gimme your edits
Gimme your edits
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Give me a template, faggot
Bideo gaymes
man i love water too. it's pretty good.
mmmmm water
OP is gay. Here's a template, anons.
Need to wipe the shirt, phone, and book
You're trying too hard
whatever do you mean OwO?????
Good video game thread OP! It's ok because Pokemon is video games!
>nursry rhymes
You're not funny.
Done. Got rid of the copyright to.
t. nigger
What are you trying to say here?
cringe and pokemonpilled
based and waterpilled
Did I hurt your feelings user? It's ok to cry, you know
What a shit fucking drawing. Look at that shit fucking perspective; the way the dad sits on the bed, the chair behind the headboard, the hands, the nonsensical shadows, the shirt made out of squiggly lines and cardboard-like material. And then the fucker had the guile to sign it and copyright it all bold and stylized like this trash is anything to be proud of. What a son of a bitch.
That is the least funny image I have ever seen
It's funny because male lions are the laziest, most abusive fuckers in the animal kingdom. They go around forming harems of wives, killing the offspring of their competition, and they randomly show up out of nowhere to steal half the meat from the hunt before walking off to find more females to turn into single mothers.
Do anglosphere cucks get regularly stopped by cops or what? In human cultures cops only go after you if you speed 25+ kph over the limit or otherwise drive like shit (ie drunk)
So what you're saying is they're the niggers of the animal kingdom?
Do retards really think this way? Oh wait, yeah
No need to call out anglocucks user
Where the fuck did you get all this head cannon from a pale of water edit?
>or otherwise drive like shit
They're women
Not mine but enjoy
no it was just unfunny. YOURE trying to hard faggot
I was expecting autism comic but got sick burn. Groovy.
I think he's funny
I figured what it was and still clicked it.
wow, i didn't know lions were so based
Tricked again.
The fuck is love island
Too deep
thank you for your service
Every time you look at the perspective it gets worse
nnnnnhnhnhnnhnngnnggg I fucking LOVE water!
ugojesse makes the funniest shit on accident
I will have one half celery stick
I don't know but I guess it's some show the guy who made that is being regularly forced to watch with his wife.
More realistically tho, that shit was made by a woman.
>man works a lot = good
>man works less = bad
That is gold-digger logic. A really fucking dumb broad made that, I'm sure. That's why Love Island is mentioned. I looked it up, the title is self-explanatory.
Either way, the person who made that shit is projecting ten times as much as me right now.
What was the original?
It's super fucked.
Fuck you
Probably "let's me live" because she's some sort of brownie
my guesstimate extrapolation is the black one saying "hope he let's me live"
it's really fuckin' predictable
Ant, is it you?
Alright shithead
i see you /pol/
>If you can't choose your IQ, you can at least choose your words
Jesus christ
Fuck me dude, I never even noticed the chair is actually behind the bed.
why the fuck would you post this? this isn't funny, user. this hits right in the worst place
im assuming it's some sort of british reality show
At least the kid kinda looks like a Frankenstein monster.
>not the water edit
Viewer discretion is advised.
I know it's probably supposed to be postal 2 but that bold O makes it look like the author is pissed over portal 2
Shirt should say “I
>clown and yang
You forgot they were memes of pepe putting up his ss hat ever since the destruction of church in france.
>creating little moistures? It's my first amenDAMent right!
Peak boomer
I swear I've seen a higher quality version in the past but now all I see is this shitty one where the font on the shirt doesn't blend in as well
which magician card does this belong to
>that russian pikachu book
godly image
always good
Is Ugo Jesse ironic or are they actually this based? I've seen a lot more of these pics, they all seem unpleasant and goes too far from being funny or ebic to be entertaining, and I feel like they're amazing for that.
fuck you now I can't see anything else
fucl yopu
fucking faggot. die in hell
im a brainlet so i misread this as
>Oh man bro, get me a number pokemon and make it waaaaaaay creatures
Did you notice that he's sitting halfway into the bed, instead of on the edge of it?
I'm confused, I can see one is a saw, but what are the other 3 supposed to be? I think one's like a hammer or something.
post it faggot
hmmm based
The Far Side is fucking awesome
You just fell for the trap
Still works.
Fuck off whitey
We all know he'll be catching pokemon creatures in his dad's garage way into his 30s.
Actually made me laugh out loud.
This is actually pretty funny
>You just fell for the trap
I dunno, some far side comics usually have pretty subtle jokes. If you know far side, you know he would have some reasoning behind how he drew those tools. Way too many details to just make arbitrary.
