>Kill a defendless guy just because he made a “I fucked your mom” joke
>Even fucking kratos call him out for that
What an asshole
Kill a defendless guy just because he made a “I fucked your mom” joke
That guy was pathetic, I think he may be the first god to get killed by an actual child
What do you mean "even fucking kratos"?
The whole point of Kratos in the reboot is to be the mature dad that has learned from his mistakes. Of course Kratos is gonna give this little shit a talking to about killing for pleasure/emotion. It would have been even weirder if he didn't.
I just beat this game a few weeks ago and I still don't understand the hype for it. The environments are ugly, the gameplay is very typical combo based hack and slash where 90% of the combos are useless. Kratos is an asshole, except it's mostly directed at his own kid instead of other asshole gods this time. The story takes forever to get going and meanders all over the place. The only remotely challenging fights are optional Valkyries of which 2 are locked behind stunningly tedious and boring sidequests on two optional realms. Baldur looks like a tattooed pic related with Mommy issues that would make Freud's head explode. Mimir is the only character with any kind of, well, character and serves so many functions to both story and gameplay that it might as well be about him.
where did this come from? Literally nothing from his raising suggests that he would think this way. That's not how people work. He literally grew up with just his parents, and his dad was a non stop "I hate the gods" person.
>The whole point of Kratos in the reboot is to be the mature dad that has learned from his mistakes.
Yeah but he was still a little asshole until the end of the game, saying artreus that he shouldn’t help people. Or he was acting tsunedere because he killed a fucking dragon to save the dwarf
Why is Thor portrayed as the worst person of all time in every piece of dialogue involving him?
I agree to everything except the story. It was the best part about the game and that’s why is so kino. You see Kratos becoming less bitch during the game and how his relationship from his som helped him to be less an anti-hero and how this relationship grow during the entire game. The scene when they share things are the best one.
Also don’t let you flow over the hype, it will always ruin your experience. People always exagerate
Nah, that’s Odin
Norse Gods are even bigger dicks than Greek ones.
In every story in the world usually the character that discover that is a god starts to act like a jerk. It isn’t that strange
No, it absolutely is strange for a small child to instantly forsake everything and kill a man. The moment was so jarring it shook me out of the moment in a bad way
Probably giant propaganda
Thor committed mass genocide with a smile on his face.
A human child yeah. Not a literal god child, who's jacked off to constant stories about how gods can do anything.
1. he was drunk on wine
2. he is a child who doesn't know any better
The kiddo saw his father killing a lot. Kids are retarded and usually take the wrong idea to everything
Based nazi Thor
literally not what happened. He heard he was a god and it was like someone injected a bunch of backstory that never happened into the story
that's the opposite of how he was raised
You seriously don't understand how being told you are a literal god, which typically can do whatever they want, wouldn't go to your head? Especially a CHILD of all people? It doesn't matter how you were raised. You found out you are divine. You rule the world. You can awesome powers. And you just drank some bitchin Greek wine.
I fucking hated this kid, worst part of the game.
it was the black rune corrupting him or some shit. yeah it's stupid
how would Yea Forums deal with with their dead wife's son becoming a crazy faggot?
He gets the axe
>shitty remix of ancient mythology
>those horrible animations during combat where he just magically snaps to where he needs to be
It's really distracting when the rest of the game's animations are immaculate.
The kid was fine. Not great, but not horrible. Way better than other kids in movies
Lmao just unplug the xbox and punch him in the nuts. Faggot will learn
I watched the Matthewmatosis commentary as well.