perfect plane console.
Tell me what could possibly go wrong beside your switch smelling like daddy's workshop?
literally everyone on that plane thinks you are a massive man child who can't even go one little plane trip without needing his video game toy.
That is true. I only assume the worst of any grown ass person playing games in public. This includes mobile phone games too. If you are between the ages of 14-68 you have to suffer like the rest of us.
So what? I'm having fun while everyone else watches cheesy blockbusters on shitty plane screens.
>not knowing about putting oil on electrical contacts
Maybe you should have spent more time in daddy's workshop.
>stop being a lazy retard just dock the fucking thing and use a real controller like us non virgins.
I dont own a tv nigger
user, it's contact cleaner. It's made specifically to be put on electrical contacts.
Not an excuse. Switch has a functional USB port that you can use even in handheld mode.
Are you retarded? All wireless controllers supported by the Switch will be supported by the Switch Lite. What the fuck gave you the impression they wouldn't be?
>Scared of electricity? Why would I be scared of a faggot?
>giving a fuck what plane niggas think literally ever
it's a bit different from, like, taking the bus, you retards. You're likely never going to ever encounter a single person on this plane ever again in your entire life.
A bus or the park or whatever I can sorta get caring about, as those are likely near you and have a moderate chance of running into people who can recognize you or whatever, but literally who gives a fuck what people on a plane think about you?
Because they know they’ll get called out as disgusting Cheeto dust faggots who can’t take care of their shit.
reported for being underage
Imagine giving a single fuck what people you will never see again in your life think about you. Imagine thinking anybody even notices you in public unless you're doing something that effects them.
I still have the same exact controllers I got when the system first came out and neither stick ever broke. That being said, I did replace them with GameCube controller sticks a year or so ago just because they were so much more comfortable and accurate than the original sticks. I recommend everyone with an N64 do the same. It's cheap and takes like 5-10 minutes per controller.
You do realise WD-40 puts out several types of products, right? People aren't putting the lubricant WD-40 on their joycons, they're using the contact cleaner, which surprisingly is used to clean electrical contacts.
I don't own a controller only a keyboard
We already know if that happened Snoy fagets would be there more than literally anything Nintendo related.
Yet if we word filter everything Sony related you’d cry censorship
“I demand to talk about PlayStation and trannies on the Nintendo board!”
No people are cheap retards, they are putting the lubricant too. Still non conducive. Once again you can use brake cleaner to clean electronics, that's much harsher than anything WD40 probably sells to you.
My man, keep conquering King
was stick drift really this bad last gen?
I would cry censorship. It's fucking stupid I can't call someone F A M without it charging to Senpai. I DON'T WANNA SPEAK IN FAGIME
>and that's a good thing
Been using the same controler since 2016 and never had any problems with it.
Worse part is there’s several solutions
Between electrical contact cleaner, cheaper wired controllers and straight up using another controller from a different company via an adapter rendering the entire point moot.
yeah but people aren't going to be buying many pro controlers for it
Here. Still impec. It's the one that came on the same time Halo 5 released.
Perhaps that's why it's so good. Idk
I love how almost nobody seems to remember how much nintendo tried to dodge responsibility for the ds lite hinge defects.
Their nintendium reserves ran out in like 2005-2006. Most of their hardware has suffered since.
xbox chads have been suffering from this since xbone release
Pro controller
45$ cheap Pro controllers that use AA batteries
Wired controllers
Adapters that let you use any controller you want on the system
Literally just go to Walmart
why is it so hard to get a wireless GC controller for switch that doesn't need AA batteries?
Make sure it’s electrical contact cleaner
The regular oil version yeah will fuck it up
This version is just alcohol in a can Just use Fampai
Because austist buy those shits up like crazy
Literally remember seeing a dude walk out with like 6 of them.
Unironically what the fuck are you guys? Are you that careless with your belongings for them to give up on you in such a short time? Maybe try taking care of them and not use it barbarically?
my 12 y/o ds lite still has perfectly functioning hinges, they still snap in place like they were designed too, and i had to share it with my brother
i understand if you and all your classmates in the special class couldn't control your tard strength
Sorry bud but if my Nintendo switch cannot handle the same abuse my SKS and AK can take after all these years of innovation then it is an inferior product and my 300$ would be better spend on more ammo.
>Sony is the only one actually making good shit.