Bamboozled again
>I don't brake for Saxons
can't believe I've never seen this one
good one user, I have a few of the gallery books
based far side posters
>extra wet water
I wanted dry g-d damn it
You sure got me
This one's pretty obvious. The kid messing with the horse is a minor detail, the joke is in the way his legs are drawn. Oh, look, his horse is abnormally wide. Oh, look, his legs are abnormally bow-legged.
immunity dog needs a diet
Make the shirt say "I
Professor, could you please explain Cow Tools to us?
I thought the joke was he fucks his horses big ol fat booty.
The human body is made up of 75% water. Drinking water is cannibalism.
Except they are. The completely indecipherable nature of some of the tools paired with a very obvious saw are what caused the controversy
Except instead of "dad" as word, have his face in there.
You gotta appreciate how determined he makes those background characters look. Like they're just part of this machine.
He's not ironic or based. He's like a 10iq ugandan.
I feel like this one has some Yea Forums potential
The kid is patting the horse's ass so it is wider under the saddle, that's why he's bowlegged. The kid has been doing it for days, maybe years.
>Several autographs
>dat Russian pokemon book
its a british reality tv show wherein they stick a bunch of chads and stacies on a resort together and film them fuck
im not joking
here user have the better blessing
I guess you could say it's crummy
fuck you
>the normie harry chapin song
>not the chad yusef islam "father and son"
Try to understand this one, Yea Forums. 2deep4u?
doc, i think you watered down my dose...
It's a portrayal of racism in America?
Dances with wolves sucked ass for a number of historical fuck ups. The only people that liked it are europeans who don't know any better.
yeah that's probably the joke but holy shit it's so far fetched fuck boomers like myself i hope you kids never have to grow old
>According to the World Wildlife Fund, an average African elephant weighs about 12,000 pounds
12000 * 4 = 48000
unless he weighs 2,000 lbs why the fuck would he be worried?
I want to fuck her
soul vs soul
it's the logical thing to do
It's literally just the bow legged guy has a fat horse.
The bow legged pose is common for drawn cowboys despite being anatomically pretty stupid and the comic pokes fun at that caricature by showing him bow legged for an actual reason (fat horse) rather than just being drawn like that as standard.
I'm not paying attention so if I'm being rused by this post then disregard this.
Ironically it's probably something a boomer SHOULD get because cartoon cowboys aren't as big nowadays.
He seems like an educated, intelligent guy with some real points to make but has chosen a medium he has no skill in and whose rules he's obviously never studied. I don't think he's ironic but the language/cultural difference, plus his obviously lack of conscious understanding of how comics work, makes for a bizarre experience. Sometimes he really hits the mark, though.
maybe he didn't have access to the information from the World Wildlife Fund on hand.
remember when the far side got animated?
I can't find anything wrong with this. Concept-wise anyways. He's right
guy on the left is clearly winning
retard missed the point of the comic
power levels rising
That's a surprisingly clever comic.
But look at the guy. He's a flabby dude with a briefcase, probably fat because he's become sedentary at his office job. The elephants presumably work at the same place and are presumably sedentary and fat too, so they'll be overweight too - but he doesn't know by how much. There's enough ambiguity there that they may get the elevator stuck, but may not, giving rise to the perfect amount of anxiety and anticipation.
"hope he lets me live" American cops kill for no reason and get away with it because they're a subservient nation who don't know any better.
t. nigger
>He's like a 10iq ugandan
That is the essence of basedness
Just learn to play Extreme Simon Says at gunpoint and you won't get shot. And make sure you keep your hands as still as possible, don't make eye contact, and don't act like prey. How fucking hard is it?
no you're very correct in the interpretation of the drawing but knowing boomers and growing up with rednecks in general there's so much they add that they think is sublime
but at the same time my response is a bit of a joke because we all grow old and you shouldn't be pessimistic about your peers just because you have an antiquated sense of humor
Are lions NEETs?
Rhyme Time
Based. I was going to make this exact post.
the kid with glasses is the only smart one in the fool school
So... niggers?
>in fact the whole pokemon creature dex
Must be a magic based comic?
I don't get it.
Kind of a yes in the US. Some areas use cops as glorified tax collectors so they’ll pull you over for bullshit
Fuck off you nigger.
WOAH. Slow down there hot shot.
You've activated my almonds card
These threads make me thirsty.
best itt
I’m a 30 boomer and my only interaction with the police is when one rear ended me at a stoplight at 5am
Were you okay? Was he okay? Is everyone okay?
enjoy poverty artfag
I don't get it
Nobody is okay.
OP said that he wanted EDITS, not the original, dipshit!
Audible kek from me
Cow tools.
>And make sure you keep your hands as still as possible, don't make eye contact, and don't act like prey.
