If DS1 and DS3 had the same online activity, which one would you rather play?

if DS1 and DS3 had the same online activity, which one would you rather play?

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DS1 easily
>inb4 shitters who couldn't counter backstabbing

Pontiff ganking>Forest ganking

Not a choice fag
Why? Pontiffs zone doesn't even have a covenant to ally you with the NPCs to fight on your side.

Hopefully DeS and DaS2 too

Depends we talking Dark Souls Demastered or the vanilla version?

Nothing will ever be more chaotic than forest invasions.

either one, I doubt it makes /that/ much of a difference
you can only pick one

I would continue playing Dark Souls 2, the best game in the series.

>niggas didn't know how crazy undead burg ganks got
y'all missed out... BIG time

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>Playing DS2 for the first time
>Venture into area
>Suddenly swarmed by 10 footsoldiers from all directions
>My merchants ran off and the blacksmith ran out of titanite shards to sell so I can't upgrade my weapons any further
Jesus christ this fucking game

the pvp is so much better they aren't even comparable

Pontiff aesthetics are better than the boring ass forest look
Also,npc will not fight host if they are part of the forest hunters covenant

I mostly pvp’d by invading in burg, it was way more stable and consistent than forest.
>invade in burg
>most likely find a normal person waiting for an invader, sometimes find a fight club, very rarely a surprise gank
>invade in forest
>can get ganked, can gank others, can 1v1, can look through the forest for a camouflaged player, all with equal likelihood

They did, for a week when DSR released.
Ds3 has superior pvp


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1 so I can Gravelord

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It makes all the difference. Having a lvl12 twink to kill people trying to get to the Gargoyles was probably the most fun I've ever had in a videogame. Can't do that in Remastered.

You are a gentleman and a scholar. Always support Gravelording.

DS1, because Gravelords.

Man, it's so much fun. Even if I have no way of knowing how well my victims are dealing with my black phantoms, at least the IDEA of it is fun to imagine.

I think I hate this game. It's so damn frustrating and sluggish. Why does Estusing take so long now? Why are there so few charges while there a shitton of enemies to reduce you to nothing all at once? Why does dying as a Hollow reduce your max HP down to like 50%? I'm sitting here and waiting for my HP regen ring to heal me cause I can't afford to even use the Estus I have now except in emergencies and it's dull as all hell just waiting and doing nothing

I hope I find a Pyromancy Flame soon.

Catalysts and armor sets don't scale with the weapon upgrade system. So you can Dark Bead people to death in full Giant's and people wouldn't be able to stop you.

>Covenant of the Champions turns all enemies to infinitely respawn now
>And I went to No Man's Wharf, a shitty area with one bonfire
>I unintentionally made the game super frustrating for myself
Why do I keep doing this