why haven't you played persona 3 fes today
Why haven't you played persona 3 fes today
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because im emulating p3p for femc route
I did and spent the entiire Golden Week talking to my MMO qt gf
P3 best
Because I couldn't beat Nyx and his million forms.
My computer is ass and I can't emulate it
>Been so long since I played it that I'm starting to get nostalgic despite never liking it in the first place
>no option to fill Yukari with your seed before you die
How can people enjoy this game?
This artist posts the best fucking Haru porn ever I swear to god
I beat it like six years ago.
This is the most based post I have read in a long time
>canonically fucks best girl
>best girl is so affected by dicking she drops her duties to rescue dicker
Door is easily the most based protaganist, yucucks need not respond.
>>best girl
tied with Mitsuru
Haru is best girl
Cause gaystation systems always break down on me
I don’t know what this artists’s tumblr or whatever it is where they post their art but goddamn I need it
find out. i've been looking to commission someone for a lewd game im making
That's a really odd way of spelling Yuko___, user
That's some good shit but mitsuru and yukari are the best.
there should be an option to tell yukari to fuck off
No bitch your sap story of your dad being a bitch is nowhere near as bad as the MCs or mitsuru's parents sad story
So fuck off
I played, bleachedsona 3 today
Allow me to assist, brother
Their lewd art has become a bit more uncommon lately
I just love the way he draws her kind of pudgy like she's supposed to be.
I like my Haru's with soft tummies and fat asses.
Nigger I don't care if you hate rwby, if you don't want to fuck the shit out of yang you have garbage taste.
>patreon voted for the two worst girls from their respective series
What happened to his face?
He did though, why do you think The Answer happened?
I actually restarted it today, then i remembered tartarus and turned it off again
I've done this 4 times this year, i cant go through it again
Because I'm waiting for Lavenza and Joker to play out that scene in P5 Royal.
fuck they need to remake this tartarus is so fucking shit turn me off everytime
leaker here. atlus is doing a full remake of persona 3 and 4. it wont be a collection of course, each sold separate. p3 will be taking the things like femc, party control, and monad extra dungeons and bosses from p3p. p4 will be based on p4g, not much is added there. there will be more balancing changes. switch and ps4 in asia, and the western release adds xbox one port. no time estimate but an internal goal of 2021 has been planned.
how fucking dare you, you piece of fucking dogshit
look at the big brain on THIS lil nigga
I really really like Elizabeth. I've always been into well-mannered girls that are really skilled at things. Maybe cause my older sister was like that and she practically raised me on her own when my parents split.
I did but then I died while grinding which killed my motivation to play anymore today
i've actually been good, she should reward me for being good.
>why haven't you played persona 3 fes today
my ps2 harddrive is busted and I cant finish off my save file. Im in fucking january and I lost all my progress.
I did and just beat the July 7th bosses in the hotel. Super excited to go back to boring plotless school for 20 something days and grinding in Tartarus for 2 of them. The game is fun but only in short 30-minute to hour bursts
I should have played P3P
oh yeah and I can't decide between dating Fuuka or Yuko. I love shy nerdy girls but brown girls get me going just as hard
Yuko is brown but also fugly and has a shit personality. Fuuka is cute and cute
Fuuka is also ugly. Look at this creature. Also she can't cook and that's not cute.
Don't forget she wears a trash bag during winter
It suits her.
I love Fuuka!
Fuuka is not ugly in any sense of the word!
I have already played P3P, but still can't play FES because of my computer.
Kill yourself.
I've been meaning to find time, but holy shit I just cannot find 80 hours to devote to a JRPG right now. Which sucks because a Persona 3 run would really hit the spot.
Beat it for the first time two weeks ago. I thought it was pretty boring thanks to Tartarus. Grinding would be going smooth until I slip up and an enemy gets to make the first move. I don't mind not being able to control party members too much but when MC gets charmed/tentarafoo'd/frightened or whatever, you can really only wait to die because no one will help you. Absolutely hated fighting enemies with Hama and Mudo skills too because those fucks would just burn through my homunculi if I dared switch to a persona that wasn't immune.
Story and Yukari was the only reason I even bothered to keep going.
>and Yukari