Attractive young men/women go in a resort in Spain to couple up and the best couple wins 50K.
He's going to ducking die if another elephant enters
Still havent seen the original.
Why is spic vegeta so angry about pokemon creatures?
I can't wait until the US government finally makes this website illegal. Why am I still here?
retard has to pee but cannot reach
You just got baited kid
holy fuck you're a huge faggot
thank, danger dog
>Just learn to play Extreme Simon Says at gunpoint and you won't get shot.
what the fuck does tripleQ even do these days
I-I don't understand
Why muricans think they need to leave their house as soon as they reach 18 and never speak to their parents unless it's Christmas?
Because otherwise the (((economy))) wouldn't be stimulated.
That shit that sergeant was asking was super fucking against the rules and possibly illegal, naturally leading to straight up murder. After the event, he and his wife legit ran from a subpeona serving and hightailed it to thailand for """""retirement""""". Later investigation on his conduct and even management of his equipment showed that the man was fucking unhinged, going so far as to write violent things on his assault weapon and shit like that.
Sounds like the middle east
Favorite story.
Nintendo are faggots for not Water proofing switches.
In the US cops have a quota that they have to reach or risk getting fired. So depending on how close they are to missing their quota, a cop might pull you over for going 1 mph over the limit just because he needs to ticket you to meet his quota.
>They ruined it in the anime
I'm not surprised considering how terrible it was in general, but still.
What did they do?
Crummy anime
I need to read TFS again, I have a book and I downloaded a few collections.
His fingy too big and gonna go in their buttholes, that's why the gay is excited
>Even if you can't choose your IQ, you can at least choose your words.
I didn't even notice the gay.
That makes it even less funny.
Because Boomers were handed a good job via nepotism as soon as they hit 18, and were given an interest-free loan by their parents to buy their own house (which was easily paid back on normal wages back when they were children, unlike now where boomers have driven housing prices through the roof to the point where a house in a cheap neighborhood costs more than the average person makes in 30 years), and generally made more money for doing the same things, and are incapable of comprehending that society now is in a worse place financially than it was then due to the actions of their peers out of a psychotic inability to assume responsibility for their generation's actions, and thus they instead blame the younger generations for being unable to do the same things they did at that age in spite of not handing everything to those generations on a silver platter like their parents did for them.
I forgott what it was about, but I think it was about some politican complaining about too many people getting absolutely drunk during Oktoberfest and I think refugees were somehow involved too.
>via nepotism
No it's called via not having your low skill labour market flooded to the point where you're infintely interchangable by people claiming to be the enemy of the rich.
Because everyone expects them to, including their parents
The joke is that a cow using tools is ridiculous
>gimmie your edit
Reddit post
I like this one.
They fucked the reveal with a different angle, making him not dominate the center of the scene, there are long pauses that seem like they're supposed to build tension but end up just looking awkward, too bright of lighting, especially for what's supposed to be a dark room, and like with most of the show it's practically a slideshow at times. Not exclusive to that part, but the OP and ED suck ass too.
I thought they altered the story to make it garbage or something and here you complain about some minor details
Go watch it nigger, see how "minor" it is
What about the live action movie?
not him but my grandfather got my father a low skill labour job in his early 20's and he's still there now making 100k a year.
Live action adaptations are always terrible, whether you can still enjoy it or not is up to you.
Junji Ito really boils down to the incredibly detailed reveal.
When you make a budget anime, and you cant even have a small moment with something incredibly detailed, then its a bit of a waste of time, buildup, and tension
umm sweaty we're on 4channel
>don't brake for saxons
Based af
Graciad doctore
Now this is pailposting
Pretty sure I saw a hentai doujin with a similar concept
I love how this thread started with great edits and ended with a bunch of shitty comics.
I don't get it, water? pokrmon? what?
Drinking water is both good and good for you.
Pails of waters have types, one of those types is pokemon.
hey user, the girl who voiced the little green one got killed by her dad when she was ten
That tool was never intended to evoke images of human tools. All the tools are supposed to be weird cow like tools. It's just supposed to be surreal.
Based dad
What did the little slut do to deserve this?
Pokemon drink water
Yea Forums needs to be added as causing the person to sink.
her dad was a plumber who went nuts and mistook her for a koopa
They subsist on a diet of highly addictive chemicals produced by pokeballs, higher tier ones have stronger chemicals with a more rapid onset.
Sounds like niggers on welfare.
andrew dice clay fucking SUCKS
filename related
Zyklon Ben
If you're not white or dive a nigger car in my town you are likely to get pulled over. I never got pulled over, my friend with the box chevy got pulled over 12 times in 1 year for nothing.
so basically upper middle class and low high class are the best, and the poor and dumb like me are the worst? yeah i would believe it.