>PS3 reading random inputs thanks to shit button contacts
>PS4 sticks using cheap plastic that starts to deform and MELT after 6 months -> 1 year of use
>PS3/4 shit batteries that either break or only hold a 10h charge at most. Also discharges when not in use unlike Xbone and Shitch controllers
>PS4 software bricks galore thanks to no testing of their firmware/OS updates
>PS4 Pro and PS4 fats overheating if your room is hotter than 23C
>PS3 shit HDMI jacks and GPU soldering, rendering half of the super slim and slim models unusable after 1-2 years of use unless you were lucky enough to get an older revision of both
Snoy has made plenty of fuck ups in their time. More than both Microsoft and Nintendo combined actually. Even if we count with the RROD of xbox 360s and the mass DVD drive failure of the Wii. The YLOD was just as bad and just as widespread thanks to the fact that every PS3 fat will reach YLOD thanks to their bad heatsinks and thermalpastes.
What the hell causes this? Is it another "DOCK SCRATCHES THE SCREEN OMG OMG" big fat nothing?
Pretty sure they pay for shipping.
>Have 2 DS Lite
>My white old one and my sisters old pink one
>Except for the normal wear and tear of using it (small scratches on the plastic shell, dirt/grime along ridges, etc) have no problems whatsoever.
>My friend from highschool still has his
>His DS lite is scratched up as fuck and one of his hinges have just completely broken off
>He's the kind of guy that breaks electronics all of the time thanks to being really bad at taking cear of them
>It still fucking works, he just has to hold it carefully when/if he uses it
I've met a few other people when I was like 13 that all had broken hinges and just like my friend, they were constantly dropping it and shaking the things around like complete spastics. So I don't really think that the DS lite is completely at fault here.
It's not a result of abuse. It's a defect in the design, where they used a printed graphite pad for the joysticks contacts, and it's weaker than the metal arms on the bottom of the joystick that make contact with it, so over time the graphite gets damaged.
You're just like the dumbasses that claimed RROD was from mistreating xboxes.
Not him, but I know a lot of people who had hinge cracks and took care of their stuff. Nintendo even ultimately admitted it was a design/production flaw.
Starting with all DS models and the crappy L and R buttons and Wii Remotes being battery hungry shits, I can't remember.
>"my handheld accessory scratches the screen!"
>boohoo fake fucking news only an issue if you can't afford a new switch
The absolute state of switchers.
My fucking Pro Controller is drifting downwards. It gets worse every day and its to the point where I'm doing down without wanting to in Smhas. In Bayonetta she turns towards the screen and walks down if left alone. I've been trying to ignore it because it cost 80 fucking pounds but I know I'll have to buy a new one.
Had mine since launch.
No drift for me.
Wash your hands before playing vidya and stop throwing it into bags without protection.
>The extent of this seething Xtranny's cope
Dilate, bitchtits.
>can't play vidya while eating cheetos because of the "nintendo seal of quality"
Nah fuck nintendo
reality exists, the fact none of those issues are common is just proof angry retards just can't accept they can't take care of their toys.
>Hey stop taking your handheld places!
Real talk does it not fit in your pocket? That's where I put it the one time I held a switch
They break from just plain use, it literally grinds itself into conductive dust.
These are toys for children they are supposed to be retard proof. I've thrown several consoles and they still work and a measly switch controller can't even survive being played with
Admittedly, Switch controllers can survive being thrown. Maybe that's their primary purpose.
Mine started to drift after 1 week of playing DB XV2.
Crap sticks. Nintendo wont do nothing because they are retarded.
Anybody who is willing to dish out 400$ for this "console" phone which cant call or browse internet is also willing to buy another 100$ 3rd party controller.
Bing bing wahoo :3
How the fuck did Nintendo managed to downgrade the build quality of their products significantly with the Switch? I know the Nintendium mines ran dry by the Wii but come on.
class action lawsuit those niggas already
Man if this was equivalent to rrod that'd mean over 50% of these controllers would be failing. This is just some retard in charge of a glorified blog turning his latest tweet into clickbait.
Remember that Nintendo rushed the switch out the door because they where scared of XBO and PS4
No, the PS4 was already 2 years older than the Switch. They killed both the 3DS and Wii U at the same time, but put their cards on a gimmick device with a lack of 3rd parties supporting in the later years. Swtich has no more big games like MHW or even Call of Duty.
You can tell who doesn't play in handheld mode by statements like these.
>xD I barely use my joycons and I don't have any drift, lol
>1 micron of water enters speaker
>fries your whole controller
most if not all of the DSlite and 3DS, inclduing 3DSXL have this problem and the reality is that plastic is malleable and with time, heat, and pressure (mainly caused by light pressured when in backpacks/pockets) this ends up happening more and more especially when the hinge itself (the metal bit) is held in place with the plastic resulting in Nintendo portables ending up being parted in 2.