American cops are psychos and trained to go for yolo epic headshots, instead of waiting to see if someone's ACTUALLY armed, and shooting somewhere non lethal to disable, like the arms or legs.
Yea Forums should be stairs to basement.
But the basement should have a window
>shooting somewhere non lethal to disable
This nigger actually wrote this unironically
Haha holy shit how dumb can one nigger get?
He was fucking her for years and she tried to tell someone
i think you're reading way too much into it mate
shit man i just did a shity eddit in paint i don't have the skils t do that
hahahhahha the crying lady liberty always cracks me up
He's Mexican.
More or less
"these power outlets are shit"
it was a zyklon ben comic about refugees turning beerfest into waterfest because beer is haram
imagine not even knowing how to do the most basic of image editing
Cops in the rest of the world will actually go for a leg shot if there are ten of them and they're out of stabbing distance.
No Americans ever believe this, because they're brainwashed by muh brandishing laws and muh magdump at the centre of mass under all circumstances or the courts will think you weren't scared enough.
Larson was up there with Watterson.
Are you fucking retarded?
imagine spoon feeding literal mental handicaps
fucking top kek user
sorry dude this makes you look like a faggot. sorry
Yikes. I think I'll just stay out of Detroit then if that is what these black gangbangers are like.
>where do you work out?
>at the spring
>where do you catch pokemon creatures?
>at the spring
People can fucking white that shit out themselves. If not, they're retarded. You're retarded.
*Laughs in brazilian*
Police in the US are basically paramilitary gangs of high-school dropouts that can do whatever the fuck they want since they're self-regulating. They're kitted out with ridiculous amounts of military-grade gear they receive directly from the US Army. and they treat their job as if they are at war with the people they are supposed to serve. Like other people said, they're required to meet monthly quotas on traffic tickets and fines to generate more revenue for the government.
Police departments have """secret""" facebook groups where they openly share racist content and talk about how much they fantasize about killing "criminals," which to them means dark-skinned people. They actively screen applicants using an IQ test and will reject you if you are too intelligent. None of this is a joke.
That's Brazil, we're talking about human civilisations. Plus they had actual guns and were standing up robbing a store, rather than lying unarmed in a hotel corridor.
bad meme. this thread is toxic af and not funny
should have photoshopped the backgrounds of the water pics with pokemon shit
sounds based
best one
it's not just Detroit it's most of America
Go back to Nestle!
You're saying cops when you mean the FBI/SWAT. Different things retard.
Does someone really need to go over why you shouldn't reach for your waist when a bunch of cops are paranoid as shit any of the hotel doors could swing open or are you one of those retards that thinks cops are terminators that don't feel fear?
Granted they shouldn't have been screaming at the guy at the top of their lungs but to say he had nothing he could have done is retarded, his girlfriend did it with no problem but no one ever seems to remember that because it shreds their retarded bias
All of that is a joke. You are such a bluepilled retard it's unreal. Cops only kill niggers, and niggers aren't people.
whats with boomers and shitty art.
>le leg shot meme
the fastest way to see retards don't know what the fuck they're talking about
this shitty quality of meme is what Yea Forums deserves after not based mods prune funny threads for months.
this water meme is the future you asked for mods. this is the future you made.
>dad has a pikachu toy
zoomers reading bedtime stories to their children.jpg
Its true though.
user he was on his knees with his back turned to 5 cops, instead of advancing and apprehending the guy he decided to play simon says with the guy
No, I mean ordinary beat cops, retard.
This is the point, user, your cops feel more fear than cops in the rest of the developed world because your country is a murderous shithole full of cop killers and killer cops who think GTA's police AI is a good model for their own behaviour.
This is literally a fucking lie. Male lions are busy defending their territory from other fucking lions, fighting other males regularly, while the females swarm down pussy bitch prey. Males are more than capable of taking prey down, on their own no less. The only ones seeking harems are young males leaving their birth pride, and once they claim one they remain loyal to it unless forced out.
Terrible taste.
the fact there isn't more is a crime on humanity
woah hold on what's this cute image got to do with boomers and shitty art
If you shoot someone, shoot with the intent to kill or don't bother shooting at all. Aiming for the limbs can clip an artery, resulting in the suspects death, or won't disable them enough, resulting in your death if they were sufficiently armed. If you want to disable them, use actual less lethal methods such as a taser, pepper spray, beanbag shotgun, etc. Using a lethal tool for nonlethal applications is stupid, especially as less lethal tools have become more widespread in modern police forces.
However I do agree that cops need better training to avoid situations where they have to rely on snap judgement on whether a suspect is armed or not. There's a balance that has to be struck between the officer's safety and the right of a suspect to not be killed (regardless of guilt or innocence), and right now I think too many officers dive headlong into situations where they're forced to pick one or the other instead of maintaining control so they can accomplish both goals.
Location of smoke apparatus
not all of us can be flaming homos like you, user
why police don't shoot people on the legs, for kids
Have you literally not seen any videos of niggers whopping out a gun despite being surrounded by 4 cops? Would you trust someone else with your life and put your gun away to apprehend someone that could have a weapon?
I'd bet you'd say yes but in that situation you wouldn't dare to put it away because you have a survival instinct.
Tough titty, gun culture is ingrained in America, which also means you need to act civil towards cops and acquiesce to demands they make granted they don't violate the 4th amendment
>shoot somewhere nonlethal
You realize there's major arteries in your arms and legs that can easily kill you if hit by something like a bullet?
There is nowhere "nonlethal" to shoot in the human body. They teach to fire at the center of mass because when someone's potentially armed and dangerous, hitting them at all if you best bet of stopping them, so you aim to the large center and not somewhere like the arms or legs which are moving and harder to hit.
>wait to see if he's actually armed
How fucking long do you think they should be waiting? Until after he's opened fire and possibly killed someone?
>I want a girl that looks, acts, and dresses like a guy
>But you're totally the gay one for liking the feminine girl
If you say so.
That's the joke
>There is nowhere "nonlethal" to shoot in the human body.
liking stacies is fucking gay
Fuck you, Fumita. Give me an epilogue.
The sad part is that this is the truth of modern discourse on the internet.
and more training pretty much always depends on how much the city is willing to shell out. Austin for instance has excellent police because they have a reasonable and effective union and require about double the amount of training than the average city police
>Take 10 seconds to aim at my earlobe
>Whoops I've shot you in the head, turns out since I don't give a shit if I kill you my aim is faster
my dad bought his house with my mom as soon as they turned 18 and still made enough money to pay for that and college too. actually everyone from both of my parents sides moved out immediately after high school and never had to move in back with the parents, even for the couple that dropped out of college. now none of them rent and all own two story houses and property as well as a car and other typical things
grandpa bought his house while only being a dish washer apparently, although his house is only one story...
anyway the stigma is still there and if you got a gf and still live with your parents there is like no safe place to fuck unless you wait until a time when everyone else in the house is gone
This isn't a water edit.
Just shoot the gun out of his hand.
It's called a JUSTICE SHOT and anyone can do it.
That's beside the point.
>trained to go for yolo epic headshots
imagine thinking this
but pol told me austin was a libcuck cesspool
is the joke that DLDWWS reads as dildos
How in the world is it?
If you're aiming for fingers and toes and the other guy just center mass aims you're fucking dead, especially if you miss or graze, hell, if he's a bad ass it won't matter if you hit him
You're a fucking dumbass user, they're not trained to do epic headshots they shoot specifically the center of mass, you won't take time to think about where do you want to shoot because there is no time
tell me more, filthy mutt "warrior" savage
it's not your gun culture, it's your obsession with violence and your constant fearful paranoia. you could give everyone in e.g. holland a gun and they still wouldn't kill each other as much as you do.
>Pokemon Co.
thats me when i think of game from the Wii U, and it feels like Kirby Air Ride only came out 10 years ago instead of 16.
I've been on Yea Forums long enough to know that when you say feminine you actually mean a woman with an 8 year old's body with no sexual characteristics who won't talk back to you.
This but unironically
I guess the message was
>all the world's a stage and we are merely gamers
does he look like a nigger to you? the guy was obviously drunk but compliant, he had his hands raised and they never saw any weapons just a "threatening gesture"
the cop was a retard, and you're an even worse one for defending his retardation
>I want to be the girl in the relationship
Sounds pretty gay to me mate.
>closetfag cope
Never gets old
>it's your obsession with violence and your constant fearful paranoia
Yeah you're right it couldn't be niggers that are borderline suicidal due to their sub 60 IQ and willingness to pull a gun out when surrounded by a squadron of police
it's true you know
Based. This is what actual, dangerous criminal scum deserves and nothing less.
You do know getting shot in the leg can still kill you, right?
Exceptions don't decide the rule, you shouldn't use a LETHAL WEAPON for non-lethal take downs
>they never saw any weapons just a "threatening gesture"
More bus comics
>muh cope
Millennial detected.