I like that the 2DSXL is connects thetwo pieces from the center bar which nullified this issue. But whenever a Nintendo portable has pouter hinges, it is bound to break so goddamn easily
is there no option for calibrating the sticks, and creating larger dead zones and stuff like that?
i had drifting happen on my switch controller on pc, but i just increased the dead zone slightly and it worked great
There goes Phillip Banks, the biggest ass that ever lived. What a douche.
They’ve been diluting with weaker shit like adamantium these past years. Wiimote was pure nintendium thought.
I had mine for two years before getting the drift. The joycons were my only controllers in that whole time. Anyone that doesn't have a problem with it probably just doesn't use the joycons anyway.
jesus, christ
just get wd40 contact cleaner
used it once, now it is rotting in a shelf. shit is $10
just dumb
did you put car wd40 on your switch? haha
There is a calibration setting but its automatic. Drifting is so bad that it sometimes will be nowhere close to the middle either. You'd have to turn 80% of it into dead zone to fix drifting
>tfw buy new joycons from target
>go home and neatly open package
>put old joycons in
>return to target couple days later
>”I think there’s a problem with my purchase”
>get full refund.
It's not like it wobbles around the center though. I had drifting and it was going pretty far into one direction.
>Left joycon’s stick is functionally dead
>Drifts left, right, all directions
>Sometimes just sticks for no discernible reason
>Right joycon’s lights started dying for some reason
>SL and SR stopped working consistently after a single day of solo joycon use
>was about to pick up a pro controller but now I have to replace this shit instead
controller S is a joke and do break faster. launch model 1537 controllers are they way to go buy a spare before they are all gone. (plus I like the clicky rb lb buttons)
Have you tried contact cleaner?
oh sweet summer child
I've never had as many problems with controllers as I've had with the ds4. And to be clear here, I've had the original dualshocks, ds2s, and ds3s. And all were way more reliable than the ds4. And no, I don't throw controllers.
I think he meant that it'll just break again anyway since the issue is how the contacts are manufactured
Of course he hasn't
I refuse to believe this is a real problem. My brute of a brother managed to break the fucking A button AND the rubber on the sticks, but the joycon STILL did not drift and I've had that shit since release. If he can't replicate this problem, it can't be a real problem.
>insult Nintendo
>500 post thread of damage control and 200 crying tendies
Good job, OP. Give yourself a pat on the back.
The only controller I've had get drift on me this gen is my Xbox One S controller that I got in late 2017. I solved that one by buying a new controller then swapping out the boards and returning it. Call me a jew or a nigger but my Wii U GamePad, Pro controller, Joy-Cons, Switch Pro controller, Dualshock 4, and original Xbone controller have all worked flawlessly. None of my friends have had drift issues with them either. I give the Joy-cons the Werks on My Machine seal of approval. Only my autistic rat 10 year old nephew has had drift issues with his joy-cons.
>works on my machine
this is a widespread issue, by far the most common fault to develop with the controller and is so common that most users experience it after around a year of normal use.
Do you have a statistic that shows what percentage of Switch owners have complaints about drift? Where are you getting "most users" from?
>this is a widespread issue
Considering that most people don't even know what it is, I don't have the problem, my bro doesn't have the problem, I'd say that's a lie.
>he doesn't exclusively use the pro controller
You mean every console with no moving parts?
It depends on what kind of games people play I think. Things like Splatoon 2 or BoTW, games that have players really use a lot of the left Joycon stick. Especially in game modes where players can get really aggressive to use it.
I swear joy-con drift is case sensitive because for me, it has never activated in cases where it would actually harm me. (Smash, Tetris, Sonic, Xenoblade, Odyssey, etc.)
But it activates during moments like building a stage in smash or the home menu where it just amounts to a minor inconvenience.
I don't if I'm just lucky or if my Joy-cons are just bro-tier.
statistics for this obviously don't exist as it would be bad PR for nintendo, but just look at the replies to that tweet as a sample of how many people it can affect. It's undeniably a widespread issue, although whether it affects the majority is simply conjecture on my part.
Extremely cold take, small Asian man
Thank you for re-framing your statement in a way that is not dishonest.
Well it happened to me so I say it's not a lie.
lol seething
got em
>All the Xcucks in the replies seething this hard
kek, fuck off back to Discord.