It certainly has its share, but that's mostly an (apparently successful) scheme by the city in order to paint the city as a "party town" in order to drive up investors. They're smart enough to know not to piss off and disincentivize the one thing holding the city back from becoming retarded chaos. As sad of a fact as it is, crime follows black people around and we have a lot of those in the south, so the city would be dealing with more than just rowdy suburbanite white kids without good police.
That dude was just straight up retarded. A cop has a gun on you why the fuck would you even joke like that?
It's only not gay if you are a trap yourself.
I like Far Side comics but I get confused when people say they're surreal. Like humor is ineherintly surreal, but a lot of the "weird" far side comics are just bad humor. The guy says so in this digest. He isn't deconstructing tropes, he's just telling bad jokes.
now how does that compare to the hotel case again?
When will commies stop spreadingn this disinfo?
Someone should cover the "this is fine" dog with water instead of fire.
On a more serious note, shooting the gun out of the suspect's had has actually been done, but it's pretty much a one in a million opportunity that requires a good angle (the suspect can't be aiming directly at you, they have to be aiming somewhere else) and for the situation to be calm enough for you to have time to aim.
This is probably the most famous example.
"He was just making a threatening gesture bro he didn't have a gun"
Please read your own posts before posting.
Going to tell me it's different because there was more than one cop or because he was crying, because no one can do stupid shit under duress?
Everyone under 40 is a millennial, stupid.
In what way does the girl in that comic look, act or dress like a guy? What kind of absolute faggots do you hang out with
>Expect it to just be some guy shooting a gun out of someone hands
>"I was aiming for the cylinder to the gun would break"
What a badass.
Except the hotel man wasn't making any threatening gestures and just couldn't understand what the fuck he was being told because he wasn't fully sober?
actually way better than the original
hey, remember that time that you imported boatloads of negoes to grow tobacco and shit because you were lazy and greedy and didn't think ahead, and kept doing it for years after the rest of the world told you to stop, and then blamed them for being stupid after you deliberately ?
lethality is a spectrum, and less-lethal doesn't mean non-lethal. there are cases where it's appropriate to escalate force above less-lethal methods, but where there's still potential for a non-fatal resolution with little risk to the officer involved. american law doesn't leave any room to do this because "hurr durr why did you shoot his leg if you weren't scared for your life?" which encourages everyone to just magdump into the centre of mass as a first result.
When it starts actually being inaccurate.
Oh, so you're literally not reading anything?
Does something become non threatening retroactively because you had info they didn't or something?
Someone reaches for their waist and you can't wait to see what they were grabbing for.
If you're so autistic you can't understand why please never ever ever consider sending your children into the military, they'll be killed if they're in any type of skirmish
Horsey is objectively wrong about literally everything he makes comic about
What an absolute legend.
>because you were lazy and greedy
Please kill yourself you crybaby commie faggot
Because niggers are too stupid to realize that if you actually have a gun pointed at someone you need to pull the trigger BEFORE you see their gun if they go for one
Explains why so many retards here seem to think "Muh not threatening" applies to people reaching for their waist and they think people should wait until someone is pointing a gun at you to start shooting
Stop using your terrible edit. The ps3 games should be overflowing if anything.
>hey colonel sanders, cousin huck, I don't wanna farm
>let's fill our country with hundreds of thousands of niggers
>then we don't have to do any actual work!
kill yourself user-kun
it was actually Spain's idea
Still the best citizens the brits produced, still buttblasted the greatest empire in the world, still saved and raped half of europe.
Stay upset
>The first mistake I made was in thinking this was funny.
are you actually saying the video you posted and the hotel shooting are the same? you fucking retard
in the vid you have a guy running at the cop and moving his hand away from his line of sight
the hotel the guy was on his knees still and his hands were perfectly visible at all times
you actual fucking idiot
over a decade later and Sonygros are still mad
You're far too optimistic lad.
They genuinely think the cop should only ever RETURN fire.
A common argument is "Why did they choose to become a cop if they weren't prepared to risk their life". They're delusional beyond anything you could comprehend.
Probably the lowest-effort edit I've ever made.
Do you think Belle Delphine caught onto water as a trending topic or is it mere coincidence and are we entering the age of water?
>and his hands were perfectly visible at all times
Imagine lying to make it seem like you have an argument.
Imagine getting presented with the same scenario except for the fact the guy was clearly going for suicide by cop and actually trying to say they're not alike at all.
You got BTFO, sorry some retard got gunned down because he was too stupid to tell the officers he was grabbing at his shorts
You retards don't understand comedy. Decades old memes aren't funny, a subversion of the expected is.
So this is the
Tomboyfags are some of the biggest copers on Yea Forums.
I wouldn't mind a tomboy gf because I'm a submissive fag, but seriously, you guys need to stop being such pathetic cucks.
Based and wet!
It's still funny because it still makes you retards mad every time.
Captures the generation dynamics just right
by all means, post the hotel video and show us how hidden the hands were you fucking retard
Hello, Brailsford. How does it feel knowing you're a piece of shit who shot an innocent man? Does it feel nice sleeping at night knowing you deprived a wife and two children of a father?
Why aren't you out on patrol, officer?
Is there an edit of this but with Pokemon characters and water?
Are you talking about the hotel shooting or something else? Because the hotel shooting was the result of a deranged man on a powertrip, definitely an outlier in terms of law enforcement-induced homicide.
You know nothing.
>no u
>vampire swimming and out in the sun
wow boner destroyed
>petite, short-haired girl who looks attractive without putting much effort into her apperance
>good personality, is shown putting in effort to hook her friends up
lmao it's basically a guy gay lol
>lions are the most abusive-
Oh, we can't have that now can we.
Approximately the moment he pulled at his waist, he was told not to do so and putting your hands somewhere you can pull something out is "Hiding your hands" you retarded simpleton
I sleep like a baby, free government cheese too
smd kid
Why is it usual to see gamers be nihilists and/or cynicals? And yes, I know where I am
I can't understand any of these comics.. where are the wojaks and pepes?
>no boobs
Basically a tomboy and gay
This unfunny water meme stinks of reddit.
so you have fuck all evidence to me "lying", gotcha
I think it might be because games are really good at being escapism which causes gamers to hate the real world.
>Disregards common sense for a "gotcha" moment
Yeah man point a gun at someone, when they put their hands near their hip don't shoot, post results.
>not being masculine enough to dominate a tomboy
>being a submissive fag
>calling others cucks
Error error
When you've been marginalized your whole life, you start have a cynical outlook on "the system".
It's the exact same reason why blacks and black-sympathetic in this thread are so scared of cops, because of the experiences they've had with them.
> I can't break in
No you aren't you (You) addicted nigger.
It's only gay if the girl doesn't have a dick.
>disregards facts, fails to provide evidence and makes something up to defend a killer
damn you better keep your autismo in cheek, otherwise a cop will mistake you for a nigger and mag dump you on your back
And now i have to watch it again
>disregards facts, fails to provide evidence and makes something up to defend a killer
Oh I guess the video I posted was fake and common sense and police training are myths made up by the man to trick retards like you.
How autistic do you really have to be to not understand why you'd be tense walking down a hallway full of doors after being told someone in the hotel has some guns?
Why do you think the police should have to wait until a gun is brandished before defending their own lives?
Why do you think someone crawling suddenly makes them a non threat and makes a gun non lethal to you?
Why do you think knowing he didn't have a gun after the shooting condemns officers that had to make a call without said information?
You're an autistic retard, I'd say have sex but it'd be like the objective of the final mission in Halo Reach, you can't do it
Lion males protecting his pride from other males doesn't change the fact that the only main role of them is preventing other nigger lions from nigging the pride they already nigged. And sure they CAN hunt, but they rarely ever do.
>hey let me make a false equivlence, thats evidence right?
fuck off
Lmao, this gif is you right now you're so buttbothered I incinerated your ass
>they CAN hunt, but they rarely ever do.
Because risking damage during a hunt is fucking stupid when you need all your strength to scare off upstarts.
Male lions have fucking awful lives.
Why was the man ordered to crawl in the first place?
He’s 14 years old nigglet that grew up with...well you know
Because gaming attracts (or attracted) social outcasts more than any other hobby.
The officers did not want to advance down the hallway full of doors to potentially get shot in the back
great counter-argument faggot
>Not only are you fucking a dude, you are also putting up with the faggotry of a female.
Valid point. But from what I've experienced, traps are usually cliche subs. They want to be dominated like anime girls. I had a threesome with these freaks once while I could never convince two actual women. No attachment issues either, which was unexpected. The dicks were a nice bonus.
Better than using a term I don't understand and giving terse responses after getting completely flame broiled like a Burger King burger
For the safety of everyone involved.
If person was standing, and there was a different shooter, they are at risk.
If the person is a shooter, the officers need to restrain them asap.
Officers can't move past doors without clearing the situation, and leaving a person one the floor is more dangerous than checking him and getting him out.
Crawling is an obvious, and relatively safe, solution.
Anytime a person is non cooperative, they endanger both sides.
Me on the right
wtf bro he didnt have a fuckn gun tho
Why did they order the man to come to them with a series of pointlessly confusing orders? Why not order him to prone and lie still?
Or if that's not an option, why have him explicitly /crawl/ to them, instead of walking backwards?
>le console had a lot of good games meme
the absolute best consoles of all time had *MAYBE* 10 good games
...Because of other Male Lions.
Are you trying to convince me with this bullshit logic? That Male Lions aren't wastoid niggers because they spend all their time fighting off other Male Lion Wastoid Niggers?
Three of them have glasses on, not including the teacher.
>Crawling is an obvious, and relatively safe, solution.
no it fucking is not. If an officer desperately needed a suspect to come to him, then he'd demand his hands on his head and for him to slowly walk. Crawling only makes everything more hypothetically dangerous. The idiot managing the situation was clearly on a power trip.
Yeah, false equivalency applies to dumb shit like "All criminals drink water"
"Both of these men were shot because of their hand positioning"
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about, that's why you're devolving into greentexting and one word responses, I won and you lost.
Have the final reply, I know it won't be good, so just simmer in your anger
Crawling is safer for both parties, it's harder for a potential suspect to draw a gun or flee while on the ground, and if the suspect isn't the shooter being on the floor makes them less likely to be shot by an active shooter.
He realizes he sits too much so he decides to lie down until he sees someone else about to take the chair.
That's only the case of the officer believed that the area is otherwise safe to walk through. The officers couldn't approach due to a series of unchecked doors, its no safer for a suspect to walk past them than an officer.
should've told him to crab walk towards him
>Trying to explain this shit to some brain dead "Muh POLICE MEAN" fags
He's just going to call you a bootlicker when his brain runs out of shit to spew
>hope he let us me off
>hotline miami 2
How'd the cops even know they were there or that this was happening?
What? If it's unsafe for someone to walk past a door, how is it safe for them to crawl past at an even slower pace? If it was such a volatile environment, he should have just ordered the man to lay down with his hands on his head.
Criminal scum are easy to find, just follow your nose, soldier
Because it wasn't an explosives situation, but a shooting one, meaning that being low profile drastically reduces chances of being shot, whether intentionally or incidentally during a shoot out.
>if the suspect isn't the shooter being on the floor makes them less likely to be shot by an active shooter.
Oh the irony
It's way over-complicated, but I think I get the idea, maybe. Knuckles is a representation of regular, non-biased and non-political media. The Prob-O-Matic 3000 (aka Globalist Lazer) is the tool being used by both sides of the political spectrum (represented by Trump, Pentagram Hillary, and Snake Obama) to turn Knuckles into Ugandan Knuckles (based on the transformation screen information). Doing this turns a non-biased cartoon into a politically-charged meme which can be used by the Globalists to cause more division between those on either side of the political spectrum. Also I guess it's implying Disney ISIS is also part of the whole scheme or something, the Probl-O-Matic is being powered by the Illuminati, Google and CNN, and it's all getting paid for by your tax dollars.
That's all I can get out of it though.
Not really since it makes him an easy target if he does attempt to pull a weapon, he meant in a crossfire situation
These guys were not subtle, The police were likely already stalking them.
>pee comes out in a spiral
how do I achieve this?
When people don't cooperate with law enforcement, regardless of the reason, situations instantly become more dangerous. The end result was unfortunate, but that doesn't place an officer at fault.
pissbending, a forbiden watertribe technique
is that Jeff Foxworthy on the right?
Please fuck off with that "law enforcement can do no wrong" meme. It shows that you have no argument. Any officer is responsible for their actions, and more so responsible since they have actual power.
Yet you haven't argued against presented points, rather you choose to respond emotionally, attacking me and saying what occurred was "wrong" but not having any stance on what was right.
Hold so much pressure that your dick starts rotating when you release.
Believe in the you that believes in you
What? You said it's not the officers fault, I said it is and that any kind of law enforcement fuck up is in some way (if not more so like I said earlier) their fault because they have power. Do I have to explain why law enforcement have power and what that means? You just dodged what I said entirely and said I attacked you emotionally. Again, why do people think that law enforcement can do no wrong and that it's never their fault? You even said that, regardless of the reason, people should cooperate and that whatever happens next isn't any Officers fault. What if they can't cooperate? Does that make it okay for them to be murdered on the spot?
What the fuck is a Yea Forums you goddamn zoomer?
Because they've been consistently fucked in the ass for a fairly long time by many branches of society.
You have the original "it's for nerds" stigma, followed by "violent videogames cause mass shootings" followed by companies jacking up prices just so they can extra billion out of them, etc.
It would be surprising if it didn't make you question "are these people actually as intelligent as they say they are" and "are the people running society this fucking retarded".
It doesn't even require a fundamental realization of the futility of your actions, it just needs to kill your faith in the goodness of mankind.